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Thursday, May 05, 2022

Links - 5th May 2022 (3 - Trans Mania)

4 Male Inmates Secretly Moved to a Women's Prison; One in Isolation After Raping Women - "Violent men were secreted into a women’s prison in Illinois over recent months without public notice while and after a District Court decided state prisons should not automatically house inmates on the basis of genitalia or physique. One of the men had to be put in isolation after an investigation determined he raped several of the women after stopping his hormone use.  The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) worked closely with the men to help them get the transfers, filing a class action lawsuit on their behalf. Although the men’s birth names remain their legal names, the ACLU had the men use feminine, false names on all court filings. This had the effect of keeping the violent and sexually predatory criminal backgrounds of the men seeking transfers from becoming easily discoverable to the public. The News-Gazette, an Illinois daily newspaper, found it “impossible to identify” the men’s true identities based on the court documents... The male inmates were “not well received” at the women’s prison: “Many women in IDOC’s care have been exposed to domestic, physical, or emotional violence,” court papers show Dr William Puga, the IDOC Chief of Psychiatry, as having reported, and are therefore “scared” of the male transferees. Of the two men who had already been transferred into the women’s prison at the time of Dr Puga’s report, one was found to have raped several incarcerated women. However, “these difficulties have not deterred the Committee from considering transfer requests on an individual basis”... Janiah Monroe, who was born and is legally named Andre Patterson, was taken into custody in 2005 at age 17 on suspicion of the shooting of two individuals outside a barber shop... Court documents referenced in Monroe v Baldwin show Dr Puga “received information that Monroe threatened staff and other inmates” at the women’s prison. Monroe, who had intact male genitalia, “stopped taking her hormones and was sexually active.” In addition, “women at the facility filed complaints against Monroe under the Prison Rape Elimination Act [PREA]; some were false but many were legitimate.” One of the women said Monroe subdued and raped her the day they became cellmates. According to her lawsuit against the prison,  staff forced her to recant the rape allegation and punished for filing a false complaint under the PREA. The IDOC sought to return Monroe to Pontiac, a men’s prison. Just as Monroe was being escorted by van from the gates of Logan, the governor’s office intervened, and US District Court Judge Michael Mihm issued an injunction against Monroe’s return to men’s prison. Monroe’s last known location was isolation at Logan. Sora Kuykendall, a registered sex offender who legally retains his birth name of Jordan Kuykendall, fatally stabbed his 17-year-old girlfriend in the neck and torso... Lydia Helena Vision, a registered sex offender named Eric Padilla at birth and under the law, approached three black men in 2003 as they walked by a housing project. In an incident presumed to be racially motivated, the Mexican-born man deliberately bumped into Frenaz D. Lyles, age 18, and demanded an apology before stabbing him... Marilyn Melendez, whose birth and legal name is Diego, began identifying as female as a child, and “took estrogen and a testosterone blocker in my pre-teen years” until his mother could no longer afford the hormones on her limited income. He first entered the criminal justice system at age 14... The requests of two other male inmates to be transferred to a women’s prison were not granted, as the men were anticipating parole.  Sasha Reed, a registered sex offender legally named Farrell Reed, is being paroled after serving most of a 10-year sentence for Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault, a felony.  Ebony Stamps, who is legally named Gregory Stamps, was paroled shortly before completing his six-year sentence for Attempted Murder/Intent To Kill/Injure, which ran concurrent to his three years for Aggravated Domestic Battery."
The transphobic women inmates need to have their sentences extended

