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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Links - 24th August 2022 (1 - Women)

Ulzzang Hong Young-ki, 31-year-old mother of 2, looks so young that middle school boys asked for her number - "Local fans got to know Hong Young-ki in the late 2000s as an ulzzang, an early version of influencers who became famous online for their looks.   Her popularity exploded in 2009 after she participated as a contestant in “Ulzzang Shidae,” a TV show in which ulzzang stars are tasked to do challenges."


Meme - "My coworker said he doesn't ask his girlfriend where she wants to eat. He just says "guess where we're going to eat!" And the first thing she guesses is where they go. Smart. Man. Take. Notes."
'I used a TikTok hack to get fake freckles but was left temporarily blinded and scarred' - "An Aussie TV star has explained how a TikTok beauty trend left her temporarily blinded with scars across her face.  Tilly Whitfeld, who appeared on Big Brother, kept appearing on screen in a blue clay mask – which she claimed was to help cover up redness.  But, the 21-year-old has now admitted that it was actually due to an accident that occurred when she tried to give herself faux-freckles... a beauty fan used a sewing needle to prick her skin with ink which reported results that lasted six months... the ink she had ordered contained “high levels of lead”.  Lead is extremely dangerous and toxic.  The young woman has now spent around £8,500 trying to find a solution to her painful scars... She also reports being temporarily blinded in one eye thanks to the dangerous procedure."

ALSO HER: I Keep The Best Snacks Under my Apron!"

Dating Expert Slammed For Telling Men To Avoid Single Moms To 'Protect Yourself And Your Wallet' - "A TikTok dating expert has drawn fierce criticism for instructing men to avoid dating single moms because they’re golddiggers who will drain your wallet and never allow you to have a real part in the child’s life. Myron Gaines, who posts as @realtalkmiami, posted the video titled “3 Reasons You Should NOT Seriously Date A Single Mom” immediately sparked outrage for its cluelessness and its hatred towards women who are working hard to raise their children alone."
Of course, advising women to avoid certain types of men is good because women are always victims.

S'pore Woman Dismayed By Matchmaking Agency's Service, Seeks Refund For $2K Package - "she was left dissatisfied with the quality of the matches and the agency’s service. Chen’s criteria for her potential partner were as follows:
    taller than 1.63m (Chen’s height)
    having the same level of education
    earns $8,000 a month
    either Buddhist or free thinker
She felt that her criteria were not hard to meet... But her first date apparently did not meet these expectations — he earned less than her. Chen added that his annual increment was only “tens of dollars”.  After she lodged a complaint with the agency, they granted her an additional complimentary date.  Subsequently, Chen went on dates with men who fulfilled her criteria but said she did not make a connection with them.  Elaborating, she said one date was much older than her, and another wanted to share an ice cream on the first date, which she felt was strange.   After the failed dates, Chen requested a refund for the remainder of her package. However, the agency rejected her.  She shared that she could hear someone washing their hands in the background when the manager called her. It left her with the impression that the agency was unprofessional and insincere.  Later, the agency emailed her, saying they could upgrade her package to include a dating coach. It would also have 2 complimentary coaching sessions.  But Chen rejected this, insisting on a refund"

S'porean women pickier than men when dating with average of 19 requirements: Dating app survey - "A survey commissioned by dating app Coffee Meets Bagel has found that the average single in Singapore has over 24 dating deal breakers... women are pickier than men when it comes to dating, with an average of 19 requirements, as compared to men who had 15. For instance, women tend to prefer taller partners (ranked #2 among women) while men generally go for long hair — a trait consistently ranked among the top five traits for men of all ages.  Top qualities cited by both men and women include fresh breath, good teeth and “a natural look”.  Compared to men, women are also two times more likely to search for a financially stable partner. 23 per cent of women preferred for their partners to bring home more money than them, compared to only 3 per cent of men who felt the same way.  Certain professions were also preferred — doctors, teachers and bankers ranked among the most sought-after professions... Those aged 26 to 39 placed emphasis on partners who are physically attractive, affectionate and good in bed. A good-looking partner is two times more important for millennial women than female baby boomers (aged 50-65).  Younger millennials also looked for partners that showed more affection, with 50 per cent of millennials identifying it as a top trait, as compared to only 38 per cent of baby boomers. Compared to the older generation, millennials also preferred partners with “strong chemistry”.  Baby boomers cared the most about having a partner who is low maintenance, able to compromise and doesn’t get jealous easily... Despite all the ideal qualities listed, the survey found that 96 per cent of Singaporeans are happily in a relationship with someone who’s not what they expected, with 7 out of 10 women in relationships with a partner who only matches half (or even fewer) of the traits listed in their wishlist.  Local dating expert Cherlyn Chong said that instead of being more stringent, Singaporean singles should look for partners embodying values that encourage long-term stability."

