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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Links - 22nd June 2024 (1 - Socialism)

Meme - Communist: "I support the working class"
Oil worker with Crucifix, Confederate flag in pickup truck, rifle and dead deer: "Well shucks. Good to hear, friend." *sticks hand out*
Communist: *looks disgusted*
Some left wingers tried to deny this is how they'd respond, but they hate all those things, do

Meme - "Sex toys seem like the kind of things bourgeoisie with too much time on their hands possess"
"is this a joke or are you genuinely telling me the working class neither masturbates nor fucks"
"a member of the proletariat that values sexual satisfaction via means of pricey masturbation equipment rather than actual essential commodities, is a class enemy who is entertaining bourgeois materialistic ideas"

Meme - ina spicy fruit loop @inanolastname: "therapy is nice but i prefer full communism"
Communism as a "solution" for mental problems

Meme - "Mr. Ditkovitch, why did you escape your socialist country all those years ago? Socialism sounds awesome!"
"You lazy aS$ american teenagers won't last a day in an actual socialist country"
"But... I saw this TikTok video, while i was at work today..."

Meme - "Karl Marx writing a utopian fantasy book while his son is starving to death:"

Mythinformed on X - "“The goal is to dismantle the settler project that is the United States. For the freedom and future of all life on this planet depends on that.” University of Minnesota professor Melanie Yazzie admits the Woke quiet part out loud."
James Lindsay, full varsity on X - "Let's do a little homework on the group, Red Nation, platformed here at the University of Minnesota. "Revolutionary socialism is the primary political ideology of the Red Nation.""

Meme - Bug Vikky Storm - A Yung Hegelian @deathpigeon: "When you think of it, units of measurement are pernicious and harmful bullshit which never should've been invented and any proper communist movement should seek to abolish them. Like, the act of measurement itself is an inherent problem. It is the transformation of the subjective into the objective, and that's a path with horrible results we should avoid. Lengths of time, temperature, distance, volume, etc, all of these are subjective experiences, not objective things which can be reduced to objective measures."

Elon Musk on X - "There are two modern examples (Germany and Korea) where people were in essentially the same starting position, but the country got split along an arbitrary line.   One side went full government (communism), the other side went  about half government. A few decades later, the standard of living in the fully government side was roughly 5 times lower. This gap widened further with time.   A good test of which system is better is “who needs to build a wall to keep people in?” – that’s the bad one."

"Meme - "Hello leftists. You will never have your Revolution. You will never inspire loyalty. You only have (small) asymmetrical coalitions of militants because you're united by shared misery. It's the terminally online version of people joining gangs because they had absent or weak fathers. Virtually all of you are ugly. Normal people wince when they see you in public. Most of you can't even maintain eye contact when you order at a restaurant. You don't have the charisma or willpower to take power, let alone hold it. Your energy is not that of a true revolutionary, more just a crazy ex girlfriend who knows where you park your car."

