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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Links - 16th June 2024 (2 - Migrants: Canada)

NDP, unions urge Trudeau to introduce program letting undocumented migrants stay - The Globe and Mail - "At a news conference in Ottawa, Siobhan Vipond, executive vice-president of the Canadian Labour Congress, called for a “broad regularization program so that undocumented people can contribute to their fullest potential to Canada’s economic and social future.”  She said undocumented people are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation because they don’t have status, adding that allowing them to stay could permit them to “leave bad jobs and punish bad actors, levelling the playing field and improving working conditions for everyone.” The NDP letter says undocumented migrants face restricted access to health care, education and legal protection because of their precarious status, which can lead to exploitation and mistreatment – abuses they may not report out of fear of deportation.  “Migrants come to Canada with the expectation that they will be treated fairly as they contribute to Canada’s economic, educational, social and cultural fabric. They work hard and they pay their taxes. Yet far too many migrant workers work in low wage and precarious jobs, are subjected to poor working conditions and are vulnerable to exploitation owing to their temporary status,” the letter says."
Apparently ceasing to continue breaking the law and leaving the country is not an option

Emigration from Canada to the U.S. hits a 10-year high as tens of thousands head south - "There's nothing new about Canadians moving south of the 49th parallel for love, work or warmer weather, but the latest figures from the American Community Survey (ACS) suggest it's now happening at a much higher rate than the historical average.  The ACS, which is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, says the number of people moving from Canada to the U.S. hit 126,340 in 2022. That's an increase of nearly 70 per cent over the 75,752 people who made the move in 2012. Of the 126,340 who emigrated from Canada to the U.S. that year, 53,311 were born in Canada, 42,595 were Americans who left here for their native land, and 30,434 were foreign-born immigrants to Canada who decided to move to the U.S. instead... United Nations data compiled by Statistics Canada and shared with CBC News shows the U.S. is by far the most common destination for Canadian emigrants.  There were about 800,000 Canadians living in the U.S. as of 2020, eight times more than the 100,000 who live in the U.K., according to the latest UN figures... The real estate agents and immigration lawyers who help Canadians make the move say the surge is being driven partly by a desire for a more affordable life.  But there are also people who say they have lost faith in Canada under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's leadership and want to pursue the American dream instead, these agents and lawyers said... While the U.S., like Canada, has grappled with inflation, the cost of living can be cheaper in some states... While they've been considering a move for the last 15 years, Abramov said she wants to move now because she feels Canada, and the Greater Toronto Area in particular, are going downhill.  Abramov said the health care system is a constant disappointment, with long ER wait times and lacklustre access to family doctors. She said taxes are creeping up and crime is an ongoing concern. "There's a reason why so many people are making the move. It's a call for Canada to wake up and try to keep its residents," Abramov told CBC News.  "I've never known so many people who are making the move or have already moved, especially to Florida... Wages are often a lot higher in the U.S. for in-demand professions in fields like information technology and health care.  The tax burden is less onerous in many states. There's no state income tax in Florida.  In Arizona, a popular destination for western Canadian emigrants, there's a flat state tax rate of 2.5 per cent. Some daily staples are also a lot more affordable south of the border, with lower so-called "sin" taxes on alcohol and tobacco in some states... It's a relatively straightforward process for wealthy Canadian investors and people with American spouses to get a green card.  It's much more difficult for the average middle-class person to get the necessary paperwork without a job lined up with a U.S. employer or a profession that qualifies for a NAFTA or E-2 treaty visa."

Canada Study Permit: Justin Trudeau govt drops police clearance mandate for international students, temporary residents - "during an interaction on his book 'Why Bharat Matters' in Bhubaneswar, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar criticised the Justin Trudeau-led government in Canada for issuing visas to people with links to organised crimes for “political purposes" despite warnings from the Indian government. The minister said the Trudeau government has given legitimacy to “extremism, separatism and advocates of violence" in the name of free speech."

