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Thursday, May 05, 2022

Links - 5th May 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

Babylon Bee's Seth Dillon: You Can Tell Who Holds All The Power In A Society By Who You Can't Make Fun Of - " "This is the funny thing. They really are a joke at this point because they try to project themselves as being marginalized. These are the marginalized, these are the oppressed but you can't make fun of them. The way that you can tell who holds all the power in a society is by who you can't make fun of," Dillon told Carlson.  "These are the people you can't make fun of," Dillon continued. "So it is very clear they hold all the institutional power in our culture and it's really interesting when you have comedians like Chapelle, you got to worry about now, telling jokes, you don't just ask yourself, is this funny? You have to ask yourself, is this joke going to offend somebody who is more powerful than me, but identifies as being marginalized because I might lose my career?"  "The people who are saying 'Oh, his jokes hurt my feeling,' those are the people who deserve to be mocked more not less because it is silly to act like joke police, like jokes really are like violence," he said. "You said it earlier, you know, the speech is now violence and the violence is speech. Jokes are not violence. They don't hurt anybody. If we're all equal, we should all be able to joke about each other indiscriminately and not have this like hierarchical structure where we have certain people who are off-limits and we can't joke about them.""

Anita Sarkeesian on Twitter - "Fuck off. We are not individually responsible for the destruction of the planet. Corporations and governments are the only ones who can make any kind of meaningful impact. Stop with this neoliberal bullshit."
Collective responsibility is only for the "powerful", e.g. cis white straight men

Meme - Student Dr. Kendra @StudentDrKendra: "Made a C in Chemistry
Got put out of Honors Program on a technicality
Barely did research
Didn't shadow
GPA was good but could have been better
Professors wouldn't give me the time of day
Mediocre MCAT
Applied the VERY LAST day
Was told I wouldn't get into med school
Good luck to future patients

Meme - ImBlack&ISaySo @lmblackl: "We need to permanently stop supporting Asian businesses. @NoAntiBlackRacism #FBA #LineageMatters"
Colin Wright @SwipeWright: "You're a racist."
"Black people can't be racist per it's definition. Good try.."
Asian Dawn - Posts | Facebook - "We deal with this every-single-day. One guy wrote a 1,500 word series of Dms explaining why South Korea should give the Black community Samsung because of the 1992 riots"

Swiss Chalamet on Twitter - "last night my 4 year old son looked at me and said “in a world full of will smiths, be a zelensky.” And then did the wakanda salute. sadly we had to put him down"

Gavin Newsom roasted for picture of him reading 'banned books' he says states are 'afraid of' - ""Reading some banned books to figure out what these states are so afraid of," he tweeted... "I bought some plastic drinking straws for the same reason. The store put them in a plastic bag," lawyer Ted Frank of the Hamilton Law Institute said. He also appeared to take a dig at the increased crime throughout the state of California by suggesting Newsom "be a victim of a carjacking to see why so many other states prosecute crime." Dr. Eli David, Deep Instinct co-founder and Forbes Technology council member, asked who was going to tell the governor that "To Kill A Mockingbird" was banned in certain school districts over concerns of racism.   Author and Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters said the book Newsom appeared to be reading in the photo was a "terrible novel.""
'To Kill a Mockingbird,' Other Books Banned From California Schools Over Racism Concerns - "Until further notice, teachers in the area will not be able to include on their curriculum Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, Theodore Taylor's The Cay and Mildred D. Taylor's Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Four parents, three of whom are Black, challenged the classic novels for alleged potential harm to the district's roughly 400 Black students... Carmenita Helligar said her daughter, Destiny, was approached by a white student in math class using a racial taunt including the N-word, which he'd learned from reading Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry while both attended the David Starr Jordan Middle Scho... Helligar, who is one of the parents who filed a complaint in the case, claimed the boy's excuse was that he had read it in class and the principal had been dismissive of the incident.  "My daughter was literally traumatized," Helligar said. "These books are problematic ... you feel helpless because you can't even protect your child from the hurt that she's going through."  Nadra Ostrom, another Black parent who filed a complaint, argued that the portrayal of Black people is mostly from a white perspective.  "There's no counter-narrative to this Black person dealing with racism and a white person saving them," she said.  Ostrom added that the current education given to students assumes "that racism is something in the past.""
The best cope I saw was that it was conservatives trying to "ban" the books

