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Monday, June 17, 2024

Links - 17th June 2024 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023: College Campuses))

David Jacobs on X - "A graduating McGill University student decided to spit on the Dean and another faculty member. The crowd cheered her on. If this is the end product of higher education, universities are in need of serious introspection and remediation."
Footage of student spitting on deans cut from graduation video - "a student can be seen making spitting gestures toward professors while wearing a keffiyeh and holding a sign that reads “Divest from death” at a McGill University graduation ceremony... McGill is not the only university that has altered a graduation ceremony video. It appears that a similar event occurred at the University of Toronto’s graduation ceremony for students at the Termerty Faculty of Medicine on June 5... One X user called the behaviour an “absolutely shameful display” from the graduating students who were “demonstrating their ignorance and showing support for the terrorists in Gaza. And the faculty applauding them.”"

Mitch Garber on X - "(McGill) @McGillPresident  Deep Saini has been a complete failure in his ability to show leadership and make decisions. His inaction is leading to escalating hatred, violence and vandalism. He has had every opportunity to do something,... to succumb to demands to divest (which means divesting from Google and 400 leading tech companies with large presence in israel!)..or to have the encampment dismantled. In the end he's written a bunch of sophomoric empty letters and watched effigies being hung on campus, students and non-students commandeering and defacing buildings, protesters being accommodated at the expense of graduates having graduation moved off campus, and Deans' being spat on. @mcgillu  and  @McGillAlumni  need leadership. Enough is enough. This isn't Montreal and this isn't McGill. @Val_Plante  @PascaleDery"
Time to arrest the far right to keep Jews safe!

Amy Hamm: Visiting the agitated comrades at UBC's pro-Palestinian encampment - "The encampment group calls itself the “People’s University for Gaza at UBC” and is allegedly student-led. Their demands include forcing UBC to: publicly condemn “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing” in Gaza, remove police from campus, have no relationships with Israeli universities, divest from named Israeli companies and provide $2 million “to enable the funding of five Palestinian scholars, five Palestinian practitioners and 10 Palestinian students or some combination thereof.” The group will not speak to UBC’s president or administrators unless they first give credence to their accusations of genocide: “The encampment, Solidarity with Palestinian Human Rights, and the Social Justice Centre affirm that your condemnation of Israeli aggression deemed as plausible scholasticide and genocide is a precondition to talks.” Predictably, talks are not going well... the protesters insisted that UBC “has done nothing to indicate they will engage in dialogue in good faith” and claimed that Bacon’s response was “ blatant disrespect .” What would they consider “respect,” then? Well — if every single one of their demands was met in full, by their deadline. They want complete obedience. “We will consider this as the only meaningful step towards dialogue,” the group posted on social media. And so, they wait, camping out in the fair spring weather, painting cardboard signs to while away the hours. “UBC, there’s blood on your hands!” reads one, and a few feet away, “DANCE ARTISTS 4 PALESTINE.” There’s a communist sickle and hammer stencilled on a wooden pallet fortifying the trash wall. At the entrance, a hand-written list of “community agreements.” One of their rules: “We will not talk to any media outlets that do not centre Gaza in their work.”... I strolled up and announced myself as media to the gatekeeper — a young, masked woman — but she didn’t ask where from. She denied me entry and comment because I allegedly “agitated the comrades” inside by filming with my cell phone. Eventually, a large bearded man in a red keffiyeh approached, turning his body to block me with his back. “Then they have my back,” he explained to the young woman, apparently showing her the ropes of a life of resistance. He looked to be in his late 40s... There wasn’t so much an air of resistance at the encampment as there was an air of slight embarrassment: the subdued defiance of a child who knows that he has made demands that exceed even the leniency afforded by a grandparent prone to spoiling him. Elsewhere on campus, Jewish students have been putting up their own posters: “I am a Jew. I hide my identity because I feel threatened and unsafe.” There are also rainbow posters that read, “Hamas is a homophobic and misogynistic organization.” Many of them are half-torn down. Leaders from one of the province’s Indigenous communities, the Musqueam, issued a statement on May 30 to say that they disagree with and do not stand behind “inaccurate” information allegedly shared by UBC’s encampment protesters on their behalf — both about their own history and their position on the war in Gaza."

