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Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Links - 1st February 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

B.C. party leaders asked to address their privilege as white politicians - "B.C. NDP Leader John Horgan is facing backlash for his answer about his own personal experiences with racism and prejudice as a white politician during a televised debate.  The provincial NDP, Liberals, and Green Party faced off in a debate moderated by The Angus Reid Institute’s president, Shachi Kurl, Tuesday evening.  As civil unrest and discussions about inclusion and treatment of Black, Indigenous and people of colour in Canada continue, Kurl asked party leaders, “How have you personally reckoned with your own privilege and unconscious bias, as a white political leader?”"
Meanwhile in China, Xi told them to prepare for war. I wonder who will win?

Mark Hughes - Fag/Got on Twitter - "Neighbor: “So anyways, I’m wondering if you have a vacuum I could borr...”
Me: *suddenly tilts head and stares into distance*
Neighbor: “Are you okay?
Me: “Sorry, just heard a dog whistle. What were you saying about crime statistics...?”"

Bastiat on Twitter - "I know many others have said this before, but saying Bigfoot is unequivocally false is anti-indigenous."
"I swear - when I read this kinda stuff, I really wonder (if only for a moment) whether at least some of the online left here on Twitter is just a CIA project designed to discredit the left generally."
Science is "racist" after allMeme - "Only 9 per cent of white boys from deprived backgrounds make it to university in the UK"
White male privilege!

Thomas Sowell: Don’t blame the lenders - "In one of those front-page editorials disguised as “news” stories, the New York Times blames “the lucrative lending practices” of banks and other financial institutions for helping create the current financial crisis of millions of borrowers and of the financial system in general.  It must take either a willful determination to believe whatever they want to believe or a cynical desire to propagandize their readers for the New York Times to call “lucrative” the lending practices that have caused many lenders to lose millions of dollars, some to lose billions and some to go bankrupt themselves.  Blaming the lenders is the party line of congressional Democrats as well. What we need is more government regulation of lenders, they say, to protect the innocent borrowers from “predatory” lending practices...   It was not that many years ago when there was moral outrage ringing throughout the media because lenders were reluctant to lend in certain neighborhoods and because banks did not approve mortgage loan applications from blacks as often as they approved mortgage loan applications from whites.  All this was an opening salvo in a campaign to get Congress to pass laws forcing lenders to lend to people they would not otherwise lend to and in places where they would not otherwise put their money.  The practice of not lending in some neighborhoods was demonized as “redlining” and the fact that minority applicants were approved for mortgages only 72 percent of the time, while whites were approved 89 percent, was called “overwhelming” evidence of discrimination by the Washington Post...   In our personal lives, common sense leads us to avoid some neighborhoods. If you want to call that “redlining,” so be it. But places where it is dangerous to go are often also places where it is dangerous to send your money.  As for racial differences in mortgage loan application approval rates, that does not tell you much if you are comparing apples and oranges. Income, credit history and net worth are just some of the things that are very different from one group to another.  More important, in the same ways that blacks differ from whites, whites differ from Asian Americans.  The fact that whites are turned down for conventional mortgage loans, and resort to subprime loans, more often than Asian Americans do is seldom reported in “news” stories about lending practices, even though such data are readily available.  Shocking as it may be to some, lenders are in the business of making money, and they don’t much care whose money it is, so long as they get paid.  Politicians, on the other hand, are in the business of getting votes, and they don’t much care whose votes it is – or what they have to say or do in order to get those votes...   Laws and regulations pressured lending institutions to lend to people that they were not lending to, given the economic realities. The Community Reinvestment Act forced them to lend in places where they did not want to send their money, and where neither they nor the politicians wanted to walk.  Now that this whole situation has blown up in everybody’s face, the government intervention that brought on this disaster in is supposed to save the day."
Someone accused Sowell of being an apologist because he had never read anything from him on redlining. I found this article in 3 seconds

Meme - "I support the working class."
"Won't mass Third World immigration worsen the plight of the working class
by flooding the labour market in the only sector they can be employed with people who will expect worse conditions and pay, therefore depressing wages, stifling bargaining power and further skewing an already asymmetric power balance between corporations and people?"
"Are you a fucking racist? Only a bogan, redneck, peasant would say something like that."

Grace, culture war refugee on Twitter - "KKK: Your skin color tells me all I need to know. Once I know your color, I know exactly what to think of you and how to treat you.
Woke: Your skin color tells me all I need to know. Once I know your color, I know exactly what to think of you and how to treat you."

