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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Links - 25th August 2022 (2 - California)

Gov. Newsom Vetoes Bill Proposing to Allow Open Drug Dens - "Proposing to allow open drug dens in two of California’s most crime-laden, homeless and vagrant-filled cities is the equivalent of taking a recovering alcoholic to an open bar at a large wedding. Fortunately, Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed Senate Bill 57, which passed by both houses of the California Legislature along party lines."

California is no Garden of Eden. It is now a woke basketcase whose rich and poor are fleeing alike - "That Nick Clegg has become the latest Facebook executive to announce he’s fleeing Silicon Valley for Blighty, where he will spend half his time, says a lot about California. Britain is on the brink of a deep and protracted recession, with inflation set to rise to 13 per cent... basketcase Britain seems to be preferable to California. It’s not just Clegg: Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, owned by Facebook parent group Meta, and the firm’s chief marketing officer Alex Schultz, have also chosen to relocate to Britain. Clegg, who six months ago was promoted to head of global affairs at Meta, in charge of handling its incessant political firestorms, said in an interview in last year that his “heart belongs massively 5,000 miles away” and that he feels “European”.   Clegg’s Remainiac heart notwithstanding, he is one of thousands who no longer feels even remotely Californian. Rich and poor are calling time on the Golden State. Billionaires Larry Ellison, founder and chairman of Oracle, Joe Lonsdale, founder of Palantir, and Elon Musk of Tesla, have all relocated their companies to cheaper, friendlier states. Even Mark Zuckerberg’s main residence is Hawaii.  For everyone else, with remote work becoming mainstream in Covid lockdowns, net emigration has hit record highs. In 2021 the population of California fell by 117,500. People are fed up of soaring taxation, the high cost of living, groaning regulation, an authoritarian impulse on full show during Covid, and stagnating job growth. The heavy-handed state continually fails to solve the lethal social problems that are on permanent display, from mass shootings, which happen about every eight days (this is still lower than the national average), to spiralling homelessness. California’s dynamism and sense of possibility – where, despite high prices and social strains, those with hustle and good ideas could become fantastically successful – has been sucked dry. Why would you stay?   It is sobering to watch the state most associated with the miracles of American capitalist and creative glories become scorched earth – consumed with fires both real (this year has already seen whole settlements in northern California razed by flames) – and metaphorical.  The sad truth is that California is reaping what it has sown: not simply with its heavy-handed regulation, but in its deep and committed embrace of wokeness, which permeates from its courts via Hollywood to schools and hospitals. The ideological disintegration of the state was always going to hasten its economic decline and now, as the rest of the country descends into full-scale cultural war in the wake of the overturning of Roe v Wade and the ghastly normalisation of mass shootings, there is no wider structure to act as a bolster.   The Californian rot, long in place, became pronounced in the wake of the killing of George Floyd in 2020. Amid soaring crime rates, the mayors of both Los Angeles and San Francisco announced plans to defund the police, slashing hundreds of millions from budgets. It wasn’t the smartest plan: Los Angeles was experiencing a terrifying rise in homicides.  California’s committed progressivism has been evident in its embrace of illegal immigrants, offering drivers licences and free health care. If this boosted the economy and made life better for everyone, then great. But such measures do not go down well with those they are supposed to celebrate.   Blacks and Hispanics – according to US Census Data – fare worse in California than almost anywhere else in the US, with a third of Latinos living in poverty compared to the 21 per cent average elsewhere. Since 1990, the black population of Los Angeles county has dropped by nearly 200,000. More than half now express interest in leaving the state. Woke hasn’t worked.   Nowhere is this clearer than the state’s schools, which are failing kids from all backgrounds. San Francisco, the world’s epicentre of warped social justice ideology, has the worst scores for black students of any county in the state, and yet its educators continue to shovel woke rubbish at them instead of the basics. Half of California high school students can barely read, and yet they are expected to take ethnic-studies courses. No wonder Clegg, a father of three, felt uneasy.  Then there is sex. Despite the long-running horror of many parents at the state’s “inclusive” sex education curricula, which has included teaching their kids about “blood play”, the Los Angeles Unified School District has now formally adopted a “trans-affirming” curriculum to ensure classes are “queer all school year.” Teachers are to instruct on the “breakdown of the gender binary” and encourage students to experiment with gender pronouns such as “they,” “ze,” and “tree”. Schools have collaborated with therapists and students to keep parents in the dark about their children’s use of cross-sex hormones and name-changes.  A state that values mad delusions about gender and conjures the existence of vicious “systemic” inequalities, while ignoring the millions failing to learn to read, was always going to fail."

