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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Links - 31st July 2022 (2 - Abortion: Roe v Wade overturn)

Roe v Wade: US Supreme Court strikes down abortion rights
Comment: "Pro Choice absolutists did this to themselves. The reason Roe V Wade got overturned is because liberal busybodies decided to sue a republican state to end a 15 week abortion ban (which is about the same level of restriction that most of Europe has). Had they just left well enough alone, Roe would not have been overturned (because the case would never have existed) and the worst thing for them would have been some states having limited abortions to early pregnancy only."

Brit Hume on Twitter - "Biden: The Supreme Court ‘took away a constitutional right’"
"Actually, the court found there was no such constitutional right."

Joe Biden attacks ‘out of control’ Supreme Court as he signs executive order to protect abortion access - "The US president questioned the legitimacy of the court’s recent decision to eliminate constitutional reproductive rights as he issued an executive order to bolster abortion access."
Attacking democratic institutions is only a problem when the right supposedly does it. No one is above the law - except liberals

Gray Connolly on Twitter - "It's no coincidence that the court is making our democracy less democratic at the very moment it returns the issue of abortion to the political process."
"America’s legacy media now on the edge of the “Elections are the true threat to democracy” meta take"

PoliMath on Twitter - Elizabeth Warren: "Our planet is on fire, and this extremist Supreme Court has destroyed the federal government’s ability to fight back.   This radical Supreme Court is increasingly facing a legitimacy crisis, and we can't let them have the last word."
"This is like a firefighter yelling at the police to put out the fire"

Acyn on Twitter - "Lara Trump: And people are advocating for you to have an abortion as opposed to giving you the choice to choose whatever you want."

Roe v. Wade overturned as Supreme Court does away with half-century of precedent
Precedent is sacred. Which is why Brown v Board of Education should not have overturned Plessy v. Ferguson. So segregation should be brought back

What Supreme Court justices said about Roe and abortion in their confirmations - "lawmakers who support abortion rights argued that some of the justices who voted in the majority opinion misled senators during their confirmation process... The judges often said they would broadly respect legal precedents — a doctrine called stare decisis — but declined to opine on abortion rights cases specifically. Some even outlined considerations for breaking with past precedents, too."
So many liberals were proclaiming that the judges had perjured themselves in their confirmation hearings. But of course they just believe what other liberals tell them. Indeed, Kavanaugh himself referenced Brown v Board of Education

Joe Biden on Twitter - "Roe v. Wade is the law of the land, and we must fight any and all attempts to overturn it. As president, I will codify Roe into law and ensure this choice remains between a woman and her doctor."
When you refuse to pass a law legalising abortion so you can use the possibility of Roe v Wade being overturned to get votes, and your last minute law is so extreme that you know it'll never pass, do you care about women's rights or their votes (especially when they admit it - "vote blue" being the explicit message)?

Barack Obama Blasted for Not Codifying Roe v. Wade: 'Dem Failure' - ""Worth remembering: when he was President, Obama had a supermajority in Congress and didn't codify abortion rights into national law," tweeted Nomia Iqbal, BBC's Washington correspondent.  In April, 2009, the recently inaugurated Obama said that legislation to codify abortion rights into federal law "is not the highest legislative priority."  That legislation was the Freedom of Choice Act, which would have effectively enshrined Roe v. Wade into law. In 2007, then Senator Obama told Planned Parenthood signing that law would be "the first thing I'd do as president." For a brief period during the 111th Congress, Democrats had a filibuster-proof 60 seat majority in the Senate when independents who caucus with the Democrats are taken into account but the Freedom of Choice Act never became law. "Obama PROMISED that the FIRST thing he would do as president was Codify Abortion rights into law, he had a super majority and purposely didn't do it cuz Democrats want to run on it," tweeted comedian Jimmy Dore on Friday.  "And like clockwork, Democrat apologists excuse the powerful & want you to blame your neighbor," Dore said."

