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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Links - 22nd June 2024 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

Head of NYC's $63k-per-year Collegiate School is forced to resign after branding anti-Semitism taskforce a 'power play by Jewish families' - "The head of New York's oldest school has resigned a week after he was accused of dismissing its anti-Semitism task force as a 'joke'... Task force head Anna Carello found that one English teacher had accused Israel of genocide in front to 6th and 7th graders shortly after the terrorist attacks, while two others had harangued a Holocaust survivor invited to speak at the school. 'I feel like Collegiate has become a training camp for Columbia,' one parent at the $63,400 a year K-12 school told the New York post. The allegations came to light after Carello sued Lourie for gender discrimination last week claiming he undermined and sidelined her investigation as 'punishment' for her working with Jewish families. Her report on May 17 found that some staff blamed 'wealthy and influential' Jewish parents for tensions at the all-boys school which had 'skirted close to one of the oldest and most pervasive anti-Semitic tropes'. It revealed that Middle School English teacher Dwayne Alexis had been 'relieved of his teaching duties after presenting controversial lessons on the Middle East to his 7th-grade civics class and 6th-grade world history class', with some parents claiming he had accused Israel of genocide. It also revealed that two upper-school teachers had been 'reprimanded' after asking 'pressing questions' at a school Holocaust Assembly. 'There was a Holocaust survivor invited to speak at the school and a teacher took it upon herself to press him on a series of questions, one of which was could 'the swastika be a symbol of peace?' one parent claimed... concerned parents were not reassured when her report came in at nine pages, compared to the 400 pages of the school's 2020 response to 'institutional and other racism that pervades so much of our society'... Four years ago an internal task force recommended its mascot, motto and seal be changed because they could be considered offensive. And last week, the class of rising seniors signed a joint letter to staff and parents demanding they stop trying to impose 'specific political opinions' on them. 'We would like to emphasize that the moral leadership best for our community is one that does not prescribe what we should believe, but how we should engage with others in rational, open-minded and empathetic discourse,' they wrote."
The perils of letting left wingers take over and politicise everything

Anti-Israel protesters tried to infiltrate Jewish centre - "“Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!” masked anti-Israel demonstrators chanted as they hiked through a wooded area behind the Prosserman Jewish Community Centre... The anti-Israel activists, many of them carrying massive Palestine flags and with their faces covered, walked through a Jewish neighbourhood in North York to get to the ravine and intimidated several local residents along the way. “F***ing filthy f***in Zionist pig,” one masked male demonstrator screamed at an onlooker. “You’re a dirty Zionist rat. That’s what you are. Happy about killing babies, right? Happy about killing babies?”... One of the anti-Israel demonstrators is shown tearing down an Israeli hostage poster, while another was wearing a jacket emblazoned with a sniper scope and “Shoot Zionist” on his back. Sana Zaid, a member of Toronto4Palestine — a group that participated in the counter-protest and supports the encampment at the University of Toronto — shared graphics of an inverted red triangle above local law enforcement protecting the Jewish community, a symbol used by Hamas to highlight its targeting of Israeli forces in propaganda videos that has become a popular graphic used by its supporters. A protester is filmed defacing a local billboard with a red triangle as another stomps on an Israel flag in view of the marchers. One Jewish participant at Sunday’s event saw the attempted infiltration as part of a new Canadian norm in the wake of October 7 and the atrocities committed by Hamas during its invasion of Israel. “The Jew haters in this city have become increasingly emboldened due to a lack of response from all levels of government. They’ve gone from chanting Intifada and wearing terrorist symbols to physically entering Jewish neighbourhoods to stalk and harass Jews. When will it end?”... Vivian Bercovici, a Post contributor and former Canadian Ambassador to Israel during the Stephen Harper government, was disturbed that Toronto police looked on without intervention as the anti-Israel demonstrators harassed the Jewish neighbourhood and attempted to infiltrate the local community centre. “Concealing one’s identity is a criminal offence in Canada in any violent context/protest. Here, we have masked men and women. Wearing one of the symbols of Hamas — a red triangle,” Bercovici wrote on social media. “This is not normal. They can go do this in their own neighbourhoods. But the intention is clearly to threaten Jews. Police are there — well — you can see for yourselves. Is this an effective law enforcement response @TPSMyronDemkiw police chief?”"
If "right wing" protesters were invoking the Christian god during a protest, the left would start ranting about "theocracy". And good luck if you try to break into a mosque
October 7th showed us how important it is to jail white nationalists and the far right to combat racist Islamophobia, which is the top threat to Jews today

