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Saturday, February 05, 2022

Links - 5th February 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

Meme - "Anne Frank is a perfect example of white privilege. How many of the black victims of the Holocaust got entire diaries written about them? The Holocaust had MANY victims who were BIPOCs but we never hear about them. White folks whitewash history EVERY SINGLE TIME."
For documentation (can't find the record of the tweet anymore), this was posted by "Mary Anstruther" (I can't find the uncensored tweet showing the account anymore) and that is a satire account

The Backlash Against Russell Brand, Explained - "Is the British comedian Russell Brand becoming an alt-right influencer?   Fans began to grow suspicious after Brand’s YouTube account began to embrace hyperbolic, clickbaity titles, with the IMPORTANT words in all-caps, like “Vaccine APARTHEID: Don Lemon’s Covid BOMBSHELL.”... what really seemed to bother the liberal segment of Brand’s fanbase was Brand’s dismissive analysis of “Russiagate,” which, if you remember, reduced reporters to a state of near-hysteria during Trump’s presidency.  This led to a series of tweets declaring Brand to have been poisoned by the alt-right, and accusing him of catering to a certain crowd."
Alt-right = whoever the left doesn't like

Gad Saad on Twitter - "The Holy Trifecta of Wokeness: 1) pronouns in bio; 2) masked face in bio pic; 3) uses the term “non-binary folx.” Disappointed that there are no BLM signs in bio though."

SEA Games gold medallist Anja Chong says racism in Singapore towards non-Chinese is “rampant and explicit”. - "Malaysian Southeast Asian Games multiple gold medallist in ice-skating Anja Chong, who is also a Singapore permanent resident, has said an Instagram story that “racism in Singapore towards non-Chinese is so rampant and explicit.”  In a story which was loaded on 3 October, the 27-year-old tagged Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Finance Minister Lawrence Wong and social justice warriors Wake Up, Singapore (WUSG)."
This is hilarious. A Malaysian (from a truly institutionally racist country) claiming that there is racism in Singapore based on a landlord preferring white expats, Japanese or Koreans
Good job getting the agent in trouble for being the messenger

Facebook - "Sounds like we should ensure that any rejection of tenants should only happen on the doorstep when the prospective tenant turns up in person to sign and the owner takes one look and exercises his ever-present right to not agree prior to signing contract, and give no reason why.  Everyone will be happier that way really, especially the tenant who wastes her time going all the way until signing day."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "A school superintendent was suspended without pay for 40 days because he wore a costume involving blackface at a private Halloween party 18-years ago. ——-
“The board believed in February of last year and agrees today that Dr. Shively’s performance as superintendent has been above average, if not exemplary, and that the educational experience offered to every pupil in our diverse student population has improved under his leadership”... “Shively also said he’d had conversations with the Black community in Paducah, and he will “embrace” the opportunity provided by his suspension to obtain “professional growth.”...
"Shively self-reported the photo in February 2019.”"

ERLC on Twitter - "Our Savior was born a mixed-race Savior. In his flesh, Christ embodied the racial diversity that would mark his kingdom. His kaleidoscopic heritage pointed to the day when every knee in heaven and earth would bow at his name. —@caseybhough"

Meme - Jermaine Burkhalter @JerBurk: "By this logic, gifted programs should be abolished. I don't see the issue with having different kinds of public schools."
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones: "Gifted programs should be eliminated. I agree."
Jermaine Burkhalter @JerBurk: "So in other words, you aren't interested in public schools effectively serving a diverse set of kids. I was in a talented art program in a ps in rural LA. Everybody was working class at best, so that program was a godsend in cultivating a specific aptitude w/o another outlet"
When everyone is equally miserable, you have equality

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "The University of Michigan IT Department has created a list of words and phrases that should no longer be used on campus. These include:
• Brown bag
• Disabled
• Crack the whip
• Grandfathered
• Handicapped
• Long time, no see
• Low man on the time pole
• Native
• Picnic
• Preferred pronouns
• Sanity check
• Straw man"

Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - "This "academic" paper classifies me as "far right."  That's an improvement over others who classified me as a neo-Nazi (an interesting appellation given that I'm a Lebanese Jew).   Science, reason, logic, individual dignity, & freedom of speech = Nazism."

