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Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Links - 4th May 2022 (3 - Women)

Woman’s ‘UTI’ was actually glass tumbler lodged in bladder for 4 years - "The 45-year-old had come to the hospital complaining of typical lower UTI (urinary tract infection) symptoms, such as leaking... It was encased by an 8cm-wide bladder stone, which are normally so small they are hard to see with the naked eye. The woman, from Tunisia, revealed she had used the drinking glass as a sex toy a number of years before. Evidently, she had inserted it into the urethral – the hole which females urinate from – rather than the vagina."

Florida Glitter Bomb Females Arrested - "Early Monday morning, around 3 am, Sarah Franks, 29, and Kaitlin O’Donovan, 27, showed up at a guy’s apartment, armed with glitter... Whatever transpired between the two females and male occupant turned from heated yelling to glitter bombing. Sarah and Kaitlin took their glitter ammo and started throwing. Sarah, not content with throwing from outside, jumped the low fence and entered the apartment from the patio. She then went to the front door and let in her accomplice Kaitlin. Once inside, they both started chucking more glitter at the male victim. At one point, he was hit with not just glitter but the container holding glitter. Sarah also went a bit further and kicked in a window, causing it to break."
The women are even smirking in their mugshots

Meme - "There are two type of gamer girls. Barbarian for the win!"

Xicanmei vs South East Asian Brides 西餐妺x東南亞外藉配偶 - YouTube

Meme - Erica Hurd: "I went outside. Naked. Covered myself in crystals and then did a sage dance. Ran through the sprinklers and laughed. Danced in the I'd like to do a self care challenge if any of you would like to join. Very basic. Like drink water. Take five deep intentional breaths. Just a few daily things to bring awareness to myself. In my own moment. Thank you all for the kind words." Natalie Montoya: "I've been feeling like this everyday. Yesterday I didn't want to be mom to my 4 year old. I don't want any"

My GP app criticised for asking women to share cat snap that best resembles their vulva - "The campaign was launched after new research - collected by myGP - revealed that 57 per cent of women would put off attending their cervical screening appointment if they hadn’t had a professional wax."
SJWs can't slam them for this boo boo being due to women not working there

Meme - "Can I treat you like a snowstorm? Give you 6-7 inches, make it mildly inconvenient for you to walk, and leave a mushy mess afterwards?"
"OH MY GOD! Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for the pick up lines to happen? Everyone just acts like they genuinely want to get to know me and I have nothing to screen shot for my friends to laugh at! I'm so happy right now."

Meme - "I've decided to quit trying to have a personality and just embrace the fact that I'm 6'5" and don't need one so here's me just standing"

Meme - "Why did the baker get arrested?"
"For beating the eggs"
"awwww that's so sad, bc you know where bad eggs go when they die?"
"Eggcellent joke"
"thanks :) yours cracked me up also"
"Scramble my eggs right the fuck *laugh*"
"...are you referring to.. seggs?"
"Well I'm not putting all my eggs into one basket here. So maybe dinner"

Meme - "Men can understand all these gauges but not their woman *aircraft*
"Well....they actually tell us what's wrong...sooo"

OnlyFans model has brain surgery, ‘kept taking nudes’ in hospital - "Taking nude photos is always a no-brainer for OnlyFans model Ruby May. And the 25-year-old stayed devoted to her followers, even when she was forced to undergo brain surgery... “They loved the nudes but they told me I needed to take a break from working. It doesn’t feel like work when you love your job""

‘Sexist pigs’: Woman says she was asked to leave Wetherspoons pub over ‘inappropriate’ top - "Mollie Wood made the claims in a TikTok video posted shortly after the incident, which she says took place at the Back of Beyond pub in Reading. Wood was dressed in a black halter-neck crop top and midi skirt and said that, at first, her outfit didn’t seem to be a problem... The pair asked a member of staff why they were not allowed to stay, but the response “infuriated” Wood, who captioned the viral TikTok about the incident, “BACK OF BEYOND WETHERSPOONS u sexist f***ing pigs”."
Dress codes are oppressive!
Luckily the chain stood behind the staff