Ukrainian family that escaped war reconsidering Canada choice - "A Ukrainian family that came to Canada to escape the war is having second thoughts about their new home because of the economic situation.  The Sadovnyks are reconsidering life in Quebec, just outside of Montreal, for financial reasons.  “They like it here but it’s just a question of money,” family friend Oleg Koleboshyn told CityNews.  “They wanted to move to Canada. It was an opportunity for them.”  But the dynamics of that opportunity changed immensely in recent months. The family is facing financial difficulties and struggling to make ends meet. They feel they will have no choice but to leave Canada altogether... with the responsibility of raising eight children and only one person working, making ends meet for the family became quite a challenge.  “They pay $2,400 and he earns $3,100-$3,200. So, nothing,” Koleboshyn said.  Even with the current housing crisis in Canada, the family considered downsizing to an apartment to help save money. But landlords rejected their applications because the family was just too big...   Despite the increase in immigration, a recent report from Statistics Canada shows that between 1982 and 2017, roughly one in six immigrants chose to leave Canada within 20 years of being admitted. About five per cent leave within their first five years. Factors such as the housing crisis and high cost of living all play significant roles.  “The biggest issue is money,” Sadovnyk said. “We are rigorous people, we pay for everything, but sometimes there is no money.”"

Indian international students most likely to live in unsuitable housing: StatCan

Meme - "POLL: Is Canada letting in too many immigrants?"
Newcomers say new policies will let in too many new immigrants: poll - "Among people who immigrated to Canada in the last decade, more think Canada’s latest immigration targets will bring in too many people, a newly released Leger poll suggests, while fewer recent newcomers think the plan will bring in the right amount of people or not enough. The poll also suggests strongest support for federal Conservatives among Canadian immigrants — most notably among Chinese immigrants, whose support for the Tories outpaced the Liberals nearly three-to-one... Leger vice-president Andrew Enns says the numbers offer an intriguing snapshot into the current state of Canadian politics.  “It sends along a pretty interesting insight in terms of how things might be shifting within ethnic communities, and what people tend to assume and admittedly what we saw over the past couple of elections,” he said.  “The Liberals typically do quite well with the newcomer vote.”
Southeast Asians, Chinese, South Asians and FIlipinos have internalised white supremacy so well, they are even more likely than whites to say that Canada is letting in too many immigrants
Damn immigrants pulling up the ladder behind them!

Some illegal border crossers getting $224 per day from Ottawa - "The average accommodation cost is “$140 per night per room,” and the average cost for meals is “$84 per day per claimant” — for a total of $224 per claimant, per day. And the per diem cost may go even higher once factoring in the other “essential items” provided for free to claimants, including “toiletries, medicines, diapers.”... “The NDP-Liberal government is giving TEN TIMES the benefits to illegal border jumpers than it is giving to help Canadian seniors! DISGRACEFUL!” wrote Rood in an accompanying caption to a May 7 post on X uploading the document. As of the most recent figures by the IRCC, there are 156,032 pending asylum claims before the agency — although not all of them are in Canada and living within an IRCC hotel."

Shoppers Drug Mart 'volunteer' job posting was an error: Loblaw - "The listing was posted by Emil Harba, the pharmacist owner at the Shoppers Drug Mart located at King and Peter. Harba declined a request for an interview, but told CBC Toronto he "was trying to help people seeking Canadian experience." He said he often receives messages from people inquiring about volunteer opportunities in an effort to gain work experience. "The post wasn't for any bad intentions, it was for good intentions," Harba said. Harba said soon after he put up the listing, he was informed by the corporation that he could not take on volunteers in the store, and he immediately worked to take it down. The CEO of the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council says this incident "speaks volumes" to the importance many employers place on Canadian work experience. Gillian Mason says more than half of newcomers surveyed by the council in 2022 identified lack of Canadian experience as a major barrier to employment. "However that barrier needs to be overcome by employers increasing their capacity to actually hire and retain and advance immigrants."... "From bringing your own bags, to packing your bags, to using self checkout, and now having the nerve to ask customers to volunteer literally stacking the shelves. And I thought there had to be a line drawn somewhere." Gunn says he's drawing that line by switching to a different pharmacy."