Newsmax on Twitter - "Los Angeles police are telling residents not to wear flashy jewelry or drive nice cars due to the increased crime wave."

Meme - "As a state, we said yes to more homeless, more lockdowns, and more wild & Let's gooooooo!!!!!!"
"Victory speech in Sacramento from @GavinNewsom "No is not the only thing that was expressed tonight," he says. "We said yes to science. We said to vaccines. We said yes to ending this pandemic.""

Los Angeles was voted the most expensive, inconvenient city in North America. Congrats?

Michael Shellenberger interview: ‘We need to enforce laws’ - The Spectator World - "I’m running because I’m completely heartbroken by the humanitarian disaster on the streets. I think what’s occurring is immoral, unnecessary and a violation of basic human rights and human dignity. Young women with mental illness and drug addiction are being raped and killed. It’s completely unacceptable. Our cities are being destroyed and we’re destroying human life. I find the situation appalling and it makes me angry that the politicians have not just created this problem but made it worse and they’re continuing to make it worse, which scares me... we believe that people suffering mental illness or drug addiction can lead better lives, they can realize their potential. They don’t just need palliative care. They don’t just need to be treated like vegetables and fed methamphetamine and fentanyl every day as though they’re animals. That is what the policy of this state is. It’s what the agenda of our governor is. It’s appalling and sickening and it doesn’t need to be like that...   The first thing is that they don’t enforce laws. They don’t enforce laws against people that they consider victims, which includes addicts and the mentally ill. And if you don’t enforce laws it turns out people don’t follow them and you don’t have functioning civilization. The second is that they have pursued a radical de-incarceration, de-policing and decriminalization agenda, which has removed penalties for many laws, including shoplifting $950 worth of goods, or possessing three grams of fentanyl and meth, enough to produce paranoid psychosis. And they’ve pursued a so-called housing first anti-shelter policy. So they’ve defunded the shelters. The governor himself has established that housing should be a right. That anybody who comes to San Francisco or Los Angeles should have their own apartment unit in those cities. That is the state policy. It is so ridiculous. It is shocking to even say that that is what the policy is, but that is what it is...   We’re reviving people from overdose six, nine, twelve times and then sending them right back onto the streets to smoke more fentanyl. It’s bonkers. Fifty percent to 75 percent of all fires put out by the San Francisco and Los Angeles fire departments are in homeless encampments. My own research, and the research of others, shows that most of these are arson fires, people just getting back at each other. So we’re spending colossal sums of money to create chaos.  It’s easy for people to look at the situation and think that it’s a consequence of poverty. It’s a consequence of spending our wealth to create chaos. We’re actively creating a humanitarian disaster. It’s not the result of lack of resources, it’s the result of how we are spending our abundant resources. We spend more money than any other state on mental illness. We spend more money on homelessness than any other state per capita. And we have the worst outcomes and we make the problem worse...   Californians are liberal but the vast majority are not radical woke left. We rejected twice racial preferences in higher education. We rejected that twice. We don’t want racial preferences. There might be some room for affirmative action. We love racial diversity. And we support that but we don’t like these racial preferences. Similarly, we rejected this effort to destroy the gig economy and turn all the Uber workers into employees rather than contractors. So if you actually look at our views, we’re much more moderate than the extreme radical woke left which has taken over Gavin Newsom’s brain, and we’re much more moderate than the Trump Republicans.   So I think there’s a huge amount of room. Sixty to 70 percent of the public, maybe more, are with us on our agenda. When we poll our core agenda on drugs, crime and homelessness, we get 70 to 80 percent support from voters... you can be living in a tent in your own excrement and filth and overdosing on the most toxic, dangerous, deadly drugs in the world. And you will not be arrested. You will not be mandated treatment. That is lowering the bottom. That’s called enabling, or lowering the bottom...  
The theme is that California has put a radical woke ideology before common sense. That’s the theme. And another theme is that we’re kind of a Peter Pan state. We don’t want to grow up. It’s why we love it here too. It’s a libertarian culture. California is like the most American of all American states. We’re libertarian, we love our freedom, there’s definitely a Big Lebowski attitude of, you know, take it easy, don’t be so uptight. Boston is a liberal city and it does not allow open drug scenes. And it’s not just because of the weather. They had one and they shut it down. So it’s live and let live in excess.  But to complicate it some, California also has this very pro-scarcity environmental agenda, this Malthusian agenda which has made energy, water and housing scarce. We’re rich in land, energy and water. We should be rich in housing but instead we’ve made ourselves poorer and restricted it."