Commentary: Are university-educated women in Singapore asking too much for marriage? No - "for many, like my friend Melanie, a senior advertising executive in her early 40s, poor relationships in her past have made it very clear what she won’t settle for. Are her standards unreasonably high? No, she says and proceeds to give me a list.
    Not abusive and no cheaters
    Ideally two to five years older than me
    Have spent time / worked overseas
    Decent looking (let's get real... there is only one Robert Downey Junior and one Hugh Jackman in this world, and they are both taken)
    Is financially self-sufficient/stable
    Loves and respects his parents (but no mummy's boy please)
    Willing to have open conversations, not afraid to laugh at himself and is fairly sociable.
    He must be able to get along with my friends. Oh, and it’s important that he has his own friends too
    Confident, not the jealous type, willing to give me space
    Is well spoken and carries himself well
    Able to accept that I love my job, and leave me to it
Will she accept that potential dates may find this a high bar and so she may be forever single?  “If it doesn’t happen, it’s fine. No one will die. I’d rather be single and happy, than attached but irritated.”"
But if you ask women who have a long list of requirements what they bring to the table, it is a sure thing that the list won't be as long as that of their own requirements

Care worker mother, 24, is spared jail for killing newborn by crushing her skull - "Babita Rai, 24, inflicted 'dreadful' injuries on her newborn baby after dark and then 'left her for dead' next to a tree in Aldershot, Hampshire, in 2017... Michael Turner QC, defending, said she was suffering from PTSD at the time and has no memory of the incident... '[You were] living in a country that was not your home where you did not speak the language, where you were unable to access the services that are there to assist pregnant women and new mothers, and were wholly dependent on your family for whom this baby would have been regarded as a curse and not a blessing.  'The offence of infanticide recognises that the criminal responsibility of a mother in these circumstances is often very greatly reduced.'  Mr Feest QC said following the incident a large investigation and public enquiry began, but Rai 'made no response' to any of the enquiries and never sought medical or police help in relation to the birth and death... She will pay a statutory charge of £85, will be under a community order of two years and undertake rehabilitation activities for 30 days after remaining in custody for two years 40 days."

Meme - "Women fuck who they want. Men fuck who they can. Remember that."
"Men marry who they want. Women marry who they can if they can. Remember that, too.")

Meme - *Pikachu tits*
Keywords: breasts

Love, Weird, Awkward and Mistakes: Classic mistake - FML - "Today, I saw my husband at a restaurant, laughing with a hot woman. He'd told me he was at a meeting with the VP of his company. Furious, I barged in and started screaming at them, calling him a cheater and a liar. Turns out the woman was actually the VP of his company, and they were in the middle of the meeting. FML"

Meme - "When your life experiences got you looking unapproachable, but she balances it out *Grim Reaper leading woman by hand*"

Meme - "Whoever introduced the tradition that the groom must not see the woman in her dress before the wedding saved the man's world countless hours of shopping."

Meet the Least Happy People in America - "here is the profile of the happiest workers:
    39 years old
    Household income between $150,000 and $200,000
    In a senior management position    
One young child at home
    A wife who works part-time
And the unhappiest profile?:
    42 years old
    Unmarried (and no children)
    Household income under $100,000
    In a professional position (doctor, lawyer, etc.)...
its survey of 670 North American white-collar workers found men to be "consistently happier than women"—both in and out of the office...   A more comprehensive analysis of trends in subjective well-being across several decades came to similar conclusions regarding female happiness. In The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness published by the American Economic Journal, researchers Betsy Stevenson and Justin Wolfers found that although women's life circumstances have improved greatly over the past few decades by most objective measures, their happiness has declined—both in absolute terms and relative to men's... women also tend to worry more than men about the well-being of their families... If the pursuit of "having it all" causes you to be so tired and unhappy—or exhausted and miserable—then what's the point? "
Women being neurotic is, of course, the fault of "patriarchy", even if we know neuroticism seems to have been evolutionarily selected for

Man who was accused of having sex with underage girl is cleared - "Jamie Richard Suttle, 25, had told the jury at York Crown Court he didn’t know the true age of the 15-year-old girl when they had consensual sex.  He said she had told others including a Jehovah’s Witness and bar staff that she was 18 when they were out on a date together in Selby town centre. Mr Suttle denied the girl’s account that she told him via Facebook that she was 15... The jury heard police were unable to find any messages between the two on Facebook referring to her age... She told the jury she had dressed and behaved as if she was older than she really was and had drunk a bottle and a half of wine and taken drugs before meeting Mr Suttle in Selby."

