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Monday, May 02, 2022

Links - 2nd May 2022 (1)

Immigrant from France fails Quebec's French test for newcomers - "Yohan Flaman, 39, a truck driver from Limoges, France, who came to Quebec in 2018 under the Quebec Experience Program, wasn’t too nervous about taking the French test set by the department of Immigration, Francization and Integration...   Flaman noted when he first arrived in Quebec, he had passed the test for his professional Quebec driver’s licence entirely in French...   What tripped him up was the oral comprehension portion, which involved analyzing a recorded conversation from different points of view, including its political content...   In 2019, the province denied a Quebec selection certificate to a PhD student from France after bureaucrats ruled her level of French wasn’t adequate because one of the chapters in her thesis was in English. The decision was overturned after widespread media coverage."

Patrick Howley on Twitter - "BlackRock is buying the houses, Bill Gates is buying the farmland, Biden is jailing dissidents, and they want to tell you Russia is the problem."

Why No One Wanted A&W's Third-Pound Burger - "After chatting with people who snubbed the A&W burger for the smaller Quarter Pounder, the reason became clear: Americans suck at fractions"

Meme - "Our Pledge: We the members for Artra project under Tiong Seng Construction. Pledge ourselves as one united team, regardless of race, religion, nationality or companies. based on our core value integrity, dedication, excellence, collaboration, valuing people, creative & innovative so as to achieve Safe, Quality, Sustainable, Timely and Innovative Construction for ARTRA"

Is my grocer violating the Onion Futures Act? : legaladviceofftopic - "In the United States, it is federally illegal to trade futures contracts on onions. A futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell something at a certain price at a time in the future.  I bought a coupon book and received a coupon for my local grocery store which reads "Buy 2 lb of onion, get 1lb for 50 cents. Expires Dec 1."  It would appear to me that this meets all of the conditions to qualify as an onion futures contract. It is a contract, it defines a specific price (1 lb for 50 cents), and I can use it any time in the future until December 1st. Additionally, just like any other futures contract, I had to pay for the contract, as it was part of a coupon book.  As we know, the compass of the law always aligns with our moral compasses, which begs the question: How do I go about reporting such immoral behavior from my grocer, if it is in fact illegal?"

Facebook - "I think most of us know Madam Ho Ching is an extremely capable woman who would probably be able to run a ministry or two. But I wish we could be clear about her role in public affairs. Yes, she is entitled to her personal views but they carry added weight not only because of who she is (ex-Temasek chief) but more importantly, who she is married to. If she is just a social influencer, we can treat her comments as those of an informed citizen interested in national affairs making suggestions. But if people, especially those in the bureacracy, think her views represent policy or some kind of executive fiat, then I think she should be more prudent.  So I see "experts'' and the media tying themselves in knots trying to explain or counter her point about "unlinked cases'' being important. What's worse is people reading more into what she says than she probably intends - like whether she is undermining the elected, or represents a schism in the Establishment. After the flip-flop of MTF (which it will of course deny), we really don't need more cooks spoiling the broth. If she feels strongly about something, she has ready access to people in power (which I'm sure she already accesses) to convince them of the rightness of her views."

‘Madonna told me she wanted to f*** a Black guy on the altar,’ claims Like a Prayer director - "The director of Madonna’s “Like a Prayer” music video, Mary Lambert, has revealed how the controversial release came to be made.
Madonna’s 1989 video featured the singer dancing in front of burning crosses, experiencing stigmata (the appearance of wounds in locations corresponding to the crucifixion of Jesus) and kissing a statue of a Black Jesus who comes to life in a church... Lambert told The Hollywood Reporter: “I wanted to explore the correlation between sexual ecstasy and religious ecstasy.”"

Chinese Censored Version Of 'Gwent: The Witcher Card Game' Is Hilarious - "Due to censorship, blood, children, scenes of violence, and explicit images of girls were removed from the Chinese version."

