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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Links - 23rd June 2024 (2 - Pitbulls)


Pitbull: *$1,800* "Who are "Chihuahuas""
Alex Trebek: *face*

Meme - *Pitbull detective with children wanted signs*

‘We jumped in and threw the dog off of her’: Neighbours save teen from Ontario dog attack - "Global News has agreed to protect the identity of one of the people who helped for fear of retaliation. She said she and her father were sitting in their house when they heard something outside.  “We heard a really loud scream,” she said.  The Good Samaritan leapt into action, along with her father, to help save the teen.  “We see a pit bull on top of this young girl biting her, basically ripping her shoulder blade.”       Police say they responded to the incident on Agnes Street at around 7 p.m. Monday night. Three people were taken to hospital, the teenager was seriously injured. Neighbours said the dog also bit people that were trying to help... “We ended up jumping in really quickly and threw the dog off of her. And that’s when many other neighbours jumped in as well,” said the rescuer.  “The dog ended up breaking loose from the chain and the muzzle … It ended up attacking me, and lacerating my arm in two spots and fracturing my wrists,” said the rescuer."
Pitbull lovers hate those who stop their pieces of shit from killing other people

Meme - "Great Pyrenees Attacks Pack of Coyotes to Protect Animals on Farm
Dec 9, 2022
A Great Pyrenees dog is recovering after killing eight coyotes in Georgia when the animals threatened sheep on his farm. At just 21 months old, the 85-pound dog's protective instincts kicked in..."
Chad Great Pyrenees: "I killed eight coyotes threatening my flock, was almost decapitated, and fully recovered"
Virgin Useless Pitbull: "I murdered an infant and elderly lady because they startled me""

Meme - "This is our our pit bull tucker
Last night he was in the woods and ran into a porcupine. He got brutally attacked. My moms 9-5 can't pay for the vet expenses."
Definitely Not Commie Gibberish of the Day: "Wonder how the porcupine managed to attack so far down your Pitbull's throat."

Killer dogs that mauled hero, 52, to death attacked woman weeks before - "Two killer dogs which mauled to death a well known and respected businessman, 52, had attacked a woman just weeks before after being allowed 'to run free' by their owner to 'terrorise the neighbourhood,' a resident has revealed.  Ian Price, from Stonnall, Staffordshire, was attacked and killed by the two dogs which jumped out of a neighbour's window yards from a primary school. He reportedly died defending his elderly mother from the animals.   The dogs bit him and ripped the clothes from his body leaving him dying in a pool of blood in his boxer shorts in yesterday afternoon's horror attack just feet from his home. Witnesses said the dogs entered Mr Price's mother's garden through a hedge before 'setting' on him in an attack said to have lasted up to 20 minutes... 'The same dogs attacked a middle-aged woman out walking her little dog six weeks to eight or so ago. They should have been taken away from the owner or put down.  'They are killer dogs, ferocious, with huge powerful jaws, and it is such a shame and makes me so angry that it takes someone to be mauled and pass away for action to be taken.'  Matt, a parts supervisor for Merseyside-based Stellantis car plant, told how he had confronted the dog's owner who lives opposite his home after the previous attack on the woman.  Today Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that XL Bully dogs would be banned before the end of the year - two days after a ten-year-old boy was mauled by an out-of-control animal as he played football... Following Mr Price's devastating death the owner of the XL Bully's 39-year-old Harrison Pettitt has been arrested on suspicion of being in charge of dog's dangerously out of control and more latterly on suspicion of murder... emergency services had rushed to Bentley Drive in Walsall following reports that a 10-year-old boy had been savaged by a dog running free in the street.  The brown canine was captured on CCTV running past Mohammed Sami Raza as he played in the street at around 7.30pm on Wednesday - before suddenly turning and pouncing on him.  In horrific footage released by the family, the boy can be seen struggling for an agonising 30 seconds as the dog tugs at his arm and refuses to let go.  Anguished family members then rush outside, trying to coax the animal away. It is only after more than a minute of being struck that the vicious animal eventually loosens its grip... Ana Paun had been walking home from buying sweets with her sister when the dog leapt up at her from a bus stop on Saturday September 9, before it savaged two men in the forecourt of a nearby petrol station... the Metropolitan Police confirmed it was probing a fresh attack on a four-year-old child involving a 'grey coloured pitbull type dog'.  The animal is said to have bitten the child on the leg during the incident at Hermit Road Park in East London at around 6.18pm on September 11, before turning on the boy's father and attempting to bite him... a man has admitted being in charge of a dangerous dog that killed his brother in an attack in Derby earlier this year.  Gary Stevens' pet fatally attacked 51-year-old Wayne Stevens at a house in Cameron Road, Normanton, Derby, at around 5.50am on April 22.  At a hearing at Derby Crown Court, Stevens, 54, pleaded guilty to a charge under the Dangerous Dogs Act of being the person in charge of a dog dangerously out of control causing injury resulting in death... Campaigners have been calling for a ban on XL Bullies amid claims that they are involved in an increasing number of attacks on people and other animals.  The cross-breed has become the most seized in London, according to official Metropolitan Police data, surpassing other dogs such as German Shepherds, Staffordshire Bull Terriers and pitbulls.  Concurrently, the number of fatal dog attacks in the UK has risen to record levels in recent years.  The breed - a mix of American pitbull terriers crossed with bulldogs - is beloved by a number of celebrities, including rapper Drake, but in the UK are believed to be the work of poor-quality breeding. Dog behaviour expert Stan Rawlinson previously expressed concerns over whether the XL Bully could be banned because it isn't defined as a breed.  He said: 'XL Bully dogs are very reactive. They're like the old Roman dogs of war that attacked Britain and helped forge an empire across the continent.   'More people are going to die unless we do something about it."
Naturally on reddit people were complaining because Tory bad. Apparently banning the dogs is a distraction from more important things like the cost of living and it shows how Tories don't care about climate change because they can move fast on this but not that. Ahh... leftists!