Meme - "Why is it so hard to find a man with no kids, own car, own place, and a well paying job. Like is that too much to ask for"
"Women be asking for that while the majority of you are single moms, have debt, and carry a crazy amount of baggage and drama from your past. Most men don't want to get involved."

astrology thot lemme smash : copypasta - "i stalked this astrology hoe twitter for about a week & told her I was virgo & she lemme smash because she though we was compatible. little does she know im a fucking scorpio lmfaooo, universe just aligned your cheeks with this dick. wanna know how i know for a fact all of this horoscope shit is a bunch of bullshit? all yall commenting “this is exactly what a scorpio would do” bout dumb as shit cause ima capricorn"

One Woman Punished Her Coworker For Stealing From The Office Fridge In The Most Savage Way - "In 2016, a Reddit user posted a photo of the revenge note, written by the mysterious “B,” on the r/thatHappened subreddit. It’s so horribly good that the note has been upvoted over 2,500 times and garnered over 300 comments. “Good Morning!” the note begins. “To whomever has been enjoying my coffee creamer all week… Surprise!!! You’ve been drinking my BREAST MILK. Hope you’ve enjoyed. Cheers!” B added, “P.S. It’s organic. So no worries.”"

mcfryla on Twitter - "Bought my own drink for the first time. It was over $16?! Dudes really spend like $100 on me in one night just to never talk to me again wow"

Meme - "Grey sweatpants are for dudes with DICK, not dudes with peepees"
"BUT if i say "leggings are for bitches with ASS, not bitches with long backs" I'm the bad guy"

Meme - "Lizzo Cries About Being Fat-Shamed and"
"Step 1: Be a fat bitch
Step 2: Be indignant about it and claim you're actually sexy as hell
Step 3: Cry because people call you out for being fat AND obnoxious"

Meme - "She Didn't Hold BACK AT ALL
"There are no good men out here", say many women..
Actually, no Sis, they are out there but they avoid YOU because:
1. You're disrespectful
2. You're unappreciative
3. You complain ALL the time about everything
4. You're materialistic (The opposite of a wealth- builder)
5. You're loud and unpleasant
6. You're a "slay queen" - whatever that is
7. You think your career is more important than family
8. You don't even like children
9. You're negative
10. You're a user
11. You think sex is for "fun"
12 The way you dress is embarrassing
13. Being with you would be like being with another man
14. All you do is talk about yourself and what you want
15. You "have standards" but are actually below standard as wife material"

Meme - "I thought this lady was giving birth to a damn rotisserie chicken"

Meme - "SING IT GIRLS!!!
At first I was afraid,
I was petrified!
When you said you had 10 inches, lord I almost died.
But I'd spent so many years just waiting for a man that long,
that I grew strong...
and knew that could take you on
Another lie
I was ready for a Big Mac and you brought me a French Fry,
I should have known that it was bullshit,
just a sad pathetic dream,
Should have known there was no anaconda lurking in your jeans,
Go on now go....walk out the door!
don't you promise me 10 inches and then give me only 4!
You are such a prat to think that I wouldn't find it out,
Don't you know we're only joking when we say size doesn't count?
I will survive,
I will survive!
As long as I have all my batteries,
my sex life's gona thrive!
I will always have good sex
with a handful of latex!
I will survive
I will survive!
HEY HEY!..."

Women in S'pore start chat group & 'Dating Guide SG' spreadsheet to discuss guys
Facebook - "Wei Ling as I suggested before, women have trouble making decisions independent from social proof, and as such must be completely dependent on the social hivemind. Thus my joke about the "Girl Senate/ Parliament" where they must convene to share intel and decide foreign policy."

Meme - "Maurine 23
J'aime la marche nordique et les grosses bites.
Nan je rigole j'aime pas la marche nordique"

Meme - "Never criticise your husband's faults. It may have been those little imperfections which stopped him from getting a better wife."

