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Monday, January 31, 2022

Links - 31st January 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

Facebook - "Progressive mindset:
1) Borders are racist.  National walls are white supremacy.
2) Defund the police, as it engages in structural racism.
3) Confiscate guns (weaken 2nd amendment) because mass shootings are committed by white supremacists.
4) Get rid of cash bail because that process marginalizes communities of color.
5) Eradicate the three strikes law because it is a racist law.
6) Refrain from prosecuting countless felonies because the US judicial system is built on white supremacy.
7) Eradicate the death penalty (even for repeat child killers) because bruh innocence and systemic racism.
8) Severity of a crime is judged based on the racial makeup of the perpetrator and the victim because bruh systemic racism. In doing so, implement a progressive judicial system akin to sharia law.
9) The penal system is antiquated because a criminal is really responding to the harsh environment that he/she faced (e.g., white supremacy).  Rehabilitate, don't punish.
99% of my progressively liberal friends and colleagues SUPPORT these measures."

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "A Democratic congresswoman is publicly inciting riots and tampering with a jury while elected Republicans are busy condemning members of their own party for using the word “Anglo-Saxon.” It’s the Evil Party vs the Coward Party. Never has that dynamic been clearer."

Meme - "Nicholas J. Fuentes @NickJF: How hard is it for a politician to acknowledge that White people founded America and that White people are under attack in America? This is so obvious to anyone paying attention and it's not right. But everyone is so afraid to call it what it is.
What is so controversial about the term "Anglo-Saxon?" We can say Black Lives Matter and Latinx but we can't say Anglo Saxon?"

Meme - "The whitest thing you can do is use the divider at checkout in a grocery store."
"And the blackest one?"
"I'm only allowed to make fun of white people

Meme - "Trey Parker will no longer voice Mr Hankey the Christmas poo on 'Southpark'
Trey Parker has stepped down from playing the role of Mr Hankey the Christmas poo on "Southpark". The latest in a slew of white actors abdicating roles voicing characters of color. Parker who is also one of the show's creators, made the announcement on social media Thursday evening, writing that it had been a fond experience voicing Mr Hankey for the last 20 years however in this day and age he felt it was no longer appropriate for him to continue portraying a brown piece of shit as he wasn't one himself. Parker and his co-creator Matt Stone are currently in talks with Colin Kaepernick to see if he would accept the role, stating that he was a much better fit for the part"

Progressives Declare War on Asians, Meritocracy and STEM - "Progressives all across America have declared war on Asians, meritocracy, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). Recently, the San Francisco Unified School District voted to replace their merit admissions process at Lowell High School, one of the best high schools in America and also happens to be 61% Asian, with a lottery-based system.When Asian-American parents opposed the school district’s plans to enact its new “lottery” system in late October, the school district blasted the parents by stating they were “racist” and responsible for the “toxic culture” at the school. Parents were accused of furthering the “Asian supremacy” agenda by making their children work so hard; their children’s achievements were demoralizing African-American and Latino students.One African-American parent stated it’s because of Asians hogging up all the spaces “Black people can’t catch up technologically because the ‘stupid Asians’ are keeping black people down out of fear they’d be overtaken.” When one angry Asian-American parent responded “Trust me, you’ll never catch up. If you need to lower-standards to get in, you’ll never beat us,” a near physical fight broke loose.Another Asian parent screamed, “First you blame white people, now you blame us!? Grow up! Study harder or go home!” On Halloween weekend, about 100 families, students, alumni, and community members from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology stood on the grassy lawn in front of the school and held a symbolic memorial service for America’s No. 1 high school, according to Crushing the Myth.“Remember the glory of TJ (Thomas Jefferson),” said Yuyan Zhou, a Chinese-American alumni mother, as her friends stood around her with awards and trophies that symbolized the school’s shining achievements.Thomas Jefferson High School will no longer be the No. 1 school in America after abolishing their merit-based admissions to make way for more less-qualified and less-deserving African-American and Latino students who could not pass TJ’s entrance exam... Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City is also planning to eliminate race-blind admissions for Stuyvesant High School and the Bronx High School of Science, citing “white supremacy” as the main factor for his quest—never mind the fact those high schools are more than 60 percent Asian. One bitter first-generation Asian-American parent vindictively stated, “On a brighter note, I know China, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore will completely destroy American companies when my children are my age because of these stupid policies. That gives me comfort. These idiotic Democrats will guarantee Asians will win—just not Asian-Americans….maybe we should go work for Asian-owned companies instead of giving our minds to Apple or Intel.”"

