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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Links - 23rd August 2022 (1 - Biden-Harris)

Brent Baker đŸ‡ș🇩 on Twitter - "Biden’s low approval is Trump’s fault. @ChuckTodd frets: “Some of it is out of their control....His two big promises were to get COVID behind us and to get rid of Donald Trump. COVID’s not behind us and Trump’s still lurking. It’s not his fault.” #MTP"

Will Europe finally wake up to the truth about Joe Biden now? - "It is amateur hour on the world stage from the Biden Presidency. His visit last week to Europe was a train wreck, from his bizarre press conference in Brussels to the ad-libbed final words of his speech in Warsaw.   At times Mr. Biden looked dazed and confused, struggling to command his sentences, and drifting into incoherence. The messaging was muddled, forcing even the president’s top officials to disown their own leader’s comments.   In 20 years in Washington, I have not seen a White House more disorganised, incompetent or mismanaged, in both the president's and vice president's office. It has a distinctly Monty Python-esque feel to it. Having visited the Trump White House on multiple occasions, and met with the former president several times, I can attest it was a model of efficiency compared to what we’re seeing now.   On no fewer than three separate occasions, Biden’s own staff had to clarify or even refute the words of their commander in chief. Biden officials had to explain to the world’s media that he was not calling for US troops to go into Ukraine, that the United States would not respond to Russia with chemical weapons if Moscow used them, and that the Biden administration was not seeking regime change in Moscow. These are big misstatements, not minor gaffes, with major global ramifications, and a direct impact on the war in Ukraine.   There is a major lack of discipline in messaging from the Biden administration, and clearly deep-seated divisions as well among policy staff. Biden himself has been stung by the charge from political opponents that he has been weak over Ukraine, as well as by sinking poll numbers, and is trying to overcompensate with tough rhetoric on Putin. His own aides are trying to rein him in. As a result, confusion reigns... Rambling, confused, incoherent, even bizarre, Biden’s Nato presser did not instil confidence in his leadership. He simply did not come across as the leader of the free world... Biden looked weak, disorganized and even cognitively impaired at times. He does not inspire faith in US leadership, particularly at a critically important moment in time.   Donald Trump used to come under heavy fire from the French, Germans and European elites at Nato summits, and his message was not always popular. But he was far more effective than Joe Biden at getting results, increasing defence spending, and shaking up the complacent status quo in Europe...   Shamefully, Biden is happy to partner with Putin's tyrannical regime in getting a new nuclear deal with the world's biggest state sponsor of terror in Iran, one that will allow vast sums of money to flow to Tehran to fund terror groups like Hezbollah. This is a staggering act of sheer hypocrisy.   There were plenty of harsh words from Joe Biden against Putin in Warsaw. But what is the actual strategy for defeating him? His speech was full of soaring rhetoric, but short on substance. Real leadership is not the same as a debating society. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher had a clear vision for winning against the Russians. Biden has none today."

Townhall.com on Twitter - "REPORTER: "Are you considering delaying lifting Title 42?"
Biden brings up the DOJ's appeal to the travel mask mandate being struck down...?
Does Joe Biden know that these are two different issues?"

RNC Research on Twitter - "BIDEN: "Now, I don't like to, uh, uh, you know, ugh, outline the next steps we're taking against, uh, I'd, I'd like to outline the next steps we're taking against ova — uh, the omicron variant""

Dr. Scott on Twitter - "Heard from a source who has family inside the Joe Biden White House. They said there are regular occurrences of Joe getting LOST inside the WH and staff having to show him where to go. The specific comment was, "It's sad". Where are the media demands for cognitive testing?"

Washington Free Beacon on Twitter - "After Biden finished his speech, he turned around and tried to shake hands with thin air and then wandered around looking confused"

Thomas C. Dillon on Twitter - "Joe Biden quickly interrupted by the Easter Bunny after he starts to comment on #Afghanistan and #Pakistan at the White House #EasterEggRoll 🐰"
Staffer dressed as Easter Bunny stops Biden from answering reporter's question - "White House press official Meghan Hays seemed to step forward as the disguised official, tweeting a photo of herself in the bunny suit with Biden and first lady Jill Biden...   White House journalists widely regard Hays, the administration’s director of message planning, as responsible for limiting press access to Biden at public events over the past year.  The president routinely blames unidentified subordinates for his inability to field journalists’ questions and some veteran journalists argue that is to the president’s political disadvantage, despite his propensity for gaffes."

