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Friday, August 05, 2022

Links - 5th August 2022 (1 - George Floyd Unrest)

"BLM Global" Group Calls for the Rape and Murder of White People: "It Ain't Murder When It's For Equality" - "The Telegram “BLMglobal” channel, created in June last year, is urging their followers to “Hang the white man” and “Expel the white devil,” explaining “We don’t want reparations, we want revenge.”"

WATCH: Woman Who Claims She’s A Teacher Gets Stopped By Deputy. She Repeatedly Calls Him ‘Murderer,’ ‘Racist’ - "A woman who claimed she was a teacher, driving a white Mercedes-Benz, got stopped by a Latino Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Deputy for using her cell phone while she was driving, then launched into a tirade in which she repeatedly accused him of being a “murderer,” then concluded, “Mexican racist. You’re always gonna be a Mexican. You’ll never be white, you know that, right?”"

NYC drug store shelves empty amid shoplifting surge - "Thanks to a citywide shoplifting tsunami, bare necessities are now rare luxuries on drug-store shelves across New York City.  “It looks like the Third World,” bemoaned one Manhattan resident, after eyeing the aisles of a CVS on Sixth Avenue in Soho desperately low of toothpaste, face wash and hand sanitizer, among a long list of other items.  “They’ve all been stolen”... State bail reform laws make shoplifting a promising career option for some New York City crooks. One man, Isaac Rodriguez, 22, of Queens, was arrested for shoplifting 46 times this year alone...   The blame goes straight to the halls of power in Albany, said New York City top cop Dermot Shea.  “Insanity,” the police commissioner tweeted last week in response to The Post report. “No other way to describe the resulting crime that has flowed from disastrous bail reform law.” Serial shoplifters, even if arrested, typically walk free the same day. Cases against them are often not prosecuted. Drug stores, filled with aisles of small necessities, offer an easy-to-harvest goldmine for thieves.   Rodriguez allegedly stole from Walgreens stores 37 times, lifting everything from protein drinks to soap, baby formula and body lotions, often simply filling up a bag with items then walking out the front door without paying.  There are 77 other thieves right now walking the streets of New York with rap sheets of 20 or more shoplifting charges...   As of Sept. 12, the city has seen 26,385 complaints of retail theft — the most ever recorded (going back to 1995). It’s a 32 percent spike from last year (20,024) and 38 percent surge from 2014 (19,166).  Post reporters visited a dozen CVS, Duane Reade/Walgreens and Rite Aid stores around the city and found the same shocking situation in all of them.  Large swaths of barren shelves, in some cases frighteningly empty of almost every imaginable need: cereal, batteries, hand wash, diapers, paper goods and baby formula."
Just blame "racism" for empty shelves

Ben Dugan Works for CVS. His Job Is Battling a $45 Billion Crime Spree. - WSJ - "The target was no ordinary shoplifter. He was part of a network of organized professionals, known as boosters, whom CVS had been monitoring for weeks. The company believed the group responsible for stealing almost $50 million in products over five years from dozens of stores in Northern California... Retailers are spending millions a year to battle organized crime rings that steal from their stores in bulk and then peddle the goods online, often on Amazon.com Inc.’s retail platform"

CEOs of Target, Best Buy, CVS and other retail chains ask Congress for help amid crime surge

City limiting in-person police response after losing 84 cops - "A North Carolina police department will no longer respond in person to certain types of complaints amid a “staffing crisis,” according to a report.  Asheville police are urging the public to file a complaint through a website or to call them to report crimes such as identity theft, trespassing which doesn’t involve pressing charges, and harassing phone calls unless the calls include a threat to life"

NJ cop fired after calling Black Lives Matter rioters 'terrorists' - "Sara Erwin has been terminated as a police officer in Hopewell, New Jersey by the town council after she took to Facebook to condemn Black Lives Matter protests and riots occurring in June of 2020. Along with Erwin, other Hopewell Township employees are facing varying levels of discipline for supporting Erwin's Facebook post."