James Lindsay, full varsity on X - "Thinking about squatters and history. As we all know, Communism is based entirely on theft, but they wouldn't say so. They would say they understand the concept of theft correctly and no one else does. What do they believe about property?  The Communist view of property is that it isn't something that is owned by individuals with their right to own it secured by the government. It's that all property is common-wealth owned by the communal commonwealth. In other words, all property is communal property.  Thus, for the Communist, claiming to own property privately as an individual is theft. You have stolen that property from the common-wealth and the communal commonwealth to privatize it as yours. You are therefore subject to vicious anti-theft laws and the seizure of your property by the state.  The state is empowered to seize all private property and redistribute it because it is the political embodiment of the people and is solely empowered with the capacity to distribute (or redistribute) property according to their description of the just desserts of society's common-wealth, which they call "equity" today.  In Western Marxism (identity-based Cultural/Critical Marxism), this concept of property belonging to the communal commonwealth extends to give us the idea of "cultural appropriation." Only the justified members of a collectivist "community" are entitled to use and benefit from the articles of cultural property generated by that community.  "Black" culture and its artifacts are "Black" community products produced by "Black" people for "Black" people and are treated as part of the common-wealth of "the Black Community." Membership in this communal community requires some fealty or deference to the prevailing Marxist ideology that defines the community through its "lived experience," which is to say Critical Race Theory. Rejecting CRT or its grifters, even if black, could render you outside that collective and its protections.  If someone outside of a specified communal community were to make use of the cultural capital of such a "commonwealth," that would be regarded as cultural theft. Its producers are no longer its sole beneficiaries, and the use of that cultural property is therefore a "cultural appropriation" that expropriates that common-wealth outside of the communal commonwealth; i.e., it is theft. You will notice it is treated as such.  "Land acknowledgements" also fall under this logic, though not quite so precisely. "You are on stolen land" that used to belong to whatever tribes, blah, blah, blah, but those tribes had a completely different understanding of ownership of land than we have in the West under ideas of private property ownership and stewardship. The logic is the same, then, though it uses a hybrid understanding of ownership to effect the same end in two steps.  Under the forthcoming Critical Immigration Theory, now in development and the early stages of deployment, "migrant" squatters have a "human right" to property in the sense of a global commonwealth, so your house, located where they have been relocated in the ongoing invasion, might be part of their common-wealth. This is how they're being instructed, at least, as they approach and enter the United States. "All those houses will be yours," so the reporting goes.  For you to claim that your house and home are in fact your property is for you to be stealing it from this broader ill-defined commonwealth that you are automatically a part of by virtue of being a "global citizen," whether you realize it or not. You are stealing from the communal commonwealth of the globe by withholding your property from squatters.  This is the Communist logic behind that phenomenon. This is how they think. Of course they are completely wrong. Communal ownership is a socioeconomic catastrophe that fails in every scalable setting it is tried. Equal protection of individuals under the law for their private property ensures greater fairness and justice than any other system humans have devised.   Communism steals in the name of ending theft, and it does so, like always, by deliberately misunderstanding the relevant words through the lens of Marxist theory, which is not just false but also diabolical and evil."

Velina Tchakarova on X - "‚It’s easy to be a communist in a free country. But try being free in a communist country.‘"

Meme - *Bro! Not Cool meme*
*American College Students pusuing*
*Cuban and Chinese immigrants stopping the American College Students*

Meme - "My (32f) husband (35m) says it's inappropriate for our daughter to call him "daddy"
My husband and I have been married for 9 years, and we have an 18-month-old daughter together. I'm not exactly sure if what I am about to describe is a definite issue or if it's something that I'm just overthinking and reading too much into. Our daughter started speaking and calling me "mama' and my husband a mix of "dada" and "daddy". Throughout the process of her learning to speak (mainly at 12 months) I would point and refer to my husband as "daddy" when we were both in that stage with our daughter of seeing her speak and helping her with words and identification. My husband would always give me what I thought was a dirty look when I would do that, but he never directly said anything so I just assumed I was overthinking it. But recently our daughter has been more consistently referring to him as "daddy" and he flat out told me that it makes him uncomfortable, and (his exact words) "wished" I had "used more appropriate language when teaching her to speak". This is why I think it's an issue now, I already knew he was giving me dirty looks 6 months ago but I at the time convinced myself he wasn't, but now he has directly told me and I have absolutely no idea what to think of it and how to respond. Where do I even begin with all of this?"

Meme - Rosedark @FreeRosedark: "What will be your position after communism is achieved?"
Lynn @cellopain: "Art teacher, I'd love to teach media arts and a new way of viewing visual media that doesn't really fit the education system currently. There's often correlation between incredibly good media and real world events so some kind of art relation to world events class would be neat."
Jacob Alperin-Sheriff @DemocraticLuntz: "Sorry you've been chosen to pick fruit"

for good things, against bad 🏳️‍🌈🌐🇺🇦 on X - "Why are worker’s cooperatives so rare? This is not a trivial question — because they can pay “dividends” in the form of wages, they can entirely avoid corporate income tax. They must be so inefficient by nature of their structure to outweigh their advantages."
wanye on X - "Socialists don't want to *build* things. They want to *take over* things that have already been built. And nothing demonstrates this better than the dearth of worker cooperatives."