RNC Research on Twitter - "JOE BIDEN: “I’m deeply proud of the work [Jill is] doing as first lady with Joining Forces initiative she started with Michelle Obama when she was vice president”

Joe Biden mixes up wife and sister in Super Tuesday speech

Make America Cringe Again - "‘I’m speaking.’ So said Democratic vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris, repeatedly, during the VP debate on Wednesday night. She was trying and failing to present Republican Mike Pence as an incessant mansplainer, even while he was being unflinchingly, occasionally creepily, courteous. (‘Thank you, Susan’, was his stock response to almost every question from moderator Susan Page.)... Harris’s sassy deflections of the vice-president’s non-interruptions were key moments of the night. And not in a good way. While liberal cable news channels clipped the exchanges, and Twitter proclaimed ‘SLAY KWEEN’, I’m sure many voters were reminded of the kind of identitarian posturing from Democrats that they have come to loathe.   Harris has particular form in this regard, proving herself willing to throw around accusations of bigotry (and worse) to score political points and damage her opponents. Even her now running mate hasn’t been spared this. In one debate during the Democratic primary, she essentially called Joe Biden a racist over his former opposition to bussing. She also said, prior to the primaries, that she ‘believed’ the women who had accused him of sexual assault. Where Harris is concerned, identity is essentially her entire pitch. Ever since she was selected as Biden’s VP, making her the first woman of colour on a major presidential ticket, she has been talked up incessantly as an ‘inspiration’. Even though the main people she seems to give a warm feeling to are Democratic grandees and liberal commentators: she flamed out of the primary after failing to pick up support among women and black voters.   Still, she continues to play the part... improbable anecdotes are used to underline that Harris has been fighting her entire life. But what she is fighting for is still not entirely clear. She talks in wispy platitudes that melt upon contact with your eardrums. In a long interview with the New York Times last year, she talked more about potholes than policy. As the Times revealingly concluded, she is a ‘messenger whose message remains a work in progress’.   Meanwhile, she has been dogged by her record as district attorney of San Francisco and attorney general of California, which gives the lie to her claims to be a ‘progressive prosecutor’. Despite her vocal support for Black Lives Matter, critics say she resisted investigating police shootings. She also launched a brutal crackdown on truancy that dragged poor parents through the courts, even when their child was only out of school due to chronic health problems... In 2009 she said she wanted more cops on the street. This year, in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, she derided that position as ‘status-quo thinking’ and ‘just wrong’. During a primary debate she raised her hand in support of abolishing private health insurance, only to claim later she misheard the question.   Identity politics is often caricatured as the preserve of the far left. But some of its keenest practitioners are often those on the centrist, technocratic left. The therapeutic, woke blather of people like Harris provides a progressive-sounding gloss to what is often the same old establishment politics, primarily interested in maintaining power. It makes a candidate beloved by the Democratic elite, Wall Street and Big Tech appear momentarily, superficially progressive.  Make America Cringe Again Share Topics Identity Politics Politics USA  â€˜I’m speaking.’ So said Democratic vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris, repeatedly, during the VP debate on Wednesday night. She was trying and failing to present Republican Mike Pence as an incessant mansplainer, even while he was being unflinchingly, occasionally creepily, courteous. (‘Thank you, Susan’, was his stock response to almost every question from moderator Susan Page.)  Kamala Harris could well be the 47th president of the United States. Her running mate, Joe Biden, whose recent gaffes include confusing his wife and his sister, is thought unlikely to seek a second term, if indeed he wins in November, given his advanced years and growing fogginess. There is even speculation as to whether he will make it through the first four years.  Given that Donald Trump, three years Biden’s junior at 74, is already the oldest first-term US president in history, and was recently hospitalised with coronavirus, the vice-presidential debate took on more significance this year. In Pence and Harris the American people are looking at potential commanders-in-chief, rather than just the understudies.  Other than the fly that landed on Pence’s head, and stayed there for a hypnotising two minutes, Harris’s sassy deflections of the vice-president’s non-interruptions were key moments of the night. And not in a good way. While liberal cable news channels clipped the exchanges, and Twitter proclaimed ‘SLAY KWEEN’, I’m sure many voters were reminded of the kind of identitarian posturing from Democrats that they have come to loathe.  Harris has particular form in this regard, proving herself willing to throw around accusations of bigotry (and worse) to score political points and damage her opponents. Even her now running mate hasn’t been spared this. In one debate during the Democratic primary, she essentially called Joe Biden a racist over his former opposition to bussing. She also said, prior to the primaries, that she ‘believed’ the women who had accused him of sexual assault. Will Smith and the tyranny of takes Podcast Will Smith and the tyranny of takes spiked  Where Harris is concerned, identity is essentially her entire pitch. Ever since she was selected as Biden’s VP, making her the first woman of colour on a major presidential ticket, she has been talked up incessantly as an ‘inspiration’. Even though the main people she seems to give a warm feeling to are Democratic grandees and liberal commentators: she flamed out of the primary after failing to pick up support among women and black voters.  Still, she continues to play the part. She often talks about her background, as the daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants, and is given to talking in the mode of an inspirational Instagrammer. In a recent profile in Elle she tells a story about her falling out of her stroller at a march as a child, and her mother then trying to comfort her: ‘She’s like, “Baby, what do you want? What do you need?” And I just looked at her and I said, “Fweedom”.’  This and other improbable anecdotes are used to underline that Harris has been fighting her entire life. But what she is fighting for is still not entirely clear. She talks in wispy platitudes that melt upon contact with your eardrums. In a long interview with the New York Times last year, she talked more about potholes than policy. As the Times revealingly concluded, she is a ‘messenger whose message remains a work in progress’.  Meanwhile, she has been dogged by her record as district attorney of San Francisco and attorney general of California, which gives the lie to her claims to be a ‘progressive prosecutor’. Despite her vocal support for Black Lives Matter, critics say she resisted investigating police shootings. She also launched a brutal crackdown on truancy that dragged poor parents through the courts, even when their child was only out of school due to chronic health problems. The incoherence at the heart of NATO Recommended The incoherence at the heart of NATO Tim Black  It would be unkind to suggest she is a principle-free politician who changes her mind purely on the basis of political expediency. But that is almost certainly the case. In 2009 she said she wanted more cops on the street. This year, in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, she derided that position as ‘status-quo thinking’ and ‘just wrong’. During a primary debate she raised her hand in support of abolishing private health insurance, only to claim later she misheard the question.  Identity politics is often caricatured as the preserve of the far left. But some of its keenest practitioners are often those on the centrist, technocratic left. The therapeutic, woke blather of people like Harris provides a progressive-sounding gloss to what is often the same old establishment politics, primarily interested in maintaining power. It makes a candidate beloved by the Democratic elite, Wall Street and Big Tech appear momentarily, superficially progressive.  Harris may be the future of the Democratic Party. But this is a future that looks a hell of a lot like the past – technocratic, aloof, only a lot more cringey."

