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Thursday, June 06, 2024

Links - 6th June 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

Colin Wright on X - "These are the last 6 slides from a BIOL 104: Principles of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology lecture at Yale, a required course for all pre-med students. The slides attempt to obfuscate what males and females are by asserting that the binary concept of sex is "essentialist" and insisting that "Evolution is fundamentally anti-essentialist." Therefore, the binary notion of sex is unscientific and wrong.  They claim that "sex" is:
"a fact about history, not individuals"
"a cluster of iterative, coevolved, differentiated reproductive homologies"
"a becoming or enactment—a performance of the self"
They also claim that an organism's phenotype is "the performance of the individual self" and that "biology needs queer theory to get the phenotype right."  This is pure biological pseudoscience masquerading as science. This is a lecture I can envision Deepak Chopra giving.  There are many deep flaws with this portrayal of sex, but one of the most significant errors is the portrayal of binary sex as "essentialist." And while it is correct that biology is "anti-essentialist," it is not "essentialist" to point out an actual defining property of certain categories. "Essentialism" in biology implies something immaterial and unfalsifiable. But having the function to produce either small or large gametes is a material reality, and therefore not "essentialist."  Do not conflate "essentialist" and "reductionist."
Many natural phenomena or categories don't have a single defining trait. Species are reproductively isolated, lineage-based taxonomic classifications. Things like "races" are nonrandom statistical clusters of genetic relatedness.   But some biological phenomena, like the sex categories male and female, really do have single defining properties, which is rooted in the type of gamete—sperm or ova—an individual has the function to produce.   This isn’t “essentialism,” it’s just observing and describing biological reality. Different types of biological phenomena are described differently, because the world is what it is and it's the job of biologists to describe and explain it.  It is very worrying that Yale requires their medical students to take courses promoting biological pseudoscience."
Carrie Mendoza, MD on X - "And many electronic health records don’t have a category for biologic sex anymore, using confusing terms. This can cause all kinds of medication and ordering errors on top of inaccurate data analysis. Years of patient safety initiatives are being erased to support Orwellian Patient Experience. Dangerous."
Then when trans people get worse healthcare they blame "transphobia"

Genspect on X - ""Eunuch-maker" Marius Gustavson, who "mutilated paying customers and streamed it online", jailed for 22 years.  Gustavson's defense claimed these extreme body modifications led to "feelings of empowerment and greater acceptance of himself and feelings of contentment with his own body...He was stuck in a body he wanted to make changes to, and understood there were more people out there who wished to do the same."  The defense's remarks sound like they're straight out of the Eunuchs chapter in @wpath  Standards of Care 8, which declares that "eunuchs require access to affirming care [including castration] to gain comfort with their gendered self.""

i/o on X - "Aspirational quotes of the elites.
1940s: "My son is a colonel."
1960s: "My son is a doctor."
1980s: "My son works on Wall Street."
2000s: "My son started a tech company."
2020s: "My son is a woman.""

Stephanie Winn on X - "🚨This story is RICH! Must-read, you-can’t-make-this-shit-up, top-10-stories-for-the-2024-archives level rich.  A DEI grifter lying about her racial identity caused a Portland transgender-affirming therapy clinic to implode. Because the rule of social justice is, of course, that you can identify as whatever gender you want, and everyone must respect that, but you cannot lie about your race, no siree.   A bunch of staff who spend their days affirming people’s magical gender feelings were so offended that their company hired a white woman who falsely “claimed to be a person of Arab, South Asian and Latino descent” that they quit their jobs, then complained about how their own decision to leave will negatively impact their poor marginalized clients whose wellbeing ostensibly depends on having professionals shore up their “gender identity.”  The entire article contains not a single hint of irony nor drop of self-awareness.   “Raquel Saraswati” is the next Rachel Dolezal and I am here for it."

