grant on Twitter - "do u guys think Christ was a boobs man or an ass man
this isnt a disrespectful question btw. if ur catholic u believe Christ was fully human, fully divine. to deny that he had sexual temptations implies that he wasn’t fully human, making you a blasphemer (punishable by excommunication for most of history) now answer: boobs. or ass."
Meme - "Lower your productivity to match your wage. Barely do your job."
And then when they don't get a raise, they'll claim that "capitalism has failed"
The French Have A Word For It - "attachiante, which is a portmanteau of attachant (charming) and chiant (bloody annoying) and means a lady that you can't live with and can't live without: beautiful yet unbearable, intoxicating but intolerable."
Académie Française challenged to update language with fresh bons mots - "aigriculteur suggesting a farmer unhappy with his lot in life – as many are – by mixing the French word for farmer with aigri (embittered) and with just a hint of aïe! (French for ouch!). A particular favourite that made this year's shortlist was bête seller, describing a particularly awful literary work that becomes an instant hit, and the timely eurogner – euro plus rogner (to cut down) – to suggest making savings in the euro zone. Someone had also come up with the verb textoter (to write SMS messages on a mobile telephone), presumably something last year's winner, a phonard – a pejorative term for someone who is glued to their mobile phone – does all the time. Previous festivals have thrown up gems including ordinosore (ordinateur plus dinosaur, an out-of-date computer), bonjoir (bonjour plus bonsoir, a greeting to be said around midday), and photophoner (to take a photo with a mobile phone). Éric Donfu, a sociologist and expert in changes in contemporary society, who is the festival's founder and organiser, said the idea of the event is to breathe life into the French language. "This festival defends the idea, as expounded by Victor Hugo, that language is a living thing and dies if we don't invent words," he said."
Eldritchdraaks - "Violet Beauregarde should‘ve won Wonka’s chocolate factory...
1. She’s the most knowledgeable about candy. She’s committed to it, and knows her stuff. When Wonka holds up a little yellow piece across the room, she recognizes it immediately. She was able to switch to candy bars for the sake of the contest, so we know she has personal discipline and is goal oriented. Also, two major projects play directly into her strong suits: the 3-course-meal gum that Wonka failed to make safe (gum) and the neverending gobstopper (longevity).
2. She’s the most fit to run a business. Violet is competitive, determined, hard working, and willing to take risks...
3. She’s the most sympathetic to the Oompa Loompas... Violet is ready to put herself on the front line, instead of treating the Oompa Loompas as disposable, and would therefore be a better boss.
4. Her personality ‘flaw’ is the most fitting for the company. In the moralizing Oompa Loompa song, they just say ‘gum is pretty cool, but it’s not socially acceptable to chew it all day‘. The thing is, we already know that she can stop if she wants, because she already did that to win the golden ticket. And yeah, she is defensive about the perceived impoliteness of her hobby (like when her mother tries to shame her about her habit during a televised interview) but the obsession with candy and neglect of social norms is EXACTLY what Wonka is all about. This is on brand.
5. Her misstep in the factory is reasonable. Wonka shows everyone a candy he’s very proud of. Violet is like “oh sick, that’s gum, my special interest.” Wonka then pulls a “WRONG! It’s amazing gum!” In the very moments before she takes the gum Wonka has mislead her just to belittle her. So when he’s like “I wouldn’t do that” why should she give a shit what he has to say?... Violet is not selfish about her experience, she tells everyone what she’s tasting and feeling, and everyone is eager to hear it. Taking a personal risk to share knowledge with everyone. Violet is Prometheus: fact.
So Augustus contaminates the chocolate river. Charlie sneaks around and contaminates the vent walls. Veruca destroys and disrupts the workspace. Mike knows exactly what will happen to him and transports/shrinks himself deliberately. Violet had no idea what the gum could potentially do to her, and caused no harm to anyone or anything but herself.
Lastly: Can you imagine Charlie filling Wonka’s shoes? That passive, naive boy? Violet is already basically Wonka. She’s passionate, sarcastic, candy-obsessed, free thinking, and a total firecracker. She’s even better than Wonka, because she doesn’t endanger others."