Union Pacific: Train Robberies Up 356% - "Medical equipment, designer handbags, luggage, throw pillows, airline parts, children's artwork, even a new wine fridge – all those items and more have been found stolen off Union Pacific trains and discarded alongside the tracks in East LA.  Images of thousands of stolen and discarded packages alongside the Union Pacific train tracks near Union Station have people around the world asking – how does this happen? Apparently, it's a near perfect storm of an ongoing train robbery problem, the pandemic, and the Los Angeles County District Attorney's policy of no-cash bail arrests... Union Pacific has increased its enforcement and patrols, and has put drones to work, but now they are looking into diverting trains so they don't pass through Los Angeles County at all.   "We are making arrests, but what our officers are seeing on the ground is that people are basically being arrested, there is no bail, they come out the next day and come back to rob our trains""

Tucker Carlson: The Democrats should be forced to live with Kamala Harris - "Darrell Graham works in real estate in Mexico. He says of the people he sells to "at least half are coming down from California... Suddenly the cost of taxes, the crime rates, the politics, all the things that people are unhappy with in California make them want to come down to Mexico." Another analyst who studies the trend at the Migration Policy Institute says so many Americans are relocating to Mexico right now that locals are being priced out of their own neighborhoods.   So, it's mass migration in reverse. It's pretty amazing... one upside of moving to Latin America is like-minded neighbors. Hispanics despise Joe Biden, too. Biden's approval rating among Hispanic voters in this country has fallen to 24%. That's his lowest among any demographic group."

Thread by @MsMelChen on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I'm one more robbery away from moving out of CA... I saw first-hand the abject state of human misery on the streets of SF which had a profound effect on me back in January 2022. I was in town to renew my passport and took the opportunity to meet up with my friend, the citizen journalist @JennyChachan.
The plan was to meet at "the library," to which I had mindlessly Uber-ed to. As I got out of the car, I realized that wasn't the place I was supposed to be at. I had been dropped off at a (closed) bar called "the library," quite a walk away from the actual public library.  I was in the heart of the Tenderloin & decided  to walk the remaining mile that separated me from the actual meeting point. The streets were conspicuously empty of cars and pedestrian traffic for a weekday afternoon, but on the side walks, there were makeshift tents and belongings strewn around haphazardly.  Characters roamed around, spouting unintelligible soliloquies. Mid-way down Jones Street, I heard a commotion and saw a person poking out of a blue tent. He was yelling "does anyone have Narcan? Narcan! Narcan, we need Narcan!"  I had to google it. Before I could reply the cries turned into "will someone call 911," which I did.  I'd just seen a man overdose and die right in front of me. Visibly shaken, I kept walking, texting Jenny about what had just happened and explaining why I was running even later.  Whatever expression I was wearing on my face prompted a security guard standing outside a shuttered store on Market St. to stop me and ask, "hey, are you okay?"  I forced a smile.  I finally made it to the public library and gave Jenny and @SoledadUrsua a warm embrace. We went up to the higher floors and peered out of the window.
Nothing could have prepared me for the scene of depravity. A homeless encampment with what looked like more permanent structures occupying the open space between government buildings, framed by the grandiose dome of City Hall. Mobile trailers plastered with the slogan "Showering Our Communities with Love" were on site. It gave me the creeps. This looked nothing like love.  Next door at the UN Plaza was a scene right out of the Walking Dead. Zombies with their eyes glazed over, teetering as they  lurched forward and then back; some brazenly, in broad daylight (~ 4pm) injected themselves, oblivious to everything.  All of this, by the way, exists in FULL VIEW of the leaders who oversee and run this town. I thought of the Getty wedding that took place in City Hall not long ago, the one with ridiculous costumes and Nancy Pelosi officiating in the beautiful rotunda. The juxtaposition of that event to these displays of inhumanity and despair calls to mind The Hunger Games.  None of this is normal anywhere else in the world.  
I have been to the favelas in Brazil, the townships in South Africa, and seen refugee camps. None of these experiences come anywhere close to the despondent state of the human condition that I witnessed on the streets of San Francisco that day.  San Francisco. What a beautiful, naturally-endowed city buttressed by bays and hills, brimming with so much human potential, potential that was realized in so many ways as the wellspring of innovation that gave us a new world."