McGill says pro-Palestinian protest that led to 15 arrests is 'troubling' escalation - "the university says protesters occupied its administration building, blockaded several doors, damaged furniture and yelled threats, forcing some staff to shelter in place... Police say 13 people were arrested for breaking and entering and two people were arrested for obstructing police work, after officers in riot gear used chemical irritants to forcefully disperse the crowd. In response to the war between Israel and Hamas, Pro-Palestinian protesters set up tents on McGill's lower field in late April, demanding the university pull its investments tied to Israel's military and sever relationships with Israeli academic institutions. As of Friday morning, the encampment on the university's lower field, in downtown Montreal, remained... Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights McGill, a student group participating in the encampment, posted a statement on Instagram as Thursday's events unfolded, promising an "escalation" of the protest movement. “As the Zionist forces massacre Palestinians in Rafah and Jabalia, our administration continues to shamelessly fund genocide, ignoring the collective demands of the student body and the encampment,” the group said."
When you allow terrorism supporters to run wild, they will naturally escalate and they will pretend that since they've intimidated most others into silence, everyone agrees with them

U of T faculty remove affiliation due to 'failure ... to defend Jewish learners' - "More than 100 Jewish doctors who are faculty members at the University of Toronto’s medical school are removing all mention of their affiliation with the school from their presentations, professional correspondence and publications. In a press release, Doctors Against Racism and Antisemitism said the faculty members are “protesting the failure of (U of T) and the (medical school) to defend Jewish learners and faculty.”"

Jewish student sues TMU over 'poisoned' antisemitic environment - "The lawsuit says students have been “harassed when seeking to express their views,” and faced statements such as “you people control the media. Hitler should’ve finished you off, you dirty Jew” and signs with statements such as “go back to where you came from.” Last month, the lawsuit says, a protester was carrying a sign that read “Zionism off our campus.” “To Nikki and other Jewish students, staff, and faculty this is a call for Jews to be removed from campus”... It also alludes to a long history of antisemitism at TMU. In 2010, a task force on anti-racism found there had been a “proliferation of anti-Semitic incidents such as anti-Semitic graffiti on campus” and that Jewish students found media coverage of Israel, particularly from the now-defunct Ryerson Free Press student newspaper, “bordered on anti-Semitic.”"

Some Singapore students decide against going to elite US colleges over campus protests - "Singaporean student Sunaina M. was offered a place to read economics at Dartmouth College, an Ivy League university in the American state of New Hampshire.  But the 19-year-old is turning down the offer because of pro-Palestinian protests that have broken out across US campuses in recent months. Instead of heading to the US this fall, she will attend the University of Cambridge in Britain in October. Ms Sunaina’s parents were concerned for her safety after hearing that the US authorities had arrested students and used brute force to break up protests sparked by the war in Gaza between Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas.  “My parents don’t feel very safe about me going to the US… They are afraid that I would get bullied or treated brutally because I wear a hijab, especially in American universities where protesting, campaigning and activism is a norm,” said Ms Sunaina who declined to give her family name, citing concerns about future opportunities in the US as a reason...   Madam Angeline Siew, 52, is also concerned about the safety of her only son, who has been offered a place at Yale University in Connecticut.  “We saw some videos of the police taking away students (who were protesting),” she said.  The housewife added that she was worried because her son “is very interested and actively involved in activism, especially for humanitarian causes”...   Mr Christopher Rim, chief executive of Command Education, said 12 of its clients have been offered places at Columbia University and eight have received acceptance letters from the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) in the latest admission cycle, which began in late September 2023. But out of the 12 students who were offered places at Columbia, only one is considering attending the school this autumn. The firm did not say where the other 11 students have decided to go...   Ms Michelle Soh, 19, was offered a place at Harvard but has decided to study at the National University of Singapore’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in August."
When you admit that your family/child supports terrorism

Meme - End Wokeness @EndWokeness: "American war memorial vandalized by Free Palestine protestors in Stanford:"
"Fuck Amerikka. Kill cops <3. Burn this shit down"
Clearly, the "pro-Palestinian" crowd are just protesting genocide and want peace and everyone to live in harmony

Protesters who occupied president's office receive felony charges - "Thirteen individuals, including 12 protesters and a Daily reporter, who were detained by the Stanford Department of Public Safety (SUDPS) and the County Sheriff’s Office, were charged with felony burglary. Protesters barricaded themselves inside the president and provost’s office, located in Building 10 in Main Quad, early Wednesday morning."

