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Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Links - 3rd August 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

Obama Speech in South Africa Slams Habits That Made His Career - "Obama pointed out that history’s many horrific systems of oppression can’t be simplified to a simple narrative of racism: “Whites were happy to exploit other whites when they could. And by the way, blacks were often willing to exploit other blacks. And around the globe, the majority of people lived at subsistence levels, without a say in the politics or economic forces that determined their lives.”And he took a shot at identity politics: “You can’t [change minds] if you insist that those who aren’t like you — because they’re white, or because they’re male — that somehow there’s no way they can understand what I’m feeling, that somehow they lack standing to speak on certain matters.”… this is the president who made Al Sharpton his “go-to man on race” and who said Latinos needed to “punish” their “enemies.” It’s great that Obama realizes that identity politics can be corrosive to civil society and that they can Balkanize a once-thriving, relatively harmonious society. It just would have been good to hear this wisdom from a president instead of an ex-president... For Americans and the rest of the world, life in the ’90s was better and safer than it was at the beginning of the 1980s — which is why it is unwise for adults who should know better to say things like, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country” in 2008... Perhaps “Make America Great Again” and “American Carnage” are unduly dark and pessimistic assessments of the country — but they simply echoed the apocalyptic perspective of Democrats in the latter years of the Bush presidency... “For once solidly middle-class families in advanced economies like the United States, these trends have meant greater economic insecurity, especially for those who don’t have specialized skills, people who were in manufacturing, people working in factories, people working on farms.” Had he focused on this more during his presidency, would Hillary Clinton have lost?... “In the West, you’ve got far-right parties that oftentimes are based not just on platforms of protectionism and closed borders, but also on barely hidden racial nationalism.” Would those parties have flourished if the Barack Obamas and Angela Merkels of the world had taken citizens’ demands for border security and carefully scrutinized immigration more seriously? How much faith was lost in U.S. immigration controls when the 9/11 hijackers, the Boston Marathon bombers, and the San Bernardino terrorists entered the country legally? Is anyone surprised that many Germans bristled when Merkel decided, unilaterally, to allow in more than 1 million migrants — many of them fleeing the wars in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Former United Kingdom prime minister Gordon Brown was caught on a hot mike calling one of his own supporters a “bigoted woman” because she lamented people staying on public assistance for too long and asked where all of the recent immigrants were coming from. If you’re wealthy and powerful, your life is insulated from a lot of problems in society. Among those problems is illegal immigration, and because you’re not dealing with any crime, any overcrowded schools, any lnguage barriers, you see it as harmless, or even as an economic benefit... “In the West’s current debate around immigration, for example, it’s not wrong to insist that national borders matter; whether you’re a citizen or not is going to matter to a government, that laws need to be followed; that in the public realm newcomers should make an effort to adapt to the language and customs of their new home.” How different would the Obama era look if he had emphasized that message at every opportunity? Obama said progress requires “laws that root out corruption and ensures fair dealing in business.” Does he think the Clinton Foundation fits into that vision? How about the former Obama Treasury secretary Tim Geithner’s tax evasion? How about former congressman Charlie Rangel’s tax evasion? The six-figure and seven-figure sums of unpaid taxes of Tom Daschle, Claire McCaskill, or Al Sharpton? Does Obama grasp why the public might virulently recoil when those who support higher taxes escape serious consequence for not paying their own?... “It’s not just money that a job provides; it provides dignity and structure and a sense of place and a sense of purpose.” Amen, Mr. President! How long have conservatives made this argument in various welfare-to-work proposals? Some parts of Obama’s speech were great, such as when he directly attacked the idea that human rights, freedom, and pluralism were incompatible with some cultures... But in that light, a more generous assessment of the Bush administration’s “freedom agenda” is warranted. It wasn’t naïve or unrealistic or happy talk; it was principled. Discussing partisanship and division, Obama said, “Maybe we can change their minds, but maybe they’ll change ours. And you can’t do this if you just out of hand disregard what your opponents have to say from the start.” That’s a great message. But this is the man who responded to GOP criticism of his stimulus package with, “I won.”And when Obama complained, “Unfortunately, too much of politics today seems to reject the very concept of objective truth. People just make stuff up,” a lot of Americans no doubt heard, “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, and if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” ringing in our ears. Obamacare was passed with the necessary assistance of a pack of lies, with its architect gloating about the “stupidity” of the American voter and boasting that the “lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.” Obama hates cynical, dishonest politics — up until the moment he needs it. Identity politics, cynicism, tolerance of corruption, hardline partisanship, shameless dishonesty, a shallow obsession with celebrities, an appetite for utopian slogans instead of serious and realistic proposals, demagoguery … if all of these forces play bigger roles in American politics in 2018 than they did in 2008, whose fault is that?"