THOUSANDS MOBILIZE FOR ABORTION RIGHTS - The Washington Post - "hundreds of thousands of abortion-rights demonstrators around the nation served notice yesterday that they will take revenge at the ballot box against candidates who oppose freedom of choice in reproductive decisions"
Abortion being used to mobilise the vote in 1989

Democrats Are Trying To Make Abortion Rights And The Supreme Court Into The Next Women’s March
This 2018 political analysis makes it explicit that they used Roe v Wade as a way to get votes and viewed abortion rights purely through the lens of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade rather than enshrining them through legislation

'Extreme'? Joe Biden Held the Dobbs Position Back in 1982 - "One thing that Old Joe Biden wants to make sure you know about the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision is that it’s “extreme.” In his statement on the decision, he calls it “extreme” seven times. This is in line with the Democrats’ general strategy of portraying all opponents of their radical far-Left agenda as violent racist rednecks who pose an imminent threat to “our democracy,” by which they mean “Leftist hegemony.” But who is really extreme here? What the Supreme Court did Friday is exactly what Senator Joe Biden himself voted for in 1982: overturning Roe and leaving the authority to legalize or outlaw abortion with the states. So which side has really moved to the extreme?... In 1973, when Roe was first decided, Biden said that it went “too far.” In 1974, he said that a woman shouldn’t have the “sole right to say what should happen to her body.” As a pro-life position, this was flawed; it’s a staple of pro-abortion rhetoric that abortion involves a woman’s body alone, while pro-lifers point out that there is another, different body involved: that of the child who is the victim of abortion. Nonetheless, this reasoning was enough to lead Biden to vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1982 for a Constitutional amendment that would have allowed individual states to reject Roe v. Wade and outlaw abortion... Ever the untrustworthy opportunist, he voted against the same bill the following year, and on Friday, he was anxious to label the idea of giving the states the right to determine the legality of abortion “extreme.”"
Pro-choicers claim that the Republicans have moved to the extreme on abortion. But conveniently ignore the fact that the Democrats have moved to the other

The Anscombe Bioethics Centre Welcomes the Overturning of Roe v Wade - "It brings the American court closer to the European Court of Human Rights which has repeatedly upheld national laws that restrict abortion...   An important part of the argument of the Supreme Court was that the previous decision rested on poor scholarship. It had falsely been argued that at the time America declared independence there was a “common-law liberty” in relation to abortion. This ignored the fact that Bracton, Coke, Hale, and Blackstone all regarded causing a miscarriage as an unlawful act whatever the stage of pregnancy. These common-law authorities also regarded it as a criminal offence at least from when there was evidence of movement (“quickening”), which they were aware occurred well before the child could be born alive (“viability”). Furthermore, by the time the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution was ratified, in 1868, most states in the United States had statute laws prohibiting abortion at all stages of pregnancy. At that time no-one argued that these laws were unconstitutional. It was not even a minority opinion.  We note that in answering the poor scholarship of Roe v Wade the judges in Dobbs v Jackson drew on the work of Professor John Keown, a former visiting research fellow of the Anscombe Bioethics Centre and a former vice chair of our governing board. This judgement returns the question of abortion to democratic process and political debate"

Will Chamberlain on Twitter - "Planned Parenthood should be thrilled, they'll be able to focus on providing all of that non-abortion medical care they constantly remind us about"

Nate Pickowicz on Twitter - "Why are Planned Parenthood clinics closing down all over the country? I thought abortion was only 3% of their business."

Meme - "My corporate employer is end rogoing to pay my travel expenses to have an abortion!"

Meme - Aimee Terese: "The idea that employers will pay a female employees expenses to go kill a baby, so she can remain at work as a productive employee, is so much more dystopian than any of the handmaids tale fan-fiction."

Meme - Kyle Rittenhouse Retweeted: Tim Young @TimRunsHisMouth: "I feel like now's a good time to remind you that the left was outraged when they claimed Kyle Rittenhouse "crossed state lines" to "commit murder.""

Some Jewish groups blast the end of Roe as a violation of their religious beliefs
Of course a lot of liberals are supporting this. Weird. I thought liberals tell us that religion is not a valid excuse to violate the law. Of course the cope is that abortion laws are religious in nature even if religion is not mentioned in them - but explicit religious justifications are good if they help the liberal agenda

Meme - "You're taking rights away from women!"
"What's a woman?!?"