Meme - "Another picture of the dogs alleged to have attacked Mr Price, according to eyewitnesses. Locals say the attack was so violent that the animals tore Mr Price's clothes from his body *young kid with 2 dogs lounging on sofa*"
Clearly proof that the dogs were no danger to anyone! All pit lovers need to do is show such pictures, and they prove that everyone is just biased against pitbulls Some pit lovers claim that they're not pits... ignoring that they're descended from them

EXCLUSIVE: Owner of two XL Bullys that mauled hero father, 52, to death was spoken to on two more occasions over his out-of-control dogs, police say - "The owner of two XL Bullys that mauled a 52-year-old father to death had been spoken to on several occasions over his out-of-control dogs, according to the police.  Father-of-two Ian Price, from Stonnall, Staffordshire, was killed by the two dogs which jumped out of a neighbour's window yards from a primary school... 'Both dogs were in the address at the time and appeared to be calm. They did not show any signs of aggression towards officers... The breed was linked to six of the 10 fatal dog attacks in the UK in 2022, and has been involved in at least five fatalities this year... The mother of a 10-year-old boy who was mauled to death by an XL Bully said she was lost for words following the announcement.  Emma Whitfield's son Jack Lis died after he was savaged by the animal, called Beast, on 8 November 2021 in Caerphilly.  Brandon Hayden, 19, and Amy Salter, 29, both of the Welsh town, were jailed for four-and-a-half years and three years respectively after being convicted of being in charge of the dangerously out of control dog."

Man who died after double dog attack in Staffordshire named as Ian Price - "This is the seventh death from a dog attack this year, and comes days after footage went viral of an XL bully cross-breed dog attacking people, including an 11-year-old girl, in the street in Birmingham.  In January, a dog walker, Natasha Johnston, 28, was killed when she was attacked by the dogs she was walking in Gravelly Hill, Caterham. Later that month, Alice Stones, four, was killed by her family’s dog in Milton Keynes.  In April, Wayne Stevens, 51, died after being attacked by a dog in Derby and Jonathan Hogg, 37, was killed by a friend’s dog he was looking after."

Yet another day of dog attacks: Video shows man dragged into the road by dog before car tries to ram animal off him as owner watches her beloved King Charles Spaniel get ripped apart and killed by XL Bully after it broke free of 10-year-old girl walking it - "a traumatised mother who watched with horror as her beloved family pet was torn apart by an American Bully XL puppy that broke free from the 10-year-old girl that was walking it. The breed of dog has been behind the majority of fatal dog attacks in the UK since 2021, being responsible for ten out of 14 of the fatal attacks.  Just last week a man was mauled to death by two 'out of control' American Bully dogs that attacked him outside a West Midlands primary school"

The American Bully - Complete Guide & Facts - Animal Corner - "Although thought to be a Pitbull, the American Bully is actually not and was first bred to remove the aggressive traits which can be carried through Pitbull breeds... The American Bully originated in the United States between 1980 and 1990, making them a relatively new breed. They are the result of an American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pitbull Terrier and other Pitbulls"
Weird. Pit lovers claim that they're not aggressive
Considering that all the dogs they come from are considered pitbulls, it's funny we're told they aren't
This suggests that the aggression cannot be bred out of this type of dog

