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Thursday, February 03, 2022

Links - 3rd February 2022 (2 - Trans Mania)

Barclays: patronising with Pride - "‘Fluent in finance’, was the slogan Barclays once used to market itself. Savings accounts, mortgages, compound interest… these were the kinds of things you expected your high-street bank to help you get to grips with. But now Barclays wants you to know that it is fluent in woke etiquette. As part of the banking giant’s (obligatory) celebration of Pride month, it has released a series of videos to ‘educate’ its customers in using the correct pronouns, avoiding microaggressions, and how to be an LGBT+ ally."

Meme - "Similarly, referring to Israel as ”Palestine” is equally as offensive as misgendering trans people."

Liberals Replace Offensive Term ‘Woman’ With ‘Child Factory Who Bleeds’ | The Babylon Bee - "In D.C. a confusing scene broke out as liberals in Handmaid’s Tale outfits gathered to chant “Ba-by, Fac-tor-y! Ba-by Fac-tor-y!”. Reporters initially thought they were protesting abortion restrictions, and claiming men only saw them as baby-makers. The liberal females were, in fact, claiming to just be baby-makers. “We don’t need men to tell us we are baby factories! We can reduce ourselves to baby factories! Babies!!!” screamed the ‘Handmaids’."

Meme - "Am I the only one who thinks its super yucky that people are making such a big deal out of Harris as vicepresident? It may not be intentional but the language being used is inherently transphobic and cisnormative. First of all our old Vice Presidents didnt live in an open minded time period so they never explicitly expressed how they identified. Since they are now dead and cant speak for themselves we have no way to knowing if they were all males. We only know that they were AMAB. There four it is not proven that Kamala Harris is the first "female" Vice President.. only that she is the first AFAB Vice President. But its 2021 now.. why are we still focusing on and celebrating somebodys genitals when scientists all over the world agree that what we are assigned at birth mean nothing?"

trans rights porygon-z — intoxicatingimmediacy: jabletown: ... - "there is no "trans debate" you're just transphobic"
"“trans debate” is the newest iteration of such classics as “the Jewish question” and “the Negro problem.”"
"people aren’t debatable"
Just like to pro-lifers, murder is not debatable

Meme - "Cis women (breeders) are given womanhood for free on account of bioprivilege. They never had to earn or achieve womanhood. They never had to struggle against the oppression of a cisnormative society. They were literally assigned to womanhood at birth or even before birth. In a cisnormative society, all cis women are complicity in cisnormativity and so are transphobic. It is wrong to think that some cis women aren't TERFs. In a cisnormative society, all cis women are TERFs. Their cis social conditioning which begins at birth and never ends permits nothing else. Some allies might confess to being TERFs, these are very few, and no cis women will admit the truth: A cis "woman" deserves the title "woman" even less than a truscum, who also benefit from bioprivilege in their appropriation of womanhood. I propose only trans women should properly be called women. Cis "women" should not be granted an identity they haven't earned, but should be referred to as their bioprivilege dictates as breeders. This is the only way to dismantle cisnormativity."
"Colin Wright @SwipeWright That might be the most insane thing I've read all week, and I've read some truly next-level insanity this week"
Trans activists really hate women

Meme - "Daniellegrufferty3 Trans women make better stronger and more beautiful women than must of us born that way"
"green_wiccan like your idea, but don't put down women, to bring up others..."
"daniellegrufferty3 replied to green_wiccan: I'm most definitely not doing that"

𝕮ollege 𝕽epublicans 𝖀nited on Twitter - "1st Wave Feminism: We want to be equal to men!
2nd Wave Feminism: We are equal to men!
3rd Wave Feminism: We don't need men!
4th Wave Feminism: We are men!"

Meme - "Don't get used to it, this site is 90% bigotry."
"I can understand how you'd feel that way when you look like both a truck driver and the prostitute he's just murdered, simultaneously."