Piers Morgan on Twitter - "I notice everyone’s suddenly using the word ‘women’ again."

Meme - "WHAT THEY THINK WILL HAPPEN *Handmaid's Tale*
THE WORST THEY'LL DO *Feminist protest*"
Keywords: they'll get this, they expect

Meme - "THEY WANT THIS: *Handmaid's Tale* INSTEAD THEY'RE GOING TO GET THIS: *Arya from Game of Thrones, Amazons from Wonder Woman, Dora Milaje from Black Panther, Valkyrie from Thor*
Amazing liberal delusions. Since all of them are fictional...

Lauren Chen on Twitter - Justin Trudeau: "No government, politician, or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. I want women in Canada to know that we will always stand up for your right to choose."
"I'm a woman. You tried to mandate I take a vaccine with unknown fetal side-effects while I was PREGNANT. You don't care about women and you sure as hell don't care about bodily autonomy."
Liberals get around it by claiming that that's a different matter. Special pleading is a great way to pretend you're right. Principles only matter when they can be used to ram through the liberal agenda. Ironically, the case for banning abortion is stronger than that for covid vaccine mandates, anyway

News That Matters on Twitter - "Official “My Body My Choice” protests are scheduled for tonight all across the nation. Find the nearest protest in your city! *Vaccination status check required for admission to the protest"

Glenn Greenwald on Twitter - "NPR: The phrase "My Body, My Choice" -- long the battlecry of the pro-choice movement -- "is no longer polling well with Democrats because they associate it with anti-vaccination sentiment.""

Meme - Robert Reich @RBReich: "Let's get one thing straight: Freedom doesn't mean you have the right to recklessly endanger others by refusing to get vaccinated."
Robert Reich @RBReich: "I don't know who need to hear this but every person should have control over their own body."

Texas woman gets visit from Feds after Twitter post threatening violence against SCOTUS - "a Department of Homeland Security special agent as well as two police officers appeared at the door of Madeline Walker. Walker was handed a letter warning her to cease and desist making threatening posts, which was written by Special Agent Joshua Henry of DHS’ Threat Management Branch... "Specifically, on June [24], 2022, you became upset at the Roe Vs Wade decision and stated, 'Burn every f*cking government building down right the f*ck now. Slaughter them all. F*ck you god d*mn pigs.'"... The code referenced by the letter is titled, "Influencing, impeding, or retaliating against a Federal official by threatening or injuring a family member," with punishments ranging from fines to as many as 30 years in prison.  "In closing, please refrain from any harassing/threatening language when contacting any government agency."... "She’s kind of taking it as a joke," Henry told the Dallas Morning News. "She’s not remorseful about these statements, so that’ll be presented a United State Attorney and they’ll make a decision on [sic] that.""

In Wake Of Roe Decision, Unhinged Redditer Calls For Violence Against “Backward A*$" Rural America - "Left-wing California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters said, “The hell with the Supreme Court. We will defy them.” Another radical California lawmaker, Rep. Jackie Speier, appeared to urge leftists to violence, telling MSNBC, “There is a war out there, and we need to recognize that we’ve got to armor up.” In Washington, protesters burned the American flag in front of a Supreme Court building walled off by an unscalable fence, as protesters chanted “Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground!”  Or as conservative commentator Dave Rubin quipped on Twitter: “Let the summer of tolerant, peaceful, equity-based violence begin!”  But that is exactly what many leftists are calling for, including a Reddit user with the account Ripitthrowaway, who on Saturday called for unhinged pro-aborts to attack “radial Christians” in small towns because they might be pro-life.  “The radical Christians are found in the rural areas. Their towns are defenseless, they have almost no cops and their firemen are volunteers. … And they think they’re safe out there. Forget burning cities, cities are on our side. It’s time for rural areas to feel the heat.” The account holder – one hesitates to say him, given how the left views gender – added, “You show up 100 deep in every rural town in a 50-mile radius intent on revolution, you’ll crash their system and make them pay. And if you all think I’m kidding, I’m dead serious.”...   “Punish them. Punish their towns. … I say let them see firsthand what it’s like when a community is truly burned to the ground. They want a civil war? They should have been careful what they asked and voted for.”  Yet more nonsense. The only people calling for “civil war,” undermining our government, mayhem, violence and death to their political opponents are those who agree with Ripitthrowaway."

