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Friday, February 04, 2022

Links - 4th February 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

Meme - "I don't want this evil white male capitalism. All I want is a democracy with low corruption and a good social safety net like... [starts listing northern European monarchies]"

Cornell professor’s threat to fail maskless ‘hook-nosed’ student causes backlash - "Bruce Monger, a Cornell University professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, apparently sent out a mass email in an attempt to ID two students in a recent Introductory Oceanography class who weren’t wearing their masks — so he can fail them...   The professor, a 20-year veteran of Cornell and a senior lecturer in oceanography, continued with vivid physical descriptions of the students...   The school addressed the offensive physical descriptions in Monger’s email plea, noting that he “described the students’ physical characteristics in ways that do not reflect Cornell values"
Trap card! Apparently "racism" is worse than covid hysteria

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "-be Cosplayer
-hand-sewn and made her Cardcaptor Sakura from scratch
-judges verified that her costume was handmade and was of a high quality
-Cosplayer wins cosplay contest
Then comes the Western Twitter
-express clear anger over her winning....because the colour of her skin
-more Western special people go with the death threats DMs and the harassment again
-and even many more of them gaslight the cosplayer by lying that she did not make the costume from scratch to justify their anger, and saying the cosplayer was a fraud (which the judges confirmed that she in fact did make it)
This shitshow was so bad that even the judge made a Tweet defending the cosplayer (link in comment). And official organisers even came out and defended her and saying despite their preference, objective quality cannot play second-fiddle over politics.
Oh gee, Western Twitter being so against racism, again shows they are the their enemies
So once again, "admin why do you always speak so harshly about Western Twitter, and assume its the West?!" - here's another answer to why. I'm certain more is to come.
I just hope you know, they are really doing a shit job at giving me reasons to stop."

Bo Winegard on Twitter - "Those who make liberalism and color-blind individualism impossible will make white racial identity inevitable."

Police Orders Dad to Delete Video of Son Being Beaten at School for Being an Alleged Racist - "Police told a father to delete an online video of his son being attacked in the hallway of Scott High School in Taylor Mill City, Kentucky. The man's son was allegedly attacked by a fellow student who believed him to be a racist... The video, recorded at a distance by a third person, shows the attacker running up to another male student from behind, punching him in the back of the head and throwing him to the ground. The attacker then swears at the other student before punching him in the face and straddling his chest to rain more blows upon him."
When "racism" is a moral panic, "witches" will be burnt