Twitter's New Rule on Posting Images and Videos Is Exactly What Rioters Want - ""We will not allow the sharing of private media, such as images or videos of private individuals without their consent. Publishing people's private info is also prohibited under the policy, as is threatening or incentivizing others to do so."  The tweet announcing the update was up for a few hours, sparking a lot of backlash before the social media giant tried to do damage control, claiming it is meant to protect "women, activists, dissidents, and members of minority communities."... Time and again, whenever I covered a Black Lives Matter or Antifa riot, people online would tell me to delete the video or photo to prevent their comrades from being identified by law enforcement, even as there are other cameras recording the people in question brazenly committing crimes out in the open...  it looks like Twitter will be the sole arbiter determining who is a journalist and if what they're covering violates this vague rule. That is disturbing considering Twitter's history of censoring posts that made Democrats look bad, i.e., the New York Post story about Hunter Biden's laptop.  This rule change is a gift to rioters. If they are rioting on behalf of the "right cause," they can manipulate Twitter to hide their destructive acts. Groups like Antifa will use any excuse to try to hide their cowardly acts, such as attacking small businesses whose only crime is being in their path"

Jacob Blake drops lawsuit against Kenosha officer who shot him
Why is he supporting white supremacy?

CPD detective says police can't do much about chaotic crowds but stand back and let things happen - "Near North Avenue Beach on Wednesday night, large crowds were seen climbing on a Chicago Transit Authority bus, and later swarming a gas station... The detective said officers will step in if they see someone with a gun, but otherwise, he says they can't do much of anything but stand there and let it happen... Guidance came over police radio: "Whoever the people jumping on cars are, arrest those people. Arrest people that are jumping on cars." But even though a dispatcher radioed officers several times about making arrests, Chicago Police confirm only one person was arrested. Tremaine Patterson, 18, was charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct for fighting and ignoring officer's verbal commands...  a neighbor, Joe Jacobazzi, said the greatest problem did seem to be that police had no plan the night before. "I saw the disturbance last night, and it just seems like police are just reactive. They're not proactive. They knew all about it ahead of time. It was on social media, and there were flyers out about it. So why doesn't the police have a plan ahead of time?"... The detective says he believes this stand-back-and-let-it-happen approach stems from the pushback that former Supt. Eddie Johnson got for his strategy of directing crowds toward trains and buses."

Mason Greenwood: Manchester United striker wants players to continue taking a knee
Mason Greenwood’s girlfriend Harriet Robson accuses him of assault

Police Ruled Justified In Shooting Of Winston 'Boogie' Smith Which Sparked Riots - "the suspect was sitting in a parked car when officers tried to take him into custody... the suspect ignored officers’ commands and drew a handgun... Rioters vandalized businesses and set dumpsters on fire in the Uptown neighborhood of Minneapolis hours after Smith was shot."
"Judge, jury and executioner". Clearly the police need to let criminals shoot them

Man Beat Officer Unconscious, Stomped On Head Before Fatal Shooting - "An Atlantic Beach police officer shot a suspect who had beaten another officer unconscious on Thursday morning after the man told him “You’re going to have to kill me.”

Exclusive: Even Pokémon Go used by extensive Russian-linked meddling effort - "One Russian-linked campaign posing as part of the Black Lives Matter movement used Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr and Pokémon Go and even contacted some reporters in an effort to exploit racial tensions and sow discord among Americans... the Don't Shoot Us contest directed readers to go to find and train Pokémon near locations where alleged incidents of police brutality had taken place. Users were instructed to give their Pokémon names corresponding with those of the victims. A post promoting the contest showed a Pokémon named "Eric Garner," for the African-American man who died after being put in a chokehold by a New York Police Department officer...   The Tumblr page that promoted the contest no longer posts about U.S. police violence. It now appears to be devoted pro-Palestine campaigns"
Liberal logic: Russia is evil because it uses BLM to stir up racial tensions and sow discord. But using BLM to stir up racial tensions and sow discord ourselves is noble

CBS called out on social media for cropping bodycam video of Adam Toledo holding a gun before fatal shooting - "CBS already being accused of behaving like activists, rather than journalists, by running a story with the headline, "3 ways companies can help fight Georgia's restrictive new voting law," which was designed to put pressure on Georgia in response to their new voter laws. CBS eventually scrubbed the tweet containing the article and edited the headline. CBS earlier this month the network aired a 60 Minutes story on Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, which accused him of a "pay-for-play" scheme and edited an interaction between the Governor and correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi, which left out the his explanation of what led to a COVID vaccine distribution deal with Publix. Florida Democrats defended DeSantis and contradicted CBS’s false narrative."