BREAKING: Man arrested after alleged assault near student encampment entrance - "the victim and his son attempted to enter the field at King’s College Circle. The victim was then allegedly told by multiple people in the encampment that they were not allowed inside. The victim allegedly attempted to push the gate and enter the camp. The victim was allegedly pushed by three people — including the suspect — who attempted to remove him from the area. The suspect then allegedly threatened to hit the victim with a glass bottle... Rasikh said that U of T has not adequately addressed the student protesters’ safety concerns and “agitators and instigators continue to get away with framing themselves as the victims in relation to the encampment.”... U of T President Meric Gertler virtually attended a Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights  at Parliament to discuss antisemitism on university campuses. During the meeting, Gertler noted incidents at the encampment, saying “We have reported hateful acts and hateful speech to Toronto Police Services.”  According to Gertler, there have been about 38 incidents at the encampment, with six falling under the category of hate speech or hateful acts and are under investigation by the TPS."
"Look what you made us do!"
The left still pretend they are against "hate speech"

Man arrested after alleged assault near student encampment entrance : r/UofT - "The encampment claims to be on "public space" so they cant be removed and yet (physically) removes everyone else from the space. This is our university, and we should be allowed on the lawn we pay so much for regardless of our political views or race.  Enough with the nonsense, clear out the encampment already. Go protest in Ottawa."
Of course, there're people defending this as democratic protest. But talk about the Ottawa truckers convoy and...

Khamenei.ir on X - "Dear university students in the United States of America, you are standing on the right side of history."
Dr Jordan B Peterson on X - "This is so perfect. The leader of one of the world's most dangerous and repressive states congratulating Western universities and their students for their enabling. Perfect. Perfect."
Rachel Moiselle on X - "Jerry Seinfeld is more controversial amongst US college students than Khamenei. What a time. What. a. time."