Meme - ">be me
>social outcast with no social skills who everyone makes fun of
>at a school party
>everyone's dancing, I just awkwardly stand there
>a stacy from my class comes up to me
>asks me to dance with a smug look on her face
>autism kicks in
>just stand there and stare at her for a solid 5 seconds
>then just turn and walk the other way as fast as I can
>next day in class
>overhear the girl talking with her friends
>hear her say that her plan was to embarass me but got embarrassed herself for being rejected by such a lowlife
>mfw my autism inadvertently made me look like a chad
>take that stacy"

Meme - Tam Yajia: "Lol my mom has fought with so many of her friends that this picture is just of her w/ a bunch of no headed ladies"

Meme - "Single Mothers getting ready to make Fathers Day about them"

Meme - "Looking for single fathers posting on Mother's Day
How Strange... There's nobody here."

Meme - "Download the Mamava mobile app to unlock this suite for pumping or breastfeeding. Our app allows you to locate and unlock Mamava suites wherever you go. Need help accessing this pod? You can also access this unit by keying in 8008."

Meme - "Did You Know That? First Computer Programmer was a Woman
Xavier: Thats why computer language is difficult to understand."

Meme - Woman: "A man must have goals, money and a house to have me"
Man: "What do you offer?"
Woman: "mmm, me."
Man: *leaves*

Meme - Laurena Acosta: *multiple edits* "MEN TALLER THAN 170CM ARE REAL MEN!
She's 16, so give chance lah

Meme - Woman: "You've wrote dozens of songs encouraging me to have tons of casual sex, abortions, and a constant chip on my shoulder over imaginary things men did to me. Now I'm such an emotional wreck, I'll never be able to maintain a healthy relationship with even the most understanding man."
Taylor Swift: "YES."

Meme - "I'm 23 working a dead-end job for less than living wage, my only friends are old people and I smoke a disturbing amount of weed to escape. Self-loathing is lonely, come join the party."
"Hahaha I love how many people have mentioned my lips. I got it from my Mama! I said roast me not flatter me :p"
"But you came here fishing for compliments, didn't you? I mean, you know you're good looking. I'm sure men are all trying to fuck you, and will be until you get a bit older and your looks fade. You lips are a huge asset, major DSL, and I'm sure you get complimented constantly on your lips and your eyes. You did everything in your power to show them off in this pic.
So you gave people nothing to work with and you know it. You carefully tailored this post to be as un-roastable as possible. Then, to make it seem like that‘s not what you were doing, you wrote a title saying you don't make money and smoke a lot of weed, acting like it was some huge self-deprecation, except:
- This is Reddit, people fucking LOVE weed around here. If anything, admitting you smoke like a chimney would only endear you to most redditors.
- Pretty girls don't need to have careers. Unlike with men, it's purely optional for girls like you, since we both know you can get a man any time you want. It would be trivial for you to get a reasonably attractive man who made over $100k a year to marry you and impregnate you, at which point the fact that you have no career becomes meaningless.
The true roast here is that you have no value as a person apart from your looks, specifically your lips, eyes, hair, and face in general. Your body is almost certainly nothing special other than the fact that you're not fat, or else you would have worn something fitted to show it off. So you're flat, probably no ass either. Just a skinny chick with a meh body and a really fuckable face. It's pretty common for girls like you to drift aimlessly through like with no real goals or ambition because your life is already on easy mode and you have no fear of ending up in a bad place. You mention that you're super poor, yet you smoke tons of weed. Weed is expensive. You're obviously not paying for it. You're getting it for free one way or another because of your face. You'll spend your 20s wasting the best years of your life in that dead-end job smoking weed all the time. You'll date lots of "Chad" guys who will fuck your face for a while and get lots of fond memories of it, but who will ultimately get bored of nutting in and on you, and move on to a more fulfilling relationship with a better long-term girlfriend. You'll ride the "dick carousel" in this way and waste your 20s on dead end relationships like your dead end job. In your late 20s to mid 30s sometime, you'll panic and finally know fear. Fear of being alone and failing at life. So you'll so what all the other many, many pretty women do at that age once they realize they won't be young and pretty forever: you'll settle. You'll find a guy who makes good money who is “good enough" to stand being around, and you'll convince yourself you love him and lie to yourself that you're not "settling" even though that's exactly what you're doing. So you'll get married and maybe pregnant in order to assuage your fears of aging alone and poor. But then once your fears are gone, you'll realize that settling sucks and you'll be bored. How you deal with that boredom will define your life. Do you just smoke weed for the next 50 years? Could work. Do you cheat? Lots of drama, might backfire, or might get you an "upgrade" to a guy who looks better on paper and stimulates you more. Will suck for husband #1 though, as if you'd care. Do you throw yourself into spending your husband's money on things like luxuries and travel? This is the safest choice and the most popular one. Will it be all of the above? It's choose your own adventure, except this is really the only significant choice you'll be making in your life. It's not a life I'd want, either as you, or as your male partner, but then again, I don't want to waste my life smoking weed and living on my looks, I understand that we only live once, for a relatively short time, and then we die and are gone forever, so I place a bit more value on my life than you do."
"You have been temporarily banned from participating in r/RoastMe. This ban will last for 90 days"
So you're not really supposed to roast them?