UEFA Warns Teams Could Be Fined If They Move Drinks During Press Conferences - "Teams at Euro 2020 could face fines if their players move drinks provided by sponsors at news conferences, as Cristiano Ronaldo and Paul Pogba have done in recent days.  On Monday, Portugal captain Ronaldo removed two bottles of Coca-Cola and encouraged people to drink water. The next day, France midfielder Pogba, a practising Muslim, discreetly removed a bottle of Heineken beer. Italy's Manuel Locatelli also replaced Coca-Cola with water on Wednesday."

Ronaldo snub wipes $4bn off Coca-Cola's market value - "Ronaldo is well known for having a strict diet, which includes lean meats and sees him avoid sugary foods."

Meme - "The labor theory of value requires that a product be socially necessary"
"So if I make pies out of berries that everyone in the secluded village is allergic to, then they're valueless because they're not socially necessary"
"But, if explorers with goods who aren't allergic to the pies want to trade for them, they have value now because there is now demand for the product"
"Sounds right to me"
"Ok, that's supply and demand. So the value is based on subjective preference people have for the product, not the labor that went into the pie"
"You don't understand my theory"

Facebook - "One of the most ridiculous gaslights: leftists accusing centrists and conservatives of moving "far right". Hello? Conservatives largely try to "keep things as they are / status quo" (versus their opponents, who seek to change things). So barring exceptions such as say, an attempt to overturn *existing* laws (such as abortion), it's ridiculous to accuse centrists/ conservatives of *moving* towards the right when all they want to do is just keep things stable / how they work / as they are."

Facebook - Weekly use: Mothership.sg 42%, Straits Times online 40%
At least 3 days per week: Mothership.sg 25%, Straits Times online 26%
"I am sure the non-profit entity has got this. It had better worry that ST is getting outstripped by an online newbie."

Whos Chaos on Twitter - "yes netflix. you’re absolutely right..."
"Because you watched... A Bug’s Life
You’ll love... The Human Centipede."

Facebook - "Imran Khan is a joke, as is his pearl-clutching for the supposed crimes against the Greater Muslim Ummah.  He wants laws passed that ban depictions of the Prophet, similar to laws against denying the Holocaust in Europe, but has nothing to say about over a million Muslims thrown in forced re-education camps by the CCP as he sucks on the giant teat of CCP money.  Islamophobia does happen in western countries of course, but it is absolutely dwarfed by the amount of antisemitism that occurs out in the open. Is America an irredeemable anti-semitic hellhole? No. Which means the amount and scale of Islamophobia is even less.  This does not excuse any individual acts of real antisemitism or Islamophobia of course. But the reality of just how the *real* monster on the global stage gets a pass from the self-proclaimed defenders of the oppressed shows the fetish for anti-westernism to be what has been for a long time - gaslighting, in the name of a political agenda that would make us all worse off if it ever succeeded.  Don't be bamboozled by those that insist you irrationally flagellate yourself based on totally bogus premises. The real monster of the far-left imagination actually does exist. It's in Xianjiang."

Axios on Twitter - ".@jonathanvswan presses Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on why he’s outspoken against Islamophobia in the West but silent about the genocide of Muslim Uyghurs in western China.
Khan: I concentrate on what is happening on my border.
Swan: This is on your border. #AxiosOnHBO"

Interesting Images - Posts | Facebook - "In Japan due to the health crisis, tourism is in sharp decline, so the deer take advantage of the absence of visitors to rest in the shade of cherry trees in bloom. Result: a scene worthy of the most beautiful Disney under your eyes amazed."

Watch | Facebook - "Cinematography in 'Casino Royale' completely revolutionized the Bond franchise."

callum on Twitter - "put my fleshlight in the freezer to disinfect and my dad thought it was vegan meat... so he cooked it"

Meme - "melanie ChaosIsMel: Daily reminder the USSR didn't invade Afghanistan. The United States did"
Pretty sure she's for "teaching history" (i.e. CRT)

Meme - "All my cattlemen friends should joy this one"
Black Hills FOX News: "Farmers and rancher across the country will use ANY excuse to raise the prices What's it take to raise a cow? Grass and water, both of which are free. They live in a field. Only costs are essentially shots and salt blocks."
When the commies start going after the farmers. Next step, starvation

Brianna Wu claims companies could destroy cities by dropping rocks from Moon - "A transgender-issues activist and Democratic candidate for Congress says the advent of the space tourism industry could give private corporations a “frightening amount of power” to destroy the Earth with rocks because of the Moon’s military importance.  Brianna Wu, a prominent “social justice warrior” in the “Gamergate” controversy who now is running for the House seat in Massachusetts’ 8th District, suggested in a since-deleted tweet that companies could drop rocks from the Moon.  “The moon is probably the most tactically valuable military ground for earth,” the tweet said. “Rocks dropped from there have power of 100s of nuclear bombs.”"