Facebook - *iRobot shop* *Woman mopping floor*
claire. 🌷 on Twitter - "A guy wrote to me on Tinder calling me quite the catch cos I like nachos and It’s Aways Sunny, so I wrote back saying well if you’re impressed by that you should see my tits and HE UNMATCHED ME. I literally have no idea what men want"
Pretty sure she's upset at men who are similarly crude to her
Also he probably thought she was a bot or hooker
Liking A Photoshopped Image Of The King Of Thailand Has Landed This Man In Prison For 30 Years! - "Thanakorn Siripaiboon, who is just 27-years-old and works as a mechanic, will now spend a major part of his life behind bars"
Michelangelo's Prisoners or Slaves at the Accademia - "It is now claimed that the artist deliberately left them incomplete to represent this eternal struggle of human beings to free themselves from their material trappings."
Think prison labor is a form of slavery? Think again - Los Angeles Times - "When a prison inmate prays for release from her cell, prison industries can be her first salvation. I couldn’t wait to head to work in the kitchen of the maximum-security women’s prison in Connecticut where I did six years for identity theft and related crimes. I was paid 75 cents to $1.75 a day to make and serve a lot of casserole. Yet I consider most of the criticism lobbed at prison labor — that it’s a form of slavery, a capitalist horror show — unfair, and even counterproductive in the effort to reform the justice system... Some inmate firefighters have gone on the record saying they feel the same way I do about prison jobs. It’s people on the outside who rail against prison work assignments, particularly hiring prisoners to fight fires... less than half of America’s prison population works... It doesn’t seem likely that captive labor is the reason our prisons are overcrowded... When a prisoner is cooking, mopping floors or folding clothes, she knows somewhere, an unincarcerated person is doing the same thing. When a prisoner is working, she is the closest to free she can be, until she gets out. My prison job made me feel like I was fulfilling my existential duty to society: I was contributing. It doesn’t surprise me that prison work assignments are credited with reducing recidivism. Any change for good that happened within me while I was incarcerated grew out of my job. If I feel that way about my time making chicken a la king, an inmate who’s saving lives fighting fires must feel it 10 times over. Some call prison labor the new Jim Crow because of the outsized number of black and brown inmates in U.S. prisons. It’s a facile charge, and worse, it may be keeping progressive companies away from prison projects. Socially conscious businesses and agencies are likely to pay inmates higher wages, train them for better jobs and do more to prepare them for life after prison — if those companies aren’t scared away by vociferous critics of prison labor... If safety and worker empowerment were the focus of prison labor reform, rather than dismantling the system, the movement would get my support... Work is more than a wage, it’s an expression of humanity, and that is especially true in prison. To even consider ridding our prisons of inmate work assignments is dehumanizing"
Probably the liberal mindset is that prisoners are "coerced" into doing labour to earn money. Or that many prisoners do labour therefore it means all prisoners are forced to do so
Thread by @MarinaMedvin on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I just spoke to a liberal friend who votes for Democrats. She's complaining about our schools and cities. I told her she has no right to complain because her politics directly caused everything that she hates. She knows this, says I'm right, she has no other response. I asked her why she continues voting for Democrats if she's smart enough to know they're causing all the troubles that she abhors. She says she doesn't have an answer, that she needs to do some soul searching. I asked if she will continue voting for Dems. She doesn't know. This is the stereotypical average Democrat voter problem. They know their politics cause shit cities. They know their politics cause shit schools. They know what they're doing when they vote Democrat. BUT THEY CONTINUE TO DO IT regardless. It's mind-boggling. My friend is a smart, Harvard-educated professional. When I ask her why she continues voting for Democrats knowing the leftist policies will result in all the things she hates, she says she doesn't know. She doesn't know why she votes for Democrats. But she knows she hates Trump. Imagine hating a person you don't know *so badly* that you're willing to sacrifice your kids' education and lifestyle on that hate... But it's not just this election and it's not just Trump. I asked my friend if she voted for leftists in local elections. She said yes. Always did and always does. So it's not really about Trump. Trump is an idea crutch to justify a thoughtless vote for a socialist. I asked my friend if she will continue voting for Democrats if she moves, because she will do the same thoughtless evil to any new city she moves to by voting for the same idiotic policies that made her want to move in the first place. She said she hasn't thought about it!!! Herein lies the problem of the transplant Democrat voters- They leave their town due to the results of leftist policies. Every single thing they hate about their cities is a result of the liberal politics they voted for. But they don't think about it! So they move and repeat!... To clarify- my friend realized & agreed that Democrat policies caused the downfall of her city & schools *only after I pointed it out to her* but she did not, on her own or unprompted, make those connections. That's the interesting issue here. Dems need help connecting the dots."
