Friday, November 04, 2005
[On Asian Prince] Are you going to do an ISM [Ed: Individual Study Module] on him?
Nice hair. You should... cut it. [Me: The 2 statements do not congeal.]
[Me on American Romantic Buddhism, the Yab-Yum and group sex in Jack Kerouac: Buddhism {is} so fun huh.] I wanna convert now.
[On soliciting responses from the audience] I realise this is a lecture and not a seminar, but life is one big seminar for me. When I go on the MRT: ask me questions! It's quite worrying. It might be a sign of psychosis.
If you look up 'taantra' on Google, what do you find?... You guys are so pure!... Try it some time, you'll be shocked.
[Me on sex in Tantric Buddhism and the Yab-Yum: Sex is sacred] Are you speaking for yourself?
[On the Yab-Yum] We're gonna come back to a later virgin... version.
Have you listened to Lori Anderson? [Other lecturer: Not recently] You're kids. You're all kids. I'm in my 40s.
I think I may have created the impression that American Buddhists are just into sex, drugs and rock and roll all the time.
I used to be invited to give Buddhist talks in Singapore and Malaysia. White guy, Buddhist - ooh, let's invite him... I invited a gay Buddhist group. They chickened out... 'Don't kill a fly because 500 times before in its previous life, it might have been your mother.' 'You might have been gay 500 times before in your previous life. Get over it.' I never got invited back.
[On a gay Yab-Yum and Eliade] Having sex is a sacred experience for them. They're experiencing nostalgia.
[On Harry Potter] I saw *** [Ed: The philosophy professor] rad this on the bus before. I was shocked. (reading)
[Girl:] I want your hair... Your hair is nicer than mine.
You should get a short-haired girlfriend. You'll be quite compatible. (You two)
[Fellow long-haired guy on people telling me to cut my hair] What's their problem? Everybody is telling me to cut my hair. It's fucking irritating.
[On Asian Prince] Are you going to do an ISM [Ed: Individual Study Module] on him?
Nice hair. You should... cut it. [Me: The 2 statements do not congeal.]
[Me on American Romantic Buddhism, the Yab-Yum and group sex in Jack Kerouac: Buddhism {is} so fun huh.] I wanna convert now.
[On soliciting responses from the audience] I realise this is a lecture and not a seminar, but life is one big seminar for me. When I go on the MRT: ask me questions! It's quite worrying. It might be a sign of psychosis.
If you look up 'taantra' on Google, what do you find?... You guys are so pure!... Try it some time, you'll be shocked.
[Me on sex in Tantric Buddhism and the Yab-Yum: Sex is sacred] Are you speaking for yourself?
[On the Yab-Yum] We're gonna come back to a later virgin... version.
Have you listened to Lori Anderson? [Other lecturer: Not recently] You're kids. You're all kids. I'm in my 40s.
I think I may have created the impression that American Buddhists are just into sex, drugs and rock and roll all the time.
I used to be invited to give Buddhist talks in Singapore and Malaysia. White guy, Buddhist - ooh, let's invite him... I invited a gay Buddhist group. They chickened out... 'Don't kill a fly because 500 times before in its previous life, it might have been your mother.' 'You might have been gay 500 times before in your previous life. Get over it.' I never got invited back.
[On a gay Yab-Yum and Eliade] Having sex is a sacred experience for them. They're experiencing nostalgia.
[On Harry Potter] I saw *** [Ed: The philosophy professor] rad this on the bus before. I was shocked. (reading)
[Girl:] I want your hair... Your hair is nicer than mine.
You should get a short-haired girlfriend. You'll be quite compatible. (You two)
[Fellow long-haired guy on people telling me to cut my hair] What's their problem? Everybody is telling me to cut my hair. It's fucking irritating.