Montana woman plans to buy vibrators for her daughters so they find sex 'less-tempting' - "A mother has controversially claimed that she plans to buy vibrators for her two daughters who are currently aged eight and one. Stephanie Land, 37, a writer from Missoula, Montana, hopes that by providing her daughters with vibrators - and a 'worn copy' of Our Bodies, Our Selves - sex will feel 'less tempting' because they will know how to 'pleasure themselves'."

Bride 'won't take calls' from brother as he refused to pay £20k for her wedding

Meme - "Kind reminder. The X chromosome contains 1098 genes. The Y chromosome has only 78 genes. The X chromosome is over 5 times larger than the Y. Its science. Female are superior. By far. Hence hundreds of years of chauvinism to try suppress her. Goodnight."
"Onions have more DNA than humans"

Meme - Emmy Elliott @itsemmycorinne: "Only fans sale on my main page! Go sign up for only $6 and see alllll my content ever!"
Emmy Elliott @itsemmycorinne: "*Wedding ring* Is this too much to ask for"

Meme - "Me watching women groom young girls into doing sex work as soon as they turn 18 and covering it up by saying its empowering"

Female CNN staff furious Allison Gollust still has a job after Jeff Zucker affair - "Female employees at CNN are furious that chief spokesperson Allison Gollust is keeping her job after “lying” about her affair with newly resigned CEO Jeff Zucker “for years”... “They’ve been together for years,” the source dished.“And she’s still lying about it today — the statement she made that ‘recently our relationship changed during COVID’ is a total lie.” "
Accountability is for men

Glamorizing egg freezing can have devastating consequences - "The American Society for Reproductive Medicine guidelines state that all women who freeze eggs should be “carefully counseled” about realistic chances of success. This counseling should not only be verbal but should also include a written explanation of the realistic probability. Although not stated in the guideline, in order to be most effective, this counseling should not only be verbal but should also include a written explanation of the realistic probability of having one or more children with the frozen eggs. Patients should be required to sign this document and be provided with a copy for their future record Even more employers like Facebook and Google are paying for their female employees to freeze their eggs. And egg freezing parties, where women sip wine, snack on hors d’oeuvres and discuss their future fertility have become more commonplace. Amidst the glitz and glamor of celebrities and swanky parties, the truth about egg freezing has gotten lost. As a clinical psychologist in the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Northwestern University, I counsel many women who are considering egg freezing as well as women who are returning to the clinic to use their frozen eggs. The majority of women I counsel about egg freezing tell me that they initially thought, as some have suggested, that egg freezing was an “insurance policy” against infertility. They inaccurately believed that freezing their eggs would guarantee they could have one or more babies at any age. Research on egg freezing shows a very different picture of chance of success with frozen eggs. Even for the youngest group of women (<35 year olds) who freeze their eggs, 10 eggs are needed for a 70 percent chance of having just one baby. Women who are 40 to 42 years old will need as many as 50 eggs for that same 70 percent chance of having one baby. Yet the average number of eggs retrieved per cycle from the youngest group of women is slightly above 10 and for women in their 40’s is under 10. This means that in order to have a decent chance of having one or more children, most women will need to consider undergoing multiple costly cycles of egg freezing. Far from an insurance policy, egg freezing offers an improved, albeit somewhat uncertain, chance at conception later in life. It offers the best return on investment for women who freeze their eggs before they turn 38 years old... failure to talk to women realistically about egg freezing gives them false hope. This false hope may lead to more women pursuing egg freezing who otherwise would have declined treatment. My own research finds that women may change their minds about egg freezing if they know the truth about the chance of success with such treatment. It can be emotionally devastating for women who return to use their frozen eggs only to discover that their eggs do not result in the birth of a child. Now several years older, it is also less likely that she will be able to conceive with the eggs remaining in her ovaries... Medical and social communities have misled women for far too long about their realistic chances of getting pregnant and about their ability to control their pregnancy chances by doing things such as reducing stress. Any implication that egg freezing guarantees women the ability to have children in the future is disingenuous."

Woman mortified as A&E doctor forced to remove Kinder Egg she hid in her privates - "The hidden egg was a unique twist on the leap year tradition of ladies proposing to men. The woman had placed an engagement ring inside the egg — and then inserted it in her private parts for her boyfriend to find."

