Transgender woman Anne Veriato defeats man in MMA debut in Brazil - "The first MMA fight between a transgender woman and a man in Brazilian mixed martial arts history took place Saturday night at Mr. Cage 34 in Manaus, and the transgender woman won. Anne Veriato, a transgender woman who had a successful career in jiu-jitsu in the local circuit against men, decided to make her transition to MMA in 2018. Veriato scored a decision victory over Railson Paixao in a strawweight bout... Veriato explained to MMA Fighting why she wanted to compete against men instead of women. ”It’s only fair to fight men,” Veriato said. “It never crossed my mind to fight a woman because I think I’m too good. If I beat men my entire career, I can still beat them despite the hormone process. I only know that I’m good after I beat men. That’s what makes me happy and hungrier to train. I don’t think it’s fair to fight women.”"
Maybe liberals will use this to claim that there are no biological differences between men and women
Laurel Hubbard and Edênia Garcia are trailblazers but trust me – inequality in sport is still rife
Sports are about equality?!
Blockbuster Report: UK Sport Finds Trans Athletes Should Not Compete Against Women, Testosterone Suppression ‘Does Not Negate’ Physical Advantage - "The report, released by the United Kingdom’s Sports Councils Equality Group, which includes representatives from sporting organizations across the U.K., took 18 months to compile information through hundreds of interviews with dozens of people and organizations. The group found that “Transgender athletes have an unfair advantage in female sports” and that that advantage remains even when “testosterone levels have been reduced” ... U.K. Sport suggested that there should be a “universal” category where biological men and women compete voluntarily on a single playing field without gender designations."
Men's sports are already open, so.
It's odd - since TRAs claim that trans women have no advantage over cis women in sports and it's all just testosterone, how come we see virtually no trans men in men's sports?
Champion runner jailed for attempted murder of UK Athletics official - "A champion fell-runner has been sentenced to 18 years in jail for the attempted murder of a UK Athletics official at a stadium in Birmingham. Lauren Jeska, 42, from Machynlleth in Powys, pleaded guilty to trying to kill Ralph Knibbs, who is head of human resources and welfare at the sport’s British governing body as well as a former professional rugby player. In what was described as a “cold, calculated attack”, the transgender athlete stabbed Knibbs multiple times in the head and neck after a dispute over whether she should be able to compete in women’s races... Knibbs, 52, a former Bristol RFC centre who represented England at under-23 level, said the “traumatic, life-changing experience” had left him with permanent partial sight loss, robbing him of his independence. "
Weird how "self defence" against "violent" "transphobia" wasn't an argument used by the defence
WATCH: Female athletes say competing against trans women is 'demoralizing' | The Post Millennial - "Selina Soule and Alanna Smith said competing against biological males who identify as transgender is demoralizing and made them feel helpless."
Trans Athletes Are Posting Victories and Shaking Up Sports | WIRED - " Transgender women’s performances generally decline as their testosterone does. But not every male advantage dissipates when testosterone drops. Some advantages, such as their bigger bone structure, greater lung capacity, and larger heart size remain, says Alison Heather, a physiologist at the University of Otago in New Zealand. Testosterone also promotes muscle memory—an ability to regain muscle mass after a period of detraining—by increasing the number of nuclei in muscles, and these added nuclei don’t go away. So transgender women have a heightened ability to build strength even after they transition, Heather says. One way to address these issues, Heather and her colleagues wrote in an essay published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, would be to create a handicap system that uses an algorithm to account for physiological parameters such as testosterone, hemoglobin levels, height, and endurance capacity, as well as social factors like gender identity and socioeconomic status. “Such an algorithm would be analogous to the divisions in the Paralympics, and may also include paralympians,” they write. Instead of two divisions, male and female, there would be multiple ones and “athletes would be placed into a division which best mitigates unfair physical and social parameters.” The algorithm would need to be sport-specific, and Heather and her colleagues acknowledge that producing it would be a difficult task... at some point the question of who is a woman becomes a cultural inquiry: How athletically outstanding can a girl or woman be before we no longer see her as female?"
