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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Links - 31st July 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

Vendor in Washington Square Park attack thought he'd bleed to death - "The hot dog vendor caught on camera getting pummeled by punks outside Washington Square Park thought he was going to “bleed to death” that night — and vowed Tuesday to “never go back” to the problem-plagued park.  Nader Hassaneen, 65, an Egyptian immigrant and retired street vendor, was on hand Sunday night to help son’s pal with his food cart when the unruly mob descended on him — beating him up and tossing hot sauce in his eyes... the melee began when a woman yanked an American flag off the cart, demanding it be replaced with a Pride flag instead — an encounter previously described to The Post by vendor Abdo Mansour.  “I was videotaping it and telling her she shouldn’t do that,” Hassaneen said from his home in Brooklyn. “My friend asked her, ‘Why did you do that?’”... Video of the beatdown just before 11 p.m. at Fifth Avenue and Washington Square North shows the vendors frantically trying to calm the revelers, some dressed in rainbow outfits for Pride celebrations earlier in the day. Hassaneen is then slugged by a woman and falls to the ground, which is when police arrive...   Hassaneen and Abdelalim Abdelbaky, 28, who operates the cart, said it was not the first attack on him or his employees in a park plagued by recent violence and illegal drug use.  “Most of the people in the park are good, but you have some bad ones and they are giving the park a bad name,” Abdelbaky said. “They should keep them out of the park … I don’t take my kids to the park, I don’t want them to see something bad.”"
Love is love.
What happens to minorities who don't pledge allegiance to the Pride flag
In the progressive stack, who wins? Muslims or Queers?

Disgusting perverts or just misunderstood? Meet the zoophiles who have sex with animals and want to be embraced by Pride - "Zoophiles believe it’s acceptable to be intimate with an animal, and want the LGTBQ+ movement to add a Z to its name. RT spoke to one about their secret world, and with members of the ‘furry’ and ‘therian’ communities... There are also two other related animal-loving identities, those who consider themselves therians or furries. The former are people who feel they have a non-human element, spiritually or psychologically, while the latter have an adoration of only certain animals.  There is a degree of overlap between both groups, and some wear animal suits and masks to celebrate their identity, although to make the situation even more complicated, some therians and furries are also zoophiles. Many from the three communities shun publicity due to the automatic assumption from outsiders that they enjoy sex with animals.  Those who do engage in sexual intimacy could face criminal charges or violent reprisals from the public should their identities be revealed. Some contemplate suicide or have even killed themselves due to the stress of being relentlessly harassed. However, one figure in the zoophile community did agree to speak to RT. Toggle is from Pennsylvania, and wanted to put on record that he was contributing only  because of his dissatisfaction at how zoophiles are portrayed in the media. He was adamant that they cannot be excluded from Pride, no matter what the masses say. Toggle said, “Zoophiles are quintessentially queer. But if you think Pride is a social event that you can be uninvited from, you misunderstand it on a fundamental level. Pride is a protest. Pride is about defiance against a society that doesn’t want you to exist... The major reason so many are adamant they don’t want zoophiles at Pride concerns the issue of consent. Some think it’s equivalent to child abuse, where dominance is imposed on a weaker party.  But Toggle countered, “Consent is incredibly important to us ‘zoos’ – more so to us than to non-zoos, who, I think it’s fair to say, have rarely ever considered whether or not animals consent to anything they put them through day to day. “The zoos I know value autonomy for their animal partners. We give them the freedom to make their own choices whenever possible, and we respect those choices. For most people who raise the alarm about consent, it’s merely a diversion from their actual objection: disgust. And considering that the same people who scream that animals can’t consent also send us pictures of horse meat and videos of dogs being murdered with shovels in order to mock us and break our spirit, I’d say that it’s never actually about concern for animal welfare.” However, Toggle did not explain how it was understood that consent had been granted, or how that is even possible. Another issue is the public's general perception that zoophilia is not an innate part of someone. Toggle thinks this is unfair and argues that ignorance is the main reason the community is shunned by Pride. He continued, “It’s innate. I think it’s weird to assume someone would choose to put themselves through misery. Being a zoophile comes with a lot of heartache. After all, the people you form your primary bonds with have significantly shorter life spans. That said, I would never choose to be born differently, because being a zoophile has shaped the person I am today, and who I am is good.”  This sentiment is also strong among furries. In this community, members create a ‘fursona’ – a suit to represent their animal persona... Based on encounters over more than a decade across the US, Fox estimates that around one in five furries has zoosexual interests. Fox would vividly and repeatedly dream of being a fox, but did not realise other people experienced the same strong feelings until it found the furry community... If furries were accepted into Pride widely, what would that mean? Fox said, “I don’t think it should be any more controversial for someone to wear a tail in their daily life than it would be for someone who is transgender to wear clothes in line with their gender, despite perhaps not having the funds for transgender surgeries... So just how common is bestiality? Three studies published between 1948 and 1974 found an average of 6.5 percent of men and 2.8 percent of women self-reported at least one sexual encounter with an animal... The size of the community, and thus demand, has even led to the formation of so-called “bestiality brothels”. But not all like to engage in physical sex with animals. Another of our interviewees was 20-year-old Coyote, who is a therian. Their links to the community are more spiritual. They said, “I’m actually not sure exactly what sort of coyote I am, but ever since I was young, I’ve felt more at home away from civilisation and out in the Ozarks. I feel like I can actually be myself there.”"
From 2021. But in 2022, we already have trans, furries, asexuals and the poly community at pride. What's one more?