I am a former immigration minister. Unsustainable population increases won’t solve Canada’s underlying issues: Chris Alexander in the Hub - "one in four of us is a temporary or permanent resident, or was born abroad. This proportion of newcomers is the highest since Confederation, beating the previous record of 22.3 percent set in 1921. By comparison, the immigrant share of the U.S. population is today about 14 percent... the number of immigrants coming to Canada in a given year is now double what it was, on average, between 2000 and 2015... By March of this year, there were 329,000 asylum claimants in Canada, with 187,000 refugee protection claims pending before the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB). (By way of comparison, in late 2015, at the end of my time as minister of citizenship and immigration, this backlog of pending claims was under 10,000.) This bottleneck means ordinary refugee claims, which are supposed to be heard by law within 60 days, now take up to three years... In my view, the greatest overriding challenge Canada now faces—also a major disincentive for immigrants—is that for ten years incomes have stagnated. At the end of 2014, Canada’s inflation-adjusted per capita GDP was $58,162; by the third quarter of 2023, it was $58,111—a loss of $51 over nine years. In comparative terms, Canada’s poor performance is even more striking: for two years (2011 and 2012), Canada’s per capita nominal GDP was higher than the U.S... In a very short time, we have gone from being a country that was praised for low debt levels, a competitive tax system, innovative firms, prosperous cities, an educated workforce, and leadership on issues from energy to immigration to one that is considered to be heavily indebted, less affluent, less attractive to investors and falling behind—to the point where a leading Financial Times columnist has branded us the leading “breakdown nation.” Immigration cannot solve these problems. Indeed, if such trends continue, the most qualified immigrants are unlikely to choose Canada. Moreover, the combination of record newcomer arrivals and stagnant incomes is souring Canadians themselves: after supporting immigration for many years by two to one, recent polls show disaffection growing, with Canadians now closer to evenly divided."

Canada's cost to house and dine refugees is ridiculous. It's $224 per day or $6720 per month **per claimant**. It's more than the average Canadian household spending. : r/CanadaHousing2
The power of the migrant-industrial complex

Danielle Smith says Sikhs "built the foundations" of Alberta. How can anyone believe Conservatives will stop mass immigration if they are lying about Canadian history and identity and keep pandering to ethnic minorities? : r/CanadaHousing2 - "So she’s claiming that the 10 Sikh people that lived in Alberta before the 70s “built the foundations” of Alberta?  All three of the main parties really are just different heads of the same beast."
This won't stop the left wingers hating her

He posted a video on how to get free food in Canada and faced a mob - "The fracas began not long after Mehul Prajapati, an international student from India, posted a video (since deleted) on Instagram detailing how he makes use of a food bank while at school.  “This is how I save hundreds of bucks every month in food and groceries,” he begins, wearing a Wilfrid Laurier hoodie from the Waterloo-based university. He also notes: “This is for everyone, all the students … here, most of the universities and colleges make food banks … which are run by trusts, churches or non-profit organizations.” The video was not unlike others shared on YouTube and elsewhere last summer with titles like “How to get free food in Canada.” The backlash from those caused at least one food bank to declare it would be turning away all students."

International student’s video on getting free food in Canada unleashes anger and abuse: ‘Please die’ : r/canada - "His response when speaking with the Indian media was totally different, he said Canadians are mad at him because they're racist, not because he did anything wrong."
"That's the general response many Indian students give when they fail to integrate.  That can also be chalked up to them listening to indians who already made it in canada and are just speaking carelessly.  I had this mentality too because I believed some of the long timers here until I started working at a Tim hortons.  I found out that if I follow the common sense rules and communicate well with people, the idea of most Canadians being racist is like calling Gandhi a Nazi.  I also realized some of my fellow Indians were full of gooseshit.  You guys are awesome. Stay awesome.
Source: me. An Indian making his way in canada."
"Another Indian here  Canada is a very welcoming place to outsiders, more so than many places including India. But like all places you need to learn the law of the land  Canadians take charity and helping the downtrodden very seriously. Grifting a food bank out of supplies for the needy and then bragging about it is probably as stupid as you can get"
"I had a whole bunch of Indian clients in a former job. The number of accounts ran by Indians was phenomenal. They were constantly trying to defraud us. And not even trying hard. We'd ban a bunch of accounts and then a few days later more accounts would be created using the same email address with just a number added at the end of it. Same ip address. Then they'd claim they were not the same person and called us racist. I know I can't judge a whole country because of a few hundred people but man, these guys really went all in to give their country a bad reputation."
"The Toronto Star is just horrible for doing a pity piece on him."
"I don't see anyone mentioning how 1 week before his video, he was putting videos on how he enjoyed $31 pizzas. Wonder why he deleted all his videos?"
"Indian living here 30+ years, I have never felt racism like now. Its due to people like him"