Woman sexually attracted to planes wants to marry toy Boeing - "Sarah Rodo, 23, even refers to the Boeing 737 as her boyfriend. She flies on the aircraft as often as possible and has 50 replica models of the plane at home.  Sarah calls the Boeing Dicki and hopes to wed one day, even though it is illegal in Germany.  The Dortmund resident identifies as an Objectum Sexual, meaning that she is sexually attracted to inanimate objects.  She said past romances with men didn’t get her flying high.  She has also been in love with a train...   “Some people don’t understand my love but my friends took my coming-out very well and encouraged me.”"

Florida Woman, 77, Beat Boyfriend With Metal Detector—Says She Was Doing 'God's Work' Because He Was Watching Porn - "An elderly Florida woman allegedly attacked her 70-year-old boyfriend with a metal detector because she caught him watching pornography.  Jane Galitello, 77, was arrested after deputies from the Pasco County Sheriff's Office responded to a domestic disturbance call"

What I learned from sleeping with eight men in a year after my messy divorce - "She also felt dating at midlife was, for her, a superpower.  “I didn’t buy into the theory that because I was older, I was less desirable. Men were very attracted to the fact I was a strong woman who didn’t want anything from them and was calling the shots”... “If I was having a good date and a man would kiss me goodbye, I would tell them, okay, I have two hours. Let’s go back to your place,” recalls Williams. She says some men were surprised by her forthrightness, but many appreciated her no-BS approach to love and lust...   She also wants other women to realize just how much pleasure is out there — and how sex can be a powerful tool for moving past heartbreak. “The sex was important to me. It made me alive when I felt dead inside”"
i.e. the men liked to bang her because she was only after casual sex

Man Buys Wife Gift To Apologise After Recognising Mia Khalifa In Their Hotel - "Lya Mariella's partner, who spotted Mia when the pair were out for a spot of dinner in Paris on their post-wedding travels.  In a TikTok video, she said he got 'way too excited' about it and proceeded to 'text all of his guy friends'. Safe to say Lya was not best pleased, and Mia herself even commented on the post to say: "Girl my man was on his phone the whole time, I say we throw them all away and go shopping tomorrow." Lya replied, "I’m currently at hermes across the street, feel free to meet me here," to which Mia said, "Good, he owes you a birkin."  Considering the cheapest Birkin bag costs around £5,000, you would've thought this back-and-forth was little more than banter. But the content creator's SO took the apology seriously and ended up splashing out on the expensive accessory.  It certainly did the trick, as just hours later Mia and Lya appeared in a video together, filmed by the husband no less."

Meme - "When you recognize the milf porn actress from when she was doing barely legal videos
Doc Oc: You're all grown up"

How Vaginas Can Get Loose - "Childbirth can permanently stretch the vaginal canal and opening, especially if an instrument like forceps or a vacuum is used during a delivery.  “A 10-pound baby could pass through the vagina, and although things may not go back to 100% the same after that, they sure go back to almost normal,” says Dr. Dweck. A woman who has a huge laceration during delivery or a large episiotomy is less likely to return to her pre-baby size and feel, however.  Dr. Sherry A. Ross, MD, ob-gyn at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Southern California and author of She-ology, says a well-endowed partner can also make things looser—but only at the vaginal opening, not throughout the vagina itself."
So much for that "myth"