To liberals, it's better to twist oneself into all sorts of contortions before admitting that trans women competing in women's sports is unfair
Fairness in Women's Sports Act: Kansas bans transgender athletes from girls' sports - "Kansas follows in the footsteps of several other states who have also banned transgender females from women's sports.Idaho enacted a similar law last year, while Mississippi Republican Gov. Tate Reeves signed a measure into law last week.South Dakota lawmakers passed a ban earlier this month, and GOP Gov. Kristi Noem has promised to sign it"
NCAA to Pull Events from States that Limit Transgender Participation in Sports
Of course they will still support "transphobic" countries
Law banning trans athletes from sports unconstitutional: DOJ - "The Department of Justice is mounting a case arguing that laws in West Virginia and Arkansas that bar transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports are unconstitutional, despite the overwhelming majority of Americans supporting biological gender segregation in sports... The DOJ raised similar arguments in an Arkansas case opposing a law in the state that bars medical workers from helping transgender minors receive care as they transition. Both states’ rules violate the 14th Amendment, the DOJ charged... A poll from May found that a majority of Americans don’t support transgender athletes competing with the gender they identify with. The results came from Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs survey, which found that only 34 percent of responders believed trans athletes should be able to play on sports teams that match their gender identity. On the other side of the issue, 62 percent said trans athletes should only be allowed to play on sports teams that match their gender at birth."
It's weird how trans men are hardly able to compete in men's sports since we are told the "science" says that testosterone is all that matters
Keeping Male Bodies Out of Women’s Rugby - "Instances of biological males playing in the women’s game increased, and some participants began to express alarm. One rugby referee posted on the website Fair Play for Women, for instance, that “being forced to prioritize hurt feelings over broken bones exposes me to personal litigation from female players who have been harmed by players who are biologically male. This is driving female players and referees out of the game.” Another wrote, “I volunteer my time to officiate matches because I love my sport. But I won’t continue much longer if I have stay quiet about the unfairness I see on the pitch or risk abuse by getting called transphobic if I turned a player away.” A chairperson of one UK rugby club expressed shock upon discovering that, as she reported, “If anyone suspects someone on the opposing team might have an advantage because they are transgender, ‘they must not ask.’ They must simply accept that all teams will be ‘complying with the rules.’” In some cases, female rugby players and their coaches would show up to matches to discover that there was a biologically male athlete playing on the opposing team. As one player put it, “I have to play or forfeit my place even when I know it’s unsafe for me.” Those who enjoyed the advantage of having a trans-identifying player on their team, on the other hand, were sometimes found to be lacking in sympathy. On one occasion, a team captain was quoted as saying that their male-bodied player had “folded an opponent like a deck chair. With worries mounting about safety—especially concussions—and financial liability, World Rugby undertook a review of its transgender policy in February 2020. This might seem to be a common-sense step. Yet among global sports federations, it was actually seen as a ground-breaking moment. World Rugby turned out be the first sport to bring to the table experts on all sides of the eligibility issue, including sociologists, biologists, kinesiologists (my own specialty), and those with a background in human rights. The consultation is reported to have been respectful and thorough. All relevant opinions were heard. The dominant view that emerged from this summit was that World Rugby would have to amend its policy. It was simply too risky to continue to allow male bodies into the women’s game. The decision-makers relied on data that had been published by the renowned Karolinska Institute (Sweden) in September 2019. Even after a full year of hormonal reduction in accordance with IOC guidelines, the researchers concluded, there was no appreciable loss of mass, muscle mass, or strength in transitioning males. In physical terms, it was just a man playing with women. World Rugby had to come to terms with reality: Irrespective of hormonal intervention, male athletes are, on average, 40 percent heavier, 15 percent faster, 30 percent more powerful, and 25–50 percent stronger than their female counterparts. And these differences pose obvious risks for female players in full-contact rugby... Activist groups opposed to any reconsideration of the IOC’s rules, on the other hand, put out statements—many of them picked up by the press—with headlines suggesting that World Rugby was implementing a “ban” on trans athletes. In fact, no one would be “banned” under the proposal. Athletes would simply be required to compete with athletes of their own sex, as had been the case in rugby, and numerous other sports, until very recently.”