Female Uber drivers allowed to reject male passengers
"Feminism is about gender equality"
Spain offers menstrual leave to women who suffer severe period pain with up to three days off a month - "It would be a first in Europe, although there are several countries in Asia - including Japan, South Korea and Taiwan - that offer similar leave. Previous studies estimate that 60% to 90% of young women worldwide suffer from dysmenorrhea - severe period pain - and in Spain, approximately 75% of women are affected, although exact figures are difficult to verify, according to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health... The new laws, first revealed by the Cadena Ser radio station, also include other measures to improve menstrual health, including a requirement for schools to provide sanitary products for girls who need them. Pads and tampons will also be provided free for marginalised women and will have the VAT removed from their sale in supermarkets... The move is part of a wider abortion reform which will allow girls aged 16 and 17 to have a termination without their parents' permission. In Spain, abortion is currently legal upon request up to 14 weeks, and later when the pregnancy poses a serious risk to the health of the woman or in the case of foetal abnormalities... The bill also guarantees public funding for hormonal contraceptives and the morning-after pill, and free distribution as part of sex education campaigns"
When you explain the gender wage gap
Too bad to Anglo activists this is still controlling women's bodies, since it doesn't remove all restrictions on abortion
Couple sue IVF clinic for wrongly implanting male embryo - "A New York couple is suing an IVF clinic for incorrectly implanting a male embryo instead of a female, as they had requested, likening the experience to rape. Heather Wilhelm-Routenberg said she would only have children with her wife Robin “Robbie” Routenberg-Wilhelm if they were girls, because she was still traumatised from being sexually assaulted by men just after she finished university... “I remember lying in my bedroom, thinking, “This can’t be happening!” Not only was the baby in my body not ours, but the baby in my body was male and he was put there against my will, just like rape.” Heather said she started having flashbacks to two separate incidents when she was sexually assaulted. She gave birth to their son in December 2020, but struggled to bond with the baby at first, saying: “I started experiencing extreme anxiety. I would look at the baby and it would contort into the faces of all these grown men that I know. It was so creepy.” She deliberately avoided skin-to-skin contact and suffered postpartum depression... Heather is suing the CNY Fertility clinic on 11 counts including breach of contract, medical malpractice and battery"
Is this misandry or mental illness?
Meme - "when you realize the feminist movement is a government scam so that they can get the other half of the population working so they double the tax intake and raise your children by their standards."
What Feminists Get Wrong About Female Empowerment - "we only celebrate women for being strong when they’re acting like men, or at least when they’re conforming to traditionally masculine traits and preferences... modern feminism’s overall failure to acknowledge the contribution and strength of women who choose to fulfill majority female roles is disappointing, particularly for a movement that tries to paint itself as being pro-woman... If real empowerment means a woman is able to choose whatever career path she believes is best for both herself and her family, why should that apply more to a woman who decides to work in politics or business, than it does a woman who wishes to be a stay-at-home mom? Or work in childcare? Or heck, even be a part-time Avon sales representative? And if feminism does believe that these other women are just as empowered, then why are they so often ignored? And as mentioned, the current idea that masculine archetypes are superior or “stronger” than feminine ones also extends to pop-culture. When we think of badass, dependable women, so many of us will think of any number of action heroines who embody typically masculine strength. Few people might think to mention someone like Mary Poppins, whose character got a reboot last year, or Evelyn, the mother from the surprise hit A Quiet Place. She, despite living in a post-apocalyptic world plagued with man-eating monsters, still managed to cook and clean for her family, as well as homeschool her children. Seriously, if that’s not badass, I don’t know what is. But still, our society clings to the idea that proficiency in masculine traits is somehow better than being skilled in feminine ones... Ultimately, trying to turn women into men isn’t empowering them. And neither is encouraging a narrative that says that femininity is anything less than equal to masculinity."