VCU student activist celebrates the shooting deaths of police officers, 'prays' for the death of Andy Ngo - "After the student body president of Virginia Commonwealth University was revealed to have advocated for the murder of cops, another student with far-left views at the college has celebrated the shooting deaths of law enforcement officers... VCU student government president Taylor Marie Maloney, 20, has called for violence on social media and posted numerous racist statements.  Maloney, who was championed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia last month for being the "first openly transgender and non-binary person" elected to the position, advocated on Twitter for killing cops, rioting, looting, vandalism and arson.  When two North Carolina deputies were shot dead last Wednesday by an active gunman, 19-year-old VCU student Knisya Shaheen Johnson, of Richmond, cheered in celebration. "Officers down," Johnson, also using an online moniker, tweeted with the party popper emoji... Johnson, who identifies as nonbinary and goes by the name "Atticus," studies political science at VCU and is associated with the Virginia Student Power Network, the same far-left group of self-described radical college students across the state that Maloney is an organizer for... Just like Maloney's online extremism has manifested into real life, Johnson was charged with felony assault of an officer at an "autonomous action" event in August 2020... "If I can't tell cops that their family hates them, I will instead pee on them," Johnson wrote on the day of the GWARbar arrest, adding: "Especially while it's still hot outside."... Johnson has used Twitter on several occasions to promote violence and organize Antifa meetings... When podcast host Jessica Beauvais said on live stream, "F— the police," then hours later struck and killed an officer by running the New York Police Department cop over in an alleged hit-and-run incident, Johnson urged the suspected killer's release. "Free her," Johnson tweeted. The Post Millennial reached out to Johnson asking if they stand by their previous comments, including that they wish Ngo dies. "You guys are so lazy. Those aren't even my top 100 tweets just the most recent ones," Johnson answered. "When I pray for Andy's death it's usually in front of my altar please make sure to include that detail."... Johnson was awarded the Rao Inaugural Scholarship, named after VCU's president Michael Rao whom United Campus Workers at VCU has denounced for condemning Maloney's tweets... After VCU's student newspaper The Commonwealth Times published an article covering Maloney's tweets, Johnson urged others to launch "a leftist media collective" with them. "No reason we should have to [be] dependent on these outlets to tell our stories"... Johnson also works with the university's Institute for Inclusion, Inquiry and Innovation (iCubed), helping to develop the institute's "Disrupting Criminalization in Education" research program."

Toronto city councillors who voted against defunding police face vandalism, online backlash - "Toronto residents pushed back on city councillors who voted last week against defunding the city police budget by 10 percent. The sixteen dissenters are now facing backlash in the form of angry correspondence and slander pasted to office windows."
The madness is exported all over the world

French police dump handcuffs in protest to rebuff critics - "Angry police across France have thrown their handcuffs on the ground as they feel "insulted" by claims that they tolerate brutality and racism... they are furious with a government ban on the police "chokehold".Interior Minister Christophe Castaner announced the ban on Monday, after French protesters took to the streets alleging that police in France exhibited racism towards ethnic minorities, in the same way that US police have been accused of using brutality towards black suspects... Defending the police use of chokeholds, Xavier Leveau of the police union told the AFP news agency that "head restraint is very important during handcuffing". He insisted it was nothing like the method used in the death of George Floyd."We're not going to hold him down for eight minutes, we're going to hold him down just for the handcuffing... we don't have a substitute technique. So how do we do it today?"... A Paris police officer quoted by Le Parisien news on Friday said "this government is spineless - all you need is 20,000 hotheads in the street and the government abandons the police"."

