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Saturday, August 27, 2022

Links - 27th August 2022 (1 - Palestine/Middle East Peace)

Ali Express says it will not serve Palestinians beginning in 2022 - "The reason for the move is that the Palestinian Authority's mail services refuse to handle packages that have the word Israel in the address. Many Palestinians do not know this and write Israel rather than Palestine as the destination country, according to N12."
Of course many people commenting on a share of this article were blaming Israel


Top Muslim-American Group Protests Against Signing of Peace Agreement Between Israel, UAE, and Bahrain - "A top American Muslim group expressed its opposition to peace with Israel on Tuesday, calling on its followers to protest outside the White House during the signing of the historic peace agreements between the Jewish state, the UAE and Bahrain.The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said in email on Monday that it would be joined by over 50 other organizations in demonstrating “opposition to the US-brokered normalization treaty.”... Hussam Ayloush, the executive director of the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of CAIR, said Jewish-Americans who join the IDF should be investigated by the US government’s Countering Violent Extremism program... Dawud Walid, executive director of CAIR’s Michigan chapter, was repeating the claim that Israel is responsible for US police violence against minority groups.“The same militarized police forces that shoot unarmed black people and do this crowd control like what happened in Ferguson — where do the police chiefs, these people, get trained at? In Israel,” he claimed.This conspiracy theory, widely disseminated by far-left and Islamist groups, has been thoroughly discredited and is viewed as a blood libel by many in the Jewish community.Walid also claimed that the Jewish people were “specifically cursed” by God."
Not everyone wants peace, despite the rhetoric. Some grifters don't want to lose their bogeyman and/or just want to hide their anti-semitism

Palestine Misunderstood - "Humeniuk’s essay lends implicit support to the notion that a Palestinian state will be modern, open, and peaceful, if not positively progressive, and not the bastion of fanaticism that exists in Israelis’ fearful imagination. The wishful thinking this requires is betrayed by his own testimony. Lest Humeniuk and his Jewish-Canadian friend Ari are mistaken for Israeli settlers, they take care to disguise their Nissan Micra by hanging Islamic prayer beads from the rear-view mirror and laying a Keffiyeh—”the black-and-white scarf symbolic of Palestinian opposition to Israel”—across the dashboard. “You’re also,” he adds, “supposed to smoke—constantly—as many Palestinian men do.” This subterfuge is presumably intended to emphasize the importance of local knowledge, but it also suggests that recognizable Jews should worry about attracting the kind of dangerous hostility from Ramallah’s populace conspicuously absent from the rest of Humeniuk’s account. Humeniuk and his companions drive to Qalandia where they gaze respectfully at a section of the border wall decorated with portraits of Yasser Arafat and Marwan Barghouti. Barghouti is blandly described as “a leader of the First and Second Intifada, who’s been imprisoned in Israel since 2002.” Imprisoned for what? Humeniuk does not say, although he reports that a slogan separating the two paintings reads “Free Barghouti” as if he were the victim of an injustice that demands international attention and urgent redress. In fact, Barghouti led Fatah’s notorious al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, a terrorist militia responsible for the murder of scores of Israeli citizens by suicide squads during the Second Intifada. In 2004, as the murderous war he and Arafat instigated raged on, Barghouti was convicted on five counts of murder (and acquitted, lest it be assumed this was a foregone conclusion, of 21 further counts), and sentenced to five consecutive life sentences. Barghouti and Arafat did more than most to wreck the prospects of peace, but Humeniuk implies that the mural venerating them is part of a more general Palestinian commitment to the idea of the romantic revolutionary... A statue of Saddam Hussein stands in the city of Qalqilya. Additional public squares commemorating the genocidal Ba’athist can be found in Jenin and Ramallah, and a “Martyr Saddam Hussein School” has been established in Yaabad. Unveiling the Qalqilya statue in 2017, MEMRI reported that the District Governor Rafi Rawajba enthused, “Saddam was an emblem of heroism, honor, originality and defiance, as was the martyr Yasser Arafat. [Both served as] a compass for the Arabs and their resolute decisions, and when they departed, Arabism departed with them.” Meanwhile, a political culture that rewards terrorists and their families and memorialises and eulogises suicide bombers as heroic martyrs is not only destructive to peace efforts, but destructive to Palestinian society itself... It is unfortunately also clear that support for terrorism is prevalent among Palestinians... Survey participants were asked if they had “confidence” in bin Laden “to do the right thing in world affairs,” and in 2003, 72 percent of Palestinians responded in the affirmative. By 2011, when bin Laden was killed by US special forces, 34 percent of Palestinians still expressed “confidence” in him, and the Islamist terror group Hamas condemned the US for assassinating “an Arab holy warrior.”... A Pew survey from 2013 of almost 40,000 Muslims in 39 countries found that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza were often among the Muslim populations with the most extreme views about the role of Islam in society: 89 percent of Palestinians said they wanted sharia law; 66 percent endorsed the death penalty for Muslims who convert to another religion; 76 percent supported mutilation as a punishment for theft, and a shocking 84 percent said they wanted adulterers stoned to death. When asked how much political influence religious leaders should have, 29 percent of Palestinians said religious leaders should have a lot of political influence, and another 43 percent said they wanted religious leaders to have at least some political influence. These views are reflected in the Palestinian draft constitution, which stipulates that the “principles of the Islamic shari’a are a main source for legislation.”... Israel’s Arab citizens have developed a distinct identity. According to a poll published in April 2019, a majority identify as either Arab-Israeli (46 percent) or Palestinian-Israeli (19 percent), whereas a minority prefer to identify only as Arab (22 percent) or Palestinian (14 percent). These results are supported by another recently published poll showing that “65 percent of Arab-Israelis are proud to be Israelis.” As the Israeli academic and columnist Alexander Yakobson has rightly emphasized, similar surveys have shown for years that Israel’s Arab citizens have “a strong Israeli identity,” and the poll results also indicate “not just an appreciation of Israel’s advantages (and a fear of the disadvantages of Palestinian rule), but also expressions of pride in Israel.”... they have no interest whatsoever in the so-called “one-state-solution” that would replace Israel with yet another Arab-Muslim majority state... Well defended borders may seem like some kind of chauvinistic anachronism when your home is in Toronto, but when your home is just a short drive from Gaza and a few hours from Damascus, those “lines in the sand” are a matter of life or death."

