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Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Links - 4th June 2024 (2 - Trans Mania)

Lorelei đŸŒ•đŸ§™đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ•žđŸ„ on X - "Violent men have always used trans activism to harm, silence and abuse women. Jane and Debbie’s full ‘Cassandra’ letter, from the April 1998 issue of feminist magazine “Off Our Backs” transcribed:
Dear off our backs,
A group of Feminists in Vancouver British Columbia, Canada met with the Human Rights Commissioner (who is a lesbian) and representatives of the Attorney General last night to discuss the proposed inclusion of “gender identity” in the Human Rights Code. It was a closed meeting, and not advertised. Still over 40 angry young women and transsexuals came to try and stop the meeting and/or disrupt it. It was angering and very sad to see all these young “queer” women attacking Feminists.   We managed to get the Meeting going and spent 3 hours telling the stories of transsexuals’ violence against individual women and Lesbians and against women's organizations. We told her of the Political consequences of her pursuing the change in the Human Rights Code - i.e. no more women-only space, no lesbian-only events; literally forcing us underground if we want to organize anything female-only. Women, girls and young Lesbians who desperately need contacts with and the support of women’s organizations having to tell their deepest secrets to “counselors” who are male. Men dressed as women and demanding to be let into women’s shelters as “women” only to try and get to the women they had battered and raped. Young Lesbians injecting themselves with male hormones, “wanting” to become male. Several lawsuits against women’s and Lesbian organizations are pending and eating up precious funding that should go to the women these organizations are working on behalf of
  A lesbian only event that was to take place next week had to be canceled, because of the real danger to the organizers and to the Lesbians who wanted to come.   The organizers received threats, were attacked by “queer” women and transsexuals and a big demonstration had been organized by a prominent Lesbian lawyer, to take place outside of the venue, protesting the “non-inclusion of transsexuals, bisexuals and others.” Most of us who went to the meeting have at one point or another been attacked, threatened and physically assaulted by “queer” Women and transsexuals who think we are “transphobic.” One women’s  organization that has been around for over 25 years is being threatened and might have to close
 We could go on
 We were women and Lesbians representing almost all the different communities here. The response was as we suspected it would be; well, transsexuals are oppressed as well, you know
and very little concern about the serious consequences this proposed legislation would have.   Please let women and Lesbians in your part of the world know about this outrage. We need support from the outside. So the fight goes on in times when male privilege and oppression of females are getting worse and worse and our sisters turn against us, and our organizations close, one after the other. We are afraid for us

In the fight and in sisterhood as always.
Jane and Debbie"
When feminists get a taste of their own medicine. Ironic.

What America has got wrong about gender medicine - "FOR MANY Americans, the great tragedy of trans rights is the story of how Republican governors and state legislatures are stigmatising some of society’s most put-upon people... In a free society it is not the government’s place to tell adults how to live and dress, which pronouns to use, or what to do with their bodies... Broadly speaking, the consensus in America is that medical intervention and gender affirmation are beneficial and should be more accessible. Across Europe several countries now believe that the evidence is lacking and such interventions should be used sparingly and need further study. The Europeans are right... one concern is that doctors have changed the safeguards built into the original treatment design, devised in the Netherlands in the 1980s and 1990s. Twenty years ago, the typical patient was male, with a long history of dysphoria. Children and teenagers with psychological problems besides dysphoria were disqualified from treatment. These days most patients are adolescent girls. Their dysphoria may be relatively recent. Some are depressed, anxious or autistic, but mental illness is no longer a hard barrier to treatment. Do these patients respond to drugs and surgery in the same way? It is unclear. And that is because the clinical evidence for intervention in broader categories of adolescents is vague. A formal British review of the clinical evidence, prepared in 2020, found that almost all the studies in this area were of poor quality; one in Sweden came to similar conclusions. When researchers find benefits, the effects tend to be small. It is often impossible to conclude whether they are lasting, or how much the credit is down to drugs or counselling or both. Some older studies suggest that, left alone, most children will naturally grow out of their dysphoric feelings. The long-term effects of puberty-blockers remain unknown, though there are worries about brain development and decreasing bone density. Medical bodies build safeguards into their treatment protocols, but they vary. And in any case practitioners may ignore them. Whistle-blowers say that some children and teenagers are being put on puberty-blockers after only a cursory assessment. A growing number of “detransitioners”, who regret their treatment, say that they have been left scarred, infertile, with irreversibly altered appearances and were unhappy with how their dysphoria was treated... Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health and a paediatrician, was very clear: “There is no argument among medical professionals
about the value and the importance of gender-affirming care.” Except that there is. And when medical staff raise concerns—that teenage girls may be caught up in a social contagion, say, or that some parents see transition as a way to have a straight daughter rather than a gay son—they have been vilified as transphobic and, in some cases, suffered personal and professional opprobrium. Medical science is not supposed to work this way... The right policy is therefore the one Britain’s NHS and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden seem to be working towards. This would promote psychotherapy and reserve puberty-blockers and cross-sex hormones for a system in which patients would almost always be enrolled in a well-run clinical trial. Ideally, American regulators would insist on trials, too. If the culture wars put that compromise out of reach, professional bodies should uphold their own protocols by welcoming whistle-blowers and advance science by calling on patients to be in trials."
I can't find any US state laws telling "adults how to live and dress, which pronouns to use, or what to do with their bodies." Unless minors are supposed to be adults now