Stop picking on Christians - "Many Brits would comfortably describe the United Kingdom as a ‘Christian country’. It has an established church, a constitutional monarch who acts as head of the church, and a wider culture that is broadly rooted in Judaeo-Christian values. Our parliament, our courts, our schools, our hospitals and many other key pillars of society were shaped by Christian people over the centuries. However, a glance at the media and politics tells a different story – a story of a secular establishment determinedly opposing Christianity. To be a Christian, and especially an evangelical Christian, in public life today is to paint a target on your back. It doesn’t matter that you are part of the predominant religious group in UK society. It doesn’t matter that your views on issues like gay marriage and abortion are entirely mainstream and shared by people in other religions. You can expect a hostile reception from those in power. Three episodes in the past month demonstrate the level of anti-Christian sentiment in the public arena today.  The first involves Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross, MP for Moray. Ross is not a Christian, but last week he was lampooned by the Scottish media for comments he made seven years ago in defence of Christians and others who opposed the redefinition of marriage... Ross has since changed his position on same-sex marriage. However, this did not stop the left-leaning Daily Record from publishing the smear, and inviting political opponents to pile on the Moray MP...   The Record, Labour and the Lib Dems seemed perfectly comfortable writing off cherished beliefs about marriage held by hundreds of thousands of Christians in the UK. Ian Murray even went as far as saying that Ross was ‘out of touch’ with all Scots – as if every man, woman and child in Scotland rejects traditional marriage. What message does this send to society more widely about the acceptability of Christian views? That they have no place in politics? That is hardly a democratic stance. The second episode involves an evangelical group and a Scottish Free Kirk congregation. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and Stirling Free Church (SFC) are currently suing the Robertson Trust, Scotland’s biggest independent grant-making trust for breach of contract and religious bias. The Robertson Trust owns premises called The Barracks Conference Centre in Stirling. It agreed to allow SFC to use these premises for its regular Sunday services and accepted a booking from BGEA for a one-off meeting. But both contracts were unexpectedly axed.  It soon emerged why. According to the Christian Institute, which is backing the case, Robertson Trust chair Shonaig Macpherson became ‘incandescent’ on learning that SFC was paying to use the Barracks during a visit to the premises in November 2019. Exchanges with other trustees show she was hostile to the church’s belief that marriage is between a man and a woman...   Robertson Trust is named after the Robertson sisters, who inherited the Edrington whisky company fortune. While they were alive, the sisters donated vast sums of money to various groups, including the overtly Christian Boys Brigade and the YMCA. Historically, the trust recognised the valuable contribution of Christian groups to society. This ethic appears to have been dispensed with by a new, aggressively secular leadership.  The UK courts have previously ruled that the religious beliefs about marriage are protected under equality and human-rights law. So the importance of this legal challenge is significant. A ruling against the Christian groups could give providers who dislike Christians a free pass to discriminate against them in official policies – something that would be highly problematic in the current climate. The third instance is perhaps the most galling. Last month, an elderly Christian street preacher, John Sherwood, was dragged from his podium in Uxbridge by the police and arrested after quoting from the Bible. Apparently, three complaints had been received about Sherwood’s preaching. In a video of the incident, an officer can be heard accusing Sherwood of a ‘hate crime’. The video also shows members of the public protesting his arrest. Sherwood’s demeanour throughout is calm and peaceful. Yet he was detained overnight for provoking ‘alarm and distress’. In a nation famous for non-establishment, 18th-century preachers like Charles Wesley and George Whitefield – men who drew crowds big enough to fill modern football stadiums – Sherwood’s treatment seems dystopian. It is hard to imagine a Muslim imam or a Jewish rabbi being met with the same illiberal treatment, merely for quoting from the Koran or the Torah. What is it about Christian preachers that so offends the sensibilities of police officers? In the current political climate, the values of ‘equality’ and ‘tolerance’ are lauded by those in positions of power. Yet Christian believers seem to be less equal than other groups. It’s time for anti-Christian intolerance to be called out like other forms of bigotry are."

✨loraina✨ on Twitter - "Sweden’s women’s soccer team is full of nothing but blonde hair blue eyed white girls and I’m PISSED we let them beat us like that."
Apparently there's something wrong with being a blonde haired blue eyed white girl

Hunit Days of Summer on Twitter - "Racism has been redefined as white people treating black people as equals If you’re white & you hold black people accountable for their actions, you will be labeled a racist Real racism, is treating us as if we are LESS than white people. Treating us as victims is racist 🤷🏾‍♂️"

Most don't think racism occurs frequently here - "Most of the population in Singapore feel that racism does not occur often in their living vicinity, but this proportion has dropped over the years.  And while there is general support for and acceptance of multicultural living, Singapore residents remain split when it comes to trusting people of differing religions and nationalities.  When asked how frequently they saw racist incidents in their neighbourhoods, 5.7 per cent of respondents in the nationally representative sample of more than 2,000 individuals replied either "very" or "quite" frequently, 28.7 per cent said "not" frequently and 65.7 per cent indicated "not at all" frequently. The study by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) think-tank noted that respondents reported greater frequencies of racist behaviour compared with the last time the wider survey was held, in 2012. At the time, 79.2 per cent said such incidents do not happen at all frequently.  Dr Mathew Mathews, head of IPS' social lab, said that race was less salient as a topic back in 2012, while in recent years, people have become more conscious about the fact that racism is present.   The study found that younger and more educated respondents were more likely to recognise and indicate frequent incidents of racism in their neighbourhoods... it was also important to compare Singapore with other multicultural societies. Of these, only Indonesia had a lower proportion (3.8 per cent) of respondents perceiving racism as occurring frequently. The figures were 28.4 per cent in Malaysia, 23.5 per cent in the United States and 17.8 per cent in Australia... In Singapore, trust levels towards people of differing religions and nationalities have dipped since the last survey in 2012 - from 58.9 per cent to 50.2 per cent when it came to religion, and from 50.8 per cent to 43 per cent in relation to nationality."
This suggests that grievance mongering destroys a society by breaking down trust by making people hyper aware of alleged infractions