Candice Jackson on X - "A rant by a lesbian mom who won’t let my kids anywhere near anything labeled “LGBTQ+”, feels Pride has become Shame, and is acutely embarrassed by the claim to a MONTH of shoving rainbow slogans down everyone’s throats & garish, infantilizing, dictatorial flags on buildings & crosswalk murals, and the condescending, regressive “inclusion” mottos splashed everywhere by institutions & corporations actively erasing the female sex class and safeguards for women & children to propagandize “trans” & “queer” and pretend to take seriously something as meaningless & incoherent as “non-binary” while tripping over themselves to give men props, privileges, & engraved invitations to mock, degrade, & subjugate women: the more outrageous the domination, the louder the accolades & slobbering praise.  LGBTQ+ has become the solar eclipse ending LGB’s day in the sun of Western societal tolerance & acceptance. “Queering” (ie, rejecting, annihilating, reversing) social norms, standards, boundaries & value judgments certainly liberates some people — but nihilistic, hedonistic, ego-driven liberation without social constraints isn’t good or positive by measures of human flourishing, healthy development, or liberal society.   When chaos fills the vacuum after institutions & governments have “queered” away objective rules designed to promote balance between individual freedoms & social order, brute force & strength enforce personal desires & whims — most often at the expense of those who cannot defend themselves against raw power: children, women, people with disabilities.   This doesn’t necessarily mean all anti-social or unhealthy individual self-expressions (eg, kinks, fetishes, paraphilia, gender-faith) should be banned or punished by law, but such harmful practices certainly shouldn’t be celebrated, facilitated, encouraged, venerated, promoted, sacralized, shielded from social opprobrium, or exhibited to kids.   If homosexuals hope to maintain or restore the social bargain reached in the 2000s, that LGB are welcome to full civic & social participation (eg, a woman’s spouse being a woman doesn’t cause ostracism or negative treatment or even raise many eyebrows) on the premise that we are normal members of society who happen to have same-sex partners & we have enough self-respect not to need or demand that sincere religious disapproval of homosexuality be squashed by official power, then LGB need to not just distance from “LGBTQ+” but denounce that cultish societal pariah with all the indignant disdain we can muster.   TQ+ is a parasite feeding off LGB goodwill earned over decades by gays & lesbians — and now evaporating in a few short years due to TQ+ using our own organizations & channels (eg, school “inclusion resources”) to push gender religion, reality denial, kink/fetish celebration, & boundary/safeguarding evisceration, causing substantial harms mainly to women & children AND OURSELVES (disintegrating the very concept of homosexuality & shoving cohorts of gay men & lesbian women into closets constructed of sex stereotypes, med-tech body modifications, & shame for the bigoted, oppressive act of rejecting opposite sex partners).  And heterosexuals who see the absurdities & dangers posed by “LGBTQ+” need to push back, backlash, resist, object, & refuse to be coerced into silence & false consensus by the “LGBTQ+” hostile takeover of LGB causes & organizations.   It isn’t anti-gay to keep TQ+ far away from our kids — it’s homophobic not to.  (END RANT)"

The UK’s New Study on Gender Affirming Care Misses the Mark in So Many Ways - "Further, experts note the report does not disclose all the people who collaborated on the project and their affiliations. Streed says, for similar reviews, “every author has to have their name on it and say what their conflicts of interests are, where they are getting their funding from. The Cass Report does not offer that information. For me, that is a big red flag.” Some of those connections have become clearer since the report was published. For example, the blog Growing Up Transgender uncovered a 2022 meeting between the US Department of Health and Human Services and the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has dubbed “the hub” of the “anti-LGBT pseudoscience network.”  Representing SEGM were Richard Byng and R. Stephens, who were identified in the meeting as part of NHS’ “working group on Gender Dysphoria.”"
Jesse Singal on X - "I'm sorry but this is completely deranged. The author of this is young but where are the adults to step in and prevent this Breitbart-level garbage from being published? They've created this entire ecosystem of bullshit. SPLC describes SEGM as evil in a completely unhinged 'report,' then that gets cited by Mother Jones, a relatively mainstream outlet. So much laundering of nonsense. The left has a profound misinformation problem."
If you accept that the whole edifice is corrupted, this is no longer surprising
Trust the "Science". Unless it doesn't push the left wing agenda
Clearly, it is transphobic to have the same standards for evidence for trans "care" as for everything else in medicine
I like how the pro-trans experts they interviewed criticising the Cass report are from the US, and they're all misrepresenting the research

Meme - "HELL"
Man: "Of course not. Because I don't belong here. I transitioned my children"
*Devil leads him to Extra-Hell"