Regina high school swaps gendered changerooms with letters - "St. Pius X Catholic School in Regina has labelled its gendered changerooms with letters to be more inclusive.   “In an effort to avoid the transphobic words ‘girls’ and ‘boys,’ the changerooms at St. Pius X Catholic School are now labelled ‘A’ and B,’” tweeted former Ontario high school teacher Chanel Pfahl... Arbonne Canada consultant Blaine Badiuk asked how boys and girls is transphobic.   “As a trans woman, I find it transphobic they removed those labels and replaced them with A and B,” said Badiuk."

Abbie Chatfield calls very common word a 'slur' and 'transphobic' - so do you agree? - "Abbie Chatfield has warned her fans to take caution when using the word 'females'.  The Bachelor star, 28, claimed in a recent episode of her It's A Lot podcast that using the word 'females' is offensive because it dehumanises women and excludes transgender people... 'It feels transphobic in a weird way because it's categorising people. Also when you say 'females' it sounds more like someone's stating a fact about a group of people,' she continued. Abbie said that when the word 'women' is used, it allows for more 'debate' on what it means to be 'female'."
The word "woman" doesn't mean anything nowadays, so this has a certain twisted truth to it

Meme - "Jack and Jill went up the hill, so Jack could lick Jill’s candy. Jack got a shock, and a mouthful of cock, cause Jill's real name was Randy"

Meme - "Dudes in fifty years be like: So then I cut off my weiner, which was the style , at the time"

West Virginia girls stand up against trans sports madness — they're braver than the president - "Consider the five West Virginia middle-school girls who rightly objected to the inclusion of trans girl Becky Pepper-Jackson — i.e., a biological boy, with all the attendant strength advantages — in a track and field competition.  The girls refused to shotput against Pepper-Jackson, and were punished for that quiet protest by being barred from future meets.  They didn’t shout or scream or hurl slurs; they exercised a totally non-threatening, totally nonviolent form of protest at what they — again, correctly — see as an injustice... We’re happy to say that state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey has filed suit against the county ed board responsible for the travesty, and we wish the kids all the luck in the world in their quest for justice.   Mind you, West Virginia law forbids letting biological boys compete against girls; only a woke federal judge’s intervention let Pepper-Jackson steamroll the female competition in the first place.   Yet the county board still tried to abuse its power to make teen girls pay for their principled stand, all the better to ram gender extremism down the public’s throat."