Police investigating 'false & baseless' posts about racial bias in Orchard Towers murder sentencing: AGC - "The AGC said that it was aware of social media posts alleging preferential treatment of the accused persons involved in the Orchard Towers murder on July 2, 2019. The deceased was 31-year-old Satheesh Noel s/o Gobidass.  Out of the seven who were initially charged with murder, six have had their charges reduced after thorough investigations found that they were not involved in causing the death of the deceased, said the AGC. Only one of the accused, Tan Sen Yang, is still being charged with murder.      "At no point did the Police and AGC take the race of the deceased and the seven individuals into consideration in its decision.""
Liberals will say that this is proof of racism and that it's good that more Singaporeans are recognising it

Dallas Justice Now advises rich whites to make space for minorities at Ivy League schools by redirecting their applications - "A racial equity advocacy group is circulating a petition that asks wealthy white people to refrain from allowing their high school student teens to apply to Ivy League universities and other top 50 colleges in order to make room for students of color.  “Our pledge was brought about by the need to give kids in our community educational opportunities that we have been denied for centuries,” said Michele Washington, founder of Dallas Justice Now (DJN)  Pledge letters are currently being sent out in the 95% white Highland Park and University Park neighborhoods of Dallas... “Many wealthy white folks including those who live in the 95% white Park Cities think they are allies because they put up a Black Lives Matter sign or parade black people like animals at their charity galas that somehow they aren’t part of the problem,” Washington told Dallas City Wire. “They are the problem. If whites want to be our allies, they MUST make sacrifices.”...   “In the Civil Rights movement, our white allies risked their lives to end the cruel Jim Crow laws,” Washington said in an interview. “Yet now many people think they can get by just posting on social media—-it’s hurtful to those of us who have dedicated our lives to social justice when they think that is enough to remedy hundreds of years of oppression.”... Washington said that feedback from DJN’s white allies has been supportive for the most part."

Is this request for white parents to abandon Ivy League schools real or just clever satire? - "A group calling itself Dallas Justice Now sent a letter asking parents in one white neighborhood near Dallas to stop sending their kids to Ivy League schools. The letter, which claims it was sent to white Democrats who support BLM reads in part, “We are asking you to pledge that your children will not apply or attend any Ivy League School or US News & World Report Top 50 School.” I guess the idea is that by having fewer white parents send their kids to these schools they will make more room for minority parents, though it never quite says that. If the letter is real, it’s not very well thought out... the letter directs people to the group’s website where they have a choice to either sign the pledge “I agree” or refuse by choosing “I am a racist hypocrite.” That’s very much in keeping with Robin DiAngelo’s views on social justice (agree or you’re a racist in denial). The site also claims the names of those who refuse to sign will be released publicly...   The group definitely has a web presence. Their current URL is dallasjustice.org but they were actually founded last October with a slightly different URL dallasjusticenow.org. Here’s the original site on the Wayback Machine. Since then, they have posted to a blog pretty frequently, sometimes a couple times per day. All of that material has also appeared on their Facebook page. Some of the material may be original but a lot of it is borrowed from Daily Kos or other news sites. All of that to say, this could be a troll but if so it’s one that someone has been working on for about 9 months.  The letter above included a contact email address for someone named Jamila. Just an hour ago (as I write this), there was a video posted on both Facebook and Twitter by someone who identified themselves as Jamila (no last name). “We are a non-profit advocacy group in Dallas and we are fighting for change…I’m a parent myself and I would love to be able to send my children to college. I feel that not only sending my children to college would not just be a good thing for them, a good thing for us. But also in the future to come, their kids will say ‘Hey, mom, dad went to college, I’m going to do that too.'” Here’s what it looked like before it disappeared"

End of Trend Watcher on Twitter - "If racism requires institutional power as leftists claim, no one on the right can be racist."

