When you can't live without bananas

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

"I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image." - Stephen Hawking


Seen on the entrance to a male toilet in Vivocity. I went to the entrance of the female one to look for its counterpart, but unfortunately there was no sign warning of a male cleaner.

Some Mac whores claim their iPods/iTunes can read their minds, since when they shuffle their songs they get all the songs they want coming up. I swear my iPod hates my guts - more than 90% of the time, when I pick up my earphones, my left hand has the earphone meant for the right ear and/or vice versa (and no, this is not proof of bad hand-eye coordination as someone suggested since I don't look before picking up the earphones).

Ikea advertising its "exchange" policy. But it doesn't cover practically everything. If you don't change your mind after assembly, when are you going to change it?

NUS is currently hosting a Nobel Cultures of Creativity exhibition, and at the gifts section almost nothing related to the Nobel prizes - almost everything is a NUS-related souvenir. The proceeds from ticket sales are going to student bursaries (40% of which go to foreigners). I'm not sure about proceeds from souvenir sales.

Kim Dae Jung's cheat sheet. He was only allowed 2 sheets to write to his wife, or something. His is impressive, squeezing >16,000 characters a sheet (IFGRC), but mine is even better, and has awed everyone who has seen it.

"If lift breaks down you may be trapped. Please use staircase to avoid missing your exam."
Not the most encouraging thing to see before a paper.

Someone wore green socks with black shoes. Uhh.

This is the first time I've seen a monitor lizard in the wild.

For the first time, I saw someone doing an exam sideways. He was sitting sideways in his chair at a 225 degree angle (ie the 7:30 position), cross his legs and held his paper up in the air, writing on it at the same time.

In Eusoff Hall dining hall. It's so nice being a hall inmate - you get socially engineered 24/7, even when the rest of us go home.

The final exam for the module where the mid-term was the easiest I'd ever done since Lower Primary also had a final which was even easier than the mid-term. It was the third exam in NUS where I walked out early; when the examiner said we could now leave (we're forbidden to leave in the first hour), 10% of the cohort (~17/170) stood up and left. This is the first time I've seen people leaving in droves.

The worst selling piece of clothing in Singapore ("I ♥♥♥ NUS")

u r wt u wr:

- "Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?"
- Contribution: 'this t shirt looks better wet' (PS Carrefour, "it was in the children's section i think. god they're sick")


As you come in, remember not to look at the questions in your test book.

[On exam administrative instructions] Pay attention while I read to you from a very large piece of paper.

It is now 12:56. We have to wait for 4 more minutes. *laughs from audience* [Ed: The humour comes from the fact that they usually say 'you may start writing']
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