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Saturday, May 07, 2022

Links - 7th May 2022 (1 - Abortion)

Pro-abortion groups target churches for Mother's Day protests - "The protests follow days of organizing in front of the Supreme Court building following the leak Monday night – protests that led the Washington, D.C., police to erect a fence ostensibly to protect the building and justices within. Fox News has also learned that there has been a strong police presence at the justices' homes following the leak... Pro-abortion vandals targeted a church in Boulder, Colorado, Wednesday, spray-painting "bans off our bodies" and "my body my choice" on the building."

White House encourages 'peaceful protests,' won't tell abortion activists to avoid SCOTUS justices' homes - "Peter Doocy on Thursday brought up Biden's statements earlier this week calling the "MAGA crowd" the "most extreme political organization" in recent history. "Do you think the progressive activists that are now planning protests outside some of the justices' houses are extreme?" Doocy asked Psaki. "Peaceful protest, no. Peaceful protest is not extreme," Psaki said. "We certainly encourage people to keep it peaceful and not resort to any level of violence."... Psaki again declined to state whether Biden supported any limits on abortion, even up until the moment of birth. An activist organization called "Ruth Sent Us" — a reference to former Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg — published the apparent home addresses of Justices Amy Coney Barrett, John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, and encouraged peaceful demonstrations."
Uh oh. After we saw what "mostly peaceful protests" were, this means riots are coming.
Ironic, given that RBG didn't like Roe v Wade

Meme - "2021: January 6th was an insurrection!
2022: Let's burn down the SCOTUS!"

Thread by @JCNSeverino on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The website notes that “stipends [are] available” for protestors. Who exactly is paying for these stipends? More pointedly, who is funding the threat against Supreme Court justices? The website links to a different organization, "Strike for Choice," which shows connections to groups including Black Lives Matter, Code Pink, Women's March SF, Kavanaugh Off Our Court, and Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights. How exactly are these groups connected?... How many of these other groups have engaged in violence before?... The parallels between this planned protest and the disgusting antics we saw from left-wing dark money groups during the Kavanaugh confirmation are striking. Will groups like @WeDemandJustice condemn these protests? So far they have been silent. What about Demand Justice board member @ElieNYC? Or is “Ruth Sent Us” also connected with the Arabella Advisors dark money network?"

Thread by @asymmetricinfo on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I think the people catastrophizing about contraception or interracial marriage being next after Roe sincerely believe it. But I'm sorry, I cannot take this seriously. Even if Griswold v. Connecticut were overturned, making it once again legal to ban contraception, that throws it back to the states, and where is the political constituency for state legislatures passing a ban? The Catholic Church is the only sizable faith community in this country that proscribes contraception, but regardless of Church teaching, a substantial majority of Catholic couples use birth control, and are not going to vote to take it away from themselves. The net effect of overturning Griswold is that contraception will continue to be legal in all 50 states. In a few states, it might become harder to get certain IUDs and the morning after pill, but even that is dubious. Similarly, it is not 1950. In Georgia, 13-14% of Atlanta and Augusta couples are now interracial! Even in the Deep South, outlawing interracial marriage would be a lift. But also, is Clarence Thomas going to vote to let states outlaw his marriage? Actually, Clarence Thomas, I dunno, maybe. He's a rabid ideologue, and I man that as a compliment. But Brett Kavanaugh and ACB are not your votes for re-legalizing bans on interracial marriage. (But that's what the logic of the Alito draft implies, you say? Let me introduce you to "motivated reasoning"--something anyone who has read Roe and Planned Parenthood v. Casey will already be familiar with. If SC wants to find a way to distinguish it, they will. And they will.)"

Leftist Asks If Someone Should Kill Conservative SCOTUS Justices Over Roe v. Wade - "Framing his tweet as an interesting thought experiment, a leftist verified Twitter user, complete with a Ukrainian flag in his handle, questioned whether a terminally ill person, or someone with nothing left to lose should risk it all to “save many women’s lives in the future.” "Interesting real life trolley problem in America now,” tweeted Simon Gwynn Wednesday. “If you had the chance to kill Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, the two oldest right wing Supreme Court judges, should you do it while Biden can get his nominees to replace them confirmed?”... Gwynn went on to detail the type of person he envisions carrying out the homicides. “It’s interesting as an abstract question but becomes a real conundrum if, say, you’re terminally ill and have little to lose yourself, but know that it could save many women’s lives in the future.”"