Anti-Israel protesters tried to infiltrate Jewish centre : r/canada - "They dress like Hamas, yell genocidal slogans, and then cry Islamophobia when we call them terrorists."
Naturally, someone tried to make this about racism when they were masked

Anti-Israel protesters tried to infiltrate Jewish centre : r/canada - ""We're not antisemites, we're anti-Israel. Also, we like to protest in Jewish community centres and outside of Jewish people's houses while chanting genocidal slogans."  There's a crowd of people who, a few years ago, used to quote things like "A tolerant society can't tolerate intolerance" and "If you have 8 people at a table and one of them's a Nazi, you have 8 Nazis." Today those same people are happily sitting at the table with Nazis, and embracing intolerance."

Anyone here sick of WakeupSingapore peddling their pro-Palestine propaganda? : r/SingaporeRaw - "If palestine declare war on sg i wonder which side they will take"
Anyone here sick of WakeupSingapore peddling their pro-Palestine propaganda? : r/SingaporeRaw - "based on what many of them says online about the conflict, it really makes me think religion > country for them lol"
Anyone here sick of WakeupSingapore peddling their pro-Palestine propaganda? : r/SingaporeRaw - "Hahah dont bring race in. U all just forcing the world to accept your pro palestinian beliefs which we dont agree. We dont even agree with soem of israels actions but u know wat? Pro israel ppl , they dont make so much noise like yall and stir shit in sg. Palestiniabs & by extension hamas are not innocent either & we know it. That fact u associate uself as "bringing malays down " cos of our lack of support for palestine shows where ur loyalty lies.no one said anything about race. Clearly u are Religion> country."
Anyone here sick of WakeupSingapore peddling their pro-Palestine propaganda? : r/SingaporeRaw - "Its just very trendy topic. Indonesia is now taking and demolish Papuan land while crying Palestinian liberation, don't see them reporting them. They are also demolishing and clearing Orang Laut's floating villages in Riau, don't see them reporting either... They probably are. Supporting Palestine is like the most Political Correct thing in the Muslim world. As well as the unifying force for all Muslims regardless of class, values, wealth, political stance or nationality. This is something a lot of Muslim were since children. So to them seeing people not supporting Palestinian causes as fervently as they are seemed extremely bizarre and very heartless."

Anyone here sick of WakeupSingapore peddling their pro-Palestine propaganda? : r/SingaporeRaw - "Yeah means you really a selfish and heartless human being. Alot of people here feels that way too and thats sad. Truth hurts im sorry, but only chinese people here talk shit about this situation. AND WE STILL GONNA SUPPORT PALESTINE 🇵🇸 "
"Hahha. Can i report this to spf as racism? How do u know if we sre chinese or indians? Y are u pointing out the chinese? Maybe we shld file a police report to hunt u down lol"