Polyamorous relationships granted legal rights in Massachusetts - "At a June 25 city council meeting in Somerville, Massachusetts, council members broadened the city’s definition of domestic partnerships to include relationships between three or more adults, according to The New York Times. Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone has signed the changes into law, and it’s thought to be the first of its kind in any U.S. city... Scott says legislators from other states and cities have already called him since the ordinance passed to ask how they might instate similar legislation."
From 2020
I remember when we were told that gay marriage wasn't a slippery slope to polygamy

Is Polyamory Next? - "Over the past couple of years, a number of mainstream websites, newspapers, and magazines—Salon, Slate, USA Today, Newsweek, the Atlantic—have run sympathetic stories about polyamory... the New York Times published an essay by University of Chicago law professor William Baude urging readers to keep their minds open towards polygamy and other multiple-partner sexual relationships. He noted that they could have some advantages over monogamous partnerships—for example, more parents available to look after the kids and share other domestic duties—and he easily identified the weaknesses in anti-polygamy arguments made by writers like Richard Posner, who support redefining marriage to include same-sex partnerships but want to draw the line there. “We should remember”, Baude observed, “that today’s showstopping objections sometimes come to seem trivial decades later. Very few people supported a constitutional right to same-sex marriage when writers like Andrew Sullivan and [Jonathan]Rauch were advocating it only two decades ago. (Judge Posner, for example, did not.) As we witness more experiments with non-nuclear families, our views about plural marriage might change as well.” Many polyamorous people say that their desire or felt need for multiple partners is central to their identity, and that they have known from an early age that they could never find personal and sexual fulfillment in a purely monogamous relationship. The message is that they are the next sexual minority whose human rights, including of course the right to marriage equality, must be honored. They’re following the same playbook as same-sex marriage advocates in mainstreaming polyamory and putting in place the cultural predicates for its legal recognition. And it’s working. In the most recent polling, fully a quarter of Americans are now prepared to recognize polyamorous marriages, and among religiously unaffiliated citizens (whose numbers are climbing in the United States) the figure is 58 percent. These percentages represent far higher support than gay marriage had within the memory of more than a few readers of this essay. For years, of course, many advocates of sexual freedom and same-sex marriage counseled against openly advocating polyamory—whether in the form of polygyny (one husband having several wives) or in the form of group bonds like the Youngs’—lest the horses be frightened. But not everyone listened... as far back as a decade ago, in a statement then titled “Beyond Gay Marriage”, more than 300 “LGBT and allied” scholars and advocates called for legally recognizing as marriages or the equivalent sexual relationships involving more than two partners. Among the signatories were such influential figures on the left as Gloria Steinem, Barbara Ehrenreich, and Kenji Yoshino... By constitutionalizing the issue—by purporting to find a certain vision of marriage in the Constitution—the Court eliminated the possibility of accommodations and compromises in the political process. By its own lights, the question is no longer properly left to the moral or political judgments of the people or the vagaries of democratic bargaining. As a matter of constitutional principle, it is an all-or-nothing game—a game that only judges are permitted to play. The American people have been told by the Obergefell majority to watch from the bleachers... Will there be a C? Sure. That will likely be the abolition of laws against consensual adult incest (parent-child or sibling) and, correspondingly, the elimination of consanguinity laws forbidding marriage between a parent and his or her adult child and between adult siblings. Western Europe was a bit ahead of the U.S. on same-sex marriage, and is now pointing the way forward for sexual liberals on incest as well. Germany’s National Ethics Council this year issued a report urging parliament to revoke legal prohibitions of incest involving consenting adults, arguing that these prohibitions violate “fundamental freedoms” and “force people into secrecy or to deny their love.” The Council described opposition to consensual adult incest as a mere “social taboo”, and declared that “neither the fear of negative consequences for the family, nor the possibility of the birth of children from such incestuous relationships can justify a criminal prohibition. The fundamental right of adult siblings to sexual self-determination has more weight in such cases than the abstract protection of the family.” If one grants the premises of sexual liberalism—that consenting adults have a right to enter into whatever types of sexual relationships they like without state interference—and embraces the revisionist conception of marriage as committed sexual-romantic companionship, then what the German Ethics Council says has to be correct. Its logic is impeccable. If there is a flaw, it must be in the premises. And yet the premises are precisely the ones that have been adopted by the liberal movement and the Democratic Party in our time. So C will come in due course, unless A is abandoned."
From 2015