Gergely Orosz on Twitter - "When at Uber, I remember this change to make sure a female interviewer is present on every hiring loop. The strangest thing happened. We started rejecting candidates just because they were unwilling to make eye contact with the female interviewer or acknowledge their presence."
Zero HP Lovecraft 🦅🐍 on Twitter - "Do you want to hire an engineer who "makes eye contact" with "women" ? Hell no! You want an engineer whose fixation on the minutiae of programming esoterica makes him so off-putting to women that they refuse to make eye contact WITH HIM"
I'm sure none of them were afraid after #MeToo
10 Places Where Eye-Contact Is Not Recommended (10 Places Where The Locals Are Friendly) - "In Iran, communication tends to be more indirect... eye contact is never appropriate for the opposite gender... In Vietnam, eye contact is a way of showing interest in the opposite gender. Unless you want to give someone the wrong idea, be especially cautious when looking into people’s eyes of a different gender... Saudi Arabia is another country where the use of eye contact fluctuates depending on who it is that you are speaking to... If speaking to someone of the opposite gender, always avoid eye contact"
Islamophobia and ethnocentrism are good!
Men who identify as feminists more than twice as likely to use erectile dysfunction medication, study finds - "Those who reported more frequent religious attendance and those who reported using alcohol before or during were more likely to use erectile dysfunction medication... Asian men had substantially lower odds of erectile dysfunction than white men."
The feminist cope will be that feminism just makes them more willing to seek help. But they also want to hate on the religious, so maybe they'll look for some other cope
Meme - Audrey Warren: "Hope he picks you, honey"
Rebecca Elizabeth: "Do you assume every female who has a sense of humour is only funny for the sole purpose of obtaining male attention? That's a very sexist statement. Not very feminist of you, is it?"
Audrey Warren: "your internalized misogyny is showing honey"
Rebecca Elizabeth: "So you have nothing to say in rebuttal?"
Audrey Warren: "The straights are being misogynistic once again. Are we surprised?"
𝔸𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕠𝕝𝕕𝕤𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕙 — araitsume: ace-enjolras - "I don’t think writers realize that “strong female character” means “well written female character” and not just “female character who punches stuff and shoots stuff”"
"#I don’t think half the people on tumblr know the difference either"
Can We Have Sex Back? - "I hear from colleagues all over the country that they have stripped their syllabi of all eroticism, chiefly out of fear of progressives hauling them before the Title IX tribunals on charges of insensitivity, victimization, and general wrong-thinking. Who could have guessed that in 2021, the chastity belts would be distributed not by the patriarchy, but by people earnestly bearing Rosie the Riveter t-shirts? No mention may be made of the fact that the sex-policing is often carried out by women my age who are happy to diffuse the sexual potential of younger women under the guise of sparing them harassment. What a genius move by some, to take these young women who might otherwise be in competition with us for resources and turn them into our prudish foot-soldiers, convinced all the while that we are protecting them."
Ironically, this is at the same time as they're sexualising kids
The club that teaches women how to say ‘no’ to office housework - "her male peers have “been very good at sloughing off the things that they think don’t matter and doing the things that they have decided really do matter. And so they’re very good at focusing on the promotable work.”"
Facebook - "I'm told that if we all gather and stare hard enough, the manual labour and dirty saikang like moving things from high shelves, installing new toner printer cartridges, replacing 20kg water cooler bottles, lifting supplies... will magically happen themselves instead of needing a man. Maybe, just maybe we ought to stop complaining about this "invisible labour / non promotable tasks" thing as if it was only borne by women. Everyone chips in. Men just don't bother to complain until unfairly pushed."
Next they're going to complain that men get better projects because men ask for them but women don't
Comment: "I remember one time some people from a different office came over to borrow a man because nobody in their all girl office could lift the water cooler container to drop it in place."