Facebook - "I had a senior administrator confront me a while ago with something to the effect of:  Well, there is a rumour that you are pro-Jewish. My rough rebuttal: Well, I did not know that this was a bad thing and well I'm Jewish. Slowly we inch..." <

a href="https://twitter.com/bit33dotio/status/1393978457516818432">bit33 on Twitter - "There is a simple rule in the Middle East: It is always the fault of the Jews."

Gad Saad on Twitter - "I have to admit, I've been to Turkey many times (wife is Turkish) and love the place. Beautiful country, amazing food etc.   But get any of them started on Isreal, or Jews in general, and holy fuck. It's almost pathological. Not just her family, anyone you speak to. It's insane."
"It is unconscionable what people are willing to ignore that's right in front of their eyes. If I start speaking to someone in Arabic, here is how the conversation usually goes:
Me: Hi, how are you?
Reply: Good, oh and death to all Evil Juice. All. Have a nice day, brother."

Facebook - "“Silence is violence.”
“OK, so what then is 2000 rockets fired over a matter of days?”
“... It’s complicated... “"

Facebook - "remember when you stood in solidarity with black people when george floyd died? i do.
remember when you stood in solidarity with the LGBTQ community when Trump was in office? i do.
remember when you stood in solidarity with muslims during the “muslim ban?” i do.
remember when you stood in solidarity with asians when they were targeted for murder? i do.
remember when you stood in solidarity with jews when they’re being targeted, attacked, murdered, lynched, and terrorized in almost every city in the world? i don’t.
AND THEN YOU ASK WHY ISRAEL EXISTS. 🇮🇱🔯 #StandAgainstAntiSemitism #AmIsraelChai"

Tone-deaf NY Times op-ed argues attacks on US Jews 'a gift to the right' - "There's ridiculous. There's ludicrous.   And then there's this doozy from New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg. "Attacks on Jews Over Israel Are a Gift to the Right," read the original headline on her recent op-ed. The headline was later changed to something more benign. A gift to the right? Seriously — does everything have to be presented through a lens of political wins and losses, of which party or group benefits the most?   Attacks on American Jews and antisemitism in all its forms should be condemned by Democrats. By Republicans. By independents and libertarians. By the apolitical. The beating of innocents is something we can all be against, just like "puppy mills” or cancer.   Instead, Goldberg laments what the recent street attacks will do to Democrats' efforts to "denounce Israel’s entrenched occupation and human rights abuses."... Liz Spayd was the Times’ last public editor, a kind of watchdog for in-house journalistic ethics. She wrote a great column in 2016, a few months before her position was eliminated. In it, she detailed and criticized how often stealth edits like this one occur at the paper... The real issue, though, isn’t the headline. It’s what Goldberg wrote in her column.   Brazen attacks on American Jews have erupted from New York to Los Angeles and several towns and cities in between. Why the rise in antisemitism? According to Goldberg, Donald Trump – who hasn't been in office and has been relatively out of the public eye for four months – is to blame... Yup, the guy who moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, who oversaw the Abraham Accords, and who has Jewish grandchildren, is the reason Jews are being attacked on American streets.   You honestly can't make this stuff up."
Imagine being this twisted. More proof the left only cares about Jews when they can use that to shit on white people
Addendum: This got retitled "the crisis of anti-semitic violence". Comment: "Imagine a headline that said “Attacks on Asian Americans Over China Are a Gift to the Left”"

David M Friedman on Twitter - "In this idiotic piece, Michelle Goldberg pines for a world in which Israel can be called an apartheid state without Jews being assaulted. Sorry, no such “utopia” exists because 1) the accusation is a vile lie, and 2) antisemites don’t discriminate in their hatred."