'There's a lot I want to say': Toronto police chief reveals new details in death of woman who fell from balcony - "Saunders told reporters that officers received three separate 911 calls about the incident on Wednesday evening, and that two of them mentioned assaults, involving knives, prompting a heightened or “priority one” response...  Relatives have said that the 29-year-old was in the midst of a mental health crisis and that they called police to the apartment building near Bloor Street and High Park Avenue in order to get her help.When officers arrived on scene, the family’s lawyer Knia Singh said, police spoke with Korchinski-Paquet, her mother Claudette Beals-Clayton and her brother Reece Korchinski-Beals, in the hallway of the apartment building.Regis then asked to go inside her apartment and was followed in by several officers, according to Singh.After a minute or two, Singh said, the mother and brother heard Regis call out “‘mom help, mom help, mom help.'”She then fell to her death some time later... Regis’ mother had previously made a statement on social media that implied police had thrown her daughter from the balcony Wednesday night.“I can verify, on behalf of the family, that this was not witnessed by the mother. However, at the time of the statement that is what the mother believed.“The family still believes that police intervention has to do with their daughter’s death”"
I guess the police shouldn't have showed up. Then they wouldn't be blamed for causing her death and there wouldn't be protests. Of course they'd be blamed anyway, but at least they'd have saved themselves a trip

Virginia taskforce stops using GangNet database - The Washington Post - "A Virginia gang task force has dropped use of a database that catalogues thousands of alleged gang members across the Washington region after activists raised concerns that minorities are disproportionately represented in it and its use is shrouded in secrecy.  The Northern Virginia Regional Gang Task Force is the first local law enforcement entity in the D.C. area to discontinue use of GangNet... The data is for intelligence purposes only, so it can’t form the basis of probable cause to make an arrest or place charges. Entries are purged from the system if there is no criminal activity in five years... “It could really hamstring investigations and jeopardize officers’ safety by not being able to know you are dealing with an identified gang member,” Carr said.  But Kofi Annan, executive director of the Activated People, a police reform group, said the opacity around the database was troubling. He was also concerned that nearly 80 percent of people logged are Black or Latino, while Whites make up 20 percent"
Better to let criminals terrorise people than to be "Racist"

Jamil Jivani: Judge Donald McLeod's exoneration has exposed the feebleness of Black Lives Matter's Marxist agenda - "Activists and academics affiliated with BLM’s Toronto chapter have been targeting McLeod — a trailblazing Black Canadian judge from Toronto — for years. McLeod found his way into the far-left’s crosshairs because he dared advocate for Black communities without bowing to the regressive political agenda promoted by the likes of BLM... A year ago, BLM appeared to be a juggernaut that couldn’t be slowed down. Almost everybody wanted on the bandwagon. Those of us who refused to jump aboard were attacked by the group’s mainstream media cheerleaders for standing by our principles. But the unfortunate truth of BLM is becoming increasingly obvious to those paying attention: that bandwagon is headed nowhere good — and fast. Last week, Patrisse Cullors, the executive director of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, stepped down, after weeks of scandal. She admitted to hoarding millions of dollars of real estate, despite claiming to be a Marxist. The head of BLM’s New York chapter, Hawk Newsome, called for an investigation into Cullors’ finances.  This real estate drama followed months of questions about BLM’s finances. BLM’s global foundation reportedly raised tens of millions of dollars, but its local chapters claim to have received very little of that money.  A new study also exposed how BLM’s relationship with corporate America has produced few opportunities for Black working- and middle-class families. As reported by Bloomberg Businessweek, the startup Blendoor found corporations that made BLM-themed diversity pledges in the past year “had 20 per cent fewer Black employees on average than those that didn’t.” BLM has given corporate America a way to virtue signal without actually hiring more Black people. Rest assured, though, that “chief diversity officer” is one of the fastest growing senior executive positions in the United States, so those at the top of corporate America continue to reap the rewards. BLM has also taken a major loss in Minnesota, where George Floyd was tragically killed last year. One of the founders of the group’s St. Paul chapter, Rashad Turner, quit the organization after seeing its “ugly truth.” “After a year on the inside,” Turner concluded, “I learned they had little concern for rebuilding Black families.” Turner also believes BLM is actively creating “barriers to a better education for Black children” by opposing school choice...   BLM will continue to crumble under the weight of its own bad ideas, and people will continue to see how little the far-left actually has to offer communities that are in need of a hand up."