Meme - "Jack Stewart: Whatever pit hurt you or yours, I'm rooting for it. Im so glad these animals give you so much anxiety. Maybe one can catch your kiddo out in the wild and you can really live your nightmare"
Maybe this is a calculated attempt to perpetuate "stereotypes" about pitbull owners to make the breed seem inherently better

Meme - "23 Pictures of Pitbulls That Will Make You Forget About The Tragic Mauling of Your Neighbor's 7 Year Old Daughter"

Ante D. Luvian on X - "The reason why pitbulls are so unpredictably violent is because living in a home with the smoke alarm constantly chirping is the equivalent of Chinese water torture for dogs"

Meme - Dennis Baker: "Remember the 13 month old baby in Granite Bay Calif. that was killed by the family pit bull last week? Here he is with the killer. Will you say its all how you train them? Do you think these parents trained this dog to kill their child, that's stupid. Will you say the pit bull was abused? They had a Instagram page for the pit bull for pete's sake., that's stupid . Will you say the child provoked the pit bull? Come here and let me slap you, that's stupid . What killed this beautiful child? The "nanny dog myth" and all the other excuses pit bull advocates spread, that's what killed baby."

Meme - Definitely Not Commie Gibberish of the Day: "Choosing 7 Pitbulls over the safety of your 2 homeless children Iconic Pitcuck Moment."
From Dog Bite Awareness: Alburquerque Area Pet Connection
Single mom, two teenagers, seven dogs. We are looking for a place to live. I'm a professional driver and we are currently homeless. Just looking for someone willing to rent a house to us. Not looking for negativity. I'm not willing to separate my dogs. Just looking for a home. If any one can help, please message me. TIA Namaste"

Meme - *Bear licking man* "PROOF! ALL BEARS ARE SWEET AND CUDDLY"

Did we ever tell you how dangerous pit bulls are? Watch this landshark run across the water to bite a kitesurfer. - "Okay, it wasn't a child, but Guerveno Cervino needed 18 stitches after that landshark grabbed hold of his upper arm. The story itself is from 2019, but I had to show it to you because it's going viral and one must never waste a chance to get people to argue about pit bulls. Cervino is lucky the dog didn't drown him.  What happened to the pit bull, you ask?  No one knows. It's owner was never identified.  He's probably still out there in the water waiting for his next victim to come by."

Meme - *Pitbulls being parachuted onto a street with kids running away screaming*

"Rocko No! Heel!!" *Xenomorph killing someone*
"I JUST GOT MY DAUGHTER A PUP, AND LOOK AT 'EM- THEYRE INSEPERABLE" *facehugger on face of little girl*

Dog kills goat while onlookers encourage the attack, Merritt RCMP say - "RCMP in Merritt, B.C., are trying to identify the owners of a goat that was spotted in an online post recently.  Police said on Nov. 24 someone alerted them to an online post where a suspect posted a video of what police called a pitbull “violently attacking a white goat inside a house, where onlookers stood by encouraging the attack.”"

New study identifies most damaging dog bites by breed - "which breed bites the most?... They are, in order: pit bull, mixed breed, German shepherd, terrier, and rottweiler.  The bottom five breeds for bite risk were: dalmatian, pointer, Great Dane, Pekingese, and spitz. To assess bite severity, researchers at Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center reviewed 15 years of dog-related facial trauma cases from 240 patients who were treated at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, and the University of Virginia Health System. They focused on wound size, tissue tearing, bone fractures, and other injuries severe enough to call in a facial trauma and reconstructive surgeon.  Researchers also combed the literature from 1970 to the present, searching for papers that reported data on breeds to determine the relative risk of biting from a particular breed. 40 reported bites was the minimum requirement for including a breed in the new study; 43 studies in the literature met that criterion. The researchers combined those results with with hospital data to determine the relative risk of biting and the average tissue damage of those bites.  They also created a damage severity scale...   Pit bulls were responsible for the highest percentage of reported bites across all the studies (22.5%), followed by mixed breeds (21.2%), and German shepherds (17.8%).  Mixed-breed dogs and pit bulls were found to have the highest relative risk of biting, as well as the highest average damage per bite. Breeds such as Great Dane and Akita were found to have a lower relative risk of biting; however, the average damage from these bites was high."

