When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Welcome to Hell - A Christian group in Texas has devised a unique method of redirecting wayward teens off the highway to hell and on to a more righteous path.

"Things started getting particularly gruesome, in a Hammer horror sort of way, in the abortion scene, when cold, heartless doctor characters used an outsize pair of tweezers to pull unidentified bloody animal parts out from between a teenage girl's legs. (This trick, incidentally, is straight out of Keenan Roberts' outreach kit.) Having extracted the foetus - "America's version of the Holocaust," the devil narrators tell us - the doctors then manage to let the girl die too, through inattention. They act like it's just another day at the office.

In the show's most overwrought scene, an alcoholic, adulterous, porn-addicted litigation lawyer who has just secured freedom for a known paedophile stabs his wife rather than have her discover he has been molesting their daughter. The daughter then shoots her father, retreats to her room and slits her wrists, spilling fake blood over the floor, next to her bible."


There is a "Centre for Increasing Returns and Economic Organisation" at Monash University. Uhh.

Just for the heck of it, I should try using a Mac for a week and note down what I dislike (or even - gasp - like) about it. Of course, this won't faze the Mac whores (for the benefit of My Little Bird, I will note that there is a distinction between a Mac user and a Mac whore), who will claim that I haven't been using a Mac for "long enough", since their definition of "long enough" is until the person in question grows to prefer the Mac to Windows.

I was expounding my theory of why Malaysian prata is nicer than even the one at Phoenix Hotel (the Malaysian smell, and the fact that some people like unsanitary eating conditions). 'I was just thinking: What have the Malaysians done to you?... You're obviously very affected.'

We have 'chat points' in the library. We should have 'sleep points' as well so people can sleep without disturbing or displacing others. But then those would quickly be filled, so.

I should set up a squatting agency matching people who want to squat in school with those who are willing to rent out their rooms.

Every semester, you'll see people dressing freakily to promote their bashes. I saw some on Monday and Ban Xiong suggested it was for Halloween - a brilliant suggestion, so I asked the guy if that was the case. Unfortunately, it was for some bash in December. Later someone suggested that he'd go for bashes like this - if they were held in graveyards.

Usually, the promoters' hair (the girls at least) will make it look like they've been zapped by Doktor Frankenstein's machine, and their faces like they've smashed them into bowls of multi-coloured chalk dust (ie Like the Rafflesian Spirit, but in more than one colour). I'm not normal, but even normal people are put off by such grotesque images - no one wants to see Goths Gone Wrong at a bash; there is something called Negative Publicity.
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