Did love or fury spur Dutch gorilla's attack? - "Was it love that drove Bokito the gorilla to leap from his enclosure and seize a woman visiting the Rotterdam Zoo?  The 11-year-old silverback has become a national celebrity since he leaped a 4 meter (13 ft) moat surrounding his pen and ran amok in the zoo restaurant amid panicking visitors.  The 180 kg (397 lb) Bokito seriously injured a woman, who it later emerged has visited the ape almost every day since his arrival at the zoo a year and a half ago, a fact which has left the country guessing the motive behind his attack.  Some primatologists, biologists and philosophers, who have all featured heavily in the Dutch media, said the gorilla could be in love with the woman and frustrated by seeing her every day without being able to make her his own. Women can easily develop an emotional tie to big apes as they are “the perfect macho” with their rippling muscles and masculine gait, some academics have suggested.  But the zoo’s director has dismissed these romantic notions... “But I would not rule out that he wanted to integrate her into his group. His movement was 100 percent directed at this lady.”  Dutch Media widely reported that the woman misunderstood what she perceived as a smile from the gorilla. Experts suggest he was more likely to have been baring his teeth as a threat. Dutch citizens lost sympathy for the woman after it emerged that she has visited the gorilla about four times a week and said that Bokito “remains her darling” despite suffering a broken arm and wrist and around 100 bites.  In a poll published some days after the accident, some 33 percent of those surveyed said the victim was responsible. About 25 percent blamed the zoo."

Gorilla was teased before the attack - " Fifty-seven year old Petronella Yvonne de Horde was a frequent visitor to the gorilla enclosure and according to her daughter believed she had a ‘special relationship’ with Bokito. One keeper said the gorilla may not have found De Horde submissive enough when she sought eye contact with him."

Gorilla Goggles - "Zoo staff advised that she (and others) not make direct eye contact with Bokito while smiling at him, as apes often misinterpret that friendliness as aggression. The victim nevertheless continued, believing that Bokito was laughing back at her and that the two shared some special bond. She was, of course, wrong, and Bokito viciously attacked her. Bokito’s strength became so well known in the Netherlands that the term “Bokitoproof,” meaning “durable enough to resist the action of an enraged gorilla” became commonplace in Dutch usage.   And of course, the zoo needed to make their facilities Bokitoproof, too. Given the ape’s 2004 escape — which involved scaling a three meter high wall — that was easier said that done. But a week later, the zoo came up with a simple, elegant, and somewhat creepy solution called BokitoKijkers, Dutch for “Bokito Viewers,” as seen below."

Dutch woman still likes gorilla despite attack - "A 57-year-old Dutch woman who was attacked by a 400-pound gorilla at a Rotterdam zoo said the ape was still her favorite even though she felt she was going to die when he bit her."
Late capitalism means indulging in self-destructive behaviors

Meme - "When you're talking to a leftist its best to frame things in their terms. Instead of taxation is theft, we can say "taxation is the government exploiting the surplus labor value of workers"."

