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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Links - 18th June 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

Thread by @TullipR on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Today is a day I can't really ignore, because whether I want to mark it or not, my body reminds me regardless.  Six years ago, conflicted, but optimistic, i thought I was doing the right thing getting 'Sex Reassignment surgery'... I transitioned as an adult, I was 26. Me and my fully developed big brain thought this would be a good idea.  I had severe OCD and a myriad of mental health problems. I mean even then I be head tiltin'...This was me at age 25, pure giga chad.  Soon as i found out transition was an option, I went in full force, like a bat out of hell!  I had become obsessed with the idea that my body was being poisoned by testosterone, that every masculine trait needed to be annihilated, for i was a true and honest woman after all. As a child, I was soft, loving, quite literal and I loved to sing, dance and dress up, but i also loved my diggers!  Me at age 10 before I went to sing karaoke with my friends family. You cant see it but my friends shoulder is on the right, he was a year younger too! I was tiny!  When I came out to my family, in isolation they all asked the same question when I told them I had something to tell them: "You're gay, arent you?"  "No! I'm a real transsexual!" I said. Convinced I was the truest of the true. Genuinely born in the wrong body and all that noise. It was 2013 and I had found a supportive online community that helped me get on the right path to transition.  Facing a 15 month wait for the gender clinic. I found out I could start the blocker (And stop the 'poison'!) if i had two private diagnosis of transsexualism. So off I fucked to Scotland for a private diagnosis, as i waited to be enrolled for the gender clinic.  I was on a low income so I did the only thing i could, and got a payday loan. "Fuck debt, its this or death!" I reasoned.  Two days later I got the full diagnosis for £500. It took until April 2014 for the Gender Clinic to agree to give me the Goserelin Zoladex implant (testosterone blocker).  When I got it, I was so happy the poison was about to stop. At first, I looked a right state. I did the opposite of blend in. By January 2015, I was finally enrolled into the gender clinic and after a while, the blockers were showing some effect. Though, I wasn't committing to it at all.  I found myself desisting from the idea of estrogen/transition all together and just thought I'd live as just some androgynous looking guy.  It all changed when i went to the gender clinic. The very first question I got asked by the psychiatrist was: "have you given any thought to gender reassignment surgery?"  I said honestly, I wasn't sure, I dont think i ever had that type of dysphoria, besides i really want to see the therapist. They agreed to refer me to a gender therapist in March 2015. In total I would end up have 97 gender therapy sessions with them.  Gender therapy is not like normal therapy. It helped defeat my doubt, and also helped me defeat others who were doubtful. In July 2015, the Psychiatrist asked if i had given any further thought to the surgery.  I said I wasn't sure, and i'd like to find out more. Thats when i realised NONE of them had any technical knowledge about the surgery, what it does, etc. It suprised me. I got refered back to the place in Scotland, since I already went there for the pre-diagnosis.  I took my mother, she wasnt convinced.  The therapist told her, infront of her grown ass 28 year old son, if she didnt affirm, he'd kms. She told me the surgery would make myself feel better, and that regret was extremely low (I was worried about regretted it) and bleeding.  I have a huge fear of bleeding, I'm a wuss! yes... Once the surgery referal came through in late 2015, i panicked! Too quick i said!  "It'll be there for when your ready." The psychatrist said.  But all I really wanted was therapy. I said no several more times, I forgot exactly how many times they asked, but it was constant.  By 2016 early 2017, life was still chaos, but blending in felt easier, I wasn't getting noticed really and most people gendered me as a woman. I was happy enough as I was, but back at the gender clinic in 2017 I was delivered an ultimatum. Accept surgery referral or get discharged.  That would also mean an end to the therapy, and it was keeping me stable.  I bit the bullet and said no once more. My gender therapist, also somewhat co-dependant on me as a client for now 60 odd sessions, didnt want to let me go either. He reasoned that i did have dysphoria and surgery was probably the best option.  So i called the psychiatrist back and asked to be refered back for surgery. I've went over it in my head 1000's of times.  Why did I go along with it? Why didn't just stop it?  It just felt like a ride i couldnt get off, and it got faster and faster.  Everyone was routing for me. Day of surgery, may 23rd 2018.  After staying an extra 3 hours in theatre, i finally woke up around this time. 4:00pm ish.  I was still bleeding and had lots nearly 2000ml from the surgery and drains.  A friend helped snap this. I apologise for the haram photo, but this is what the area looked like a few weeks after.  I had Lichen Scoloris, which was ignored and is now inside the hole and around the entrance. I had a constricted urethra and both my scar lines on both sides split open, which would get infected.  I won't share anymore, but i have a lot of photos that are far more grim.  It's what happened I really can't show you.  The depression, the pain, the insane pain oh my god. Not being able to pee, to feel anything.  Feeling betrayed SO I GO BACK TO MY GENDER THERAPIST THREE MONTHS LATER....and i say "Hey, I think i made a mistake, i think i regret this."  "No you dont." He said.  I went back every other week and told him, i regret it. He said no. One year of this back and forth. I was refered to a psychiatric team, that said i didnt have regret, I had Unstable Personality Disorder and severe Obsessive compulsive Disorder.  And then I was discharged in January 2020. It was the worst time in my life, those years. I was very angry at myself, and everyone I talked to reassured me that I didnt have regret and if i did, it was my fault anyway.  But I resisted...And in 2022 I spoke out after desisting I'm 37 as of Saturday... and I'm facing life ahead of me as a castrated male. It's not easy territory, but if i want one thing to come out of this, it's to give others a chance, a warning about surgery.  But i wont stop anyone. Just don't try and stop me."
Damn internalised transphobia! This is literally denying that trans people exist and is trans genocide!

