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Monday, August 01, 2022

Links - 1st August 2022 (2 - George Floyd Unrest)

Woke, Inc. - "Fox News was widely criticised for producing a tasteless graphic which highlighted the stock-market gains in the immediate aftermath of George Floyd’s murder. It also compared them to the gains made following similar racist atrocities in the US. It showed that the S&P rose by 3.4 per cent following Floyd’s killing. This was compared to a rise of just 2.9 per cent following Martin Luther King’s assassination (which sparked the riots of 1968), and 1.2 per cent after both the acquittal of the police officers who brutalised Rodney King (leading to the LA riots of 1992) and the police killing of Michael Brown (which sparked the Ferguson uprising of 2014). The Fox graphic said the quiet part out loud – that the brutal execution of an innocent black man would be a good opportunity for business. Why? Because it would offer every brand the opportunity to restate its commitment to the vaguely defined values of diversity and inclusion and to present itself as a force for progress in a cruel, heartless and reactionary world. This is surely what Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase (America’s largest bank), was communicating when he ‘took the knee’ in front of a giant open bank vault.   On the whole, wokeness is good for business. According to an Edelman survey of 35 countries, 64 per cent of customers say they would reward firms for taking a stand on social issues. This isn’t a foolproof strategy. Gillette showed it was posible to ‘go woke and go broke’ when it insulted its male consumer base by deriding ‘toxic masculinity’ in one of its adverts. But in general, the risks are low and ‘taking a stand’ is inexpensive, while the rewards are potentially high. When Nike launched an advertising campaign with NFL player Colin Kaepernick – who had been sacked for taking the knee – its sales were boosted by billions.  Some have questioned whether companies are as committed to social-justice causes as they claim. The BBC, for instance, notes that many of the firms that have praised Black Lives Matter have very few black people in leadership positions. Others have noted that the employment practices of those who supply the likes of Nike and Apple in the developing world are not all that unlike slavery. But overwhelmingly, it seems that woke gestures are enough to burnish a brand’s reputation.   Consider Dow Chemical, a company which made napalm for the US military during the Vietnam War. It is also considered to be liable for the world’s worst industrial disaster – the Bhopal gas tragedy, which killed at least 3,000 people. Last year, Bloomberg Businessweek devoted a feature to how ‘Dow Chemical got woke’. The standfirst featured the following astonishing sentence, which seemed to imply that the second half cancelled out the first: ‘The big conservative chemical company with a legacy of making napalm during the Vietnam War has a gay CEO.’ Wokeness absolves all sins, it seems. It is easy to portray these moves as mere cynicism or ‘wokewashing’. But the embrace of these values by the corporate world is very real. Capitalism has struggled to justify its existence for decades, especially since the dawn of the Long Depression from the 1970s onwards. It has stagnated and struggled to provide Westerners with the growing abundance we once expected, though it has managed to coast in the knowledge that there is no serious alternative. Wokeness offers the capitalist class a new sense of mission and moral purpose. There is a similar dynamic at play with ‘sustainability’ and green capitalism.   And it’s not just brands who are benefitting. A whole diversity-and-inclusion industry has emerged. According to Iris Bohnet, in an interview with McKinsey consultants, US companies spend an estimated $8 billion on diversity training alone – though Bohnet could not find any evidence that this has led to increased diversity. Yet corporate enthusiasm for diversity remains undiminished. It is a mission without end. Private consultancy on race and diversity can be a good money spinner, too...   Industries and sectors which are already diverse still insist on finding more diversity. For instance, the UK TV industry’s latest Creative Diversity Network report finds that ‘those who identify as female, transgender, BAME and lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) are all represented at levels comparable with (or above) national population estimates’. The BAME population is actually more prevalent on screen than in the country as a whole – making up nearly 23 per cent of screen contributions but just 14 per cent of the population. The job of diversity seems to be largely done, but there is a lot of money available which depends on people pretending otherwise.   In the public sector, diversity and inclusion is practically a religion. Even the NHS, which everyone knows has a disproportionate number of BAME doctors and nurses, is engaged in a bizarre drive for more diversity. One in five NHS staff is BAME and a whopping 30 per cent of doctors have an Asian background. Most normal people couldn’t care less about the skin colour of the people saving their lives. Nevertheless, hospital trusts across the country are employing diversity managers, some of whom are earning around £70,000 per year from the taxpayer.  Ultimately, the questions we should ask about all political movements is who benefits. Whether Black Lives Matter and the cultural revolution unfolding in its wake has any benefit for black people on the poverty line or facing police violence is yet to be seen. The capitalist class and the public-sector middle classes, on the other hand, have found an unparalleled opportunity for moral and spiritual renewal. They will be the guardians and facilitators of the new woke morality, and therefore its chief beneficiaries – both financially and reputationally."