Where's Comrade Brezhnev? - "I wrote a post today about ketman and the Democratic Party. Ketman is a Persian word that describes the hypocrisy one has to live with as a survival mechanism in a society in which it is impossible to speak the truth... a Russian man with whom I had dinner in Moscow last year. He told me that his first job out of college was to serve as an assistant cameraman at the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Shortly before the opening ceremony, a KGB detachment guarding Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev arrived in the VIP box where Brezhnev and other dignitaries would be sitting.  The KGB colonel in charge ordered the state TV crew to take down some metal framing, because it was, in his judgment, a threat to Brezhnev. The director explained to the KGB colonel that that metal framing was necessary to hang the lights that would illuminate the faces of the dignitaries. “We didn’t agree to these things!” the KGB man barked. The director didn’t push it, because nobody argued with the KGB in the Soviet Union.  Click this to see what happened in the opening ceremony. The screenshot is above: Brezhnev and the Politburo broadcast around the world in the dark. The Russian technician told me that this moment in 1980 marked the first time he knew that the Soviet system was doomed because it was impossible to speak the truth about anything. In the year 2000, I was walking the road from Jerusalem to Bethlehem in the company of a Catholic priest, an American who served a Palestinian Arab parish in a Jerusalem suburb. I talked with him about what it was like ministering to that population. He told me that it could be very frustrating, because he didn’t know how to help people. Their idea of fact changed constantly, to fit the politically correct line.  Arabic culture is famously indulgent of conspiracy theory. The priest told me that a couple of weeks ago, after mass, the men in his parish were discussing the “fact” that Yassir Arafat was a secret Jew. They were absolutely certain of this, and wouldn’t admit any evidence against it. A week later, they were talking about the same set of facts that led them to conclude that Arafat was a secret Jew, but they had come to a very different conclusion — that Arafat was actually the innocent victim of the crafty Jews. The priest said that when he questioned the men about their reasoning, they did not understand what his point was. It was as obvious to them that Arafat was a gentle lamb this week as it had been the previous week that he was a hidden Jew. The priest told me this story, he said, because the hardest thing he had to deal with as their pastor was the plan fact that Arafat and his cronies were robbing the Palestinians blind, and did so by taking advantage of their chronic weakness for taking as true anything that suited their emotional state. The priest, with his American psychological stance, had no idea how to help. The Palestinians’ culturally constructed framework for determining truth and falsity made them incredibly vulnerable to exploiters, the priest said. In that case, it wasn’t fear of telling the truth, but rather truth-telling being difficult because truth-hearing was so hard to do. People within that culture couldn’t perceive their own susceptibility; this was just the epistemic water in which they swam... As long as there were no consequences for avoiding the truth, the system could go on indefinitely... I had lunch with a European friend who was finishing up graduate work at Harvard. He told me how bizarre he and his international student friends in the program found it that their professors would routinely rule certain discussion topics out of bounds in class. Why? Because other students had come to the professors ahead of class and mentioned that discussing these things would be traumatizing to them, and they were not capable of handling it.  The European graduate student said that he and the other foreigners couldn’t believe that a self-respecting student would make that request of a professor, and that a professor would grant it. But it was common — at Harvard! He told me that the Harvard Crimson had recently published an article on student health center data showing that a staggering number of Harvard students were taking antidepressants... the neuroticism and fragility of the American students unnerved him, because he knew perfectly well that these young people were going to be the institutional leaders of tomorrow. Weirdly, he said, none of them seemed to doubt in the slightest that they were meant to lead. But none had the capacity to do so, in his judgment, because they were psychologically crippled by the prospect of confronting data that made them anxious... I brought up the case of Progressphiles, the e-mail list of 1,000 or so Democratic data professionals — that is, men and women who work in the party crunching numbers to get candidates elected. This past summer, they drove out of their group a young genius named David Shor for having tweeted research data showing that riots hurt Democrats at the polls, but non-violent protest helps them. The ultra-woke leadership of Progressphiles excoriated Shor, who had distinguished himself serving as President Obama’s data guru, for hurting the feelings of blacks and persons of color. This, simply because he pointed to academic research that challenged the narrative they preferred... this story from Nature, the leading science journal, reporting election results. Why on earth is a scientific journal commenting on the American presidential election? The headline and subhed explain it all:
'Scientists aghast as hopes for landslide Biden election victory vanish
With so many votes cast for Trump in US election, some researchers conclude that they must work harder to communicate the importance of facts, science and truth.'
Said the reader, “These people are are incapable of seeing how much damage they are doing themselves. So much for objectivity.”  Even scientists confuse what is “correct” with what is “true.” And they will be the last ones to know it. "
Since liberals believe that language shapes reality, it's no surprise they love censorship and pretending reality is different