The first female F-35 pilot proves flying is a gender equalizer - We Are The Mighty
$100m F-35 Fighter Jet Crashed By U.S Female Pilot On Her First Flight Recovered From China Sea - "the world’s first female F-35 pilot was behind the cockpit of the US Navy’s fifth generation fighter... Despite the fact that the unnamed pilot had completed a full course of training and successfully completed the take-off and landing training program on the deck of an aircraft carrier, the source noted that the flight was the first from the deck of a real warship."
Norwegian warship accident raises questions on women in armed forces - "Sound recordings and radar logs have revealed crude, almost incomprehensible, human errors made by the crew. According to experienced naval officers, the mistakes make the crew look amateurs. This, too, seems to have supported the claim of sceptics who have wondered about the role of women in armed forces. In 2016, Norway introduced conscription for women. The Navy received the highest number of women after conscription duties were introduced. The Norwegian publication Armed Forces had in an article heaped praises on the KNM Helge Ingstad crew in which four out of five navigatos were women. “It is advantageous to have many women on board. It will be a natural thing and a completely different environment, which I look at as positive,” Lieutenant Iselin Emilie Jakobsen Ophus, a navigation officer at the warship, had said. Norwegian journalist, military expert and political analyst Helge Lurås has suggested that the dramatic incident is closely related to the proportion of women in the Norwegian Armed Forces. Luras claimed that the inclusion of women in the armed forces has had an effect on its professional culture. He writes that the armed forces prefer to be politically correct by increasing the number of women in the agency. "It is assumed that women make the Armed Forces better. Those who should think otherwise, receive a plain message that their opinions are undesirable"... Luras questioned Navy's reluctance in giving out the details of the incident as to who were at the helm at the time. He asks whether the Navy's priority should be spending energy and resources on 'integration' and creating a 'balanced' work environment or defending the country with the best available resources. The uninsured frigate has cost the Norwegian Navy its entire annual budget, but the country also lost millions of dollars with several oil and gas fields being temporarily shut down due to the accident."
Feminism and virtue signalling are very expensive
Too many women in the wrong places: Norwegian navy edition - "The Norwegian navy was recruiting more women and celebrating their great success in their own magazine Forsvarets Forum (Forum of the Defense) in April 2017... We can read a quote from one female navigator named Emilie Jakobsen Ophus... She is named a navigator on the KNM Helge Ingstad, which is, well was, a frigate. You can guess where this is going. The article also mentions that 4 out of 5 navigators onboard are female... the apparently only male navigator on board, the commanding officer, was asleep when the mistakes were made. The Navy is hiding the names of who were where, so we can only guess at whether everybody involved was a woman, but according to the numbers above, where 4 out of 5 were women, and knowing the CO was asleep, it would appear 100% were female... In general, we expect a general weakening of the job performance of these jobs since the women hired are obviously subpar due to different standards in hiring. For instance, Norwegian police physical tests... I am sure the violent criminals — mostly young men — will run slower and only use one arm when faced with female cops. What a joke! Last year, the US military released their 1000 page report on some trials with women in combat units. The results are what you expect... Of course, as we live in clown world with no adults in charge, the army is going forward with more women in these roles. The women are busy TikTok dancing in the barracks."
Learning the lessons – the loss the Norwegian frigate Helge Ingstad - " The cost of the accident is estimated at $80m for the salvage, operation, not to mention enormous reputational damage. Building a direct replacement for a ship that ceased production a decade ago is estimated at $1.4 billion and not considered viable. The Norwegian Navy was already overstretched, primarily occupied with monitoring its aggressive neighbour, lost 20% of its frigate force... The root causes of the accident were entirely human error, primarily on the bridge of the warship. It was a clear and calm night and there were no technical problems that contributed to the initial collision... It would be wrong to entirely blame the inexperienced OOW and poor performance of the bridge team for the incident, the investigation showed there were management failures that extended to the highest levels of the Navy. The pressure caused by the operational tempo, something the RN and USN would recognise, resulted in inadequate training time and personnel lacking sufficient experience in relation to their responsibilities."