Dog nearly drags man in front of train in savage attack at station - "This is the terrifying moment a man is nearly dragged in front of an approaching train as a huge pitbull-type dog turns on him at a train station.  British Transport Police (BTP) are dealing with the dog attack at Stratford Station, in east London after onlookers said a man offered to hold one of a woman’s two massive dogs to help her adjust a harness on Sunday night.  As he takes the lead the dog jumps up and clamps down on his arm bursting his winter coat and sending feathers spraying into the air... The force said the dog - who was injured during the attack - was Tasered by police and later died while being held in a room by officers.  It will be illegal to own an XL bully from February 1 2024 unless the animal is on an exempt list, called the Index of Exempted Dogs.  The XL bully joins a list of other banned dogs, including the pit bull terrier, Japanese Tosa, fila Brasileiro and dogo Argentino."

Meme - "Warning: This Property is Protected By a Pitbull with Aids."

Ben Sixsmith on X - "There’s no such thing as bad dogs, just bad owners. And for some reason all the bad owners get pitbulls."

Pit Bulls Kill Toddler, Injure Babysitter in Philadelphia's Port Richmond Section - "On Friday, the city Medical Examiner's Office identified the boy who was killed by pit bulls in a rowhouse on Agate Street as Jaevon Torres. The cause of death was determined to be "multiple blunt and penetrating injuries" and the manner of death was ruled accidental. On Wednesday, Jaevon was savagely attacked by three pit bulls in the home while under the care of a babysitter. There were two additional pit bulls in the home that were caged during the attack...   In February, we examined the "Single Dog Shrinking Metric" in fatal dog attacks since the 1980s. From 2005 to 2017, 47% of all deadly attacks involved multiple dogs, up from 30% during the CDC years (1979-1988). Attacks by pit bulls involving more than one dog contributed to 72% of the multi-dog subset. Furthermore, over this 13-year period, 51% of all fatal pit bull attacks (146 of 284) involved more than one dog, vs. 38% (56 of 149) of fatal attacks not involving pit bulls.  In our Discussion Notes post, we also talked about the likelihood of serious injuries or death when more than one pit bull is involved in an attack upon a human. Rather than a simple multiplying effect (i.e., x, x + x = 2x, 2x + x = 3x), increasing the number of pit bulls would be an "exponential effect" (i.e., 1 = x1, 2 = x2, 3 = x3), according to Dr. Peter L. Borchelt, PhD, who testified as an expert witness for the City and County of Denver when it defended its pit bull ban in 2005."
He's lucky they weren't chihuahuas

Experts speak about warning signs after 'monster' of a pit bull kills 4-year-old - " A canine attack that left 4-year-old Mia DeRouen dead inside the Houma apartment she shared with her mother has sent shock waves through the community.  The scene from what I understand was pretty horrific, said Houma Police Chief Todd Duplantis.  Investigators say a 130 pound monster of a pit bull, named Niko, mauled the little girl to death while she was watching television with her mother. Her mother, 27-year-old Megan Touchet, was also injured when she tried to rescue her daughter from the dog.  The canine then attacked Houma police officers, who say the dog posed such a threat, they had to shoot it about 12 times to get it to stop charging.   It's shocking, said Duplantis, of a large pit bull being around a small child...   Experts say Niko may have been especially territorial because he was not neutered, and a six-month-old female dog in the home was starting to go into heat."
Mia Derouen's mother refusing to talk to investigators after girl is killed by pit bull - "Niko is said by police to have been aggressively pacing around the apartment when they entered, and even attacked one of the officers.  Counselors have been called in to help even cops hardened through decades of service to get over the traumatic crime scene...  Every one of his posts is filled with dozens of offers of help, condolences and prayers - but he replies to none.  The devastated dad instead wished his dead daughter a happy birthday in one post and pleaded with everyone stop talking about pit bulls in the next...  Claudet said the family had another pit bull."
Investigation into Mia Derouen's death turns up no answers - "Since Mia's death, Touchet and her boyfriend, Kerry Dominique, who the pit bull belonged to, have been unwilling to work with Houma Police in their investigation."
Meme - "Hashtags are at the bottom in pink type, #pitbulls. Note the comment by the owner, "Just trying to show the world you can be a dog advocate and still do breeding Responsible breeding." 5-months later, Niko will suddenly attack and kill a little girl and get gunned down by police, 13 bullets were fired into the dog before it finally died."
kerris6199: "Just trying to show the world you can be a dog advocate and still do breeding Responsible breeding."
Clearly it's the owner's fault for being abusive

Meme - Retriever dog: Genetics.
Herding dog: Genetics.
Hunting dog: Genetics.
Lion: Genetics.
Eagle: Genetics.
Pit Bulls: "It'S HOW you raise em'"

Meme - "*No money, no job, no car, no place to live*
Junkies: "I should get a pitbull!""