Meme - "The year is 2040. You're eating from your weekly-rationed tube of cricket-paste in your self-driving electric car that only allows you to get to work and back. You get home & greeted by your non-binary theyfriend, as your child comes in saying "thinking is a crime."

Facebook - "“If we are not careful, our colleges will produce … close-minded, unscientific, illogical propagandists” - Martin Luther King, Jr. -"

California high school basketball team stripped of title after tortilla throwing incident - "The governing body for high school sports in California on Wednesday stripped a Southern California high school of its basketball division championship after some of its players threw tortillas at the opposing team, which was from a largely Latino school...   A Coronado High alumnus who provided the tortillas to players said throwing them was a tradition at a college he attended, the University of California, Santa Barbara. Luke Serna said he is of half-Mexican descent and that there was "absolutely no racial intent behind that action""
The truth behind the tortillas - "Every year, against Spanos stadium policy, Cal Poly fans sneak tortillas in and throw them onto the field, hitting players, coaches and officials...   UCSB students have been throwing tortillas during their home games since the early 1990s and even made national news in 1997 when a basketball game had to be stopped due to there being too many tortillas on the court."
What if they had thrown crackers back?

Cool Freaks' Wikipedia Club | Facebook - "• NO jokes about trigger or content warnings (abbreviated to tw/cw) [instant ban]
• Post commentary with more “serious” natured posts (trigger warnings alone are not commentary)
• Feel free to help discourage racism, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, etc; those of you that participate in it will be banned... non-comprehensive list of examples for tw/cw:
• nsfw
• rape
• (animal) abuse
• eating disorders
• sexual assault
• violence
• (trans)misogyny
• homophobia
• gore
• graphic nudity
• racism
• ableism
• suicide
• food
• psychosis
• drug/alcohol use
• murder
• self injury
• spoilers
• subjects of common phobias: spiders, birds, vomiting, clowns, etc...
BANNED TOPICS, instant delete, no questions asked:
• David Bowie
• Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea
• Gamergate
• Nazi Germany
• Serial Killers
• School shootings or any sort of mass murder
• Genocide
• War/ Battles (exception: Emu War)
• Trauma Trigger/ Trigger Warning• Zionism
• Culture-bound syndromes
• Bugchasing
• Casu marzu/anything posted with a gross thumbnail...
The mod team is committed to the safety of our users; if someone from the CF network is harassing you – in or out of our groups – please let a mod know either via fb message or our email coolfreaksunited@gmail.com
THANKS FOR READING! Keep it Cool and Freaky, and most importantly have fun!...
Our Rules Don't Fit Into FB's Character Limits
Read them here though: https://docs.google.com/document/d/162YHSayDsU_QJ5yBboSccY6aivyHjklqCxXoPawW8fI/edit
Questions About The Rules? Read our FAQ
Questions about CWs/TWs?
Read our guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WKiEVFGEct3Lo_BdE3gQXouTOpstAH6RK7FveSlFP1A/edit"
This takes the prize for shittiest leftbook group ever. Just when you thought they couldn't get any more ridiculous...
So much for being "cool"
The CW/TW guide is in version 9.2015. Frankly I'm shocked that they haven't updated it in over 6 years