New tax filings reveal how BLM founder Patrisse Cullors spent the foundation's funds - "Newly released tax filings revealed how Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors used charity funds to pay her friends and family large sums for various 'consulting' services, as well as charter a private flight.  The documents reveal that BLM paid a company owned by Damon Turner, the father of Cullors' child, nearly $970,000 to help 'produce live events' and provide other 'creative services.'  The co-founder's brother, Paul Cullors, received more than $840,000 for providing security services to the foundation. Leaders have attempted to justify the expense by saying the foundation's protection could not be entrusted to former police professionals who typically run security firms because the BLM movement is known for vehemently protesting law enforcement organizations.  A consulting firm run by Shalomyah Bowers, who is BLM's board secretary and has previously served as deputy executive director, was paid more than $2.1 million for providing the organization with operational support, including staffing, fundraising and other key services. Cullors resigned from BLM last year amid a wave of scrutiny surrounding the charity's finances.   She has repeatedly denied claims that she took money from BLM for personal matters and has reiterated that all the purchases and transactions - including a lavish $6million home in Los Angeles, dubbed Studio City - were legitimate.  The new filing also revealed that Cullors reimbursed BLM $73,523 for a charter flight for foundation-related travel, which the organization says she took in 2021 out of concern for COVID-19 and security threats.  She paid the foundation an additional $390 over her uses of the 6,500 square-foot Studio City property for two private events. The latest financial disclosures come after Cullors had already come under fire for receiving a $120,000 payment - 'consulting fees' - by BLM.   The former BLM leader did admit previously that her sister, mother, and brother were employed with the organization... This is the BLM foundation’s first public accounting of its finances since incorporating in 2017. As a fledgling nonprofit, it had been under the fiscal sponsorship of a well-established charity, and wasn’t required to publicly disclose its financials until it became an independent, 501(c)(3) nonprofit in December 2020... Cullors was the foundation board's sole voting director and held no board meetings, according to the filing. Although that is permissible under Delaware law, where the foundation is incorporated, that governance structure gives the appearance that Cullors alone decided who to hire and how to spend donations.   However, current board members allege that was never the truth... Controversy surrounding the organization's finances has elicited probes by at least two state attorneys general... When Cullors revealed the windfall of donations last year, local chapter organizers and families of police brutality victims reacted angrily. Until then, the foundation had not been transparent with the most devoted BLM organizers, many of whom accused Cullors of shutting them out of decisions about how financial resources would be allocated. YahNé Ndgo, an activist and former organizer with the BLM chapter in Philadelphia, said Cullors reneged on a promise to hand over control of the foundation's resources to grassroots organizers."

BLM's LA mansion was bought for $3.1m then sold on to them six days later for $5.8m - "A Los Angeles mansion frequented by Marilyn Monroe and Humphrey Bogart was bought by a real estate developer working for BLM founder Patrisse Cullors and her partner for $3.1 million, and then purchased by BLM's foundation just six days later for $5.8 million in cash, it has emerged.  The rapid price inflation 'raises serious questions,' ethics experts said... Cullors, 38, angrily hit back at the questions over cash purchase of the Studio City mansion, describing the criticism as 'racist and sexist'.  She insisted that the expansive property was bought as a 'safe space' for black creatives, activists and thought leaders, and its purchase was never disclosed because it needed renovating. Cullors called the New York Magazine investigation 'a despicable abuse of a platform that's intended to provide truthful information to the public', and said that the author had 'a proven and very public bias against me and other Black leaders'.  She did not address the discrepancy in the home's cost... The $2.7 million increase in value in less than a week has not been explained.  It is also at odds with the market rate.  The 1936 mansion is 257.43 percent 'more expensive' than similar homes in its Studio City neighborhood, according to realtor.com."