... ugby Canada used its voice to channel the opinions of one-note gender activists. Its official statement, released in early September, declared that the proposed new World Rugby rules “are not policy that can or will be adopted should they move forward.” Rugby participation in Canada, the organization said, would continue to be guided by the existing Trans Inclusion Policy, which states that players “should be able to participate as the gender with which they identify and not be subject to requirements for disclosure of personal information beyond those required of cisgender athletes. Nor should there be any requirement for hormonal therapy or surgery.” That’s right: The policy is pure, no-questions-asked self-identification. The only reference to safety in the entire document relates to the suggestion that someone might not feel “safe” if his “gender identity and gender expression” weren’t respected. It seems to me that Rugby Canada can ill afford to posture against biological reality. It was only two years ago that a young man named Brodie McCarthy died as a result of a head injury suffered in a rugby tournament. Five years before that, it was a women’s team captain, Rowan Stringer, a 17-year-old from Ottawa, who died from a blow to the head during a game. In response, Ontario passed Rowan’s Law, requiring all youth sports, whether at the club or school level, to observe strict safety protocols pertaining to head injury and concussions. Canada’s federal government extended the movement nationally by developing its own public health advisory on the dangers of concussion. The advisory specifically identifies rugby as one of three especially dangerous sports: “Ice hockey, rugby and ringette are the sports with the highest proportion of brain injuries among children and youth 5–19 years of age, ranging from 27 percent to 44 percent of all injuries that happened while playing these sports.” Now imagine how much more dangerous it is for women who face men on the rugby pitch. This month, British trans activist groups have been scrambling to update their policies to accord with new British government rules that prohibit schools from using materials that encourage children to question whether they are in the “wrong body.” These groups are doing this because failing to do so will now have legal and financial implications. Gender clinics, moreover, are now starting to get sued for recklessly transitioning children on the basis of flimsy or non-existing health science. And rightly so: Those who put women, children, and other vulnerable populations at risk for ideological reasons must face the legal consequences. One can only hope that Rugby Canada, and its counterparts all over the world, come to understand this before someone gets hurt—or goes bankrupt."
Facebook - "The CBC is making me so angry this week. They did a radio interview with Rachel McKinnon aka Veronica Ivy and continue to tweet out quotes from this person, who:
- is a biological male but holds the title of female cycling champion in Canada
- is not a scientist but goes on TV/radio and flat out lies about the science of sport and biology, falsely claiming that males on estrogen have no advantage over women in sports
- claims that trans people are being "banned" from sports when bills are introduced to keep sport segregated by sex (no one is banned ffs)
- has publicly told women to DIE IN A GREASE FIRE and CHOKE ON ROTTEN DICKS
- said that lesbians need to learn how to "cope" with penis and not be bigots against "trans women lesbians"
- publicly celebrated the death of a young feminist lesbian after she succumbed to brain cancer
The CBC has been repeatedly told by women about all of these things but continues to offer a platform to this vile person. Meanwhile the same people at the CBC act as though women like me are hateful for recognizing our (Charter protected) sex class. They can't even bother to interview women on "our side" when they write hit pieces about us.
Absolute fucking disgrace of a national broadcaster. #defundtheCBC"
Amy Eileen Hamm 🦊 on Twitter - "Veronica Ivy (@SportIsARight ) says it's "reprehensible" that some U.S. states are trying to ban trans women and girls from playing for female sports teams"
"Veronica Ivy's comments telling women to die in a grease fire or choke on rotten dicks are the reprehensible bits, you absolute propagandists. No one is "banned" when told to play on the team of their biological sex."
Heavyweight Judo players and weightlifters are also banned - from playing in lightweight classes. Damn discrimination and saying that heavyweights literally don't exist!
Meme - "Cathy Reisenwitz @ @CathyReisenwitz: Why should sports be gendered? There's more variation within genders than between them. Who cares if you're the fastest woman, man, white person, introvert, etc.? Be the best athlete or gtfo."
Apparently the woke position now is to abolish women's sports
Comment: "Why keep it within a species, if it's about finding the best."
Emma Hilton on Twitter - "This is Kuinini ‘Nini’ Manumua, the woman who was ultimately displaced by inclusion of Laurel Hubbard. She’s 21, and it would have been her first Olympics."