Meme - "”Sup fuckers” as a gender neutral way to address a group of people"
"Modern problems require modern solutions"

Meme - "There's a cute little RPG out called Heartbeat that some of you may know. The lead dev and a community artist, her girlfriend, were revealed as very transphobic. Their response: #HEARTBEATRPG is now discounted to the rate of attempted suicide among our trans friends. Buy HEARTBEAT + Soundtrack Bundle"

Jinkx Monsoon on Twitter - "Let me make this clear, one more time. Yes, trans people have a higher suicide rate than non-trans people— this is not because they are trans, it’s because they live in a world that still has so much hatred towards them for living their truth."
Or, they realise they will never be the sex they think they are

AITA For Accepting A Mother's Day Gift From My Stepkids? : AmItheAsshole - "My husband and his ex divorced after Husband's ex came out as a trans man. They have two kids together who were 7 & 9 at the time. Husband and I married when they were 10 and 12. We now have two children together as well who are 3 & 4. Stepkids are now 15 & 18. They have had a rough haul with husband's ex and came to live with us soon after we got married. Ex has been clear the kids are not to call him "Mom", so they now call him by his first name. He has also been in a series of relationships that have been....hard for the kids. I have never asked or expected that they call me "Mom" or see me as a maternal figure. However, this past Mother's Day, they asked if they could join us at dinner and had bought me a gift (a very lovely locket that says "Mother" on it). Well, Ex just learned about this and called me very angry. He says I am trying to displace him in his children's lives and that I should return the locket. I find the whole thing confusing as he has made it clear on multiple occasions he doesn't want to be their "mother." I really don't want to do that as I think it would hurt the kids. So, AITA for accepting the "Mother" locket from y step kids."
When narcissism clashes with narcissism

Encourage men to pee sitting down to be more inclusive of Trans men – FEMoid

Sydney Watson on Twitter - "PEOPLE don't get periods. Women do. PEOPLE don't get pregnant. Women do. PEOPLE don't breastfeed. Women do. Being FEMALE is not a "feeling". It isn't frilly dresses, high heels, long hair & make up. I'm sick of seeing my sex erased & trivialized to accommodate everyone else.
I don't care how people identify. Or what they choose to do with their own money, behind closed doors. But stop telling FEMALES that all the things that are unique and special to us can apply to everyone. They CAN'T and they DON'T. It's offensive and demeaning."

A Parent’s Guide To Supporting Transgender Youth | HuffPost
Think Twice Before You Cut Off Your Dog's Balls | HuffPost

Meme - "I just recently started identifing as a boy (I'm girl). My boyfriend says that since I'm a boy now, that makes me gay, and he will only fuck me in the ass. I hate anal but I've been giving in, he doesn't stop even when I I cry. Should I just go back to being a girl or keep letting him use my asshole?"

Meme - *Pride Flag* "The fact that this flag is flying over government buildings ,embassies and cultural institutions suggests you're not oppressed"

Facebook - "If your pride, which is a synonym for “self-love”, comes from being oppressed (either real or perceived), you will have no incentive to end or transcend that oppression. You will need that oppression because you will be unable to feel self-worth without it. This is a pathology. - Chloé Simone Valdary"

Unisex salon refused to manicure gender-fluid singer - "A unisex salon refused to give a manicure to a gender-fluid singer ‘because the beautician is Muslim and cannot touch a man’. Andrea Di Giovanni, 26, said Style Studio in Wimbledon, London, called them an hour before their manicure appointment on May 19. After hearing their voice and asking about their gender, they allegedly said ‘you’re a man’ and then cancelled Andrea’s appointment. The salon claims it refused Andrea before seeing them and without knowing they were gender-fluid – assuming they were a man from their voice... ‘They advertise themselves as a unisex salon. The only-female treatment listed on the website is massages, which is fair enough. ‘It just felt very suspicious. Were they going through their bookings looking for people to call out? ‘If you call yourself a unisex salon, you should have employees who can do treatment on queer folks (instead of men) – trans women are women anyway, so the assumption that I’m a man is already transphobic.’... Maria argued that not serving Andrea was respecting her beautician’s right to freedom of religion. She said: ‘We have had numerous male clients previously enquiring about the beauty services and had no issue with anybody after clarifying the circumstances and reasons for not being able to provide the service in question. ‘Clients always had respect and understanding towards the religious beliefs and rights of our beautician. ‘I am actually quite shocked and outraged that this situation had been taken out of context at such great level and has been turned into an issue of discrimination against transgender and non-binary community, when this fact is irrelevant to the whole situation in question.’"