BLM leader and founder of anti-violence nonprofit indicted for using donations for meals and trips - "A BLM activist and her husband are accused of collecting approximately $33,426 in unemployment payments and using an unspecified amount of donation money to treat themselves to meals at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., vacations and trips to the nail salon.    Monica Cannon-Grant, 41, and her husband, Clark Grant, 38, of Taunton, Massachusetts, who founded the non-profit organization Violence in Boston, were charged in an 18-count indictment with wire fraud, conspiracy, and making false statements to a mortgage lending business... Cannon-Grant also allegedly paid herself $2,700-a-week and treated herself to a $450,000 five-bed house in Taunton, Massachusetts... Cannon-Grant and her husband also fraudulently applied for $100,000 federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance benefits that they knew they were not eligible to receive because they had other sources of income at the time... The couple maintained exclusive control over organization finances, and did not disclose to other Violence in Boston directors, bookkeepers, or financial auditors that they had used the funds for their own purposes"

Abraham Lincoln To Be Removed From Penny, Replaced With BLM Fist | The Babylon Bee - "The Lincoln Memorial will be plowed down and replaced with a statue of Karl Marx, who was in no way racist and definitely would have said Black Lives Matter if he knew more black people, sources confirmed."

LISTEN: Police Dispatch Respond To Minneapolis Shooting After Maxine Waters Incited Riot, '10 To 15 Shots', 'White SUV' - "The shooting happened only hours after Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) endorsed rioting as a means to enact favorable outcomes in court cases, and told rioters to become more “confrontational.”"

I did not kill George Floyd - "There’s a new sin. Forget gluttony. Forget sloth. The great moral error today is whiteness. To be white is to be fallen. Whiteness has become a kind of original sin, an inherited moral defect one must atone for throughout one’s life. In the wake of the brutal execution of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis, this almost religious treatment of whiteness as an existential flaw has gone uber-mainstream. Listen to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Yesterday he called on ‘white Christians’ to ‘repent of our own prejudices’. Repent, ye sinners! Or if you prefer your leaders to be secular, how about the high priestess of middle-class decency, Nigella Lawson, who instructs her fellow white people to ‘acknowledge [that] systematic racism exists’ and that we are ‘complicit in it’. That brutal killing in Minneapolis – it’s your doing, white people. Or read Time, the most mainstream magazine in existence. ‘White people’, says one of its contributors, ‘have inherited this house of white supremacy, built by their forebears and willed to them’. Inherited. The sins of the father shall be visited upon the son. The Time writer says white racism is a spectrum, stretching from those white people who tell a black woman ‘how pretty our hair looks when we wear it straight’ to ‘the more extreme end of the spectrum… cops literally suffocating black people like George Floyd as they beg for their lives’.  To compare a compliment about a woman’s hair to the merciless killing of Floyd is deeply disturbing...   Whiteness-as-sin is everywhere. ‘White America, if you want to know who’s responsible for racism, look in the mirror’, cries the Chicago Tribune. ‘White people, you are the problem’, it continues, in case you didn’t get its message that this sinful race, these fallen people, are the scourge of our time. ‘I’m talking about white people’, said James Corden in his monologue on The Late Late Show on Monday. ‘This is our problem to solve’, he said of the murder of Floyd and the problem of racism. White people, all of you, you did this. This is how mainstream the pathologisation of whiteness has become: it is now beamed into suburban living rooms across the US by famously inoffensive TV hosts. A white man telling white people about the sins of white complicity – this is, at the very least, an extremely odd state of affairs.   Let’s be clear about what is happening here: this is an effort to establish racial collective guilt for the murderous suffocation of George Floyd. There are two problems with this approach. The first is that collective guilt on the basis of racial origin is always a wicked ideology to pursue. Whether it’s Jews being held collectively guilty of the alleged excesses of ‘rich Jews’ or blacks being collectively punished for the offences of individual black people, such racial extrapolation always leads to prejudice and suffering. There is a twisted irony in the fact that so many commentators and activists who pose as anti-racist are promoting the ideology of collective racial guilt in response to the killing of George Floyd. The second problem with this sweeping anti-white reaction to Floyd’s death, and with the pathologisation of whiteness more broadly, is that it acts as a distraction from the real problems facing the US and other societies. Collectivising the crime committed by four police officers in Minneapolis turns attention away from the specificity of police brutality and of structural disarray in modern America, in favour of pursuing a blanket suspicion of all whites...   It is important to understand where this distracting moral project comes from. It is an outlook of the privileged elites, very often white elites. It comes from academia, from the media class, from the younger members of the political establishment. For years now, these privileged elites have promoted hostility to whiteness... anyone who has seen the incredibly creepy videos showing groups of white people begging black people for forgiveness for the historic crimes of racism or chanting in a massive crowd about how they will do better in future will know that privilege-checking has become the new religion. Original sin, repentance, public self-flagellation – it has it all...   It is striking that where past black campaigners for racial equality spoke in terms of visions, dreams, better futures in which things would be different, today’s self-styled correctors of white privilege can only obsess over the past. History is their stomping ground. Slavery and colonialism are their obsessions... This is why corporate America and the new political elites have no problem at all with the woke ideology of pathologised whiteness. In fact they embrace it... The academia-born new racialism can be easily internalised by the capitalist and political elites because it poses no threat whatsoever to their influence over society. On the contrary, in dissipating the problems of racism and social inequality, in personalising these things and reducing them to ‘traits’ that exist across the whole of society, the woke ideology takes the heat off the powers-that-be and even creates a space for them to perform their penitence and advertise their awareness and in the process become part of the ‘saved’ people. It empowers them."