Florida woman tries to kiss multiple strangers, then calls 911 to complain the bar isn't social distancing - "according to cops in Melbourne, Fla., Audra Adams, who placed multiple complaints to 911, was trying to kiss customers who were social distancing from her personally."
Alligators in Florida can now climb fences. Yes, you read that right.
Silicon Valley Engineers Are Starting to Doubt the Wisdom of Working at Startups - " Large companies have long been able to offer better pay than startups, but the big tech companies’ dominance widens that gap, for a few reasons. First, they can afford to pay increasingly exorbitant salaries. Google’s median salary is $161,254, more than even most mid-level engineers make at venture-backed startups. Second, their market dominance means their stock options can still be quite lucrative, negating the power of startups to lure employees with equity. And third, the tech giants already own many of the most valuable businesses in tech and are able to ward off competition, whether by outspending them or acquiring them. That makes it harder for startups to grow independently and eventually to go public. As one Hacker News user put it, “the days of a scrappy upstart coming along to ‘unseat the leaders’ doesn’t seem anywhere near realistic.” And if the plan is to sell the startup to Google in a few years anyway, why not save yourself the trouble and just work there from the start?"
Mother arrested for impersonating her teen daughter to attend school before getting caught - "Casey Garcia, 30, filmed videos of herself getting dressed as a 7th grader and walking into the building of a San Elizario Independent School District campus, claiming she did it to test the security of the school... She claims she continued her undercover experiment for the whole day, attending classes before being busted in the seventh period"
TikToker Goes Viral For Revealing Hack To Get Free Pizza Slices - "An employee at a pizza shop went viral on TikTok after revealing how they can steal a slice of a customer’s pizza without them realizing."
The most dangerous man in the world - "Singer is not entirely immune from the effects of emotion in moral decision-making. His mother, Cora, is now in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's. She has lost the attributes of her personhood. Singer pays for her expensive private nursing care in a manner that obviously conflicts with his dictums on equal consideration of interests. The same amount of money could feed a few hundred starving Sudanese - all "persons". This should normally be a private matter. But Singer's practising-what-you-preach stance has made his mother's degenerative illness a legitimate topic for philosophical discussion. How can he justify wasting all that money caring for a non-person who just happens to be his mother? Of course, Singer is doing the right thing. We would hardly think he was a better person if he abandoned his mother. But philosophical critics, such as Oxford University professor of philosophy, Bernard Williams, say Singer's personal choice exposes the brittle limits of his philosophy. It's easy to say that some poor stranger in Sudan has the same moral status as your closest relative, but in reality they do not. "Most human beings do recognise that, if it's one's own infant or one's own mother, it does make a difference, and that most other people would also recognise that it would make a difference. Personal relationships are a dimension of personal morality," says Bernard Williams. I asked Singer about his mother; it was the only time I detected a flash of annoyance, of raised emotion"
Malaysian police probing case of helicopter flying to Ipoh to collect nasi kandar, say travel permit was for maintenance - " The issue surfaced following a viral clip that shows the helicopter landing at Padang Ipoh, believed to collect 36 packets of the rice dish, also known as nasi ganja (cannabis), from a popular eatery in Ipoh for a customer in Kuala Lumpur. The famous rice dish was nicknamed such for its addictive taste. The mixed rice dish, which usually included chicken, meat, fish or other seafood and salted eggs, is mostly served by Indian Muslim restaurants in the northern states of Peninsular Malaysia."
Orangutan prefers blondes - "Sibu the Orangutan has miffed his Dutch keepers by refusing to mate with females and showing sexual interest only in tattooed human blondes. Apenheul Primate Park hoped Sibu would become its breeding male when he arrived two years ago, but orangutans aren’t his type."