UN agency for Palestinians is too corrupt to save - "The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which is dedicated exclusively to assisting Palestinians, has begun to lose the support of some of its most loyal donors. Following reports of widespread corruption and abuse at the highest levels of the organization, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Belgium have suspended their contributions. This action may signal the readiness of other countries to pull their support if a full investigation confirms the initial allegations. What may be emerging is a rare opportunity to dismantle a wasteful organization whose ties to the Palestinian cause have protected it until now.An internal UNRWA ethics report leaked by the press in late July contained shocking allegations of "sexual misconduct, nepotism, retaliation, discrimination and other abuses of authority, for personal gain, to suppress legitimate dissent, and to otherwise achieve their personal objectives."... UNRWA is exacerbating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by turning millions of Palestinians into permanent refugees... One way that UNRWA worsens the Palestinian refugee problem is by granting the descendants of the original Palestinian refugees inherited refugee status in perpetuity, a practice unheard of in other conflicts. Of course, increasing the number of refugees increases the amount of work for UNRWA and the size of the donations it can justify. Moreover, UNRWA has stifled Palestinian development and resettlement through aid dependency.From an initial refugee population of around 700,000, UNRWA now has responsibility for more than 5.4 million Palestinians - a number that includes only about 30,000 individuals who fled their homes during Israel's war for independence. Nonetheless, UNRWA schools promote a "right of return" to Israel for all 5.4 million refugees, even those who now reside in Gaza and the West Bank, which would be part of a future Palestinian state. This sort of return would make Jews a minority in the world's only Jewish state. It also seems especially menacing given that UNRWA schools, textbooks and teachers often promote martyrdom, violence, the demonization of Israel, and religious bigotry. Moreover, the UN's outsize focus on Palestinian refugees has come at the expense of the world's 71 million forcibly displaced persons. UNRWA spends nearly twice as much per refugee and has 30,000 staff, compared to 16,800 for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which deals with all other displaced populations. Regrettably, UNHCR struggles to secure adequate funding."