Meme - "Google: "can men get pregnant?"
"Is it possible? Yes, it's possible for men to become pregnant and give birth to children of their own."
""Okay, now change the answer to support the "Current Thing"
Google: "can men get pregnant?"
"People who are born male and living as men cannot get pregnant."

Chelsea E. Manning on Twitter - "for those of you who are just catching up: if you are able to afford it, and if it is safe for you to do so, you should consider arming yourselves, then finding others to train with in teams and learn how to defend your community—we may need these skills in the very near future"
Insurrections are only bad if the right supposedly does them

"If men could get pregnant, this wouldn't even be a conversation": Gavin Newsom displays startling transphobia in angry speech about aborting kids

Meme - "I can't believe that Roe v Wade might be overturned! This is an attack against women! "
"Hello, Peter. I'm Justice Clarence Thomas. Did you know that *all* laws restrict what you can and can't do with your body?"
"That's right, sir! Also, it can't possibly be an attack on women since men can get pregnant now, apparently."

Meme - Ann Lesby, PhD: "Devastated. Best friend just called in tears because her boyfriend supports SCOTUS decision. She said "men don't understand because men can't get pregnant!" Blocked her and called her employer. I am shaking. I cannot be believe she is a transphobe. #RoeVWade #MenHavePeriods"

Meme - "National Women's Law Center: In case you didn't hear it right the first time:
People of all genders need abortions.
People of all genders need abortions.
People of all genders need abortions.
People of all genders need abortions.
People of all genders need abortions.
People of all genders need abortions."
Liberals keep chanting slogans because they are incapable of forming real arguments, so they try to intimidate others into silence

Ben Shapiro on Twitter - "I am amazed by the Left's fantastical pretzel argument in which democracy is threatened by the Supreme Court returning the abortion issue to, you know, the voters.
SCOTUS, 1973: Voters can no longer speak on the issue of abortion. We, your robed rulers, have spoken.
SCOTUS, 2022: Voters can once again speak on the issue of abortion. We never had the authority to seize control of this issue.
Leftists: They're threatening democracy!"
All the liberals unironically talking about fundamental rights not being up for debate don't realise the irony of their position

Meme - Katie Hill @KatieHill4CA: "Hard to believe that girls being born today will have fewer rights than those born fifty years ago."
Ghost of Ghost of Kiev @SimonTemplarPY: "Born, you say?"

Meme - "We're just practicing our religion, bro." *Aztec human sacrifice*
On the claim that an abortion ban would be anti-Semitic

Actress Amanda Duarte: How Would White Supremacist Lawmakers Feel if Their Daughters Were Raped, Impregnated by Black Men - "Actress Amanda Duarte reacted to the potential overruling of Roe v. Wade, tweeting, “I do wonder how these white supremacist lawmakers would feel if their little white daughters were raped and impregnated by black men.”
Meme - Amanda Duarte @duarteamanda: "I almost want to get pregnant with Trump's baby and let it get to full term just so I can rip it halfway out and cut its fucking head off" - 2016

Women on TikTok say hookup culture will 'be absolutely decimated' if Roe V. Wade is overturned
They don't realise that to anti-abortion people, this is a good thing

Eric Conn on Twitter - "“Men don’t get a say on abortion.” And just like that, we’re all binary again."