Britain's students will become the wokest generation - "A survey from the respected, Left-leaning Higher Education Policy Institute (Hepi) shows that British undergraduates have caught up with the craziness of their North American counterparts. If policymakers don’t act quickly, Britain is likely to become a substantially less free society.  The Hepi report finds that 61% of British students think that “when in doubt” their university “should ensure all students are protected from discrimination rather than allow unlimited free speech”. Just 17% back the free speech position. This 61-17 slant represents a big change from the already illiberal 37-27 margin recorded in 2016...
The proportion of students who think academics should be fired if they “teach material that heavily offends some students” is 36% (over double the 15% in 2016), with just 32% opposed
39% believe student unions ‘should ban all speakers that cause offence to some students’ (more than double the 16% figure in 2016), with just 31% opposed
76% think universities should “get rid of” memorials of potentially controversial figures
77% think there should be “mandatory training for all university staff” on “understanding other cultures” (up from 55% in 2016)
64% think universities should “consult special interest groups” such as religious or gender societies before holding campus events (up from 40% in 2016)
86% support trigger warnings and 62% back safe spaces
This is nothing short of revolutionary, but it echoes findings from the United States which reveal a similar generational earthquake. Even when controlling for younger people’s Left-wing leanings, Gen-Z and younger Millennials are substantially more in favour of speech restrictions than older cohorts. That is, young Leftists are considerably more woke than older Leftists...   Universities are distinctive in bringing together two of the most culturally socialist groups in society, students and academics...   Will these young people grow out of their progressive illiberalism? It’s unlikely. Researchers used to find that younger and university-educated people were more tolerant of all kinds of speakers, from militarists and gays to communists and racists, compared to non-graduates and older people. This is no longer true.  Meanwhile, other researchers find that young graduates who once were more morally relativist than non-graduates are now more morally absolutist. One study compared Smith College students on a set of free speech questions in 2000 and 2016, and found a major shift toward the illiberal, culturally-socialist position. Generation, not age, explains the difference — which is why we should not expect today’s young people to grow out of their wokeness."