Preteens may be vaccinated without parents' consent under California bill - "Currently, minors ages 12 to 17 cannot be vaccinated in the state without permission from their parents or guardian, unless the vaccine is specifically to prevent a sexually transmitted disease... Alabama allows such decisions at age 14, Oregon at 15, Rhode Island and South Carolina at 16, according to Sen. Scott Wiener, a Democrat from San Francisco who is proposing the change. Only Washington, D.C., has a lower limit, at age 11.  Wiener argued that California already allows those 12 and up to consent to the Hepatitis B and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, and to treatment for sexually transmitted infections, substance abuse and mental health disorders."
The "myth" of the slippery slope!

Harmeet K. Dhillon on Twitter - "It may be time for parents w/kids to consider leaving CA. The combination of schools pushing sexuality on children and now pushing drugs on them without parental consent, is truly shocking. Same state tells judges that parents have no rights to direct their kids' education!"

California mathematicians turn against woke curriculum - "Maths ought to be the least political of subjects. It doesn’t matter if you’re Left or Right, two plus two always equals four.   And yet in America, this most objective of subjects is turning into a battlefield... An open letter published yesterday protesting the CMF has been signed by over 500 distinguished mathematicians and scientists — including winners of the the Fields Medal...   It’s an astonishing irony that this is taking place in California — a state whose economy is built upon its world-beating tech industry and thus the application of advanced mathematics. While it is encouraging that so many academics and researchers are speaking out, they need to be joined by major employers.   But with few exceptions, we can expect Silicon Valley to maintain its alliance with California’s ultra-liberal policy-makers. The tech lords will remain within their exclusive enclaves, while the rest of the state decays around them."

In the Name of Equity, California Will Discourage Students Who Are Gifted at Math - "California's Department of Education is working on a new framework for K-12 mathematics that discourages gifted students from enrolling in accelerated classes that study advanced concepts like calculus.   The draft of the framework is hundreds of pages long and covers a wide range of topics. But its overriding concern is inequity. The department is worried that too many students are sorted into different math tracks based on their natural abilities, which leads some to take calculus by their senior year of high school while others don't make it past basic algebra. The department's solution is to prohibit any sorting until high school, keeping gifted kids in the same classrooms as their less mathematically inclined peers until at least grade nine... the framework concludes that calculus is overvalued, even for gifted students.  "The push to calculus in grade twelve is itself misguided"... As evidence for this claim, the framework cites the fact that many students who take calculus end up having to retake it in college anyway. Of course, de-prioritizing instruction in high school calculus would not really solve this problem—and in fact would likely make it worse—but the department does not seem overly worried. The framework's overriding perspective is that teaching the tough stuff is college's problem: The K-12 system should concern itself with making every kid fall in love with math.  Broadly speaking, this entails making math as easy and un-math-like as possible. Math is really about language and culture and social justice, and no one is naturally better at it than anyone else, according to the framework...  the framework seems to reject the notion that some kids are more gifted than others... it's absurdly naive to think there's nothing innate about such outcomes, given that intelligence is at least partly an inherited trait."
Redistribution only works as long as you have something to redistribute. When you run out of goodies, you're forced to face reality

Controversy Rages as California Follows SF's Lead With New Approach to Teaching Math - "The way California public schools teach math isn’t working. On national standardized tests, California ranks in the bottom quartile among all states and U.S. territories for 8th grade math scores... Svetlana Jitomirskaya, a mathematics professor at UC Irvine, said the authors of the committee should have consulted more experts in the STEM fields who are more familiar with the advanced education and training students need after high school.  “The process should have definitely involved STEM faculty from top CA universities with direct knowledge of what is needed for success as STEM majors,” she emailed. “It is absurd this was not done.”  And some education specialists say the framework would hurt historically marginalized students the most by injecting too many social justice related topics that distract from the math.   “The way you get social justice in mathematics is to teach the kids math,” said Tom Loveless, a retired math education expert who worked for the Brookings Institution, a national think tank. “It’s not by dressing up mathematics in social justice.”...   Other critics lambaste the new framework as “woke math” that “de-mathematizes math” with social justice lessons and left-wing ideology.   An open letter signed by over a thousand STEM experts condemned the framework for suggesting that teachers highlight the “contributions that historically marginalized people have made to mathematics,”  “take a justice-oriented perspective at any grade level,” and use inclusive gender pronouns... an earlier draft of the framework  included sample lessons on calculating a school cafeteria’s food waste — but that many of her students would have found the entire exercise alienating because they lack food security at home."