International student’s video on getting free food in Canada unleashes anger and abuse: ‘Please die’ : r/canada - "Even if he needed it and the TD bank employee was a bs story, the way he presented it was advertising to his followers as "free food in Canada". Not if you are desperate food bank exists. "How to save money and get free food in Canada.""
"He's also not the first indian to do that on YouTube. There was also a "Mr. Patel" who did it last year and it was as vile as this guy."

Indian student in Canada attacked for using food bank claims racial bias

Indian-origin data scientist fired after video of him getting 'free food' from Canada food banks went viral. : r/CanadaHousing2 - "This is something I've noticed in southeast asian cultures (for context, I just returned from Vietnam 2 days ago). Part of a lot of southeast asian cultures is asserting yourself, kind of how they drive. they just kind of send it where they want to go and leave it to people to accommodate them.  The thing is, this manifests in other ways. There is no shame in cutting a line for example, and if you do it successfully the sentiment seems to be "aha, I've won, I've figured it out" and never once "I did a bad thing". The amount of tiny old ladies who cut me off was off the charts, really leaning into that "are you really going to knock over an old lady?" argument. And I mean, no, I'm not going to knock over an old lady. I'm catching myself on my tiptoes so this lady doesn't get absolutely bowled over by someone 3-4x bigger than her and she's like "hehehe sucker".  So this is like that, exploiting food banks is seen as "Winning" in these cultures. "haha silly Canadians are too nice". I'd like to be able to say something along the lines of "don't mistake my kindness for weakness" but canada's leadership is as meek as it gets, loves to get pushed around and pretend its "taking the high road"."
"I've travelled through some other poor countries. Poor eastern European countries, and poor central American countries, although similarly poor, don't behave so shamelessly without any manners. It doesn't require money to have manners and show respect, and these south/southeast asian countries would fare better if they could manage to work together."
"What those poor eastern European and central American countries have is a history of Christianity.  Like it or not, the culture of Canada and those countries are based on Christian values: where we give to the poor, not steal from them.  India does not have that."

Indian-origin data scientist fired after video of him getting 'free food' from Canada food banks went viral. : r/CanadaHousing2 - "Well, at least now he qualifies for the food bank "
"And now, he can make a “how to get free rent” video by abusing other methods designed to help low-income Canadians."
"Dude could have just went to a sikh temple to get free food. Why hurt the already vulnerable."
"Many Canadians don't understand the cultural traits/desperation of where these people come from. Lying/cheating/stealing is all fair game and the more you can get the bigger of a hero you are. Yes, I am an immigrant from a crap place but decided not to follow the suit of family and friends."
"This is also why the shame of using a foodbank used to be be useful. This acted as a filter to ensure that nobody who didn't need it would ever abuse it"
"when high trust society gets swamped by low trust society - standards sink to low trust. The ailing system then increasing benefits the bad actors at the expense of the good actors in a negative feedback loop. As a consequence, if you are playing by the rules, it is like competing with both hands tied behind your back. Its dog eat dog!"

