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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Links - 19th June 2024 (1 - General Wokeness)

Meme - The Critical Drinker @TheCriticalDri2: "You can always tell you're on the right side of an argument, when you have to purge anyone who disagrees with you."
Jules Hardy @itsJulesHardy: "can we a agree that for round two of 'this' it can be the final purge of these kinds of gamers? its 2024 I've been arguing about this for decades can we have a last full detox of these dude so we can get back to the positive gaming community we have been creating"

Meme - Michael Duncan @MichaelDuncan: "Is turning the Hagia Sophia into a mosque settler-colonialism? Just wanna understand what the rules are."

Meme - Wilfred Reilly @wil_da_beast630: "When I ran cross country in high school - 50 pounds ago - we had one meet where 16 or so people tried out for the usual top seven varsity men, and we half-jokingly had different racial flights we called the White Flight, Black Attack, Asian Invasion, and Hispanic Panic. Whites had the best overall times, as I recall, but everyone was good.  This is apex healthy."
"What the hell am I supposed to do when kids are racist to themselves? The Indian kids are calling themselves curry munchers and a Chinese kid set his username to dogs4lunch. This is fully out of hand"
Weird. I thought "minorities" "reclaiming" "slurs" was a good thing

Meme - Kirk Lubimov @KirkLubimov: "Victoria, British Columbia, in efforts to reduce the nonexistent stigma around periods, will be displaying a period flag.  In other news there is a period flag.  But this is not the most insane and idiotic thing to come out of Victoria.  That award goes to the ex mayor Lisa Helps who drew a beard on herself to support the drag community đŸ€ŠđŸŒ  You can't make the things that happen in Canada up."

A Black Marxist Scholar Wanted to Talk About Race. It Ignited a Fury. - The New York Times - "Adolph Reed is a son of the segregated South, a native of New Orleans who organized poor Black people and antiwar soldiers in the late 1960s and became a leading Socialist scholar at a trio of top universities.  Along the way, he acquired the conviction, controversial today, that the left is too focused on race and not enough on class. Lasting victories were achieved, he believed, when working-class and poor people of all races fought shoulder to shoulder for their rights.  In late May, Professor Reed, now 73 and a professor emeritus at the University of Pennsylvania, was invited to speak to the Democratic Socialists of America’s New York City chapter. The match seemed a natural... He planned to argue that the left’s intense focus on the disproportionate impact of the coronavirus on Black people undermined multiracial organizing, which he sees as key to health and economic justice.  Notices went up. Anger built. How could we invite a man to speak, members asked, who downplays racism in a time of plague and protest? To let him talk, the organization’s Afrosocialists and Socialists of Color Caucus stated, was “reactionary, class reductionist and at best, tone deaf.”  â€œWe cannot be afraid to discuss race and racism because it could get mishandled by racists,” the caucus stated. “That’s cowardly and cedes power to the racial capitalists.” Amid murmurs that opponents might crash his Zoom talk, Professor Reed and D.S.A. leaders agreed to cancel it, a striking moment as perhaps the nation’s most powerful Socialist organization rejected a Black Marxist professor’s talk because of his views on race.  â€œGod have mercy, Adolph is the greatest democratic theorist of his generation,” said Cornel West, a Harvard professor of philosophy and a Socialist. “He has taken some very unpopular stands on identity politics, but he has a track record of a half-century. If you give up discussion, your movement moves toward narrowness.” The decision to silence Professor Reed came as Americans debate the role of race and racism in policing, health care, media and corporations. Often pushed aside in that discourse are those leftists and liberals who have argued there is too much focus on race and not enough on class in a deeply unequal society. Professor Reed is part of the class of historians, political scientists and intellectuals who argue that race as a construct is overstated... A contrary view is offered by Professor Reed and some prominent scholars and activists, many of whom are Black. They see the current emphasis in the culture on race-based politics as a dead-end. They include Dr. West; the historians Barbara Fields of Columbia University and Toure Reed — Adolph’s son — of Illinois State; and Bhaskar Sunkara, founder of Jacobin, a Socialist magazine... free public college tuition, a higher minimum wage, reworked police forces and single-payer health care.  Those programs would disproportionately help Black, Latino and Native American people, who on average have less family wealth and suffer ill health at rates exceeding that of white Americans, Professor Reed and his allies argue. To fixate on race risks dividing a potentially powerful coalition and playing into the hands of conservatives.  â€œAn obsession with disparities of race has colonized the thinking of left and liberal types,” Professor Reed told me. “There’s this insistence that race and racism are fundamental determinants of all Black people’s existence.”... In years past, the D.S.A. had welcomed Professor Reed as a speaker. But younger members, chafing at their Covid-19 isolation and throwing themselves into “Defund the Police” and anti-Trump protests, were angered to learn of the invitation extended to him... None of this surprised Professor Reed, who sardonically described it as a “tempest in a demitasse.” Some on the left, he said, have a “militant objection to thinking analytically.”... He finds a certain humor in being attacked over race.  â€œI’ve never led with my biography, as that’s become an authenticity-claiming gesture,” he said. “But when my opponents say that I don’t accept that racism is real, I think to myself, ‘OK, we’ve arrived at a strange place.’”  Professor Reed and his compatriots believe the left too often ensnares itself in battles over racial symbols, from statues to language, rather than keeping its eye on fundamental economic change. “If I said to you, ‘You’re laid off, but we’ve managed to rename Yale to the name of another white person’, you would look at me like I’m crazy,” said Mr. Sunkara, the editor of Jacobin.  Better, they argue, to talk of commonalities... “Liberals use identity politics and race as a way to counter calls for redistributive polices,” noted Toure Reed, whose book “Toward Freedom: The Case Against Race Reductionism” tackles these subjects... The son of itinerant, radical academics, he passed much of his boyhood in New Orleans. “I came back and forth into the Jim Crow South and developed a special hatred for that system,” he said.  Yet even as he has taken pleasure of late as New Orleans removed memorials to the old Confederacy, he preferred a different symbolism. He recalled, as a boy, traveling to small New England towns and walking through cemeteries and seeing moss-covered tombstones marking the graves of young white men who had died in service of the Union.  â€œI got this warm feeling reading those tombstones, ‘So-and-so died so that all men could be free,’” he said. “There was something so damned moving about that.”"