Stop The Roe v. Wade Violence - "If angry mobs are turning up at the homes of Supreme Court Justices, and even making the occasional assassination attempt, what kind of nightmare awaits us when 50 years of federal abortion protections finally swirl down the drain?... There will surely be little attempt by our media culture to discourage the worst. We saw Black Lives Matter riots coddled and excused by the same voices currently painting January 6th as a day of incomparable infamy. It is bitterly cynical to say that some violence gets a free pass from those who believe the cause is just. But it also appears to be true.  Can you imagine the reaction from the media and the Democratic Party if a guy in a MAGA hat were found hovering with murderous intent near the home of a liberal Justice? That offender would become an immediate household name, with a face peering from every news site as an example of what conservatives do. No one should identify every liberal with the deeds of the man who stalked Brett Kavanaugh, or with BLM rioters. But this is why the Left pays so little attention to the violent troublemakers in its midst; it simply doesn't find violence as repellent when undertaken in service of one of its causes.  President Joe Biden said nothing about the man who tried to kill a Supreme Court Justice. Kamala Harris mobilized to raise money for BLM rioters. While conservatives can be condemned for an ill-phrased tweet, liberal political violence is met with a nothing-to-see-here yawn. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer warned conservative Justices, "you will pay the price," and "you won't know what hit you" for thwarting his agenda. Where is the call from among his own party to avoid such rhetoric in these flammable times?... Once Roe is overturned, the likelihood of a wave of violence will be markedly increased because of the political and media culture telling millions of Americans that they are losing a constitutional right. If I felt that the First or Second Amendment was about to be wiped from the Bill of Rights, I would be deeply disturbed. But the key difference is, those rights are actually enshrined in the words of the document. Abortion rights are not.  Pro-choicers are not about to lose a fundamental right; they are about to lose an argument. It happens. But for every liberal who absorbs the loss and assesses how to responsibly navigate a post-Roe America, how many will lose their minds in fits of violent unrest?... But on the day the Kavanaugh family was spared a murderous attack, we saw President Biden speaking of a "revolution" if Roe falls. Of course he was speaking metaphorically. Of course Chuck Schumer was not giving specific instructions to would-be assassins to take out offending jurists. They will not be responsible for Roe rioting any more than Donald Trump is responsible for the January 6th Capitol breach. But in this season of public disregard for the Constitution, it's not a single mob at a single building that causes greatest concern; it is the prospect of crowds of varying size across the nation adopting the idea that if you are a leftist and you are really angry, you may do whatever strikes you without fear of rebuke."

Auron MacIntyre on Twitter - "The energy is markedly more negative outside Kavanaugh’s house. The anger has become much more palpable than outside any other justices’ house."
"A reminder that the rule of law in America is basically over The left can and will intimidate and threaten its political opponents and face no consequence because they own the legal apparatus and the media"

Squeakfu 🏳️‍⚧️🃏 on Twitter - "The fact that Gen Z not only doxxed the Supreme Court's addresses and credit cards, but they even vandalized their houses and bought a $2000 Hatsune Miku figure off their cards makes me so proud of my generation 😎"

Group offers up to $250 for SCOTUS justices sightings after Kavanaugh protest - "ShutDownDC, a liberal advocacy group in Washington, D.C., said on Friday that it will offer up to $250 to service industry workers in the District for every sighting of the justices who overturned Roe v. Wade."