Racist Magic: The Gathering cards banned, removed from database by publisher - "Seven cards in all, dating back to 1994, are now banned from play. Their images will also being removed from the game’s official online database... The list of now-banned cards is: Invoke Prejudice, Cleanse, Stone-Throwing Devils, Pradesh Gypsies, Jihad, Imprison, and Crusade.  One card in particular, Invoke Prejudice, was singled out. It shows a hooded executioner with a black axe. “If opponent casts a Summon spell that does not match the color of one of the creatures under your control, that spell is countered,” says the card. It effectively kills off creatures that don’t look like the creatures already on the table. Gatherer, the official online database of every Magic card ever published, displays the card at a web URL ending in “1488,” numbers that are synonymous with white supremacy... It also recently made another alteration to its catalog of cards, changing the name of a Godzilla-themed promotional card to remove a perceived reference to the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19."

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "In new video, Makhia Bryant can be heard screaming “I’m gonna stab the fuck out of you, bitch,” while lunging at two unarmed people who were posing no imminent physical threat to her"

Meme - "The homicide rates in 12 major American cities broke records last year. What is the common denominator? They're all run by Democrats."
"Yikes. I thought of a different common denominator."

Giant George Floyds, ‘sexualised’ women – the ‘new wave’ of statues was a bad idea - "many new statues are under attack worldwide. Chris Carnabuci’s statue of George Floyd in New York has had paint thrown over it several times; a statue in Bordeaux by Woodly Caymitte depicting Modeste Testas, a freed African slave, was also recently covered in paint.    Others have only narrowly escaped being doused. In Italy, a recent sculpture of a socialist peasant woman by Emanuele Stifano caused outrage on account of its apparent sexiness. One senator from the Democratic party, Monica Cirinnà, called it a “slap in the face to history, and to women who are still only sexualised bodies”. The sculptor insisted that he would have made it naked had he been allowed, criticising his critics for seeing only “depravity”. And back here in Britain, who could forget the bemused outrage that greeted Maggi Hambling’s statue for Mary Wollstonecraft last year? Iconoclasm – the destruction of images and objects for religious or political reasons – is a perennial human temptation... as was shown in the tearing-down of statues of slave-owners last summer, history itself is now up for destruction"

Ex-Windsor School principal fired over Black Lives Matter post rejects settlement - "School officials in Windsor earlier this year offered to settle a lawsuit with former Windsor School Principal Tiffany Riley, who was fired following Facebook comments she made criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement...   The School Board had taken action after Riley had made a Facebook post on her personal account in June 2020 that said, “I firmly believe Black Lives Matter, but I DO NOT agree with coercive measures taken to get this point across; some of which are falsified in an attempt to prove a point.” She also wrote that “(w)hile I want to get behind BLM, I do not think people should be made to feel they have to choose black race over human race.”"
Dissent cannot be tolerated

