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Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Links - 4th May 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

Muslim schoolgirl feels 'bullied' after school sent her home for wearing a skirt that was 'too long' - "Siham Hamud, 12, says she was sent home from Uxbridge High School every single day during term time in December and told to come back with a shorter, school-issue skirt.   The young girl’s father, Idris, said that his family follow a traditional branch of Islam, which means they "want to believe in their religion in a pure way", which means women should only wear long skirts."
Minorities need to be exempted from having to wear school uniforms
It is only wrong to tell women what to wear if it's a white person doing it

NYT says 'onus to convert' is on non-Muslims in interfaith relationships - "The New York Times on Friday provided platform to Islamic bigotry in a blog where the author narrates her ‘tragic’ love story. It is the story of a son who refused to abandon his parents and and that of a daughter who could not convince her parents to accede to her wish...   Farooqi told her mom that the man was not Muslim, not Pakistani and could not speak either Urdu or Hindi. So, naturally, her mother burst into tears. However, Farooqi’s mother recovered from the shock when she told her that the he was willing to convert to Islam. Again, naturally. The boy, apparently, was jubilant initially but soon turned anxious after realizing that her mother’s approval was predicated entirely on his conversion to Islam. One tends to guess he went to one of those schools where they teach religion does not matter and a world without borders would be utopia.  Ultimately, he found the spine to tell her, “I will never convert to Islam. Not nominally, not religiously.” “Then that’s it,” she replied. And that is where the two star-crossed lovers parted ways... Farooqi says of the whole affair, “Many people will never understand the requirements of marrying a Muslim. For me, the rules about marriage are stubborn, and the onus of sacrifice lies with the non-Muslim whose family is presumably more open to the possibility of interfaith relationships.”...   The sense of entitlement here is quite astounding. The confidence with which she says that the onus of conversion lies with the non-Muslim half of the relationship is quite astounding. Even more bizarre is the fact that the New York Times actually published this garbage.  She assumes that non-Muslim families are more open to interfaith relationships. In her case, quite clearly, her boyfriend’s family was not. She does not appreciate once that her boyfriend and his family never insisted on her conversion to Hinduism. But she takes it for granted that the man should convert to Islam...   Such incidents do not occur in the United States alone. They happen in India too. Only recently, a Hindu neighbourhood in Delhi was attacked by Islamists because a Muslim woman married a Hindu man out of her own volition.  Not too long ago, ‘JNU scholar’ Shehla Rashid was forced to delete her Facebook account after receiving rape threats from Islamists for saying that Muslim women should be able to marry Hindu men if they so desired. Her post was prompted by the murder of Ankit Saxena by the family of his girlfriend for their relationship... the love story in question is quite astounding. Farooqi says that the onus to convert is on non-Muslims since their families are more open to interfaith relationships. And yet, at the same time, her coreligionists tell us that it is Hindus who are more intolerant of the same"

Anti-Muslim hate exists not because of bad people, but because good people view Muslims as undesirable | The Star - "In Canada, good people stayed silent when the ruling Conservatives under Stephen Harper pledged to set up a police hotline in 2015 to report what they openly called “barbaric cultural practices,” to protect women and girls “from forced marriage and other barbaric practices” as then immigration minister Chris Alexander called it."
It is Islamophobic to criticise forced marriage