Ivy’s Tea Co. Accuses Trap Tea of Stealing Her Idea and Wants All Their Money - "Shanae, founder of Ivy’s Tea Co., who started her business in 2016 because there were “not enough black people drinking tea,” was told an Asian company stole her name, even though most likely, the Asian company never heard of Ivy’s Tea Co.Shanae posted a nearly 20-minute long video on her Instagram account after the Trap Tea footage exploded over the weekend. In this video, Shanae explained who she is, what she is, and why she thinks the name “Trap Tea” belongs to her and her culture, even though her company is called Ivy’s Tea Co.Shanae’s mission is to create a new tea culture, which she believes to be European and force Americans to assimilate to black culture, “screw ‘em! America assimilate to us!” she stated. However, every credible historical source agrees with the fact the Chinese invented tea around 1,500 BC, which Shanae vehemently disagrees with. One of many current campaigns to rewrite history and claim all accomplishments and inventions are from black people. There is also a campaign claiming Buddha was black as well and Asians should worship their true God, black people."

Black Woman Accuses Asian-Owned Boba Shop of ‘Stealing Black Culture’ - "An African-American woman walked into a newly opened boba tea shop in Aurora, Colorado, Friday, August 21, and berated the owners and employees about “stealing black culture.”On her Instagram account @Alewiaaaa, the woman was apparently angry the establishment’s name is “Trap Tea.” According to Wikitonary, “trap house” is a slang word used to describe a crack house. A place where illegal drugs are manufactured, packaged for sale, or sold on the street... “No! You’re thieves, Asian people stealing black culture once again.” Mind you, this woman filmed this incident using Asian Tech culture. From the Korean-American who co-invented MOSFET, which allows smartphones to exists today, a TSMC 7-nanometer chip in her phone, Samsung OLED technology to a Sony camera; she’s “stealing” Asian culture, which is as iconic as German engineering or Italian fashion... Trap Tea released a statement via their Instagram account yesterday to address the incident and to explain the name “is a flip on the dragon ball z kame house from the popular anime show,” which is a Japanese cartoon, therefore, not stealing from black culture."

Bragging about not bathing your kids is a blatant act of white privilege
Meanwhile Asians think white people are dirty

North Korean defector 'was called racist when she called cops on her mugger' - "A woman who defected from North Korea and came to the US says she was mugged by three black women outside a Saks Fifth Avenue store in Chicago last year but was prevented from calling the police by white bystanders because doing so was ‘racist.’  Yeonmi Park, the Columbia University student who along with her mother was sold into slavery by human traffickers after fleeing North Korea when she was just 13, alleges the incident took place during last summer’s looting in the Windy City.  Park alleged that police and prosecutors declined to charge the thief, but public records indicate that 29-year-old Lecretia Harris was sentenced to two years in prison after her arrest in connection with the incident... By speaking out about the incident, Park said that she has 'become the enemy of the woke.'... ‘Last year, during the looting in Chicago, I was robbed by these three black women’... ?’   She said that if a similar event happened in North Korea, bystanders there ‘would help the victim.’  ‘They’re not going to just, out of nowhere, scream: “You’re a racist”.'... her [Columbia college] classes were filled with 'anti-American sentiment, reminding her of her childhood in North Korea, where students were constantly taught about the 'American bastard,' which was the only way they were allowed to refer to Americans. "

Meme - "This is equality *people watching match standing on identical boxes*
This is justice *people watching match standing on boxes, getting an identical view*
David: "This is crime. They are watching match without Tickets."

