When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, December 04, 2006

"No one has ever had an idea in a dress suit." - Sir Frederick G. Banting


Me: women are permanently depressed
it's a gender defect

Someone: i'm not permanently depressed now, and i know plenty of women who aren't permanently depressed, so that statement is a bit hard to understand

Me: maybe it's a singaporean thing

I find that girls are depressed more than guys

Someone: how about guys in NS?
guys in NS are always depressed

Me: ah
that's a bit different

that's very different

see. girls vs slaves

Someone: yeah but ......................... aiyah, how to explain to you how shitty and limiting being a girl in singpoare is

Someone on apologists: i'll never understand, are they trying to win arguments with you because of your intellectual reputation, or is it just that they are incredibly obstinate?

Me: jb said I should buy furry ones
but they're out of fashoin gah

Someone: they're SO out of fashion

Me: boo

Someone: most guys i see now just use plain elastic bands... and the girls too.
i think i only see scrunchies on PRC girls nowadays

Me: even non furry scrunchies

Someone: yep

JB: elastic bands are eww

I don't like them
they leave a bigger kink

Someone: starting to read forums is a bad idea, it's addictive and not very productive

i've tried to read about singapore less generally coz it feels like that too

Someone else: i took sc**** last sem
there was this fundie catholic piece of shit who tried to challenge him abt the first 2 lectures' content which touched on religion in particular catholicism
then he asked the fundie shit to present his argument in the nxt lecture

which the fundie shit did, and then later the lecturer took over, and trashed all his points and we were merely impatient with this whole 'fundie contesting soci lecturer' nonsense

tat fundie shit only presented for 15 minutes, his pathetic slides made no sense becuz he tried to challenge gayle rubin's (an essential reading) points with his own fundamental beliefs
wat nonsense

just talked abt certain points rubin raised in her article, den say no backing up and so on lor
den later the lecturer re-illustrate rubin's argument in lecture and we saw the light
and catholicism became bullshit next to sociology suddenly

Me: ooh offence to religion
put him in jail!

did the fundie see the light

Someone else: i doubt so becuz i met the fundie at someone's birthday gathering in july and he was still lamenting abt the biasedness of sc**** which clashed with his fundamental beliefs

i wanna push him into the pool man (it was at some condo pool area)

Me: oh but apparently a lot of these scholars go overseas
then when they come back they go "oh you should go overseas then you'll know how good singapore is"

Someone: yeah it's coz they don't do jackshit in the way of interacting with people here

i saw this firsthand in cam, people would isolate themselves in their little Singaporean enclaves and then mouth off like they knew anything about the country they were living in

Someone else: I don't know what Pathos is :)­
I'm slightly more familiar with Porthos and Athos

Someone: i remember the sop solo for rutter's requiem, done by stephen layton and the london sinfonia

now, THAT was a lao char bor voice
was quite horrified

because you know everyone has heard the original cambridge recording and rutter got a sweet young voice to sing it

then... imagine the hyperion version. lao char bor.

going.... PIE JESU DOMINE at half the speed and with an entire turkey stuffed down her throat or wattle
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