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Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Links - 1st February 2022 (2 - OnlyFans)

Abstract from Thomas' new article 'Why Feminists Won’t Talk about OnlyFans' : Lotuseaters_com - "In this essay, I address the matter of why feminists are abstaining from engaging in an academic discussion about OnlyFans: the image distribution site that enables users, predominantly women, to financially prosper by making and selling obscene images of themselves. I develop my argument from Jean Baudrillard’s claims in The Perfect Crime (2008), regarding the essential symmetry between subjects (men) and their others (women), to argue that the reconstruction of society in the other’s favour - the woman’s favour - has led to a counterreaction from men against women through the “involuntary celibate” (incel) community, which, I will also argue, feminists and OnlyFans models are proactively facilitating. I conclude that the subujgation of men through exploiting their intrinsic vulnerability to the beauty of the female body, is in the interests of both; financially in the case of the OnlyFans models, and politically in the case of the feminists"

Blake Montgomery on Twitter - "OnlyFans reporting 3.5 million new signups in March, 60,000 of them new creators, per an email from the company. In the first two weeks of March alone that was a 75% increase from the normal level."

The Ghost of Coommas Ping 👻🎄 on Twitter - "Tomorrow: International Men's Day (19 Nov)"
"Holy shit, there are a TON of people mad at their dads in the replies.

phox on Twitter - "WNBA players should sell nudes online, that's the Onlyfans they'll ever have."
Liz Cambage joins OnlyFans, fans joke they 'might skip thanksgiving' - "surely money isn't the concern when you are one of the highest-payed players in the Women's National Basketball Association's (WNBA). She's currently on a $221,450 salary with the Las Vegas Aces. So why then, would she join OnlyFans?"

Man meets his OnlyFans idol... for only $10k : cringepics

Making Money on OnlyFans Is a Lot Harder Than You Think - "Besides servicing more clients, Stevens said her regulars are now asking to talk more than they used to. She said she believes it’s because quarantines have taken a toll on everyone’s mental health.  “We’re like online naked therapists,” Stevens said, laughing. “I do feel like I’m an essential service.”... Everyday, Adora conceptualizes, produces, and publishes new content, interacts with clients, and writes her own press releases; she’s basically a one-woman production and marketing company, run out of her home.  When people fetishize on-camera sex work, Adora said, they discredit the sheer amount of work it takes to maintain a successful online presence... “You don’t know how hard it is to hustle and get people to pay for their porn when most is free”

Woman becomes a millionaire within TWO YEARS of starting OnlyFans - "A woman who swapped her role as a police officer for a lucrative career modelling lingerie online has become a millionaire, and has achieved her dream of owning a £265,000 Lamborghini.  Charlotte Rose, 27, from Essex, has been making up to £150,000 every month after starting an OnlyFans page... Charlotte was invited to join the platform OnlyFans at its inception in 2016 and was one of just 100 women using the site to connect with fans.  She kept her content 'tame' and within boundaries she was comfortable with, which involved largely creating role-play scenarios that involved her talking to the camera and interacting with fans - but she didn't commit much time to the site and didn't view it as a money-maker.  However when the platform started to take off in late 2018, Charlotte decided to take it more seriously and began uploading more regular content, dedicating 14 to 16 hours a day to her OnlyFans presence... Charlotte is now in the top 0.09 per cent of creators of OnlyFans - which she believes gets a bad reputation due to the high volume of adult stars using the platform... She believes the key to her success is keeping her content less risqué and letting her own personality shine through rather than creating a saucy alter ego.  'Everyone assumes OnlyFans is just porn - which I have nothing against, but personally I don't do that level of content,' she said.  'My page is very tame but it works because I'm niche - so many pages are hardcore but I won't do that, I like my page to be different. 'I'll roleplay and talk to the camera as if it's a guy and cover some fantasies, but it's mostly me talking to them.  'It's personal for me and I've built up relationships with a handful of my fans that I talk to daily and know inside out.  'I know their children's names, their job titles and if they're having a bad day - and when they are, I'll send a voice-note and some pictures of my dogs to cheer them up.  'I have a loyal fan base who tell me they wouldn't stay on my page if I became more explicit and I do well by being different to everyone else.  'Other girls are shocked that I earn as much as I do without doing more on camera.'  She also posts on her Instagram accounts; @charlieerose3 and @charlotterose-1993."