Ahmed Shah: To end anti-Muslim violence, we need to speak freely about sensitive issues - "like many such tragedies, there are those who are using this as an opportunity to push their own agendas. At the community vigil held at the London Muslim Mosque, Munir El-Kassem, imam of the Islamic Centre of Southwest Ontario, used his closing remarks to opine on the recent Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza and tensions in east Jerusalem, thus painting an Arab touch to a Pakistani family’s tragedy. Before him, Nawaz Tahir, chair of Hikma Advocacy Group, challenged “those who hide behind freedom of expression” to re-evaluate the sanctity of such rights. The remarks were met by much enthusiasm from the crowd.  Foreign leaders also exploit such confusion to propagate their own agendas. In the wake of this tragedy, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan demanded Western countries do more to counter Islamophobia. Among Khan’s proposed list of solutions includes the criminalization of blasphemy against the religion of Islam. Khan, like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has a long history of trying to school Western leaders on human rights... After suffering 36 Islamist attacks in eight years, which killed more than 200 people, Macron implored an “Islam of enlightenment” that could be at peace with the French republic. But this was met with staunch criticism from Muslim leaders. Erdoğan called Macron “mentally damaged,” and in a series of tweets, Khan said the cartoons published by Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine whose staff were massacred by jihadists in 2015, were an example of Islamophobia and extremism. In none of those tweets did he condemn the killing of Samuel Paty, nor did he acknowledge the extremist theology circulating within the Muslim world.  In Pakistan, blasphemy against Islam is punishable by death. The victims of this draconian law include academics such as Junaid Hafeez , who was imprisoned in 2013 and sentenced to death for blasphemy in 2019. Hafeez’s lawyer and prominent human rights activist Rashid Rehman was assassinated in 2014. Those advocating for restrictions on freedom of expression are unknowingly fuelling distrust of terms such as “Islamophobia” among many Canadians across the political spectrum... Those who try to confuse the definition by demanding special protections for their belief systems do a tremendous disservice to all Muslims who fled theocratic regimes for a better life in this country."

Twenty years on from 9/11, we must finally stand up to Islamist extremism - "  If there is a reluctance by MPs to be too outspoken against Islamist extremism, it’s partly to do with the first word of the term: Islamism… it just sounds a bit too much like Islam, doesn’t it? In fact one of the first conversations I had with a newly-elected colleague who arrived in the Commons in 2005 was about this very subject. When I offered my opinion that Islamism was the single biggest threat to human life today, she objected strenuously, accusing me of Islamophobia. It turned out to be no more than a miscommunication: when I explained the differences between Islamism and Islam itself, she retracted her accusation. But she still was not convinced of my case.  Many still aren’t. The outrages of Islamist extremism still occur regularly, though not, thankfully, on anything like the scale of 9/11. Nevertheless, for the friends and family members of the victims of the 7/7 attacks or Manchester Arena bombing or the knife attacks on London Bridge and on Westminster Bridge and at the very gates of the Palace of Westminster in 2017, the devastation is every bit as cruel and intense as it was for those many thousands who said goodbye for the last time to their loved ones on that fateful Tuesday morning.  Yet there remains a reluctance to recognise the root cause of that terror – an ideological conviction that a single worldwide caliphate under Sharia law must be established, by force if necessary, and that non-Muslims (and, indeed, most westernised Muslims) must be subjected to the rule of the imams or dispensed with altogether.  When Islamist terrorists murdered journalists and other staff at the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris, there were many observers who equivocated about the crime, who suggested that maybe those journalists had had it coming, given their disrespect for Mohammed expressed in the cartoons they published on the cover.   When a French school teacher, Samuel Paty, was beheaded by a terrorist who had chosen to take offence by Paty’s decision to show his pupils a cartoon of Muhammed, it was just the latest of a number of outrages that should have woken the west up to its complacent approach to this most vile of extremisms. And yet when President Macron spoke out in defence of liberal values and against this evil philosophy, he received next to no support from his fellow world leaders. They were too busy looking the other way and hoping not to catch the extremists’ eye, lest their own countries become new targets. And when a teacher at Batley Grammar was forced to go into hiding after extremists protested his showing those same cartoons to his own pupils, you could have heard a pin drop in parliament. Think about that for a minute: a teacher was put in fear of his life – and the lives of his family – for doing something quite legal, for something that to a normal mindset would have been deemed unexceptional and even informative for his pupils – and had to hide behind police protection. Why? Because the experience from France suggested some violent and appalling events might flow from that teacher’s actions.   Again, there were many who were happy to blame the victim. And even during a high-profile parliamentary by-election in the constituency where the school is based, not one of the parties even raised the issue... they seem to have won.  The terrorists wanted to warn the rest of the world that they must acknowledge the superiority of their religion, that if we don’t behave ourselves they will take matters into their own hands... we chose instead to tolerate the occasional loss of life, an acceptable level of violence, as Reginald Maudling once said to his cost, in return for our not being too critical of the men and women who hate us and the ideology that maintains them.  We are beaten. We’ve learned our lesson and we’ve learned to keep our mouths shut rather than stand up to the bullies. As a nation we are prepared to allow teachers to be intimidated and threatened, and we can bring ourselves to make excuses for the slaughter of journalists – just don’t ask us to take a stand against the extremist ideology that motivates the perpetrators. Far easier to say “Well, on the one hand…” than to condemn savagery and risk the ire of scary men with guns and knives.  We should at least be grateful that the 3000 victims of 9/11 and subsequent attacks are not around to witness our cowardice today."