WATCH: Radical trans activists pressure young boy to publicly claim he’s a girl - "Shocking footage has emerged showing a mother parading her pre-school-aged child in front of a crowd, announcing that "Phoenix" would like to be recognized as a girl with "preferred pronouns."... After the boy decides he can't do it, the mother announces into the microphone, "Okay, Phoenix would like you to know that she's a girl and she prefers 'she' and 'her' pronouns."  The group in front of the family then chants together: "May you be well, safe, and whole. We honor you exactly as you are."  The clip is from HBO's new documentary Transhood. The documentary explores the lives of four kids who live in Kansas City and who transition to different genders over the course of five years. The youngest, the boy in the clip, is only four when filming begins. He appears to socially transition at the behest of his mother who dresses the boy in girls' clothing and reads him LGBTQ-affirming books."

Transgender men getting 'postmenopausal' problems aged 28, study reveals - "Transgender men are suffering from “postmenopausal” problems like incontinence in their 20s because of taking testosterone, a study has revealed.  Experts analysed 68 transgender men who were taking the cross-sex hormone to change their identity from female to male and found that 95 per cent had developed pelvic floor dysfunction.  The participants, who were as young as 18 and had an average age of 28, had bladder and bowel symptoms that medics would expect to see in a woman after the menopause.  Experts said the impact of the sex-changing drugs on bodily functions are under-researched and under-reported, with people “not being informed of the risks at gender clinics”. Around 87 per cent of the participants had urinary symptoms such as incontinence, frequent toilet visits and bed-wetting, while 74 per cent had bowel issues including constipation or being unable to hold stools or wind in. Some 53 per cent suffered from sexual dysfunction. The researchers said the rate of urinary incontinence, where urine unintentionally leaks, was around three times higher in transgender men than women, affecting around one in four compared to eight per cent of the general female population. Other trans men suffered from frequent urinating including during the night, burning sensations, hesitancy, urgency and difficulty in going, while others had issues defecating.  Almost half had an “orgasm disorder”, while a quarter suffered from pain during sexual intercourse... Elaine Miller, a pelvic health physiotherapist and member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, said: “A lot of women are absolutely fine until the menopause and then they start to get leaky. That appears to be exactly the same trajectory for female people who take cross-sex hormones, but there hasn’t been much in the way of research.”... “The impact a bit of leaking has on these young people’s lives is huge. It really needs to be properly discussed within gender clinics because I would expect that almost 100 per cent of female people that take cross-sex hormones will end up with these problems,” she added, noting that the study was “robust” and probably underplayed the issue.  “It’s really sad when we hear people say, ‘nobody ever told me this’, and they should have been informed of the risks in gender clinics.” The menopause causes a loss of muscle mass and body strength, which affects the pelvic floor and can cause incontinence.  Women who start the menopause early or prematurely, under the age of 45, should be offered Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) on the NHS because the oestrogen can help prevent the onset of conditions such as coronary heart disease, osteoporosis and dementia.  Taking testosterone may accelerate the menopausal process because it stops the ovaries from functioning and reduces the amount of oestrogen the body produces... Ms Miller said the treatment for trans men was “the same as with any other postmenopausal female, which seems kind of ludicrous when you’re talking about people that are in their early 20s”... “Our annual conference has heard testimony from detransitioners who live every day with the consequences of actions they took when they were very young - sometimes in their teens - including permanent sterilisation and loss of sexual function,” she said. “This has finally been officially confirmed by the Cass Review.”"
Damn transphobia and stigma! We need to affirm them even more and reduce the barriers to transitioning or it's literally genocide!