Why Affordable Housing Policies Have Failed - "Canada now plays host to 807,750 foreign students, 770,000 temporary workers, and 500,000 new immigrants being admitted annually. As a group, they represent mass immigration. Most of these people settle and are concentrated in a few parts of Canada, nowhere more so than southern Ontario and southern BC. Their numbers are rising annually and the 500,000 new immigrants drove our population over 40 million this year. We have the fastest growing population in the Group of Seven (G7). Since 2002, immigration, excluding students and temporary workers, has totalled 5.9 million.   Such large numbers of people present extreme challenges to our supply of housing, the process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, delivery of health care, already inadequate social and physical infrastructure, farmland, and biodiversity, to name a few existential challenges. The following report will target housing shortages challenges as a function of increased demand due to mass immigration.   Pundits such as ex-governor of the Bank of Canada Steven Poloz, housing economist Mike Moffatt, journalists in the Globe and Mail and Financial Post, among many others, all agree that the number one reason for our housing availability and price crisis is population growth.  Unfortunately, they also believe federal policy supporting high immigration levels will be good for us.  It is not likely to be good for us. To be blunt, it is a government policy, and we know how well our federal and provincial government policies often work out. Immigration will continue to surge, but we do not and will not have the capacity to absorb them all. The housing shortage is a glaring case of crippling incompetency of the federal and provincial governments... The standard advice for home budgeting is to use only about 32% of income on housing (rent or mortgage, plus insurance, property tax and so on). A typical household now spends 60% of their income on housing, up from 40 per cent in 2002... Even if a home building target could be agreed upon by your governments, do not count on it being achieved. New Zealand also enables mass immigration, resulting in similarly high house prices, and homelessness. So, the national government instituted the Kiwi Bild scheme in 2018. It was dumped a year later because few new builds occurred.  The policy was replaced with other questionable measures. What did encourage more homes to be built in New Zealand was 2016 zoning reforms that encouraged more building of multi-unit building, but also more detached homes. At the same time, though, prices increased even as supply increased.  In New Zealand, immigration levels continue to rise, up zoning rules have resulted in more residential units being built in Auckland, and home prices have only recently dipped in Auckland. This is a function of tax changes to discourage investment, along with interest rate hikes. But the housing is not affordable for most residents despite slight price declines.   The lessons are: Do not count on government policies to produce outcomes that are predictable and which make the future housing market affordable or sufficient to meet demand. Building massive government subsidised home projects may be the answer to the issue of affordability, but our governments do not have the fiscal capacity to undertake this. So, mass immigration will continue to increase home prices, decrease availability, increase social/physical infrastructure demands, and degrade ecological parameters.  To the densification enthusiasts: Be careful what you ask for. More multi-unit housing comes with more detached housing. Also be aware that when single homes are torn down, tenants who live in many of these homes are out and back looking for a rental. There are considerable housing supply backlogs that have been building for perhaps decades and new supply is not an easy solution... Who will bet their money that the new homes will have health care services, long-term care services, court translation services, police services, public transit services, entertainment services, public schools, home care, green space, natural parks and conservation areas, water, and sewage? Not likely. And so, these new homes will be grossly under-serviced, and the quality-of-life will decline for the existing residents...   According to Infrastructure Canada, the federal government’s share of public infrastructure has declined in the last 50 years — in the case of roads, water, and water infrastructure, a decline of 70% to 80%. Does this not sound familiar, where, like infrastructure, the federal government’s support of health care is declining?...   There is a lot riding on the year 2030. It is the year we must reach staggeringly optimistic greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals, 30% percent biodiversity goals, as well as building 5.5 million new homes. I ask you, is 5.5 million new homes not going to make our GHG goals frankly another Liberal, Conservative, NDP or Green lie?...   If mass immigration was the solution to economic stagnation, then the sheer volume of mass immigration numbers should have boosted economic performance already... Nor does it seem to help our laggard economy build millions of affordable homes, transform our energy economy to net zero by 2050 or build the infrastructure that can sustain a rapidly growing population"

Peter Stubbins: Trudeau's goals of building 5.7 million homes for immigrants while also drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions cancel each other out : r/CanadaHousing2 - "This is what's so funny about his carbon tax push. For every immigrant he brings our carbon goes up for the most part. Majority of places these people come from they would be using less carbon there. We are colder and things are further apart"
"Our national stated carbon tax goal is to cut carbon tax by 40% in 2030 from the 2005 totals.  What is rarely mentioned is our population will have increased from 32.24 million to an estimated 42.84 million (33%).  So per person carbon usage will have to drop 55%."