ESPN on Twitter - "Last year, a noose was found in Bubba Wallace's stall at Talladega Superspeedway. The next day, the NASCAR community stood with him in unity. "I was like, 'Holy s---, it's the whole garage.' ... That's when I lost it."
Dec 2021, 1.5 years after the FBI debunked the hoax

Bubba Wallace Insists Door Pull Rope was a ‘straight up noose’ - "Wallace became the laughing stock of NASCAR on Tuesday. Social media has dubbed him "Bubba Smollett" after disgraced actor Jussie Smollett who pulled a similar hate crime stunt in Chicago that ended his career."

Dr. Matt Walsh, Women’s Studies Scholar on Twitter - "Huma Abedin, a longtime aide to Hillary Clinton, writes in her forthcoming book that a U.S. senator sexually assaulted her in her 20s, kissing her unprompted and forcing his tongue in her mouth as the two conversed in his apartment."
"She went back to a man's apartment. He made a move. She pulled away. He apologized. That is not sexual assault.
If she actually thought she was assaulted, she wouldn't be withholding his name or using the story to sell books."

Dr. Matt Walsh, Women’s Studies Scholar on Twitter  - "The story of Huma being kissed by a man after going back to his apartment is already getting more play in the corporate media than the actual rape of a child in a public school bathroom"

Meme - "POC is not real. They are still anti Black. Their is only Black and non quite."

Meme - KJ. @thekonyjen: "Anti blackness is a worldwide problem. every single minority is anti black.. every single one
being anti black is a given but them minorities are insufferable.
anti blackness is even prevalent in predominantly black countries like."
Tyler @tyisdrawing: "People need to realize that colorism and anti-blackness are literally inseparable. If your community has colorism (which most if not all communities of color have) your community has anti-blackness in it"
We are reaching levels of self-absorption that shouldn't even be possible

Meme - "Tbh without black people... SPECIFIALLY without black women, the world would crumble and fall apart, everyone would be bored and very behind in their progression in life."

National Geographic tweets that July 4 fireworks are racist, smoke targets communities of color
Clearly minorities need to be deported to the suburbs which have less air pollution to protect their health

Cori Bush sparks outrage by saying she wont celebrate Independence Day - "Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush sparked controversy on Sunday with a tweet in which she said Independence Day was only a holiday for white people.   'When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people,' she wrote. 'This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.' Bush, who was first elected to the House of Representatives in November, has been widely viewed as the newest member of the so-called 'Squad' of congresswomen known for being outspoken on their left-wing views, and she is no stranger to controversy. In May she was mocked for referring to mothers as 'birthing people,' in a speech before congress, and in June, she called for reparations after the House approved a bill making Juneteenth a federal holiday."

MSNBC Contributor Says ‘Racist, Liberal Whites’ And ‘Misfit Black Girls’ Support Bernie Sanders - "MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson walked into a buzzsaw Friday after referring to black women who support Bernie Sanders to be “misfit black girls,” and many of his white backers to be racist."

Woke activists hurt cause with 'self-righteous toxicity' - "Woke activists often ruin their own causes with “narcissism” and “self-righteous toxicity,” a left-wing UK think tank said Monday.  The Fabian Society, a “democratically governed socialist society” founded in 1884, warned in a pamphlet published Monday that petty infighting often gets in the way of progressives winning what it deems “culture wars.”...   The report warned that woke activists often prove “divisive” when “activists for social justice splinter into factions more obsessed with one another than ending the injustice that is their common cause.”  Instead of winning support, that often leaves “the watching audience … alienated and confused by jargon-filled debates.”   “As activists retreat to echo chambers … a narcissism of small differences effect is almost inevitable,” the group warned.  “Worse, it also actively harms the very people whose voices most need to be heard and listened to on sensitive questions of identity”"
Ah yes, the circular firing squad of the left