Campus Protests, Antisemitism, and Western Values - "If these colleges had any number of people shouting that blacks should go back to Africa, or that trans people deserve to die, these students (to say nothing of professors who said such things) would be expelled. And this is clearly what should happen to the most uncivil actors here. All the kids who have been physically preventing Jewish students from accessing buildings on campus, threatening them with violence, simply because they are Jewish, should be expelled. Without question.   Even if you concede that Israel is totally in the wrong, this would not justify the behavior we’ve been seeing on campus. Imagine that China was doing something awful and worthy of protest—which, of course, China often is. It has put 2 million Uyghurs and Turkic Muslims in concentration camps, where they are reportedly subjected to torture, and sterilization, and forced labor. Where are the protests? Apparently, no one cares. Not a peep out of Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, or Yale. But let’s say that all these activist students started caring about China’s abuse of their Muslim population, and were protesting that. Imagine how the universities would respond if these protestors started targeting other students on campus, just because they happen to be Chinese—as though ethnically Chinese Americans or even Chinese nationals at Harvard could be culpable for what the Chinese government was now doing. Imagine them not letting Chinese students access buildings. This would be immediately recognized to be morally insane, and at odds with every core value of a university, and there would be zero tolerance for it.   But the analogy actually understates the perversity of what’s been happening—because many of these students are not merely protesting injustice and cruelty and innocent death, and just happen to be harassing the wrong people. Rather, many of them are supporting injustice and cruelty and innocent death, explicitly. “Globalize the Intifada” isn’t a call for peace; it’s a call for the indiscriminate murder of Jews. I’m willing to cut college kids a fair amount of slack, but you mean to tell me that students at Harvard and Princeton and Stanford don’t know that Palestinian intifadas entail a fair amount of suicidal terrorism and the deliberate murder of noncombatants? (The deliberate murder of noncombatants.) I might have been confused about a few things when I was 19, but I was never that confused... direct funding by Islamist theocrats is only one strand of influence, as I’ll discuss. There is also the identitarian moral panic that has deluded the Left for years, which I have covered a lot on this podcast—which maps every conflict in the world to an oppressor-oppressed narrative. Again, I don’t want to exaggerate the scope of the problem. But it is pretty appalling that the largest student protest movement since the 1960s has distinguished itself by being this confused about what is really going on in the world, and is lending support to groups like Hamas, that represent the annihilation of everything these students should value.   The next time I see a job applicant from what used to be a great university—Harvard, Princeton, Yale, or even my own alma maters —Stanford and UCLA, which have been terrible—my first thought will be, were you one of these imbeciles who couldn’t figure out who the bad guys were on October 7th? Really, the brand damage to these institutions has been extraordinary.  We now know that hundreds of professors at these schools support Hamas—which again, is a genocidal death cult. That’s not my opinion; that is how Hamas describes itself. They want to kill all the Jews on Earth and to die as martyrs. That is the recipe for being an antisemitic, genocidal death cult. Any professor who supports Hamas should be fired—as you would fire any professor who openly supported the Nazis in the immediate aftermath of a Nazi atrocity. This is not a first amendment issue. No one has a constitutional right to be at Harvard, in any capacity.   And I can say with confidence, that the first good schools to accomplish a hard reset here—admitting that they have lost their way, purging the DEI bureaucracy and theocracy that they built over decades where the best of intentions grew malignant and metastasized... will win so much support and good will, and an avalanche of applications and donors, they’ll solidify their reputations into the next century...  all the best schools, and even the second and third best schools, appear to be in the process of destroying themselves... I remain uncomfortable with the concept of any sort of religious ethno-state. But given the murderous antisemitism of so much of the world, given that almost every country that has had a population of Jews has at some point actively persecuted them and driven them out—literally, almost any country you can name in Europe or North Africa or the Middle East had done this at some point. Given the tolerance of this reality by billions of onlookers—well, then the Jews clearly need their own state, and it should defend itself without apology. We have the two largest religions on Earth, Christianity and Islam, which encompass half of humanity, whose theology has reviled the Jews as eternal enemies for thousands of years... focusing on antisemitism at this moment—as much as it really is a problem—is the wrong approach to addressing a much more fundamental problem: which is the hatred of Western civilization coming from so many of its own inhabitants and beneficiaries, and the very real clash between the West (which includes Israel every other civilized democracy) and Islam—in particular Islamism and Jihadism

Laila Al-Arian on X - "Does the @nytimes Daily podcast do any fact-checking? Today’s episode features a pro-Israel Columbia student repeatedly smearing his fellow students by claiming they “celebrated the killing of Israelis and Jews” at protests. Did he or was he asked to provide any evidence of this?"
Columbia shuts down planned discussion justifying Hamas’ October 7 massacre as ‘Palestinian counteroffensive’
At Columbia, progressive Jewish students struggle with mixed feelings - "The protesters demand that the school divest from Israeli companies and sever ties with Israeli academia. “There is only one solution,” the students chanted. “Intifada, revolution!” “Intifada, intifada!” “No peace on stolen land!”"
Sailing Sahara on X - "You should’ve seen some of the anonymous Columbia student message boards after 10/7. I know Palestinian students celebrated the killing of Israeli and Jews, just look at some of the protestors signs. People shouted “from the river to the sea,” which is a genocidial statement."
Raging protests on Columbia campus spiral into becoming 'actual terror organization,' professor warns - "Davidai cited video footage from Saturday as a breaking point for when protesters "crossed the line." One demonstrator was seen holding a sign reading, "Al-Qasam’s (sic)next targets," while pointing at a group of Jewish students who were singing and waving Israel’s flag. Al-Qassam is the military wing of the terrorist organization Hamas... The protesters also shouted and chanted, "Al-Qassam you make us proud, kill another soldier now," "We say justice, you say how. Burn Tel Aviv to the ground" and "Hamas we love you. We support your rockets, too."... "On Saturday night, student protesters proudly chanted for the death of Jewish and Israeli students. They did so by chanting in support of Hamas’ military wing and called on them to strike Israeli cities and pro-Israel students at Columbia. As a university that prides itself on critical thinking, I've seen a complete loss of it this week," she said... Columbia alum Sheila Nazarian, a plastic surgeon originally from Iran, told Fox Digital that she’s stopped donating to the school over campus antisemitism, and she said it’s time for the National Guard to respond to campus while the administration must expel students who take part in the protests."
Naturally, when multiple people corrected her, she ignored them. But she works for Al Jazeera after all. In the replies other people were busily dismissing the evidence - why do terrorism supporters demand evidence when they dismiss everything that contradicts their lies?