Trudeau Liberals’ immigration policies purposefully altering Canada - "the government tabled legislation that extends birthright citizenship, allowing Canadians who live abroad to pass down “Canadian citizenship” to their children who may have been born outside the country and live abroad. This allows for a person who never has set foot in Canada to hold Canadian citizenship based on one of their parents’ citizenship.     On Monday, the immigration minister announced that the government was increasing the temporary resident visa program for extended Palestinian family members in Gaza from 1,000 to 5,000 applicants. The special measures allow Gazans who have relatives in Canada to move and stay in the country for up to three years.   Miller then revealed that the federal cabinet is considering permitting migrants and illegal immigrants currently in Canada to gain permanent residence. This includes migrants without valid documents, including asylum seekers ordered to be deported, as well as former international students whose study permits have expired. This initiative will provide all current illegal immigrants an unconditional free pass.   Miller also made headlines this week testifying before a parliamentary committee when he admitted that a criminal background check by police is no longer mandatory for processing temporary workers and international students entering the country.   These latest policy announcements are an extension of the Trudeau government’s open border approach to attracting increasing numbers of newcomers to Canada...   The government’s open border policies are changing the ethnic composition of the country... according to the Canadian census, prior to 2015, immigration consisted of 28 per cent coming from the UK/Europe, and today this number is two per cent.   Fifth, nearly 98 per cent of immigrants now come from India, China, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria, and other African countries. Today, Canada has the world’s largest intake of 3rd World migration – mostly from the continent of Africa... The Liberals’ immigration plan comes with an untold cost. Aside from the increased pressure on Canadians’ housing, health care and social services, which are hard to quantify, there are a host of associated costs required to support the newcomers and their daily living.    Taxpayers never get a complete picture of costs, only snippets of details  such as: Blacklock’s Reporter reported that room and board for illegal immigrants is costing a daily average of $224 per person, $81,760 per person per year, according to government records. Couple that news with the Migrant Rights Network estimating the number of illegals living in Canada could be anywhere between 20,000 to 500,000, and we can factor the annual cost of room and board for illegals from $1.6 billion to $40.5 billion.   Blacklock’s Reporter was the only news source to headline Statistics Canada data that reported out in March 2022 that “More than a third (35 per cent) of government-assisted refugees remain on welfare a decade after landing in Canada.” An analysis of the data showed “higher welfare rates followed landmark 2001 changes to immigration law” when the Trudeau government dropped the requirement for foreigners to show proof of work skills and economic independence. Separate Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada data reveals that “Only 56% of government-assisted refugees were directly participating in the Canadian labour market.”  Credit again goes to Blacklock’s Reporter publishing government data that revealed, of the 2015 Syrian refugees brought into Canada by the Trudeau Liberals, half the total (50.4 per cent) were still relying on social assistance after five years. Of the 2016 Syrian refugees the government welcomed, seven of ten (69.5 per cent) refugees were still relying on social assistance four years after landing.   As expensive as financially supporting migrants is for taxpayers, Canadians are paying a greater cost with the societal disorder newcomers are bringing onto the streets of Canada’s cities. The Liberals’ commentary around Miller’s announcement regarding bringing thousands from Gaza into the country has been met with grave concerns about Canadians’ security. This has been underlined in the last few days with bullet-ridden schools in Toronto and Montreal, violent protests on campuses, and rallies that display open threatening hate-speech and rallying cries to “globalize the Intifada.”    It is reasonable for Canadians to fear that the Hamas-supporting newcomers will join the growing street protests and make an already toxic situation worse, leaving all citizens compromised and Canadian Jews in an even more vulnerable position. (Consider why all other countries, including Arab neighbours, keep their borders closed to these people.)   Just as the Trudeau Liberals remain unfazed by the crises in housing and health care caused in part by the growing numbers of immigrants, they remain unapologetic with their intention to bring more Gazans into Canada. Political pundit Spencer Fernando bluntly assessed, “The Liberals are knowingly importing radicalized anti-Semites, many of whom also despise the Western world and oppose Canadian Values…. If you are someone who loves Canada and believes in Western Values, Marc Miller has chosen to be your Enemy.”   The National Citizens Coalition posted on X the following observation: “You don’t bring in a million people during a housing shortage crisis, where we don’t have enough family doctors, and say you’re fixing the problem""

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