Of course, this cannot be the result of wanting to champion women in the ranks, because everyone knows diversity leads to better results
Children may no longer be forced to have their father's surname in Italy - "The longstanding tradition of a child automatically inheriting the father's surname may soon be ending in Italy. Italy's highest court ruled Wednesday that children should instead inherit both of their parents' last names. Italy's Constitutional Courts ruled that the paternal practice of a child automatically and involuntarily inheriting the father's surname at birth was not only unconstitutional but "Discriminatory and harmful" to a child's identity... According to the court's statement, automatically assigning the father's surname was unconstitutional. The practice violates numerous articles of Italy's Constitution, which protects the citizen's rights surrounding sex, race, religion and more"
Why even let a child inherit a name? Or let parents assign names to their children?
FischerKing on Twitter - "Most things woke are inversions of reality. Here, NYT portrays E.Holmes as a daring entrepreneur, now persecuted b/c she’s a woman. Lauded for raising mucho $ w/out mention that it was desperation to promote female CEO in tech that made it possible."
Samsung apologises for advert showing woman running alone at 2am - "Samsung has apologised for a recent advert which showed a woman getting up at 02:00 to go for a run through the streets of a city alone. The advert has been criticised by some women's running groups and safety campaigners for being "unrealistic"... "The 'Night Owls' campaign was designed with a positive message in mind: to celebrate individuality and freedom to exercise at all hours." Women's safety group Reclaim These Streets has described it as "tone deaf" in light of the death of Ashling Murphy who was killed on a run in January."
Meanwhile, if you say women shouldn't run alone at 2am, you're slammed for "victim blaming". Grievance mongering has a pre-determined conclusion it works backwards to justify
And of course, SJWs pretend the whole world is unsafe since they need to justify their hysteria
Daphne Bridgerton raped her husband and why it’s important to not romanticize it. - "In the wake of the #metoo movement, many women fearlessly stepped forward with their stories (including me), but one aspect of #metoo that did not get enough serious attention were male victims... in true romance novel form, she’s glossed over as the wronged wife and the Big Misunderstanding is sealed up with a pat explanation... The voices of women fill the pages with outcry for justice for our sisters, but when it comes to rape and consent and the fight for justice, women must also stand up for male victims as well. I realize that these are fictional characters, and yet, they are a reflection of societal attitudes and what we find acceptable."
Megha🕯 on Twitter - "Feminists only celebrate women when they behave like men, revealing their true misogyny."
SMii7Y on Twitter - "Spotify servers going down on International Women's Day is super misogynistic tbh"
Meme - "Fe(male)
Muslim girls' grades significantly improved after veil ban in France: study - "Banning the veil in schools led to Muslim girls getting better grades and marrying outside their religion... State schools in France were asked to ban “ostentatious religious signs” -including Islamic veils – in 1994, but it was not forbidden by law until 2004. The ban came despite warnings from religious leaders that the law would persecute Muslims and encourage fundamentalism... Prof Eric Maurin, of the Paris School of Economics and a co-author of the study, said: “For students who wore the veil, the ban may have had a negative effect on those who were most attached to it, as it may have led them to drop out of school. But the ban may also have had a positive effect on students who were forced to wear the veil, and on students suffering from stigmatization and discrimination in school because of it.” Data from the French Labour Force Survey conducted between 2005 and 2019 was used to compare the academic accomplishments of Muslim and non-Muslim women in France."
Strip clubs and escort services could cause substantial fall in sex crimes, study finds - "Previous research has found decriminalising prostitution in the American state of Rhode Island and some districts of the Netherlands can result in lower sex offences rates."
Effect of Adult Entertainment Establishments on Sex Crime: Evidence from New York City - "In this paper we study how the presence of adult entertainment establishments affects the incidence of sex crimes. We build a high-frequency daily and weekly panel that combines the exact location of non-self-reported sex crimes with the day of opening and exact location of adult entertainment establishments in New York City. We find that these businesses decrease sex crime by 13% per police precinct one week after the opening, and have no effect on other types of crime. The results suggest that the reduction is mostly driven by potential sex offenders frequenting these establishments rather than committing crimes."