Facebook - "Somehow our old people don't seem to come off well in the media. They get a bad name because they don't want to get vaccinated. They don't retire with enough money and weigh heavily on their children. They get conned easily and fall for fake news.  For killing the planet, having racial stereotypes and refusing to get on board the smart nation programme. When so much of this kind of news hit us everyday, there's bound to be an image formed of the elderly as decrepit, gullible and burdensome. I hope I am imaging this but I see young people increasingly dissing them...for being traditional, old-fashioned, conservative and hopeless. Worse than "ok boomer''. I am just making an observation."
Ageism is good when liberals do it

Hate groups and hate crime - "This paper is the first to investigate the relationship between hate groups and hate crime empirically. We do so using panel data for the U.S. states between 2002 and 2008. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we find little evidence that hate groups are associated with hate crime in the United States. We find somewhat stronger evidence that economic hardship may be related to hate crime. However, evidence for the potential importance of economic factors remains weak. Further, we find that demographic variables are not significantly related to hate crime in the United States. Our results leave the question of what factors may drive hate crime in America unresolved. But they cast doubt on the popular perception that hate groups are among them."

Hate-crime hoax: Black student likely egged her own door, police say - "The Wayne State University Police Department said it spent “at minimum 200 man hours” investigating the alleged incidents that occurred in February and March 2021.  Zoriana Martinez alleged that on February 16 and March 1 someone threw eggs at her residence hall door. She also said someone tore down her LGBT Pride sticker and stole a photo of her dog.  This happened “all because [she was] a black person living in their space”... the police have concluded that she likely perpetrated the incident herself to obtain a leadership position in the Black Student Union... “the complainant has made many enemies on campus” but none of the enemies have to do with the complainant’s “race or sexual identity.”   The police report said that the complainant’s peers in organizations that support “[redacted] lifestyle choices” are the ones questioning the account of what happened.  The complainant had a motivation to break her lease due to an unidentified reason having to do with a dog...   The report says that “Isis,” a Wayne State University employee, “isn’t compelled to speak with police or WSU administration despite the fact that Isis is a WSU employee and holds some obligation to report such concerns.” The report indicates that Isis would know more about who perpetrated the vandalism...   The College Fix also contacted the Black Student Union, which had organized around the incident and used it to ask for a number of demands from the university.   It did not respond to an emailed request for comment on June 9. Jessica Taylor, an activist with the group who frequently posts on its Facebook page, did not respond to a Facebook message on the same day."

J.K. Rowling on Twitter - "Canon: brown eyes, frizzy hair and very clever. White skin was never specified. Rowling loves black Hermione 😘"
What is Hermione's actual skin color? - Quora - "In the books, she has brown hair and brown eyes. Her face is pale enough to be repeatedly described as white when she is scared, and as pink when embarrassed. When one of the Twins’ pranks turns her eyesocket purple (it’s described as a bruise but acts like an ink stain) the authorial voice says that she looks like half a panda. So she can’t be very dark."