West Virginia Teen Track Athlete Alleges Ongoing Sexual Harassment from Trans-Identified Male Teammate - "A high school track athlete in Bridgeport, West Virginia, has joined an ongoing lawsuit challenging the inclusion of trans-identified males in female sports. The student, Adaleia Cross, identified in the declaration as “A.C.,” alleges that fellow track team member Becky Pepper-Jackson, a boy who claims to identify as a girl, made several sexually abusive and vulgar remarks about her, which caused her “deep distress.”   According to a statement by the 15 year-old girl added as evidence to the lawsuit State of Tennessee, et al v. Cardona, et al (U.S. Secretary of Education) on May 8, Pepper-Jackson, 13 years-old and identified as B.P.J., made “several offensive and inappropriate sexual comments” towards Cross. The harassment escalated, she said, during their final year of middle school, when “the comments became much more aggressive, vile, and disturbing.”  The suit alleges that Pepper-Jackson would say “suck my dick” to both the complainant and other girls on the team.   “During the end of that year, about two to three times per week, B.P.J. would look at me and say ‘suck my dick.’ There were usually other girls around who heard this. I heard B.P.J. say the same thing to my other teammates, too,” Cross said.  â€œB.P.J. made other more explicit sexual statements that felt threatening to me. At times, B.P.J. told me quietly ‘I’m gonna stick my dick into your pussy.’ And B.P.J. sometimes added ‘and in your ass,’ as well. These comments were disturbing and caused me deep distress.”   The sexual abuse took place while Pepper-Jackson shared a locker room with the teen girls, as well as during track practice, Cross said. The comments made the girl feel “confused and disgusted,” she explained, “especially confusing because I was told that B.P.J. was on the girls’ team because B.P.J. identifies as a girl, but the girls on the team never talked like that.”  Concerned, Cross reported the sexual comments to her track coach and to school administrators. However, “nothing changed,” she said, and Pepper-Jackson “got very little or no punishment” for saying things other students would be penalized for...   “In marching band, we have many band trips that require overnight stays, where students share hotel rooms without an adult staying in the room with them. I am hesitant to continue playing in the band because I am uncertain whether I will be forced to share a hotel room or be exposed to B.P.J. on these trips.”  Cross additionally voiced her concern for Pepper-Jackson’s female peers, positing that his presence in the locker room of 12 and 13 year-old girls could deter them from playing sports altogether...  Judge Toby Heytens stated, “Offering B.P.J. a ‘choice’ between not participating in sports and participating only on boys teams is no real choice at all.”  â€œThe defendants cannot expect that B.P.J. will countermand her social transition, her medical treatment, and all the work she has done with her schools, teachers, and coaches for nearly half her life by introducing herself to teammates, coaches, and even opponents as a boy,” Judge Heytens added.  The decision was celebrated by the ACLU and by Lambda Legal, two of the most active trans activist organizations spearheading lawsuits in the United States."
Damn transphobia!
Believe women, unless they threaten the left wing agenda

Trans-Identified Male Seizes First Place In Women's Cycling Category For Second Time - "One year after winning a women’s cycling title and standing alone on the podium, trans-identified male Lesley Mumford has again taken a first place win in a women’s racing category. Mumford, 47, seized a gold at the Desert Gravel Co2uT 100-mile race in Fruita, Colorado, which was held on May 4."

Meme - *Here's Johnny*

Meme - Monty Python: "I want to Be a woman. It's my right as a man."
Time to ban this for "transphobia"