Thread by @SwannMarcus89 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Communism was always a terrible ideology but at least Communists in the '20s were serious people who wanted to industrialize and build factories in the Soviet Union instead of ridiculous dorks who thought they could feed a commune with 2 hours of low-stress hobby farming per day Communism used to be "we need to work hard to expand our productive capacity" which just failed because central planning doesn't work and today Communism has all the problems of central planning while also attracting people who think reading Tarot cards is labor My favorite response in the "what will your job in the commune be" thread was the guy who said something like "political commissar who beats the shit out of people who think we should feed them while they do astrology""
Derek Whittom on X- "Mao: the problem with people is they don’t work hard enough
Online leftists: under communism, no one will have to do anything they don’t want to do!"
InmanRoshi on X - "I admire the 70s communist communes because at least they socialized and interacted with other human beings. They weren't just ordering Taco Bell from Doordash and poasting guillotine cringe from their 1 bedroom apartments."

[Socialists] What's stopping you from moving to a socialist country? : r/CapitalismVSocialism - "How can anyone take you seriously when you claim that socialism is better, yet you haven't chosen to live in a country that practices it? If it truly is superior, why haven't you made the move? Over the past decade, millions of Venezuelans have left their country in search of a better life, fleeing from yet another failed socialist experiment. Many of them have had to endure long and arduous journeys, walking thousands of miles to reach the United States. What is preventing you from doing the same?  You wouldn't even have to go through the same hardships as they have; you could simply board a plane and go. Additionally, in the past two years, more than 4% of Cuba's population has left the country, with hundreds of thousands resorting to makeshift rafts to escape the communist regime, uncertain of their fate. Yet, from the comfort of capitalism, you claim to know better than them and have the audacity to lecture them about the benefits of socialism.  Do you see the problem here? If you truly believe in your ideology, then prove it by living in a country governed by a socialist government. However, your options are becoming limited since the majority of people worldwide understand the destructive nature of your ideology. Until then, you can continue engaging in discussions on leftist subreddits, where it seems to be the norm to ban those with differing opinions. Just be aware that people outside of your circle will find it hard to take you seriously."

On "Real" Socialism - "Sometimes socialists allege that ostensibly socialist regimes aren’t really socialist because they don’t live up to the stated goals of socialism... On Robinson’s view, generosity and equality are baked right into the definition of socialism. Indeed, he is refreshingly explicit about this... If we define socialism in terms of a moral ideal, then a greedy political regime with little concern for equality and the common good can never, by definition, qualify as socialist. But as Jason Brennan has pointed out, we shouldn’t build moral principles into the very concept of socialism. For one, this move makes arguments about the moral status of socialist institutions completely uninteresting. To evaluate socialism, we need not look at the real-world outcomes produced by (ostensibly) socialist regimes; we need only check the words Merriam-Webster uses in its entry titled “socialism.” But I want to make a different point. Socialists who play the “not real socialism” card when real-world regimes fail to produce a worker’s paradise are thereby deprived of their right to criticize fascism. After all, consider these descriptions of fascism from Mussolini:
“Fascism establishes the real equality of individuals before the nation […] The object of the regime in the economic field is to ensure higher social justice for the whole of the Italian people.”
“When the war is over, in the world’s social revolution that will be followed by a more equitable distribution of the earth’s riches, due account must be kept of the sacrifices and of the discipline maintained by the Italian workers. The Fascist revolution will make another decisive step to shorten social distances.”
“We are fighting to impose a higher social justice. The others are fighting to maintain the privileges of caste and class. We are proletarian nations that rise up against the plutocrats.”
If one judges socialism in terms of its stated ideals rather than its real-world results, then why not do the same for fascism?"
Left wing logic is always non-universalisable, because it relies on special pleading


Meme - Kean Maynard: "Is "Liberal" The Furthest Left You Can Imagine? Because I Hate To Inform You Yankee, That's Literally Centrism. Kinda Odd That Your Mind Goes Straight To Molestation When You Someone Says Something You Don't Like Though. Are You On A Register?
This person is unavailable on Messenger."