Meme - Pablo Escobar Waiting: "Waiting to maul children like..."

Meme - Pitbull owners when their dog eats an entire child: "There is still good in him." *Luke Skywalker to Animal Control*

Meme - "r/depressionmeals
I miss the person I used to be before I got mauled by a pitbull. *Sliced tomatoes on guacamole on toast*"

PITBULL FACTS Did you know...Pit Bulls were 2.5% originally bred in England in of all dogs registered in he US are Pit Bulls, but the to be used.a herding dogs 20% of dogs in shelters are pit bulls According to the American Temperament Test Society Inc, Pit Bulls pass their test of the time. That ranks them The pit bull is the only best of the 122 breeds breed to have graced the tested! cover of Life Magazine three times the early 20th century Pit Bulls were known as "nanny dogs" or "nursemaids" because they were so trusted around children. The pit bull was so respected in the early 1900's that the military chose an image of a dignified pit bull to represent the country on World War I propaganda posters. You are 240X's You are 18 X's You are 16X's Pit bulls have been featured in the films Snatch, Homeward Bound, Oliver, Babe: Pig in the City and No Country For Old Men More likely to die in a texting More likely to die falling More likely to die from while driving accident than out of bed than from a being hit by a falling co- from a Pit Bull attack. Pit Bull Attack. conut than from a Pit Bull attack. facs-aboutpit-bulle/ - iFunny

3-month-old baby mauled to death by family pit bull in NJ: reports - "A baby was mauled to death by a family dog in New Jersey in a vicious attack that also left the mother seriously injured, reports said.  Cops were called to a home in the Middlesex County town of Woodbridge at about 6:15 a.m. Saturday, where they found Daymon Balbuena, a 3-month-old baby boy, unresponsive"

Did you know...Pit Bulls were originally bred in England in the early 1800s to be used as fighting dogs
2.5% of all dogs registered in the US are Pit Bulls, but they commit over 80% of adult fatalities
According to the American Temperament Test Society Inc, "comparing scores with other dog breeds is not a good idea" and "the test does not evaluate suitability as a pet"
The pit bull is the only breed to have a dedicated propaganda lobby
In the early 20th century Pit Bulls were known as "merciless attackers" or "manbiters" because they were so often mauling and killing people
Pit bulls have been featured in over 20 separate fatal maulings in a single month and countless non-fatal attacks
The pit bull was so vicious in the early 1900's that breeders and handlers had to carry hammers to kill them if they attacked
You are 7 X's More likely to die from a pit bull attack than a snake bite
You are 60 X's More likely to die from a pit bull attack than a shark attack
You are 150 X's More likely to die from a pit bull attack than from a cougar attack
Above statistic data is from North America as accurate international data is not available"
This is a more accurate version of Pit bull propaganda

U.S. Fatal Pit Bull Attacks from the Early and Mid 1900s - "DogsBite.org, a national dog bite victims' group dedicated to reducing serious dog attacks, released data showing that pit bulls killed U.S. citizens as early as 1901. Between 1901 and 1947 pet pit bulls and fighting pit bulls killed at least six U.S. citizens, one of which was 2-year old Bert Colby Leadbetter of Lynn, the nephew of John P. Colby, who is the most respected and honored breeder of fighting pit bulls of the 20th century.  The new data questions the frequently voiced claim by pit bull advocacy groups that human aggressive pit bulls were "historically culled" by breeders of fighting pit bulls during this time period. The data also shows that John P. Colby, who is attributed to popularizing the American pit bull terrier to the general public and was the first fighting dog breeder to do so, continued to breed and fight pit bulls long after the death of Bert Colby Leadbetter on February 2, 1909.   The research reveals the name of each fatal attack victim as well: Carrie Cabus (adult woman) of New York City, Carl Limpert (adult man) of New York City, 21-month old Marguerite Theresa Derdenger of Los Angeles, 2-year old Bert Colby Leadbetter of Lynn, 39-year old Doretta Zinke of Miami and 11-year old Stanley Balaban of New York City. The data also uncovered the attack upon 55-year old Julia Cary of Brighton that left her maimed and disfigured for life."

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