Meme - "Burger King in South Africa is dropping the word "ham" from "hamburger" to avoid offending Muslims."
"Imam Mohammad Tawhidi: "FYI, my name is MoHAMmad. What do we do now??"

Meme - "When track 1 is about you being unjustly harassed and targeted by police and track 2 is about doing drive-by shootings and selling cocaine"

Meme - Deke! (she/they) @Deke Moulton: "I AM BEGGING PEOPLE. If you write vampires, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be aware that MANY of the vampire tropes have antisemitic origins and PLEASE research these. We don't need to keep perpetuating hate.
If I see one more book w/ vampires trying to CONTROL THE WORLD through their SECRET CABAL I am going to scream. These are anti-Jews conspiracy theories that Bram Stoker brought into vampire mythology specifically to get British people to hate Jews and stop our immigration.
Did you know cultures all around the world have vampire myths? Do you know that none of those have 'secret cabals' - even Victorian British vampires did not have plans to control the world until Bram Stoker's Dracula inserted antisemitism into vampires.
Vampires were HUGELY popular before Dracula was published. Bram Stoker specifically connected 'blood drinking' vampires with the Jewish 'blood libel' - the conspiracy theory that we drink Christian blood for Passover. He then inserted even more antisemitic conspiracies - such as the 'secret cabal' to 'control the world', not to mention Dracula's money hoarding, 'stereotypical' Jewish physical features like having a hook nose, Eastern European origins/accent
You really do NOT have to keep hate in your vampire story. You can write it out.
and glad that I got the go-ahead from my editor to write an author's note that deconstructs all of these antisemitic tropes and why it's important to not perpetuate hatred of others, even in fantasy creatures.
It's so hard to enjoy things you love when you learn it's full of someone's hatred of you."
Everything is a "dog whistle". We can no longer criticise or enjoy anything
The genetic fallacy isn't a fallacy when it comes to liberal grievance mongering

Meme - Mass Casualty Event @KingPsyop: "jewish mfs see a disgusting creature that feasts on the blood of humans and think "hey thats me""

Meme - "Love is love. Why don't you support us?" - Pride
"Water is water. Why don't you drink from the toilet?" - Arab

Facebook - "How to do social science:
Economics (and some political science and a very small percent of sociology): Here is a model. Here's an intuitive theoretical defense of it. Now here's data from natural experiments showing the model works (or doesn't work).
Other fields: A causes B. I have no evidence for this claim at all, but if you disagree with me, you are racist!"

Black Girl With Ostomy Bag Shares Her Story, Lack of Representation - "Renee Welsh had a colostomy when she was 32 because of severe Crohn's disease. Now, she's built a TikTok following dedicated to representation."
"Representation" will not end till every "minority" individual is "represented"

For black youth, types of stress add up - "Different types of stress, particularly racial discrimination, can influence the level of this risk, finds a new study by Lorena Estrada-Martínez, assistant professor at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis...   “African-American youth who were at greatest risk for engaging in violent behaviors while transitioning into adulthood were those who experienced higher levels of racial discrimination in addition to general daily stressors.""
People were very upset over Tucker Carlson saying in relation to the July 4th 2022 mass shooting that being lectured on male privilege alienates young men. Yet, we are told that racial discrimination leads to minorities committing violence.

In Malaysia, what proportion of the prison population are Malays, Chinese and Indian Malaysians, respectively? - Quora - "I made some pretty exhaustive research as the topic piqued an interest in me. However, I admit defeat as I couldn't find any corroborative data that breaks the Malaysian prison population down.  What I did find was the numbers of parolees released according to race, and some other titbits of information, which we can use to deduce an approximate figure. Note this may be so far off from reality but then again, could also be close."
Damn anti-Malay structural racism!