"BEDROOM?" - public LGBT event with dildo

FEMALE drag queens accused of cultural appropriation by males - "Lacey Lou and Georgie Bee are two of a new vanguard of female drag artists - and have been accused of 'cultural appropriation' by male drag queens who have made their careers by dressing up as women... RuPaul Andre Charles, of the show RuPaul's Drag Race, proclaimed drag was a male only act - and that women would probably be barred from competing on his show... He claimed women drag artists lack 'danger and irony' - in part because men dressing in women's clothes is an overt rejection of masculinity. Both performers say RuPaul's claims are misogynistic, that he has sold out and has failed to pay attention to the drag community.Lacey Lou, Birmingham's first professional female drag artist, says his comments exemplify sexism in the gay community.'There are a lot of male drag queens who think drag is only for men. But, it's really the idea of playing on gender,' she said.'There is a lot of misogyny in the gay community, which I found really surprising when I started working as a drag queen. You would expect a suppressed community to understand what it feels like to be disregarded.' She added a person's gender should not prohibited them from taking part in an art form that mocks gender."
Meanwhile drag queens appropriating femininity is great and if you oppose it you're homophobic

Mx. Coffee on Twitter - "This morning my gynecologist introduced herself by telling me her pronouns and asking me mine and when getting my medical history asked if I had sex with sperm producing partners. This is the future liberals want"
This was not ironic

Meme - "Eli Erlick: if You're Worried About Asking Pronouns Outing Trans Students Here's a Simple Solution:
Name You Want Me to Call You in Class
Pronouns (Ex He/him/his, She/her/hers, They/them/theirs):
May I Use These Pronouns in Front of the Class? YES NO
May I Use These Pronouns When I Contact Home? YES NO
May I Use These Pronouns in Front of Other Teachers? YES NO
Would You Like to Follow Up With Me (in a Private Conversation) About Your Pronouns? YES NO "
If teachers need to remember such bullshit, no wonder they're so stressed

Meme - "Adam: Kinda Fucked Up That Pride (Which Began as a Police Riot Largely Made Up of Trans PoC!!) Has Become Some Fun Summer Event for All the Cishet Girls to Text Me About and Try to Invade While They Preach How Much They Love the Gays but Cant Get Behind "the Whole Trans Thing"
"I Really Want to Go but I Hope a Lesbian Doesnt Hit on Me", "Omg Is That a Boy or a Girl??", "Why Are There Naked People Here??".. Youre a Guest in OUR Space. No Pictures Without Consent. No Transphobia. Educate Yourself or Stay the FUCK Home and Stop Invading LGBTQ+ Spaces"
Allies are treated with contempt, once again. But of course masochistic virtue signallers won't be deterred
Weird how something happening in public has such gatekeeping

Meme - "PRIDE IS NOT A GAY ZOO. I do not have to be on my best behavior for the straights, your children or siblings. I will wear a jockstrap. I will get fucked against a recycling dumpster. If that's too much for you, don't bring your children, siblings and straights. This is my space."
Strange. We're told that you should bring your kids to Pride

Meme - "Common Sense Extremists "Why do you care so much at what adults do in their own bedroom" simps ask in response to me saying I don't support a commmunity that sues businesses over not endorsing their lifestyle, grooms children, has statistically high levels of child/ partner abuse and wants hate laws..."
"Bake the cake, bigot"
"Suck the dick, bigot"

Meme - "Are u bisexual?"
"Nooo, I'm pansexual, I love everyone"
"So u love children?"
"Nooo, that's pedophilia"
"U love dead people?"
"Nooo, that's necrophilia"
"Do u love animals?"
"Nooo, that's zoophilia"
"So you're bisexual"
At the same time, we're told that bisexual doesn't mean there're only 2 genders, since bi refers to liking the same and other genders. Yet there is a "need" for the term pansexual

Meme - "Jules Gill-Paterson: give puberty blockers, for free, to young people-without parental consent. the end."
"as a parent of 2 kids, I've learned to trust and honor their autonomy. I wish more people would believe their own kids. mine know that their puberty is their choice and is not some fate they have to accept. supporting trans kids means supporting and believe ALL young people"
"Is that hormonally safe though? Hormones play a big role in so many functions of the body"
"yes it is, puberty blockers are fully reversable and denying access to them kills trans kids"
"It's done with birth control, and it's hard to argue GnRH analogs are more dangerous."