Comment: "Ah yes, the cognitive dissonance of cheering for a middle aged white man stealing a place from a young woman of colour"
Tokyo Olympics drama as athletes told to ‘be quiet’ about transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard - "Former Olympic weightlifter Tracey Lambrechs says females are being told to “be quiet” when they complain about the fairness of transgender New Zealand athlete Laurel Hubbard competing in women’s competitions... “I’m quite disappointed, quite disappointed for the female athlete who will lose out on that spot,” Lambrechs, who won a bronze medal for New Zealand at the 2018 Commonwealth Games, told TVNZ. “We’re all about equality for women in sport but right now that equality is being taken away from us. “I’ve had female weightlifters come up to me and say, ‘what do we do? This isn’t fair, what do we do?’. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do because every time we voice it we get told to be quiet.” Hubbard, 43, competed in men’s weightlifting competitions before transitioning in 2013... Many scientists have criticised [IOC] guidelines, saying they do little to mitigate the biological advantages of those who have gone through puberty as males, including bone and muscle density... World Rugby banned transgender athletes from the elite women’s game last year for safety reasons."
Weightlifting medalists sit in silence after question about transgender athlete - "A reporter was met with steely silence after he asked a panel of women’s weightlifting medalists how they felt about a transgender competitor. The awkward moment came during a press conference with Li Wenwen of China, who won gold in the +87kg lifting event; Emily Campbell of Great Britain, who won silver; and Sarah Robles of the United States, who won bronze. New Zealand lifter Laurel Hubbard, who did not make it to the podium, had nevertheless made history by becoming the first openly trans athlete to compete in the Olympics... Nine seconds of awkward silence followed. Finally, Ms Robles spoke up. “No thank you,” she said simply."
There is speculation that Hubbard threw the competition to perpetuate trans mania
Transgender weightlifter could set dangerous Olympics precedent: Samoa coach - "Tuaopepe Jerry Wallwork coaches Samoa’s Commonwealth Games champion Feagaiga Stowers and is concerned Hubbard’s presence in the super-heavyweight division at Tokyo could deny the small island nation its second Olympic medal... At the Pacific Games in Samoa in 2019, Hubbard triggered outrage in the host nation when she topped the podium twice ahead of local hero Stowers."
Too bad in the progressive stack, transgender people are above developing countries
Samoan PM Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi hits out at Laurel Hubbard - "Samoa's Prime Minister is appealing to the Pacific Games Council to address concerns around the eligibility of transgender athletes. The issue has been ignited by Kiwi transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard winning three medals at the latest Pacific Games, which finished at the weekend... Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi made it clear he didn't support trans athletes competing in women's sport... "This fa'afafine or man should have never been allowed by the Pacific Games Council president to lift with the women. I was shocked when I first heard about it," he told the Samoa Observer. "No matter how we look at it, he's a man (sic) and it's shocking this was allowed in the first place."... Loau reportedly claimed Samoa should "utilise the opportunity" by inviting transgender Samoans and fa'afafines to join the country's weightlifting team... 16-year-old Selina Soule disagreed with transgender athletes at the games. She failed to qualify for a track event after being beaten by transgender athletes. "Eventually, it's going to get to the point where the biological females will be on the sidelines, watching their own sports""
Barbara Kay: Transgender weightlifter may expose the unfairness of trans athletes in Tokyo - "There are nine trans athletes hoping to compete at the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer. All of them — whether born male or female — are seeking spots on women’s teams (transgenderism is a non-issue in men’s sport)... Before transitioning, Hubbard competed under the name Gavin and was New Zealand’s junior men’s champion and a national record holder. By age 34, Hubbard had plateaued. Yet after transitioning in 2012, Hubbard saw years of success in the women’s division... Then, Hubbard took the gold in the 2019 Pacific Games, dashing the hopes of Feagaiga Stowers of Samoa, who had been favoured to win. Stowers, a humble young woman who had overcome extreme deprivation to find personal happiness and success through weightlifting, was thrilled to carry Samoa’s flag in the Games’ opening ceremony. The striking contrast between a disadvantaged female of colour being overpowered by a silver-spoon legatee of white settler privilege who previously competed in men’s weightlifting was not a good look on Hubbard. International etiquette forbade voiced protest, but the image of Stowers’ head bowed in second-place humiliation on the podium spoke volumes... If Hubbard wins, observers will see that an aging natal-male athlete who could never hope to be on an Olympic men’s podium can win a medal in the women’s division, validating the claims of those who advocate for strict sex-based guidelines for entry. Hubbard would be highlighting “the fact that men should not be competing in women’s sports,” writes House. To believe that average sports fans will view such a spectacle through a lens of gender theory and a principle of