Meme - "r/MorbidReality
Horrific ordeal of a female inmate who says she was raped in prison by a bearded, 6'2" trans cellmate who then perversely claimed to be the victim
This post is being closely monitored. Bans will be handed out like candy if needed. Please be civil. Trans men are men, trans women are women. Hate speech will NOT be tolerated."

"r/MtF. How to keep lace waist panties from rolling down.
So I have a pair of lace waist panties. The panties are pink and the lace is black, and they're hipster cut. They're so pretty and they make me feel euphoric. One issue. The waist keeps rolling down. I have quite the belly on me still, so that really doesn't help. Does anyone have any advice?"

Meme - "If that isn't the most male sentence you ever read."
Well wtf
I was sitting in a bar last night when a guy sat down beside me. He remarked that i had great boobs. I was embarassed, as you can imagine. Then i got to thinking. If i didn't want people looking at them, i wouldn't be flaunting them. The fact of the matter is that i like my boobs. And i like them being noticed. They are all au natural and are a tiny bit hard to hide(44D). So why the hell should i feel embarassed. Our cisters have had their childhood and early adulthood to get used to them. Mine popped up in a year or so, so it has taken time to grow to love them. And even on days when the dysphorias are bad, i can look at my chest and go WOW"
The same people who insist that trans women are women claim that women don't like to show off to men
"all au natural" lol

Meme - @__bee_kay__: "Trans women are real women except they just have to make sure they don't get maggots.

Zachary Elliott on X - "It is often claimed that all embryos begin as female. Here's a full scientific response explaining why this is false.
False claim 1: "In the womb, up to a certain point, our anatomy is female."
Every fetus begins with both a Mullerian and Wolffian duct structure. The Mullerian structure will become the female genital system. The Wolffian structure will become the male's. Therefore, in the beginning, the fetus's genitalia is undifferentiated.   However, undifferentiated is not the same as female anatomy. Undifferentiated means the genital ducts exist in a state that is neither male nor female. Female anatomy describes the differentiation of the Mullerian duct, forming the Fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina, and vulva.
False claim 2: "Once the hormones dictated by the Y chromosome kick in around week 10 or so, the formerly female anatomy changes."
The Y chromosome has the SRY gene, the master switch in males that triggers the bipotential gonad to turn into testes. The testes then produce the large amounts of testosterone that differentiate the Wolffian duct, forming the male genital system. There is no changing of female anatomy into male anatomy.
False claim 3. "The ovaries become the testicles (hence why they have to descend)."
Testes do not come from ovaries. Both the ovaries and the testes start from what's called the bipotential gonads, the undifferentiated tissues that through genetic triggers will differentiate into ovaries or testes. Both males and females have specific gene networks that activate to regulate this process. And both the testes and the ovaries form in the abdomen.   It is through the action of T and largely DHT that descends the testes into the scrotal sac, completing the male's genital development. There are some developmental disorders that cause the testes to stay inside the abdomen. But just because they have not descended does not make them ovaries.
False claim 4. "The vaginal walls close up in half to create the scrotum."
The labia of the female and the scrotum of the male, like the ovaries and testes, form from a common, undifferentiated structure. For the labia and the scrotum, this structure is called the labioscrotal swelling. Actions of DHT from the male's testes form the labioscrotal swelling into the scrotum. It does not start as a vagina.  In summary, undifferentiated =/= female. Female anatomy is a special path of differentiation just like male anatomy. Both require the activation of genetic networks to begin the process, and both begin from common bipotential structures. We do not all start with female anatomy."
So much for all men are trans