Meme - President Joe Biden: "Here is the truth: The former president of the United States has created and spread a web of lies about the 2020 election. He's done so because he values power over principle. Because his bruised ego matters more to him than our democracy or Constitution."
Kara Adele: "Your still talking about Trump? Change the record and focus on soaring inflation and the crime pandemic in America! 10 year old are car jacking all over Chicago and I can't even buy spreadable cream cheese at Aldi! BTW here's some crime stats you should be focusing on."
Lance Gooden @Lancegooden: "Chicago: 797 homicides"
When you're a failure, deflect from your record

WATCH: Kamala Harris admits that America is not racist after Tim Scott's successful Biden rebuttal | The Post Millennial - "Far-left Democrats on social media have even taken to calling Scott "Uncle Tim" after the above statement.  As of this writing, nobody has called out Harris for making the exact same statement."

A Kamala Harris staff exodus reignites questions about her leadership style — and her future ambitions - "Sanders is leaving the vice president’s office, the highest-profile member of an end-of-year exodus that includes communications chief Ashley Etienne and two other staffers who help shape the vice president’s public image... But the quartet of soon-to-be-empty desks reignited questions about why Harris churns through top-level Democratic staff, an issue that has colored her nearly 18 years in public service, including her historic but uneven first year as vice president. Now, those questions about her management extend to whether it will hamper her ability to seek and manage the presidency.  Critics scattered over two decades point to an inconsistent and at times degrading principal who burns through seasoned staff members who have succeeded in other demanding, high-profile positions...  â€œOne of the things we’ve said in our little text groups among each other is what is the common denominator through all this and it’s her,” said Gil Duran, a former Democratic strategist and aide to Harris who quit after five months working for her in 2013. In a recent column, he said she’s repeating “the same old destructive patterns.”...  The Washington Post spoke with 18 people connected to Harris for this story, including former and current staffers, West Wing officials and other supporters and critics...  Her defenders say the criticism against her is often steeped in the same racism and sexism that have followed a woman who has been a first in every job she’s done over the past two decades...  Staffers who worked for Harris before she was vice president said one consistent problem was that Harris would refuse to wade into briefing materials prepared by staff members, then berate employees when she appeared unprepared...  The vice president entered the White House with few longtime staffers. Among the senior staff in her vice-presidential office, only two had worked for her before last year: Rohini Kosoglu, Harris’s top domestic policy adviser and her former Senate chief of staff, and Josh Hsu, counsel to the vice president and former Senate deputy chief of staff."