Brianna Wu on X - "Star Trek is NOT SOCIALIST. If you think Star Trek was socialist, you didn’t understand Star Trek.   Technologically has progressed to a post-scarcity society on some places like earth. But, there’s private property ownership (Sisko’s restaurant, Picard’s Vineyard.) There’s private enterprise. There’s no centrally planned economy by earth’s government.   A huge part of Star Trek is the market economy. as they explore space, they are constantly trading resources and a lot of the relationships with other species even the Alpha quadrant are about resources. Many episode of DS9 are about the value of the outpost for intergalactic trade.   Individual freedom and private enterprise is a huge part of Star Trek. People design ships, explore space, and pursue careers as they fit. They have to meet standards to enroll in Star Fleet, they are not given the assignment by a central government.  The resources for survival don’t seem to be limited in some privileged societies in Star Trek, but that does not make it socialist."

Meme - Oz Katerji @OzKaterji: "The simplest way to understand Jacobin is that they want to spend their entire lives living comfortable middle class lives in liberal democracies while wishing that millions of other people are forced lived under a totalitarian dictatorship for their own vanity."
Benjamin Fogel: "Collapse by Vladislav Zubok is one of the most disturbing books I have ever read, I am convinced now more than ever that the end of the Soviet Union was the single most disastrous process of de-development of my lifetime the main fruits are reactionary nationalism and oligarchy"
Meme - 🌵🍌🚁🍦📈🤛🤛 @Cactus4Math: "When Soviets lose, humanity wins"
"Life expectancy, 1961 to 2019
1990 - Fall of Communism
Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria
*stagnation for most from 1970 to 1990, acceleration in all after 1990*

Meme - Swann Marcus @SwannMarcus89: "It is "Holocaust revisionism" to say that the Nazis murdered Jews and other "undesirables" for ideological reasons when in reality it just made economic sense for them to send some of their most productive workers to the gas chamber  I am a very intelligent Marxist"
Fredda @PunishedFredda: "This is Holocaust revisionism you illiterate baboon. The Nazis had a "starkly economic incentive for murder on a scale larger even than the Holocaust" due to food shortages. Slave labor replaced workers who had been called away to wage war on the Eastern Front."
Dev @sleepy_devo: "also the nazis ramped up the holocaust to the point that it crippled the war effort, ignoring their own material circumstances out of ideological devotion. when you're waging a war of belief you will do things regardless of material cost. marx didn't understand the human spirit."

Meme - Criminal Penguin @Crime_Penguin: "This is a good summary of leftism. It starts with a lot of high-minded talk of equity and justice and ends with a bunch of dysgenic freaks slaughtering beautiful dogs in a field because the dogs make them feel inferior."
Mary @Marylackalope: "This is worse than what they did to the royal family"
"Why are Borzois so rare? Borzois were rarely let out of Russia and so were nearly made extinct during the Russian revolution. During that time they were killed on mass because of their association with the aristocracy By the 1940s there were sparse pockets of Borzoi in America, England and Russia, but they were dwindling fast."

Meme - francesca fiorentini @franifio: "Think of socialism like a fancy baked good. Just because many have made a mess of their kitchen attempting it, doesn't mean you go around declaring you'll never eat souffle again! It just means you try harder."
Riltok @SergeyKhvatoy: "Oh no I burned the souffle again!" *2 men in military uniforms looking at tons of skulls*
Unfortunately the photo is from the Armenian genocide

Meme - Theo Jordan @Theo_TJ_Jordan: "Even the most heralded of Marxist roots share this feature. The desperate are easily duped.  "Let me tell you about Utopia..."  Snake oil from broken power-desperate shits like Karl (most astroturf socialists) who despise freedom, family, religion, success. Always has been. 👨‍🚀🔫"
"Iceberg top: Critical Race Theory.
Iceberg bottom: Marxism
Iceberg top: Climate Hysteria
Iceberg bottom: Marxism"
Catherine @bablu_raj5087: "Commissars always come from the political class. Every good Communist knows that the working class has no place in leadership."