Forsale on Twitter - "Here’s the thing, guys.It doesn’t matter.It doesn’t matter when life begins.It doesn’t matter whether a fetus is a human being or not.That entire argument is a red herring, a distraction, a subjective and unwinnable argument that could not matter less.It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about a fertilized egg, or a fetus, or a baby, or a five year old, or a Nobel Prize winning paediatric oncologist.NOBODY has the right to use your body, against your will, even to save their life, or the life of another person.That’s it.That’s the argument.You cannot be forced to donate blood, or marrow, or organs, even though thousands die every year, on waiting lists.They cannot even harvest your organs after your death without your explicit, written, pre-mortem permission.Denying women the right to abortion means we have less bodily autonomy than a corpse."
"NOBODY has the right to use your body against your will, even to save their life or someone else’s. That’s it. That’s the argument."
Damn plague rat anti-vaxxer!
One person's stance was "NOBODY has the right to use your body, against your will, to save the life of one person. But society certainly has the right to use multiple bodies, against their wills, to save the life of [insert number that is conveniently above what one woman can birth at once] people". Certainly, one could make that case. But the covid vaccines don't reduce transmission. So one is left appealing to healthcare system overload. But that has disturbing implications for smokers, alcoholics and the obese. Plus it's not clear how the maths checks out. How many people's bodily autonomy must you violate with forced vaccination to save one life from avoiding healthcare system overload? With abortion, again the calculus is much starker

AP-NORC poll: Most say restrict abortion after 1st trimester (2021)
Only 8% say that abortion should be legal in all cases in the last trimester. So the liberal position is actually very unpopular

Dr. Ergun Caner on Twitter - "FACT CHECK— If #Abortion is Healthcare, then Kidnapping is Daycare."
Euthanasia will be "healthcare" soon

Important Reminder: Chuck Schumer Literally Threatened Supreme Court Justices Should They Overturn Roe - "So when we see violence, when we see politicians on the Left trying to upend the Supreme Court, it isn't a shock. They are simply keeping their word."

Why Ruth Bader Ginsburg Wasn’t All That Fond of Roe v. Wade - The New York Times - "She didn’t like how it was structured. The ruling, she noted in a lecture at New York University in 1992, tried to do too much, too fast — it essentially made every abortion restriction in the country at the time illegal in one fell swoop — leaving it open to fierce attacks.  “Doctrinal limbs too swiftly shaped,” she said, “may prove unstable.”  It was because of her early criticism of one of the most consequential rulings for American women that some feminist activists were initially suspicious of her when President Bill Clinton nominated her for the Supreme Court in 1993, worried that she wouldn’t protect the decision... The way Justice Ginsburg saw it, Roe v. Wade was focused on the wrong argument — that restricting access to abortion violated a woman’s privacy. What she hoped for instead was a protection of the right to abortion on the basis that restricting it impeded gender equality"
When will she become a misogynist who wanted to control women's bodies?

RBG Helped Make the Case for Overturning Roe v. Wade - "Roe v. Wade was “egregiously wrong from the start.” “Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences,” he continues. “And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division. It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.” Liberals were immediately outraged, but Alito not only makes a clear, logical case for overturning Roe, but he also did so with the help of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. “In the years prior to [Roe v. Wade], about a third of the States had liberalized their laws, but Roe abruptly ended that political process,” Alito explains. “It imposed the same highly restrictive regime on the entire Nation, and it effectively struck down the abortion laws of every single State. … [I]t represented the ‘exercise of raw judicial power’… and it sparked a national controversy that has embittered our political culture for a half-century.” This sounded a lot like something that Justice Ginsburg said in 1992, in a lecture published in the New York University Law Review, in which Ginsburg lamented that Roe v. Wade “halted a political process that was moving in a reform direction and thereby, I believe, prolonged divisiveness and deferred stable settlement of the issue.” And Alito quoted that very passage in his opinion.  Ginsburg also argued that the Court went too far by not simply striking down the Texas law challenged in Roe v. Wade. “A less encompassing Roe, one that merely struck down the extreme Texas law and went no further on that day, I believe and will summarize why, might have served to reduce rather than to fuel controversy,” Ginsburg said. Ginsburg has been quoted in the past about her reservations over the legal basis upon which Roe was decided. Ginsburg argued in 2013 that Roe “stopped the momentum that was on the side of change” in favor of abortion rights and instead inspired a state-by-state mission to restrict abortion rights. Alito similarly noted that Roe v. Wade didn’t end the abortion debate in the United States.  “Neither decision has ended debate of the issue of a constitutional right to obtain an abortion,” Alito’s opinion reads. “Indeed, in this case, 26 States expressly ask us to overrule Roe and Casey and to return the issue of abortion to the people and their elected representatives.” He added, “This Court cannot bring about the permanent resolution of a rancorous national controversy simply by dictating a settlement and telling the people to move on.”"