George Floyd will be buried today in Houston next to his mother - "Rev. Al Sharpton has blasted President Donald Trump's 'wickedness' at George Floyd's funeral, while another pastor called for the White House to be 'cleaned out' at the massive event attended by hundreds of mourners, including the families of Ahmaud Arbery, Botham Jean and Eric Garner."
Apparently Trump killed George Floyd

Hoist the Black (Lives Matter) flag! US embassies to champion ‘global racial justice’ on George Floyd anniversary – leaked memo - "The memo advises embassies to focus their messaging “on the need to eliminate systemic racism and its continued impact,” and grants them “a blanket written authorization” to fly the BLM flag alongside the Stars and Stripes for the rest of the year. The diplomatic posts are advised to draw attention not just to Floyd’s death, but to other episodes from the US’ racial history – like the Tulsa race massacre and Juneteenth – all in a bid to promote “global racial justice.”... Herein lies one of many contradictions of the Biden-BLM alliance. BLM’s existence is predicated on the belief that America is “systemically racist” and its political, legal, and social institutions work to oppress black people. Yet this very America is represented abroad by the State Department. Either BLM is lying about the existence of systemic racism, or the State Department is lying about its commitment to end it.  Either way, it’s hard to imagine foreigners seeing a BLM flag hoisted outside an American embassy as anything but virtue signalling on a global level. It’s twice as insulting when one reads Blinken’s memo, and sees terms cooked up in US universities to describe US-specific problems, ready to be deployed in their own countries. Given that the emergence of BLM has soured race relations in the US, the idea that transplanting its symbols and messaging halfway around the world would work is laughable at best. Yet that hasn’t stopped the State Department from trying. Under the Trump administration, the US embassy in Moscow flew the rainbow flag and proclaimed “LGBTI rights are human rights. Human rights are universal” on Instagram, despite the Trump administration reserving flagpoles for the US flag alone. The embassy got around Trump’s guidance by hanging the multicolored banner from a window... Greenfield stated that America’s founders wove “white supremacy and black inferiority into our founding documents and principles,” a bizarre declaration for anyone representing their own country abroad. The Chinese would never make a show of denigrating their own history on the world stage – nor would any sane people.  Yet it likely offers a peek into the thought process behind Blinken’s latest memo. By waving the BLM flag at its diplomatic outposts, the Biden administration gives itself license to lecture the world on the evils of racism, and presumably, to sanction and punish states who don’t live up to its lofty ideals. The US will be seen to be “doing the work,” to quote the most awful social-justice screechers, so the rest of the world will have to follow suit."

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