The Wars Of The Roses: Everything You Wanted To Know Podcast - HistoryExtra - "‘What the relationship of, between Lancaster and York was like before the Wars of the Roses. I mean, is it a kind of Montague and Capulet kind of vibe? Or is it quite congenial until it all breaks out?’
‘For a long time it is fairly congenial to be honest. It's one of the amazing things of 15th century history, I think that King Henry VI, despite being as I mentioned, a baby when he inherits the throne is supported by basically the whole nobility, including people who have a better claim to the throne than him, of whom you could definitely include the house of York. And actually, Richard, Duke of York is a loyal supporter of Henry for many, many years until around 1450 when things start to go a bit pear shaped. The one issue I’d say that’s longer term is that York's family do have a bit of a history of rebelling against the Lancastrians. So in 1415, just before the Battle of the Agincourt campaign, let's call it of King Henry V, Henry VI’ father, a member of York's family is actually involved in a treason plot against Henry V and that leads to the complete downfall of that family for a while’...
'Henry V being something of a control freak, while he is literally lying, dying, in France of some sort of terrible camp fever, you know, pooping his guts out, is still trying to settle the future of England and France, he's still laying down rules for what he thinks should happen in the reign of his son, which includes saying things like you should never return the prisoners of Agincourt to France, you should never make a deal with his rival in France, who goes on to become Charles VII, and various other stipulations that are made. And of course, if Henry V had lived, it's very likely that he would have changed those stipulations himself, he would have adapted to the changing circumstances. But instead, what happens is that Henry VI, that little baby who becomes a child who becomes a teenager who becomes an adult King, grows up under this huge shadow of the legacy of his father, the legacy of warfare, these kind of rules that people around him are saying, well, you should stick to that, because that's what Henry V wanted. And when Henry VI starts to emerge as an adult ruler in his own right, and say, or, we could just make peace, I mean, just as an idea, what about that? Then that causes some problems, I would say. So yes, I think Henry V dying has a big impact on the what become the Wars of the Roses later, because certainly the Wars of the Roses, I would say, is the result of the end of the 100 Years War, the complete disastrous defeat of England in the 100 Years War... ‘It has been suggested that within 30 years of conflict only, if you added up how much actual fighting time there is in the Wars of the Roses, it would only make about one year... Effectively, I would say of Richard III, he is very similar to a lot of other noble people in his time. But the reason he has such a bad reputation is that I would say he is worse than many of them. For instance, he and his brother George Duke of Clarence, declare their own mother in law legally dead, so that they can take her lands, which I think is not the nicest thing to do. Richard also before he becomes King, intimidates a woman in her 60s by threatening to march her off to the north of England in the midst of winter, in order to get hold of her lambs and the lambs of her son, who is at that point in exile or a refugee, let's say... [And the Princes in the Tower.] Richard is crowned on the Fourth of July 1483. We see risings against him in actually in June and July, then onwards in August and there is an enormous rebellion against him by the autumn. So, you know it there is a resistance to him, there is a sense that there is something not quite right about the means by which he takes power and perhaps who he is as a person... There was a revolt within a matter of months. And there was another revolt within two years, which actually killed Richard. So I would say, again, this is for me, part of the reason that I just do not accept the notion of Tudor propaganda and Shakespearean drama writing being the things that influenced people's minds at the time about Richard, I really do think that there was a pre existing sense that he had done something wrong in coming to power. We see, like I mentioned right in that summer of 1483, at the time that Richard himself is coming to power, there are plots in London to try and rescue the princes in the tower, to rescue their sisters, the princesses who were in sanctuary at Westminster. A number of people are executed, in fact, for their involvement in those plots. We see Margaret Beaufort colluding with Elizabeth Woodville, the mother of the princes in the tower and actively bringing Henry Tudor into this rebellion that happens with Richard’s leading advisor, the Duke of Buckingham in it... It's weird. There is in the 15th century, when people are talking about how someone was mysteriously done to death, they always seem to say the person was either squashed between two featherbeds, drowned in wine, or had a poker put up their bum"

Meme - "you think you can hurt me?? dated dude who would make me CHOOSE who he cheated on me with anytime i pissed him off"

Biden is a fascist ☭ 🇨🇳 on Twitter - "Yeah, this was probably one of the biggest mistakes the USSR ever did. The USSR should have united with Nazi Germany against the bigger threat which was the U.S then destroyed Hitler after the U.S was destroyed and taken over by Stalin."

Meme - 2020: "I don't like the system."
"Yass queen #BLM #ACAB  Rage against the machine!"
2021: "I don't like the system."
"How dare you say that you far-right extremist insurrectionist domestic terrorist!"

Meme - "Guys, no, this is not how acronyms work"
"Why is it a SMART choice for you to visit our Salad Bar?
S Produce are grown in Georgia
M Fresh quality Produce
A Choices of salads
R Choices of toppíngs
T It's healthy for You!"