Thread by @asymmetricinfo on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Looking at abortion opinion, it's actually quite striking how little men and women differ on this question. The whole pro-life is about men telling women what to do with their bodies" schtick simply isn't grounded in reality.
Women are somewhat more likely to say abortion should be legal under all circumstances, but that's a minority view among women as well as men. The percentage of men and who say it should be illegal in all circumstances is fluctuates right around 20%, male or female. Men are more likely to self-id as pro-life, and women as pro-choice, but when you drill down into specifics, it's clear this stems from differences in labeling quite similar views.
 In 2012, 71.5% of men and 69.4% of women said abortion should be legal if there is a strong possibility of a serious fetal defect.  43.1% of men, and 43.3% of women, say it should be legal for married women who don't want more children. If a woman's life is endangered by the pregnancy? 83.5% of men, and 82.6% of women, say abortion should be legal. (And at least a quarter of the remaining 17% is probably accounted for by the Lizardman Constant)
 What about if a woman is low income and can't afford a child?  40.4% of men, and 40.9% of women, say abortion should be legal under those circumstances; 54.9% and 55.3%, respectively, say it should be illegal. If the pregnancy is a result of rape, 71.1% of men, and 72.8% of women, say abortion should be legal. 23% of both men and women say it should be illegal in those circumstances.
 Only 39% of both men and women said abortion should be legally allowed in cases where the woman is unmarried; 52.6% of men, and 56.8% of women, said illegal. Some 40% of men, and 43.2% of women, said abortion should be legal for any reason; 57.9% of men, and 54.2% of women, said it should be illegal.  It's the only question in which there is a gap between men and women that might exceed measurement error. But most women still opposed
 Basically, large majorities think abortion should be legal for "rape, incest, and life of the mother" type exceptions, plus severe fetal defects. Only a minority of Americans think abortions should be obtainable in order to avoid the major life disruption of a healthy pregnancy This is important because this--the life disruption of the pregnancy--is what the upper middle class women who provide the energy and the donations behind pro-choice activism & writing mostly think and talk about. They look at polls showing the majority of the public is pro-choice, or at least doesn't want Roe overturned, and conclude that if Roe is overturned, all those people will rise up and revolt against the GOP with the fervor they themselves will bring to the cause. But most of the public doesn't really understand what Roe said,. Even if they did, the last 10-15% of your majority coalition on abortion only wants them for severe birth defects, ultra high risk pregnancies plus rape/incest. Which is also fine with much of the pro-life coalition
Thus I'm skeptical about dark prophecies of a legitimacy crisis for the Supreme Court should it overturn Roe--or the coming electoral bloodbath for the GOP.  Most people don't care about abortion as much as pro-choice Twitter. Many of those who do are on the other side."

David Hogg deletes series of problematic tweets and apologizes for letting his ‘cis man’ privilege get the best of him - "I just took down all the tweets I just posted. Thank you to my friends who called me in. As a cis man it is not my place to speak right now and I let my anger get the best of me. I am sorry.
Out of respect for said friends and all people impacted by this decision I will be offline for a bit to not take up any more space on your timeline. Goodnight."
Pity, looks like he was only off twitter for 12 minutes: https://twitter.com/davidhogg111/status/1521320546847186944 vs https://twitter.com/davidhogg111/status/1521324891395354624

Meme - David Hogg: "Our country is run by a couple hundred billionaires. I guarantee you if a just a couple dozen picked up the phone over the next 24 hours and called up the party bosses of every state GOP and said they're pulling funding and funding their opposition things would change quick.
Should billionaires exist? No. But they do and they will probably for the rest of our lives. In the meantime we'd be fools to act like they don't have power we can and should use. The right has been doing that for years as has the left (just way less effectively)"
Meme - @davidhogg111: "If you're playing a game where the ref says you can legally trip and fist fight the other team you don't just sit on the sidelines and wait for the ref to change. You beat the shit out of the other team, win the game, change the rules and find a new ref.
It can't cost more than like $10 billion at most to legally buy off these republican state legislatures and moderate Dems though donations. Let's get real that's all they care about. They're just going to keep making it harder and harder to vote. All they care about is the $"