Gender Stereotypes In Hulu’s Baby And Toddler Programming May Have Lasting Effects For Kids
I'm sure kids blindly suck in everything they see on TV rather than, you know, observe the world around them
We only has a responsibility to portray reality when it's a "reality" that liberals like


Meme - Ptolemy @pharaoh29082386: "They've actually made a film lionising Dahomey, whose wealth, power and glory is built on being the lynchpin of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. This is the biggest dunk on the Black community in America that could be done: "We praise the people who enslaved your ancestors"."
The Woman King: "Bow down to the most exceptional female warrior to ever live. See #TheWomanking rise exclusively in movie theaters"
As we know, the left don't hate slavery - they just hate white people

Meme - "Science Has Made Us-Mistakenly-Believe Women Are Weaker Than Men
Science Has Consistently Underestimated Women Because Scientists Are Sexist"
So much for "trust the science"
Many years ago I joked about liberal logic leading to the conclusion that men weren't stronger than women, but I underestimated how fast the slippery slope would slip

mirax on Twitter - "Super thrilled to share the launch of my recent film - today at @AgaKhanMuseum as part of its “Rhythms of Canada”"
"I am fine with this, as there are transgressive, heterodox depictions of the goddesses within hinduism. I do wonder if the Aga khan museum and the other edgy, liberal people would take similar liberties with Muslim figures?"
The same people who say passing secular policies Christians happen to want means we're living in a theocracy want blasphemy laws for other religions

Nine out of 10 EU citizens oppose animal slaughter without stunning, poll finds - "The results of the survey, carried out for the animal welfare campaign group Eurogroup for Animals, will feed into a cross-Europe debate about so-called “ritual slaughter” – the killing of animals in line with rules of religions such as Judaism and Islam for kosher and halal meat, respectively. Some countries, including Slovenia, Finland, Denmark and Sweden, as well as the Belgian regions of Flanders and Wallonia, have already adopted stricter rules, with no exceptions to the mandatory stunning of animals before slaughter... New Zealand banned slaughter without stunning in 2010 and made reversible stunning mandatory. Reversible stunning, or electronarcosis, is a way of stunning animals via electric shock that makes them unconscious for a short period of time, regaining consciousness if they are not slaughtered. The meat produced is certified as halal by religious communities within New Zealand, and recognised as such by communities in Malaysia, India, the Middle East, Canada and China."
Which is worse? "Racism" or "animal cruelty"?

Missouri teacher resigns after school tells him to remove Pride flag - "A Missouri teacher resigned last week after administrators in his school district told him he had to take down his Pride flag and that he couldn’t discuss human sexuality or “sexual preference” at school.  John M. Wallis, 22, who taught speech, theater and world mythology, said he hung a rainbow Pride flag in his classroom at Neosho Junior High School on the first day of school to create a welcoming environment for all students — and he said students noticed... Before the first day of school, he said, he asked for permission from administrators to hang the flag, “and they advised against it but didn’t instruct me not to.”... “I was told that in the classroom I have to be middle-of-the-road on political issues, and I said: ‘That’s OK. This is not a political issue,’” Wallis said. “I said, ‘This is a human rights issue.’ And then I was told I have to be middle-of-the-road on human rights. There’s no middle road on human rights.” Wallis said he had students come in “every hour” Aug. 30 to ask where the flag and the signs were. He told them that he had a meeting and was told to take it down.  “And then I went a step further and said, ‘If you have a problem with that flag representing me or my students, there are other classes that you can find,’” he said he told students... if Wallis was “unable to present the curriculum in a manner that keeps your personal agenda on sexuality out of your narrative and the classroom discussions, we will ultimately terminate your employment.”... “I don’t want people thinking I hate my district. I grew up there. I love it so much, but there are very clear issues, and public education is meant to serve all of the public,” he said. “And if we aren’t doing that by protecting LGBTQ+ educators and students, then we aren’t doing what public education should be doing.”"
When you're so into grooming children that you can't do your job without it. Of course hanging the US flag would be something only a bigot would do
Ironically, he admits that he's trying to indoctrinate students - since he claims the flag represents him and his students (presumably all his students), is intolerant of people who disagree (power relations and coercion don't apply when they're being used to push the liberal agenda, of course) and is insistent on bringing his personal agenda on sexuality into the classroom
This is the usual conflation where not actively pushing a queer agenda means you are not "protecting" LGBTQ people (and of course, this is also the same as attacking them)