Students Demand Skidmore College Fire an Art Professor for Observing a Pro-Cop Rally - "David Peterson is an art professor at Skidmore College, a private liberal arts college in Saratoga Springs, New York. In late July, the professor and his wife, Andrea Peterson, attended a "Back the Blue" rally—not as supporters of the cause, they say, but as curious spectators... Skidmore students are demanding that both Peterson be fired for "engaging in hateful conduct that threatens Black Skidmore students"...   Students have circulated their demands on social media, and even taped a note to the door of Peterson's classroom advising his students that they are "crossing a campus-wide picket line and breaking the boycott against Professor David Peterson." Peterson has attempted to make it clear that his presence at the rally did not constitute an endorsement of it; this matters very little to the students. An opinion piece in the student newspaper included his explanation, but still accused him of failing to "reconcile with his behavior." That piece also claimed that "there have been many claims of Mr. Peterson making students of color and queer students feel uncomfortable and unheard in his art classes prior to this," but did not elaborate...   In any case, the boycott is evidently succeeding: Peterson said that most of his students have dropped his classes: Those who think the boycott is ridiculous are afraid to speak up, one student told Churchill...   If this is how they treat a professor who is insufficiently committed to their causes, one wonders how progressive students would treat a professor who holds ardently conservative views—or whether they could peacefully engage with another student, administrator, or any human being who disagrees with them. One gets the sense that a certain kind of liberal arts education is, for some extremely sensitive far-left students, no longer preparing them for the real world, or at least not in the sense this was traditionally intended. Indeed, the real world had better be prepared for them."
Even listening to "bigots" makes you a "bigot"

Black lawyers blast white colleague over 'racist' integration stance - "Maud Maron, a Legal Aid defense attorney running for City Council in Manhattan, caught flack from colleagues after saying in an interview that even if parents say potentially racist things, they may have “valid concerns.”   “It is obvious to anyone with any sense of racial justice that Maud is racist and openly so. She attacks efforts to end racism by claiming there is no racism,” wrote members of the Black Attorneys of Legal Aid in a statement posted to Twitter Sunday night.  The attorneys were responding to comments Maron made about school integration in a New York Times interview, as well as a follow up op-ed Maron wrote last week in another city paper in which she slammed the DOE’s anti-bias trainings, which she said do “nothing to actually improve our broken schools.” In the Times interview, Maron stressed that “community buy-in” was key to integrating schools, and that parents with concerns about integration must be taken seriously...   “She denies the existence of structural and institutional racism,” the Legal Aid Society wrote in a statement about Maron that did not mention the public defender by name"
Public defender sues Legal Aid for labeling her ‘racist’ - "“Opposing racist ‘anti-bias’ training is not itself racist if words continue to have meaning,” Maron states in her suit filed late Monday in Manhattan Federal Court."

'You killed a child': Armed protesters in Georgia fire into car, striking 8-year-old girl - "An 8-year-old girl is dead after a shooting near the Georgia Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks died... Police have identified the child as Secoriea Turner.The location of the shooting was in a parking lot across the street from the now burned-out Wendy’s, which has been occupied by demonstrators since Brooks’ death at the hands of an Atlanta police officer.Police said Turner was riding in a car with her mother and her mother’s friend when they exited the interstate at University Avenue. The driver tried to turn into the parking lot at 1238 Pryor Road when he was confronted by an “group of armed individuals” who had blocked the entrance... Secoriya Williamson, Secoriea’s father, also spoke out.“They say black lives matter,” Williamson said. “You killed your own this time. You killed a child. She didn’t do nothing to nobody.”"

Former Atlanta police officer Garrett Rolfe, who fatally shot Rayshard Brooks, was wrongly terminated - "Garrett Rolfe, the former Atlanta police officer charged in the fatal shooting of Rayshard Brooks in a Wendy's parking lot, was wrongly terminated, the Atlanta Civil Service Board has ruled."

What Black Lives Matter Wants You to Do for Christmas to Fight 'White-Supremacist-Capitalism' - "BLM is encouraging people to "dream of a #BlackXmas," meaning "to intentionally use our economic resources to disrupt white-supremacist-capitalism and build Black community":
    #BuildBlack: Invest in Black-led, Black-serving organizations by making donations in the names of your loved ones as holiday gifts.
    #BuyBlack: When buying items, spend exclusively with Black-owned businesses from Black Friday through New Year.
    #BankBlack: Move your money from white corporate banks (that finance gentrification, prisons, and environmental degradation) to Black-owned ones."

