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Saturday, August 27, 2022

Links - 27th August 2022 (2 - George Floyd Unrest)

Ford pressured to stop selling police cars, but it won't get out of the business - "Ford CEO Jim Hackett rejected employees' calls to get out of the police car business, saying the automaker can support the Black Lives Matter movement while selling the majority of America's police cars."

Unilever pauses Facebook and Twitter advertising for rest of 2020 - "Following Unilever’s announcement, Coca-Cola on Friday announced it will be pausing paid advertising on all social media platforms globally for at least 30 days... Following Coca-Cola’s announcement, Levi’s and Dockers said they will be pausing all advertising on Facebook and Instagram through “at least” July: “Facebook must take actions to stop misinformation and hate speech on its platforms. It is an unacceptable affront to our values. We and Dockers are joining the #stophateforprofit campaign and pausing all ads on Facebook.”   Hershey’s also announced Friday that it will be cutting advertising on Facebook and joining the #stophateforprofit boycott. “We do not believe that Facebook is effectively managing violent and divisive speech on their platform. Despite repeated assertions by Facebook to take action, we have not seen meaningful change”... In the week since a group of organizations called on Facebook advertisers to pause their ad spending during the month of July, more than 90 marketers including Verizon, Patagonia, REI, Lending Club and The North Face have announced their intention to join, according to a running list from Sleeping Giants. The group of organizations includes the Anti-Defamation League, the NAACP, Sleeping Giants, Color of Change, Free Press and Common Sense.  The organizations said they’re asking Facebook to more stringently police hate speech and disinformation by taking a number of actions, including creating a “separate moderation pipeline” for users who say they’ve been targeted because of their race or religion, or to let advertisers see how frequently their ads appeared near to content that was later removed for misinformation or hate, and allow them refunds for those advertisements.   American Honda released a statement Friday, saying it would also pause advertising for Honda and Acura... Procter & Gamble, another major Facebook spender, said earlier this week it is reviewing all media channels, networks, platforms and programs it advertises on “to ensure that the content and commentary accurately and respectfully all people, and that we are not advertising on or near content we determine to be hateful, discriminatory, denigrating or derogatory.”... “As one of the largest spenders on Facebook’s platforms, Unilever’s decision to halt advertising and commit to our #StopHateforProfit pledge brings us a huge step forward in holding Facebook accountable for enabling hateful, denigrating and discriminatory content against Black people,” said the group’s president, Rashad Robinson."
Facebook cracking down on woke hatred presumably brings them less backlash than this, which hits them in the pockets. Until big business changes its definition of hate speech, of course (Unilever seems to have done that already)

Black Student Confesses To Racist Graffiti On College Campus Which Sparked Protests - "A private college in Michigan located a black student who was responsible for racist graffiti that targeted black people and Jewish people... Part of the college’s Facebook post stated, “But we know the acts of racism that have occurred this week are not about one particular person or one particular incident. We know that there is a significant history of racial pain and trauma on campus and we are taking action to repair our community. We will change and heal together as a community, because we are committed to doing the work.”...   Albion College’s president made news in January when he sent an email to the college community when he described the George Floyd protests as “peaceful activism in communities around the country.”...   Students at the college have been protesting for racial justice after the racist graffiti was discovered on campus.  Last week, students “boycotted” attending classes which they paid to attend in an effort to fight “racial injustice”... The “boycott” is happening during midterm week and students claim that they can’t be expected to focus on midterms when they are busy fighting racial injustice. “I’m tired of having to do these things. I wish I could get up like a regular kid, go to class, come home and do homework, but that’s not my reality,” the boycott organizer told WWMT."
Plus, talking nonsense about "mental health"

Opinion | George Floyd and the Fading Signs of Black Lives Matter - The New York Times - "Support for Black Lives Matter has diminished. Federal police reform and federal voter protection both failed to pass the Senate. And the founders of Black Lives Matter have been drawn into controversies about how they handled its money... Now not only are their allies reversing course on issues like police reform; the country is also facing a full backlash toward protest itself. Dozens of states have passed laws restricting the right to protest (just this week, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida barred citizens from protesting outside private homes), and more than a dozen have now criminalized teaching full and accurate racial history...   There is no example of this erasure more striking than the continual destruction, removal or slow vanishing of much of the street art produced in the wake of Floyd’s killing... many of those pieces have disappeared, sometimes because of exposure to traffic or the elements and sometimes because of deliberate attempts to erase them. Business owners quietly removed the graffitied planks from their storefronts. Some of the murals have been defaced... Further complicating the preservation efforts is the degree to which these pieces of art were politicized from the moment of their creation: Murals were going up as Confederate monuments in cities like Montgomery, Ala., continued to come down. It fueled the fears held by white supremacists that white people and white culture would eventually be superseded. In their zero-sum worldview, BLM’s pro-Blackness was inherently anti-white"
Liberals are terrified of the moral panic fading, since it threatens their radical agenda
Liberal graffiti is good, but if you draw new graffiti on liberal graffiti, that is wrong
Presumably statues of their Founding Fathers are "white supremacist" monuments too
Considering that they hate "whiteness" so much and see it as anti-black, this is deeply ironic