George Takei has perfect response to right-wing “grooming” hysteria
Original Star Trekker, George Takei, Says He Lost Virginity to an 'Attractive' Man at 13 (Listen)
"This is not happening, and it's good that it is"
The child sexual abuse statistics among homosexuals are presumably explained by "stigma" and "discrimination"

Homophobic Telescope Reveals First Hi-Res Images of Deep Space - "NASA has shared the James Webb Space Telescope’s (JWST) first high-resolution images of deep space, including some galaxies pictured 13 billion years ago—not long after the Big Bang. But despite this remarkable achievement for science, the JWST continues to stand as a bitter reminder of our country’s willingness to tolerate and even memorialize queerphobia.  The JWST first came under controversy last year when it came to light that its namesake, James Webb, oversaw the Lavender Scare during his tenure as NASA’s second administrator. The Lavender Scare was a McCarthy-era moral panic in which suspected queer employees were exposed and purged from government positions."

Meme - "Decolonize this university"
"Okay I decolonized it *mud hut*"

No, the Church isn’t institutionally racist - "The BBC’s latest Panorama was called ‘Is the Church racist?’. But the entire programme was produced around the assumption that the question had already been answered: yes, it is. This, of course, isn’t helped by the fact that the Archbishop of Canterbury shares this assumption and has stated as much on public record at General Synod...   The Church is made up of flawed individuals. We’re all fallen, after all. The issue the Church faces, however, isn’t institutional racism – it’s institutional incompetence. For instance, its complaints procedure isn’t just bad for issues of race, it’s bad in general. Any priest with experience of the Clergy Discipline Measure (CDM) – or any experience with safeguarding concerns – will attest to how outdated and cumbersome the process is. In the Church, you’re presumed guilty until proven innocent, often with no idea who has filed a complaint about you. There is plenty of work to be done on improving things within the Church for all people, not just for ethnic minorities. In the BBC’s understanding of racism, clearly the perception of the victim counts for more than the intent of the perpetrator. When one priest described the constructive criticism received during his curacy – his time as a ‘trainee priest’ – he clearly perceived it to be an issue of racism rather than poor people management. Of course an incumbent priest should advise their curate if their English isn’t up to scratch and their ‘preaching isn’t very good’. It would be remiss of them not to do so...   The main recommendation from the Panorama documentary, and seemingly the key point of the Church’s upcoming race report, is that more black and brown people must be appointed as bishops. This screams of tokenism. Archbishop Sentamu has not long retired after 24 years as a bishop and 41 years in the priesthood. If a black Ugandan becoming Primate of England isn’t proof that people of colour can succeed in the Church, I don’t know what is. The truth is that the Church is already representative when it comes to the recruitment of ordinands: 7.8 per cent of ordinands beginning training for Holy Orders in 2019 were from ethnic-minority backgrounds. Bearing in mind that around 14 per cent of Britons are ethnic minorities and seven per cent of them are Asian and therefore largely Muslim and Hindu, the numbers in the Church line up very well with the general population. But apparently that’s not good enough for the CofE, which now wants to reach an unrealistic target of 30 per cent ethnic-minority ordinands. This is virtue-signalling of the highest order... Immediately following the programme, a few woke bishops took to social media to self-flagellate, as you might expect. If the Church truly wants to become more diverse, it would be great to see more than one diocesan bishop from a traditionalist theological background. What’s more, only around six per cent of bishops vote Conservative – compared to 44 per cent of the public at the last election."