Meme - "Me watching the girl with "acab" in her bio call the cops after I break in her house"

*Trump flashing OK sign*

Apple to Remove 'Master/Slave' and 'Blacklist' Terms From Coding Platforms
Apple lobbies against Uighur forced labor bill - The Washington Post

Portland teachers union proposes self-taught Fridays for high schoolers, says educators need more planning time
They need more time to plan how to indoctrinate students

Letter to the Editor: Sign of the Times - "I was having a hypothetical conversation the other day with a stranger about current social and political issues.  This hypothetical person was a typical looking individual, acceptably dressed and groomed and as typical looking as any 'typical person' might look.  I made a provocative statement just to see how the individual would react. I said, 'I believe that women have absolutely no rights what-so-ever, and I think that all gays should be hanged!'  His shocked, curt reply was, 'What a complete arrogant, bigoted male chauvinist you are! You must be a Republican!'  I replied, 'No, actually I'm a Muslim and those are my religious beliefs.' My hypothetical conversationalist replied, 'Oh! I'm sorry! I hope you don't thing that I'm Islamophobic!'"

Facebook - "Victimology 101: The oppressed have zero moral *agency* but they have full moral *authority* over you."

Labour suspends Unite leadership nominee over ‘Patel should be deported’ tweet - "Labour has suspended a leadership candidate for the Unite trade union from the party after he called for the home secretary, Priti Patel, to be deported on Twitter.  Howard Beckett, the union’s assistant general secretary and a member of Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC), has since apologised and deleted the message following criticism.  The tweet, in response to an attempt to deport two asylum seekers in Glasgow, read: “Priti Patel should be deported, not refugees.  “She can go along with anyone else who supports institutional racism. She is disgusting.”"
Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "Convicted child rapists? Howard sleeps.  A woman of colour attempts to deal with convicted child rapists? DEPORT!"

Gad Saad on Twitter - "I was on a conference call a few months ago to discuss race issues in our org. Everyone began with "as a white male" or "as a black male" etc.  It was surreal"
"That's not enough. I always begin EVERY interaction with the following: As a non-arboreal carbon-based multicellular agent who self-identifies as a heteronormative cisgendered Lebanese Jew... It complicates conversations but it's a lot more inclusive."

Meme - "Petition to put cis white dudes on a barge and float them out to sea."
"We did that in 1944 and saved the world. *D Day landings*"
OP was a blue check mark. And liberals still tell us no one hates white people, no one hates men and no one hates "cis" people

La Vieille Taupe on Twitter - "The colonial mindset endures in how the entire New Zealand left is simply a colonial clone of the English left. Identical mindset and online culture. If they truly wanted to “decolonise” they could start with their own slavish imitation of the leftist metropole."
"I think this is a valuable point, but I would extend it to the American left. Plenty of Kiwi leftists badly want to be part of the BLM movement etc."

Meme - "Number of NYT Articles Mentioning 'Racism' End of Occupy Wall Street: *sudden acceleration*"
The best critiques of post-Marxism come from Marxists
Addendum: This is no longer available, but I've mirrored something similar

Meme - Fatcats: "We can assure you, indoctrinated masses. Racism is the biggest problem in our society. Do not pay attention to what we do, racism is definitely much more important. Keep consuming"

Amazon’s Latest Union-Busting Tech: Heat Maps Monitoring Whole Foods - "the Amazon-owned supermarket chain has been using an interactive heat map to monitor its 510 locations across the U.S. and assign each store a unionization risk score based on such criteria as employee loyalty, turnover rate and racial diversity. Whole Foods employs roughly 95,000 people nationwide. Data collected in the heat map suggest that stores with low racial and ethnic diversity, especially those located in poor communities, are more likely to unionize... Whole Foods’ parent company, Amazon, has a history of aggressively clamping down on unionizing... Artificial intelligence has also been used to predict important employee actions. In a Harvard Business Review article last year, management professors Brooks Holtom of Georgetown University and David Allen of Texas Christian University reported their research findings that big data and machine learning algorithms are effective tools to determine when an employee is about to quit"
This provides credence to the Marxist theory that identity politics is pushed by elites to distract them from their class interests (e.g. the collapse of Occupy Wall Street due to identity politics, and its aftermath being filled by escalaing identity politics)

Meme - "Do not speak Germxn here. As long as you only speak English, you're alright."
"It's not an attack, it's a logical statement based on a single accusation. Why the hell did you censor the word German?"
"Because of gendered language. And suggest you censor it too"
"Ah, yes, because Gerwoman is a word. Or Gerperson"
"Stop now"
"You are literally saying that German, a word referring to a language, is a gendered word"
"Stop using gendered language. Is it really so difficult to use germxn and make people feel more secure and safe?"

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