Thumb-sucking Chatham paedophile who identifies as little girl jailed after secret phone found in ‘Hello Kitty’ bedroom - "A convicted paedophile who claims to identify as a little girl has been jailed for having a secret phone found in what was described as a "Hello Kitty" bedroom.  The device was one of two linked to Janiel Verainer discovered by police during a routine but unannounced "offender management" check... During the two-day hearing the paedophile asked to be referred to as 'Ms' and by the pronouns 'she/her', and sat in the dock thumb-sucking, with long hair in bunches and wearing a sweatshirt emblazoned with pictures of kids' ABC building blocks as well as the words “I am mentally 3-7 years”.  But the court heard Verainer, whose previous convictions include sexual assault of a child and possessing indecent images, has no underlying mental health disorder, learning difficulty or brain injury... a psychiatric report concluded that despite an expressed desire to be diagnosed as an "adult-child" or with "adult-child syndrome", no such medical condition exists and was, the expert stated, "perhaps a life choice or a manifestation of extremely poor coping skills" by the defendant... During the trial, the court heard from Verainer's registered carer and partner Paul Hart, who gave evidence clutching a Hello Kitty soft toy and sucking on a baby's pink dummy... Verainer, who has also used the name Jorven Seren in the past, was previously handed a seven-month jail term suspended for 18 months in April 2022 after he flouted other conditions of the same SHPO and kissed two children. Janiel Verainer was previously spotted attending court dressed as an elf"
Being trans didn't use to be a medical condition either

Trans-Identified Toddler Rapist Featured By Women and Justice Project Infographic On "Discrimination" Faced By Transgender People - "A toddler rapist is being featured on a website dedicated to female inmates, with his quotes prominently displayed despite his well-documented criminal history of child abuse. Xena Grandichelli, born Jeffrey Willsea, is a high-risk sex offender in the state of New York... Grandichelli pleaded guilty to 11 counts of sexual abuse involving a 3 year-old girl in 1994, and was initially sentenced to 19 to 59 years in prison, dropped to 5 to 15 years at a later hearing. Upon release in 2014, he was assigned to the sex offender registry and categorized at the highest level, designating him a major recidivism risk and an ongoing threat to public safety.  Yet despite his horrific criminal record, Grandichelli became a highly-regarded trans activist and has spoken at top-tier universities since his release from prison. In 2016, Grandichelli spoke at NYU on the topic of incarceration and trauma, and led a workshop on trans issues for the National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People of Color Health Conference. The next year, he was a panelist representing “women’s experiences of incarceration” at Columbia University, which houses a gender identity program staffed by at least one member and former president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, Walter Bockting.  Grandichelli has also been presented with an Anti-Violence Project award referring to him as a “Community Hero.”  Notably, he has also partnered with the Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) and was designated as a Movement Building Team member. In a letter posted to the SRLP website, Grandichelli describes how team members from the organization actively worked to recruit him while he was still incarcerated for sexually abusing a child. As of May 2024, Grandichelli is still featured by the Women and Justice Project in a dedicated infographic highlighting “The Incarceration of Trans, Nonbinary & Gender Expansive People,” this is despite a recent wave of media attention surrounding his history of child rape...   Another prominent activist credited with helping on the infographic is the ACLU’s Chase Strangio. Despite frequently portraying trans-identified male inmates as vulnerable, the ACLU is currently representing multiple violent male offenders in their demand to either be transferred to a women’s prison or receive “gender affirming” accessories while incarcerated."
It's a right wing transphobic conspiracy theory that links pedopholia to trans mania

Maxien Stevens, transgender inmate who claimed she was punished for prisoner relationships, loses appeal - "A violent, serial paedophile who is serving a rare indefinite prison sentence says a nearly half-year stretch in “solitary confinement punishment cells” at the privately operated Auckland South Corrections Facility was illegally ordered as retribution for consensual relationships with other prisoners.  Maxien Stevens, 38, who is transgender, was housed at the Serco-run facility - which houses male prisoners but also accommodates those who identify as women - from June 2020 until November 2021. During that time, she was relocated almost 40 times - the majority of which were “due to behavioural and relationship difficulties with staff and prisoners”, a Corrections official noted at the time.  “This behaviour has been described as cyclic.”... Maxien Stevens was known as Michael Lesley Stevens when sentenced in 2004, at age 18, for sexual offending against a young boy, as well as unrelated charges of aggravated robbery and burglary... Her alleged outbursts have included threatening a staff member, activating the sprinkler fire suppression system in her cell, hacking into the prison IT system and establishing a chat room with other prisoners, shattering an observation window in her cell then spitting out glass when officers responded and refusing for two hours to come down from a fence. “Ms Stevens frequently exhibited overly sexualised behaviour towards other prisoners, including asking them to touch her breasts and other parts of her body in a sexual manner,” Court of Appeal justices Murray Gilbert, Christian Whata and Peter Churchman noted in their 45-page judgment released last week. “She also pursued romantic relationships with younger or vulnerable prisoners. [Prison] staff considered, based on their observations, that these relationships were not reciprocated, and they were concerned about the negative impact on the mental wellbeing of the young prisoners Ms Stevens fixated on. The issue was raised with Ms Stevens on numerous occasions, but her behaviour continued to escalate.”"