The Church of England is institutionally woke - "The Church of England is apparently moving away from the post-racial teachings of Christ and towards the godless secularism of identity politics. Why else would it have commissioned such an extraordinarily ideological report into the issue of race within the Church?  “From Lament to Action”, written by the Archbishops’ Anti-Racism Taskforce, sets out a series of actions the Church should take to change its culture. One of the problems with its analysis, however, is that it starts from a position of presumed guilt. Early last year, just a few months before the appalling killing of George Floyd, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, declared that the Church was institutionally racist. From that, everything else flows. While I’m sure that there are elements of racism within the Church that need to be stamped out, the report itself presents very little direct proof of institutional discrimination. Unlike the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, chaired by Tony Sewell, it was not a fact-finding exercise. Indeed, elements of the Church hierarchy were furious with last month’s Sewell review, which had argued that the label of “institutionally racist” should not be applied without proper evidence. The London College of Bishops condemned the Sewell report for creating “confusion and despair”.   So instead of evidence, “From Lament to Action” provides dogma. Despite claiming not to be motivated by identity politics, it is implicitly laden with critical race theory...   Church of England schools – both primary and secondary – will need to promote “racial justice”. Theological colleges, meanwhile, will have to “diversify” their curricula, as well as the authors of the books they study. They will also need to introduce “black theology” modules, suggesting that even the study of God is not free of identity politics.  Hopefully, even the wokest of Anglican won’t be encouraged to reach the ultimate conclusion that God Himself is racist, even if everything and everyone else is. But that’s the direction studying theology through a racial lens points one in.   It’s all rather strange. The Church of England may not be the most diverse body in the world, but “From Lament to Action” itself details how ethnic minority people make up 15 per cent of those who worship in the Church, which, if anything, is slightly more than the non-white proportion of the total population.  Moreover, the Bible itself proclaims that “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28). That surely is the message that the Anti-Racism Task Force ought to be promoting.  Unfortunately, we have got the opposite"

Is Justin Welby running for president of the NUS? - "With every passing day, the Church of England seems to become more and more preoccupied with preaching the woke gospel. Just take Justin Welby’s latest initiative. Last June, amid the Black Lives Matter protests, the Archbishop of Canterbury announced a review of statues in places of worship. Now new Church of England guidance has been issued, suggesting that artefacts linked to slavery and colonialism could be removed from churches... The Church of England was once known as the Tory Party at Prayer. Now it is as woke as your average students’ union."

A 43-year-old artist who runs a nonprofit that employs other women of color says having 2 abortions helped her reach her goal
Apparently hiring based on sex and race is only wrong and/or illegal when white men benefit

faq – Oasis Aqualounge - "Prior to the pandemic, Oasis used to put on Sapphic Aquatica, an event for women and trans people, where cis men were forbidden to attend. We have received many enquiries from people since we reopened, asking if, and when, we are going to put the event on again. There are two key issues that make us unable to present Sapphic at the present time. The first issue is financial. Oasis is a business, we try and do things that will make money, and also be a positive offering to a community. Over time, we drop off events that are not financially successful, and try and create new events that will be successful. Unfortunately, Sapphic has always been literally our worst event from a financial standpoint. We have found that cis men are the only people who are willing to pay $100 or more to attend Oasis. We were never able to charge more than about $30 for admission to Sapphic, which meant that it was never able to even cover it’s costs. We did not cancel it in the past, because we felt that the service to the community was worth it, to justify us having to subsidize it. But unfortunately, the pandemic was financially devastating for us. We were fully closed for over a year, and open on and off with severe restrictions for another year. The Oasis owners have had to put in considerable personal money, just to keep the business afloat. So we are no longer in a position to heavily subsidize Sapphic, as we did in the past."
Virtue signalling doesn't pay the bills

NYPD seeks 3 suspects who violently attacked woman while yelling they, ‘hate white people’ - "Investigators at the New York Police Department are searching for three female suspects accused of beating a woman on a public bus in what is being described as a racially-motivated attack."
Grievance mongering has consequences

Did race play a role in teen's murder in Palm Beach Gardens? - "after Semmie Williams arrived at the Palm Beach County Jail on Dec. 3 to be booked for the murder of 14-year-old Ryan Rogers, a deputy asked Williams if he understood the charges against him.  According to the incident report, Williams replied, "Yeah, murder because of what they did to black people about giving them syphilis.""