𝕐𝕒𝕜𝕠𝕧𝕠𝕝𝕗 on X - "The "white supremacist" "America First" "Christian" movement is led by:
- Nick Fuentes: short, Mexican, gay incel
- Kanye West: Black, bipolar, runs a porn studio
- Jake Shields: punched people for a living, has CTE, closeted gay
- Lucas Gage: has severe PTSD despite not having been in a single battle
- Jackson Hinkle: baby-faced, self-declared communist
- Andrew Tate: sex trafficking pimp
- Dr. Loupis: looks like a magnified herpes bacterium
- Sneako: mixed-race Muslim
- Candace Owens and Jon Miller: Black, not very bright."

Meme - Richard Hanania @RichardHanania: "It's absolutely nuts that the deaf are a like 1% of the population and get maybe a fifth of the screen. Don't we already have a closed caption option? Do we really need to be distracting everyone with someone waving their hands in the air?"

Campaign group says children as young as five should be taught about LGBT issues - "Stonewall issued the guidance to coincide with the launch of new relationships and sex education (RSE) lessons that begin next September... Stonewall has suggested that teachers use the LGBT rainbow flag to help children understand the meaning of colours. The group adds that teaching about LGBT people should be 'embedded' throughout school timetables.   The campaign group suggested maths questions such as: 'How many biscuits are left at Fatima and Shanika's wedding?'  One example lesson plan suggests that pupils aged seven and eight study and Aids memorial quilt in design and technology lessons. The guidance, sponsored by publisher Pearson and the Government Equalities Office from a ÂŁ1million grant given to LGBT organisations, also suggests that students in religious education lessons be taught about naming ceremonies for those who change gender. Chief executive of Christian Concern, Andrea Williams, told the Times that Stonewall's inclusive guidance was disguising a 'manipulative agenda aimed brazenly at our youngest and most impressionable'. She added: 'This curriculum is deeply subversive. It should be scrapped.'   The campaign group include quotes from children who have been left disappointed in their schools for not teaching about LGBT issues."