Pro-Palestine protesters barricade themselves in Manchester Uni hall - "Hundreds of Manchester students have had their end-of-year exams disrupted after pro-Gaza protesters occupied a 129-year-old University building. Several dozen activists, who had set up a solidarity camp at the University of Manchester, have now barricaded themselves inside the historic Whitworth Hall... protesters say they have enough food and water to go on for the 'foreseeable future', which meant 'multiple days' of exams would be disrupted... Sue, 22, a final year politics student and spokesperson for Manchester Left Action, which organised the occupation, said the university had 'failed' its students. She said: 'The university had every chance to de-escalate this and not create this situation. 'We gave them a warning if they did not open negotiations, there would be an escalation... they continued not to make the choice to act and not to open negotiations."
If you don't give in to blackmail, you are failing your students. Of course, if any cause remotely right wing did even a fraction of what the terrorism supporters are doing...

College in Detroit suspends in-person classes because of pro-Palestinian camp - "Wayne State University in Detroit suspended in-person classes Tuesday and encouraged staff to work remotely to avoid any problems with a pro-Palestinian encampment that sprouted last week."
If you don't let left wing-sanctioned protests shut down society any time they want, you are a horrible person

Terry Newman: Universities need to wake up to the reality of the anti-Israel campus movement - "a protester at McGill’s Roddick Gates held a sign saying, “On Oct. 7th, Israel killed its own people & covered it up to justify genocide.” Nearby hangs a sign that reads, “Intifada until victory,” and it would not be unusual to see these signs emblazoned with the image of a Kalashnikov, a Russian firearm that’s a favourite among terrorists and thugs worldwide. Not quite the symbol you’d expect from student protesters demanding a ceasefire. Other cases — including acts of physical violence, harassment and intimidation — are more straightforward violations of already existing codes. This was the case when anti-Israel protesters at Concordia surrounded a table covered in pictures of the hostages and hurled antisemitic threats at Jewish students, such as, “Go back to Poland, sharmouta.” That statement, which is obviously against the rules, was made by a lecturer at the Universite de Montreal, who was subsequently suspended. But Concordia did nothing to address the “k–e” comment made by one of its students, or the purposeful intimidation tactics, which were all caught on video. Afterwards, a quick stop was made by these same anti-Israel protesters on the steps of one of McGill’s buildings to celebrate and proclaim that, “ We terrified them .” You sure did. Why were you not punished for it? Support for this movement on university campuses did not happen overnight. This isn’t just another fly-by-night, well-meaning student protest that will fizzle out. In actuality, there has been a concerted effort on campuses over the last decade to convince students and professors that anti-Zionism is not antisemitism. While it’s perfectly fine to criticize the political leadership and policies of Israel, it is altogether different to suggest that Israel should not exist. Let’s not mince words. There has been an organized effort by anti-Israel groups with documented links to terrorist organizations and funding from overseas sources to infiltrate North American universities, in order to eradicate support for the State of Israel, the one Jewish homeland. At McGill, the group Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) characterized the October 7 massacre as “heroic.” Shockingly, in November, around 90 professors, staff and librarians at McGill signed a letter supporting the group’s agenda... It should now start to become clearer why, on October 7, we saw university students, not unlike the ones dancing at the Nova music festival, take to the streets here in support of Hamas. While information about foreign funding of Canadian universities is not as readily available as in the United States, the probability is high that our universities have also been co-opted by foreign interests. This is a threat to national security that will have to be addressed sooner or later... It’s not as if asking for a workplace free of intimidation, like you’d expect at, say, a bank, is an unreasonable ask."
Clearly, the "pro-Palestinian" protesters just want peace

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