Redneck Moron Doesn't Realize Social Justice Activists Changed The Definition Of Every Word Last Week | Babylon Bee - "Really smart experts everywhere are pulling their hair out with frustration due to thousands of uneducated people not realizing leading voices in critical theory and social justice activism changed all the definitions of every meaningful word in the English language just a few days ago.  Tensions escalated today when Dale Smithers, a Facebook user from Mississippi, wrote the comment: "I dunno... as a white man, I don't think I'm a racist or that America is a racist country."  At that ignorant statement, thousands of well-educated voices at universities around the country suddenly cried out in terror and refused to be silent."

What Clarence Thomas can (still) teach George ‘Sulu’ Takei - "He wrote that even people held in slavery, even people interned during World War II, retained their dignity because it is impossible to erase what is woven into our very nature.  What one would think is a stirring statement about our irreducible human quality occasioned outrage among the justice’s critics. Slate considered the passage “brutal.”  MSNBC found it “jaw dropping.” Salon called it “vile.” But none could top the gay actor and activist George Takei — famous as Sulu in Star Trek — who fumed that Thomas had forfeited his status as a black man.   Seriously. In a TV interview, Takei called Thomas “a clown in black face.” Amid a backlash over this insult, he doubled-down: “I feel Justice Thomas has abdicated and abandoned his African American heritage by claiming that slavery did not strip dignity from human beings.”... That Takei’s first instinct was to deny the blackness of Clarence Thomas tells us much about the rancid racial essentialism of the left, which can’t get its head around minorities stepping out of ideological line.  That aside, the left’s freak-out is so remarkable since what Thomas wrote represents American Founding 101. Where did Thomas get this outlandish notion of rights and dignity that exist prior to government?  Maybe Thomas Jefferson?... One wonders if anyone disturbed by the Thomas dissent glanced at the Declaration of Independence over the July 4 weekend...   This is a truth that abolitionists wielded against the institution of slavery.  The foremost of them, Frederick Douglass, was once held in bondage. He reportedly said of his appalling enslavement: “They cannot degrade Frederick Douglass. The soul that is within me no man can degrade. I am not the one that is being degraded on account of this treatment, but those who are inflicting it upon me.” (Quick — someone ask George Takei if Frederick Douglass was truly black.)... “Our Constitution — like the Declaration of Independence before it — was predicated on a simple truth: One’s liberty, not to mention one’s dignity, was something to be shielded from — not provided by — the State.”  This notion is anathema to a left that identifies the state with progress, and that defines freedom much more loosely (not to say nonsensically) as including what government gives us, in an ever-expanding palette of benefits."
From 2015
No one so racist as a liberal

George Takei Clarifies: Actually, 'Black Face' Isn't Racist At All - "You essentially called the only black member of the U.S. Supreme Court a race traitor for the crime of stating that…dignity and humanity are bestowed on mankind by God, not government. And then to top it all off, you also explicitly likened him to a “black buffoon.”... Clarence Thomas can no more “abdicate” his heritage as an African-American than Rachel Dolezal can claim that heritage for herself.  Where in the world does George Freaking Takei get off deciding that he’s the new arbiter of American blackness?"
Black white supremacists were around in 2015

Why is Barnes & Noble putting 'literary blackface' on its shelves? - "This week, Barnes & Noble unveiled a new book series – “Diverse Editions” – which reprinted classic titles like Frankenstein, Romeo and Juliet, and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, but with one crucial difference: the covers had black and brown characters on them. With the exception of Alexandre Dumas, who was partly black, all the books selected were by white authors. Let’s just call this what it is: literary blackface... The bookstore, whose initiative has since been canned following a series of justly angry tweets, apparently used a computer program to scan novels considered classic and to choose ones where the ethnicity of the protagonists is unidentified. Hence: a black Captain Ahab on the cover of the “new” Moby Dick. A black Frankenstein’s monster... if Barnes & Noble really wanted to honor black history, the company could promote books by black authors... If the company really wanted to celebrate racial diversity in literature for Black History Month, then they should only have promoted books from black authors or that have black and brown characters"
The perils of "representation". Does this mean race swapping is bad because it's cinematic blackface?
What happens if a black author doesn't feature black characters?
Weird. When Hermione was made black this was praised as progressive