Meme - "Definitely not a fetish"
Svitlana @Nrwavv1: "Trans women jerking off in women's restrooms. Their god given right to do so"
Kilian @kilianwaps3: "As a trans woman i do this all the time. Sometimes i jist let one loose on the wall to let them know that they have to live with it."
Don't transphobes know that all trans women want to do is to use the bathroom in safety?

Mom dresses up as a CAT and identifies as feline to protest against wokeness at school board meeting - "Lindsey Graham, a conservative and published author who hosts the 'Patriot Barbie' podcast, made headlines after video showed her in the feline getup, inspired by board member, Paul Bixler... She said: 'I'm a cat. Meow, meow. I'm not a woman dressed as a cat. I am a cat. How many of you believe and confess that I'm a cat? How many of you believe that your child or a child from this school would believe that I'm actually a cat?'  After nobody raised their hands, she continued: 'No one. You're right. Truth prevails over imagination. Reality exists. Discernment is innate and something that we're wired to have. One look at me, and you know this to be true. I'm a woman posing as a cat.'... Bixler transitioned after his wife of 36 years, Candace, died in 2017.  The 'Patriot Barbie' added: 'The only thing he does to identify as a female is put lipstick on. He grew his hair out a little bit, and he wears his deceased wife's clothing to school, to sporting events, to school events to fundraisers, school events in front of the children.' She sees it as a 'gender identity crisis,' claiming that the board member wants to be known as either Paul, 'which is a man's name,' or Ms. Bixler."

Meme - "I'm so bitter.
desisted female
The trans community says that if you detransition and regret what you did to yourself you have no one to blame but you. But I was TEN. I was ten years old, obese, and already looked more like a boy than girl. I despised myself. The internet told me this was the way out, gave me tips on hiding from my parents who wanted nothing but for me to not make a huge mistake. I'm 17 now, my breasts are completely stunted, I have a severe eating disorder, and I've never had a boyfriend. I ruined myself at 10 years old and the community that once encouraged me now turns their back and ridicules me. I'm so bitter"

Benjamin Ryan on X - "NEWS: The UK has totally banned puberty blockers for gender dysphoria outside of clinical trials After the NHS in March forbade NHS doctors from prescribing puberty blockers for gender-distressed minors, Parliament has now banned private prescriptions, including from abroad."