Facebook - "Weird how we’re able to magically disagree or agree with Tim Scott based on the merits of his speech, and somehow it is not purely “obvious bias” against African Americans at play when we disagree, nor are we “silencing black voices” by disagreeing with him "

Vidya on Twitter - "In the midst of a pandemic, the #Indian government finds it an utmost priority to identity 67 locations in #Kashmir where they plan to set up liquor shops. Making liquor widely available is another attempt to humiliate Kashmiri Muslim sentiments & attract non-Muslim settlers"
"This is beyond the pale, even for this dishonourable govt."
It is telling that some Muslims and liberals see other people's freedoms as a threat. This suggests that some Muslims and liberals really do hate other people's freedoms
So much for "if you don't like gay marriage, don't get one"

Facebook - "Imagine rightfully laughing at crazy conspiracies surrounding the pandemic, masks, vaccines, and Bill Gates, while still imagining that in today’s world the institutions of the University, the movies, the concert hall, and great literature are all a giant conspiracy by white supremacists to enslave the minds of minorities without anyone noticing. As crazy as many of the pandemic conspiracy theories might seem, it seems tame next to the grand conspiracy believed by so many incredibly well educated intelligent people, who think it is virtuous to become conspiratorial in a way that Alex Jones only dreamed of.

ZUBY: on Twitter - "How Twitter works.
Me: "Men are taller than women."
Weirdo 1: "Source?"
Weirdo 2: "That's misogynistic."
Weirdo 3: "That's not true. I have a female friend who is 6'3"
Weirdo 4: "Define 'woman'."
Weirdo 5: "This is because of systemic and structural racism and white supremacy."
Weirdo 6: "I can't even... Educate yourself. DO BETTER.""
Lots of liberals off Twitter think this way too

Alabama university apologizes after dean shares controversial meme - "A dean at the University of Mobile is apologizing after sharing a controversial meme on Facebook.  His actions have also prompted the school's president, a former student, and the NAACP to step in.  The former student, Roya Ritchson, says the meme was offensive and she was hurt that the dean, who is supposed to be a leader, would share something like this.  The meme shows a white child and an Asian child with the caption:  "Asking her to apologize for slavery is like asking her to apologize for Pearl Harbor.""
Apparently liberals want ethnically Japanese kids to apologise for Pearl Harbour

Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "The SJWs are busy calling Warhammer 40k "fascist" again. This means you're doing a good job of keeping them out of your spaces, don't stop now."

Rob Henderson on Twitter - ""Problematic" is another word I heard zero times in my first 24 years of life. Then heard on a semi-daily basis once I entered college. A prestige word, indicating that listeners are fellow members of the upper class, and that they "get it.""

David Sacks on Twitter - "Without much thought, some startups are adopting the concept of “psychological safety” as part of their DEI policies. Ideas do not make people unsafe, and conceding that they do allows anyone to make a claim at any time. Adopt this policy if you want, but do so consciously."
"Google's big conclusion on groups was that sense of psychological safety is the biggest predictor of success. But that context was: "Psychological safety is a sense of confidence that the team will not embarrass, reject or punish someone for speaking up’’"
DEI means there is no psychological safety since anyone can claim that someone else's words are violence. Good luck with that

Meme - Don Winslow: "WHERE THE HELL ARE MY FELLOW DEMOCRATS TODAY?! Racist @NikkiHaley called our first Black female Vice President "UNFIT" for office. On what planet do we allow that? On what planet does the media not heavily cover that kind of racism from a former Governor & Trump official?"
Don Winslow: ".@larryelder couldn't hit water if he fell out of a fucking boat. He will be an unmitigated disaster as Governor. I wouldn't let him run a monopoly game much less California."

Meme - McDonald's: "They were one of us: Trayvon Martin. Michael Brown. Alton Sterling. Botham Jean. Atatiana Jefferson. Ahmaud Arbery. George Floyd."
"McDonald's in China banned black people"

Carl Benjamin - Posts | Facebook - "Heading to London to do Andrew Doyle’s GB News show. We may me talking about the Leicestershire Police Tinkerbell Squad and asking ‘When is a riot shield not a riot shield?’ From 8pm."
"The very idea that the police should be allowed to express overt political agendas is horrifying. They may as well be wearing Labour ribbons."

Drug dealers try to woo eco-conscious users with 'woke coke' - "  It’s no secret that corporations tout certain PC beliefs to protect their bottom line. However, now even the black market is following suit: Drug dealers are hawking “ethically sourced cocaine” to woo eco-minded Westerners seeking a guilt-free trip.  “I have been shown ads for ‘environmentally friendly sniff,'” UK drug policy expert Neil Woods told the Mirror of the so-called eco-conscious blow. These supposedly “green” drug commercials were put out in response to growing concerns among Westerners over the environmental damage and violence occurring along the South American drug highway... “woke coke” reportedly runs customers nearly $300 per gram, around four times the normal street price in the UK... the idea of “ethically sourced coke” is an oxymoron as the narcotics trade is one of the main drivers of rainforest degradation in Colombia, where coca leaves are grown. Between 2001 and 2019, the country’s Catatumbo rainforest lost 6.2% of its tree cover while deforestation soared last year, in line with skyrocketing demand for cocaine during quarantine...   Despite the global consequences, eco-conscious drug fiends are swallowing the “woke coke” myth — hook, “line” and sinker.  UK actress Davinia Taylor, 43, claims that the “sustainable” nose candy is regularly available at celebrity soirees in London."

