When you can't live without bananas

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

"One of the most obvious facts about grownups to a child is that they have forgotten what it is like to be a child." - Randall Jarrell


Someone on "Bible Truth Conference - The truth of salvation will be opened Dec 20-23 in Malaysia" (www.LetGodBeTrue.com): if its truth den how come still need conference

i always tot conferences are for debates, contests and resistance

let god be true is even worse! wat u mean by 'let' ?

y 'let'
y cant just be 'godistrue', since that's what their faith is based on, instead of askin themselves to 'let' god 'be' true

but then again, they're always a contradictory bunch
no surprises

Someone else: hej
u are in the news now

XXXX: btw wat's with gabriel and his rebonded Hair
everyone's talking about it you know

did he really go and rebond his haIr? cos it really looks reBonded..his haIr is even silkier and nicer than mine

wah gabriel
girls do notice u

Me: what's it with women and that flavour [green tea ice cream]

Someone: haha
it's nice
very jap

Me: like squid ice cream

Someone: eeeew
u like that?

wah kao can u not do that
i just came back from this super long run

that's nauseous enough already without squid icecream

Someone else: u know ar
it's very irritating

myt gf asked me to help her buy something
i waited a long time

u know why
coz the PRC was bargaining and asking for free stuff
and those that are not doing these 2 things are asking to break the euros into smaller notes

what bullshit
i was damn irritated

and when i went with another one of my friends
we keep kenna discriminated
because they think we PRC
and we will do cheapskate things

when u go to LV in paris
they really love the PRCs

u know the tide of change has come, when u see that it's common to have chinese salesgirl
where in the past it's japanese salesgirls

Someone: actaully my class teacher rewards class participation in a very objective way
ok more objective lah

he hands out little coupons w different colors based on the quality of answers
so in that sense it can be counted more properly at the end of the day

i thought that was pretty cool

but he straps an envelope to his belt
kinda cute

Someone else: stupid bell curve. making me damn worried now
it's tat *** paper lar
everything was so easy tat everyone got worried

the worst.academic.in.nus.***.

but nvm at least i noe that nus never do quality control over employment. even prostitutes require some quality

Someone to HWMNBN: if you think the world is so callous, so uncaring, so illogical, so irrational - that your suffering in the face of the obvious fact that you hav elittle reason to be offends all common sense - why not embrace God? an illogical situatio ndemands illogical solutions.

HWMNBN: that's like whitewashing a fence by painting it black
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