Black DJ accused of donning blackface at Arizona PTA event shares shock at false claims - "A black DJ who was accused of wearing blackface at a parent-teacher association party in Arizona by school district officials said he was left stunned after finding out about the allegations. Jill Lassen and Stuart Rhoden, who advocate for diversity at the Scottsdale Unified School District, filed letters of complaint after mistaking 56-year-old DJ Kim Koko Hunter for a white man after he was hired to DJ at the 1970s themed event... Stuart and Rhoden have since apologized, with some noting the irony of 'diversity and inclusion' activists rushing to such false conclusions. But Rhoden also sought to double down on his initial allegation, and speculated as to whether Hunter may have used cosmetic products to make his skin appear darker"
Zoe Saldana apologised for playing Nina Simone, so

Dance group accused of donning BLACKFACE for performance of Haka to a Bollywood song - "He said the video 'represents an emerging trend of online caricature depicting Māori as savage, uneducated and aggressive people, disguised as humour in the same manner that the Black Face is/was to African Americans... A third added: 'That's face paint drawn on in different styles not blackface, just because you mark your face with black paint does not mean it's blackface.'"
Apparently non-Maoris aren't allowed to do the Haka
By this logic, are Maori face tattoos blackface too?

Prada Accused of Blackface, Pulls Controversial Animal Charms from Retailers - "Ezie publicized her experience with the luxury retailer, saying that she “entered the store with a coworker, only to be assaulted with more and more bewildering examples of their Sambo like imagery... 'The Pradamalia are fantasy charms composed of elements of the Prada oeuvre. They are imaginary creatures not intended to have any reference to the real world and certainly not blackface.'... many on social media are decrying the Pradamalia collection for featuring characters with dark-colored skin, monkey-like features, and large red lips... the Swedish fashion brand H&M embroiled itself in a similar controversy when it ran an ad featuring a Black child wearing a green hoodie that read, “Coolest monkey in the jungle.”... Back in 2016, Dolce & Gabanna released a pair of “Slave Sandals” in its summer lineup. More recently, the company launched an ad in China featuring a Chinese woman struggling to eat pizza and cannoli with chopsticks”
The downside of "representation" is that you need to think harder about whether you're going to offend anyone, since there're tripwires that aren't present where white people are concerned.

The Washington Post's Halloween Costume Hit Job Is a New Low for Cancel Culture - "A few years ago, something mildly embarrassing occurred at a Halloween party hosted by a Washington Post cartoonist: A white woman painted her face black and wore a name tag that read "Hello, My Name is Megyn Kelly," in reference to the TV host's controversial defense of white people wearing blackface. The intended butt of the joke would appear to be Kelly, not black people. Regardless, several guests approached the woman and explained to her that it was still not OK to wear blackface. The woman reportedly left the party in tears. Suffice it to say, this is not a story that needed to be told. The woman is not famous, she does not appear to hold any power, and is not seeking public office. But because two of the aggrieved guests—a pair of young, progressive women—are still raw about it, and because we are living through a moment where no single person's humiliation is too trivial to earn them a reprieve from the forces of cancel culture, a pair of reporters have exhaustively chronicled the incident in a 3,000-word article for…The Washington Post. Brace yourself before diving in, because this is one of the worst newspaper articles of all time. Between the elite media navel-gazing, the smug sanctimony of the cancelers, the absurd one-sidedness of the narrative structure, the spirit of revenge taken to an odious extreme, it's hard not to come away feeling nauseated. Unfortunately, it's so emblematic of the rising dual trends of activist journalism and unforgiving progressivism that I'm going to go into some detail here. The article is titled "Blackface incident at Post cartoonist's 2018 Halloween party resurfaces amid protests." Resurfaced? How? Did it surface once, and is now surfacing again? Already we're shifting responsibility because the only reason this incident is "surfacing" at all is that the Post lacked the courage to tell the two women pictured in the article's photo that this particular story was not newsworthy. These two are Lexie Gruber and Lyric Prince... Why is The Washington Post writing about a Washington Post Halloween party from two years ago? If it wasn't newsworthy then, why is it newsworthy now? Many of the people quoted throughout the article are affiliated with the Post. Were they obligated to participate in this struggle session? Did they go on the record because they were still bothered by the incident, or because it was a chance to show the concern they didn't feel compelled to show two years ago? The story isn't the important thing—the story behind the story is what matters. And then the one behind that. The story here is that Gruber and Prince were offended at the Halloween costume chosen by Sue Schafer, a 54-year-old government contractor, and told her so. The story behind the story is that they recently decided this wasn't enough of a rebuke and so enlisted the Post to help them identify and publicly humiliate Schafer... An important aspect of the incident is Gruber's claim that Schafer "harassed" her. I think most readers would expect that "harassment" is active rather than passive: i.e., that Shafer must have done something to Gruber and Prince, beyond merely wearing a costume. Did she yell at them, or insult them? Since the Post journalists responsible for this story—Marc Fisher and Sydney Trent—were intent on reconstructing the party by interviewing as many guests as they could, you might think they would have shown a passing interest in verifying the provocative claim. But the article never backs it up, and in fact, numerous sources—including Gruber and Prince themselves—undermine it repeatedly... Gruber and Prince walked up to Schafer, called her ugly and pointed out her wrinkles. Schafer laughed awkwardly, probably in order to defuse the tension. Who is supposedly engaged in harassment here?"

