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Monday, June 24, 2024

Links - 24th June 2024 (2 - Women)

Meme - Poe's Law, Esq: Poe's Lawyer @dyingscribe: ""incel lost all meaning when men started resonating with it"  nah it lost all meaning when women started using it for every nigga they don't like  y'all called Drake and Henry Cavill incels  THIS YEAR"
Daquan Wiltshire DSG 🤘🏾🐝 @DAQUANDSG: "I saw a woman call Future an incel because he can’t stop impregnating so many women. That’s when I stopped taking them serious"

A Time-Series Analysis of my Girlfriends Mood Swings - Journal of Astrological Big Data Ecology - "Despite recent advances in active listening, date night, and extended pillow talk; it is becoming increasingly more difficult to forecast Tiffany’s mood. With more and more Playstation 5 exclusive games, it is becoming increasingly important to determine Tiffany’s mood before purchasing a new game and playing online Co-op with the boys every evening for a week straight. This paper aims to determine the optimal forecast model of my girlfriend’s drastically growing mood swings by comparing simple moving averages, to sextuple exponential smoothing and even an overly complicated Machine Learning model. Despite initial time-series analysis showing non-stationarity and highly seasonal mood swings, the more simple models provided less riskier forecast predictions when planning a three day bender after Matt got divorced."

Meme - "*Bra with one hook* Easy
*Bra with two hooks* Medium
*Bra with three hooks* Hard
The harder the level the bigger the prize."

Meme - "Pete Davidson has started a relationship with actress Jenna Ortega (SOURCE : MVT)"
Johann @LookAtMyMeatt: "I'm convinced dating him is part of some humiliation ritual"

21 Savage Reveals Why Men In R&B Don’t Serenade Women Anymore - "Savage’s friend, Buwop, asked why men in the genre don’t serenade women like back in the old days. “Y’all b**ches some h**s now,” the Atlanta-raised musician responded. “Nobody singing to y’all. Everybody sell p**sy. Ain’t nobody to sing for.”"

Meme - Woman looking at sleeping man: "How will I drive him to the brink of insanity then play the victim today?"

Meme - ">gf begs me time and time again to peg me
>keep denying her
>she keeps pestering me with it
>finally give up and let her do it once
>never again
>few weeks later we get into an argument
>she calls me a faggot that likes to be pegged"

Meme - "First thigs first - I do have herps and I do OF. Got two kids that come first. Two baby daddies (hate them). 22+ please, have your own car, your own house. Earn $250k+ per year. Really tired of playing games. No I don't wanna just hook up so don't ask."

Meme - Tim Mooney: "Alright, so heres a brain buster for ya... If you had a 16 year old daughter, what would you rather see her do?
A) Date a 33 year old man who has the financial means to take care of her, the life experience to know what women want long term, and the maturity to handle a relationship like that?
Or, B) She goes to college, does what society and dem boyz tells her to do, gets run through by 30-50 dudes over a period of 4 years, who have little to no experience or knowledge on whats good for a women long term, and she comes out of college with all kinds of trauma and emotional baggage...
Please, tell me from your VAST experience, which is actually better for a women long term..."

Eighteen female guards at 'Britain's cushiest jail' fired for having illicit affairs with inmates - "'A lot of people getting these jobs don't have enough life experience and are susceptible to conditioning from prisoners... Among the guards guilty of initiating relationships with prisoners at £250 million super prison which houses Category C adult male offenders was Jennifer Gavan, 27, Ayshea Gunn, 27, and Emily Watson, 26.  Most recently, Gavan was jailed for eight months in December following her relations with prisoner Alex Coxon, 25.  She had sent intimate photos of herself to prisoner Coxon on Snapchat and kissed him during the relationship between April and July 2020.   She also smuggled a mobile phone behind bars for Coxon... Some 31 female officers in England and Wales have been dismissed for inappropriate relationships since 2019, according to statistics from the Ministry of Justice."
It is interesting how despite being in a position of power, they are still victims

Meme - kelly: "one time in middle school i dated a girl for 4 days and when she broke up with me she posted on facebook "sometimes your knight in shining armor is really just a loser in tinfoil" and to this day that the sickest burn i've ever gotten"

Meme - "you vs the girl he tells you not to worry about *Nerdy Sydney Sweeney in Madame Web* *Sexy Sydney Sweeney at Madame Web premiere*"