Jon Stewart denies claims he accused JK Rowling of antisemitism - "Former US talkshow host Jon Stewart says comments he made about the Harry Potter films were meant to be “lighthearted” and he was not accusing author JK Rowling of antisemitism... It comes after a clip emerged of Stewart discussing scenes from the film set in the magical bank Gringotts, run by goblins, on the podcast The Problem with Jon Stewart.  In it, Stewart made comparisons between caricatures from antisemitic literature and the “folks that run the bank”. Speaking in a video posted on Twitter, he said: “There is no reasonable person that could have watched it and not seen it as a lighthearted conversation amongst colleagues and chums."

Is Harry Potter Anti-Semitic? - Jewish Telegraphic Agency - "If every grotesque, undersized, shriveled fictitious being were assumed to be a Jew, that would also mean that Yoda, Jewish would be, and E.T. would stop in at shul before phoning home. Even a critic of author JK Rowling who agrees that the bankers’ portrayal is anti-Semitic thinks we should lighten up about it, because it is very doubtful that there was any intentional malice on Rowling’s part. Others have pointed out correctly that the Potter books is much more clearly a polemic against fascism. The expressions “pure blood” and “half breed” so often used in describing Muggles and Wizards, comes right out of Nazi textbooks. In contrast to the purely evil Voldemort, Harry has what can best be described as a Yiddishe neshama, a Jewish soul, because, as one defender put it, “he cares about how others are feeling, he is kind, and he defends his beliefs; these are a very few examples of proper Jewish behavior.” Heck, the Iranians claim the series is evidence of a Jewish conspiracy. That alone signals us that Rowling must be doing something right."

Temple student Samuel Collington, who was killed Sunday, remembered by family, friends - "Collington, a political science major and philosophy minor, was passionate about social justice issues and racial and income equality, friends said. He was the president of the Political Science Society for the last year and an officer of the College Democrats."
17-Year-Old Latif Williams Turns Self In For Alleged Murder Of Temple Student Samuel Collington - "The 17-year-old wanted for allegedly shooting and killing a Temple University student over the weekend has turned himself in to police. Latif  Williams surrendered Wednesday after an arrest warrant for murder was filed... Williams is accused of attempting to carjack Samuel Collington, a Prospect Park native and Temple University senior. Collington and Williams struggled with the firearm before police say Williams fired shots at the student, striking him twice."

The confusion between yams and sweet potatoes is actually racist—here’s why - "the confusion between yams and sweet potatoes continued due to a marketing campaign for Louisiana sweet potatoes, a trade group. Julian C Miller, a researcher created a new variety of sweet potatoes at the Louisiana Experiment Station. This sweet potato has a creamier less stringy flesh and a more tender skin.  It also has a high concentration of vitamin A than any other sweet potato on the market. In order to distinguish between the sweet potatoes from the East Coast, the Louisiana sweet potato industry started to use the term “yam.”"
They didn't even attempt to make a link between what happened and "racism"

University of California, Los Angeles: Lecturer Referred to Administration After Reading Martin Luther King, Jr. Letter Containing Racial Slur - "During a class lecture, UCLA professor Lt. Col. W. Ajax Peris read from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” including use of a racial slur. After a student complained on Twitter, his college referred the matter to UCLA investigators. Peris’ department chair then sent a letter to faculty members faulting Peris for reading the word over students’ objections, and criticized him for exhibiting a documentary that included graphic images and descriptions of lynching"
Time to cancel Martin Luther King Jr for being a white supremacist