Former RI student apologises after getting outed for group blackface photo from 2016 - "Anything posted on the internet stays on the internet — a tough lesson for a group of former Raffles Institution (RI) students who took a problematic photo four years ago... In the photo, a student who's believed to be of Sri Lankan descent is posing in front of a paper bag that’s labelled with his name and the words “whitening kit”. Posing around him are his schoolmates, all of them smiling with black beauty face masks on, akin to blackface... Expressing his solidarity with Black Lives Matter, Singapore’s biggest YouTuber Tan Jianhao acknowledged that a recurring character in his skits — a caricature of an elder Indian man — is insensitive and will no longer appear in his future videos."
Online outrage is more important than the student of Sri Lankan descent's agency

Monopoly is updating "Community Chest" cards to promote "social awareness" and it's a total disaster lol - "I'm starting to question whether the people who run Hasbro have ever actually played the game.  Here's a quick synopsis.  The objective is to rapaciously purchase all the property and businesses you can so you can charge predatory rents and fees in an attempt to bankrupt all your neighbors.  I think that about sums it up.  I just don't think that in the course of actively trying to financially ruin your opponents, it matters much if you rescued a shelter pet along the way. It's like if there were a woman's shelter you could volunteer at in Grand Theft Auto.  Regardless, they are giving you a say in which cards eventually get chosen, the way the Iranian Mullahs give their citizenry a say in which president they will have in that your choice has to be from a pre-approved list... Your selfishness is going to cost you in a game in which selfishness is the whole point.  I feel like they're torn between appearing virtuous, and making boat loads of money based on their monopoly on Monopoly... There's something else about these. None of them make sense. The old ones did. Your life insurance matures, or you get a tax refund, those are things that happen for which you receive cash.  You don't get paid to volunteer at a children's hospital, organize a cleanup, or play games with sick children... It's almost as if this appeals to a magical kind of thinking, that if you just do good things you get money from... It's not clear. Somewhere. Your parents, maybe? It's how we end up with gender studies majors with $200,000 in student loans.  Even the ones that make some sense, such as one where you receive money for your birthday, come with a woke message... I suppose we should count ourselves lucky that they didn't defund the police, replace all the properties with community gardens and co-ops, and change the name to "Equitableopoly.""