Meme - "Misoprostol is relatively easy to acquire from veterinary sources, since in addition to medically inducing abortions, it's also used to treat ulcers in horses."
horse dewormer *No*
horse ulcer meds *Yes*"
Military Style Assault Smirk - Posts | Facebook - "Vice can literally put out an article about how to make DIY abortion pills, but if I tell people to take vitamin D so they don't get The Coff I'm a fucking monster. Our fucking culture is so rotten smh."

Meme - "Hmm, today I will use victims of rape and incest to support my argument for abortion so that can keep on having unprotected sex with strangers consequence free"

Meme - "*condoms*
Woman: "They're not 100% effective so why bother?"
*masks* Woman: *Excited*"

Meme - Celena Spears @CelenaMSpears: "If #RoeVWade disappears, how much longer will it be before I'm seen as 3/5ths of a person again?"
Ms.Carasco, M.S. @mscarasc...: "Welp. I'm about to move back to my country of origin."
Steamfitter398 @steamfitter3...: "Take 6 of your closest friends with you."
They mock the slippery slope but keep invoking it themselves

Meme - "r/twoxchromosomes
Just canceled a first date this week because I can't emotionally handle more men in my life after all this
After the SCOTUS news, the idea of having to laugh at some dude's jokes and listen to him ramble on about his life, and possibly sex with him, knowing he has all the rights in the world and I don don't... just can't. I don't have the emotional energy to even fake a smile. I don't know when I will."
Is this subreddit transphobic since it's "intended for women's perspectives"?

Dave Smith on Twitter - "Progressives have given away their two favorite go to responses on abortion. “My body my choice” rings pretty hollow after Vax mandates. “It’s a women’s issue” is tough if there’s no definition of woman."

Chief Justice Roberts confirms authenticity of leaked draft opinion - "Chief Justice John Roberts says the Supreme Court will investigate the release of a draft opinion that would strike down Roe v. Wade and called the episode "a singular and egregious breach" of trust.  "This was a singular and egregious breach of that trust that is an affront to the Court and the community of public servants who work here. I have directed the Marshal of the Court to launch an investigation into the source of the leak"... "To the extent this betrayal of the confidences of the Court was intended to undermine the integrity of our operations, it will not succeed""

Ian Millhiser on Twitter - "Seriously, shout out to whoever the hero was within the Supreme Court who said “fuck it! Let’s burn this place down.”"
Clint Ehrlich on Twitter - "The mask is dropping. They're clapping as the institutions are destroyed. Remember this the next time you're lectured about "norms" and "civility.""
And once again, political violence became a good thing, since it helps the left again

Best Selling Biologist Matt Walsh on Twitter - "Leaking a SCOTUS decision is unprecedented. Obviously done by a liberal Justice to pressure one of the conservatives to change their mind. The Left will stop at nothing to protect their right to murder the innocent. This is just the beginning. It’s going to get very very ugly."
Judicial independence is only good when it helps liberals

Meme - James O'Keefe: "For a year a cowardly federal prosecutor in New York named Robert Sobelman secretly stole my emails, spied on my media company, and appears to have lied to federal judges to obtain secret covert spying orders. He then appears to have lied again to federal judges to get a search warrant to invade my home and seize my first amendment protected reporters notes and source information. Josh Gerstein at Politico today received a stolen copy of a draft opinion overturning roe v wade and published it. And yet he sleeps well in his own bed tonight, with no fear of being rousted at 6 am by short, loud, thuggish FBI agents as I was, and handcuffed. It is right that he not fear prosecution. It is wrong that we must. Welcome to America in 2022."