White House Scrambles to Support Kamala Harris After Damaging CNN Report - "The report detailed White House aides were exasperated with Harris and her team and the vice president felt unsupported by President Joe Biden’s team."

"This is what you get": Lara Trump says Kamala Harris wasn't chosen based on her "qualifications" - "Lara Trump on Thursday reminisced about the "good old days" when her father-in-law, former President Donald Trump, would hold impromptu press conferences even though he was "unprepared.""

Salon: Biden ‘Far More Successful Stifling Free Speech than Trump Was' - "A Salon article declared the “honeymoon” between the press and the president “over” as it accused the Biden administration of frequently preventing President Biden from speaking with the press due to fears of what they will ask and how he will respond, while claiming the president was failing due to his “tightly controlled relationship to the media” as he is “walled off by advisers who won’t let him talk.”...   Noting that President Biden regularly refuses to take questions, Karem deemed “COVID restrictions” a poor excuse.   “[His recent] speech in the North Lawn was again limited because of ‘COVID restrictions,’” he wrote. “That was just a lie.”  Reporters or technicians who’ve “covered more than a couple of administrations” routinely describe the Biden administration as “very strange” and “controlling,” according to Karem, who suggested that “[t]his administration clearly does not want us to observe or interact with the president in a regular and robust fashion.”  Of the president’s health, Karem wrote, “The people he represents have a right to know whether he is healthy.”... he attributed the recent talk of how poorly the president is doing to the White House’s refusal to allow him to “connect with people.”  â€œ[President Biden’s] communications team strictly limits his appearances, and therefore the administration comes off as arrogant, elitist and controlling”... President Biden turned his back on the press, swiftly walking away as reporters shouted questions following his remarks on the bleak September jobs report.   Last month, he continued his conflict with American reporters as he urged Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi not to take questions during a meeting in the Oval Office.   In addition, he infuriated the press after snubbing American reporters during a meeting with United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson — even after Johnson called on reporters from the U.K.   In April, the president expressed concern he would “be in trouble” for going off script and taking too many questions from reporters during an event on the updated mask guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and vaccination progress...   The following month, when reporters shouted questions at him after he addressed multiple crises around the world, the president paused and replied, “You guys are bad. I’m not supposed to be answering all these questions. I’m supposed to leave but I can’t resist your questions.”"

Thomas on Twitter - "Comparing Afghanistan to Vietnam is an insult to the South Vietnamese regime. They actually controlled major cities, and held on for years after the US left. They fell when the US cut off support. Afghan gov is still paid by US, collapsing before it leaves. An epic failure."
"Joe Biden as Senator opposed allowing S Vietnamese allies to migrate to the US. Even the boat people. He feared they would be Republicans. Jerry Brown opposed them too, He said California was too crowded.

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "So Biden is spending a record number of days away from the White House. As I said four years ago regarding Trump, the job does not end when the president leaves the White House. There are still daily briefings and meetings. The job wears on those in office. It’s probably a good thing to get off the grounds when you both work and live on the same property and are constantly surrounded by subordinates.  I bring this up because the news coverage is very different between the last two presidents regarding their ‘personal’ travels and that colors the public’s perception."

Meme - Joe Biden: "When somebody is President of the United States, the responsibility is total."
"Pres. Biden, speaking to the National League of Cities, says inflation in the U.S. right now is due to COVID-19 and "Vladimir Putin and gas prices.""

Biden Fills Economic Posts With Experts on Systemic Racism - Bloomberg - "The incoming president tapped Mehrsa Baradaran, whose book “The Color of Money” is a key reference on the racial wealth gap, to prepare the Treasury Department for the transition. She’s joined by Lisa Cook, an economist at Michigan State University, on the “landing team” for the Federal Reserve and banking and securities regulators. They are among more than 500 experts who will focus on race as they shape Biden’s policies on issues like housing, health and small-business lending... Observers say they’ve never seen expertise about race figure so prominently in economic roles... Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris are emphasizing diversity as they prepare to assume power next year. Women comprise more than 50% of the new administration’s landing teams, according to the transition team, and more than 40% of advisers are from groups that are historically underrepresented in the federal government, like racial minorities, people with disabilities and those who identify as LGBTQ."