Black Lives Matter in Utah calls Stars and Stripes 'a symbol of hate' - "The Utah chapter of the Black Lives Matter movement sparked anger on social media during the Fourth of July weekend after it posted a message on Facebook calling the American flag a ‘symbol of hate.’... 'When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around,' the statement read... BLM Utah shut off comments to its original July 4th post and said it would donate $1 to the re-election campaign of House Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for every Facebook user it blocked... In another Facebook message, BLM Utah referred to its critics as ‘Karen.’... critics slammed The New York Times for an article that suggested the American flag has become a symbol of divisiveness.The New York Times published an article on Saturday titled: 'A Fourth of July Symbol of Unity That May No Longer Unite.'"
We're still told that liberals don't hate their countries

Chicago Alderman Wants People to Blow Whistles, Run at Armed Robbers - "Chicago Alderman Michele Smith (D-Ward 43) wants her constituents to wear whistles, which they can blow while running towards armed robbers, should they witness a crime taking place"

Time to Cancel Police Dogs, Experts Say - "Police K-9s are “grossly, disproportionately” used against people of colour, inflict gruesome lifelong injuries, and often attack people who have committed minor crimes... In a 1999 experiment where suspects were hidden in buildings of various sizes, trained dogs were not only able to track them down more successfully than human-only teams, but got the jobs done between four and 20 times faster... Data Eden shared with VICE World News from a confidential database shows 7.4 bites occurring for every 100 police dog deployments. His data shows white people are proportionally bitten more frequently than Black people overall. His database draws from 1,500 police agencies across North America, representing about 4,500 dogs, but race is not always recorded."
If crime rises, liberals will blame "Racism"

Man Arrested For Starting Oregon Fire Gets Released Without Bail, Sets 6 More Fires - "A suspect accused of using a Molotov cocktail to start a brush fire near an Oregon interstate went out and started six more fires shortly after he was released from jail, according to police.  At least 35 people have died as the result of massive blazes that have been ravaging much of the West Coast... a PPB East Precinct officer was flagged down by someone who said they saw the suspect who started the fire, police said.  The witness directed them to a tent in the area, and officers found 45-year-old Domingo Lopez inside... Washington State Patrol (WSP) District 1 Public Information Officer Trooper Ryan Burke announced in a tweet on Sept. 9 that officers from multiple jurisdictions apprehended a 36-year-old man for setting a fire in the median of SR-167 in Puyallup.  The Gateway Pundit identified the suspect as Jeffrey Accord, a local Black Lives Matter activist."
You'd almost think that the establishment was pro-crime...

Olympic hammer thrower Gwen Berry turns back to US flag - "A US hammer thrower turned away from the American flag as the national anthem played while she and two other athletes stood on the podium at the Olympic trials Saturday, later saying she was “pissed” that “The Star-Spangled Banner” played as she received her bronze medal.  Gwen Berry — who qualified for her second US Olympic team during the trials — shifted to face the stands rather than the flag before holding up a black shirt that read, “Activist Athlete.”...   Despite her own questionable antics while her nation’s anthem played, Berry called out the Olympic trial organizers as being inappropriate — to her...   “My purpose and my mission is bigger than sports,” Berry said. “I’m here to represent those … who died due to systemic racism. That’s the important part. That’s why I’m going. That’s why I’m here today.”  A USA Track and Field rep disputed Berry’s characterization of the anthem playing.  “The national anthem was scheduled to play at 5:20 p.m. today,” said spokeswoman Susan Hazzard. “We didn’t wait until the athletes were on the podium for the hammer throw awards. The national anthem is played every day according to a previously published schedule.”  Unlike at the Olympics, the national anthem is not played during medal ceremonies at the Olympic trials. It has been played once per day at a set time. On Saturday, the music started at 5:25."
It is a myth that liberals hate their countries

Lo-fi Republican on Twitter - "Life for most Americans is worse by nearly every metric under Biden yet there have been virtually zero riots here in the last two years compared to Trump, goes to show protest movements are largely products of social engineering and not grass roots reaction to material conditions"