Who decides if the US is in a recession? Eight White economists you've never heard of
So much for trusting the experts. When the left can't politicise it expertise doesn't matter

Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids? / Queerty
From 2011. We'll still get gaslit about this of course  

Tesla lays off head of LGBTQ+ and diversity lead amid Musk's 'woke mind virus' concerns - "we reported on Musk telling Tesla executives in an email that they need to cut 10% of the workforce and pause hiring due to having a “super-bad feeling” about the economy."    
Of course we know companies don't love money, so they cut the most important staff first

SpaceX Straight-up Fires Woke Activist Employees - "After a group of woke employees took the initiative of trying to build anti-Musk sentiment — within the company Musk founded and still mostly owns — and issuing a set of tiresome, leftist demands, SpaceX summarily fired them... the end-stage of terminal wokeness is when the infected organization eschews its original purpose to dedicate itself primarily to perpetuating wokeness. The self-appointed diversity directors at SpaceX were clearly attempting to induce this condition at their workplace... Note that they believe SpaceX’s first primary goal is making all leftists, no matter how disturbing, comfortable (“Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” in corporatese).  The internal activists leveraged a mere accusation of harassment against Musk to justify their actions, though it was clear their real beef is that he’s embarrassingly unwoke. Check out their breathtaking self-appointed authority to shape and control the culture of a corporation they don’t own or lead, but which is owned by Elon Musk... Usually, this is the point at which corporations cave to the woke moblet of employees, trampling on the silent majority who just want to get their work done to waste company time and money on soothing the sensitive hyperventilaters. They then discover too late that it’s never possible to placate these people, and that once in the throes of the cycle, the organization ends up circling the drain...
'You may have received an unsolicited request from a small group of SpaceX employees for your signature on an “open letter” yesterday and your participation in a related survey. Based on diverse employee feedback, this has upset many. That is, the letter, solicitations and general process made employees feel uncomfortable, intimidated and bullied, and/or angry because the letter pressured them to sign onto something that did not reflect their views. Employees also complained that it interfered with their ability to focus on and do their work. We have 3 launches within 37 hours for critical satellites this weekend, we have to support the astronauts we delivered to the ISS and get cargo Dragon back to the flight-ready, and after receiving environmental approval early this week, we are on the cusp of the first orbital launch attempt of Starship. We have too much critical work to accomplish and no need for this kind of overreaching activism — our current leadership team is more dedicated to ensuring we have a great and ever-improving work environment than any I have seen in my 35-year career…blanketing thousands of people across the company with repeated unsolicited emails and asking them to sign letters and fill out unsponsored surveys during the work day is not acceptable, goes against our documented handbook policy'"
Of course, some liberals claimed that he was a hypocrite for claiming to believe in freedom of speech. Presumably if you crack down on spammers that is anti-freedom of speech too
Of course, only liberals' feelings matter - the fact that employees felt uncomfortable by the activism doesn't mean anything, but if liberal employees felt uncomfortable that would have been a threat to their "safety"

Meme - "He is South African. He's not African."
"Where do you think South Africa is?"
"If I have to explain the difference between a country and a continent, and also a nationality and a race, it just tells me that you're too stupid to even be speaking to."
"So South Africa is not in Africa? Lol and you're calling others stupid?"

What Elon Musk Has Taught Us About The Left - "He’s at times unpredictable, it’s not that he’s out of control, it’s that he can’t be controlled. And nothing will drive a progressive madder than a person they can’t control.  Obviously, he’s not a typical right-winger and he definitely isn’t a typical left-winger, which by the left’s standards makes him a right-winger. Because if you’re not in lockstep with the Left then you’re far-right or alt-right or a Nazi or whatever.  When Elon fires off a laughing emoji under a Babylon Bee article or calls out Bernie’s bullshit on Twitter, the Left just doesn’t have any recourse. Most big corporate folks play by the rules of the Left, regardless of how often they change. They apologize when they shouldn’t, they make foolish corporate policies to placate the keyboard warriors and they remove products or personnel because some random user on Twitter used a buzzword and tagged their corporate account... It takes a bit of courage and it puts a little bit of your life on the line, which no Resister ever had to do. The Left got to be as crazy as they wanted without any consequences. If a Lib throws a resist hashtag or a BLM square on their social media they get praise hands and adoration. If someone on the right puts a do not comply image on their Instagram they’ll hear about it from every woke friend (right before they lecture you about how problematic you are and then unfollow you.) The institutions are controlled by the Left. From BLM to corporations, colleges, government agencies, even our military have complied with the insatiable demands of the Left. So resisting was really just complying with the institutional trends.  It was as mainstream as McDonalds — and probably just as unhealthy. People who do not comply draw the ire of the left. Musk is one character in this ridiculous chapter of America who hasn’t let himself be steamrolled. And while an Elon meme calling Senator Elizabeth Warren a ‘Karen’ may seem juvenile and insignificant, it isn’t.  Just look how the left and their media partners responded. There are many ways people do not comply. Personally, I use memes and mockery. Ben, of course, chooses facts and logic. Do what you want — that’s the point. Don’t be controlled or pressured or coerced into doing things you don’t want to do"