This coheres with the finding that porn reduces sex crimes. Of course the feminist cope is that sex workers are being raped
Meme - "I dream women will one day have the same rights as guns"
The_typical_liberal: "She wants women locked up when not in use.
She wants women not allowed on airplanes.
She wants women not allowed in schools.
She wants women kept out of government buildings.
She wants women kept away from children.
Felons cannot be around women.
Potheads cannot be around women.
Businesses can post signs "No women allowed."
She wants women banned completely in New York, Chicago and Washington, DC.
She wants women severely restricted in Hawaii and California.
Women will not be allowed anywhere alcohol is consumed.
Women cannot be carried without a special permit.
Women cannot be carried openly.
Women will be prohibited from having certain popular accessories.
A man can now own multiple women, but only after a background check."
Meme - "Cooperating with women
*Woman with square wheel*
Man: Let me show you how to make your wheel more effic-
Woman: Eww I told you to stop mansplaining to me fuck all the way off
Cooperating with women
Man: You did it
Other Man: No we did it, brother."
Report: Mansplaining Down But Woman Confusion Up | The Babylon Bee
Watch | Facebook - "Follow Sally Knuckles as she chronicles her inability to do anything now that no man will mansplain to her."
Meme - "My personal favorite word is "Mansplain". It's essentially where someone explains something to you, but you cant hear them over your inferiority complex"
Women poop, including at work. Get over it
"Ah yes, so some women are afraid of being heard by other women when they poop and somehow it is the fault of the patriarchy (ie men) again... One cannot in the same breath claim that women are so weak and immature as to be influenced by patriarchy into compromising their health, and in at the same time claim them to be strong and mature enough to take equal places in the boardroom. It's one or the other. No having one's cake and eating it."
With gender neutral toilets, this will only get worse! Then they can blame men even more
Meme - feminismislove: "Most Men Don't Understand That You Don't Have to Touch a Woman to Rape Her #rape culture #feminism"
"I Can't Imagine How Horrible This Dumb Shit Makes Actual Rape Victims Feel"
"Hi Actual Rape Victim Here. Also Adult Person With IQ Higher Than a Sandwich. This Shit Is Infuriating and Silencing"
*Woman in peasant garb with rake and bucket and goat and chicken*
Inequality: Women Pay 20,000% More On Average For Their Starbucks Drinks Than Men | The Babylon Bee - ""I can't imagine what could be causing such a stark disparity," said Megan McNeely as she sipped on her double caramel mocha frappuccino with almond milk, extra whip, rainbow sprinkles, and two shots of mint. "Oh yeah, I know-- sexism!""
Meme - John Pavlovitz: "I can't fathom the mind of a woman who still votes Republican. I can only feel sorry for whatever story they tell themselves."
Annika H Rothstein: "I can't fathom the mind of a man who thinks it's wise to tell women how to use their vote."
John Pavlovitz: "I respect you more than you respect you."
Only liberal women have agency
Male privilege in Switzerland - "In Switzerland, military service (conscription) is compulsory for all Swiss men, but not women. If a man is not fit for military service, he is required to pay 3% extra tax until the age of 30. This is known as ”military exemption tax“. Naturally, women are also exempt from paying this tax. In 2014 the Swiss voted on whether or not to keep conscription for men. This means women were able to vote on whether or not military service is compulsory for men. Despite not having to participate in conscription themselves, the majority of women voted to keep conscription compulsory for men."
Woman Shares All The Crimes She's Committed Despite Having No Criminal Record To Illustrate White Privilege
How many people realise this really Female Privilege?