Lillian🤱🏻The Postmodern Mom on Twitter - "it’s normal to prefer your own race in dating. It is not normal to avoid your own race. One of the biggest and most understated red flags out there"
"I clearly had a red flag, then! I found most Asian males as beta, and was not at all attracted to them. I’m so blessed to have married my masculine Nicaraguan American husband!"
Lillian🤱🏻The Postmodern Mom on Twitter - "My husband does not want me to have male friends. And I would rather not be friends with a man for fear that they find me attractive."

YouTuber That Star Wars Girl and Cosplayer Wanderlust Luca Accused Of Racism Over Starfire Cosplay - "Twitter user @Kryptony would also accuse That Star Wars Girl of being a racist writing, “Do it better because she’s not black? Star fire is orange, not white. Racist.”"
Apparently she is racist because Starfire is black, she is white and people liked her cosplay better than the portrayal of the Starfire in DC Universe’s Titans show. So doing better than a black person is racism

Sketchy Laws To Silence Us - "Waving the Australian flag could soon land you in jail in Victoria because members of the Liberal, National and Labor parties appear to believe Victorians are racist.  This is just one of the many devastating consequences to Australian freedoms if an unprecedented proposal to overhaul Victoria’s anti-vilification laws are adopted.   The recently released Inquiry into Anti-vilification Protections from the Legislative Assembly Legal and Social Issues Committee includes 36 recommendations, some of which would constitute the most significant restrictions on freedom of speech ever considered. Not just in Victoria. Or Australia. But in the Western world.    Just like section 18C at the federal level, the proposed anti-vilification laws are vaguely worded and contain no objective standard for unlawful speech.  It is currently unlawful in Victoria to ‘incite’ hatred on the basis of a person’s race or religion.  But now it is proposed that any speech a person merely considers ‘hateful’ be outlawed. And not just on the basis of their race or religion, but also in relation to their gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, sex characteristics, intersex status, disability, and HIV/AIDS status. The criminal offence of serious vilification would remain an incitement-based offence, but would be watered down so that the offender does not need to be aware of or intend to commit a crime...   Not only would the recommendations of the inquiry not end hate speech, they are likely to sanction more of it. This is because the only attribute that would not be protected from hate speech is one’s political beliefs.  In practice, this means it would be legal to say that Australia is “racist to its very foundations,” as Greens senator Lidia Thorpe said in parliament in February.  But to disagree with Senator Thorpe and say that it is not, and “Australia day should be celebrated on 26 January” could be illegal because someone, such as Thorpe, could consider such a statement to be ‘hate speech’.  In other words, members of the committee would license hate against mainstream Victorians who love their country.   Ominously, the proposal also would allow the government to empower “trusted community organisations” to collect and handle vilification complaints. This means groups like Extinction Rebellion or GetUp! could be funded by the government and appointed to surveil and harass anyone they take issue with.   Regardless of whether a complaint results in a conviction, the threat of even a meritless complaint will silence many. Society will suffer culturally and intellectually as many will fear their views could be considered illegal.  Craven politicians are even weaponising serious mental health issues to avoid scrutiny, debate, and to characterise anyone who disagrees as immoral and heartless.   The committee claims, for example, that those who experience racist comments are likely to incur negative mental health outcomes.  This may well be true. But if the concern is for mental health, then surely vilifying someone because of their political beliefs or opinions should be as concerning.  It has been suggested that the open season on those who opposed the COVID-19 lockdowns, such as Ballarat woman Zoe Buehler, and vilification of conservatives is far more prevalent in Victoria than any other form of vilification.  Black Lives Matter protestors, who are inflaming racial division in our society, will not be targets of these laws. It is popular figures and commentators such as Margaret Court, Andrew Bolt and Sam Newman who activists will try to shut down."