inclusion over fairness is delusional. Unfortunately, the rules that allow Hubbard to qualify are themselves delusional and unfair. The current transgender International Olympic Committee (IOC) policy sets the conditions that, firstly, the athlete “has declared that her gender identity is female,” which for sporting purposes cannot be changed for four years (in Canada, an athlete may change identity at will, even from season to season, under guidelines set by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport). Secondly, the athlete must demonstrate that her total testosterone level in serum has been below 10 nanomoles per litre for at least 12 months prior to her first competition. But the average range for elite female athletes is between 0.26 to 1.73 nanomoles per litre. So, House writes, “Essentially, the policy of the IOC is that a transgender woman may have five times the average total testosterone of a biological woman.” In any case, there is abundant evidence that higher male testosterone is but one factor, and not the most important, in the “insurmountable” post-puberty male advantage. Moreover, House muses, it is not hard to imagine the “parade of horribles” that may follow a Hubbard gold medal. The new IOC policy opens the door to a new form of cheating for certain unscrupulous regimes that needn’t be named, for we all remember their scandalous coerced doping of young girls to win medals back in the day. House plausibly envisages one of these nations coercing “second-tier male athletes to declare their gender as female, comply with the 10 nmol/L rule and dominat(ing) the women’s events. With the requirement of sex reassignment surgery removed, the athlete could compete as a woman for a couple of Olympic cycles, then stop taking the suppression therapy after winning for a decade.” Think it could not happen? Try to think like Russian President Vladimir Putin... “We talk a lot about empowering women, (but) this does not empower women. If anything, it is taking power away from them.”... ironically, there are a number of female athletes who calculatedly wish for quite the opposite outcome: that Hubbard not only competes, but wins. They reckon that the battle for protecting women’s sex-based rights in sports needs a shock-and-awe image that embodies the travesty of the Olympic spirit wrought by gender ideology. Something to bring a critical mass of sport fans across the globe to their feet in outrage. Otherwise, women’s sport — and therefore sport in general — may be doomed."
Top Olympic advisor reveals concerns over trans women competing in female weightlifting - "A leading Olympic advisor on trans athletes has admitted that history may judge it “less than ideal” to allow trans women to take part against women in events such as weightlifting. Dr Joanna Harper, whose research fed into the International Olympic Committee's decision to allow trans women athletes to compete against women, admitted her doubts... Dr Harper, who is herself a transsexual woman, maintains that hormone treatment for trans women mitigates the advantages of strength they would enjoy competing against women in sporting events. But speaking to Radio 4’s Woman's Hour Dr Harper said: "In most sports, it is probably true that hormone therapy mitigates the advantages, enough. Now, most sports do not necessarily include Olympic weightlifting... Dr Harper admitted that having allowing transwomen to compete against cisgender women - whose gender identity matches the sex they were born with - may not create an “equal” field for all participants, but she insisted it is “fair."
Footballer Guaranteed To Become First Trans And Non-Binary Athlete To Win Olympic Medal - "Canadian footballer Quinn is set to become the first openly transgender athlete to take part in the Olympics and win a medal."
If this person is non-binary, why can't it play in the men's league?
Caitlyn Jenner labelled ‘anti-trans’ after saying trans girls shouldn’t compete in female sports teams - "“This is a question of fairness,” Jenner replied. “That’s why I oppose biological boys who are trans competing in girl’s sports in school. “It just isn’t fair, and we have to protect girls’ sports in our schools.”"
Lived experience is only valid when liberals agree with it
Sarah Silverman falsely claims there's no difference between biological males and females in failed attempt to shame Caitlyn Jenner - "Sarah Silverman could do with a fact check... Silverman trotted out the now familiar tactic of using emphasis to claim righteousness, and then she went on to repeat false claims, all while shaking her head in disbeleif that someone with Jenner's lived experience as a male athlete and a person who underwent transition could have an independent viewpoint... that great liberal God, Science, has receipts for the differences between pubescent boys and girls as well. In addition to significant data, such as that provided by Save Women's Sports, showing that boys have greater strength, muscle mass, and bone density, there are also specific cases where girls missed out on opportunities because biological boys took their place. In the 2017-2018 school year, "two biologically male, transgender students, Andraya Yearwood and Terry Miller, began competing against female athletes in track and field. They literally ran away with all the top medals and accolades. "While the media applauded the duo for bravery, female runners Selina Soule, Alana Smith and Chelsea Mitchell were relegated to the sidelines of women's sports, watching athletes born the opposite sex sweep the titles and scholarships set aside for female competitors." These girls were denied winning spots because biological boys took the awards."