WaPo tweeted that George Floyd was "shot and killed in police custody," then attempted to cover it up 🤡 - "This is one of America's largest newspapers. And they just casually threw out a huge piece of disinformation over a large cultural flashpoint. Where's the Disinformation Governance Board when you need it???... Not a single acknowledgement of their error for anyone who might have been deceived by their false information. Nope, just a statement that the language was "changed" after "publish."... America is far worse off because of entities like WaPo that have purposely created division in this nation for money and power, pitting countryman against countryman in a hellish spectacle that stinks to high heaven."
Only the Daily Mail and Fox News are unreliable

Curtis Houck on Twitter - "Not only did The Washington Post mess this up in their tweet (left) about how George Floyd died, they did the same thing on their own website (right)"

Resist The Self-censorship Bug - "what we see on our movie and TV screens, in addition to what we read, must be devoid of what they deem to be racism, sexism, and “proto-fascism.”...   Gone with the Wind, as Stewart reminded us in an editorial announcing her new role as contextualizer-in-chief, remains not only the highest-grossing film of all time when adjusted for inflation, but the winner of eight Oscars—including a supporting- actress win for Hattie McDaniel, the first black actor to take home the coveted statuette... Among its many black defenders is Whoopi Goldberg, the actor and co-host of The View. Noting that the film was made at a different time, Goldberg warned that banning films like Gone with the Wind and shows like Cops was perilous. Censoring such films, she said, would mean that many popular “blaxploitation” films would also have to be banned.   Spike Lee, who used a celebrated sequence from Gone with the Wind in his own film, Black KKKlansman, told The View that students and other film buffs should be able to see such films, even those that are more openly racist. “I think that one of the most racist films ever, D.W. Griffith’s Birth of a Nation, should be seen,” he said, adding that he showed the film in his class at New York University...   Why stop there? Let’s ban screenings of Al Jolson’s performances in black face, and reruns of Norman Lear’s brilliant All in the Family, the 1970s sitcom whose racist, sexist, homophobic, working class antihero, Archie Bunker, was must-see viewing. Let’s throw Shirley Temple movies under the bus. We can’t have doorman Bill Bojangles Robinson, one of America’s greatest tap dancers, teach little Shirley how to do a time step to the strains of “My Old Kentucky Home” in The Little Colonel. Forget about seeing the 1937 classic The Good Earth, whose apparently racist producers chose white actress Luise Rainer rather than Anna May Wong to play the sold slave and prostitute in her Oscar-winning performance. Should The Wizard of Oz be seen by impressionable Americans, given its portrait of dwarfs? PETA would surely object to Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds for portraying our feathered friends as mass killers. And don’t The Godfather films suggest that Italian-Americans are in thrall to the mafia?"

As Shot Police Fight For Their Lives, Protesters Shout 'We Hope They Die' - "After a gunman opened fire on two Los Angeles County deputies Saturday night, protesters gathered to express hate for the police outside the hospital where the two “ambushed” officers still lie with life-threatening injuries. Police say they had to clear the protesters from blocking ambulances from bringing sick people into the hospital.  Videos from reporters on the ground show the protestors yelling at the police outside of St. Francis Medical Center in Lynwood, California, calling cops “pigs,” screaming “f-ck the police,” and “we hope they die.”"