Meme - "Shaved my beard and felt incredible. Realized I'm trans!" - Lilly Contino

Meme - ""Feminists" who are super mad Margot Robbie got "cheated by The Man" out of her Barbie Oscar - but couldn't care less that Riley Gaines got cheated out of her NCAA medal by the man Lia Thomas."

This teacher went viral after calmly and brilliantly questioning a student who called JK Rowling a “bigot." Now he's been fired. - "high school teacher Warren Smith went viral after being asked by a student: "Do you still like [J.K. Rowling's] work, despite her bigoted opinions?" The conversation that followed was a masterclass in the Socratic method and critical thinking. In it, he asked a series of questions that forced the student to think critically about the assumptions he was making."

Outrage as drag queen leads kids in 'Free Palestine' chant - "The encounter, which unfolded at a “Queer Storytime for Palestine” event organized by the Valley Families for Palestine group in Amherst last week, had gone viral by Thursday as outrage mounted.  “Today what we’re going to do is shout ‘Free Palestine.’ Can I hear that?” the drag queen, known as “Lil Miss Hot Mess,” was filmed telling the children in the 30-second clip. “If you’re a drag queen and you know it, and you really want to show it, if you’re a drag queen and you know it, shout ‘Free Palestine.'”... Furious critics were quick to point out the hypocrisy of a drag queen touting the phrase given the harsh treatment of LGBTQ people in Gaza. “The harsh reality? Members of the LGBTQ+ community are often murdered in Gaza and other Palestinian areas such as Ramallah,” Stop Antisemitism tweeted alongside the recording.  “Often times members of the LGBTQ+ community seek refuge in Israel as their lives are endangered and their families excommunicate them. Were these children taught these points?”... The group also boasted of the “important lessons” the kids learned during the storytime event.  “We came together today in joy and solidarity and learned some important lessons about being ourselves, using our voices to speak out against injustice, and being fabulous while we do it,” a caption on the post read."
Clearly, drag queens are just teaching love, tolerance and acceptance
Why do left wing beliefs always come in a bundle?
Indoctrination is good when it's left wing indoctrination

Thread by @ProjectStark_ on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Case Report: A Drag Queen And Leather Bondage Gear, Inside Prince Bishop's Community Primary School  We've discovered images online of a Durham County-based primary school hosting a drag queen show and holding radical trans activist materials... On their website, they boast of their ‘Gold Award’ accreditation by the organisation Educate and Celebrate. This is part of an effort to “eradicate homophobia, biphobia and transphobia”. The event included the participation of Drag Queen Miss Emma, suspected to be Emma Royd, who is known locally. Royd, along with a teacher, judged children on their creatively painted outfits: We searched Royd’s social media and found a litany of sexualised posts, such as a video from February 2021 showing her twerking in a skin tight one-piece: Another post on Facebook showed Royd promoting a "dreamboys" event in April 2020: For their 2023 Pride month celebrations, the school's Facebook page showcases children's drawings featuring messages like "love has no gender," "be yourself LGBTQ+ pride," and "boys can wear skirts," accompanied by rainbow iconography. The controversial children's book "Grandad’s Pride" also appeared: In August 2023, ‘Grandad’s Pride’ hit the headlines when parents Will and Maria Taylor, of Hull, East Yorkshire, spotted a cartoon of a partially naked elder man in leather bondage gear contained within. The book also features illustrations of trans-identified females with post-surgical scars: Author Harry Woodgate, who uses they/them pronouns, specifies that the children’s book has a 4+ reading age... Neither the school's social media nor its website presents critiques of gender theory; they only show content that supports it, which breaks existing statutory requirements on political impartiality in UK schools."

Meme - "Remember kens, if they were real women
they wouldn't have to campaign so hard to tell you that they're real women."

Meme - "Wearing lipstick and "feeling" like a woman doesn't make you one.
SEX *giraffe*
GENDER *dog in giraffe costume*"