Benjamin Ryan on X - "NEWS: The French Senate voted by a wide majority to tightly regulate gender-transition treatment for minors.  Translation: Transidentity of minors: the Senate adopts the LR bill in a stormy atmosphere  Tuesday evening, the Senate adopted the senatorial right's bill aimed at regulating gender transitions among minors. The debates were sometimes tense. The text was widely criticized on the left because it was considered “transphobic”.  https://publicsenat.fr/actualites/societe/transidentite-des-mineurs-le-senat-adopte-la-proposition-de-loi-lr-dans-une-ambiance-houleuse  By 180 votes to 136, the Senate adopted the bill aimed at regulating medical practices in the care of minors suffering from gender dysphoria. The text tabled by the LR group received the support of some of the centrist elected officials and the two RN senators.  Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio, the LR senator at the origin of the bill, immediately clarified her intentions. “This text is neither a transphobic text, nor a desire to psychiatrize transidentity, nor an attack on the rights of the child,” she assured before castigating “the attacks by activist associations which operate like many of activist associations: through threats and intimidation.  His text was widely criticized on the benches of the left which had organized, the day before, a round table on “the state of transphobia in France” with association leaders. In public session, the environmental group tried, without success, to pass a motion to reject the text in advance. “The real problems you have are that trans people exist and you can do nothing to prevent it and no law can do it,” criticized environmentalist senator Mélanie Vogel in a very personal speech. citing the case of his niece, “a little trans girl whom I love infinitely […] I am not distressed by her transidentity at all […] What distresses me is the fact of knowing that I cannot completely protect (her) from people like you,” she added.  The text composed of 4 articles strictly regulates the prescription of puberty blockers to minors in specialized reference centers listed by decree and in compliance with a minimum period of two years after the first consultation and “verification by the medical team the absence of contraindication as well as the patient's capacity for discernment. This is one of the notable additions of rapporteur Alain Milon (LR). Originally the text prohibited, purely and simply, the prescription of these puberty blockers to minors. After the commission, only hormonal treatments and surgical gender reassignment procedures are prohibited for minors. But for opponents of the text, the two-year deadline also amounts to indirectly banning these puberty blockers. During the debates, the rapporteur of the text, Alain Milon, justified the implementation of this deadline. “We interviewed the (medical) teams. They all told us the same thing: It takes us on average two years to be certain of the diagnosis.”  Examination of the bill allowed the executive to clarify its position. The Minister for Health, Frédéric Valletoux, solemnly indicated that he was against this proposed law. “It is premature to want to provide a political response before having the opinion of the competent health authorities,” he first underlined. The High Authority for Health must actually present its recommendations in the coming months on the care of transgender people aged 16 and over. “Everything I heard showed me that we were in a dogmatic, subjective approach where ultimately scientific or medical arguments had little importance and that we had to score points politically,” he said. for follow-up  Article 2 establishes the criminal sanctions which correspond to the violation of these prohibitions. He punishes them with a sentence of two years' imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros, as well as the additional penalty of being banned from practicing for up to ten years. The left tried in vain to remove it, with a favorable opinion from the government, because it could undermine “the freedom of prescription of doctors”, according to the minister."
Left wingers keep demanding that the US be more like Europe. But...

Jennifer 🟥🔴🧙‍♀️🦉🐈‍⬛ 🦖 on X - "Yet again I just had another conversation that went like this:
“You’re a bigot!”
“But what about the girls?”
“You’re a monster!”
“ But what about the girls?”
“You’d be a terrible parent!”
“But what about the girls?
All this because I posted yet another video of a boy just demolishing girls in sports.    You’ll notice it over and over.   What you rarely see is discussion about the girls.  So keep asking them the same question over and over."

Lisa Hepfner on X - "People who get their period deserve affordable menstrual products - period. On #MenstrualHygieneDay we wear our Menstruation Bracelets - representing the average menstrual cycle - to fight back against the stigma and continue to work towards a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. #MHD2024"
Mia on X - "The people who opened up women's spaces to men can't even bring themselves to say the word woman, but are happy to strut around making fools of themselves wearing menstruation bracelets to end imaginary period stigma. There has never been a more embarrassing time to be Canadian."

Laura Becker🦎 on X - "At 20 years old, doctors told me it would help me not kill myself if I had my breasts cut off. I was suicidal from childhood abuse and depression and I voluntarily had my healthy breasts mutilated.   7 years later I realize the depth of evil done to me. I am a 27 year old woman with no functioning breasts, and will never again have my god-given body intact as it should have been.   I woke up from a nap today horrified that it was done—my fucking breasts in all their beauty, sexuality, and fertility—have been destroyed at the alter of “progressivist tolerance” disgusting futile demonic torture."

Meme - Calvin Robinson @calvinrobinson: "They're not even hiding it any more. *Queer Joy is for All Ages sign at demonstration*"
Meme - Jay Chan @Jay10_6: ""Queer joy is for all ages" When will LGBT+ communities realise the biggest problem we face isn't just some bigoted homophobes and transphobes? Drag shows are not for kids."