Male, 48, "Dressed as a Woman" to Enter Women's Open-Air Bath - "a 48-year-old was referred to prosecution on suspicion of trespassing after he entered a women’s bath in broad daylight while cross-dressing. The man, a dispatched worker, initially claimed to identify as a woman, but later confessed he regularly cross-dressed as a “hobby,” and was “excited” to fulfill a fantasy to be “in a women’s bath dressed as a woman.”  Last year, on the morning of September 24, Katsufumi Miura dressed in “a mini-skirt, a transparent medical waterproof film covering his penis, makeup and a shoulder-length wig” and entered the women’s section of Kutsurogi no Sato Yuraku, a natural hot spring for adult and child day-bathing in Osaka City."... Mr Miura moved to the bathroom resting area and reclined there, still naked but for the film over his genitalia. A staff member confronted him: “You’re a man, right?” Mr Miura ignored the question. The staff member twice more demanded to know: “Are you a man?” Mr Miura finally replied, “No, I’m a woman.”  When the police arrived, Mr Miura professed: “My gender is male, but my heart is female.”... Mr Miura later changed his statement, telling police: “I want to be seen as a woman, but I’m not a woman at heart,” and “I’m not LGBT.” He said he cross-dresses because “I can’t be made to do heavy work, and it’s easier and more profitable to dress as a woman.” According to police, Mr Miura proceeded to make incriminating statements. “I wanted to go into the women’s bath as a woman. I’ve always wanted to go to the women’s bath, and today I thought I wouldn’t be caught even if I went in the women’s bath because I was able to hide behind a good front cover.”"
Auto erotic gynephilia is a transphobic myth

Trans prisoners ‘switch gender again’ once freed from women’s units | Scotland | The Sunday Times - "Female prisoners in Scottish jails have told how transgender inmates serving sentences alongside them switched back to their male birth gender after being released. The disclosure — in a study published in the British Journal of Criminology — has raised fresh concerns about self-identification of gender posing a risk to women’s safety as first minister Nicola Sturgeon prepares to press ahead with gender recognition legislation this year... While some believed prisoners born male had switched for sexual opportunities, there was also a view that some had abused the system to get an easier time in jail... Dr Kate Coleman, director of Keep Prisons Single Sex, said: “When you consider that very many women in prison have a history of violent and sexual abuse at the hands of men, to force them to share accommodation with prisoners who they could reasonably recognise as male is outrageous.”... On Christmas Eve, Scotland’s prison population stood at 7,435, with only 259 listed as women. A total of 15 prisoners were trans, 12 of them trans women and three trans men"
Since the narrative is that gender is fluid, this is totally not proof that bad actors are abusing the system
One trans person identified the issue as being that women's prisons are laxer than men's prisons. But even if women's prisons were made tougher, that wouldn't obviate the risk of bad actors abusing the system to gain access to captive (literally) women
Weird how trans women outnumber trans men by so much in Scottish prisons. And how presumably 5% of the female population is trans

Woman who came out as trans man 'de-transitions' back to female, after six years of testosterone - "A woman, 26, who came out as a transgender man at 19 has revealed she is now 'de-transition' back to female - six years after starting testosterone and having her breasts surgically removed.  Issa Ismail, a barber from Detroit, Michigan, was born a woman. But at the age of 19, she announced that she was transgender and began transitioning to a male, beginning the physical process by taking testosterone... As a child, Issa said she was 'always very fluid' but said that she lived very much as a 'tom boy' up until the age of 12."

Hundreds of youths who had gender surgery wish they hadn't, says trans rights champion - "Charlie Evans, 28, from Newcastle, was born female but identified as male for almost ten years before deciding to identify as a woman again.   'Hundreds' of people have contacted her, including 30 in Newcastle alone, asking for guidance around detransitioning - the process of becoming the gender they were born - after she went public with her decision last year... Ms Evans is now setting up The Detransition Advocacy Network to help people who feel the same way she did. The science journalist has previously tweeted: 'We know that there is no such thing as a boy brain or a girl brain or that you can be born with the wrong one.  'We know hormone blockers are unsafe because we need testosterone and oestrogen for development.   'We need to #BeBrave, and stand together.'"
Liberals: there is no such thing as a male brain and a female brain
Also liberals: trans people have the brain of the sex they identify us, which proves that trans identity is real

Church Pastor Claims Jesus 'Transgenders Himself' in the Bible - "The shellshock may have been minimal, though, as the conference was reportedly on “Queer Theology.”  Per a tweet of the event, the speaker was Simon Woodman, of Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church... You may be familiar with Christ washing his disciples’ feet... According to Simon, that was Jesus becoming a woman... It’s an interesting idea: If you do something women have historically done, you transform into one.  It’s hard to imagine a progressive minister saying to his flock, “If you wash dishes or do laundry or iron, that’s you becoming a woman.”"