2 Carousell sellers who asked for buyer's race for S'pore hotel booking deal reminded it's wrong
Facebook - "Let me rewrite the scenario with some context of hotel bookings so that it is a little clearer what is happening here, ie, this is not about racism, but about someone trying to profit from non-allowed use of vouchers.  Mr Kumar is an MBS member. He received a voucher for a free night’s stay because he is an MBS member. The voucher is in the name of Mr Kumar and the voucher states that it is not for resale.  Mr Kumar decides to monetise his free stay voucher. But because the voucher says it is not for resale, Mr Kumar must be the one checking in. No problem, Mr Kumar checks in and then gives the keycard to the couple he sold the stay to.  But at the lift, hotel staff have a list of all registered guests and only they and their guests are allowed into the room.  Right now, the maximum number of persons allowed in the room is 2.  Therefore, when 2 pax come to the lift, the staff will check and note that the room is registered to Mr Kumar.  But if the 2 pax at the lift are actually Mr Tan Ah Kow and Miss Lee Ah Niao, it will be very obvious that Mr Kumar is not the one actually staying in the room. And this is not allowed under the membership terms and conditions.  Therefore, if Mr Kumar wants to sell his room voucher (which he is not actually supposed to do, don’t forget), he has to make sure that at least one of the buyers must look like a Mr Kumar.  Due to the 2pax restrictions, Mr Tan and Miss Lee cannot say that they are the guests of Mr Kumar, because 3 pax is not allowed"

Photo of College Lecture on 'Right-Handed Privilege' Goes Viral - "A photo of an activist giving a presentation about "right-handed privilege"—a theory that those who are right-handed have life advantages over those who are left-handed—at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), has gone viral... Students at the university confirmed to Newsweek that the presentation was not satire, and was in fact part of a mandatory program by the university's Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life, which oversees the 51 fraternity and sorority organizations at the institution. On the presentation screen, it lists the benefits of being right-handed as: "it's easier; makes life easier," "sense of belonging; to fit in," "the world is organized for Right-handers," "more access," "more opportunity" and "more advantage." The presentation called right-handed privilege "the system."  Christina Parle, a leftwing activist and an instructional designer for the company Social Responsibility Speaks, gave the presentation on October 18. Also on the screen was a picture of a clenched left fist, the symbol of Social Responsibility Speaks, which according to its website, helps clients to "refocusing on equity and inclusion to achieve their goals related to representation and retention."  Parle was referencing a paper by organizational psychologist Dr. Steven Jones, CEO of Jones & Associates Consulting, a firm that specializes in diversity and organizational effectiveness consulting. The paper, called "The Right Hand of Privilege," sees Jones talk about the "unearned privilege" of being right-handed.... The hour-long presentation at UNC Chapel Hill also spoke about intersectionality, Indigenous land acknowledgement, identity politics, as well as privilege, social constructs and systems of oppression.  The Carolina Review reported that attendees were instructed to take notes and electronic devices were prohibited, and Greek organizations were threatened with fines if they didn't send chapter representatives to the lecture... "There's no way the university should be funding [the event] in my opinion," one student told Carolina Review on the condition of anonymity. Another described the presentation as "uncomfortable." "It seemed that the speaker was projecting her identity politics onto us," that student told the right-wing journal."
"Actually, us left-handed people are privileged, because we get to feel like a special snowflake with almost zero significant disadvantages."
Re-education classes are mandatory

Vindicae Tyrannus on Twitter - "As the liberal U.S. government loses its globally-inept War On Terrorism, it’ll turn its focus inward toward “domestic terrorism” (ie, white, heteronormative, cisgender, middle American males). It’d behoove this demographic to learn a thing or two from recent military history."