Brent Baker 🇺🇦 on Twitter - "“The New York Times buried this. If this had been a liberal Supreme Court justice that someone came to kill, it would’ve been on the front page...They wear their bias on their sleeves and if it’s not part of something that feeds our narrative, fuck it” – @BillMaher #RealTime"

Clint Ehrlich on Twitter - "🚨🚨🚨Left-wing activists are now posting the home addresses of every conservative on the Supreme Court. They want them dead. This is what a country looks like before a Civil War. 🚨🚨🚨"

Dan McLaughlin on Twitter - "Doocy on Brett Kavanaugh being forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters: "So these Justices, because protesters do not agree with an opinion... have no right to privacy?"
Jean-Pierre: "This is what a democracy is.""
"This is who they are. It is who they were during the 2014 & 2020 riots & the mobs at the Kavanaugh hearings. Yet, they profess shock when citizens vent at events like town hall meetings & school boards that are *designed* for public participation."

Gutfeld: Biden's failure to condemn SCOTUS riots serves as 'implicit consent' to rioters - "Co-host Dana Perino said she finds it "absurd" that Attorney General Merrick Garland had time to visit Ukraine in a surprise trip on Tuesday, but couldn't find the time to condemn the riots and threats of violence against officers of the Supreme Court."

A ‘Night of Rage’ on Abortion - WSJ - "now comes a vow from the shadowy group that calls itself Jane’s Revenge to commit what sounds like what Democrats would call insurrection if it were aimed at another part of government... Jane’s Revenge has already taken credit for acts of destruction against pregnancy-crisis centers around the country. Our Nicole Ault nearby reports on this ominous trend against pro-life groups that counsel pregnant women considering abortion. Media reports say the Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating the attacks, and we hope so. Attorney General Merrick Garland made a show of establishing a domestic terror unit at the Justice Department, and equal justice means it can’t be aimed merely at right-wing groups.  The Jane’s Revenge threats have received little attention in the rest of the press, but we hope the Washington, D.C., and Capitol police are much better prepared than they were for the riots of 2020 and 2021. The Justices and the Court as a democratic institution have to be protected."

Ana Navarro-Cárdenas on Twitter - "How tone-deaf to America’s very real gun violence epidemic can the majority in the Supreme Court be? This is a disgrace."
Returned Expat on Twitter - "SCOTUS read neither the room nor the Constitution correctly"
"Is SCOTUS supposed to "read the room"?"
Very revealing. Liberals don't believe in laws and judicial review, but in having courts rule according to "public opinion". And of course people are replying to the original tweet saying packing the court is the only way - clearly what the law is depends on the liberal agenda

Meme - "Patron Saint of the unborn. She died, that your children might live *RBG*"

Meme - "I wish I could do something about Roe v Wade overturning"
"It is done. *poof*"
"It's a gun"
Murder is good if it helps liberal ends. These are the same people who claimed "insurrection" was bad. One cope I saw was that insurrection was justified to defend basic human rights. But of course, a pro-lifer who engages in violence to defend the right to life of unborn children would be vilified by them

As abortion ruling nears, U.S. Supreme Court erects barricades to the public - "For Guido Reichstadter, an abortion-rights protester camped out in front of the courthouse since the beginning of June, the fencing is a sign of how out of touch the justices - or at least the six conservative ones - are with public sentiment.  "They are trying to insulate themselves from the effects of their actions. Why else would you put a fence up?" Reichstadter asked... "To me it sends a message that they are weak, they are afraid, they are isolated""
Clearly this shows the problem of right wing violence
I like how the "protester" is calling for violence, seeing it as an "effect" of their "actions"
Of course, the Capitol getting a fence after the Capitol Riot just shows how dangerous the "insurrection" was

Russ Vought on Twitter - "Jen Psaki said the White House encourages people to protest outside the homes of Supreme Court justices. Less than a month later, somebody was arrested outside Brett Kavanaugh's home with a gun and told police he wanted to kill him. Does President Biden still stand by it?"