Impact of childbirth and mode of delivery on vaginal resting pressure and on pelvic floor muscle strength and endurance - "We sought to study impact of delivery mode on vaginal resting pressure (VRP) and on pelvic floor muscle (PFM) strength and endurance... Only VRP changed significantly (10% reduction, P = .001) after emergency cesarean section. After normal and instrumental vaginal delivery, VRP was reduced by 29% and 30%; PFM strength by 54% and 66%; and endurance by 53% and 65%, respectively. Significant differences for all PFM measures (P < .001) were found when comparing cesarean vs normal and instrumental vaginal delivery, respectively"

Meme - "Irvine, California
Chloé, 28
I'm a communist, what's up
I'm an INTJ even if it's basically academic astrology. I'm the same type as Lenin and most fictional villains. I've accepted the responsibility that comes with that. I was a global top ranking player on the Wheel of Fortune app once upon a time. Do with that information what you will. I also climbed to Mythic rank in Magic: The Gathering Arena 4 days after I started. I am poly and in an open relationship with one other person. If that bothers you, please"

Old Nokia phones find new life as sex toys - "Because of their strong vibration function, old Nokia "dumb" phones are getting new life as vibrators, according to a survey on female masturbation in India."


Meme - Me: "this could be us"
Amelia <3: "uhhhh no
oh btw i fucked someone to ur playlist last night
lol thanks"
Me: "u could've just left me on open.."

Meme - "Me listening to my man defend me to all his friends i fucked"

Accountant who claimed she downed two pints of vodka after crash cleared of drink driving - "An accountant who tested almost four times the legal alcohol limit following a car crash has been cleared of drink driving after claiming she drank two pints of vodka to steady her nerves.  Kelsey Ridings, 26, crashed her Mercedes sports car with four children inside into another car but left the scene before police could attend the collision, after exchanging details with the other driver.  Officers traced her to her home at Mottram near Hyde, Greater Manchester, an hour later where an initial breath test showed she had 124 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35mg.  But Ridings was cleared after Tameside magistrates heard she consumed two pints containing vodka in just 15 minutes at a friend's house to "calm herself down" before she was given a lift home...   Ridings' acquittal came despite magistrates suggesting her account was "often confused and misleading"...   Carl Kidd, the other driver involved in the collision as he took his pregnant partner to see his parents, told the court Ridings "appeared to be intoxicated" and was "slurring" her words when he went to confront her following the crash."

'I was conned by my husband for 10 months - he turned out to be a woman' - "A new bride said that she was conned by her ' husband ' - as ten months into their marriage, she discovered he was actually a woman.  The victim, who is referred to as NA in legal documents, entered into a relationship with a man she met through online dating, who is identified by the initials AA.  AA claimed to be a man who was a trained surgeon and in the coal business, and the pair got married in a secret ceremony and NA was moved away from her family.  Over the course of their relationship, NA claims that she and her family were conned out of £16,537 and now AA has appeared at the Jambi District Court in Indonesia... AA had said they had recently converted to Island and was looking for a wife, and after three months the pair were wed in a nikah siri arrangement.  The phrase translates to 'secret wedding', and is used in the country for unregistered marriages - and while it's not recognised by law it is by religion. NA said this was because AA couldn't produce the civil documents required for a legal wedding, and the pair lived together in NA's parents' house.  But while there, NA's parents became suspicious of AA - as they kept asking for money despite their impressive sounding career.  To get out of the spotlight, AA then moved out with NA to live in South Sumatra, where the victim was then confined to the house for several months, as local publication Coconut reports.  NA said that AA controlled the pair's finances, and in April the victim's mother contacted the police who tracked the pair down... AA was asked about her sex life and she said that her parenter would always turn off the lights and insisted on blindfolding the woman before sex"
Wife 'learns husband of TEN MONTHS is actually a WOMAN - despite the couple being 'intimate' - "The couple first met on a dating app with the 'husband' going by the name Ahnaf Arrafif in Jambi City... Ahnaf never introduced 'his' own family and appeared to have a very relaxed schedule despite claiming to be a qualified doctor.  NA's mother also picked up on the fact that Ahnaf never took off 'his' clothes and would even bathe with clothes on when others were at home. When the wife confronted her partner about lumps on his chest, Ahnaf responded that it was a hormonal problem.  Eventually, the mother demanded that 'he' strip to prove he was indeed a man and at that point, Ahnaf revealed he was actually a woman named Erayani who had lied about everything including her job... they had been 'intimate' multiple times but her partner insisted on only using hands."

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