Who is Alexia Willie? Transgender Woman Threatened School Shooting—Police - "Alexia Willie has been charged with 14 felony counts of interstate communication of a threat to injure, court records show, including one in which she referenced the March 2023 shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. In videos and streams online, Willie threatened to repeat the actions of Aiden Hale, a former pupil at the school and transgender man who shot and killed three nine-year-old children and three staff members. According to court filings made on November 7, Willie made a video in which she allegedly said: "A person in Tennessee walked into one of your schools and shot up a bunch of your Christian daughters. That's not the last of them if you don't shut your f***** mouth."  She made further threats against children. In one instance, without referencing who "we" is, saying: "We're coming for your children." She added: "While you're sitting out here talking your s***, we're not gonna come for you, we're gonna come for your f****** children. Do you understand me?" Willie made several references to sexually assaulting children, some using language that is not appropriate for publication, but specifically made threats against "your daughters in the bathroom" and allegedly admitted to being "openly a pedophile."  In another threat made online, Willie took aim at Black people and threatened to "infect them with HIV" via a syringe. "They're trash, they're Christian trash. They're transphobic, they're homophobic. They're no different than the f****** white supremacists," Willie said according to the indictment.  She also threatened to go to Uganda and "assassinate all of the parliament members."... Not much is known about Willie who is from Nashville, Illinois and was formerly known as Jason Lee Willie, aside from a history of making threats against several different groups. According to the proffer of evidence, the FBI has received numerous reports regarding Willie's threats and erratic behavior online.  In 2018 the FBI received reports of a threat made by Willie on Facebook, in which she claimed to have killed a preacher that had molested her and hundreds of other children. The FBI previously spoke to Willie about a separate threat made on streaming platform Twitch, in which she threatened to bomb people who discriminate against transgender rights.  A person who lived with Willie said, according to the proffer of evidence, that she has "a lot of anger" and said he was trying to get "mental health assistance" for his house mate."
I love how many other articles don't mention the pertinent fact that it is biologically male

straight men with autogynephilia"

Scott Newgent-Trans Regretters on X - "Not attempting any humor, I am genuinely worried about her; she does not seem healthy, she comes across as if she's on speed, frantically trying to justify her decision to transition.  This is the 3-5-year phase of medical transition where you advance to the final surgery, the bottom surgery, and realize there is only one more step and you still do not feel better. You go into validation mode because if you acknowledge to yourself that it's not working, it implies that the past 3-5 years have been a cruel joke at your cost. To handle this? You amplify your efforts to show that you are rectifying a mistake, correcting an error of being born in the incorrect body.  This is the period where thoughts of suicide peak. Every trans suicide I know of has been at this time period of transition. @TheElliotPage"
Thread by @wesyang on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " There are many people who will in all earnestness be shocked and horrified by those making the self-evidently true observation that this is not a man who found his authentic self by dosing himself with exogenous hormones but instead a very troubled woman caught up in a viral contagion of medicalized self-harm that she is helping to spread. Those people have been propagandized out of reality.  There are many powerful institutions that will restrict the right to speak and even attack the right to transact on their platforms for asserting this self-evident truth. Those institutions have been captured by those propagandized out of reality.  There has never been an eruption of such blatant absurdity and state sponsored falsehood in any of our lifetimes. It is a practical and moral imperative to assert our right to say the self-evident truth by saying it. It's the only way to dispel the veil of mystification and repression foundational to the sustenance of a movement built on reality denial that has gone further than any other such movement in capturing the institutions that control what we can say and think. She writes about it in her memoir -- sexual exploitation of the kind that is pervasive in that setting.  Many turn to a variety of cult-like practices and institutions to cope. (Scientology, the Reverend Moon, etc.) We don't ban them for those old enough to consent and bear the consequences. And many of those cults do in fact help people by giving them a sense of purpose and a community in exchange for much of their wealth.  But this cult is different: it has captured the state and civil society and its demand that everyone accept or merely pay continual verbal tribute to its tenets. It's a demand that is incompatible with a pluralistic, liberal society where freedom of speech, belief, and unbelief are all enshrined in its founding principles.  It's a demand that this society must refuse. There are tragically wounded people seeking to empower themselves by plunging the whole world into coerced compliance with a fantasy world that can never be true -- by inducting other people's children into it with the active participation of the state. And the medical and psychiatric and social work and educational and cultural establishments, each of which fell under the sway of this movement. It's an extraordinarily strange and poignant story.  Society must say no."
On Ellen Page