Adam Zivo: Reason-phobic school board punishes teacher over valid questions about transgender books - "A Waterloo region teacher recently questioned school trustees about the appropriateness of some books on gender and sexuality for children. Any fair evaluation of her comments would easily conclude that they were not transphobic, and were, in fact, entirely reasonable. The school board’s decision to punish Carolyn Burjoski for even asking her questions is shockingly histrionic... One book, titled “ Rick ,” tells the story of a child who, in the second chapter, identifies as asexual. Burjoski felt that the book might lead children to think that there is something wrong with them if they don’t have sexual feelings at a young age. “Maybe Rick doesn’t have sexual feelings yet because he is a child,” she said.  The second book, “ The Other Boy ,” tells the story of Shane, a transgender teen. In the book, a doctor tells Shane that there may be side effects to medical transition, to which Shane simply replies, “It’s cool.” Burjoski argued that the book trivializes the aforementioned side effects, which include sterilization. Board chair Scott Piatkowski shut down Burjoski’s presentation, leading to a vote where, by a margin of 5-4, the board’s trustees did not allow Burjoski to continue. Piatkowski has since regularly called Burjoski’s comments are transphobic in the media and on Twitter. Burjoski has been given a paid “stay-at-home” order, as she describes it, and has been barred from contacting students or colleagues. She subsequently released a video where she stated that she is being “silenced and punished” and affirmed her general support for trans rights.   The reaction against Burjoski has been absurd and her remarks have been grossly misrepresented by her critics, who, through weaponizing fragility, are portraying reasonable concerns as seething bigotry."

Meme - "Chemist's technique can identify a fingerprint as male or female"
Kay Challis @KayW355: "How does this account for transgender individuals?"

Swiss man changes gender to retire and receive his pension a year earlier - "  A man in Switzerland has exploited an administrative loophole and formally changed his gender in order to retire a year earlier, it has emerged.  New rules introduced on Jan. 1 enable any Swiss resident with the “intimate conviction” that they do not belong to the sex they are registered as in the civil status register can apply to change their gender, in addition to their first name, for just 75 Swiss francs (€72).  And it took just four days for the system to be taken advantage of with Swiss daily Luzerner Zeitung reporting that a man from Lucerne applied to change his gender so that he could receive his state pension at the Swiss retirement age for women of 64, a year earlier than men.   While there are regulations supposedly in place to prevent individuals from making “manifestly abusive” applications, there is in reality “no obligation” on the part of civil servants to “verify the intimate conviction of the persons concerned” and the sincerity of the applicant is presumed in accordance with the principle of good faith.  The policy has raised further questions about how individuals could abuse the system in future to their own benefit, with critics warning that men could use the loophole to avoid a mandatory summons for national service...   Transgender activists called the above scenario “unrealistic” with Alecs Recher of the Transgender Network Switzerland highlighting “what this would mean in concrete terms for the people in question: they would have to come out to their family, their place of work, their social security,” but could not deny that such a move was not possible.  In fact, Michel Montini of the Federal Office of Justice admitted back in November of last year that there were flaws with the process, insisting that “people could declare themselves a woman just before retirement and leave a year earlier."