Gad Saad on Twitter - "Israel should learn about tolerance from the Gaza authorities. While more than 20% of the Israeli population are Arabs who live with full dignity and equal rights in Israel, this is nothing compared to the innumerable Jews thriving in Gaza. Israeli Arabs serve in the Knesset but this is nothing compared to the political roles that Jews hold in Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Kuwait, and all other lands where the Noble Faith loves and protects the Jews. Israel should learn about tolerance from their kind neighbours!"

Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "US Space Force Commanding Officer Fired after Denouncing ‘Marxist’ Infiltration of US Military"
"If denouncing Marxist infiltration of the US military gets you fired, it implies the people in command of the military are in favour of Marxism."

Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "“I am truly free only when all human beings, men and women, are equally free. The freedom of other men, far from negating or limiting my freedom, is, on the contrary, its necessary premise and confirmation.”  ― Mikhail Bakunin"
"By this standard, nobody has been or ever will be free. No pharaoh, no king, no emperor has been free. This is ridiculous."

Ellen DeGeneres: toxic workplace allegations are ‘misogynistic’ - "[She] elaborated on her reasons for stepping down after 19 years. DeGeneres, 63, revealed to the Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday that the The Ellen DeGeneres Show’s upcoming 19th season, which will end in 2022, would be its last, saying the show was “just not a challenge any more”. The announcement came after months of negative press for the daytime host, following a July 2020 BuzzFeed report that detailed allegations of racial insensitivity, sexual harassment and bullying behind the scenes, based on interviews with 36 former staffers... DeGeneres also revealed that she had learned about the allegations from the press. “I had no idea, never saw anything that would even point to that”... several former staff members claimed the host’s “be kind” motto was not genuine – a sentiment reflected by a widely publicized Twitter thread in which the comedian Kevin T Porter crowd-sourced unsubstantiated stories about the host’s rudeness, which received more than 2,000 replies."
Being against a toxic workplace is misogyny!

Ellen DeGeneres claims she was targeted in 1st interviews with Oprah, NBC - "Many soured on her last year amid a string of damning reports about her behind-the-scenes behaviour, including a plan to slash staffers’ salaries at the start of the pandemic. The reports echoed some long-running claims that DeGeneres was notoriously two-faced and “mean” behind the scenes. Several former employees told BuzzFeed last summer that they were fired for taking bereavement days or medical leave, and that they’d been instructed not to speak to DeGeneres or look her in the eye around the set. Current and former employees also alleged that they faced intimidation, racism and fear on a day-to-day basis under her.   In a separate report, dozens of men and women accused three producers on the show of sexual misconduct... She also framed the response to the workplace allegations as personal attacks against her... She also cited the glowing reviews of her celebrity guests"

Ellen Degeneres reveals the hurtful thing Elton John said to her after she came out as gay - "she admitted that she didn't get the reaction she been expecting from the gay community, saying: "Even Elton John said, “Shut up already. We know you’re gay. Be funny”. I had never met him and I thought, 'What kind of support is that from a gay person?' But everybody assumed I was just non-stop talking about. It hurt my feelings.""
Gays don't need to be funny. They automatically deserve support
Too bad this was in 1997. Today she'd be Brave and Stunning

Facebook - "Dear Tucker Carlson, in your chat today with @ggreenwald, you asked him the reason for the delusional focus on Russia as the grand boogeyman. Here is my answer:  It is the foreign equivalent of the domestic "white supremacy" hysteria.  Progressives cannot critique China because they are Noble People of Color.  They cannot criticize anything from the Middle East because they too are Noble People of Color.  The Russians, according to the progressive calculus, suffer from a fatal and intractable disease: Whiteness!  In the same way that the Middle East is rife with historical and endemic Jew-hatred, we are now seeing a similar acceptance among progressive Westerners of a morally sanctioned hatred of  "whiteness." This grants them permission to place all of the global blame on the Evil White Russians.  Any sane and intellectually honest person sees the lunacy of this collective delusion but when one is parasitized by a cocktail of idea pathogens, reason is one of the first casualties. Cheers."