Meme - "@yesethhlupercio: guys who watch porn in a relationship = big turn OFF

Brother and sister make millions on OnlyFans to support ‘proud’ parents - "Daisy Drew and her brother Sean Austin.  The brother-and-sister duo, from Glasgow, Scotland happily shoot each other’s saucy content to sell on OnlyFans — and even paid off their parents’ mortgage with their earnings.  Sean, 29, was the first to join the app in December 2019 and encouraged his little sister Daisy, 24, to join too...   Between the two of them, Sean and Daisy say they’ve raked in over $2M selling their sexy content and are now living in luxury apartments in London, England...   “It’s easier because Sean is gay, so it’s not embarrassing being in my underwear or showing my boobs, I don’t feel uncomfortable at all...   Daisy has even referred male fans who are struggling with their sexuality to her brother’s page."

OnlyFans model loses thousands after hackers stream ISIS beheadings from account - "Tina Bean, 22, says she was making £1,450 ($2,000) a month after starting her site...   Tina then had 40 of her fans spammed from the account, calling them the N-word."

The Essex-born OnlyFans founder who built a porn empire - "Stokely's unassuming family business from Essex has become one of the most well known pornography empires in the world - and one of the most talked about technology companies in Silicon Valley.  The subscription-for-content company is a hit with mostly female creators who began making large monthly incomes by charging customers for suggestive photos and videos, offering online companionship along with lingerie selfies. And as most executives were figuring out how to keep their businesses afloat, OnlyFans was going from strength to strength.   "The stay-at-home measures accelerated growth because people were looking for ways to connect online... there's the hangover of unpaid tax litigation to deal with. Stokely was faced with a huge historical tax bill after HMRC pointed out it should have been paying sales tax on the subscriptions customers pay. It has paid, but OnlyFans disputes the bill and has taken HMRC to the highest courts in Europe to recoup. Australia, Europe and the US have also slapped the company with digital services tax."

Son creates OnlyFans account for his sexy mom - "Leonardo Hathaway, 19, is going viral since launching an OnlyFans account for his bosomy mom, Lucene Duarte...   Duarte — a Brazilian Playboy pin-up and former Miss BumBum world winner with over 934,000 Instagram followers — stands to make a fortune from flaunting her full figure for a paying public like so many moms have since the onset of the pandemic... And for laying the foundation for his mom’s OnlyFans windfall, Hathaway will reportedly be helping himself to a handsome handful of her hard-earned income.   “When asked if I support her, I always ask back: ‘Why shouldn’t I?,” he said.   But Hathaway isn’t the only kid to lend a helping hand in showcasing their yummy mummy’s moneymaker.   Atomic Kitten singer-turned-OnlyFans star Kerry Katona revealed that her 13-year-old daughter, Heidi, serves as her photographer for most of her saucy cyber shares...   “My kids are fine with it — they’re loving the money!”  It’s worth mentioning that while most OnlyFans top stars command a sizable six-figure pay stub from the spicy posts, on average, content creators earn about $180 a month from the site"

OnlyFans Mom Posts Images of Deceased Daughter to Keep 'Memory Alive' - "The original tweet showing the mother, Liza Martini, with her late daughter, Ava, who were pictured both topless, has now been deleted... The tweet was captioned by anti-feminist YouTuber, Undoomed, who said: “Peak thot greed: whoring out your dead daughter.” According to her Twitter bio, Martini is a “49 year old naturally busty 38DD married hotwife.”"

diet choke 🥤 on Twitter - "Twitch Takes Away Biggest Hot Tub Streamer's Ability To Make Money Off Ads"
"when sex workers say they're coming for the normies next, maybe someday they'll actually listen? 🙄💀"
Weird. I thought platforms have the right to regulate what gets posted on them

Meme - "Hey, you do requests?"
"whats your request babyyy"
"Can you send a video of your father telling you he's proud of you?"

OnlyFans stars make 270 times more than the average worker - "Top creators on subscription service OnlyFans rake in hundreds of times more money than the average Brit who followed a more traditional career path"
Comparing the top OnlyFans creators with the average worker. Well done

Sydney Leathers on Twitter - "The Evangelical women trying to make onlyfans disappear don’t realize if I lose that income I’ll start fucking their husbands for money again"

Facebook - "Achhhhtually! OnlyFans is a private company. Why don’t you start your own butthole pictures site?"
The left hate getting a taste of their own medicine

Facebook - "Whatever you think of anything else to do with OnlyFans, this new ban, leveraged by big payment processing companies, is a frightening infringement on freedom that you should definitely not be celebrating. A big principle is in play, and lots of people are getting fooled again. It's probably worth mentioning that the same people, in the big picture, who just pushed "sex work is work" and devoted resources in colleges to teaching young women how to be "content creators" have now broken that avenue of making income. They were always going to betray you. You really don't want unaccountable technocrats to be able to decide what sorts of payments can be processed and which cannot, depending upon their moral whims, which might change in a moment if it's to their temporary advantage. It's a big principle."