Trans YouTuber Chris Chan, 39, is filed as female by police and will be housed with women inmates - "Transgender YouTuber Chris Chan, 39, was identified as female by police and will be housed with women despite being biologically male, after she was arrested for raping her mother.  The vlogger and artist, who goes by Christine Weston Chandler, was arrested after leaked phone calls allegedly revealed her admitting to raping her mother, 79, who suffers from dementia... Chandler is best known for creating the comic series characters Sonichu, which is a cross between Pikachu and Sonic the Hedgehog, and its love interest, Rosechu. Her YouTube channel has more than 50,000 subscribers"

Meme - Wednesday's Child Is Full Of...: "When misgendering is seen as worse than raping your elderly mother we have ig fucking problem on our hands."
"Both are a violation of human rights... How is one worse than another??"
On Chris Chan
Trans mania proceeds apace. First liberals claim that small problems are still problems and need to be addressed. Then they claim that they are just as bad as other problems

Meme - Empress Usagi: "Deleted some of my replies to people where I used pronouns for Chris Chan. For a long time I treated them as a special case, where nobody really cared, but even if Chris Chan is the absolute worst, feel like on principle you should still use her preferred pronouns
We shouldn't normalize disrespecting a person's pronouns in any context. It makes it too easy for it to be weaponized against other trans people even more than it already is. Besides, there are tons of ways to deal with the Chris Chan situation without hurting other trans people"
Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "So let me get this really clear Chris-Chan does the pinnacle of fucked up atrocities.... and this is your takeaway? Identity politics nitpicking? Sasuga Twitter, you never fail to disappoint and disgust."

Meme Perma Banned: "Imagine literally saying the risk of a biological man targeting women by being in women's jail is "not important'. It says less about me, and more about the person having that opinion regret knowing that people like red exist and think they're right. Context in comments"
Perma Banned: "Imagine this...hold on no need to imagine. Chris Chan might very well be doing time in a female prison...according to American laws. After what he did - politics is STILL more important than the victim and what the perpetrator did."
"why that worries you man? just go on and stop crying"
"maybe because the idea of sending a man that violated someone into a prison full of potential victims disgusts OP as much as it should."
"The only reason you're mad about this is because you're transphobic. Just, like, say that, Just say that you don't actually view transgenderism as a real and valid thing and you don't actually believe trans women are women."
Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - ""The only reason this issue is concerning to you is because you're an istaphobe....WHO CARES WHAT THE PERPETRATOR DID POLITICS IS MORE IMPORTANT!"  Why do you Americans ALWAYS make it about politics? I'm unironically talking about the risk of women having someone of Chris Chan's situation being in a female prison cell...and this is what some of you will forever care about? Seriously, some of you will and quite literally (and have) defended diddlers because of your politics. Like I said before, says more about you than it does the rest of us. Ever wonder why the world is becoming more put off with US?  BTW - Chris Chan admitted that he changed his identity to have better dating prospects with women. (check Genosamuel's documentaries)"

BC Government News on Twitter - "Pregnant people 18+ can now get their booster shot 8 weeks after their second dose. If you haven't received an invite yet, call 1-833-838-2323 and self-identify as pregnant. We’ll book you the next available appointment. Learn more:"
It started with gender being self-identified. Now it's pregnancy status too

Some mother thought I was some sort of psycho/pedo : MtF - "I went out alone at night wearing mostly boyish clothes (save for shorts and leggings which are both black and opaque btw) and people still keep seeing me as if I'm a mentally unstable psychopath from a Hitchcock movie. There was this mother who saw me and immediately dragged her child away in utter terror. I was literally just walking by. That was the tipping point where I've begun to wonder why I bother to exist anymore. I've been reading Frankenstein lately and I 10000000000% relate with the creature. I've been transitioning for two years and I still look like a man who stole his sister's clothes to go out on a voyeur. At least that's what people seem to assume when they see me. I've felt like a monster for so long that the basic human dignity I had pre-transition is now a distant memory... I can't believe I'm thinking of posting on r/suicidewatch YEARS after my depression had supposedly gone away, and it's all triggered by that stupid mother. If I were Frankenstein's creature I would've ended my abominable existence, so why wouldn't I do the same if I were an unpassing trans woman (which I am)?"