Your roots are showing - "The idea of one white America fuses together mismatched fragments of identity. But any unity perceived at a remove dissolves upon close inspection. The idea of all-pervasive white privilege and white supremacy in 2020 America masks the reality and diversity of white American experiences. A white American of lower-class Southern origins may become a tenured professor, change their accent and elide their upbringing, but in the process, they are “passing” from one identity to another. The term “white” implies more of a shared experience and history than was ever there... The results of the 2020 election, where white suburbs shifted against Trump, and Latino and Asian precincts drove Republican victories down-ballot, illustrate that the theory of racial polarization where “communities of color” are arrayed against “white supremacy” is ridiculously reductive. Americans vote as individuals based on their own interests and values, not as racial blocs. When I visit very white, liberal neighborhoods in the Pacific Northwest lately, it’s easy to find blocks with a Black Lives Matter sign screaming its self-conscious slogan from every lawn or living room window. Back home in a neighborhood that’s actually half black, with more mixed-race couples than not, and Latino construction crews blasting Spanish talk radio all day long, it takes me a couple of weeks to realize I haven’t seen a Black Lives Matter sign since I got back"

Wake Up, Singapore - Posts | Facebook - "How is the race of a tutor relevant? And why do you include such options which enable racial biases? It was brought to our attention that other tuition centres practice this too. This must end now and the tuition centres that continue to enable racism shall be held accountable. And before you come in with 1001 excuses to justify this - No, this is not for mother tongue tuition. No, if your concern is comfortable with dogs then you can just state that. No, if your concern is pork, then state that. The tutor coming to teach not to have buffet. And most importantly, even if there is a demand, but the demand is discriminatory, we shouldn't enable such racism and or racial biases. We are equally culpable if we give in to placate the discriminatory demands.  #CALLITOUTSG"
Comment: "It has nothing to do with racism. -.- some families cannot speak English or their kids have difficulty understanding English. Esp those whose parents are PR... They usually speak in their MT. They need a teacher of the same race who speaks their own language to teach the kids.. Not everything is about racism. Most application asks for your race. Pls."
How is the gender of the tutor relevant? And why do they enable such sexual bias?
Tutor friend: "they also pretend that Indians aren't the ones with the highest % of "same race preferred" bulletins/adverts"

A Teacher Like Me: A Review of the Effect of Student–Teacher Racial/Ethnic Matching on Teacher Perceptions of Students and Student Academic and Behavioral Outcomes - "Considerable research has examined the positive educational experiences of students of color assigned to teachers of the same race or ethnicity. Underlying this research is the belief that the cultural fit between students and teachers has the potential to improve a child’s academic and nonacademic performance in school. This comprehensive review examines the extent to which Black and Latino/a students (1) receive more favorable ratings of classroom behavior and academic performance, (2) score higher on standardized tests, and (3) have more positive behavioral outcomes when assigned to a teacher of the same race/ethnicity. Assignment to a same-race teacher is associated with more favorable teacher ratings, although the relationship differs by school level. There is fairly strong evidence that Black students score higher on achievement tests when assigned to a Black teacher. Less consistent evidence is found for Latino/a students."
How about white teachers and white students?

Meme - @Cernovich: "Republicans: We are going to rename Army bases because Democrats told us to. Democrats: We are going to racially profile white men and remove them from key military positions." Tom Elliott @tomselliott: "@RepCohen on his concerns w/ the National Guard securing the Inauguration: "The [National] Guard is 90 some-odd percent male; and only about 20 percent of white males voted for Biden there are probably not more than 25% of the people there protecting us that voted for Biden"