If You Don’t Support Black Lives Matter, You're Fired - "The list of people who have lost their jobs or been suspended for criticizing or even questioning the BLM movement is long—and growing daily. Most prominent on the list is erstwhile New York Times opinion page editor James Bennet, who “resigned” under pressure from woke NYT staffers after he ran an op-ed by Republican Sen. Tom Cotton that made the uncontroversial case that the U.S. military should be deployed if police can’t get riots under control.  Then there was Stan Wischnowski, top editor at the Philadelphia Inquirer, forced to resign over a headline of an architecture column that read, “Buildings Matter, Too,” which ran after scores of buildings in downtown Philly had been destroyed by rioters...   Claudia Eller, editor-in-chief at Variety, was forced to take administrative leave after she got into a Twitter spat with a woman of South Asian descent who thought a piece Eller wrote lamenting the lack of diversity at the magazine wasn’t obsequious enough.  On and on it goes. NBA announcer Grant Napear was fired from his sports talk radio program and resigned as the Sacramento Kings announcer after tweeting “all lives matter.” A professor at UCLA was placed on leave after refusing to cancel a final exam following the death of George Floyd. A reporter in Wales was forced to step down as Wales Book of the Year Judge after complaining that a BLM protest violated the government’s social distancing rules.  A cast member for MTV’s reality competition series “The Challenge” was fired after writing “people die every f–king day” in response to an Instagram comment about George Floyd. Professional soccer player Aleksander Katai was “released” by the LA Galaxy not for anything he wrote or said, but because his wife criticized BLM on Instagram. A former Canadian cabinet minister lost three jobs after saying on television that he didn’t think Canada was a racist country.
 That’s just a partial list.
 BLM Isn’t Interested In Free Speech, It Wants Power
Black Lives Matter as a political movement—as distinct from, say, thinking that black lives matter, which most Americans do because they aren’t racist—isn’t interested at all in ameliorating the state of black America, or fighting actual racism, or expanding liberty and justice for all under our constitutional system. This isn’t an evolutionary movement but a revolutionary one. It doesn’t draw on our tradition of constitutionalism but on Marxism. Its model isn’t the American Revolution but the French Revolution—hence the purges, which for now are confined to the workplace.  It’s fair to say the movement’s power and influence are based on ideological purges. Exposing supposed racists is its modus operandi, and what began on campus has now percolated through into the mainstream of American life. Apologies and counterarguments won’t help because the one thing the BLM movement cannot allow is honest discourse or the free exchange of ideas.  Consider the case of Harald Uhlig, an economics professor at the University of Chicago and lead editor of the Journal of Political Economy, one of the country’s top economics journals. A campaign is currently underway to get Uhlig fired for “trivializing the BLM movement” and then insufficiently apologizing for this supposed offense in a Twitter thread.   How did he trivialize the BLM movement? He wrote a blog post in 2017 defending the principle of free speech using the example of sympathetic media coverage of NFL players kneeling during the national anthem. Essentially, he posed a diagnostic question about the motivations of journalists. He did this in a somewhat clumsy but provocative way, asking whether these journalists would still defend the players if instead of kneeling during the anthem they waved a Confederate flag and donned Ku Klux Klan gear.  Uhlig’s point was that you’re only really defending the principle of free speech if you’re defending views you find despicable, like support for the Confederacy or the KKK. Since most journalists already agreed with the kneeling NFL players protesting police abuse, “this isn’t really an act of bravery”...   This isn’t some fringe incident in academia, by the way. This is an effort to oust the editor of a top academic journal for defending the principle of free speech. Yet among the mob calling for Uhlig’s head are powerful people like Paul Krugman of the New York Times, who has been lobbing baseless smears at Uhlig for days now on Twitter, misrepresenting what he said and cheering on the people trying to get him fired... you’re a racist if you don’t support BLM—and even if you do, you might be deemed a racist anyway. And in that case, you’re fired"

5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks - "1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015...
Some may argue that these statistics are evidence of racist treatment toward blacks, since whites consist of 62 percent of the population and blacks make up 13 percent of the population. But as Mac Donald writes in The Wall Street Journal, 2009 statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics reveal that blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties... “The black violent crime rate would actually predict that more than 26 percent of police victims would be black,” MacDonald said. “Officer use of force will occur where the police interact most often with violent criminals, armed suspects, and those resisting arrest, and that is in black neighborhoods.”
2. More whites and Hispanics die from police homicides than blacks.
According to Mac Donald, 12 percent of white and Hispanic homicide deaths were due to police officers, while only four percent of black homicide deaths were the result of police officers...
3. The Post‘s data does show that unarmed black men are more likely to die by the gun of a cop than an unarmed white man…but this does not tell the whole story...
'The “unarmed” label is literally accurate, but it frequently fails to convey highly-charged policing situations. In a number of cases, if the victim ended up being unarmed, it was certainly not for lack of trying. At least five black victims had reportedly tried to grab the officer’s gun, or had been beating the cop with his own equipment. Some were shot from an accidental discharge triggered by their own assault on the officer. And two individuals included in the Post’s “unarmed black victims” category were struck by stray bullets aimed at someone else in justified cop shootings. If the victims were not the intended targets, then racism could have played no role in their deaths.'...
4. Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers...
5. Blacks are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops. This is according to FBI data, which also found that 40 percent of cop killers are black. According to Mac Donald, the police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black than a cop killing an unarmed black person."