Meme - "I fell for the whole women are women" line and have actually had sex with a transwoman with a neo-vagina. It doesn't look, taste, smell, convulse or lubricate like vagina. It's not elastic and it's prone to rupturing if you're too rough. It's positioned near the front of the pelvis and angled differently amid the narrow, shallow hips. The smell is like permanent case of bacterial vaginosis. It is NOTHING like vagina. It's and inside-out dick and about as exciting as fingering a very deep belly button. Oh, and the male body that goes with it still feels male. You never really realize the texture of a women's skin and the shape of her skeletal frame is so important to the sexual experience, but it really is, There are a thousand different physical cues and sensations that say male, male, male... even with your eyes closed, or maybe ESPECIALLY with your eyes closed."


Colin Wright on Twitter - "Telling lesbians it is bigoted to have genital preferences and that they should consider sleeping with male bodied individuals who "identify" as women is an overt attempt at gay conversion therapy."

Jesse Singal on Twitter - "The claim that British leftist feminists are allied with, like, Victor Orban relies on logical chains like "A UK court thought the evidence for blockers and hormones was paltry, and other people opposed to blockers and hormones used that ruling as evidence, and therefore..."
You also have to believe that "a small cadre of British feminists with immense social capital" have major policy-making influence. I can only assume they meet in a bunker 20 floors below Big Ben. This is a conspiracy theory and should be laughed at.
What's going on here is JCW supports a very unpopular policy -- full-blown self-ID -- can't can't argue it on the merits. So she and others are trying to go the guilt-by-association route. It would be better to simply debate self-ID, which is not yet law in most places.
Just because self-ID is unpopular today doesn't mean it won't be widely accepted in 20 years. But this attempt to pretend positions held by large majorities of the British public are the result of an eeeeevul right-wing conspiracy is insane and reflects a lack of knowledge."

Gender neutral terms such as ‘birth-givers’ may put women’s health at risk, researchers warn - "Introducing terms such as “birth-givers” is “rapid and extreme” in the UK and risks dehumanising women, leading medical researchers have warned.  Women’s health researchers from across the world have said in a paper to be published this week that changing language in order to be inclusive of transgender people can have “unintended consequences that have serious implications”.  It comes as NHS Trusts, health charities, academics and government departments have all faced criticism for introducing gender neutral terms like “birth-givers” and “chestfeeding” alongside traditional descriptions such as “mothers” and “breastfeeding”  The authors of the paper, due to be published in the journal Frontiers in Global Women’s Health, warn that the move could harm decades of work attempting to improve gender bias in medicine which research has found is putting women’s health at risk... consequences could include “decreasing overall inclusivity” and “dehumanising” women.  Referring to pregnant women as “‘gestational carrier’ or ‘birther’ marginalises their humanity” and harks back to “sexist” ideas of women as failed men, they note.  It also “works against the plain language principle of health communication and risks reducing inclusivity for vulnerable groups by making communications more difficult to understand”.  They note that the terminology can also be confusing, adding: “What does the phrase ‘women and birthing people’ actually mean? This construction could be interpreted in a literal way as meaning that ‘women’ are not people.” Professor Jenny Gamble, one of ten authors on the paper, said that gender identity should not be confused with biological sex as it could lead to “health consequences and deeper and more insidious discrimination against women”.  The midwifery professor at the Centre for Care Excellence at Coventry University told the Sydney Morning Herald that the trend to erase the word women had started to sweep the world and “the way the UK has moved to erase the use of sexed language has been rapid and extreme”...   The authors note that “desexing language in relation to males occurs less frequently”.  Whilst focusing on childbirth and motherhood, the authors note that the issues are “relevant to other situations where sex is central, including: domestic violence, sexual assault, sex-selective abortion and infanticide, female genital mutilation, and reproductive cancers and other sex-specific conditions”.   It comes after an investigation by The Telegraph found that Stonewall had been advising employers that they must remove all gendered language from their policies and to replace terms such as mother with “parent who has given birth”...   The authors of the article conclude that: “In the midst of the current move to desex language, we argue that if women and mothers are not named, it makes it more difficult to effectively advocate for them; ‘women’ disappear into ‘people’ and ‘mothers’ disappear into ‘parents.’ This inevitably changes the focus.”"