Meme - PinkNews: "Meet the queer hikers proving the great outdoors isn't just for cis, straight, middle class folk"
Simon Edge @simonjedge: "Could you tell us what obstacles these stunning and brave people had to overcome in order to go for a walk? This is something LGBTQWTAF+ historians need to know about, so these amazing folx can take up their rightful place in the hall of fame next to Oscar Wilde and Alan Turing."
John Stuart I @LeestHrm4: "That's not a thing. Plenty of LGB people very into the outdoors, always have been. Is this what 'the struggle' is now; inventing barriers so you can pretend to have overcome them?"

Poll finds declining Canadian support for LGBTQ2 rights and visibility - "Canada, it found, was among the few countries where support for rights and visibility appeared to register “precipitous drops,” Ipsos vice-president of public affairs Sanyam Sethi said."
Clearly, this has nothing to do with queer overreach and trans mania

UNN on X - "Remember Sam Melia?  The English man convicted of putting up stickers?  Well the state has now decided that Sam is a Person Posing Risk to Children (PPRC) because of Sam's "racist posters, insignia and literature" and "racist and offensive attitudes".   He is not allowed any photographs of his children, and his wife Laura is not allowed to mention them to him when they speak.  Child rapists get treated far more leniently.  This is state sponsored torture worse than any other country in the world."

Man who raped gipsy girl, 12, acquitted because relationship 'common' - "A man who raped a 12-year-old girl was acquitted by a court that deemed their relations formed “part of the cultural reality of the gipsy community”.  Under Spanish law, minors under the age of 16 cannot consent to sex. But the court ruled that the man, who was 20 years old at the time, should benefit from a legal exception... The acquittal is the latest in a series of rulings in which judges have taken into account customs followed by some of Spain’s Roma population when dealing with cases of sexual assault concerning minors... the court ruled to acquit, describing it as “an undisputed fact [that] the relationship took place in the cultural and social context of the gipsy community, where marriages between very young people are frequent”.  The ruling in Ciudad Real comes just two days after another verdict was made public in which another man saw his sentence reduced considerably for the statutory rape of a minor.  The man, who has not been named, was sentenced to 11 years in prison after a sexual relationship with a Roma girl saw her become pregnant three times between the ages of 12 and 15.  The court in LeĂłn was told by the victim that in her culture it was normal for a 12-year-old girl to have sexual relations with an adult. Prosecutors, who had initially pursued a 37-year sentence on three counts of rape, eventually agreed on a plea bargain deal with the reduced sentence, with the conviction ruling stating that “couples start at very early ages in gipsy culture”... Beatriz Carrillo, director general of non-discrimination and anti-racism within Spain’s Equalities Ministry, described the ruling in LeĂłn as an “absolute disgrace”.  â€œThe penal code does not exclude Roma minors from protection. If it did so, we would be saying that abusing, attacking or raping gipsy girls has few legal consequences.”"
Cultural imperialism and ethnocentrism!

Meme - Royal Dutch Airlines @KLM: "It doesn't matter who you click with. Happy #PrideAmsterdam"
*2 metal tips, 2 buckles, 1 metal tip & 1 buckle*
*alive man relaxed with properly buckled seatbelt*  
*2 dead people using seatbelts with 2 metal tips and 2 buckles*

Meme - Lolo @LolOverruled: "There is something so demonic about this and I can't even articulate what it is"
"Blind People See For The First Time" "100/1000 people cured"
neil saw itzy !!!: "its the idea that someone with a disability needs to be "cured""
"I will never understand liberal ideology."

Meme - "Woke Priority
*gang members firing guns from car*
*silent police car*
*car defaces Pride crosswalk*
*police car with sirens and lights*"
Vandalism of statues of Confederate Generals is good, of course

Chris 🇩đŸ‡ș on X - "A manhunt is underway after a driver left tire marks on a pride mural in St. Petersburg Florida He will be charged will a felony count of criminal mischief if they find him. [donut man should be congratulated]"
Clearly, this means the left wing has no power in the US

Spokane Police searching for arson suspect who defaced Pride mural
Comments (elsewhere): "Offense to the ideology will always take priority over actual criminal acts."
"Painting every surface with that flag is apparently the only way to prosecute graffiti."
"Don't forget, which criminal is safer to pursue has always been a factor in law enforcement."