⭐Amy Tarkanian⭐ on Twitter - "The word around Rome is that Biden’s meeting with the Pope was unusually long because Biden had a bit of an “bathroom accident” at the Vatican & it had to be addressed prior to him leaving. I know we joke often about this, but this is the actual rumor going around Rome now."

Meme - "2017: "F**k Trump"
2018: "F**k Trump"
2019: "F**k Trump"
2020: "F**k Trump"
2021: "Let's go Brandon"
"This is dangerous to our Democracy!!"

Tim Young on Twitter - "Robert de Niro got a standing ovation at the Tony awards for saying "F Trump" ...and the left is now crying because a random guy got Biden to say "Let's go Brandon." GTFO with your hypocrisy."

Cori Bush on Twitter - "Biden: "We should all agree, the answer is not to defund the police. The answer is to fund the police. Fund them. Fund them!""
"With all due respect, Mr. President. You didn’t mention saving Black lives once in this speech. All our country has done is given more funding to police. The result? 2021 set a record for fatal police shootings. Defund the police. Invest in our communities."
When everyone wants their award

Jesse Kelly on Twitter - "Tonight Joe Biden: “Let’s stop seeing each other as enemies.”
Yesterday’s Joe Biden: “The unvaccinated are responsible for the pandemic.”
Take your unity and shove it. #SOTU"

Meme - Brian Tyler Cohen @briantylercohen: "I don't think I've ever heard more cogent argument for reallocating funds away from the police than this. Absolutely spot on."
Brian Tyler Cohen @briantylercohen: "Biden just took away one of the GOP's most potent attacks ahead of midterms: "The answer is not to defund the police. Fund then!""

Meme - Palmer Report: "It's so funny watching the lowest bottom feeders on the planet pretend to get outraged because a great woman ripped up a piece of paper."
Palmer Report @PalmerReport: "Whatever asshole just yelled "thirteen of them" needs to be expelled immediately"

Meme - David Weissman @davidmweissman: "When @SpeakerPelosi ripped up Trump's speech, she spoke for the majority, thank you madame Speaker. #StateOfTheUnion #SOTU2020"
David Weissman @davidmweissman: ".@laurenboebert and @RepMTG are pure trash and should be reprimanded for their disrespect. #SOTU22"

Meme - Brian Schatz @brianschatz: "Wow he's so bad at this. Iran, China, North Korea. We are just getting rolled."
Brian Schatz @brianschatz: "It is more essential than ever that we rally around our President as he leads the free world in response. If your instinct is to try to turn this into a partisan political advantage or a viral tweet, step off the stage."

Biden calls Ukrainians "Iranians" during State of the Union

Biden’s SOTU Polls Lower Than Both Trump And Obama - "Meanwhile, Biden’s job approval continues to sink. Currently, his job approval sits just under 41%, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls. About 54% of Americans disapprove of the way Biden is doing his job right now"

Meme - Ana Navarro-Cardenas @ananavarro: "I don't know what tangibles, if any, will come of this summit but one thing is obvious -Putin knows he's no longer a puppet-master pulling the strings of a compromised fool. In Putin's words: "President Biden's an experienced statesman. He is very different from President Trump."
Ana Navarro-Cardenas @ananavarro: "I fucking hate Vladimir Putin"

Meme - Scott Dworkin @funder: "The Trump Administration banned journalists from covering the EPA today. REPEAT The Trump Administration banned journalists from covering the EPA today. Who the f*ck do they think they are? This isn't Russia or North Korea. This is America. And this ain't happening here."
Scott Dworkin @funder: "Peter Doocy should banned from the White House grounds."

U.S. in Talks to Pay Hundreds of Millions to Families Separated at Border - WSJ
When you want to encourage coyotes

Tommy Pigott on Twitter - "Biden: "And there is no way we were ever going to unite Ukraine...I mean excuse me Iraq...Afghanistan."