Welcome to the Patriarchy! Oppressed LGBT Minority Actor Transitions to Evil White Male - "actress Ellen Page announced her gender transition from female to male along with the new name Elliot Page... Honestly, it's disappointing that a straight white male is now taking roles away from deserving minorities. We have a long way to go before we achieve #equality. The one positive to this story is that now, as a straight white male, we no longer have to listen to Page's views on abortion."

Meme - "As a male actor, Eliott Page should give up leading roles to fight against systemic mysoginy"
"No he's a transgender that's diff-"
Keywords: Elliot Page. Systemic / systematic misogyny

Meme - "Gay man rejected by guy he likes. Has a sex change & ends up marrying the guy who rejected him"
"This proves my theory that a great set of tits will ruin nearly any guy's judgement."

Meme - "Hi doc, I'd like to have one of my fingers removed"
"Clearly you are mentally unwell"
"Hi doc, I'd like to have my penis removed"
"You are an inspiration"

Meme - ""Religion has so many rules" Also them:
My Pronouns -
*12 sets of pronouns including vae/val/vale/vales/valself*"

Meme - "Call me "xer""
"I want to cut my dick off"
"I am depressed and suicidal"
"Im not insane, you're just a bigot"

Meme - Theradfemsareright Eva Kurilova @eve_kurilova: "If people who aren't trans can't know what it's like to be trans then tell me how a man can know what it's like to be a woman."

Meme - Madeline (#1 Tailtiu stan): "trans women are more feminine than cis women, we went through a journey to discover we're actually female instead of just living like it beforehand. That's pretty cool if you ask me"
Octavia Loves The Owl House... Replying to @MaddyMewMew: "We are also much hotter"
Weird how TRAs claim those who oppose their agenda literally deny they exist, when many trans women want to eclipse women

Meme - "You are seriously gonna kill yourself after we all specifically told you that cutting your penis off and taking estrogen would cause irreperable damage to your mind?"

Meme - Cliff Coyle: "I shuda been a hooker in San Fran. I'm literal better looky looky than most bio-holes anyway. Sad and real.
*Super ugly photo*"

Meme - "Transwomen - if no one has told you today , You are worthy. You are enough. You are appreciated. You are strong and intelligent. You're capable. You are loved. You are a man."

Meme - "INSIDE YOU THERE ARE TWO chromosomes
One is an X
The other is a Y

Biological Man, 26, Who Molested Girl To Be Housed With Females In Juvenile Detention After Identifying As Woman - "A biological male who now claims to identify as a woman was sentenced this week to two years in a juvenile detention center, where he’ll reportedly be housed with females, for molesting a 10-year-old girl in a women’s bathroom.  Hannah Tubbs, formerly James Tubbs, pleaded guilty to molesting the girl in a women’s bathroom eight years ago... It was only after Tubbs was taken into custody that he began identifying as a woman... “Because of George Gascon’s blanket policy against transferring any juvenile to adult court, even if the 17-year-old rapes or murders an innocent child, James Tubbs will not have to register as a sex offender, will not spend any time in county jail or state prison, will be 26 and housed with juveniles for a very short period of time, and will be released with no probation or parole monitoring,” he blasted. “The victims will get no justice. The public will get no safety.”"

Lisa Jones admits sex attack on another woman in Melbourne - "A Melbourne woman was walking home when another woman grabbed her and told her to “lie down and have sex with me” in a shocking attack.  Lisa Jones pleaded guilty to assault with intent to commit a sexual offence and sexual assault.  She was jailed for three years and three months in the County Court of Victoria on Tuesday.  Jones, a transgender woman, spotted her victim and followed the other female down Lennox Street in Richmond in February this year... Jones spent six years in a male prison in Germany for sexually abusing a six-year-old girl, before she transitioned."