Elon Musk says 'wokeness' is 'divisive, exclusionary, and hateful' - "Musk began the interview by lamenting California, saying the state used to be the "land of opportunity", but now it has become the "land of over-regulation, over-litigation, and scorn." The Babylon Bee interviewers and Musk agree to say it's left-leaning policies that have caused this transformation.  "Gavin Newsom is U-Haul salesman of the year"... "Wokeness basically wants to make comedy illegal,” Musk said. “Trying to shut down Chappelle, come on, man, that’s crazy. Do we want a humorless society that is simply rife with condemnation and hate basically? At its heart, wokeness is divisive, exclusionary, and hateful. It basically gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue."... Building off his statement about "wokeness" and comedy, Musk says he used to be a bigger fan of "The Onion," another popular satirical website, until it became "politically correct".  "It's ['The Onion'] gone the 'SNL' [Saturday Night Live] direction... it will not really make fun of anything on the left," Musk says, adding he thinks The Onion used to be a bit more "even-handed" until it was infected by "woke-mind-virus""

Twitter Bluecheck Brigade Freaks Out Over Elon Musk Reading Breitbart Article - "Simply acknowledging Breitbart’s reporting was enough to send the platform’s left-wing users into fits of rage... David Weissman, who writes for a publication called “Occupy Democrats,” unironically accuses other people of writing “propaganda.” “This from Breitbart and Elon is false,” said alleged tech journalist Teddy Schleifer (the source for the information in the article was public disclosures from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation). Dan Tynan, an allegedly “award-winning” writer claimed that NGOs telling Twitter advertisers to boycott the platform if it stops censoring users, including politicians, isn’t an “attack on the principle of free speech,” that Bill Gates shorting Tesla wasn’t an attack on the company’s stock, and that the combined attack on Musk’s free speech goals from both Gates and the NGOs his foundation supports wasn’t an “attack on Musk.”...   The phenomenon of Musk Derangement Syndrome (MDS) is now well established."
If Breitbart reports that Stephen Hawking wrote a peer-reviewed article saying the earth was round, that means it's flat

Elon Musk on Twitter - "Unless it is stopped, the woke mind virus will destroy civilization and humanity will never reached Mars"

British law maker withdraws attempt to remove clergy exemption on same-sex marriages - "Three members of the House of Lords, the upper house of the UK Parliament, have tabled an amendment to a Bill on marriages and civil partnerships that would have removed the exemption for members of the clergy to solemnise the marriage of a same sex couple. But the amendment was withdrawn by the main proposer, Lord Faulkner of Worcester, after the Government said it could not support the proposal.  The amendment was tabled by three opposition Labour Party peers: Richard Faulkner, Raymond Collins, and Michael Cashman. If introduced into law, it would require the Secretary of State to make regulations within six months to remove the exemption for clergy.   The Act of Parliament that legalised same-sex marriages in England and Wales contains “opt-in” protections for religious groups. Clergy may not solemnise same-sex marriages unless their denomination’s governing body has formally opted in. The law also protects religious groups who do not conduct same sex marriages from claims under anti-discrimination law. The Act contains specific additional exemptions for the two Anglican Churches, the Church of England and the Church in Wales, which prevents them from opting in without a change in the law...   Lord Faulkner withdrew his amendment without a vote, but said that he may bring it back at a later stage of the Bill’s progress through the House of Lords."
So much for the "myth" of the slippery slope. How long more will the quadruple lock last?

Madison Stalker on Twitter - "Narcissists will gaslight you by saying that your negative reaction to their toxic behavior is hurtful."
When SJW concept clashes with SJW concept

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