NYC/Dublin Portal Shut Down Due To 'Inappropriate Behavior' - "A visual art installation in the form of a two-way live-stream portal linking the cities of Dublin and New York City was temporarily shut down due to "inappropriate behavior."... The portals, which don't include audio capabilities, allowed passing locals from the respective cities to see what was happening across the Atlantic in real-time, 24/7.  Unfortunately, a small minority of locals from each city ruined the experience for everyone else when they engaged in lewd public behavior... The portals, which don't include audio capabilities, allowed passing locals from the respective cities to see what was happening across the Atlantic in real-time, 24/7.  Unfortunately, a small minority of locals from each city ruined the experience for everyone else when they engaged in lewd public behavior. Other circulating clips showed people flashing body parts to spectators on the other side, including a man who mooned the portal screen and a woman who lifted her shirt to expose her bare breasts...  The Dublin and New York pairing wasn't the first livestream interactive installation between cities, internationally.  According to the Portals Organization's website, the first portals in 2021 linked Vilnius, Lithuania, with Lublin, Poland."

OnlyFans model who flashed Dublin to New York portal shares how much she made from stunt - "Ava Louise ended up boasting on Instagram that she got it ‘shut down’ after flashing herself as ‘revenge’ for the 9/11 photo... Ava claims she made around £8,000 in new subscribers to her OnlyFans immediately after the transatlantic flashing."

Meme - "AITAH for keeping an OF girl as only a fwb?
Met this girl about a year ago, we went on a few dates, and things were going good. Eventually she confessed that she has an onlyfans. She showed me, and it was solo sexual stuff, well, mostly. While she was showing me, she did have a pic of a dude next to her, I didn't get to read it as she was just showing me in passing, so idk what exactly that was, but I'm assuming it was a sex video or something.  Honestly, as soon as I heard "onlyfans" I decided I wasn't ever gonna be her bf. I only checked it out JUST in case it wasn't actually something sexual.  I told her that I wasn't looking for any sort of relationship with her, and that we just be friends.  She seemed disappointed, but agreed to being friends.  Fast forward a few months, and we had sex after drinking too much.  We talked about it, and agreed to keep sleeping together, but as a fwb situation.  Recently, I told her I wanted to stop because I was seeing someone else, it wasn't serious, but I don't like sleeping with someone else while dating someone, even if we haven't agreed to be exclusive.  She asked I changed my mind about relationships, I told her not really, and asked why?  She then asked why I haven't asked her for something more, and I simply told her it was because she had an onlyfans.  She then got mad at me, and said I used her.  We had a fight, but I fail to see what I did wrong here, we both agreed to just be fwb."

Meme - "OnlyFans girls"
"Peter Parker"
"Selling pictures of themselves for money"

Meme - Poe's Law, Esq: Poe's Lawyer @dyingscribe: Chey @n0cheyd: "men, it's okay to cry and be vulnerable. we're all human"
Chey @n0cheyd: "i had a crush on this guy for awhile, he got robbed at gunpoint, saw him that same day and he was narrating it the started crying with his mouth wide open. Never gotten the ick so fast"

Meme - Tour Golf: "Rory's now ex-wife allegedly wasn't happy with how Rory golfed all the time."
"woman: marries a golfer
same woman: wtf are u doing"



Teacher who abused boy freed and cleared due to gender - "A former NSW teacher has had a historical child sex conviction quashed, becoming the second person to successfully argue women could not be legally responsible for abusing boys under laws in place at the time.  Gaye Grant, who is now in her late 70s, was jailed in December 2022 for abusing a boy in the 1970s after pleading guilty to maintaining an unlawful sexual relationship with a child... The allegations against Lam were thrown out in a landmark judgment that ruled women could not be legally responsible for abusing boys under past laws that only covered male offenders."

What Men Should Know on X - "Women: I want a man who is taller than me, earns more than me, is masculine, confident, stable, and funny.
Society: "YAAAAASSS!"
Men: I want a younger woman who is feminine, sweet, and not fat.
Society: You misogynist oppressor😡"

Evan DeSimone on X - "Every time we’re forced to talk about Joe Rogan I am reminded of my best and most immutable axiom: Nothing that only men like is cool."
Intersectional Memes and Feminist Dreams shared this, and lots of commenters approved. But of course, if you say nothing only women like is cool, you're a misogynist, yet feminism is not misandry

Meme - "What are those things called that you blow to make a wish?"
"Sugar Daddies"

Jane Fonda slept in her red carpet gown because the struggle is real - "The 80-year-old actress joked that she had ‘never wanted a husband in my life until now’ when she shared a picture which showed her the morning after the night before, still in a lace black gown she had worn to a gala the previous evening.  Stood in her kitchen attempting to make a sandwich, with her hair messy and her face still showing the remnants of the night before’s make up, Jane revealed that she had spent the night sleeping in the dress as she could not unzip it by herself"

one woman cult on X - "when kate moss said nothing tastes as good as skinny feels i take that with a grain of salt bc she was british"