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "Oh congrats Murican comics, Journos can finally celebrate! Murican comics had been so shit for more than a year that they FINALLY made a Top 20 List And..... It was carried by Fortnite...NOT superheroes oof, had to rely on a popular game collab to make the list like a tapeworm freeloader.  And it was complete nonsensical fun with zero political lectures or forced social soapboxing. When that happens, a comic improves.  Really makes you think, maybe the forcefeeding irl politics into your comics even when they can't fit was a bad idea?  Nah, of course not - its stunning and brave"

Meme - "It's homophobic to be against gay marriage or anal sex"
"When do gay men have to wear diapers?... it after ten or five years?"
"This only affects bottoms of course, but 5 or so years. I started bottoming at 16 and permanently had to start wearing adult diapers the day after my 21st birthday. Not sure why you're framing it as a negative though, it is only a minor inconvenience and more than worth it."

Gingerswappingresponse - Posts | Facebook - "No Planet B? There’s millions of livable Planets and unlimited versions of Earth in the multiverse of the DCU. Trying to put real World politics in this stuff is so pathetic."

🟣SOMEBODY’S SON⚙️ on Twitter - "If you find yourself on a committee discussing the needs of a particular group of people but you look around the room and don't see anyone from that group, you should be HIGHLY skeptical of any "conclusions" reached."
Liberal love to "speak for minorities"

Dave Smith on Twitter - "I mean this in all sincerity, if you want to see true racism in 2020 listen to a left wing sjw talk to a brown person who isn’t a leftist."

Facebook - "Take a moment to picture the Bible characters you have heard and seen over the years. What race are they? Despite the fact that these characters are predominately of Semitic and African origin (i.e. people of color), since the Renaissance they have been mostly depicted as white. James C. Lewis, an international photographer, grew up with a Bible that was “whitewashed.” So did I. Several years ago, James began a mission to present biblical characters as people of color. Though his goal was not to reflect precise historical context, the result is often dramatically closer to reality than our traditional Western images. How do you feel when you see these “color-corrected” representations of people from the Bible? James said, “I think it is very important to see one’s self in the Scripture so that it may become real...” While the nation has an important conversation about race, it is equally important for us to have a parallel conversation about the theological implications of ethnicity and race."
Blackwashing Jews is good
Presumably it's a problem too that in China Jesus looks Chinese

Turn the phrase "conspiracy theorist" against the far left : JordanPeterson - "I don't know if you've noticed, but this is their latest play :
    label everything they don't like as "conspiracy theory"
    "crack down" on "conspiracy theory" content (censorship)
They had to change gear because calling everybody a "racist bigoted Nazi" wasn't working any more.
The term "fake news" was originally supposed to fill this role, but it was turned against the MSM beautifully.
Now we have to do the same with "conspiracy theory" : every leftist must be labelled as a "conspiracy theorist".
- "White privilege" - conspiracy theory
- "Cops kill more blacks" - conspiracy theory
- "Muh patriarchy" - conspiracy theory
- "Russian colusion / bots" - conspiracy theory
- "Gender inequality / pay gap" - conspiracy theory
- If they "Peterson is an alt right gateway" - conspiracy theorist
- If they say "hate crimes are rising" - conspiracy theorist
- "There are 67 genders" - conspiracy theory
- "Systemic racism" - conspiracy theorist
- "Race / gender is a social construct" - conspiracy theory
- Calling everything a conspiracy theory is a far right tactic - conspiracy theory
From now on, EVERYTHING the left says is a conspiracy theory. Make it so"

Meme - "The Australian breakfast staple, Kellogg's Coco Pops, is under fire over its 'racist' monkey branding."
SJW: "This racist monkey looks reminds me of black people so we got rid of it for you"
Black person: "D-Do you think we look like monkeys?""