California teachers being trained to help students “decodify systems of oppression” including “private property and God.” This is fine. - "Codfy-Decodify-Praxis
    And that is how you intellectualize!
These are crimes against coherence, it's sentence slaughter, it's gerund genocide, it's verb vomit; they want to decolonize English by making it as ugly as possible... This goes well beyond one nutty county. The recently adopted state-wide "ethnic studies" curriculum incorporates many of these concepts... The notion that they plan to "cash in on kids' inherent empathy" goes beyond frightening. It's child abuse."
It's not indoctrinating children when you approve of it

Explainer: California's board diversity law struck down - what now? - "A California judge on Friday struck down a state law requiring publicly held companies headquartered in the state to include LGBT+ individuals and people of color on their boards, blocking one of the most aggressive government efforts to diversify corporate leadership in the U.S... California passed the law after enacting a similar one requiring companies to include women directors, amid a broader push to make boards more inclusive.  Stock exchange operator Nasdaq Inc instituted a rule last year requiring its listed companies to include diverse members on their boards or explain why not.  Companies increased the number of Black directors on their boards in 2020, after the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, by a white police officer sparked a national outcry against systemic racism... The plaintiffs argued the law violated the California Constitution by making distinctions based on race and gender that did not meet a compelling government interest. The lawsuit sought to bar California Secretary of State Alex Padilla from using taxpayer funds to enforce the statute... Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton called the decision "one of the most important civil rights decisions in recent memory.""

California Considers Doubling its Taxes
U-Haul Literally Ran Out of Trucks Leaving California

Tennessee topped U-Haul's list of states with the most one-way move ins in 2020. Can you guess which state was dead last? - "California was dead last on the list (surprise, surprise), with Illinois and New Jersey right before them... all but three [of the top 10] are red states. And when you compare U-Haul's data with how those states score in terms of economic and personal freedom, you see a clear pattern."

Report: More Than 600K People Leaving New York And California For Lower-Taxed States - "more than 600,000 people have left New York and California during the pandemic for lower-taxed states as the two Democrat-led states continue to extend strong COVID-19 restrictions.  CNBC shared the information during its “Squawk Box” program on Monday that noted the correlation between population and tax rates... “Now the biggest winners, not surprisingly, were Texas and Florida, which have of course no income taxes. Texas gaining 382,000. Florida adding 243,000.”  In addition, the report showed Arizona ranked third, gaining more than 124,000 residents. “Now people move for many reasons, lower housing prices, lower cost of living with remote work, their families may be there, but there is a continued shift from high tax to low tax states”... The top three states in the study that lost residents during the pandemic are all led by Democrat governors. The top three states in the study that gained the most residents are all led by Republican governors. Moving truck company U-Haul reported last week that, “California remained the top state for out-migration, but its net loss of U-Haul trucks wasn’t as severe as in 2020. That can be partially attributed to the fact that U-Haul simply ran out of inventory to meet customer demand for outbound equipment.”  The article added, “California is 50th and Illinois 49th on the list for the second consecutive year, indicating those states once again witnessed the largest net losses of one-way U-Haul trucks.”"

Ya don't say: California has recorded its first-ever yearly population decline - "I can't imagine why...
    Communistic rules
    Obscenely high taxes and still cant keep power on
    Absurd home prices
    Marvel supervillain lockdown-goblin governor
    Woke liberal fantasyland"