Female Mountie keeps her job after groping a fellow B.C. officer twice - "A B.C. Mountie who fondled the genitals of one of her fellow constables, groped his thigh and made inappropriate sexual comments to him has lost 20 days of pay and 10 vacation days.Because of her discreditable conduct, Campbell River Const. Valerie Little will also be ineligible for promotion for two years, has to work under supervision for one year and is restricted from working in the same detachment as the man she groped... Thibault said Little's actions don't meet the bar for firing, because the officer has shown "potential to reform or rehabilitate" by completing a university degree and consulting with a psychologist every week... A.F. went to a senior female officer to ask for help dealing with what had happened to him, but she just "chuckled""
Bosses give underperforming female workers kinder but less truthful feedback than men, study reveals - "'Sarah' had her grades inflated by nearly a full letter and received more positive feedback than her colleague... Jampol, who also works as a diversity, equity and inclusion strategist at California-based consulting firm ReadySet, suggested the truth was watered-down in order to preserve relationships, avoid harming the other person and to present oneself positively... Previous research has also demonstrated a gender divide, with women being described more warmly and with more positive words than men"
How can feminists spin this as sexism against women?
Gender Studies - "The feminism we have today, Williams argues, demonizes men and degrades women by imbuing them with a false sense of their own victimhood. She confidently asserts that fighting a gender war along these lines, in schools and universities, is to the detriment of everyone, as the point is not to have a competition of grievances between women and men. Given that, at every stage of education, girls are now outperforming boys, Williams laments the absence of celebration for all that has been achieved. She contends that feminism today has little to say to women who have jobs rather than careers, and she deplores campaigners who insist on scoring workplace victories according to gender. The pay gap she thinks we should be focusing on is a social one, not a gender one, between an elite group of men and women in professional occupations and the people employed in low-paid, part-time temporary jobs... Williams also deplores consent classes, which have become campus staples, and teach young people to separate sex from intimacy, encouraging women to see themselves as constantly at risk from predatory men. Feminism needs to recognize that everyone makes different choices and Williams warns that if women are too readily defined as blameless victims, at odds with forceful men, the demand for equality becomes confused with a demand for protection... in gender wars there are no winners"
Germaine smacks her sisters - "A CURIOUS hush has fallen. Germaine Greer, veteran and scourge of the feminist world, is about to publish a sequel to her groundbreaking tract, The Female Eunuch, nearly 30 years on... "I know she has had a facelift and I know she's on HRT, but would that have such a devastating effect on the cerebellum?"... Suzanne Moore, whom Prof Greer attacked in 1995 for her "hair bird's- nested all over the place, fuck-me shoes and three fat inches of cleavage", admitted: "If Germaine attacked me for my writing, it would be far more worthy than to attack me for my shoes". The attack was in response to Ms Moore's comments on an inaccurate report that Prof Greer had a hysterectomy at 25... Ms Moore remarked yesterday: "Germaine's womb is the centre of her universe, but it isn't for me."... Ms Walter also insisted that today's feminist battles be fought over ideas, not personalities. "It is very important that feminism isn't seen as a catfight between individual women. It's about trying to get equality." Prof Greer, who lectures at Warwick University, is legendary for her insults. She branded financial journalist Christine Wallace a "brain-dead hack" and a "flesh-eating bacterium" after the latter wrote an unauthorised biography, Greer: Untamed Shrew... Prof Greer took exception to the book, which also gave details of a childhood lesbian affair with another schoolgirl. She warned that Ms Wallace would be "kneecapped" if she approached her mother, Peggy Greer, for comments. Ms Wallace described how the professor "went to some lengths to sabotage ... an honest and well-intentioned project" with threats and vilification. Prof Greer refused to read the account, calling it "a piece of excrement", and added: "I am still alive, in case it has escaped anyone's notice, and I happen to think that living people own their own lives." That view has not stopped her, as she put it yesterday, "smacking" other prominent women "around the chops". She apparently perceived that Fay Weldon, an old friend, had "let the side down badly" in her recent approach: "She sort of chuckles away and says; 'Ho ho, poor men'.""
A misogynist is a man who treats women the way women treat other women