Thread by @benryanwriter on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "For the first time, a detransitioner medical-malpractice lawsuit will proceed in court, deemed by a judge to be legally viable. Prisha Mosley @detransaqua has sued in North Carolina “multiple doctors and health facilities on seven counts of fraud, facilitating fraud, breach of fiduciary duty rising to the level of constructive fraud, civil conspiracy, medical malpractice, negligent infliction of emotional distress and unfair and deceptive trade practices”... There are approximately 17 known detransitioner lawsuits filed against medical providers in the U.S. Legal sources have suggested to me that there are a few additional cases that remain under the radar. This includes a suit that names @AmerAcadPeds as a defendant. nysun.com/article/lawsui…  Recently, detransitioner Chloe Cole’s medical-malpractice case against Kaiser Permanente moved to its discovery phase. It had faced the apparent likelihood of going into arbitration, but no longer. @ChoooCole The recent publication of the WPATH Files could impact detransitioner medical-malpractice cases in the U.S. The publication in the UK of the landmark Cass Review, which found that pediatric gender-transition treatment is based on “remarkably weak evidence,” could aid the plaintiffs in detransitioner lawsuits in the U.S. My own reporting suggests that if even a single detransitioner lawsuit succeeds in securing a significant financial award, this will attract a flood of new litigation by law firms and plaintiffs that no longer see this as a risky venture, both financially and reputation-wise. One successful detransitioner lawsuit could cause a snowball effect that would drive up malpractice premiums for pediatric gender clinics and cause many to shutter. Additionally, health care providers might leave a space—or never entire it—that they see too litigious. Sued Over Policies on Transgender Children, American Academy of Pediatrics Pulls Forthcoming Book, Takes Steps To Protect Emails From Prying Eyes. The AAP is facing a lawsuit from a woman who underwent a female-to-male medical transition at age fourteen, which she later ceased and regretted. nysun.com/article/sued-o…"
Judge grants detransitioner's lawsuit against doctors to proceed in court: 'Sufficient' allegations - "Mosley’s case is the first detranistioner lawsuit that has been allowed to proceed in court, according to her attorney, Josh Payne."


The Heretical Liberal 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Here's the face of the "woman" they sent to a female prison, where he predictably raped a female inmate. I say "predictably" because he's a male rapist who was in prison for "forced oral copulation" on two women.  Prison officials are stunned, because the rapists told them he was "no threat to women" and are reported to be inconsolable and disillusioned. After all, if you can't trust male rapists who promise not to rape, who CAN you trust these days? 🤦🏼‍♂️🤡  How in the fuck did we get to this place? How can PRISON OFFICIALS be so stupid that they couldn't fathom that male rapists might just lie about identifying as a woman if it means they get to go to the women's prisons?  Think of how terrifying it would be for a female inmate to be locked into your cell for the night with this hulking man as your cellmate, knowing that if you speak up or complain, it'll be YOU who gets punished.  This grotesque ideology is turning society inside out, and for what? To placate the unreasonable demands of societies predators, pedophiles and sex pests? Nah man. Fuck that. Enough is enough with this shit."
EXCLUSIVE DETAILS: Transgender Inmate Who Said He Was "No Threat" To Women Charged With Sexual Assault After Transfer To Women's Prison - "Tremaine “Tremayne” Deon Carroll, a male who identifies as a woman, was housed at the Central California Women’s Facility when the sexual assault took place but has since been moved to Kern Valley State Prison... Carroll was a problem inmate, and between 2001 and 2015, he received over a dozen Rules Violation Reports, one of which was related to filing false reports against a Peace Officer... Carroll referred to himself as “mentally disturbed” and stated he was on high doses of anti-psychotic medication...   In the vast majority of his complaints, Carroll refers to himself by “he/him” pronouns, and does not mention his gender identity or sexuality.  But in a case filed in March of 2021, Carroll suddenly invoked SB-132, also known as the Transgender Respect, Agency and Dignity Act. The law had been implemented just three months prior, and formally established the ability of inmates to be housed on the basis of their gender identity in California...  He also claimed he was in prison for “non-violent” offenses, in contradiction of his criminal history.  The next year, Carroll was profiled by the California Coalition for Women Prisoners, who featured him as being “an incarcerated transgender woman instrumental in several prison lawsuits.”... the District Attorney filed multiple charges against Carroll, including two counts of rape, and one count of dissuading a witness from testifying.  The incident is said to have occurred in January of 2024, and would have occurred while Carroll was incarcerated at the women’s prison...   Ironically, Carroll is one of the trans-identified males intervening in a lawsuit that seeks to prevent males from being housed in women’s prisons in California. The lawsuit, launched against the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, includes four female inmates who all stated they had been victimized by trans-identified male transfers.  In 2022, the ACLU intervened in the case, suggesting that the state of California could not adequately fight the lawsuit and represent the interests of trans-identified males.  In his sworn testimony collected by the ACLU for the case, Carroll declared: “I know what it feels like to live in fear and to carry the weight of the past abuse by men. But I am not a threat [to women]. I strongly believe that everyone here at CCWF would benefit from more structured interaction — opportunities to sit and talk with each other and realize that we’re all in the same boat.”"

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