Jordan Peterson: ‘Gay kids are being convinced they’re transsexual. That’s not so good for gay people, is it?’ - "‘hell’, he says, is where he confidently believes Michel Foucault, the French intellectual who is one of his bêtes noire, now resides. Foucault was one of the two French ‘deconstructionist’ philosophers – the other being Jacques Derrida – whose ‘postmodern and neo-Marxist theories’ Peterson says now threaten not only free speech but the very foundations of Western democracy.  Derrida was ‘a trickster’, Peterson says, but he reserves a special contempt for Foucault, ‘so smart, so brilliant, but utterly corrupt ethically’. Last year, a fellow intellectual, Guy Sorman, raised a storm in France by claiming that, while living in Tunisia in the 1960s, Foucault sexually abused young boys in a local graveyard...   There are two distinct sides to Peterson. One side is his political pronouncements, which have put him in the front line of the culture wars and which tend to excite the attention and opprobrium of his critics and the media. The other side is his theories on how to lead an ethical and productive life, which are what attract his millions of readers to buy his books and listen to his talks.   Many of them are young men, who credit Peterson’s advice to ‘Stand up straight with your shoulders back’, ‘Tell the truth – or at least don’t lie’ (and – more oddly – ‘Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street’), but above all to stop seeing yourself as a victim and take responsibility for your actions, as having transformed their lives.   His new book, Beyond Order: 12 More Rules For Life, deals primarily with the need to achieve a balance between the creative, anarchic spirit and the organising principle. It includes such advice as: ‘Do not carelessly denigrate social institutions’, ‘Imagine who you could be, and then aim single-mindedly at that’ and ‘Be grateful in spite of your suffering’.  It is notably uncontentious on any political issue, yet its very existence apparently proved so distressing to some staff at his Canadian publisher, Penguin, that there were reports of people crying in meetings at the prospect of the book being published. Responding to this, Peterson’s daughter Mikhaila tweeted: ‘How to improve business in 2 steps: Step 1: identify crying adults. Step 2: fire.’...    Shortly after our meeting, he announced he was leaving the platform, declaring, ‘Twitter is maddening us all.’ A day earlier he had posted a picture of plus-size model Yumi Nu on the cover of the Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit edition with the caption: ‘Sorry. Not beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.’ The tweet, not surprisingly, provoked an avalanche of criticism, even from his supporters.  When I contacted him via email he replied that the tweet ‘was not a mistake, nor was it the reason I left Twitter. The use of that model, who was not athletic (remember: SPORTS Illustrated) was manipulative economically and in relation to the model herself (although she participated in her own exploitation). Beauty is an ideal. Almost all of us fall short of an ideal. I am not willing to sacrifice any ideal to faux compassion. Period. And certainly not the ideal of athletic beauty.’  He had left Twitter, he went on ‘because it’s an irredeemable snake pit’ and henceforth he would only post sporadically through a member of his staff. ‘I don’t have access to my account otherwise. This stops me from reading comments from anonymous trolls and helps me keep my temper.’... ‘I was “anti-semitic” and “a Jewish shill” at the same time – that was fun. But one of the things that’s protected me is that I’m not the person the radical Left would like me to be.’"
Addendum: Penguin Random House Staff Confront Publisher About New Jordan Peterson Book

Political correctness can lead to cognitive exhaustion, according to new research - ""many of the behaviors involved in being politically correct (e.g., monitoring situations to evaluate whether something might be offensive, aligning oneself with normative expectations, and suppressing certain words or behaviors) may require self-control, which can be depleting. This has some concerning implications, as depletion is likely to impact how well employees interact with their spouses at home in the evening.”... Employees with greater other orientation at the start of their workday (“I am concerned about the needs and interests of my colleagues”) were more likely to report having been politically correct at the end of their workday (“Today at work, I censored myself while interacting with coworkers”).  Political correctness during the day, in turn, was linked to greater cognitive resource depletion (“I feel drained right now”) in the evening, and higher levels of cognitive resource depletion were linked to partners being more likely to report that employees were angry and withdrawn at home... The study, “Walking on Eggshells: An Investigation of Workplace Political Correctness“, was authored by Joel Koopman, Klodiana Lanaj, Young Eun Lee, Valeria Alterman, Cody Bradley, and Adam C. Stoverink."
This wont' stop liberals who keep claiming that political correctness is just not being an asshole
This study is extraordinary. Besides being the first of its kind, they also replicated their findings using multiple methods

Back 4 Blood Beta Fans Say Zombies Are Yelling The N-Word

'Gender-neutral' language 'harmful' to French language, banned in French schools - "Critics of the language change say that it makes the language harder to understand by creating a difference between spoken and written French, and threatens the very existence of the language.  State Secretary for Priority Education Nathalie Elimas said the push would drive people to instead learn English, which does not gender its noun... France's education minister Jean-Michel Blanquer spoke on Sunday with Le Journal du Dimanche that the language changes, including the usage of dots, would present barriers to those with learning disabilities including dyslexia."
The nature of virtue signalling is even if this nonsense was accepted, new and even more ridiculous rubbish would soon pop up

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