Minneapolis Residents Mixed Emotions After Police Referendum Results - "Across the street from the entrance of George Floyd square, there is a church with several tapestries showing their support for the movement. This specific one denotes Floyd as an angel, with a halo placed above his head."
Paintings of George Floyd as Jesus on Display at Catholic University
First George Floyd was a hero. Then he was a saint. Now he's Jesus

Toronto school board considers renaming Queen Victoria Public School due to 'racist legacy' - "The school is one of many being considered for potential name change, in accordance with the April 21 "Renaming Schools Celebrating the Diversity of Toronto" motion, which notes that there are not enough schools named after Indigenous or Black Leaders of colour, stating that  “some schools names do not reflect the values of contemporary Toronto” and that “some schools are named after people with a racist legacy.”... The school has been named after Queen Victoria since 1887."

Melting statues to create modern art is a sign America hates its own history & no different from ISIS destroying Palmyra - "A museum in Virginia is proposing to melt down a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee and use the bronze to create a new work of public art. This wilful act of woke vandalism shows America’s self-loathing has no boundaries. The statue was removed from public viewing after gaining notoriety as the focus of the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right/Antifa riots. And now a plan has been submitted by the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center to melt the Lee statue down and use the metal for new artworks, to be decided via “community engagement.” This democratic art process, alone, sounds dodgy and post-modernist, and likely to result in a series of meaningless obtuse shapes and badly rendered George Floyd busts. Organizations backing this proposal (including George Soros’ Open Society) have pledged $590,000 towards the project so far, which has been labelled as a re-contextualization – a rather typically heartwarming and faux-intellectual act of wordsmithing, the neo-liberal way to say “vandalised, destroyed, replaced.”... a museum wishes to destroy a historic statue. This is not what museums are for, ever, for any reason, regardless of the type of museum or how you interpret the past... Sarah Parcak, professor of ancient architecture at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, made a series of tweets explaining how Antifa protesters could successfully pull down and destroy monuments. This occurred as rioters were vandalising the Lincoln Memorial, World War II memorials, and other iconic sites. Ms. Parcak, an Egyptologist, went so far as to say that obelisks also “might be masquerading as a racist monument,” and require vandalism. “PSA for ANYONE who might be interested in how to pull down an obelisk safely from an Egyptologist who never ever in a million years thought this advice might come in handy,” she tweeted. She did not lose her position at the university over any of this. in America today, one can expect professors of ancient architecture and entire museums to not just condone, but actively seek, the destruction of historic sculptures and monuments – those very things that are their ward to protect. The reverse of their primary teleological function. It is like a dentist who just pulls all your teeth out, or a mechanic who breaks every car he sees... If truly nothing can stand up to this process of dissolution, then there is not much point in continuing the masquerade, as no nation which actually hates itself can carry on for too long. There are many who have thought that by lowering their heads, their jobs and livelihoods might remain secure. That by saying nothing, by conceding to the latest moral rule espoused by the corporate press, they will be permitted to feed their families another day.   And yes, you will be rewarded for compliance, by saying nothing, or even cheering as they take the statues down. But around every corner, every day, for everyone, a new ‘thing’ is awaiting your compliance.   Or else"

Facebook - "Local hard proof that one pistol round sometimes cannot stop a determined attacker.
During the brawl, the second officer discharged one round from his revolver at the 36-year-old man.  “This did not immediately stop (the 36-year-old man) from his attempt to snatch the second officer’s revolver and the struggle continued," said SPF."
Clearly the police should only shoot those who attack them once and see if they continue to attack them

Facebook - "Case study on what happens if officers don't shoot the moment a gun, or something resembling a gun is pointed at them, rather than giving the suspect a warning to drop the gun first. A reasonable person who isn't inherently anti-authority would understand why some cops get jumpy and shoot when a toy gun is drawn, or the suspect makes a sudden move to pull a gun to drop it.
"When Marshall and her partner arrived at the front door and ordered the 43-year-old woman to depart, she pointed a firearm at them and refused orders to drop it. Worsham then fired, striking Marshall three times, investigators said. Marshall’s partner, who hasn’t been identified by authorities, shot back, killing Worsham.""