Meet the women who say people are jealous of their big boobs - "Every hate comment I get is actually from women and it's only ever about my body and nothing else." "What was genuinely dreadful was that most of the comments were from women, saying rude things and tagging their friends."
Damn misogyny and toxic masculinity!

Webcam model accidentally shoots herself in vagina while filming X-rated clip - "Adult content creator, Lauren Hunter Damon, was reportedly alone in her bedroom when police were called to an “accidental gunshot wound “incident at a residence in Thomaston, Georgia... Authorities believed that the actress works for a site called Chaturbate - where models receive "tips" in return for the performance of requested sex acts. However, it is unclear why she was using the gun for work and whether she was recording live when the firearm was discharged, reports The Smoking Gun. It comes as police said her account of the shooting changed several times - including claims that she had been engaged in consensual sex with Mr Allen when the gun was fired."

Model wants to sue Drake for allegedly putting hot sauce in his condom after they had sex - "An Instagram model reportedly tried to impregnate herself using Drake’s sperm. According to a report by MTO News, Drake started flirting with the model on Instagram and the two of them later hooked up at his hotel. The report states that they smoked weed before engaging in sexual intercourse. Trying to prevent any unwanted pregnancies, Drake reportedly used a condom, which he later made sure to discard in the bathroom. According to what was revealed by the model, she went to the bathroom to try and retrieve the condom so she could impregnate herself using Drake's sperm."

Meme - "You look like the kind of girl that has no problem camming a live feed of your butthole to horny Japanese businessmen for bitcoin, but also claim you have too much social anxiety to ask for extra ketchup packets at a fast food restaurant because you think mental illness is a quirky aesthetic."

90 Day Fiancé Star Sells Her Farts In Jars Then Suffers Health Scare - " Thinking about selling your farts in jar? Well, before you let it rip, did you catch wind of how Stephanie Matto’s venture into the gas business resulted in a visit to the hospital? In this case, the gas business was not selling gasoline but rather selling her flatulence in a jar for about $1000 apiece... Matto changed her diet to give her body more gas. Jam Press described her diet as fiber-high, living off of beans and eggs. When she realized that consuming protein shakes could make her farts smell worse, she added them to the mix. Because who wants farts that don’t smell that bad. Jam Press press quoted Matto as saying, “I remember within one day I had about three protein shakes and a huge bowl of black bean soup. I could tell that something was not right that evening when I was lying in bed and I could feel a pressure in my stomach moving upward.” She continued with, “It was quite hard to breathe and every time I tried to breathe in I'd feel a pinching sensation around my heart. And that, of course, made my anxiety escalate.” She subsequently went to the hospital because she feared that she was having a heart attack. As Matto related, “I didn't tell my doctors about the farting in the jar but I did tell them about my diet.” The doctors eventually determined that she wasn’t having a stroke or heart attack but instead was having gas pains. Matto told Jam Press, “I was advised to change my diet and to take a gas suppressant medication, which has effectively ended my business.”"

Mythrrinthael on Twitter - ">doujins with busty women drawn by busty woman"

Meme - Adam: "I think it's a bad idea to eat this apple"
Eve: "Stop being such an incel, eat the apple or I won't have sex with you"

When dads fail: parenting advice from Care and Feeding. - "My husband is great guy. He loves our two young daughters with all of his heart, he provides for them, and he loves me to death. The problem is that he’s completely incompetent when it comes to common parenting tasks, which constantly leaves me exhausted because I have to clean up all of his mistakes. He makes ponytails wrong, so I have to do them myself. He dresses our daughters in mismatched outfits, so I have to put them in different clothes. He also makes unhealthy snacks for the girls, so I find myself having to constantly tell him what to make and how to make it. Lately he’s not been lifting a finger to help out with my daughters at all. At first he was doing everything wrong and now he’s doing nothing. I’m so frustrated! Please help me reach him."
" Let me get this straight: You have a great husband who loves you and your daughters, and he provides for them—but after you micromanaged the hell out of him, he lost interest in taking part in parenting tasks, and you’re writing in wondering what happened? Really?! Maternal gatekeeping is an issue that should be taken very seriously, because I’ve seen my share of marriages and relationships end because of it. To be clear, he doesn’t make ponytails “wrong”—he makes them differently than you. His sense of style for your girls may seem “mismatched” to you, but that’s your opinion, not a fact. Contrary to what you believe, the parenting world doesn’t revolve around your beliefs. More importantly, your behavior has taken away the joy from parenting he once had"
This addresses the myth of the "second shift"