Opinion | Biden blocked the first Black woman from the Supreme Court - The Washington Post - "President Biden wants credit for nominating the first Black woman to the Supreme Court. But here is the shameful irony: As a senator, Biden warned President George W. Bush that if he nominated the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court, he would filibuster and kill her nomination. The story begins in 2003, when Bush nominated Judge Janice Rogers Brown to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The D.C. Circuit is considered the country’s second-most important court, and has produced more Supreme Court justices than any other federal court. Brown was immediately hailed as a potential Supreme Court nominee. She was highly qualified, having served for seven years as an associate justice of the California Supreme Court — the first Black woman to do so. She was the daughter and granddaughter of sharecroppers, and grew up in rural Alabama during the dark days of segregation, when her family refused to enter restaurants or theaters with separate entrances for Black customers. She rose from poverty and put herself through college and UCLA law school as a working single mother. She was a self-made African American legal star. But she was an outspoken conservative — so Biden set out to destroy her... When Democrats derailed her nomination, Bush renominated her in 2005. Brown was eventually confirmed by a vote of 56 to 43 — after Democrats released her and several other Bush nominees in exchange for Republican agreement not to eliminate the filibuster for judicial nominations. Biden voted a second time against her nomination. He never explained why, if Brown was so radical, Democrats let her through but killed 10 other Bush nominees. The following month, when Justice Sandra Day O’Connor announced her retirement, Brown was on Bush’s shortlist to replace her. She would have been the first Black woman ever nominated to serve as an associate justice of the Supreme Court. But Biden appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” to warn that if Bush nominated Brown, she would face a filibuster... What Biden threatened was unprecedented. There has never been a successful filibuster of a nominee for associate justice in the history of the republic. Biden wanted to make a Black woman the first in history to have her nomination killed by filibuster. Bush eventually nominated Samuel A. Alito Jr.  Today, Biden calls the filibuster a “relic of the Jim Crow era.” But he threatened to use that relic as a tool to keep a Black woman who actually lived under Jim Crow off the highest court in the land. The irony is that now he wants to get rid of the filibuster, and claim credit for putting the first Black woman on the court. There were many conservatives on Bush’s shortlist whose legal philosophy Biden opposed. But Biden only promised to filibuster the one Black woman. Why? Perhaps a clue lies in another confirmation fight that Biden helped wage. In 2001, Democrats blocked the nomination of Miguel Estrada to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. According to internal strategy memos obtained by the Wall Street Journal, they targeted Estrada at the request of liberal interest groups who said Estrada was “especially dangerous” because “he is Latino, and the White House seems to be grooming him for a Supreme Court appointment.” They did not want Republicans to put the first Hispanic on the Supreme Court. So, Biden and his fellow Democrats killed Estrada’s nomination — the first appeals court nominee in history to be successfully filibustered. It paid off when President Barack Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic justice. Democrats’ commitment to diversity is a ruse. Biden was willing to destroy the careers of an accomplished Latino lawyer and a respected Black female judge, and stop Republicans from putting either on the Supreme Court. For Democrats, it’s all about identity politics. Indeed, Biden might not have become president had he not made the pledge to nominate a Black woman. That promise helped secure the endorsement of Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.) — which won Biden the South Carolina primary and rescued his faltering campaign."
We all know that Black conservatives are the black face of White Supremacy, so of course it wasn't racist to filibuster here

Watch Jen Psaki Stereotype White Conservatives as Rednecks 😂 - ".@PressSec  on White House efforts to strengthen vaccine confidence in "white conservative communities":  "We've run PSAs on the Deadliest Catch, we're engaged with NASCAR and Country Music TV""

Lyndsey Fifield on Twitter - "Y’all couldn’t find a single nice thing to say about Melania’s decorations but you’re bending over backwards to praise THIS?!"

Meme - Allison Burnett @Allison_Burnett: "I love #StephenColbert as much as the next guy, but cannot bear when he makes easy, stupid jokes about Biden being old or senile. It's a frivolity we cannot afford. We're in an existential fight for our democracy. These jokes feed the Right and normalize their lies."
karen gordon: "I absolutely agree with you. Colbert's intelligence and humanism are essential right now, but his jokes about Biden are undermining a President, an experienced, thoughtful man, with a distinct moral core, and a belief in democracy and his country, and the world order."

Kimberley 'Radical Left Maniac' Johnson đŸ‡ș🇩 on Twitter - "#BidenIsAFailure is trending because right-wing extremists are desperate to kill democracy and they lie all fucking day."
Democrats are immune to criticism

WH Claims Bills Are 'Bipartisan' Even If No GOP Votes

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