Potiphar's Whipping Boy on Twitter - "Unbelievable . At King's College right now. About 40 students are shouting and screaming at the Jews to 'free Palestine from the river to th e sea'. They've come to protest because an Israeli hero who saved 1000s,of Syrian lives is talking at an event"
"It make sense when you realize this is social life for these students. They will take even a bad excuse to protest. They protest and then they party and hook up. This is their social life."

Anti-Semitic protestors at York University are pathetic scumbags - "So, a group of people intimidate a bunch of Jewish students, chanting horrific garbage like “go back to the ovens.”Shouldn’t this be a bigger news story?... ‘“Intifada, Intifada, go back to the ovens,” were what Jewish and pro-Israel students had to endure on Wednesday night during a pro-Palestinian protest against a Reservist’s on Duty event at York University.”... why aren’t the elites reacting like they would to a Nazi rally?  Is it because the people chanting that garbage don’t “look” like Nazis?... how the hell did these taxpayer-funded universities become havens for Nazi-style intimidation of Jewish students?... Having been to the Holocaust memorial museum in Washington D.C. as part of a high-school group that was taught about the Holocaust and what led up to it, I know beyond any doubt that these anti-Semitic scumbags must be stopped and dealt with now before they become even more emboldened.  At this point, the fact that these scumbags feel confident enough to straight-up call for genocide and intimidate Jewish students is a clear sign that things are already spiralling out of control."
It's only worthy of notice when you can blame the "far right"

Study shows most supporters of ‘Palestine’ at UC Berkeley can’t find it on a map - "Many students who claim to support the Palestinian cause actually know very little about the Israel-Palestinian conflict... Despite most of the respondents purporting to care “deeply” about the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, “75% of those students cannot locate those territories on a map and 84% cannot name the decade (let alone the year) in which that occupation began”... Shockingly, 25 percent “of these students placed the Palestinian Territories west of Lebanon, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea”... Most students also had no idea how many people actually lived in Israel. Only 17 percent of the students gave the correct answer, while others made guesses that ranged from 100,000 to 150 million. A more moderate stance on the conflict seemed to reflect greater knowledge of the issues, said Hassner. He revealed that the students with more moderate views were likely to know more, and also “more likely to admit gaps in their knowledge.”  The survey wasn’t limited to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Rather, students were asked to weigh in on 18 key issues in the Middle East ranging from U.S.-Iran relations, to the civil war in Yemen, to drone warfare. The students were then given a five-point scale to indicate their level of interest in each topic.  The students seemed most interested in the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, while expressing indifference towards other instances of alleged occupation, like the Kurdish struggle for independence in Iraq, the Moroccan occupation in Western Sahara and the Turkish occupation in northern Cyprus."
I wonder what could motivate concern only for the "plight" of the Palestinians, but not others