Meme - "This may be an unpopular opinion, but here we go Something that really bothers me is the internet "leave him" culture. Obviously, if your partner is toxic or abusive you should of course leave, but people have told others to divorce their husbands over rather small things that could just be...talked out.  Like, husband not putting his work boots where they belong gets a "he's not respecting you or the household, this is a red flag and you should divorce him" or something similar, which I see as a very extreme response.  Divorce is a HUGE deal. It's not getting the ick from your boyfriend/girlfriend and leaving, this is someone you have made vows to, that is your other half.  Divorce isn't something to take lightly.  Does my husband do things that are annoying? Oh yeah. Do I do things that annoy him? Most definitely. Has some chronically online person told me to dump him over something trivial? Yep. Did I divorce him? No. Are we happy? More than anyone else I know! My husband is my best friend, we literally have the same thoughts, finish each other's sentences, at least twice a day we start humming the same song at the same time. I have a deep connection to my husband and I guess I just can't grasp the idea of leaving him over a minor annoyance. Some may see it as active disrespect, but people just forget to put things away sometimes. Or I'll ask him something and it'll slip his mind. ADHD is hard! He gives me leeway when I'm struggling mentally, that is what you're supposed to do. If you're not willing to have a little grace with your partner, you definitely should not marry them. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but I think sometimes people are too extreme with telling other people what to do with their relationships."
This is similar to yaaslighting. Women like to encourage other women to do stupid shit. Either to sabotage them or to say what they want to hear or as a projection of their own neuroses

Meme - Anastasia Nikolaeva: "men be like "i was inside another girl and thought of you""
"I'm genuinely sad at myself for having actually said this to a girl before"
"That means we like you fr fr"
"That's true love tbh"
"Only because we can't remember her name"

Meme - "Female anus too close to vagina
Hi, I've been with a few women in my life and one thing I've noticed is that the female anus is incredibly close to the vagina, in fact they're barely an inch apart. I'm not sure about other guys - but doesn't this disturb you? It feel like a design flaw in women actually like they're supposed to be so feminine and beautiful yet this ghastly little oversight is ruining everything. Somehow it feels to me that women should be more aware of this flaw and it should affect their confidence. Whenever see a so-called beautiful woman walking down the street so care-free thinking she's all that I just remember her anus is only 1 inch away from her pussy and laugh her into oblivion. Women: Please accept that they're too close together, let it negatively affect your confidence and so make yourselves more readily available sexually as a result. Afterall, we're having to sleep with a creature whos ANUS is only 1 inch away from the vagina you should not make this difficult. It's unappetizing enough as it is. We're doing you a favour. Men: Do not let women forget this flaw, and do not forgive them for it. Remind them of it constantly less they get inflated egos and think they're all that
They're just too close together, sorry, but its true."

When misandry is normalised, kids pick up on what our sexist society hates

🐼 on X - "I went on a date once, and we were both having a good time. It was around midnight when we decided to leave, so we both called cabs. His showed up first, so I told him to leave, and he did. Never texted him after that, and he probably has no idea what went wrong."
When a lady says no, she means...

Meme - Usisi Nandi @pallnandi: "Why do men stop talking to a lady after she says NO to dating proposal?"

Meme - Commie Gibberish of the Day: "Everyone say a prayer for Gisele Biindchen a comedian told jokes about her because she cheated on her husband with a personal trainer."
"Tom Brady's ex-wife Gisele Biindchen is reportedly FURIOUS over the divorce jokes made during "The Tom Brady Roast". A source says she's "deeply disappointed by the disrespectful portrayal of her family on Sunday evening's roast show". Tom Brady laughed at every joke"
"Gisele cheating on Brady and then complaining about the repercussions is crazy"

Meme - "When You Reject A Guy's Proposal Saying "You Deserves Better" And He Really Managed To Get Someone Better Than You"

Meme - "Child support should be put on a card that only works for baby stuff. Not crab legs, fake hair, & Miami trips."

Meme - Sandra Morefield Blankenship: "Could someone tell me what material was used for this bitches bra? And why are we not using it to build bridges and buildings and shit?"