Transcript: Read Republican Sen. Tim Scott's response to Biden's address to Congress - " "Nowhere do we need common ground more desperately than in our discussions of race. "I have experienced the pain of discrimination. "I know what it feels like to be pulled over for no reason. To be followed around a store while I'm shopping. I remember, every morning, at the kitchen table, my grandfather would have the newspaper in his hands. Later, I realized he had never learned to read it. He just wanted to set the right example. "I've also experienced a different kind of intolerance. "I get called "Uncle Tom" and the N-word — by 'progressives'! By liberals! Just last week, a national newspaper suggested my family's poverty was actually privilege because a relative owned land generations before my time.  "Believe me, I know our healing is not finished. "In 2015, after the shooting of Walter Scott, I wrote a bill to fund body cameras. Last year, after the deaths of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, I built an even bigger police reform proposal. "But my Democratic colleagues blocked it. "I extended an olive branch. I offered them amendments. But Democrats used the filibuster to block the debate from even happening. My friends across the aisle seemed to want the issue more than they wanted a solution...  "When America comes together, we've made tremendous progress. But powerful forces want to pull us apart. "A hundred years ago, kids in classrooms were taught the color of their skin was their most important characteristic — and if they looked a certain way, they were inferior. "Today, kids again are being taught that the color of their skin defines them — and if they look a certain way, they're an oppressor. "From colleges to corporations to our culture, people are making money and gaining power by pretending we haven't made any progress. By doubling down on the divisions we've worked so hard to heal...  "The state of Georgia passed a law that expands early voting; preserves no-excuse mail-in voting; and, despite what the President claimed, did not reduce Election Day hours. "If you actually read this law, it's mainstream. It will be easier to vote early in Georgia than in Democrat-run New York. But the left doesn't want you to know that. They want people to virtue-signal by yelling about a law they haven't even read. "Fact-checkers have called out the White House for misstatements. The President absurdly claims this is worse than Jim Crow. What is going on here?  "I'll tell you. A Washington power grab. "This misplaced outrage is supposed to justify Democrats' sweeping bill that would take over elections for all 50 states; send public funds to political campaigns you disagree with; and make the bipartisan Federal Elections Commission... partisan! "This is not about civil rights or our racial past. It's about rigging elections in the future.  "And, no — the same filibuster that President Obama and President Biden praised when they were Senators, that Democrats used just last year, has not suddenly become a racist relic just because the shoe is on the other foot. "Race is not a political weapon to settle every issue the way one side wants. "It's too important... my grandfather, in his 94 years, saw his family go from cotton to Congress in one lifetime."

Meme - "Ruth Bader Ginsburg vs. Ibram X. Kendi
"From today's vantage point, one may hope, but not firmly forecast, that over the next generation's span, progress toward nondiscrimination and genuinely equal opportunity will make it safe to sunset affirmative action." - Concurrence in Grutter v..Bollinger (2003)
"The only remedy to racist is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future - How to Be an Antiracist (2019)

Meme - "Just a reminder that mobility aids and accessibility aids aren't a costume. Don't be that person"
"But what if i want to be professor x."
"real talk though? I see an able bodied person use a wheel chair for a costume and they're dead to me."

annoyedteenager on Instagram - "ALL DOCTORS ARE BAD. say it with me now #ADAB
The history of medicine is rooted in racial segregation and uninclusive practices. Prejudice in the medical community runs deep within certain privileged groups, leading to damage toward the most criminally under represented members of society. Failing to uphold the medical standards of equality is not only commonplace, it is often encouraged within the community.
Sorry buddy, just because your uncle is a doctor and he’s "totally a cool guy', it doesn’t absolve him from the racism he benefits from. Not all doctors engage actively in racism and bias incitement, but every doctor that does not actively combat the injustices present by donating monetary funds to their BIPOC colleagues and providing heavy discounts or providing the often hidden "on the house” policy enrichments for disadvantaged patients are a key member to promoting racism in the west.
Many people are hesitant to call 911. In the USA it can cost upwards of 8 thousand dollars for an ambulance, sometimes more. Today‘s “healthcare heroes" are the devil's pioneers of late stage capitalism and usually come from places of extreme financial privilege, leaving out and taking the place of people who are physically unable to complete medical school for a plethora of reasons including physical, mental or size-related disabilities. Consume your own period blood. We’ve touched on the problemacy of science in previous posts (the presence of Americium and Europium but no Lebanonium or Venezuelium). The sad truth, is that the whole medical field is based on science and scientific discoveries. Just as police officers are the enforcers of the law, doctors are the enforcers of science. This is inherently wrong and can lead to not only a public distrust toward the system which is rooted in what the modern day . commonly accepted view of health is, but also toward even more segregation and racial inequality which is rampant and constant; just turn on the news!'"

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