Trump Israeli–Palestinian Peace Plan a Much-Needed Dose of Reality - "It’s worth noting that some of the harshest critics of Donald Trump’s new Israeli–Palestinian peace plan — many of them Middle East “experts” who’ve worked in the Clinton and Obama administrations — are the same people behind catastrophic efforts that resulted in more hopelessness, intifadas, and extremism. These professional peace-processors have managed to harden the Israeli public against even the most abstract negotiations because, inevitably, all of them end in violence. As with the plans that came before it, it’s unlikely that Trump’s plan will succeed. But it is the best of any recent offerings because it doesn’t make any false promises... the reality is that there will never be a Palestinian “right of return” to Israel, since such a policy would destroy the Jewish character of the state. The refugee situation is a 70-plus-year scandal of the Arab world’s making in which thousands of Palestinians are condemned to poverty so they can be used as a cudgel in the propaganda fight against Israel.Palestinians are not getting their great-granddad’s house in Jaffa back any more than the hundreds of thousands of Sephardic Jews who were expelled from Muslim lands after Israel’s 1948 war of independence are reclaiming their property. The difference is that one of these groups accepted reality long ago... Israelis will never pull back to pre-1967 lines, giving up its claims to the West Bank, because no sane nation would reinstitute unsecure borders next to an unreliable potential terror state... there is no way that Israel, a liberal democracy responsible for the security of its citizens, can hand over the Jordan Valley — an area with immense strategic importance irrespective of the Palestinian situation — to a newly created state that allies itself with unsavory nations and entertains the idea of entering into a unity government with Hamas, the theocratic terror group. Perhaps after peaceful coexistence for a few decades this could change... The Trump deal would simply codify these realities while allowing Palestinians to finally have a startup state. Trump’s plan is the first to offer a map laying out what the final borders of the Palestinian nation might look like. In it, Israel cedes around 70 percent of the disputed territory in the West Bank to Palestinians, but doubles its existing territory overall... In return Palestinians would recognize the existence of Israel, agree to solve their refugee problem through integration in their new state and in host Arab counties, and renounce terrorism. In other words, Palestinians would be asked to conduct themselves as does any normal, functioning state. The U.S. would also infuse $50 billion into the new Palestinian state. Stateless peoples yearning for self-determination around the world — ethnic groups that Western elites don’t care a whit about — would, no doubt, be ecstatic for such an opportunity. Palestinians, however, happen to have chosen the right enemies. They just have the wrong leaders. President Mahmoud Abbas hasn’t faced an electorate in 13 years and counting. His title of “president” falsely suggests that Abbas is the duly elected leader of a nation. Neither is true. And while that is his own fault, Abbas and his deputies will no doubt decide to sit in their U.N.-funded mansions while the Palestinian people suffer, and to wait out Trump for more advantageous terms from a friendlier president such as Joe Biden — or Bernie Sanders, who could put Linda Sarsour in his administration.But they won’t be able to wait out Israel. A nation with an open and vibrant economy has no reason enter into a deal that upends its security. Most Israelis — I hate to break this to everyone — aren’t obsessed with the Palestinians. Hamas is largely contained. Fatah is contained. Israel’s existence isn’t contingent on the creation of a Palestinian state, only on security. Israel, in fact, probably feels less external pressure than ever to enter into a deal. Anyone who’s followed this issue understands the historic significance of Bahrain, UAE, and Oman sending envoys to White House unveiling of Trump’s peace deal. Arab nations are coming to terms with the reality of the Jewish State in ways that Americans progressives have not. Nor is there more internal political pressure to enter into a bad deal. Benny Gantz, the Kahol Lavan leader and chief rival to Benjamin Netanyahu, “hailed” the Trump plan because, despite the effort of the American Left to cast Netanyahu as the sole impediment to peace, no major Israeli party on either the right or the left is going to agree to a right of return, a return to pre-1967 lines, or a surrender of Jerusalem.In the past, Palestinian negotiators, who have never once crafted a peace plan of their own — or any deal that wasn’t contingent on the complete capitulation of Israel — sat back and rejected one concession after the next. They offered ever-growing lists of grievances while American leaders tried to pacify them. It’s about time someone injected a dose of this reality into this situation."
Of course, since "resistance" is more important to the Palestinians and their supporters than improving the Palestinians' (partially self-inflicted) plight...