Meme - Rose Dommu rosedommu: "do you ever just jerk off and cum all over yourself and smear it into your skin and roll around until it's all over your body and sheets?"
Rose Dommu: "Imagine how exhausting it must be to post things on social media...anyway I'd love for someone to cum on my face"
Rose Dommu: "you guys there is a teenage sk8r boi on the g eating yogurt and I want him and his friend to breed me"
Netflix @netilix: "Hi, I'm @rosecommu - a writer, trans women, and former baby-sitter (those Evanescence CDs weren't going to pay for themselves!) who NEEDS to talk about episode four of The Baby-Sitters Club and why its depiction of a young trans girl made me cry happy tears"

Meme - "Netflix has been posting a ton of pro-trans stuff. This should explain why."
"Hi, I’m @rosedommu — a writer, trans woman, and former baby-sitter (those Evanescence CDs weren’t going to pay for themselves!) who NEEDS to talk about episode four of The Baby-Sitters Club and why its depiction of a young trans girl made me cry happy tears 😭 😭 😭"
Rose Dommu: "I've become such a cum slut si hormones STOLE my semen"
"do you ever just jerk off and cum all over yourself and smear it into your skin and roll around until it's all over your body and sheets?"
"you guys there is a teenage sk8r boi on the g eating yogurt and I want him and his friend to breed me"
Addendum: One more not here: "Imagine how exhausting it must be to post sincere/motivating things on socia! media...anyway I'd love for someone to cum on my face"

How to simulate a period (for transgender women) - YouTube
Of course, this is not mental illness

Former banker spends $75,000 on surgery to become a 'transspecies reptilian' - "Tiamat Legion Medusa has had more than 20 body modification procedures over the past two decades after being diagnosed with AIDS in 1997
The Los Angeles resident, who has made a full recovery, ultimately wants to be called an 'it' and prefers they, them pronouns
Born Richard Hernandez, they developed a kinship with snakes after being abandoned by their parents in the woods
They underwent tongue splitting as well as partial nose removal and reshaping inspired by Harry Potter villain Voldemort, among other surgeries
The ex-banker has also been castrated (had their testicles removed), and now refers to themself as a 'reptoid'
Tiamat, who hopes their full transformation will be complete by 2025, wants to have their penis removed as part of their metamorphosis...
Tiamat struggled with being born a boy and came out as gay at the age of 11, which resulted in bullying and self-harm, but their dreams of being a girl were kept hidden... Tiamat is named after the Mesopotamian goddess who is the symbol of the chaos of primordial creation.  They took hormones to grow 38B breasts and also underwent prostate removal and castration - removing the testicles - while transitioning from male to female. However, they now want to be genderless. 'I am a transspecies reptilian and I call myself a reptoid, being part human, part reptilian'... Tiamat has had all but six teeth removed, with those remaining sharpened to points. The whites of both their eyes are permanently stained green, and they had a tongue bifurcation to mimic a snake's fork.  
  'It is my goal and mission to shatter the gender binary and to inspire others out there to embrace being non-binary by sharing my story of going genderless'... In the next year, they plan to embellish their head-to-toe tattooed rainbow scales, get more horn implants, and add purple ink to both their eyeballs.   'My metamorphosis is nowhere near done,' they explained. 'Top of my priorities is to say goodbye to Mr. Bojangles, my penis, as soon as possible.'
   Tiamat, who hopes their full transformation will be complete by 2025, wants people to understand that undergoing body modification doesn't make you stupid.    'People think that modified people, especially those who go to great extremes to look like something in a sci-fi film, are losers and dumb as dirt,' they said. 'In my past life as a man, I was a banking vice president at one of the nation’s largest financial institutions.  'I want people to know that modified people are just as intelligent, kind, loving, and good as anyone else,' the added. 'Just because I had my ears removed, does not mean my brain just rolled out and I’m just a blithering idiot.'"

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