Thread by @PostCultRev on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "A lot of people are getting the OnlyFans story wrong, and the reality of it is a lot more damaging and concerning to both the livelihood of sex workers and online freedom in general. OnlyFans isn’t ditching porn and sex workers because it’s trying to get new investments. It’s ditching them because on October 1st of 2021 MasterCard is implementing new rules governing sites with adult content that use their payment processing systems.
These rules will basically require that OnlyFans (and every other site that accepts MasterCard payments) not only fully verify every user and every person who appears in every adult video, but review all posted content before publication, including real-time review of livestreams. The new records-keeping, review processes, verification and other requirements are going to be expensive and time-consuming. OnlyFans seems to have decided it’s not worth it. More importantly though, these rules will put incredible pressure on smaller sites and indie creators. Of course, they could just decide not to accept MasterCard, but it’s likely Visa and others will follow suit eventually  
So why the rule changes? Because last December the New York Times published an opinion piece by Nick Kristof caller “The Children of Pornhub” that accused the site and its parent company of profiting off revenge porn, child porn and sex trafficking. Which, to be clear, they kinda were...  PornHub has since moved to a model where it only posts verified users, but the big payment processors haven’t relented, and are looking to remove themselves from any other business that might be involved in sex trafficking, non-consensual content, etc...  
But here’s the thing: Kristof’s story might have been correct on some of PornHub’s abuses but it was deeply manipulative and painfully wrongheaded about sex trafficking in porn and, like almost anything he writes about sex, a filtered version of Christian dominionist propaganda One of the primary sources in Kristof’s article is Traffickinghub founder Laila Mickelwait. She also works for the group Exodus Cry, a Christian group that is among other things anti-sex, anti-homosexuality and, naturally, anti-semitic. Groups like this don’t care about sex trafficking or non-consensual videos on a porn site. Those are footholds to their broader goal, with is to destroy the entire sex industry. That the majority of it is legal and consensual is pointless; they want it all gone on principle. Sex trafficking makes a good narrative toward that goal. It’s why the old anti-porn Morality in the Media group from the 1960s is now called “The National Center on Sexual Exploitation”  
Kristof has played this role before. His basic tactic is to use manipulative and manipulated stories of sexual abuse to attack broader institutions. That he ends up a mouthpiece filtering deeply regressive Evangelical Christian anti-sex mythology to the mainstream is a given. The attack on PornHub did nothing to stop sex trafficking and a lot to take money out of the legal porn industry. The new MasterCard rules are a direct result of this, which basically means an overwrought Christian anti-sex fever dream is now dictating sexual content online.  
Almost the entire anti-trafficking movement is an Evangelical project to get liberal supporters to sign off on a laundry list of Christian anti-sex policies. It’s been one of their most successful propaganda projects. It’s also likely gotten a lot of sex workers killed. It’s the reason Craigslist and Backpage don’t do classifieds for sex workers, because of trafficking scares, removing a relatively safe way to meet clients and moving workers back to more exploitative and dangerous venues.  
Anti-trafficking groups have shut down AIDS programs that worked with sex workers and replaced them with abstinence-only programs. They’ve gotten police doing “trafficking raids” that are just giant crackdowns on consensual sex work, sending more sex workers to jail. Because that’s the whole point of this. It’s a giant propaganda push, one with real teeth to it, to attack all sex work, legal or otherwise, consensual or not. OnlyFans dropping porn is just the next step. It’s only going to get worse...  
Just going to make sure one point of this thread is clear: MasterCard’s rule changes will do nothing to stop sex trafficking. They might have a marginal effect on non-consensual videos in general but overall these rules are about their own liability, not concern for victims. The end result of the change is it will be harder to sell sexually explicit content online unless you are part of a major player that can afford the costs to meet the new requirements. Indie sex workers will be driven out and larger companies will be more powerful. "
People get very upset whenever I point out that sex trafficking is largely a myth

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