The Left Hates Israel More Than It Loves Palestine - "For most of the left, both in Europe and the United States, support for the Palestinian cause is something of a shibboleth. As Israel moved away from the politics of the 1960s, when the left was often in power and kibbutzim were a national symbol, to the right-wing nationalism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the U.S. and European left’s support for Palestine has solidified. Palestine has been brutalized by decades of occupation, and the suffering of Palestinians raises natural sympathy. Many left-wing Jews share this justified anger at Israel’s policies.Yet both before the establishment of the state of Israel and since, it has been clear that some of the criticism was not driven by policy disputes or by humanitarian concerns, but quite simply by anti-Semitic attitudes. This has become more widespread as many on the extreme left see Israel as a classic imperialist state, acting as an agent of the United States in the Middle East and imposed on the region by outside powers. This is an interpretation that is not only mistaken, but also dangerous to the Palestinian cause itself... This lack of any sympathy or understanding of Zionist history makes it very hard for the European left to form meaningful links with Israel’s own beleaguered, but still significant, leftists. That means advocates cannot use that internal avenue to push the Israeli government on the plight of the Palestinians. Anyone who engages with the Israelis over a particular issue is accused of collaborating with a fundamental enemy. On the far-left, the only acceptable position is a complete rejection of the state of Israel. That, in turn, fuels convictions among members of Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud party that any criticism of Israeli policy indicates a desire to see Israel itself destroyed. This has produced a model in which total rejection of Israel is demanded of any Jew, lest they been seen as complicit in all the misdeeds of the current Israeli government. This “Zio-centric” model is one reason why the British Labour Party, under current leader Jeremy Corbyn, has become riddled with anti-Semitism. The serious qualms about the government’s actions that otherwise pro-Israeli Jews have are brushed away unless they condemn the very existence of Israel. Anti-Semitism, the “socialism of fools” as the German socialist August Bebel is said to have termed the substitution of conspiracy theory for political analysis, is not new on the left—nor, of course, in any way unique to it. A simplistic reading of Karl Marx has meant that finance capital is seen as particularly evil, which in the extreme leads to conspiracy theories about shadowy cabals prepared to sacrifice men and economies in their search for money and power. Since, for historical reasons, many financiers have been Jewish, this easily spills over into sharing the anti-Semitic tropes more readily associated with the nationalist right. And this, in turn, has implications for what it means to support the Palestinians. If Israel is so bad, then there can be no compromise with it—and solutions that might aid Palestine are neglected in favor of the real focus: attacking Israel... The far-left only cares about the suffering of the Palestinians when Israel is to blame. They do not offer a critique of specific Israeli policies or seek a means to engage with Israel to mitigate harm in the short term—all the while insisting that they support the Palestinians above all else.This is most visible in their enthusiasm for other killers of Muslims who voice the right platitudes on Israel. Thus the leader of the Labour Party can describe Hamas as being “dedicated toward the good of the Palestinian people,” even when Human Rights Watch estimates that dozens of Palestinians have been executed by Hamas in the Gaza Strip since 2007, many of them without any judicial process. Syrian tyrant Bashar al-Assad is deemed to be anti-imperialist and opposed to Israel, so he is above criticism in the eyes of many often vocal self-declared pro-Palestinian voices such as the writer Max Blumenthal and the British Labour Party MP Chris Williamson... There is much to condemn in Israeli policy and practice. But this critique has to acknowledge that Israel is not the only state in the Middle East that engages in human rights abuses. What matters is to challenge the abuse because it is abuse, not to accept or condemn it according to who is the perpetrator."
Of course, this is a bigger issue with liberals - they hate 'oppressors' more than they love the 'oppressed'. So they only care about racism when they can shit on white people for 'cultural appropriation', but keep quiet when 'minorities' murder other 'minorities'

Trump Nobel Nomination: End the Peace Prize - The Atlantic
Comment: "Trump does something historic and really awesome, gets UAE and Israel to sign peace agreements...and other Arab nations start to follow suit, normalizing relations and whatnot.And then The Atlantic puts this out.Tell me, do you now see the media bias?  This is pretty damn close to the meme that Trump could cure cancer and the media would hate him for it."

Facebook - "I just would like to point out in passing that it is right wing conservative Americans, right wint conservative Israelis, and right wing conservative Arabs that are making peace. The same people the mainstream media has been calling doomsday war mongers."