Black Lives Matter blamed for cops pulling back causing a spike in murders of African-Americans - "The number of black Americans murdered in 2020 jumped by 32 percent - with an expert blaming BLM protests for the huge spike by scaring-off cops.    Killings across racial demographic have swelled by 30 percent between 2019 and 2020, the largest increase since 1905, but blacks have borne the larger impact of that deadly trend... Meyer also blamed criminal justice reforms, like the kind that have taken place in New York, Pennsylvania and California for the increase in violent deaths... 'The rate of felony among defendants out of jail pre-trial who prior to 'bail reform' has been estimated at 43 percent.'... alternative theories circulating around think tanks and in criminal justice research circles pins the blame for the increased violence on the pandemic and the economic imbalance in the US and the increase in gun sales."

Yes, the Media Bury the Race of Murderers—If They’re Not White - "papers downplay the race of non-white offenders, mentioning their race much later in articles than they do for white offenders. These papers are also three to four times more likely to mention an offender's race at all if he is white, a disparity that grew in the wake of George Floyd's death in 2020 and the protests that followed...   The data suggest an alarming editorial trend in which major papers routinely omit information from news reports, presenting readers with a skewed picture of who does and doesn't commit crime. These editorial choices are part and parcel with the "racial reckoning" that swept newsrooms in the wake of Floyd's murder, which saw journalists dramatically overhauling crime coverage to emphasize the view that the criminal justice system is racist at the root—perhaps at the expense of honesty about individual offenders' crimes... even after omitting reports about white offenders Kyle Rittenhouse, Derek Chauvin, and the killers of Ahmaud Arbery, the race of white offenders is mentioned in 16 percent of cases, two to three times the rate at which the race of black offenders is mentioned...   Newspapers across the country—including the Inquirer—stopped publishing mugshot galleries in part because, two Florida newspapers wrote, they "may have reinforced negative stereotypes." Others committed to overhauling their language, substituting phrases like "formerly incarcerated person" for "felon" to respond to what the Poynter Institute described as an "inextricabl[e]" link between reporting on crime and "race and racism." And the Associated Press amended its style guide to discourage the use of the word "riot," which allegedly has racist connotations.  At the same time, major newsrooms have prioritized "racial justice" coverage, part of a push for what the journalist-cum-activist Wesley Lowery called "moral clarity" over "objectivity": writing news reports that take the sides on contested issues with the goal of advancing a political objective.  Such "moral clarity" may mean downplaying black crime and emphasizing white crime. In the case of offenders like James, it means leaving readers in the dark about an important element of the story—journalistic malfeasance that is, of course, in service of the greater good."

BLM Leader: If U.S. Doesn't Give Us What We Want, We Will Burn It Down - "Greater New York Black Lives Matter president Hawk Newsome warned that if the United States “doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.”"
But of course Trump saying to march peacefully to the Capitol was inciting an insurrection

Democrat's "Peaceful Transfer of Power" Sanctimony - "Republicans are always right on the edge of political violence, or so we are told — by people who refuse to acknowledge that Democrats have gone over that edge. Democrats can shoot, loot, and burn all day, and it’s a “mostly peaceful protest.” During the 2000 Florida recount, some Republicans did the very un-Republican thing of staging a protest — not a “mostly peaceful” protest but an actual, honest-to-goodness peaceful one. What did the Democrats call it? “The Brooks Brothers riot.”... The people on the left who believe that Donald Trump is plotting to make himself president-for-life are the progressive answer to QAnon. They’re bananas, they’re terrified, and they are having a terrific time...   We have seen this before, of course. The last time around, every Democrat with a public platform in North America demanded that Trump et al. promise to “accept the results” of the election — and then they promptly rejected the results themselves when the wonky psychotic ping-pong ball of American democracy didn’t bounce their way. Now, they want Republicans to promise a peaceful transition of power — even as they turn the election season into a season of blood and fire."