Comment: "The Democrat Party has had both the White House and Congressional majorities multiple times since Roe was decided in 1973, and not once did your party attempt to enshrine reproductive rights legislation into law that would have removed the SCOTUS from this conversation entirely.Why? Because Dems retain more political capital by forcing an abortion litmus test upon every judicial nominee the GOP puts forth. It's a total boon for fear-mongered fundraising and for rallying your base in times... well, in times like these, when you face utter annihilation in the midterms because you sold your fucking souls to the marxist wing of the party. And let's not kid ourselves, they're no longer outliers but a core component of the DNC moving forward and no amount of gaslighting can change that fact. For Christ's sake at least be honest about it; you're a much better attack dog than apologist.Even left-leaning legal scholars concede that Roe was a flimsy decision ripe to be challenged, and overturning it won't "outlaw abortion," it'll just push those laws to the states where they belong. Think of all the fun you'll have deriding states like Alabama, Mississippi and Texas as unwashed, bible-thumping rubes that the erudite Manhattanite couldn't save from themselves. You know, kind of like you were doing anyway but with a smidge more arrogance. Just don't pretend that they represent anything more than something to be leveraged for votes."

LILLEY: American abortion fight soon to become an issue for Trudeau | Toronto Sun - "it doesn’t really have an impact in Canada, at least not legally.  Politically, that’s another story.   I’ve never understood why Canadians, on either side of the abortion debate, obsess over Roe. The court decision which brought about what is colloquially called a “woman’s right to choose” isn’t in effect in Canada. The 1988 Morgentaler decision from Canada’s Supreme Court is a much different decision, one that even invited legislators to pass a new law if they saw fit.  From a legal standpoint, abortion laws and jurisprudence are very different on our side of the border.  As Warren Kinsella rightly point out, though, politics is another matter, and he fully expects Justin Trudeau and the Liberals to use what is about to happen south of the border to their advantage here... Despite claims not to want to import “American-style politics,” the Liberals actually love doing so. There is no “woman’s right to choose” established in Morgentaler but they use the American lingo. There is little threat of abortion being banned in Canada, but they will drag that bogeyman north of the border for their political advantage.  There aren’t enough pro-life MPs elected to pass any laws restricting abortion through Parliament but that won’t matter or be discussed as this issue takes over our politics. Nor are there judges that would seek to overturn the Morgentaler decision, which clearly said it is up to Parliament to decide, but that won’t matter either.  We are about to be treated to a black-and-white-morality play where anyone advocating for abortion is good and anyone having any qualms, concerns or opposition is bad. Canadians have nuanced views on the issue of abortion. Decades of polling has shown that while they don’t want abortion made illegal, a majority of voters – including women – would accept some restrictions on when and how abortions can take place.  For example, a Maru poll conducted for Postmedia in February 2020 found that 70% of Canadians, including 74% of women, believe that abortion should be “generally illegal” in the last three months of pregnancy. This same poll found that overwhelmingly, the public did not want abortion to be banned outright.  There have been multiple polls going back years showing support for regulating sex-selective abortions... Don’t expect to hear these arguments made when Trudeau and his team bring the American abortion debate to Canada. While Canadian views are nuanced on the issue of abortion, our media landscape is near universal in believing that Canada should remain one of the few countries in the world without any regulations on the matter.  France restricts abortion after 16 weeks’ pregnancy, Germany after 14 weeks and Italy after 12 weeks. None of these countries are run by the caricature of a Bible-thumping Deep South Republican that we will be treated to on our newscasts to frame the debate."

Late-Term Abortion and Medical Necessity: A Failure of Science - "Roe V. Wade (1973) placed the concept of medical necessity at the center of the public discourse on abortion. Nearly a half century later, 2 laws dealing with late-term abortion, 1 passed in New York and 1 set aside in Virginia, are an indication that the medical necessity argument regarding abortion has been rendered irrelevant. More importantly for this discussion, these laws are an indication of the failure of the US scientific and medical communities to inform this consequential topic with transparency, logical coherence, and evidence-based objectivity... A more recent Guttmacher study focused on abortion after 20 weeks of gestation and similarly concluded that women seeking late-term abortions were not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment. The study further concluded that late-term abortion seekers were younger and more likely to be unemployed than those seeking earlier abortions. It is estimated that about 1% of all abortions in the United States are performed after 20 weeks, or approximately 10 000 to 15 000 annually. Since the Roe framework essentially medicalized abortion decisions beyond the first trimester, and since abortions in the United States are now performed on demand and only rarely for medical reasons which could end the life of the mother, what can we conclude about the value and impact of medical necessity determination in the case of induced abortion? A prescient proabortion author predicted today’s events with remarkable foresight when he concluded that the “rhetoric of medical necessity” is a mistaken strategy because “it is not the empirical evidence of what is or is not medically necessary which is important,” but rather “who possesses the ability to interpret necessity within key political contexts.” When viewed from this perspective, it is possible to see the recent New York and Virginia legislation as a signal that politics, not science, is the most powerful influence on abortion issues and legislation."