Meme - Drag Queen Story Hour @DragStoryHourUK: "Say it with us: QUEER JOY IS FOR ALL AGES."
Some people were claiming the above was a photoshop. So much for that

The Lancet - Information for Authors - "In human research, the term “sex” carries multiple definitions. It often refers to an umbrella term for a set of biological attributes associated with physical and physiological features (eg, chromosomal genotype, hormonal levels, internal and external anatomy). It can also signify a sex categorisation, most often designated at birth (“sex assigned at birth”) based on a newborn’s visible external anatomy. The term “gender” generally refers to socially constructed roles, behaviours, and identities of women, men, and gender-diverse people that occur in a historical and cultural context, and might vary across societies and over time. Gender influences how people view themselves and each other, how they behave and interact, and how power is distributed in society. Sex and gender are often incorrectly portrayed as binary (female/male or woman/man), concordant, and static. However, these constructs exist along a spectrum that includes additional sex categorisations and gender identities, such as people who are intersex/have differences of sex development (DSD), or identify as non-binary. In any given person, sex and gender might not align, and both can change. Sex and gender are not entirely discrete concepts and their definitions continue to evolve. Biology and society influence both, and many languages do not distinguish between them. Since the terms “sex” and “gender” can be ambiguous, authors should describe the methods they use to gather and report sex-related and/or gender-related data (eg, self-report or physician-report, specific biological attributes, current sex/gender, sex assigned at birth, etc) and discuss the potential limitations of those methods. This will enhance the research’s precision, rigor, and reproducibility, and avoid ambiguity or conflation of terms and the constructs to which they refer. Authors should use the term “sex assigned at birth” rather than “biological sex”, “birth sex” or “natal sex” as it is more accurate and inclusive. When ascertaining gender and sex, researchers should use a two-step process: (1) ask for gender identity allowing for multiple options and (2) if relevant to the research question, ask for sex assigned at birth. In addition to this defining guidance and the SAGER guidelines, you can find further information about reporting sex and gender in research studies on Elsevier’s diversity, equity, and inclusion in the publishing author guide available here."
Trust the "Science"
When "scientific" journals claim biological sex is a myth

Thread by @buttonslives on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The world's leading science journal, Nature, sinks to a new low: an article in their new "sex and gender in science" opinion series encourages researchers to incorporate transgender activism into their work to influence how research is conducted.  Link Below⬇️ The authors of the new Nature article imply that certain scientific research has the potential to bring "harm" to the trans community. They propose various steps for researchers to incorporate transgender activism into their studies. Of course, the possibility that "neuroscientific findings related to transgender identity will fuel transphobic narratives" is a top concern.  The authors discourage "investigations into the underlying bases of transgender identity" which can "pathologize" trans people. The source for the claim that some argue transgender women threaten the safety of "real women" is linked to an article about @Docstockk, where she explicitly states the opposite: "I am definitely not saying that trans women are particularly dangerous – they are definitely not." The authors also attempt to discredit autogynephilia by citing a "feminist analysis" paper by a trans activist. Apparently, they haven't spent any time on trans Reddit, where they would encounter a vast discourse on "gender euphoria boners." "Our hope is that Nature’s collection of opinion articles will equip researchers with the tools needed to help them persuade others that going back to assuming that male individuals represent everyone is no longer an option." 😵‍💫"

Michael Shermer on X - "“Our aim is not to halt scientific enquiry. But when it comes to transgender identity, knowledge cannot be pursued in isolation from the many societal factors that shape how that knowledge is received and acted on.” —Nature editorial
"This statement translates to prioritizing activism over truth-seeking when the findings might be inconvenient or misaligned with political narratives and activist goals. Such a stance compromises the integrity and credibility of science, reducing it to a tool for activism rather than a means of uncovering and understanding reality." — @buttonslives"
Deep Squats, Shallow Thoughts on X - "“Our aim is not to halt scientific enquiry. But when it comes to issues that impact religious faith, knowledge cannot be pursued in isolation from the many societal factors that shape how that knowledge is received and acted on.” - imagine if that was the line."

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