Reckoning With Palestinian Solidarity and Anti-semitism As a Malay-Muslim Singaporean - "I don’t know if I can blame her, my father, or any other Malay-Muslims in their generation for their distrust of Jewish people. Unfortunate as it is, anti-semitism is common within Malay-Muslim households in Singapore—many other impressionable kids like me have been taught and told that “Jews were bad people”.  Unlike the Western notion that connects Jews with money, our families associated them with wanton cruelty. Jahat macam orang Yahudi (“as wicked as a Jew”) has been a common refrain. Perangai Yahudi (“Jewish behaviour”) is used as an insult, but the enduringly popular perangai babi (“pig-like behaviour”) just rolls off the tongue better.    This ingrained anti-semitism stems primarily from the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian hostilities, a century-long struggle taking place nearly 8,000 km away from Singapore... Why is solidarity with Palestine such an entrenched notion within Singapore’s Malay-Muslim community, bordering on the edges of anti-semitism?   The obvious answer is, of course, affinity with fellow Muslims—especially innocent Muslim civilians who have lost homes, family members, and lives in a bleak humanitarian crisis with no end in sight...   “By the second half of the 1970s, Malay exasperation with military recruitment and discrimination policies reached an all-time high. Even without official data, Malay parents knew that their children alone were not called upon to serve. Malay officers and (non-commissioned officers) who had been transferred from field command positions to the logistics corps were also frustrated. Nearly every officer knew that military units had informal quotas on Malays.”  That distrust from the early days extended into an overarching wariness of Jewish people, compounded by how little they’ve been exposed to Jewish culture or even the small Jewish community in Singapore."
Apparently in Singapore only Chinese people have agency. If someone tried to justify "Islamophobia" as a consequence of Islamist terrorism, good luck to him
Too bad Muslims only have solidarity with Muslim when it's non-Muslims doing the "oppression"
I like how "discrimination" in NS callup somehow turned into anti-Semitism

Critical Spectator - Posts | Facebook - "These are young Israeli Arabs - as you can see they're pretty happy, as they would be. Why? 🔴 Because in Israel they not only enjoy the same rights as the Jews do - but rights they wouldn't be able to enjoy in any Arab country. Yes, the terrible, genocidal Israel is granting its Arab citizens greater privileges than any other country in the Middle East.  Instead of living under some demented dictators, absolute monarchs or outright terrorists, these people enjoy free speech, can take part and run in free elections, enjoy parliamentary representation and can pursue justice in impartial courts if any laws or administrative decisions are deemed discriminatory against them. This is how Israel has supposedly been exterminating them for 70 years. So successfully that over 20% of its population is Arab today. Meanwhile Jewish populations have collapsed everywhere else in the region, with people fleeing religious and ethnic persecution. But "Zionists"..."

Facebook - "Just like Hamas really only hates 'the occupation', which is why all became peaceful when Israel pulled out of Gaza, now we will surely see "Anti-Zionists" change their tune."

Jack Crosbie on Twitter - "just saw a conservative on this site say "property destruction is not violence" in response to israel destroying the AP offices in gaza with an airstrike and my brain instantly melted into a smooth glowing orb"
In Defense of Destroying Property | The Nation - "We cannot conflate the destruction of plateglass with the violence that is being protested."
Debora 🌺 on Twitter - "Because that's all we heard last summer- it's just a building, that's what insurance is for, it's just an idea. Now, suddenly, it's different."
Liberal’s brain melts after hearing a conservative say, ‘property destruction is not violence’ - "1619 Project creator Nikole Hannah-Jones said last summer on TV that “destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence.” That was after Sally Kohn weighed in on the looting and property destruction in Minneapolis, pointing out that “property is insured and can be replaced.” Our brains melted a little bit when we heard both those statements, so we know the feeling. Of course, the AP had renter’s insurance"

Facebook - "I watched a video yesterday of an Israeli General calling a Palestinian security guard to warn him that they were about to bomb the building he was guarding, and to get all civilians out of it. He clarified that first they'd send a warning shot and then it would be followed by the actual bomb strike.  In addition to that, I watched a clip from The Daily Show where they're mocking Israel for "warning of a bombing by sending a smaller bomb". They then show video where Israel dropped a "knock bomb," which is designed to damage nothing, but alerts civilians to exit a building, and only later does the REAL bomb come and destroy the entire building.  And the Daily Show thought THAT was a point AGAINST Israel's moral superiority.  ...somehow.  It's shocking to me the degree to which Israeli people try to minimize collateral damage all while being depicted as the unjust aggressors.  Meanwhile, Palestinians fire rockets from residential areas, hospitals, and schools, using civilians, children, and sick people as human shields, since Israel has to then choose between letting the source of the attack remain unbombed or bomb civilians, children, and sick people. Palestinians know what they're doing when they choose these places to stage their attacks, yet the world just keeps pretending Israel is in the wrong for defending itself merely because they've proven overtime to be more capable than their enemies and thus a power differential presently exists."