Chicago Car Dealer on $1M Smash and Grab: Lightfoot, Foxx to Blame - "Joe Perillo, a high-end car dealer in Chicago, claims Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s and Cook County Attorney Kim Foxx’s lax law enforcement policies are building a “network of thieves.”  Perillo’s Gold Coast Exotic Motors, which includes an elite fleet of vehicles, including Bentleys, Lamborghinis, and Ferraris, was the target of a smash and grab robbery on Saturday, and the thieves allegedly stole over a million dollars worth of luxury watches... “After State’s Attorney Kim Foxx sought to only prosecute shoplifting over $1,000 in 2016 shoplifting has become an increasing problem with some retailers shutting down entirely”"

Black Lives Matter claims America is 'stolen land' in Thanksgiving tweet - ""You are eating dry turkey and overcooked stuffing on stolen land," BLM's national arm wrote on Twitter Thursday. The post included a graphic repeating the "stolen land" claim...
'Since when do you guys have a problem with theft?'"

The War on American Communities - "Brooks shot his nephew in a fight over an old cell phone. His bail was initially set at $10,000 and then reduced to $7,500. But after hearing arguments by Brooks’ attorney, Milwaukee County Judge David Feiss lowered his bail to $500. Remember that a Wisconsin court commissioner set Kyle Rittenhouse’s bail at $2 million, although he acted in self-defense against armed assailants and immediately surrendered to police... Progressive prosecutors may have patted themselves on the back for their magnanimity toward a violent criminal then, but the Waukesha tragedy now has them in the hot seat.  Given the nature of the November charges, the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office, led by District Attorney John Chisholm, admitted in a statement Monday that the $1,000 bail recommended by prosecutors, and accepted by the court commissioner, had been “inappropriately low.” As if the families of the deceased should rest assured knowing that it was serial incompetence rather than malice that unleashed Brooks on their loved ones. “This office is currently conducting an internal review of the decision to make the recent bail recommendation in this matter in order to determine the appropriate next steps,” the statement read. But Chisholm never would have launched a review unless a widely publicized catastrophe had forced his hand. He had even bragged that people might die as a result of his policies. “Is there going to be an individual I divert, or I put into treatment program, who’s going to go out and kill somebody? You bet,” Chisholm told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in 2007. “Guaranteed. It’s guaranteed to happen. It does not invalidate the overall approach.” Chisholm, moreover, is a partisan who uses his office to protect the lawless and persecute political enemies. In 2013, he “launched a secret crimininvestigation involving almost every conservative advocacy group in the state”... The Wisconsin Supreme Court declared the investigation unconstitutional and ordered it shut down in a 4-2 ruling. Chisholm has been a vocal supporter not only of bail reform but of the most radical, George Soros-backed prosecutors, like California’s Chesa Boudin... Under Boudin, law and order has deteriorated so dramatically in San Francisco that reform advocates have asked locals to “tolerate” burglaries amid a crime wave. Race and social justice “experts” have even cautioned against using the word “looting” to describe now common “smash and grabs” in the Bay Area.  Looting is the least of the public’s worries. An analysis by The Guardian found homicides across the 12 counties that make up the greater San Francisco region increased 25 percent in 2020, compared with the previous year. This isn’t a fluke; this is criminal justice reform working as intended... The same people calling for bail reform did not have a problem with Rittenhouse’s astronomical bail, just as those demanding an end to “mass incarceration” insisted we lock him up and throw away the key. Tim Scott, the South Carolina Republican who Mitch McConnell considers “the future of the Republican Party,” lamented the shooting of Jacob Blake that sparked riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He even mourned the deaths of the convicted pedophile and domestic abuser shot by Rittenhouse in self-defense. But he, like much of the GOP, has not said a word in support of the latter, who came a hair’s breadth from becoming a real victim of an unjust legal outcome. There is a war for control over America’s streets. By and large, the established political order has sided with people like Darrell Brooks and abandoned law-abiding, decent Americans to the wolves. If Americans want to take back their communities, they must reject the siren songs of “reform” activists, whether they call themselves Republicans or Democrats."

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