No Wonder People, Businesses Are Dumping California - "As of the end of 2021, a publicly held company headquartered in California must have between one and three female board members, depending upon its size, or face a fine of $100,000. Proponents insist that female membership on boards of directors increases profits. One wonders why companies do not simply sack their male members in favor of an all-female board.  The California Department of Education has proposed an “equitable math” framework. California Political Review says the framework “promotes the concept that working to figure out a correct answer is an example of racism and white supremacy invading the classroom.”  As of Jan. 1, 2022, California’s new bacon law is scheduled to take effect. According to The Associated Press: “Put simply, the law requires that breeding pigs, egg-laying chickens, and veal calves be given enough space to stand and turn around. For pigs, that means they no longer can be kept in narrow ‘gestation crates’ and must have 24 square feet of usable space.” Producers predict shortages and more expensive bacon and pork products.  In October, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, to continue the fight against “climate change,” signed a bill to eliminate gasoline-powered lawn mowers and leaf blowers. Never mind that a spokesperson for the National Association of Landscape Professionals said a three-person landscaping crew will need to carry 30 to 40 fully charged batteries to power its equipment during a full day’s work.   “These companies,” said the spokesperson, “are going to have to completely retrofit their entire workshops to be able to handle this massive change in voltage so they’re going to be charged every day.”  Then there’s the new law requiring large toy stores to set up “gender neutral” toy sections. Evan Low, the California Democratic assemblyman who co-authored the bill, said: “We need to stop stigmatizing what’s acceptable for certain genders and just let kids be kids. My hope is this bill encourages more businesses across California and the U.S. to avoid reinforcing harmful and outdated stereotypes.”  Meanwhile, as Democratic lawmakers protect children from harmful and outdated stereotypes, many kids educated in California public schools cannot read or perform math at state levels of proficiency, standards that are not particularly high.  In 2019, barely half of kids in public schools were reading-proficient, while only 40% were math-proficient.  California’s jobless rate, 7.3%, ties with Nevada’s for last place. By contrast, Texas and Florida clock in at 5.4% and 4.6%, respectively.   UCLA economist Lee Ohanian co-authored an August report on the tax and regulatory policies causing businesses to ditch California at an unprecedented rate. The report found: “Unless policy reforms reverse this course, California will continue to lose businesses, both large, established businesses, as well as young, rapidly growing businesses, some of which will become transformational giants of tomorrow.”...   In a population of almost 40 million Californians, 1% of taxpayers account for nearly half of the state’s income-tax revenues. And Musk, the biggest of the “1 percenters,” just walked."

Victor Davis Hanson: California Is a Confederate Society with 'Sick Fixation' on Race - "California is a neo-Confederate state with a “sick fixation” on ethnicity and race, historian and professor Victor Davis Hanson said in an interview with Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.  California’s hemorrhaging of residents to states with more freedom and prosperity is exacerbating the state’s social stratification in terms of wealth, Hanson stated. He said the state’s volume of illegal aliens further amplifies the wealth divide. “The middle class has left,” he said. “About ten million people left California in the last 40 years, and we know where they went. They went to Nevada, Idaho, Texas, Florida, Tennessee. We have half of all the undocumented illegal aliens in the country. Twenty-seven percent of Californians were not born in United States, whether they’re legally [here], or residents, or citizens.”  Hanson characterized California’s polarization based on wealth as resembling the Antebellum South’s racial segregation... "this is a one-party state. They had Big Cotton. We have Big Tech. Big Tech runs the whole state, just like Big Cotton [ran the Antebellum South].”...   Contemporary racial agitation pushed by Big Tech’s management and the broader left is reminiscent of racial segregation in the Old South, Hanson said. He noted how today’s left-wing fetishization and commodification of imaginary victimhood based on ethnicity and race resemble the focus on racial designations within the Confederate States of America.  He remarked, “The other thing about the Old Confederacy, they were obsessed with race, and it was the one-drop rule. Everybody was trying to figure out, when a baby was born, what the precise percentages [were], and then they were a ranked society. When I get my email in the morning, it’s all about one thing: race — race, race, race, race, race. I turn on the television: ‘white privilege.'”"

California becomes first state requiring ethnic studies for high school students to graduate - "High schoolers in California’s class of 2030 will be required to complete an ethnic studies course in order to graduate... Bloomberg via Getty Images  The model curriculum focuses on four historically marginalized groups and their contributions to American history, according to KTLA, including: African Americans, Chicanos and other Latinos, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and Native Americans.  It also includes lesson plans on Jewish Americans, Arab Americans, Sikh Americans and Armenian Americans, who had lobbied against a similar earlier bill that had excluded them... Newsom additionally signed legislation requiring public schools and colleges to offer free menstruation products in all restrooms."
Of course, it's still a "myth" that kids are learning critical race theory in schools

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