Meme - "When your employer won't pay you $22 an hour to come in 30 minutes late with a hangover and smoke weed in the back"

Real Body Two in One : Amazon.co.uk: Health & Personal Care - "This sex toy is both a dildo for intimate play, a masturbation vagina and a sheath to increase the length and diameter of your to fill your partner. Total length: 20 cm, penetrating length: 15 cm, diameter: 4 cm."

The “culture wars” affect how people vote—but not in the way you might think - Prospect Magazine - "Much of the public, it finds, is confused about terms such as “culture war” or “woke.” When asked what issues they would associate with the “culture wars,” 43 per cent could not think of a single issue and only tiny numbers referred to topics which have had huge resonance in the press (1.5 per cent mentioned the Black Lives Matter movement, 1.1 per cent mentioned transgender issues and 0.7 per cent mentioned statues).  Of course, large numbers of people could still be deeply unhappy about these issues, even if they do not associate them with the term “culture war.” But the research also suggests that people on the socially conservative side may not be so angry after all. Those at the liberal end of the debate consistently have more negative views of conservatives than the other way round. Those who take liberal positions are more likely to say they would struggle to be friends with someone who had a conflicting view. For example, of those who support the Black Lives Matter movement, 55 per cent say they would struggle to be friends with someone who opposed it, whereas only 26 per cent of BLM opponents say they would struggle to be friends with someone who supported it. Meanwhile, researchers found that those who voted Remain are more likely to continue identifying with the “Remain” label than Leavers are with theirs. So why does the narrative of the disenfranchised, angry social conservative persist?... The Policy Institute research suggests the majority does believe that “political correctness” has gone too far and that people are now too easily offended. Yet it also found that on a range of issues, only relatively small minorities of people would be unwilling to share their views with co-workers or colleagues. The topic which people were most unwilling to speak about was trans issues, which have been a source of particularly bitter dispute on social media. Even on this issue, however, only 21 per cent felt they would be somewhat or very unwilling to speak their mind. Outside social media and universities (where, of course, journalists and academics spend much of their time) a large majority of people do not seem to be impacted by “cancel culture.” All this suggests that we overstate the importance of Britain’s culture wars. Many of the issues that gain huge amounts of attention in the press have little resonance with the public—and in the case of the Black Lives Matter movement, a majority (58 per cent) support its aims anyway. Views on social issues such as gay and inter-racial marriage and even immigration are becoming ever more liberal, although most people would still prefer that the numbers of migrants coming into the UK were reduced."
Liberals are more extremist than conservatives, and liberals hate conservatives more than conservatives hate liberals. This coheres with the research on intolerance and unfriending

EXCLUSIVE: U.N. Elects Iran to Commission on Women's Rights - "at least four of the 15 EU and Western Group democracies on ECOSOC—which include Australia, Austria, Canada, Finland, France, Latvia, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States—voted for Iran...   “This is surreal,” tweeted Iranian women’s rights activist Masih Alinejad. “A regime that treats women as second class citizens, jails them for not wearing the compulsory hijab, bans them from singing, bars them from stadiums and doesn’t let them travel abroad without the permission of their husbands gets elected to the UN’s top women’s rights body.”"

China joins U.N. human rights panel, will help pick experts on free speech, health, arbitrary detention - "China was appointed on Wednesday to a United Nations Human Rights Council panel where it will play a key role in picking the world body’s human rights investigators — including global monitors on freedom of speech, health, enforced disappearances, and arbitrary detention — in a move that has sparked protest by international human rights activists."