What’s behind racial differences in restaurant tipping? - The Washington Post - "Within the U.S. restaurant industry, black customers are generally considered comparatively poor tippers. One recent survey of roughly 1,000 restaurant servers from across the nation found that 34 percent thought black diners were “very bad” tippers. An additional 36 percent thought black patrons were “below average” tippers. In contrast, 98 percent of those surveyed believed white customers were “average” or “above average” tippers.  This widespread negative perception of black peoples’ tipping practices cannot be attributed solely to racism because it is consistent with a substantial body of empirical evidence. A number of different studies using different methodologies and different geographic samples have found that, on average, black people do indeed tip less than whites in U.S. restaurants. Some readers may assume that such differences in tipping simply reflect widely documented differences in disposable income across the two groups. Given that tips are purported to reflect the quality of service that customers receive, others may argue that black patrons tend to tip less than their white counterparts because they are, on average, given comparatively inferior service.  However, studies have consistently observed a reliable black-white tipping difference even after controlling for consumers’ socioeconomic status, including income and education, and after controlling for perceptions of service quality. This race difference in tipping is also observed regardless of whether the server is white or black... employers’ ability to attract and retain waitstaff is largely predicated on the amount of tipped income that can be earned in their establishments. Therefore, restaurants with a large black clientele may have a difficult time attracting and retaining wait staff, which increases costs, lowers profits and ultimately makes black communities less attractive places to locate full-service restaurants... Our research indicates that black people tip less because they believe servers expect lower tips, and they underestimate the tip amounts that others leave... these differences in perceptions of “what is expected and typical” explain about half of the black-white difference in tipping."
Damn racism and white supremacy!
Ironically a lot of people who love tipping claim if you can't afford to tip you shouldn't eat out. So black people shouldn't eat out?

Asian Dawn - Posts | Facebook - "Been getting 100 or so of these types messages on our IG account. Not even exaggerating."
Meme - "My condolences to the Asian man's family but covering this tragic story is racist. I'm appalled by the anti-Black comments.
No lives matter until black lives matter. I implore you to read US history and understand what white supremacy has done to my people
Did you know the white man stole everything from us? The Wright Brothers murdered the black engineers invented the first airplane and took the credit
A black man actually invented the first automobile. Now your people benefit off our inventions without paying any kind of royalties to our community. The grievances are"

Asian Dawn - Posts | Facebook - "These are a compilation of messages we get for reporting on Black-on-Asian crime on our Instagram page. Instead of addressing a proven statistical fact, backed up by countless hours of smartphone footage of actual incidents; we're told we're racist, liars, and inferior......."
Meme - "Done with you stupid Asians. All you people are doing now is spewing hate, propaganda and creating a false narrative of the Black community attacking you. We are not attacking you! You people are so closed-minded and naive enough to think because a Black man pushed and murdered an Asian man, it's a Black man that murdered him? That's exactly what White Supremacy wants you to think! The Black community don't needs Asians! You need us! We support your businesses, we keep you afloat, we send your kids to college. But not me, I'm going to spend the rest of my life boycotting everything Asian. You won't steal another penny from me!"
Meme - "Good luck boycotting our businesses. Not counting labor, many of the parts in your iPhone, your car (regardless if it's Asian or not), medical equipment, everything you need to survive has parts from Asian-owned businesses. Even your Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, the co-founder of Moderna is Asian, Kenneth R. Chien."
Meme - "Nice try, you fucking moron Book: BLACK PEOPLE INVENTED EVERYTHING
Black people invented everything. It's on Amazon, got 5 stars, unlike the bat fried rice I ate last night"
Clearly this is all just a response to Asian "anti-Blackness"

NPR deletes and apologizes for 'causing harm' with tweet on Boston Mayor Wu's victory over three black candidates - "NPR apologized for promoting an article with a tweet expressing disappointment that three black candidates lost the Boston mayoral election to Michelle Wu, an Asian American.  The news outlet deleted the tweet, acknowledged it was "causing harm," and updated the headline to focus on the black candidates who lost instead."

Meme - "r/TooAfraidToAsk
How do I stop being racially biased when a specific group seems to target me?
I am a white 22F living in Washington, D.C. Nearly every day in my neighborhood I am aggressively catcalled by black men - I've been spit on, followed, and groped, all solely by black men. I've realized it's now gotten to a point where my subconscious reaction to a black man looking at me is fear and avoidance, whether in my neighborhood or outside of it. I realize this question sounds incredibly racist which is why I post it here. I don't want to have this reaction to people of a specific race. I also understand this is a product of the environment and not their skin color. But I feel like I have to be cautious and on guard and that it's based on what they look like. How can I scope out safety without being actually racist?"

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