Marking down students for spelling mistakes is ‘elitist’, says university - "Marking down incorrect spelling, punctuation and grammar could be seen as “elitist”, a university policy says.  As part of efforts to “decolonise” the curriculum and ensure “equity of opportunity” between all students regardless of their background, professors and lecturers at Hull University have been advised against insisting on good written English in all circumstances.  It is one of a number of universities to have adopted “inclusive” marking policies, which cite fairness and equality between students as a reason why lecturers should be prepared to overlook spelling and grammar mistakes...   Worcester University also has a policy on how to assess students “inclusively” which asks lecturers to focus marking on “how well the student has communicated their understanding” of the subject rather than on spelling, grammar and punctuation where they are not central to the assessment criteria... The University of the Arts London tells academics to “actively accept spelling, grammar or other language mistakes” as long as they do not “significantly impede communication”. Lecturers are also warned to avoid imposing their own ideas about the “correct English” on students’ work."

Toymaker Lego Asks Retailers to Pull Promos for Police, WH Figures - "The Danish toymaker Lego has asked retailers to pull promotional materials for some play figures in response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, including all police figures, firefighters, and accessories, and even the White House... while Lego’s decision is being praised, some are critical because they believe it is only temporary"

Multiculturalism is fuelling division - "The idea of the nation state seemed to die on the battlefields of Europe in the 1940s. Pride in national culture and history was no longer justifiable after Nazism and everything that went with it. What followed was a suspicion, and even repudiation, of national culture in favour of multiculturalist policies.  Multiculturalism, like so many ideas, sounds good in its intentions – placing all cultures and people equal before the law. But for cultures to be equal they need to be distinct. Thereby, in its very essence, multiculturalism encourages sectional and eventually sectarian divisions. Identity politics has been the unfortunate result.   Since the war, this country has undergone enormous change. People have become more atomised. The traditional family is in decline. Faith is dying – churches are empty and the Anglican clergy are more interested in politics than in God. So much for Burke’s little platoons of association.  Added to this is our failure to adapt to broader changes in society, particularly the loss of meaningful work among working-class communities and an increasingly diverse population. Frustration at the instability of identity caused by the disintegration of institutions both national and personal played a role in the Brexit vote, which was a way for many to reclaim a sense of self-determination. Without a common sense of what it is to be British, we risk falling into truly dangerous Weimar-like territory. Over the past two weeks, Black Lives Matter protesters have defaced war memorials and toppled statues. London mayor Sadiq Khan has ordered a review of the capital’s statues and other councils are following suit. Counter-protesters have come out in droves to defend statues of the likes of Baden-Powell. At the weekend, the far right stuck its ugly hat in the ring... The humanities as a whole are totally lost in the politics of division and oppression. This is true of both schools and universities. The history of oppressor and oppressed actively seeks division. It is accusatory... One of the great dangers of our current discourse is that it assumes a shared history with the United States. This simply isn’t true. We share a language, not a history. When race riots in Detroit brought America’s racial tensions to Bamber Bridge in Lancashire, in June 1943, the British public sided with the African-American troops. The US military police had tried to enforce a colour bar in the town’s three pubs as a way of extending their own army’s laws on segregation. In response, the landlords posted signs outside their pubs reading ‘Black Troops Only’... it highlights the loss of trust in a common sense of objective morality. Why did Lancashire farmers, knowing they were part of an empire that fed off the labour of minorities, line up with the same minorities against a similar political inequality? This was down to a sense of fair play. Identitarians can’t see this. Their obsession with quotas, diversity and equal representation assumes that, as individuals, we are only capable of respecting those who are exactly like ourselves. For them, the rebalancing of power in favour of minorities is the only way to keep an untrustworthy majority in check – an idea that can only ever be insulting to that majority."
Humans are tribal creatures. When nationalism ebbs, people look for new tribes, e.g. BLM