Comecon - Wikipedia - "The organization of Comecon was officially focused on common expansion of states, more effective production and building relationships between countries within. And as in every planned economy, operations did not reflect state of market, innovations, availability of items or the specific needs of a country. One example came from former Czechoslovakia. In the 1970s, the Communist party of Czechoslovakia finally realized that there was a need for underground trains. Czechoslovak designers projected a cheap but technologically innovative underground train. The train was a state-of-the-art project, capable of moving underground or on the surface using standard rails, had a high number of passenger seats, and was lightweight. According to the designers, the train was technologically more advanced than the trains used in New York's Subway, London's Tube or the Paris Metro. However, due to the plan of Comecon, older Soviet trains were used, which guaranteed profit for the Soviet Union and work for workers in Soviet factories. That economical change lead to the cancellation of the R1 trains by A. Honzík. The Comecon plan, though more profitable for the Soviets, if less resourceful for the Czechs and Slovaks, forced the Czechoslovak government to buy trains "Ečs (81-709)" and "81-71", both of which were designed in early 1950s and were heavy, unreliable and expensive."

Thread by @daily_romania on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "🇷🇴 The Pitești Experiment: The Eastern Bloc's Most Brutal Prison  The experiment carried out in the Pitești Prison in Romania, aimed to torture and brainwash prisoners into absolute loyalty towards Romania's communist party  A thread ↓ The experiment was carried out between 1949 and 1951 on up to 5,000 prisoners from which up to 200 died in the process  The experiment is often refered to as the largest and most intensive brainwashing torture program in the Eastern Bloc
First Stage: "External Unmasking"  Each person in the experiment was first thoroughly interrogated and tortured to reveal personal details about their lives ("external unmasking") As a result, they had to disclose everything they were thought to have hidden in previous interrogations  To escape torture, many prisoners confessed to things they didn't actually do. Detainees, who were regularly and severely beaten, were forced to torture each other to break any past loyalties Different torture methods were used to break the prisoners  Guards would bring in buckets filled with shit and urine in which the heads of the prisoners were submerged almost to the point of death  The head was then raised, only to have his head pushed back into the sewage The prisoners' whole bodies were burned with cigarettes, their buttocks would begin to rot, and their skin fell off as though they suffered from leprosy Others were forced to swallow spoons of shit, and when they threw it back up, they were forced to eat their own vomit  Any prisoner who refused to become a torturer or did not beat former friends mercilessly was severely punished Electrical shocks, hallucinogenic drugs, whippings, near starvation and fatal beatings were daily rituals in the prison of Pitesti Besides physical violence, inmates undergoing "reeducation" had to work long hours doing humiliating tasks, like cleaning the floor with a rag held in their teeth  They were malnourished and kept in degrading and unsanitary conditions Not able to resist the physical and psychological violence, some prisoners tried to commit suicide by cutting their veins  Others ended their lives by throwing themselves through the opening between the stairways  Many died from beatings and torture
Second Stage: "Internal Unmasking"  In the second phase, "internal unmasking," the tortured prisoners had to give the names of those who had treated them less harsh or more kindly while in detention  Those would then get tortured again Guards forced inmates to attend Marxist political instruction sessions on topics like dialectical materialism and Joseph Stalin's History of Soviet Communism  These sessions were accompanied by violence and encouraged inmates to report each other for real or invented offenses
Third Stage: "Public Moral Unmasking"  Public humiliation was also used, especially in the third stage  Inmates had to give up all their personal beliefs, loyalties, and values  Religious inmates had to insult religious symbols and sacred texts like the Bible "When you said, ‘I still believe in God,’ in five minutes you were full of blood"  Roman Braga, survivor of the Pitesti Prison
The experiment was stopped by the authorities themselves  Over 20 high ranking officials involved in the experiment faced death sentences which were carried out by a firing squad on 17 December, 1954  Involved members of the Securitate were given light sentences and freed after Today, the former Pitesti Prison is a museum reminding people of the atrocities that happened during communist times  Around 10,000 people visit the museum every year "Many of us died, many of us became mad, but in some of us the good triumphed"  George Calciu, survivor of the Pitesti Prison  Calciu giving a rare interview in 1988, he was released from prison due to pressure from supporters such as U.S. president Ronald Reagan"
Clearly Abu Ghraib waterboarding was exactly the same, so the West has no moral standing to criticise this

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