Facebook - "It's not a coincidence that the latest chapter in the Palestinian conflict occurred after elections were 'postponed' yet again, and an internal struggle takes place for the Palestinian leadership.   No Palestinian under the age of 34 has ever taken part in a Democratic election. And such conflict is good for those who want to remain in power."

Not Just The Mufti - the real extension of the Palestinian-Nazi collaboration | by Adin Haykin | Jan, 2022 | Medium - "On March 31, 1933, two months after Hitler came to power, Haj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, called on Heinrich Wolff, head of the German Consulate in Jerusalem. In his report to the Auswartiges Amt (Foreign Ministry), Wolff wrote that Husseini said: “Muslims inside and outside Palestine welcome the new regime in Germany and hope for the spread of fascist, antidemocratic state leadership to other countries.” In his view, “current Jewish influence on economy and politics” was “damaging everywhere and needed to be fought.” In the hope of doing economic damage to the Jews, Husseini opined that “Muslims hope for a boycott of the Jews in Germany because it would then be adopted with enthusiasm in the whole of the Muslim world.” Further, he was willing to spread the boycott message among Muslims travelling through Palestine and to “all Muslims.” He also looked forward to trading with “non-Jewish merchants” dealing in German products... In March 1935 the Husseinis also formed a party, called the Palestinian Arab Party. It was, as its president Jamal Husseini freely boasted, inspired by German Nazism. It included the ‘Al-Futuwwa’ (‘The youth ’), modelled on the Hitler Youth, for a while actually called the ‘Nazi Scouts’. The Mufti was on friendly terms with the German consul in Jerusalem and told him that the Muslims of the world, for whom he apparently felt he was spokesman, hoped for the spread of fascism to other countries and would assist a worldwide anti-Jewish boycott... When Hitler proclaimed the Nuremberg Race Laws in September 1935, a number of Palestinian Arabs sent telegrams congratulating him... The shrill calls to take up extremist politics invoked a symbolism that glorified youth, violence, and death. By 1936 Al Difaa, the paper of the Istiqlal movement and the most widely read paper in the Arab community, proclaimed, in clearly fascist tones, that “youth must go out to the field of battle as soldiers of the Fatherland.”... Throughout the 1930s the children of wealthy Palestinians returned home from European universities having witnessed the emergence of fascist paramilitary forces. Palestinian students educated in Germany returned to Palestine determined to found the Arab Nazi Party. The Husseinis used the Palestinian Arab Party to establish the al-Futuwwa youth corps, which was named after an association of Arab Nazi Scouts. By 1936 the Palestinian Arab Party was sponsoring the developments of storm troops patterned on the German model... "Palestinians who fought against the Nazis” is a myth that is widely used to whitewash the historic support the Palestinian leadership and public of the Nazis.  In fact, it was the Jews who pushed the Arabs to enlist because of British discrimination, the Arabs did so mainly for economic reasons... In February 1941, 88% of the Arab Palestinians polled expressed support for Germany, while only 9% supported England... CIA Report Aug 1942:      "A majority of the Palestinian Arabs was fiercely “anti-Jewish” and saw in the approach of Rommel an ideal opportunity to murder all Jews their seize their property."... Arabs’ search for ex-Nazi officers to train units to fight the Jews, by the end of 1946, beginning of 1947, Nazi officers were “liberated” and have been smuggled into Palestine, where they were employed as instructors by “Futuwa” and “Nejada.”... In 1960, it was revealed by a German magazine:  Adolf Eichmann continued his war against Jews at the end of World War II with the help of zealous Arabs — writes the widely circulated West German weekly “Bunte Deutsche Illustrierte”."
It's all the fault of the atrocities perpetrated by the modern state of Israel!