Hegel Borgâ„ąïž on X - "Judith Butler's claim that gender, unlike race, is a purely social construct, and therefore mutable based on individual self-identification, is not only ridiculous on its face, it disregards the biological basis and of the cultural formation of "gender," and pretends that a "racial identity" is the only identity that is formed based on assumptions or treatment based on external appearance or external characteristics.
Inconsistency and Intellectual Dishonesty: There is a glaring inconsistency in her stance. She allows for a fluid interpretation of gender based on subjective self-identification but denies the same approach to racial identity, which she binds unequivocally to immutable characteristics like skin color. This selective application of social constructivism reveals a biased and ideologically motivated inconsistency. If gender can be self-determined regardless of biological sex, then by the same logic, why should racial identity be strictly confined to physical attributes or ancestry? The failure to apply her own standards of identity fluidity uniformly across different categories smacks of intellectual dishonesty.
Bias and Incoherence: Butler’s bias is evident in her selective championing of fluid gender identities while rigidly constraining racial identities. This approach is incoherent because it suggests that social constructs only apply selectively, based on current political and cultural preferences, rather than as a universal principle. She selectively applies the principles of self-identification and social construction, accepting them wholesale for gender while completely denying their relevance to race. This selective application is not only inconsistent but seems to be guided more by contemporary political correctness than by any rigorous intellectual or moral principle. Such inconsistency renders her entire argument intellectually untenable.
Arbitrary Dismissal of Racial Identity Fluidity: By categorically rejecting the fluidity of racial identity while endorsing gender fluidity, Butler fails to acknowledge the historical and ongoing processes by which racial identities have evolved and been redefined across contexts and eras. This failure to recognize that both "racial identity" and "gender identity" have been subject to definition based on a confluence of historical and societal factors, while simultaneously and arbitrarily categorizing one of those identities as fluid and something one can opt-into and the other as immutable is self-contradictory, incoherent and nonsensical.
Rejecting the Bifurcation: The bifurcation of sex and gender should be rejected outright. Gender is not a category that can be completely disentangled from sex. To argue otherwise is to endorse a form of cultural and ideological manipulation that denies the biological realities of human existence. This perspective not only distorts the truth but also destabilizes the societal understanding of identity, leading to confusion and conflict over fundamental aspects of human nature.
Additionally, stating that sex and gender can be bifurcated while simultaneously saying that "racial identity" and skin color are not concepts that can be severed, is entirely self contradictory and is not justified whatsoever by her argument. She exclusively relies on semantics and arbitrary categorization, which do not justify her position whatsoever.
Judith Butler is a clown."
James Lindsay, full varsity on X - "Marxists are all self-serving liars who just make stuff up so they can advance their destructive agenda. Judith Butler has always been a fraud. Related: I just spent over a week doing a deep-dive into the concept of "gender," and it doesn't mean anything at all. Nothing."

Thread by @TwisterFilm on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "A Dirty Secret of #TransHistoryWeek
This shameless rewriting of history at least provides an insight into the warped values of the trans lobby. Here's Stephen Whittle celebrating a documentary about transsexuals from 1973. What didn't she tell you about that show? The loopy Left wants to decolonise everything. It could start by recognising the bigotry baked into the foundations of the trans movement. We're told black men like Marsha P Johnson kickstarted its rise. Instead this TV show reveals the sordid truth.
Blonde trans activist Della (Derek) Aleksander who fronted the show was a leading light in the early British trans movement and headlined the first ever trans rights conference in Leeds in 1974. He also happened to be on the Far Right, volunteering to fight FOR Apartheid.  This racism explains why in the BBC show Aleksander claims he communicates regularly in seances with Hitler and Verwoerd, the architect of Apartheid. Did Whittle know all this? Della's Far Right past was openly discussed in this blog site to which Whittle responded. So open was Aleksander's racism it's been suggested he was the British Union of Fascists founder Oswald Mosley's lieutenant in the late 1950s, acting as his eyes and ears in South Africa. After he transitioned Della's views stayed ....shall we say niche.  He became a devotee of New Age guru Charlotte Bach, a convicted fraudster, who argued Darwin was wrong and evolution is driven by sexual perversion. It explains Della's closing lines in the show where he claims transsexuality is the key to future social progress. Maaate!
Ironically, this TV show Whittle recommends we watch is more revealing than he realises. It exposes the roots of the strangest and most dangerous social justice movement of modern times; a lobby spawned by mysticism, political extremism and frankly, a sprinkling of lunacy.  To succeed it has disguised that underlying insanity. As for its driving motivation, Della Aleksander made that clear when he said in 1974 that "Being a transvestite or transsexual cannot, by its nature, be a social protest phenomenon". So what IS the trans lobby about then? The deeply racist "Della" revealed the truth about transgenderism when he proudly admitted it "seeks to conform to accepted norms of the sexual division and the manner in which the sexes are distinguished by dress." It is and always has been about enforcing stereotypes.
It's appropriate that a delusional woman like Stephen Whittle can see nothing wrong with Della Aleksander. Whittle herself despaired as a young woman as she imagined herself as "an old lesbian wearing a tweed skirt." Read more here.
One day soon Trans History week will perhaps tell the real story about the trans movement's origins. It's one of reactionary politics, racial bigotry and a desperate desire, driven by psychiatric issues, to reinforce the sex sterotypes the rest of us have moved on from. In the meantime it's probably too much to expect blowhards like Whittle to grow some metaphorical balls (no pun intended) and acknowledge the truth about the lobby she helped create. If you want to watch the show here's the link. Watch & wonder."