Meme - "When you're watching porn together and she picks "Horny gf gets gang banged by bf's friends while he's at work""

Elizabeth on X - "Dating a woman that can't control her mouth when she's angry is the exact same as a woman dating a man that can't control his hands when he's angry..... just a different form of abuse.... but yaw not ready for that convo huh 🫠"

Meme - "Hill : if you think like that , you suck at communicating and will most likely end up alone"
The woman @unfillteredTar: "On behalf of all women.
Every woman's love language is not having to ask. If I have to ask, I'd rather do it myself."
Clearly, it's mens' faults for not being psychic, and they use weaponised incompetence to get out of doing tasks

Meme - r/TrueOffMyChest
"I regret not making my marriage work and now my ex husband is happily remarried
 When I was in my early 30s I divorced my husband. We didn’t have any major issues. Our relationship was just challenged after having kids. I was a SAHM and I expected him to do more of the housework and childcare when he worked full time. He did help me when I asked but I started to ask more of him and I burnt him out. I use to have him wrapped around my finger and I used that as an advantage to get what I want. He eventually got tired of it. I started threatening to divorce him and he said he knew the baby was just stressing us out and he will like to make it work but when I was 30 I thought I was a great catch because I’m still very beautiful for my age and I lost my mom bod so I thought I could do better than him so I left him, I got our house in the divorce and we share joint custody of our Son  Fast forward now I’m 41 and still single and my ex husband is 41 and got remarried to a 31 year old woman who is incredibly beautiful. They had their daughter 3 years ago. He bought a new house, my son loves going to his dads to spend time with his other family and I’m not gonna lie it makes me jealous. She has it all. She took my husband, she took my kid, she took my life that was once all mine and all I have is the house we created our family in… and now I live in an empty house  I’m 41, I gained 20 pounds, I’ve got wrinkles, and I’m alone and miserable. I’ve had short term relationships after the divorce but they never worked out. Men just don’t want an old woman like me with a child and I’ve noticed that men with kids just have a better time dating with kids than we do and I hate it!  I’m not happy anymore. I wish I could go back when I was younger and I would have stopped being so childish. Now I have such a miserable life. I work a useless job now and I have to share custody of my son where he has to go spend time at my ex husbands house with his new and improved wife. I feel like dumpster standing right next to her.  My therapist said I should do something that’ll make me happy like a make over since I’m reminiscing about how I looked so much and comparing myself to his new, beautiful young wife so I decided to get a new hairstyle and that didn’t help. No matter what I do I look like a middle aged woman  This is probably the most honest I’ve ever been in a while. I just feel like crap, I wish I was a better wife over 10 years ago so I wouldn’t be in this position  I know a lot of people on Reddit preach being alone and single but honestly this not an ideal life or a life I would wish on my worst enemy"

Meme - "When you know he's going to hurt you, but you still want to try it to see where it goes *woman with Grim Reaper*"

Meme - "I have a female friend that is now a teacher. She and I have one of those friendships where we can tell each other absolutely anything. In another world, we probably would have ended up together. She told me that almost every single day after school, she has to masturbate as soon as she gets home to all the dirty fantasies that she had that day at school about her male students. Many times we have got on video chat and I will jerk off for her while she tells me all about the fantasies while she plays with herself. They are pretty extreme fantasies. She teachers 7th and 8th and grades."

Meme - "Leftists anytime a man dates a hot girl

Meme - "he said he likes white nails so i got pink cause idgaf what he likes"
"I kept purple hair for 3 years bc a male coworker once told me how he preferred blonde. say less"
"he lived rent free in (and on) your head for 3 years then"
Childish contrarianism is empowering, I guess

Meme - FD @Firedesirre: "What immediately tells you that a person wasn't raised right ?"
Gyal Ripken Jr @BigBichote:
FD @Firedesirre: "Men: "I make six figures"
The six figures: $103,837"

Meme - "Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Lindsay, 31
Exact match. This person meets all your preferences.
I prioritize in person. I'm not trying to be on my phone all day. I have a 17month old son who is my world as I am his. I'm in my mama era. Baby daddy been gone since pregnancy. Looking to birth more babies naturally at home. Seeking a husband who is a leader, protector, provider, and lover. I play no games. I'm honest to a fault. "Integrity necessity. Life will bend, but it will not break my tree cause it grows deep in the wata!" -Juls. I am love. I prefer African or Jamaican man"

Meme - "Best Startup Idea for Modern Day Women:
Step 1: Marry a rich guy
Step 2: Have one kid with this guy as soon as possible after marriage
Step 3: Get divorced
Step 4: Get 50% of all his wealth (one time fixed asset)
Step 5: Hire a lawyer with 1% of your gained fixed asset
Step 6: Apply for monthly child support for your child that is at least more compared to what you actually require (passive income)
Thus, with minimal effort of 2-3 years, you are now a millionaire/billionaire with a large monthly passive income for the rest of your life (assuming that the rich guy doesn't die quickly) Repeat step 1-6 to expand your start up business. #Independent_Wohman"

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