End Wokeness on X - "BREAKING: A manhunt is underway in Washington for several suspects who "desecrated" a Spokane pride mural. City leaders held a conference on the UNSPEAKABLE tragedy of the mural. Some leaders broke down and cried:"
"Desecrated" has religious connotations. Telling.
They should've vandalised it with "Free Palestine" instead

Spokane, WA, Crime Rate & Safety | U.S. News - "The metropolitan area's violent crime rate was higher than the national rate in 2022. Its rate of property crime was higher than the national rate."
Time to spend even more time cracking down on "hate crime"

David Parker on X - "Keep forcing this nonsense down people's throats and you will find that they don't like it very much. Here is the likely timeline of future events.
1) Queer Ideologues continue to try to push their rainbow rhetoric on the general population;
2) General population becomes more and more fed up by being dictated to by Queer Ideologues;
3) Increased animostity to the Rainbow Guard and everyone who support it;
4) Clashes between Rainbow Guard supporters and normal people become increasingly frequent (YOU ARE HERE);
5) General population begins demanding an end to the Rainbow Guard's policies;
6) Screeching and wailing of the Queer Ideologues as they lose power;
7) Society is thankful that the madness has gone away."

Colin Wright on X - "This person got a PhD in Higher Education at Penn State by using a "Black feminist theoretical framework" to produce an ethnography of "Queer and Trans Drag Artists of Color on College Campus(es)."  The sample size of his qualitative "study" was "5 queer and trans drag artists of color who frequently perform in colleges located in central, PA." The "research" consisted of interviewing each drag queen twice for 1-2 hours, observing their drag performances for 2-4 hours each, collecting an "artifact" from each drag queen, writing about their experience, and attending a "poetry writing workshop."   So a maximum of 60 hours of work interviewing the drag queens and watching their drag shows. Let's be generous and say he spent 2 hours performing actual "mediated writing" on each drag queen (so 10 hours total), and the poetry writing workshop took maybe 5 hours max.   So maybe 75 hours of work for a PhD. And he was likely in the program for 5-7 years.  This is what our universities are putting resources towards and producing."

When schools won’t raise the Pride flag, the message is clear — and damning - "Earlier this year, in lieu of substantive conversations around Pride flags, the YCDSB entertained a motion to ban any flag from flying at its schools (with the exception of national, provincial, and Catholic symbols). While Trustee Frank Alexander’s motion, tabled in January, did not specifically mention Pride flags, skeptics read it as a thinly veiled effort to silence the growing calls to make YCDSB schools more inclusive for LGBTQ2S+ students."
If you don't swear allegiance to the regime and proclaim it for everyone to see, you are clearly the enemy and must be destroyed
Probably the next step is that if you don't wave the Palestinian flag, you support "genocide" and your Palestinian/Arab/Muslim students won't feel "safe"

Meme - *Someone with Trans flag and Trans t-shirt cowering at the sight of a biology book*
*Someone with Communist flag and Communist t-shirt cowering at the sight of an economics book*
*Someone with BLM flag and George Floyd t-shirt cowering at the sight of a statistics book*
*Someone with Palestine flag and Palestine t-shirt cowering at the sight of a history book*

Meme - LearningTheLaw @Mangalawyer: "Game assets from a 20-year-old game look better than Silent Hill 2 remake.  Modern gaming has become a well-oiled machine, catering to the insatiable gluttony of consumers, constantly lowering standards until nothing is satisfying anymore.   The relentless dreams of modern gaming"

Meme - Simon Bravo @sbravodev: "Do you understand now why they get upset when you critize these changes? They self insert in the game and if you don’t like them their ego gets shattered"

Meme - Carl @HistoryBoomer: "This may be my most hated meme.* It’s darkly amusing it’s being used against lefties upset that pro-Palestinian voices are being silenced. I’m ok with some ironic use, but using it seriously is moronic.  *Its closest competitor is that dumb Karl Popper tolerance cartoon."
"Public Service Announcement: The Right to Free Speech means the government can't arrest you for what you say. It doesn't mean that anyone else has to listen to your bullshit, or host you while you share it. The 1st Amendment doesn't shield you from criticism or consequences. If you're yelled at, boycotted, have your show canceled, or get banned from an Internet community, your free speech rights aren't being violated. It's just that the people listening think you're an asshole,      [A picture of a partially open door is displayed.]     And they're showing you the door."