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is Playing Out…In Malaysia - "News editors at a state broadcaster are under investigation and have been given show-cause letters after one of its news reports committed a faux pas by referring to Hamas as a “radical militant” group, thus painting it as less than heroic – although, if we’re being honest, a more accurate description would be “terrorist group.” Just yesterday, police arrested a civil servant for uploading a TikTok video in which he expressed support for Israel, because this video apparently triggered “negative reaction from netizens as it was seen to touch on religious and racial sensitivities,” thus justifying detention under Malaysia’s draconian laws. Did Hamas hijack the Malaysian government when I wasn’t looking such that people here can now be punished for expressing views that don’t fit with its narrative?... Most disturbing of all is the hate I’ve seen so many Malays express towards Israelis and Jews in general; I’ve seen usually smart, decent people post that they’re praying for more Israelis to die. This is despite the fact that most of them have probably never met an Israeli or a Jew, because there are almost none in the country. In a sense, this shouldn’t be entirely unexpected. An article in Tablet magazine called Malaysia “one of the most anti-Semitic countries on Earth.” Sadly, this is probably true. A 2014 poll by the Anti-Defamation League found that 61% of Malaysians admitted to being prejudiced against Jews, making it the most anti-Semitic country in Asia. Malaysia has no formal diplomatic relations with Israel; as a Malaysian, my passport states that it is “valid for all countries except Israel,” and any Malaysians wanting to visit Israel have to go through a complicated process. Malaysia periodically comes up with petty ways to slight Israel. When it hosted an international windsurfing competition in 2015, it apparently delayed the visas for Israeli athletes and prohibited them from displaying their country’s flag or playing its anthem if they won, prompting them to pull out of the event. In 2019, the International Paralympic Committee stripped Malaysia of the right to host the World Para Swimming Championships after it tried to exclude Israeli athletes from participating. Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, our longest-serving prime minister, is unabashedly anti-Semitic and often ranted about international Jewish conspiracies. In fact, Malaysian politicians in general have a ridiculous habit of blaming their crimes and their failures – and the resulting public discontent at them – on shadowy Jewish/Zionist agents. Is Malaysia not attracting enough American investment? The Jews are behind that. Are Malaysians protesting against my vote-rigging and corruption? The people actually love me – the protests are being orchestrated by Jews who want to overthrow our Muslim government. Oh, and the money I’m accused of embezzling from a state fund wasn’t stolen at all – it was given to me by a Saudi prince to help us fight against the Jews. As Zurairi A. R. noted in an article in the Malay Mail, “Tarring someone as pro-Jew or backed by Jews…is an almost surefire way to rile up the majority [Malay] ethnic group with irrational hatred and zealous fear against something.” In Malaysia, Jews have been turned into boogeymen and blamed for virtually anything that goes wrong. Why? Why is a Southeast Asian country so far removed from the Middle East, filled with people who have never met a Jew before, so hostile towards Israel? Some have postulated that this is because the enterprising Jews remind the Malay majority of the market-dominant Chinese minority in Malaysia (who make up about 20% of the population), who they sometimes also resent. There may be some truth to that, but I suspect the answer has more to do with a desire to feel more Islamic... It also probably helps console them in the face of unflattering comparisons between Malaysia and its archrival Singapore (“Sure, Singapore is richer, nicer, and more developed than Malaysia, but they’re not Islamic there, so they’re all going to hell anyway!”), which, not-coincidentally, is sometimes called “the Israel of Southeast Asia,” and makes them feel like their relatively insignificant country is part of something bigger. And since the heart of Islamic civilization is the Arab world, many Malays have taken to copying Arabs, not just in their views and practices, but in their friends and enemies too... Today, certain classes in public schools and universities teach the supposed superiority and purity of Islamic civilization over all others. As a result, many Malays have become what I call Wahhabi wannabes, adopting increasingly intolerant beliefs, eschewing the more tolerant Islam of their heritage, and most Malay women now wear headscarves, something their mothers or grandmothers never did...
This sense of Islamic identity may also explain why Malaysia is hypersensitive to any perceived slight from Singapore, but when it’s insulted by Indonesia, another neighbor, and a fellow Muslim-majority country, it just sits there and takes it."

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