Meme - "Gregory Y You know I wish puberty blockers were mandated by law for all kids."
"Kara Why?"
"Gregory That way when they turn 18 they still have the body of a kid. No worries about going to jail if I fuck them then"
"Japan Fan oof, fucking creepy dude"
"Gregory What they are no longer underage then? Also gives kids times to make up there mind, the other thing is just an added benefit"
"Japan Fan I can understand giving kids who unsure more time, but what your saying is just weird"
"Kara Let's not be calling people werid here"
"Japan Fan I am just gonna take nap, no wonder the west is so fucked weirdos."
"Social Justice Vendor: japan-fan#1737 was banned"

Meme - "i basically work for a call center. i'm non binary, and things like "maam" "lady" any sort of woman-leaning name really grinds my gears and i get it ALL. THE. TIME. there's no way i can wear a name tag or anything w my pronouns on them because.....we're on the phone. how do tell these people i'm not a maam and i'm not a fucking girl?"
Imagine being unable to function because of this. Given that a criterion for mental illness is impact to normal functioning...

Meme - "The truth
Can I have a cigarette? No, you're 5
Can I have a beer? No, you're 5
Can I drive the car? No, you're 5
Can I take hormones and change my sex? Sure! You know best!
Your account has been suspended from Reddit for 3 days. Click here for more info"


Meme - "So i went to the doctor the other day and apparently i have a low sperm count. This idiot doctor toid me I should give up my vegan diet if I ever hope to have children in the future, and i was like "huh fuck that" and got up and left his office. Kinda sucks that i'll never have kids of my own but at least my GF's sperm is still active so I don't mind raising her kids as if they were mine"

Anita's Hall of Social Justice & Intersectional Feminism - Posts | Facebook - "Serial killer Ted Bundy was convicted of harming a lot of women. Intersectional feminism is no longer using the term “killer”, due to its problematic triggering mechanisms we should use the term “harmer”, and we need to take a closer look at his crimes, and was he in fact non-binary or gender diverse? You see Ted Bundy really wasn’t the typical criminal at all. While Ted certainly had some strikes against him, such as being a straight white male, he never identified as such, and there were also many times when Ted supported women and women’s rights. On one occasion in Vermont, Ted Bundy noticed a woman who’s car had broken down roadside late on a rainy night, and kindly offered her a ride home and he didn’t kill her.  That really doesn’t sound like the actions of a so called serial “killer”, at all does it? Did you also know that Ted Bundy treated his girlfriend with respect and on many occasions even suggested that she should drive?     Ted also bucked the trends of the time and chose to do a lot of the cleaning instead of his girlfriend and always insisted that only he should clean his own car and nobody else should have to ever even open the trunk.  He was never one to "make a woman do it." To me it’s quite clear that Ted was not happy with the patriarchal oppression of women way back in 1971, and even many men today still don't understand that. It is also been said that on his way to the electric chair he was trying to tell the right wing murderers who were going to execute him that women need more respect, and in the past he demanded equal pay for women in the workplace on a number of occasions, even writing letters to the local papers under pseudonyms. Ted was also an early adopter of neo-pronouns, refusing to use gendered terms like "Mrs, Miss, or Mr", on his letters or confessions. The saddest part was the fact he may well have been trans or gender diverse. On a number of occasions large amounts of clothing from various women, up to 35 it’s believed, were found in his home or in storage lockers around town belonging to him.   Some even had blood on them, likely because he was cutting himself, as many gender diverse people hurt themselves as they fall victim to the heteronormative patriarchy. Sadly Ted had likely collected these clothing items over the years somehow and felt the only place he could wear them was with the curtains drawn, in his own personal safe space or storage locker across town.    I think that's one of the saddest parts for me.  The image in my  mind of sad lonely person trying on different types of women's clothing in an old mirror in a garage or storage locker someplace and wishing if only he could wear this in public and not face the trauma of people shouting cruel comments out from passing car windows.    He must have cried, cried a lot and that hurts for me to think about someone who could not be their true gender realized selves. Was Ted Bundy a bad person?  My opinion is perhaps he was but he was only that way because of the cis-heteronormative capitalistic patriarchy, and that's the real problem."