Meme - Josh Schwartz @Metal_Crow: "I went from being annoyed by this meme to loving watching it deployed against stunned people who would have themselves used it just a few years ago."
Bayta Darell @sarchasm9: "This was always a nice counter back in the day"
"Public Service Announcement: The Right to Free Speech means the government can't arrest you for what you say. It doesn't mean that anyone else has to listen to your bullshit, or host you while you share it. The 1st Amendment doesn't shield you from criticism or consequences. If you're yelled at, boycotted, have your show canceled, or otherwise punished for your expressed opinions, your free speech rights aren't being violated. For example: let's say that you are a Communist, and the movie studio you work for fires you and blacklists you because you joined the Communist party... you have no reason to complain because the studio has every right to -- oh wait"
Duke It All @DukeltAll: "No, they were correct to do so and McCarthy was demonstrably correct in all his accusations. The state department was riddled with Soviet spies"
Bayta Darell @sarchasm9: "oh I agree, but they wouldn't agree with you which is why they're nothing but hypocrites (obviously) because that's exactly what they did for 10 years til Elon bought X"

Carl on X - "I just wrote this on Facebook (!) so...
"I like xkcd but not this cartoon. He's obviously factually correct. The *right* to free speech only means the government can't silence most speech. It doesn't stop someone else from deciding to cancel your show or ban your posts from an online community, etc, but
a) That's against the *spirit* of a free speech culture that tries to hear more ideas, not fewer.
b) It can easily be applied to ANYONE, including people I'm sure xkcd likes. Why not ban LGBT speakers? Pro-choice speakers? Pro-Israel OR pro-Palestine speakers? "It's just that the people listening think you're an asshole, and they're showing you the door."
One reply might be, "Well THOSE people DO ban those ideas." Yes they do. But if that's our only principle—hearing ideas is only good if we like them—it's not a principle I can get behind."
In other words, it's correct about the 1st amendment, but the *spirit* of the cartoon is one of censorship. When people silence you it's because you're an asshole."

wanye on X - "I think it would be too glib to say that people are just simply too stupid to see how the rules they make today will be used against them by their enemies. There must be some kind of blindness, though, because -- as I said repeatedly at the time -- nothing could be more obvious than the fact that this comic justifies basically any institutional or individual reaction to basically any speech. If you can't see how that's going to be used against you down the road, then you have no business opining about, well, anything, really."
EditionA on X - "It’s a failure to “imagine the hypothetical” in two ways: The political tides: The opposing side could gain the upper hand in the future. The epistemological tides: I could be wrong and accidentally censor the truth."
Brotherhood on X - "They have the goal in mind and construct the rationalizations after. Leftists don't have any principles except for power."
ASDF on X: - "I love deploying Popper's paradox of tolerance on those who abused it like last week."

dragonslayer27 on X - "The concept of free speech is distinct from the law. It's not important because of the constitution, it's in the constitution because it's important."
JM-BR on X - "I just hate how wrong it is, which brings to mind another XKCD comic.  It's so blindingly, annoyingly, wrong. Free speech is mainly a framework for resolving issues, a moral concept that guides us when we strive for truth - it means we resolve things by speaking, and we allow others to speak in safety so that truth can surface and wrong ideas can be discredited.   The 1st amendment is just the specific way the US has coded that principal into law, it's not what the principal itself means."

*pleasant-looking girl*
*blue haired girl with buzz cut*"

Meme - "r/AmerExit
Moving to Johannesburg from Los Angeles
My family and I are making the leap from Los Angeles to Johannesburg and could really use some advice on finding the right neighbourhood.  Los Angeles has been great but we hate the car culture it's not very bike friendly and the rise of Trump and MAGA it's a scary thought.  We're looking for some family oriented communities in Jo'burg safety and public transport access are our top priorities.  Any recommendations on family friendly neighborhoods in Johannesburg would be incredibly helpful. We're excited to start this new chapter but a little nervous too."
"Hey OP you should probably be aware that people in joburg are running out of power and water and many people refer to South Africa as a "failed state" or close to one. And like for real, not the hyperbole we see about the USA"
"You've got to be kidding."
"Yeah, Jesus. How did that choice of location mature."
""America is scary so we're thinking of moving to the country that is basically the fear mongering view of America but real life.""
"dude if you check his post history i think he's being serious lol"
"I mean, if he gets all his opinions from Reddit is it hardly surprising? American definitely has its problems, but you have to be delusional to think it's not one of the best countries in the world for safety and overall QoL."

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