We should not bend the knee to BLM conformism - "Appearing on TalkRadio with Julia Hartley-Brewer, when asked if he would take a knee in support of Black Lives Matter, the foreign secretary said it ‘feels to me like a symbol of subjugation and subordination, rather than one of liberation and emancipation, but I understand people feel differently about it, so it’s a matter of personal choice’... Labour’s Lisa Nandy criticised Raab’s ‘flippant tone’. David Lammy said Raab was ‘insulting the Black Lives Matter movement’. Ed Davey, the acting Lib Dem leader, called on Raab to offer a ‘fulsome apology’. During BBC News’ unbiased and impartial coverage of what was apparently deemed an enormous news story, political editor Laura Kuenssberg called the comments ‘less than diplomatic’, adding that our politicians ‘might be advised to proceed with care’. It is difficult, however, to imagine exactly how much more care Raab could have proceeded with"

Blue Lives Matter - Posts | Facebook - "Colorado passed a law allowing departments to force officers to pay the families of suspects who were killed in legally-justified shootings."
Be a thug and either you get away with it or your family gets a payout if you are killed attacking the police. Win-win

Meme - "George W. Bush has a DUI Dick
Cheney has a DUI
Matt Gaetz has a DUI
Mike Crapo has a DUI
Beto O'Rourke has a DUI
But Rayshard Brooks had a DUI, couldn't get a job and was killed. This country's criminal justice system was built to incarcerate and kill black and brown Americans"
"I mean, I'm not justifying the shooting, but Brooks attacked the officers, stole a taser from one, and then fired it at an officer pursuing him. Kind of different situations..."

Data: 48 of America's 50 Largest Cities Hit By Black Lives Matter Riots - "The study itself speculated that public perceptions of riots were skewed by “political orientation and biased media framing” and “disproportionate coverage of violent demonstrations.” However, public perceptions may simply have reflected the wide geographic distribution of the violence.  The Princeton data set shows that nearly every major city in the United States experienced riots from late May to the end of August — even under the narrow definition that the study used to classify riots (as separate from events described as police violence against protesters)... Thus in the public imagination, the proportion that matters most may not be the 7% of protests that were violent, but the 96% of major urban areas that experienced rioting. Within the largest 100 cities by population, 74 experienced riots."
On the study claiming 93% of BLM protests were peaceful

Meme - Jack Tar's Revenge @tar_revenge: "If that man had been armed and defended himself, we'd all know the names of those two girls. Indeed, we'd be forced "to say their names" before every sporting event, and we'd be collectively asked to struggle with our privilege. But in reality, we'll never remember *his* name."
On Mohamed Anwar, the Uber driver killed by 2 black girls

Chicago police are no longer allowed to chase people on foot just for running away - "Chicago police officers will no longer be allowed to chase people on foot simply because they run away or give chase over minor offenses, the department said Tuesday, more than a year after two foot pursuits ended with officers fatally shooting a 13-year-old boy and 22-year-old man... Perhaps most significantly, the policy makes clear that the days of officers giving chase just because someone tries to avoid them are over.  “People may avoid contact with a member for many reasons other than involvement in criminal activity”"

Meme - White BLM: "The Right doesn't actually care about the unborn. It's all political for them."
Black woman: "Yeah. But man, I wish someone would do something about all the crime in my neighborhood!"
White BLM: "Unless that crime is done by red necks in klan hoods, keep that to yourself! Black on black crime doesn't poll with with suburban whites!"
The left strawman pro-lifers by claiming if they are pro-life they should fund social spending (confusing positive and negative rights), but black lives only matter if they are taken by the police

Wiffleball Tony 🇺🇸⚾️🏈🏒 on Twitter - "Serious question for both sides: how would the "It was an insurrection" left have reacted had diverse right-wing mobs rioted throughout summer 2020, causing $2B in damage, and killing ~30 people?  Would this have been treated as more or less serious than "One Six?""
"I think if right wingers were rioting in places like Portland and Seattle, their lousy mayors would’ve put a stop to it right away. Last Summer, Portland didn’t employ riot suppressing measures UNTIL a right wing group was staging a counter protest."

Michael Eric Dyson: White People Can Help BLM by Holding Racist Relatives 'to Account' at Thanksgiving - "Vanderbilt University professor Michael Eric Dyson suggested Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that white people could help the Black Lives Matter movement by holding their racist relatives “to account” at family gatherings such as Thanksgiving."