Thread by @realchrisrufo on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " EXCLUSIVE: The teachers union in Portland, Oregon, has created a curriculum that teaches kindergarteners that "Jewish people" are "settler-colonial" oppressors, prepares them to attend "protests," and celebrates Palestinian "martyrs."  Inside Portland's kindergarten Intifada. 🧵 The curriculum, co-published by the Portland teachers union, is called "Teach Palestine!" The union promotes the curriculum to its 4,500 and provides them legal justification to include it in the classroom—beginning with children as young as four and five years old. In pre-kindergarten, teachers are encouraged to read from a workbook by the Palestinian Feminist Collective, which blames "a group of bullies called Zionists" who "stole [Palestinian] land by force and hurt many people." The Portland curriculum then provides pre-K students "a sensory guide" for attending pro-Palestinian protests. It prepares the children for "signs," "chanting," "counterprotestors," and "tear gas." Featured slogans include "Abolish Prisons" and "Save Gaza." In kindergarten, the students learn "anti-Zionist" history. In one lesson, it describes Zionist Jews as land thieves who wanted to create "a country where rules were mostly fair for Jewish people with White skin." This, the students learn, is the evil of "settler colonialism." Before snack time, the teacher is encouraged to share "keffiyehs, flags, and protest signs" with the children, and have them create their own agitprop material, with slogans such as "FREE PALESTINE, LET GAZA LIVE, [and] PALESTINE WILL BE FREE." Finally, the hardcore ideology. The curriculum encourages students to chant in support of Palestinian martyrs and suggests that violence against Israel is justified: "Resistance is justified when people are occupied!" "We salute all our martyrs!"; "No peace on stolen land!""
In Portland, the Intifada Begins in Kindergarten - "Portland, Oregon, has earned its reputation as America’s most radical city. Its public school system was an early proponent of left-wing racialism and has long pushed students toward political activism... Students are encouraged to come up with a slogan that they can chant at a protest and complete a maze so that Handala can “get back home to Palestine”—represented as a map of Israel.  Other pre-K resources include a video that repeats left-wing mantras, including “I feel safe when there are no police,” and a slideshow that glorifies the Palestinian intifada, or violent resistance against Israel... The pamphlet includes chants that teachers can adopt in the classroom. Some imply support for militancy and political violence: “Resistance is justified when people are occupied!”; “We salute all our martyrs! mothers, fathers, sons and daughters!”; “Justice is our demand! No peace on stolen land!”  It’s not immediately clear to what extent the “Teach Palestine!” lessons have been adopted in Portland public school classrooms. But the teachers’ union claims that the district has been “actively censoring teachers” for promoting pro-Palestine ideologies; in response, it has assembled a legal guide for how teachers can keep promoting the lessons under the guise of meeting state curriculum standards."
Indoctrination of children is only bad when it hurts the left wing agenda
If you don't let radical left wing teachers teach their pre-school students to hate Jews, this is censorship and a violation of their freedom of speech

Vancouver police arrest activist who praised October 7 terror attacks - "Police said they began their investigation after an April 26 video circulated showing “a woman on the steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery” delivering praise for the Hamas-led terror attacks of October 7.  “The speaker praised the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel and referred to a number of terrorist organizations as heroes,” the police said in a statement...  at a protest on the front steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Charlotte Kates addressed the crowd.  “We demand a free Palestine from the river to the sea,” Kates said. “We stand with the Palestinian resistance and their heroic and brave action on October 7.”  She then led the crowd in a chant of “Long live October 7. Kates is the co-founder of the extremist anti-Israel group Samidoun along with her husband Khaled Barakat. Israel’s security service Shin Bet has long maintained that Barakat is a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a group considered a terrorist organization in Canada.  Samidoun has often acted a direct conduit for PFLP statements and literature.  Kates’s comments were denounced by B.C. Premier David Eby, who said they were the “most hateful” comments he could imagine... April 26 was far from the first time that Kates has praised October 7 or terrorism generally in a public forum. Earlier last month, she was an invited speaker at Al Quds Day demonstrations in Toronto, where she told cheering crowds, “on October 7, we saw the potential for a Palestine liberated from Zionism by the forces of the resistance.”  In March, she was a featured speaker at a Palestine Liberation 101 event at New York’s Columbia University where she similarly framed October 7 as showing “the potential of a future for Palestine liberated from Zionism.”"
The left are only against hate speech and inciting violence when it pushes the left wing agenda