Meme - Blaire White: "If Ariel Can Be Played by a Black Woman Scarlett Johansson Can Play a Trans Woman Y'all Are RIDICULOUS"
"Everything That Comes Out of This Woman's Mouth Is a Dumpster Fire"
Blaire White: "Before I Clicked Your Profile I Knew You Were Going to Have Your Pronouns in Your Bio That's How Predictable Your Existence Is"

Meme - "A big problem in the BDSM community is that neo nazis are using their superior dom skills to recruit women into their ranks and no one talks about it. -you want someone who can really dominate you? The logical step is to get someone who thinks holocaust documentaries are "hot". Next thing you know, you are bound in a leather suit with a k98k up your ass, watching schindler's list while your date makes out with a girl from denmark downstairs.
The future of the kink community will become all nazi if we do nothing about it.
Side hill: kinks don't belong at pride
Source: my life story"

Montreal pride parade : trashy
Little girl at Pride with 2 human pups (men dressed as dogs). If you criticise this as sexualising children, you're homophobic and a kink shamer

Pride photo featuring young girl surrounded by leather-wearing adult men wins 'most aesthetic' award - "Pride Amsterdam chose a photo of a young girl standing outside surrounded by a large group of nearly naked men, wearing leather and rubber outfits as their most “aesthetic” photo to honor 25 years of holding Pride events... Reactions to the Pride organization’s decision to use a photo with a little girl surrounded by grown men wearing fetish outfits were mixed across social media."

Facebook - "I spoke at the Oxford Union tonight. The motion was “This House believes you can’t trust the mainstream media”. I was proposing the motion. I was pretty shocked by what I encountered. There was a notable strain of class hatred in many of the discussions I had. One of the opposing speakers said the good thing about the mainstream media is that it can reach “people whose opinion matters” — ie, the educated elites and the political class. So I swiftly reorganised my speech around the question of whose opinion matters. Only posh, wealthy people lucky enough to have been members of the Oxford Union? I said, “This Union really is as elitist as they say”. Over the course of the evening I had students telling me that expertise is preferable to “ill-informed opinion”, that Sun readers are racist because the newspaper instructs them to be racist, that people only voted for Brexit because of that bus advert promising £350m for the NHS, and that “yeh, everyone's opinion matters, but the question is how we make these opinions less ignorant”. And these students were all painfully woke; they were all completely PC on matters of race and gender, etc. Wokeness is the new elitism. “Correct thought” on identity issues is the disguise snobbery wears. It’s a cover for old-world levels of contempt for those people who have failed to develop “correct thought” — Them, the people who believe what it says on the side of a bus, the people whose opinions do not matter."

Western Twitter Users Misinterpret Indonesian Slang ‘Ngga,’ Meaning ‘No,’ Leading To Controversy Online

Amani al-Khatahtbeh charged at Newark Airport after argument - "Amani al-Khatahtbeh, 28, was escorted off American Airlines flight 2029 at about 9:55 a.m., just as the Charlotte, North Carolina-bound flight was slated to depart. Passengers were temporarily deboarded, according to Andrew Trull, an American Airlines spokesperson... Al-Khatahtbeh said in her video the confrontation with the man began while she was taking off her shoes at the TSA checkpoint inside the airport. The man, she claimed, "forced himself in front of me, [said] 'I'm first class, I'm pre-check,' and because I recorded the entire thing, he complained to the captain I was harassing him." Al-Khatahtbeh said she told the man he could "wait like everybody else," but he instead "ran" through the machine and was not stopped by an employee. Instead, she was told to "cut it out," she said.  Trull, in additional details provided Saturday evening, said both PreCheck and non-PreCheck screening at the airport was consolidated into one open lane.  "Our understanding is that Ms. Al-Khatahtbeh believed the other passenger, who is enrolled in PreCheck, was getting favorable treatment because he was allowed to proceed through security while she was removing her shoes," Trull said. Trull said the verbal altercation between the two continued through the terminal and on the plane, where al-Khatahtbeh "confronted the passenger and began filming him before taking her seat.""
A Muslim woman who harases a white (presumably non-Muslim) man must be a victim