Meme - "I grabbed this bullshit ass chorizo made of soy. I thought it was saying "I am chorizo" in spanish!!!"
"Soy chorizo"

Meme - r/Showerthoughts: "Humans are mental. 198 million pounds for a footballer! Imagine putting 198 of the worlds greatest scientists into a room together for 1 yr and paying them 1 million pounds each.. the things they'd discover and create!"
Scientists: "MIT scientists created a "psychopath" Al by feeding it violent content from Reddit"

Jack Dorsey Says He Didn’t Send His Beard Hair to Azealia Banks - "Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has flat-out denied the rumor that he mailed his own beard shavings to Azealia Banks so that she could fashion it into a protective amulet... Banks claimed in a series of tweets posted three years ago that she was working with Dorsey on a deal that involved her spreading the word about Twitter’s payment platform Square in exchange for him promoting her mixtape Slay-Z.  Banks then claims that she received beard trimmings from Dorsey for the purpose of creating a protective amulet. “[H]e also sent me his hair in an envelope because i was supposed to make him an amulet for protection,” she wrote. “i have 3 Strands of a billionaire’s hair. i should steal his luck.” Vanity Fair’s Nick Bilton wrote a piece in December where he revisited the rumor and vouched for Banks’ side of the story, claiming he heard from a source that Dorsey “sent a rapper his beard trimmings.”"

Meme - "Tent (selling because our friends make fun of it *vagina*"

Alexander William Salter ☦️ 🦃 on Twitter - Elizabeth Warren: "Americans are paying record high prices for their Thanksgiving turkey while big poultry companies are paying billions in dividends, giving CEOs raises & earning huge profits. These companies are abusing their market power. I’m asking DOJ to investigate."
"When you don’t understand markets, everything’s a conspiracy."

The Constitution Is the Crisis - "Progressives have been pushing court-packing for years at this point—it’s one of the major items of a structural reform agenda that also includes eliminating the Senate filibuster and adding new states. In recent days, a number of more moderate voices have joined in, backing court-packing as a strategy for rebalancing the judiciary specifically justified by Barrett’s nomination... the American left should work toward abolishing the Constitution someday—either for a new document or a new democratic order without a written constitution"
When judicial review and a Constitution stand in the way of the liberal agenda, and liberals want to execute Banana Republic maneuvers to ram it through

Supreme Court after Ruth Bader Ginsburg: packing or expanding? - "Before Ginsburg died, nine nominations had occurred in election years since 1900, and Ginsburg herself said in 2016 that the Senate had to do its “job” and vote on such nominations because “there’s nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being president in his last year.”"
Ginsburg's wishes and opinions are only important when they benefit liberals, like an unverified and unverifiable "dying wish" that contradicts what she said publicly

Ruth Bader Ginsburg On Her Health, Opposition To Court-Packing - "Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in an interview Tuesday that she does not favor proposals put forth by some Democratic presidential candidates who have advocated changing the number of Supreme Court justices if the Democrats win the presidency... Roosevelt's proposal would have given him six additional Supreme Court appointments, expanding the court to 15 members. And Ginsburg sees any similar plan as very damaging to the court and the country... Like other members of the current Supreme Court, liberal and conservative alike, Ginsburg rebuts the notion that the court is a partisan institution."

‘You Killed RBG’: Leftists Attack Couple Who Had Supreme Court Justice Officiate Their August Wedding - "A woman who had Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg officiate her wedding just weeks ago has been forced to make her Twitter account private after leftist trolls accused her of “killing” the late judicial powerhouse.Barb Solish, of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, was reportedly a family friend of Ginsburg, who, despite suffering from late-stage pancreatic cancer, presided over her wedding to Danny Kazin, an associate with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Ginsburg was pictured without a mask on, People Magazine reports, in photos that the bride posted to Twitter in early September, but an official account of the wedding notes that both Solish and her then-fiance Kazin, had been tested for COVID-19 before the ceremony and both had tested “negative,” making it safe for the ailing Justice to attend their nuptials.Those assurances weren’t enough for the Twitter crowd... Solish was forced to take her profile private shortly after the Supreme Court announced that Ginsburg has passed away Friday from complications from pancreatic cancer.Ginsburg, of course, was an 87-year-old woman still serving on the nation’s highest court, so she was clearly able, by all accounts, to make an informed decision on whether to officiate the couple’s wedding, even in fragile health. She was reportedly a fan of the practice of officiating weddings... By the time Solish and Kazin wed in late August, Ginsburg was already being open about her cancer’s return."

Incredible: USA Today fact checks The Babylon Bee's "claim" that Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death was overturned by 9th circuit court
I remember the days when conservatives were mocked for not realising that The Onion was satire

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