Meme - skinny @c4rmenk4ss: "So oomf brought this to my attention. I don't want to waste any more time on these manjans, so consider this my final (hopefully) tweet on the matter. Jialiang actually blocked me, not the other way round (I do not block people on here, like I've said). Guess why?
Because I called him out for spreading racist falsehoods about Indian Immigrants and migrant workers spreading the Delta variant. That's right. That is what earned me an instant block Your activist fave is a racist, and apparently a liar too. Such upstanding citizens."
Lim Jialiang @lim_jialiang: "Can't believe missed out this whole fight
I called this person a Shanmugam Stan and I was rewarded with an instant block"

Apology from the editors – The Miscellany News - "many people in the Vassar community are unaware of the article’s removal... In prioritizing urgency over thoroughness, we made misguided and insensitive oversights with whom we were representing in the article and failed to provide in-depth reporting of the issue at large. The majority of our quotations came from white students and therefore we reduced the positions of students of color to a singular, tokenized perspective. After this was brought to our attention, the paper decided to remove the article online in an attempt to prevent further harm among the communities we misrepresented."
If an article quotes too many white students, it must be removed

Fact-checking Marianne Williamson on school funding in the United States - ""The truth of the matter is we are the only advanced industrialized nation that bases our educational funding on property taxes."...   According to the most recent data from the National Center for Education Statistics, public elementary and secondary schools got about 8% of funding in 2015-16 from the federal government, 47% from state governments and 45% from local governments.  About 81% of local revenues were the result of property taxes, which means more than a third (about 36%) of all school funding came specifically from property taxes"
So even if liberals want to pretend that school funding explains all of the difference in outcomes, their claim is already handicapped

'Shang-Chi' Star Quits Twitter After Cultural Appropriation Criticism - "Awkwafina, who took her career to new heights by playing Katy in Shang-Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings, promised she will no longer have a presence on Twitter after years-long critiques of her use of African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) reached a crescendo... [she] noted that will see Twitter “in a few years” on the advice of her therapist. She later attempted humor in a thread tweet attached to that, but used that to pointedly express, “Also am avail[able] on all other socials that don’t tell you to kill yourself!”"
Another one bites the dust

Minnesota school district approves extra pay for non-white teachers - "The Mankato School Board earlier this month voted unanimously to provide "additional stipends" to non-white teachers who become mentors to other non-white colleagues... This is not the first time the Mankato School Board has caused controversy. In October, Chairwoman Jodi Sapp was criticized for limiting the ability of parents to speak at school board meetings and requiring that they state where they live if they wanted to speak."
Extra pay for non-White teachers 'racist,' an attempt to return to 'something dangerous': education activist - "Education activist Cynthia Garrett blasted a Minnesota school board's policy to provide extra pay to non-White teachers who mentor other non-White teachers as "completely racist""

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to Grant Interviews Only to Black, Brown Journalists - "Lightfoot, the city’s first black female mayor, and also the first lesbian mayor, has been a target of public criticism for her harsh policies during the coronavirus pandemic, her failure to manage the Black Lives Matter riots, and a sharp rise in crime throughout the already-violent city."

Chicago mayor’s decision to only speak to journalists of color is commendable, not racist - "As a Black and Native American writer living in Harlem, I find Lori Lightfoot’s demands to only speak with journalists of color rather reasonable, and more importantly, commendable.  Lightfoot’s decision is a move to showcase journalists in Chicago who understand – or at least can sympathize with – her lived experience as a person of color in the region and who will write accessibly for her constituents. With newsrooms and journalism being so overwhelmingly white, and I mean that literally, to refuse to engage with white, male writers who can not fundamentally understand who she is governing for, is not a radical position. It’s sensible, and the right-wing media’s reaction shows us why."
"Anti-racism" is basically racism against white people

Tom Elliott on Twitter - ".@chicagosmayor Lightfoot defends filtering out journalists based on their skin color: “As a woman of color, as a lesbian, it’s important to me that diversity is put front and center.”"