Amani Al-Khatahtbeh Sues American Airlines Over Arrest: VIDEO - "Former congressional candidate and founder of MuslimGirl, Amani Al-Khatahtbeh was arrested in November 2020 on an American Airlines flight.  A first-class passenger allegedly complained Al-Khatahtbeh was making them "feel uncomfortable" so they called the police to remove her from the plane.  On November 14, she tweeted about the passenger who cut her off in line for TSA and then proceeded to tell her to "cut it out.""
Grievance mongering is so profitable. Starting a commotion by aggroing other people and then playing the victim gets all the liberals on your side (as can be seen from George Takei's Facebook page - some of them, even after finding out what she had done, still claimed she was the victim). Hopefully she gets counter-sued but that probably won't happen since we're in Year Zero

Janella Baxter on Twitter - "Stop calling your female colleagues “smart,” or “clever,” or “brilliant.” It’s sexist and infantilising. You would never, ever stress how “truly bright” Brandom is when recommending A Spirit of Trust. It shouldn’t be surprising to you in 2021 that women are capable of thought."
"IMO we should never use "smart," "clever," or "brilliant" to describe anyone. I think these terms are associated with ableist ideas of competence. I prefer to describe people in terms of a growth or effort mindset."
"This feels like a cope for people never calling you smart or clever"
"Growth mindset is growing more and more recognized as an ableist construct too. People with depression, or whose inner worlds are deeply saturated by oppressive power structures, aren’t granted the privilege to enjoy “growth mindsets” the way white-adjacent groups do."
"And this is why I left the academy..."

Talk East Turkestan - Posts | Facebook - "In the last #Uyghur protest I attended in #London there was possibly 15 to 20 people.  This weekends Palestinian protest was massive!  Why is the #UyghurGenocide being ignored? #China 🇨🇳 #Palestine #Muslims"

Here's What's Problematic With Each Of The NFL's 32 Team Names | The Babylon Bee - "We MUST do better. Here is why every NFL team name is very problematic: - "Arizona Cardinals - Too religious. Cincinnati Bengals - It just sounds racist. We're looking into it. Kansas City Chiefs - We suggest switching to Kansas City Wise Indigenous Tribal Elders. New England Patriots - REEEEEEEEEEEE New Orleans Saints - Goes against the constitutional principle of separation of church and sports."