Author Brittney Cooper on Harnessing Rage, Right Now - The New York Times - "The “angry black woman” stereotype has been picked apart and widely condemned in recent years... But Brittney Cooper, a scholar and activist, has urged black women to reclaim the label rather than reject it entirely. “The clarity that comes from rage should also tell us what kind of world we want to see, not just what kind of things we want to get rid of,” Dr. Cooper writes in “Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower.”  The focus of Dr. Cooper’s writing — how anger can be a rational, revolutionary principle — has proved resonant in recent weeks amid nationwide protests against police brutality, discussions of systemic inequality and black Americans dying from Covid-19 at alarming rates... There’s very little investment in recognizing that black women are the sort of deep thinkers and theorists about how you actually build a society for the common good."
Imagine if someone was so admiring of white men

Dallas Shooting Shows Dangers of Politicizing Tragedy - "Three days after the Orlando shooting, the New York Times editorial board seemed to achieve the impossible, ignoring Mateen’s open pledge of loyalty to ISIS and insisting, against all evidence, that he was “driven” to murder by conservative ideology...  CNN commentator Sally Kohn can be counted on to offer the least logical, least consistent responses to breaking news on television; everything that happens in the world is further evidence that her political allies are good and her political opponents are bad. She did not disappoint today:
'Calling abortion clinics "baby killers" is rhetoric that incites violence.   Whereas #BlackLivesMatter message literally *opposes* violence.'
In pro-life eyes, to call an abortionist a “baby killer” is to state a simple, straightforward fact: the unborn child is a baby, and it is the job of the abortionist to kill babies. To suggest facts can incite violence is to contend we must all assent to a lie for the sake of peace. As for Kohn’s assertion that Black Lives Matter’s message “literally opposes violence,” outsiders aren’t so sure, mostly stemming from anti-police groups chanting “What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want it? Now!” and “Time to Kill a Cop!” Perhaps those chanting such messages are an unruly fringe, unrepresentative of the whole movement. If so, pro-lifers, gun owners, and Republicans know exactly how Black Lives Matter activists feel right now. From the moment a conservative steps into the public debate, he learns, bitterly, that if there’s any nut job out there claiming to act in the name of a cause he supports — from opposing government overreach to opposing abortion — he and his political allies will inevitably have that figure used as a cudgel against them. There are liberals who still rotely insist that Timothy McVeigh was a “Christian terrorist,” even though he was a self-described agnostic and his agenda had nothing to do with Jesus Christ... To truly heed voices of sanity such as Zito’s, those on the left and the right will first need to acknowledge the good faith of their political opponents. And that can only happen if we find better leaders, ones with the decency to realize that disrupting a moment of silence isn’t the right way to make a point."
From 2016

Rantz: Man calls 911 on self to 'goad' cops into George Floyd incident, reports Black man with gun - "Arlington Police were called to a bus stop near a middle school after a report of a young Black man brandishing a handgun. That man, Tamon Leverette, later said “he was stopped and frisked” by police “for no reason” other than “‘being Black.'”  But police in Arlington, Washington, say their investigation showed it was actually Leverette who reported himself to 911. And it’s not the first time this has happened. While the motive is unclear, it appears the intent was to “goad” police into falsely accusing a Black teen of having a gun. The Arlington Police Chief even says Leverette’s Community Corrections officer explained, “the subject has mentioned that he (Leverette) could see himself in a similar situation as ‘George Floyd.'...   “Tamon pulled up his left pant leg, showing me a Department of Corrections (DOC) GPS tracking ankle band,” the officer writes in an incident report. “He informed me that he was not doing anything wrong, just waiting for the bus to come so he could go to his DOC check in with his assigned DOC Officer.”  The latter point proved to be true, as he was on his way to see the officer supervising him. Leverette is currently under DOC supervision. The report says he has an affiliation with the “Bloods,” a dangerous gang. The officer said he “wanted to understand why someone would call in with concerns that he was handling a firearm at the bus stop as described.” Leverette said he was unsure, did not have a weapon, and thanked the officers for their professionalism.  But the next day, Leverette told the DOC officer he was a victim of racial profiling.  According to the DOC officer, per the incident report, Leverette told him “he was stopped and frisked by ‘Everett Police’ for no reason the previous day because of ‘being Black.'”... The incident report accused Leverette of a similar incident in December 2020. He made the call under the name “Eric Johnson.””
When you turn Floyd into a hero, it's no surprise others want to spark another George Floyd incident
So much for no one wanting to be oppressed

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