Meme - "R.I.P to our friends that passed away at a young age. We ain't forget about y'all
Girls!! Get THE BEST vibrator from suctional.com/vibrator #ad"

Mom asks boy to leave public park because she wants girls-only play

Meme - "I was 23 years old when I realized "Who let the dogs out" is a song about ugly bitches in the club, not letting actual dogs out"

Also women: *walk around with vaginas that look like old coin purses*"

Meme - "*Rolex* So My Lesbian Cousin and Her Partner Got Me This for Christmas. It's Pretty Nice and All. I Don't Want to Sound Ungrateful. but It's Not What I Meant Wheni Said I Wanna Watch"

Meme - Christine Sydelko: "That is a full grown balding ass man wearing a backpack"
Christine Sydelko: "I know I always try to clap back and seem unaffected by fat comments but being criticized/harassed/judged online for my weight every single day is genuinely the worst thing I've ever gone through and I almost let it ruin my entire life"

Bride, groom and best man spend wedding night in jail after brawl saw bride attack MOTHER with shoe - "Claire, 26, and 33-year-old Eamonn Goodbrand’s wedding reception erupted into violence after hours of heavy drinking. The mother-of-four bride seized Cherry-Ann Lindsay, 47, by the hair before hitting her with a stiletto and putting her hands around her throat."

Meme - "Vaginal Massage Therapist
At Your Cervix
13061 Fairview St #17
Garden Grove Ca 92843
Dr Kathleen Leggett
When the Day Rubs You Wrong We Rub You Right"


Meme - "I love Disneyland!"
"Me too!
Face ride?"
"Sure, why not?
*** St, Los Angeles, CA. My bed time is at 12."
"I meant fave
I'm dying"

Meme - "Amee Recently active
Just looking for someone to fuck me as hard as possible right in front of my cunt roomate until she gets uncomfortable and moves out."

Meme - ""You're a lucky man" is a nice way of telling a guy you'd bang his girlfriend"
""You must very happy" is a nice way of saying you all ready did"

Model single after swinger April Fools joke on boyfriend - Daily Star - " Brazilian beauty Cris Galêra said she wanted to "test" her boyfriend last April 1 by revealing a fantasy she didn't agree with – going to a swing house for the first time. But she said despite him 'knowing she doesn't like it', he told her he'd like nothing more. “I thought that April Fools' Day would be an opportunity to understand what he thinks about it, knowing that I don't like it”... "He responded euphorically saying it was all he wanted, and I was disappointed," she admitted. The model decided to end things with her boyfriend over it... Cris previously hit headlines back in January after claiming she was "too hot to date". She says that men are so intimated by her beauty, that she started to wear glasses to try and help the situation."
I can imagine other reasons why men don't want to date her

Meme - [Knitted top review] "My 16 y.o. daughter bought this thing. It is ridiculously small and I probably couldn't legally post a picture of what it looks like if she attempts to wear it. But, so you can see... here is a picture of our cat wearing it. To be fair, it does cover all of the cats nipples, however, she hates the weave. In summary, do not buy this, even for your cat."

Meme - "What are the chances of getting a gf in an online game?"
"I've dated 2 girls i met from mmos. we just happened to live in the same city and met up, and it just clicked so we kept at it. dated one for 6 months the other for 3 years. first one I broke up with cause she kept blowing off our dates, and that just always pisses me off. second girl died of cancer."
"Sad to hear she passed away anon. Did she at least drop any good loot?"
"just a ring that lost its all of its enchantment."

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