WARMINGTON: Counter-protesters crossed line with swastikas displayed at Israeli rally - "One pulling a wagon with two young girls in tow showed a placard with the Star of David on one side and a swastika on the other with the message “Same s—. Different name.” It’s hard to know what was more shocking — seeing the moms doing this or one of the kids? Hate seems to be taught to the young now. If this evil was directed toward any other community than the Jews, Children’s Aid would be on speed dial... Toronto is also now a place where men covering their faces with keffiyeh’s not only step on a mannequin draped in an Israeli flag, but play soccer with its decapitated head... This isn’t protest. This is encouraging assassination and genocide! It’s far worse than anything Don Cherry ever did to get cancelled. And far more embarrassing to Canada. It’s a good thing that Freedom Convoy truckers were not doing this. Some anti-lockdown protesters in Ottawa in 2022 sat in jail for a whole summer and their mischief trials are still going on. When a swastika showed up in Ottawa during the Freedom Convoy, it garnered plenty of reaction. “When we see or hear hateful language and imagery, we must condemn it,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau posted to social media then. “The display of a swastika by an individual on Parliament Hill is unacceptable.” If what happened in Ottawa was considered mischief, what’s going on in Toronto could be that or worse... Mayor Olivia Chow couldn’t fit the 50,000-strong Walk With Israel into her weekend schedule — which included a visit to the Grilled Cheese Festival in Etobicoke — and has also so far not found the time to denounce these swastikas being displayed at Sunday’s event. Or pro-Hamas thugs allegedly yelling “Allahu Akbar” while sneaking through a ravine or calling Jewish citizens “Zionist rats” or “pigs” on a residential street. Whether it’s Jewish restaurants, businesses, synagogues or daycare centres being targeted, most of the time there’s a collective yawn. That’s why they keep escalating their actions. But swastikas? A mock decapitation and desecration of Netanyahu and threats on his life? What is the tipping point? Toronto’s mayor is not in this alone. Trudeau or Premier Doug Ford have also not weighed in like they would if this was a far-right militia intimidating a predominately a Black or Muslim neighbourhood. You would think swastikas in a largely Jewish area would spark outrage and disgust, the same as it should if someone were to disrespect another religion or race in a similar fashion. Not in Toronto in 2024."
Swastikas only discredit your protest if the left disapproves of the protest

Quiet Toronto street stormed by 'outrageous' anti-Israel protesters - "This gaggle of people looked like a militia from Gaza: Their heads, faces and eyes are all covered as they walked in unison along a quiet residential Toronto street, while chanting anti-Israel and anti-Jewish slogans... “You are a baby killer, that’s all you are. That’s what you do,” says a woman to another woman in a video recorded on Hove St. on Sunday, just an hour after the United Jewish Appeal’s Walk With Israel. “You are supporting genocide,” says a man. “You are a filthy Zionist rat, that’s all you are.” All of this is on video and within the sight of Toronto Police, who were riding on bikes alongside these mystery disrupters... Hove is a quiet residential street with families just west of Bathurst St. and just off Sheppard Ave. Those who live there had never seen anything like this. This seemed to be a provocation... “To have roving mobs going through neighbourhoods to harass Jewish or any residents is the sum of all fears for any city,” said Councillor James Pasternak. “This outrageous and (allegedly) illegal behaviour must be met by the full force of the law and our criminal justice system. Current laws, hate and criminal, are outdated and they must updated so we give police the tools they need to stop this madness.”... a man in Wolfie’s Deli told me he was “swarmed” by about 20 people and ended up with a broken thumb"
Of course, if you say they look like terrorists, you get accused of racism and Islamophobia

Michael Dolgin: Canadian Press tries to minimize support for Jewish state with biased report on Walk with Israel - "In our country, where bullets have been fired at synagogues and schools, windows broken and businesses defaced, we should be able to count on The Canadian Press to fairly report on this event and the context in which it took place. Instead, the writer abandoned even the appearance of being even-handed. Just as protesters already took to the streets against Zionists and Jews on Oct. 8, 2023, before the Israeli military responded to the events of the previous day, so many journalists have chosen a biased narrative. Our society, and the Jewish community, deserve journalism that is honest, unbiased and unflinchingly fair. The Canadian Press has failed to live up to those values."

Raymond J. de Souza: It's urgent Canada follows the money in the anti-Israel protests - "Canadians will recognize the Tides Foundation, the San Francisco-based “social justice” outfit, which appears in the reports. Tides was a key player in providing funds and strategy in a years-long campaign to prevent Alberta oil from getting to market. Tides has apparently widespread interests; disrupting Canadian life seems a common theme... In 2012, the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) launched its “ Follow the Money ” project... “The project revealed, for the first time, the existence of substantial Middle Eastern funding (primarily from Qatar) to U.S. universities that had not been reported to the Department of Education, as required by law,” ISGAP reported. “Foreign donations from Qatar, especially, have had a substantial impact on fomenting growing levels of antisemitic discourse and campus politics at U.S. universities, as well as growing support for anti-democratic values within these institutions of higher education.” Qatar, along with Iran, is a principal patron of Hamas... When Germany came calling, asking to buy Canadian natural gas to replace its Russian supplies, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau refused, despite the global climate and security benefits, as well as revenues for Canadians producers and jobs for Canadian workers. Canada was Germany’s first choice, but given an aversion to freezing in the dark, another choice had to be found when Canada refused to be a helpful ally. Qatar is not a German ally, but was willing to be helpful. Thus Europe’s largest economy has agreed to buy Qatari natural gas for 15 years. It will begin to flow to Germany in 2026. Untold billions will flow in the other direction."