Can Liberalism Be Saved From Itself? - "Affleck was gunning for me from the start. What many viewers probably don’t realize is that the mid-show interview is supposed be a protected five-to-seven-minute conversation between Maher and the new guest—and all the panelists know this. To ignore this structure and encroach on this space is a little rude; to jump in with criticism, as Affleck did, is pretty hostile. He tried to land his first blow a mere 90 seconds after I took my seat, before the topic of Islam even came up... The most controversial thing I said was: “We have to be able to criticize bad ideas, and Islam is the Mother lode of bad ideas.” This statement has been met with countless charges of “bigotry” and “racism” online and in the media. But imagine that the year is 1970, and I said: “Communism is the Mother lode of bad ideas.” How reasonable would it be to attack me as a “racist” or as someone who harbors an irrational hatred of Russians, Ukrainians, Chinese, etc. This is precisely the situation I am in. My criticism of Islam is a criticism of beliefs and their consequences—but my fellow liberals reflexively view it as an expression of intolerance toward people... I want to make one thing clear, however. I did not take Affleck’s hostility personally. This is the kind of thing I now regularly encounter from people who believe the lies about my work that have been sedulously manufactured by Reza Aslan, Glenn Greenwald, Chris Hedges, and many others. If I were seated across the table from someone I “knew” to be a racist and a warmonger, how would I behave? I don’t honestly know.  Kristof made the point that there are brave Muslims who are risking their lives to condemn “extremism” in the Muslim community. Of course there are, and I celebrate these people too. But he seemed completely unaware that he was making my point for me—the point being, of course, that these people are now risking their lives by advocating for basic human rights in the Muslim world... One of the most depressing things in the aftermath of this exchange is the way Affleck is now being lauded for having exposed my and Maher’s “racism,” “bigotry,” and “hatred of Muslims.” This is yet another sign that simply accusing someone of these sins, however illogically, is sufficient to establish them as facts in the minds of many viewers. It certainly does not help that unscrupulous people like Reza Aslan and Glenn Greenwald have been spinning the conversation this way... After the show, a few things became clear about Affleck’s and Kristof’s views. Rather than trust poll results and the testimony of jihadists and Islamists, they trust the feeling that they get from the dozens of Muslims they have known personally. As a method of gauging Muslim opinion worldwide, this preference is obviously crazy. It is nevertheless understandable. On the basis of their life experiences, they believe that the success of a group like ISIS, despite its ability to recruit people by the thousands from free societies, says nothing about the role that Islamic doctrines play in inspiring global jihad. Rather, they imagine that ISIS is functioning like a bug light for psychopaths—attracting “disaffected young men” who would do terrible things to someone, somewhere, in any case. For some strange reason these disturbed individuals can’t resist an invitation to travel to a foreign desert for the privilege of decapitating journalists and aid workers. I await an entry in the DSM-VI that describes this troubling condition. Contrary to what many liberals believe, those bad boys who are getting off the bus in Syria at this moment to join ISIS are not all psychopaths, nor are they simply depressed people who have gone to the desert to die. Most of them are profoundly motivated by their beliefs. Many surely feel like spiritual James Bonds, fighting a cosmic war against evil. After all, they are spreading the one true faith to the ends of the earth—or they will die trying, and be martyred, and then spend eternity in Paradise. Secular liberals seem unable to grasp how psychologically rewarding this worldview must be... At one point, Kristof reiterated the claim that Maher and I had failed to acknowledge the existence of all the good Muslims who condemn ISIS, citing the popular hashtag #NotInOurName. In response, I said: “Yes, I agree that all condemnation of ISIS is good. But what do you think would happen if we had burned a copy of the Koran on tonight’s show? There would be riots in scores of countries. Embassies would fall. In response to our mistreating a book, millions of Muslims would take to the streets, and we would spend the rest of our lives fending off credible threats of murder. But when ISIS crucifies people, buries children alive, and rapes and tortures women by the thousands—all in the name of Islam—the response is a few small demonstrations in Europe and a hashtag.” I don’t think I’m being uncharitable when I say that neither Affleck nor Kristof had an intelligent response to this. Nor did they pretend to doubt the truth of what I said... I genuinely believe that both Affleck and Kristof mean well. They are very worried about American xenophobia and the prospects of future military adventures. But they are confused about Islam. Like many secular liberals, they refuse to accept the abundant evidence that vast numbers of Muslims believe dangerous things about infidels, apostasy, blasphemy, jihad, and martyrdom. And they do not realize that these doctrines are about as controversial under Islam as the resurrection of Jesus is under Christianity.   However, others in this debate are not so innocent. Our conversation on Real Time was provoked by an interview that Reza Aslan gave on CNN, in which he castigated Maher for the remarks he had made about Islam on the previous show. I have always considered Aslan a comical figure. His thoughts about religion in general are a jumble of pretentious nonsense—yet he often speaks with an air of self-importance that would have been embarrassing in Genghis Khan at the height of his power. On the topic of Islam, however, Aslan has begun to seem more sinister. He cannot possibly believe what he says, because nearly everything he says is a lie or a half-truth calibrated to mislead a liberal audience. If he claims something isn’t in the Koran, it probably is. I don’t know what his agenda is, beyond riding a jet stream of white guilt from interview to interview, but he is manipulating liberal biases for the purpose of shutting down conversation on important topics. Given what he surely knows about the contents of the Koran and the hadith, the state of public opinion in the Muslim world, the suffering of women and other disempowered groups, and the real-world effects of deeply held religious beliefs, I find his deception on these issues unconscionable. As I tried to make clear on Maher’s show, what we need is honest talk about the link between belief and behavior. And no one is suffering the consequences of what Muslim “extremists” believe more than other Muslims are... Whatever the prospects are for moving Islam out of the Middle Ages, hope lies not with obscurantists like Reza Aslan but with reformers like Maajid Nawaz."
It's interesting then he then got a very bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome

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