High School Track Star: Running Against Trans Athletes Is ‘Devastating,’ ‘Tells Me That I’m Not Good Enough’ - "Former high school track athlete Chelsea Mitchell said that competing against trans athletes was “devastating” to her confidence and opportunities, and she pledged to continue her legal battle to ban biological males from girls’ sports. Mitchell, the “fastest girl in Connecticut,” wrote an op-ed in USA Today on Sunday explaining why she and three other athletes sued the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) last year over the state’s decision to allow trans athletes to compete based on gender identity instead of biology. Mitchell competed against biologically male athletes for most of her high school career and said that continuous losses to those trans athletes was demoralizing to her and other girls in the sport."
Thousands gather Brooklyn rally show support bills banning transgender athletes from female sports - "'Trans youth absolutely deserve to play sports just like I did, just like I do,' said Schuyler Bailar to the New York Times describing himself as a queer Korean American transgender man of color. 'Trans kids deserve that space.' Bailar competed college swim team as an openly transgender man and is deeply worried about the flurry of legislation that is being pushed through."
This is the usual trans activist Jedi mind trick. More or less no one is against "trans youth" playing sports - just "trans girls" playing against girls
Banning trans athletes in women's sports is 'white supremacy' says former pro-soccer player Lori Lindsey - ""These bills do uphold white supremacy under the guise of protecting women’s sport when we actually know that women’s sport, protection of it, would be to have more funding and to have more women in leadership positions and equal pay. "But the reality, though, is that these youth just want to participate with their friends and play sports like everyone else." Lindsey made no mention of the competitive element in sports which is of first importance to most athletes who actually play them. She also didn't elaborate on what exactly was the connection, in her mind, with "white supremacy"."
djcalligraphy ™ on Twitter - "2016: Craig Telfer is ranked 200th
2017: Craig Telfer is ranked 390th
2018: Craig Telfer transitions to female'
2019: CeCe Telfer is National Champion
But biological men have no unfair advantage in women's sports, right?"
Ten ethical flaws in the Caster Semenya decision on intersex in sport - "Middle-distance runner Caster Semenya will need to take hormone-lowering agents, or have surgery, if she wishes to continue her career in her chosen athletic events. The Court of Arbitration in Sport (CAS) decided last week to uphold a rule requiring athletes with certain forms of what they call “disorders of sex development” (DSD) – more commonly called “intersex” conditions – to lower their testosterone levels in order to still be eligible to compete as women in certain elite races... At the heart of this decision is the fear of displacement of cisgender women on the podia by increasing debate over transgender athletes. The concern is that if “XY females” are allowed to compete in the female category, formerly male transgender females will follow and rob cisgender women of their medals. This is a separate issue. Transgender athletes have normal testosterone receptors and would have grown up in the presence of male levels of testosterone acting on normal receptors. Intersex athletes have not grown up in this way and are typically raised as female. The perceived problem of transgender domination of female sports can be dealt with by separate rules that do not disadvantage existing intersex athletes, though they will raise contentious issues of their own."
Just declaring that this won't affect trans mania isn't a solution. Clearly the solution is to end "arbitrary" and "unfair" "discrimination", and just let everyone compete together, and say goodbye to women's sports
There're lots more trans people than intersex, so the "solution" that screws fewer people is better (or at least less bad)
Independent Women's Forum on Twitter - "🎙️ COMING UP The Dept of Ed took steps to legally redefine “sex” to include gender identity. What does this mean for women’s sports? @J_Braceras, director of Independent Women's Law Center, joins @VinceCoglianese to discuss. Tune to @WMALDC at 5:15pE."
Facts don't care how woke you are: Measured against biological males, the world's fastest woman would drop to the 2,500th fastest woman. - "We are endlessly lectured that gender and sex are different. In fact, that is the whole premise of the transgender movement and why distinctions are made between "transgender" and "transexual."... You want to "change" your gender? Change your gender, but that does not mean you've simultaneously changed your sex, and if we separate sports competitions by sex, then what gender you are should not matter. You can be any gender you want, but if you are a male by sex, you should compete against other males."