Meme - Eatmysnaz @e8mysnaz: "OMS this abortion debate is being used against us. They're trying to deny the FACT that MEN can have ABORTIONS too and cut "trans people" (AKA real men) out of the abortion debate like they cut us out of everything else like bathrooms just because it will have a negative effect on cis people. l'll say this again, I'll say it loud and clear, one more time, for those of you who don't seem to understand reality yet. Men can have periods, men need tampons, men need mamograms, prenatal care, midwives, breastfeeding support! Men can have babies and abortions! This is about birthing people's rights and that includes MEN!"

Here's Planned Parenthood seriously pretending to care about an unborn baby 🤦‍♂️ - "Celebrities Chrissy Teigen and John Legend revealed the painful loss of their unborn son, Jack, on social media... "We're so sorry to hear that Chrissy Teigen and John Legend lost their" ... their what, Planned Parenthood? Their "son," you say? Not their "clump of cells" or their "pregnancy tissue"?"

Things got super awkward when Ben & Jerry were asked if they’d stop selling ice cream in pro-life Texas 😬 - "uber-lefty Ben & Jerry's said it would stop selling ice cream in areas it says are "occupied" by Israel... Unfortunately, it seems like the ice cream guys, like most woke ideologues, prefer virtue signaling to losing a giant share of their profits. Sad!"

'Thanks You Old Dead White B****': Leftists Lash Out Over Texas Abortion Law, Blame Ruth Bader Ginsburg - "Last September, when Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, liberals waxed poetic about her career... Liberal assessment of Ginsburg after Wednesday’s ruling: “thanks you old dead white b****.”... While the decision is likely different than what would have come down under last year’s court, this wasn’t the death knell of Roe v. Wade that liberals made it out to be — as much as any impediment to unfettered abortion is invariably painted in those terms.  As The Wall Street Journal pointed out, Texas’ fetal heartbeat law “was constructed with legal trap doors and the intention to make it as difficult as possible to challenge in court.”...   But then, part of the freakout is clearly directed at liberal Justice Stephen Breyer, who is 83 and has served on the court for 27 years now."

Pro-abortion activist reveals she has no idea what child support is | The Post Millennial - "After Texas passed a pro-life law that essentially outlaws abortions after 6 weeks gestation, the American pro-abortion movement went nuts. Many on the left have said that abortion has to be legal because the American system doesn't adequately support mothers and children. Julia Ioffe, a journalist and partner with Puck News, tweeted on Thursday that if abortion is going to be illegal, men need to be asked to step up and take responsibility for the fruit of their loins. Ioffe said that if those men who get a woman pregnant could "contribute" and pay "child support." Conservative men who oppose abortion loved this idea, noting that it's called marriage, fatherhood, and child-support.  "If you are anti-choice and you want to make sure women carry every pregnancy to term, why not make the person who created the pregnancy contribute? Why not have men pay child support to the women they impregnate? Surely, it is not the woman’s responsibility alone?" asked Ioffe on Twitter. The response to this notion that Ioffee apparently saw as revolutionary was swift and fierce. Lydia Deetz, the producer of Timcast, sarcastically slammed Ioffe, saying "Ummmm is this... Marriage? Did you just invent marriage?". Matt Palumbo of the Bongino Report, also pointed out the obvious, that "child support" actually already is a thing... Pro-abortion activists may be surprised to find that the men who are advocating against abortion and in favor of life are also prepared to take responsibility for that life, willingly, honorably, and gratefully."

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