danielle tcholakian on Twitter - "tfw u r mean but trying hard to remove ableist language from your vocabulary so u look up a name you want to call someone to make sure it's mean but not discriminatory"
"I want to hurt them but not in a systemic way"

14 suspects arrested and released for "smash-and-go" robberies in LA - "LAPD Chief Michel Moore told reporters that the reason these criminals were allowed to be released was because of California’s “zero bail” policy... the California Supreme Court ruled that judges in the state must consider a suspect’s “ability” to pay when setting bail amounts, which ultimately allows indigent defendants to walk away free pending further legal action...   McBride, director of the L.A. Police Protective League, said there are no ramifications for the rash of thefts happening in California...   Both Los Angeles and San Francisco have seen mass looting events in the past several weeks. The phenomenon reportedly began the weekend before Thanksgiving with a large heist of high-end stores in San Francisco’s Union Square."

Teens charged with attempted murder freed without bail: sources - "Two teens who were hit with attempted murder charges for allegedly shooting a man last week were cut loose without bail at their arraignments in Queens Criminal Court, sources said."

Report: 150+ Killed by Suspects on Bond in Harris County, TX - "A report by Houston’s FOX26 claims over 150 people have been killed by suspects whom Democrat judges have released on bond in Harris County, Texas.  Moreover, FOX26 points out that a number of the suspects doing the killing were charged with “capital murder,” described as “the most egregious offense in the criminal code.”...   KHOU-11 found the same trend when they looked at “407 capital murder charges filed in Harris County between September 2016 and September 2021.” They discovered that “records show 113 or 28 percent” of those suspects were released on bond."

NYC’s worst 2021 cases stem from shaky bail reform law - "The soft-on-crime statute, passed by state lawmakers in 2019 and tweaked in 2020, stripped judges of discretion by barring them from setting bail on nearly all misdemeanors and non-violent felonies. Other jurists simply went rogue by springing defendants in serious cases... Incoming Mayor Eric Adams has expressed concern over the impact of state bail reform measures, but as a local official, there’s likely little he can do about it. State lawmakers did not respond to inquiries from The Post about the issue over the past week, and Gov. Kathy Hochul has largely declined to discuss the issue in any detail. Meanwhile, state court officials have repeatedly defended judges’ discretion when making bail decisions — when the law allows them to do so at all."

Mother-of-six, 42, helps gay brother become dad by acting as his surrogate - "Anthony Deegan, 38, and his fiancé Ray Williams, 30, were elated when Tracey Hulse, 42, put an end to their year-long search for a surrogate."
So much for the "myth" of the slippery slope

In name game, Loser wins and brother Winner loses - "One son was named Loser, the other Winner.  One became a cop and eventually was promoted to detective--shield number 2762.  The other fell into the life of a small-time crook, racking up at least 31 arrests before being sent away for a two-year stretch in state prison--inmate number 00R2807. But for the brothers Lane, it wasn't a case of their unique names sealing their fates.  "I went a totally separate route right from the start," said Loser Lane, 41, a detective working in the 40th Precinct in the South Bronx of New York City.  Loser, a star student and athlete, went on scholarship to an elite prep school--Pomfret in Connecticut--and to Lafayette College in Pennsylvania. Then he joined the police force because "my mom really wanted me to do this."  Winner Lane's life has gone the other way. Now 44, Winner got out of jail in June after spending two years in Southport prison outside Elmira, N.Y., for breaking into a car. He sometimes lives in Camp LaGuardia, a homeless shelter in upstate New York, shuttling back and forth between the camp and the city, trying to get his life on track... The story of how Loser got his name is simple. On the day he was born, their father, Robert, asked his daughter Dinelda what to name the new baby.  "My dad comes home and asks my oldest sister what to name me, and she said, Well, we've got a Winner, why don't we have a Loser?' And there you go. That was it."  Winner Lane said he's not sure how he got his name. Because their father was a "baseball fanatic" and semi-pro player, Winner said he thinks his name "had to have something to do with baseball, but I'm not sure what.""