Starbucks to pay for all surgeries for its transgender employees


Meme - "These pictures were taken a few hours apart- same clothes, same setting, but very different genders. This is my person. Our partners changing gender can be confusing- not knowing how best to interact with them at any given time. Have you pinpointed indicators that help you? Or do they communicate their gender to you in some way?"
How you hold your teacup and smile is apparently an indicator of gender. 10 years ago gender fluidity would've been seen as a right wing parody mocking the left. But since the slippery slope has slipped so much...

The good word. - "trans women don’t get to speak on behalf of women  if you have a different opinion you can go fuck yourself"
"Fuck, I’ll say it: as only trans women have genuinely universally female experiences, only trans women get to speak for all women. The rest of us can sit down and shut the fuck up...   It’s pretty simple, not that I’d expect a TERF to understand simple shit.  Cis women have non-universally female experiences, such as menstruation.  Only trans women have purely universal female experiences, such as experiencing misogyny, because only their experiences can be experienced by both trans and cis women.  So, from here on out, cis women don’t get to speak for all women. Only trans women do."
"Fucking yikes.  I guess trans woman can only speak for men too since they have experienced puberty and male socialization and trans men can only speak for men.  The amount of self hate you have and the hate you have for females is just really sad. You are actually brainwashed by men to think they are not only the authority on everything male but on everything female as well. And you are not only being spoon fed it but you are actively harassing females for men and doing their dirty work for them. You are a lackey. As soon as you say one wrong thing you will be labeled a terf as well."
"To the TERF: you ain’t a woman. You got no claim to the name. You ain’t even a “female”. You just an “it” honey, go be a TERF in the TERF playground and miss my blog from now on."
Trans activists claim that "TERFs" are trying to "erase" them. Great projection

Bluey: Kids cartoon criticised for lack of diversity - "Australian children’s show Bluey has been criticised for not having “disabled, queer, poor, gender diverse, dogs of colour and single-parent dog families”.  The animated show for preschool children follows Bluey, an anthropomorphic six-year-old Blue Heeler puppy, and her family as they go about life in Brisbane and learn important life lessons... Guardian Australia’s political reporter Amy Remeikis said the amount of hate being directed towards Wang was the reason “why this country can never have a serious conversation”."

SJW Paradox anti-sjw - Posts | Facebook - "#SJWParadox: My gender studies teacher says stop assuming trans people have mental issues, that's a myth and unfairly stigmatizes them vs. Are you saying that the ones that need specific pronouns are mentally ill? ...are all trans people are traumatized if you don't recognize they are NOT the gender assigned at birth? #microaggressions"

HEATHER FLOWERS DOES NOT EXIST on Twitter - "not nonbinary as in "add a third X gender marker to licenses" but nonbinary as in "remove all genders from licenses, holy shit why would you want a cop to know you're trans""

Meme - "When sex is a social construct but your weight is genetic"

Shitlords United - Posts | Facebook - "A lot of women are afraid of the radical elements of the trans movement, and for good reason. Here’s a few examples of lesbians and women/girls in general being harassed and threatened. ~Svetlana"

Women's Liberation Front - Posts | Facebook - "Stop using “straight” to mean “not queer.” Seriously, fucking stop it. You’re excluding transhets. For the love of god just say allocishets"
Lots of screenshots. So much cisphobia here

Meme - "Ben Shapiro @benshapiro: Happy Birthing Persons' Day to all the egg-producing homo sapiens of unspecified gender who made the decision to bring to term a meaningless cluster of cells!"

Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "Trans people don't owe you kindness or patience"
"If this relationship isn't reciprocal, why do I owe trans people kindness and patience, then?"

Facebook - "Whether or not you understand it; whether or not you can handle using pronouns differently than you were originally taught; whether or not you want to haggle over grammar and using 'they' to refer to a single person... None of that matters as much as keeping children and youth alive. You can keep tripping over your words--you'll survive. And your discomfort and challenge doesn't even approach the discomfort and challenge of being referred to with language that doesn't fit who you are, or having your identity denied. Kids who are misgendered might not survive that experience; the least we can do is stack the deck in their favour by calling them by the names they tell us are correct. It doesn't hurt us, and it just might save them. (Image from The Trevor Project.)"
"Look what you made me do?"

Of course if everyone respected their pronouns, they'd just look for some new bullshit to impose on everyone, and activists would be demanding even more ridiculous things of everyone else, ad infinitum

Meme - "KILL ALL TERFS @KillAllTerfs
KILL ALL TERFS is a queer porn movie that follows lesbian trans femme street gang in their war against a gang of terfs. Produced by @Sluts4slutscol London, UK
The script is almost finished, locations and equipment ready. Now the casting and fundraising starts. Check out *something* call out for performers!"
Of course, the TRAs will claim that this is just self defence and that it is immoral to equate the violence of the "oppressed" with the "violence" of the "oppressor"

I don't want to get checked for Prostate Cancer... : MtF - "I'm 100% going to try to get SRS in a few years, and I know that the prostate is not removed. I'm 19 and I read that MTF still have to get checked for prostate cancer but I get way too dysphoric to be able to do something that is so universally seen as for men. I'd much rather just call it my skene's gland. At this point I'm so dysphoric that I would honestly rather have prostate cancer and not know than have it checked and be seen as not a real woman. I was wondering if anyone felt the same way and just didn't get it checked, because I don't plan on it. Ideally I would find a new doctor once stealth and just say I'm afab and had a hysterectomy."
Of course, trans health problems are due to "transphobia"

Meme - "Alice @squeakyorump Replying to @morgan_rhosyn and @Michaei22715005 Same sex attraction is just a nice way for transphobes to hide. It's not like people base attraction (at least initially) on genitals."

Trends in suicide death risk in transgender people: results from the Amsterdam Cohortof Gender Dysphoria study (1972–2017) - "An important finding was that the incidence for observed suicide deaths was almost equally distributed over the different stages of treatment. Although the distribution showed that one-third of the suicides occurred in people who were no longer in active treatment in our center, the other two-third of the people who died by suicide still visited our center in the previous two years. About half of these last two-third people were still in active diagnostic or medical treatment, while the other halfcompleted their transition and only came for a medical check-up. This indicates that vulnerability for suicide occurs similarly in the different stages of transition"
Since "treatment" up to and including surgery did not reduce suicides, this suggests that the trans agenda of bullying the rest of society into following their dictates is hollow and claims that it is "life saving" are false
Addendum: One TRA claimed that this doesn't show that transition doesn't reduce suicide, since they didn't have data on people pre-treatment. Apparently dose-response relationships don't exist (he even claimed to know what they were). The same TRA claimed that the study showing surgery didn't reduce suicide or improve mental health was irrelevant, since it only addressed surgery and stated it didn't increase suicide (apparently the fact that in the non-trans world a treatment being no better than placebo means it should be rejected is irrelevant). In any event he was wrong, since the study showed that hormonal treatment didn't help mental health
Keywords: treatment doesn't reduce suicide, transition doesn't reduce suicide

Effects of Gender Reassignment on Quality of Life and Mental Health in People with Gender Dysphoria - "SRS causes improvements in the quality of life, family support, interpersonal relationships and reduces the concerns about the gender related discrimination and victimization."
This TRA claimed that bullying of trans people got worse after SRS by conflating pre-op trans and non-trans people, claiming that trans people faced more discrimination after SRS because people found out they were trans
Convenient way to refuse to consider a more plausible explanations for SRS not improving outcomes

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