Beyond the Kavanaugh Scare: Dozens of Incidents Targeting Pro-Lifers Nationwide - "An armed would-be assassin’s alleged attempt on the life of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh last week is part of a wave of violence, arson, vandalism, and intimidation targeting pro-life groups and government officials since the leak last month of a draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade.  There have been more than three dozen such incidents directed at crisis pregnancy centers and churches in at least 20 states and Washington, D.C... Another group, Ruth Sent Us – its name evoking the late liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg – has published the home addresses of conservative Supreme Court justices on Twitter. While not claiming responsibility for the disturbed gunman arrested near Kavanaugh's house, it informed followers where his children and the children of Justice Amy Coney Barrett attend school. Federal law expressly prohibits “pickets or parades … in or near a building or residence occupied or used by” any judge, and the House passed a bill this week to expand Supreme Court Police protection to justices' families...   In response to the May 2 leak of the draft opinion overturning Roe, which in 1973 legalized abortion nationally, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul earmarked $35 million in protection funds – but it was to safeguard abortion clinics, which have not been targets of attacks lately... There have been no arrests made in connection with any of the incidents...   Harden compared the law enforcement response to the CompassCare attacks to the silence surrounding the person who may have leaked the draft opinion...   "I don't think these acts of violence are being taken seriously as elected officials aren't publicly condemning them," she said. "The lack of response from the Justice Department leads one to believe that they pick and choose what qualifies as domestic terrorism based on politics. Our concern is that this will embolden abortion supporters to commit more violence against those who support life."  In contrast, several anti-abortion figures told RealClearInvestigations, local police have been exemplary in their response and attitude... The attacks on pro-life centers don’t square with an emphasis in major news outlets on the potential for attacks on abortion providers, which do not appear to have proliferated in the past several weeks... Reports about the spate of incidents involving anti-abortion centers by both CNN and the Washington Post have stressed that violence occurs on “both sides” of the abortion debate."
It's only domestic terrorism if the left doesn't like it

About 100 people tried to get into Arizona Senate, tear gas used at protest - "Upwards of 100 people tried to get into the Arizona Senate building and tear gas had to be used at a protest in downtown Phoenix Friday night following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the constitutional right to abortions... One person was arrested and damage was done to multiple Senate doors and memorials in Wesley Bolin Plaza... “As groups realized the state legislature was in session, they attempted to breach the doors of the Arizona Senate and force their way into the building”... Graves said video footage of the attempt to breach showed dozens, if not 100, people trying to get in"
Once again, storming government buildings to intimidate the government is great if liberals approve. On the flip side, I wonder what those who claim the BLM riots were bad but not the Capitol riot because attacking government buildings is justified have to say

Meme - meg @accidentallymeg: "I wanna rip my uterus out of my body and plop it on the steps of the Supreme Court.
Oh and I'M the unhinged one LMAO"

The Meme Policeman - Posts | Facebook - "Found in a French newspaper
*American flag made of coat hangers and blood from birthing peoples' front holes**
"Apparently, the left can’t meme in France either, as they generally have far stricter restrictions on abortion than the US. Even if Roe were overturned, most states would probably be less restrictive. ▪️France only allows abortion on demand during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. After that, they’re only allowed if 2 doctors certify that it will prevent grave permanent injury to the health of the woman, or that the child would have a severe, incurable illness... In fact, thousands of French women a year travel outside France to get abortions, particularly to England and the Netherlands, which allow abortion up to 24 weeks. They are not some bastion of abortion leniency, and many in the US would probably be surprised to see how restrictive many European countries are with abortion."

Meme - "More than half of US states could ban abortion if Roe v. Wade is overturned"
"13 states have "trigger bans" in place, meaning that abortion will almost immediately be banned if Roe is no longer in effect"
Americans are bad at maths after all

Some people are deleting period tracker apps in case Roe v Wade overturned - "Twitter user @ECMcLaughlin wrote, "If you are using an online period tracker or tracking your cycles through your phone, get off it and delete your data. Now.""
It's only a conspiracy theory if the right believes it

PR giant advising corporate clients to stay silent on abortion rights - "A massive public relations firm, Zeno, is privately advising its high-profile corporate clients to avoid commenting on the draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade...
'The email you reference does not accurately reflect Zeno’s position or the range of counsel that we are providing to clients.      It was meant to advise clients within the first 24 hours of breaking news, and its intent was to counsel clients to be measured in their immediate response to a complex developing story.'"
They learnt from Disney

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