The Woke ‘Model Minority’ Myth - WSJ - "The North Thurston Public Schools in Lacey, Wash., made headlines in November when their “equity report” classified Asian-Americans along with whites instead of as “students of color.” Apparently the Asian-Americans were doing too well academically to be students of color. After what the district said was “an overwhelming public response,” it admitted its “category choices” had “racist implications” and dropped the equity report from its website. To normal Americans, it makes no sense. How are Asian-Americans not “people of color”? But give the North Thurston folks credit for following progressive logic to its conclusion. Modern progressive theory more or less divides the nation between the oppressors, defined as whites, and the oppressed, defined as everyone else. In this framework, achieving success puts you on the side of the oppressors and thus makes you white or “white-adjacent”—even if your family came from China or India... The principal reason for this is the fact of Asian-American achievement. This is an embarrassment to progressives because it undermines the claim that structural racism dooms nonwhite citizens to the margins of the American dream. So Asian-American achievement must either be dismissed as somehow white or sacrificed at the altar of equity... If you can’t fix the schools that are broken, you cut down to size the schools that are working... the progressive war on merit is by no means confined to New York. San Francisco’s renowned Lowell High School abolished its own merit-based admissions this month, again in large part because a student body selected by merit will have too many Asian-Americans and too few students from other minority groups... The progressive contention is that admitting students on individual merit is really about upholding white dominance. What about Asian-American success, then? In this narrative, that’s using the model-minority myth as a “wedge” against African-Americans, to send them the false message that with strong families and hard work America’s racism can be overcome. In reality, by applying different entrance standards for different racial groups, the equity movement is stoking racial resentment and pitting one group against another. Note that the same people who decry the model-minority stereotype have little to say about the stereotype Harvard’s admissions office has created with subjective personality assessments whose results consistently rate Asian-Americans as lacking in traits such as courage, leadership and likability. This lowers their overall admissions scores and makes them easier to reject."

Asian women’s success disproves of ‘white male supremacy’ - " For the first three quarters of 2021, Asian women’s median weekly earnings surpassed those of white men, a trend that only began last year. In the most recent quarter (July to September), Asian women earned close to 10 percent more than white men. The highest-earning Asian female groups are Taiwanese, Indian and Chinese. Asian women are hardly outliers. According to the latest 2019 census data, women of various Middle Eastern backgrounds out-earned their white counterparts: full-time working Iranian, Turkish and Palestinian women’s earnings were higher than those of white women. Moreover, a 2017 University of Michigan study found African-born black women had both higher earnings and income growth compared to white women in the US... Whenever an ethnic group under-performs — in education, employment, economics — the left blames external causes, arguing that society has discriminated against this minority and stunted their full potential. So how does the left explain the growing success of Asian women? They don’t even try, because there are internal, cultural attributes and behavioral patterns behind their extraordinary rise. Here’s the uncomfortable truth. Several studies show Asian communities emphasize personal responsibility and self-made success more than other groups. For example, a Pew Research Center survey found that Asian Americans were significantly more likely to believe “most people who want to get ahead can make it if they are willing to work harder” than the general public. When it comes to Asian women specifically, it is no wonder why they are achieving such success in the labor market. Compared to other female groups on average, they have fewer kids, and have kids at a later age in life. They are least likely to have kids out of wedlock and, due to multi-generation Asian family dynamics, they have more support in raising their kids from their parents and extended family. All these cultural traits translate to less family constraints and more time devoted to advancing one’s career."