Thread by @benryanwriter on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Endocrine Society, the two most influential US medical societies in pediatric gender medicine, have issued their first known statements on England's Cass Review on the subject...  The @AmerAcadPeds never responded to @JamesCantorPhD's scathing fact check of its 2018 policy statement on the affirmative care model for gender distressed children. Instead, it reaffirmed the policy statement in Aug 2023 with no changes. ohchr.org/sites/default/
 The AAP is subject to a lawsuit from a detransitioner, as I wrote for the @NewYorkSun: The AAP has become increasingly secretive about its work on the subject of gender distressed children. In its statement to @WBUR, the Endocrine Society says that "only a fraction" of gender distressed children receive medical transition. This after @WPATH said in a statement responding to the Cass Review that the majority of such children would do better to medically transition."

Wilfred Reilly on X - "Almost literally the worst thing you can do is "listen to children when they tell you what they know.""
Wesley Yang on X - "The Romantic notion of the child as magical seer reached its horrible apotheosis when actual medical authorities began insisting that a mystical gnosis (that is actually just kids parroting propaganda fed to them by adults) compelled them to sterilize and mutilate children"

Lorelei đŸŒ•đŸ§™đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ•žđŸ„ on X - "The thing about repeatedly telling terfy women that “in x years everyone will think you were on the wrong side of history with the trans issue” is that we don’t care.  We know that if the whole of society really believes that we were wrong, in a few decades, there will be far bigger problems than what people say:
It will mean that women and girls will have lost their right to single sex spaces. Possibly irrevocably.  It will mean that impossibly young children have gone on being socially transitioned, and later medicalised, in the name of gender identity.  It will mean that men with paraphilias have kept saying they are women, and society doubled down on enabling them.   It means that safeguarding is still broken because children live in a society where paraphilias have been made sacred. Not to mention a society where adults constantly lie to them about biological sex, and the risk of male violence.   It means women are still being terrorised, hurt, humiliated, and ultimately subjugated, to the will of men who change their names and put on spinny skirts.   It means there are layers upon layers of horror, and harm, being inflicted on ordinary women, children and men.
What such a society thinks of the women who stood up against that dystopian future is irrelevant.  Such a society has no integrity, so its opinion of women is worthless.   You can’t shame women into submission now, with the threat that sometime in the future society won’t respect us.  It isn’t respecting us much now, by ignoring our voices.  It isn’t respecting us when it sees the terrible things already happening, and insists the only problem is us pointing it out.  It isn’t respecting us by rewriting us as a class to include men
  â€Šand not just any men but often some of the worst ambassadors you’ve got.
So, no, you can’t threaten us with the future. The present is bad enough.  The only concern about the future I have, at all, is about how many women and children are safer in it.  What the future says will matter so much less than what it does."

Witch on X - "It’s a cult. Severing ties with the ones who love them most, will do anything for them, is fundamental to the survival of the cult. She will come back to you but such words don’t help at all time of loss. x"

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