Chicago Tribune Cancels Lori Lightfoot Interview over Anti-white Policy - "Pratt, who is Latino, noted that he had been granted an interview under Lightfoot’s racially exclusionary policy, which was revealed Tuesday, but had used that opportunity to ask her to end that policy. When she refused, the Tribune canceled the interview...   When she took the oath of office in 2019, Lightfoot swore to “support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Illinois.” The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution has been interpreted to imply that racial discrimination is prohibited; the Illinois Constitution bars racial discrimination in employment and housing, and also condemns “communications that … incite violence, hatred, abuse or hostility toward, a person or group of persons by reason of or by reference to” race... Other journalists noted that Lightfoot had declined interviews with journalists “of color” who had seemed to be critical of her."

Women Reprimanded for Harassing White ASU Students Claim They're Being 'Persecuted' - "Two woke Arizona State University (ASU) students are accusing the school of “persecuting” them and being “a violent place” after they were reprimanded for harassing two white students in ASU’s so-called “multicultural center.” The woke students were seen in a viral video last September confronting white students over a laptop sticker, which read, “Police Lives Matter,” claiming the white students had displayed imagery of “white supremacy” and “white nationalism.”  ASU students Mastaani Qureshi and Sarra Tekola have been found “guilty” of “interfering with university activities” after they harassed two white students...  they have been issued a warning and instructed to write a three-page paper about how they will behave differently next time they are in a similar situation.  The two female ASU students reacted to their punishments by releasing a video in which they complained about being disciplined by the university, and doubled down on their bizarre stance that items such as “a Bass Pro hat,” and “a Chick-fil-A cup” are “hate and racist symbology” and made ASU’s multicultural center “unsafe.”   “On September 23, hate and racist symbology invaded our multicultural center on ASU’s Tempe campus and made the center unsafe for BIPOC students who were trying to study,” Qureshi proclaimed in the video. “The two white men, both students, displayed a ‘Police Lives Matter’ sticker, a Bass Pro hat, a Chick-fil-A cup, and an anti-Biden t-shirt.”  “The ‘Police Lives Matter’ sticker was on one of the white man’s laptop,” Tekola added. “Laptop, which was clearly directed towards a black woman who was leading the black study tables across from him, as the boys chose to sit across from the black study tables.”  “The boys made the space uncomfortable with their non-verbal, aggressive gestures directed towards the black woman,” Tekola continued. “The students called for help from ASU, but no one came for over 30 minutes, so we were forced to confront these men by ourselves.”...   “Dear white people, AKA ASU, you openly discriminated against us on November 16 when you handed down your decision from your racially biased investigation,” Qureshi said.  “We’re being persecuted for defending our multicultural center from racism and sexism”... “We are going to give ASU an educational intervention on why telling students of color at ASU to be more civil in the face of white supremacy and neo-Nazism on this campus is actually violent.”  “ASU is a violent place”"
Opposing liberal racism is racist

Rep. Barbara Lee on Twitter - "20 years after taking out student loans, the average white borrower has paid off 94% of their debt. The average Black borrower still OWES 95% of their debt. Say it with me: student loan debt is a racial justice issue."
This may not be making the point she thinks.
Maybe we should prevent blacks from taking student loans to protect them

Libs of Tik Tok on Twitter -  "These are internal messages from a 4th grade elementary teacher in @AustinISD. She’s upset that an entire week dedicated to LGBT still wasn’t good enough. Coincidentally, 20/32 of her FOURTH GRADERS are LGBT and have “come out” to her What the hell is going on in these schools?!"
Proof that indoctrination in schools is a myth

alth0u🤸 on Twitter - "imagine being the MIT class that causes it to reinstate their SAT requirement"

Kim Johnson: Labour MP accuses Met Police of racial profiling after being stopped in London - "“The area was swamped with drunken football supporters. However, we were then encircled by some police officers saying that my son’s friend ‘matched the description of’. “I thought that was quite interesting, because he is a big black man who was wearing a very bright, yellow jacket. I can’t imagine that there would be many [people] walking around at the time like that.”  She said it was just “another example of racial profiling” that the Met have a “really poor record on”."
Clearly minorities cannot be stopped by the police

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