'White people' slammed for opening ancient Egyptian mummy tomb - "the angry online masses seemed clueless that the archaeological team behind the discovery was actually of Egyptian heritage"
Far better to let the brown tomb robbers have at it

Egyptian immigrant fights for black classification - "An Egyptian immigrant is suing the U.S. government because they've told him he's white when his entire life he's been black.  Mostafa Hefny was born in Egypt and has always been proud of his Egyptian culture and his African ancestry. But when Hefny immigrated to America, the U.S. government told him he was no longer a black man...   In addition to the emotional hurt, Hefny says that when the government changed his race, they also changed his social status.  "Definitely, I would've had more opportunity for advancement and even for hiring had I been considered black," he says. "I was prevented from applying and requesting positions and other benefits for minority person because I knew I was legally white.""
Weird how he doesn't know about White Privilege

‘That’s right straights, back of the bus!’: German car park ridiculed for installing rainbow-painted spaces for LGBT and migrants - "“Child and old age poverty, single mothers at their financial limit, pensioners who have to live on bottle deposits and leftovers from garbage cans,” one commenter tweeted, spelling out some of Germany’s social problems. “But for City Councilor Thomas Morlock in Hanau there is nothing more important than setting an example for tolerance.”  Others wondered why these groups were singled out for special treatment, while some simply tweeted expletives and clown emojis at the idea of “diversity spaces.”  Amid a storm of criticism, CSD Hanau, an LGBT advocacy group, suggested that locals may have been shocked by “too much tolerance.” However, the group said that the message behind the spaces had been “misunderstood,” and that anyone – gay, straight, German or foreign – could choose to park there “to take a stand against hate and exclusion.”  "The sometimes homophobic and xenophobic reactions make it clear that the action was right and necessary," Morlock added to the German Press Agency... Some commenters suggested that the idea may backfire, and that migrants from Islamic or other conservative cultures might not be too happy with being lumped in with gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people."

WATCH: Ben and Jerry's founders meltdown during interview when asked to explain targeting Israel for boycott | The Post Millennial - "The pair was asked by Axios’s Alexi McCammond, why not stop all sales to Israel completely? Bennett Cohen responded, "I disagree with US policy, [but] we couldn’t stop selling in the US." ... Cohen was then asked, if that is the case, why the company does not stop sales in Georgia, which in April adopted new election laws, and why continue to sell in Texas, where new laws make it more difficult for women to have abortions, both policies the two men oppose.  After an extended pause, Cohen shrugged and said, "I don’t know. I mean it is an interesting question. I don’t know what that would accomplish… I think you ask a really good question, and I’d have to sit and think about it a bit."... When pressed on the Texas abortion issue, Cohen said, "By that reasoning, we should not sell any ice cream anywhere. I’ve got issues with what’s being done in almost every state and country."  Many Israel advocacy groups have pointed out that Ben & Jerry's leaving the settlements would do the opposite of what they intended and would in fact, leave the Palestinians without the ice cream brand and cause some to lose their jobs at local factories. Yet, the company decided to go ahead with the pullout, even in the face of economic consequences back in the US... The interview echoed a July 2018 interview of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), then a candidate for office, by PBS’s Margaret Hoover on the Firing Line which went viral, after many called out Ocasio-Cortez's seeming ignorance on a topic she had posted about on social media and had previously spoken about.  Hoover asked Ocasio-Cortez, about her position on Israel, to which she responded, "I believe absolutely in Israel’s right to exist. I am supporting a two-state solution… I also think that what people are starting to see, at least in the occupation of Palestine, is an increasing crisis of humanitarian conditions. And that to me is where I tend to come from on this issue."  When Hoover pressed AOC to explain what she meant by "the occupation of Palestine," she responded, "What I meant is, like, the settlements that are increasing in these areas, where Palestinians are facing difficulties in accessing their housing and homes."  Hoover again asked AOC to to expand on the issue. AOC, clearly searching for what to say, said with a laugh, "I am not the expert on the geopolitics on this issue.""

Meme - The New York Times @nytimes: "If you set aside the dognapping and puppy-skinning plots (which are, admittedly, hard to overlook), Disney's version of Cruella has always been a bit of a feminist fantasy." Brendel: "If you set aside making a suit out of those women, Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs was just a guy trying to achieve his dreams"
Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "I can never really understand the obsession with Murica's MSM and at least half of Murica's obsession with venerating villainy and straight-forward evil.  Is it because they see themselves in these individuals? Says more about them than the "ignorant bigoted rabble" isn't it? Makes sense, with how rioting and looting is “peaceful protest”, and all that."

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