Emma Teitel: Jewish kids are being victimized in Canada and nobody cares - "I used to say I wouldn’t send my kids to Jewish day school because it was too expensive. Now I’d rather not send them because there is an emerging trend in my country that involves antisemites shooting guns at Jewish schools under the cover of night. It’s a trend that more casual Jew haters shrug their shoulders at. After all, kids aren’t even at school after dark. And besides, have you seen Gaza? I can’t unsee Gaza. But forgive me if I’m also preoccupied with the once rising, now risen “tide” of antisemitism in Canada.  Forgive me as well if I am capable of simultaneously lamenting the killing of Gazan children and the grotesque fact that Jewish kids in Canada are being held responsible for their deaths... It is not an exaggeration to suggest that among Canada’s progressive left, there was exponentially more outrage at Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s recent offensive comments in response to the shooting of a Jewish school in Toronto than there was outrage at the shooting itself. Words are violence, and what not... “All Jews have to die,” a boy had told her. He then suggested she kill herself... At some Ottawa public schools, Jewish children are “being held collectively responsible for the war.” This is according to Tamara Taub, the co-founder of Jewish Parents of Ottawa Students Association, a group formed specifically to deal with antisemitic bullying in the aftermath of October 7. Taub recently conducted a survey of 66 Jewish kids from grades 6-12 in the Ottawa area, most of them students in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. Seventy per cent said they have felt unsafe at school because they’re Jewish. Students report being labeled “murderers” and “baby killers” by their peers, having non-Jewish students scream “free Palestine” in their faces, chant Heil Hitler at them, demand they “pick a side” in the conflict, and even engage in physical violence. Sometimes the vitriol comes in an all-inclusive package.  In one incident, according to Taub, a Jewish student in grade 7 was asked by her peers if she supported Israel or Palestine. She declined to answer. When they pressed her, she conceded: “Israel.” As she walked away from the group, someone threw a rock at her head. Adults might be capable of admonishing the Israeli government without scapegoating Jews. Children are not so sophisticated. Indeed, if Canada’s media class can’t seem to denounce Benjamin Netanyahu without evoking the Third Reich, maybe it’s foolish to expect gentile elementary-school children not to paint their Jewish peers with the same poisonous brush... When a Jewish high school student spoke about being branded a “baby killer” at school in the aftermath of October 7, the only school trustee to ask her a follow up question, and to offer a kind word, was herself Jewish. The others said nothing. “We feel there is this concern that where we fall in the diversity and inclusion world seems to complicate things,” said Taub. “We’re not looked at as a minority.” In fact, as far as minorities go, Jews are minor. Muslims comprise roughly five per cent of the national population, Hindus 2.3 per cent and Sikhs 2.1. Jews make up 0.9 per cent of people in Canada. None of whom, as far as I know, serve in Israel’s war cabinet. Certainly, the children among them are not calling the shots in Rafah. It is a perverse fact that Jewish kids in Canada are being scapegoated during the day by their peers and at night by gunmen. It is even more perverse that this is old news."
Whataboutism is only bad when it hurts the left wing agenda

Meme - "Free Palestine
"I am less afraid of a Palestinian or a Muslim than I am of a Christian man" *white woman wearing a keffiyeh"
We need to send all these left wingers to Palestine so they can discover what real rape culture is

(2) Gaza’s sky is black but Qatar is always sunny - YouTube - ""Eretz Nehederet" ("A Wonderful Country) is a satirical television show by the Israeli Broadcaster Keshet."
Previously linked, but on Instagram I think

Michael Davison's answer to What is this 'Chicken Elisso' pro-Hamas Quorans keep asking about? - Quora - "It seems that they’re trying to say that Israelis consider Gazans as if they were chickens produced by hatcheries and not human beings. The problem is that most Gazans are either Hamas members, Hamas supporters or have a family member who is a Hamas member. This makes it hard to determine what an “innocent Gazan” is.  Since I am seriously cynical about the Hamas casualty numbers provided immediately after an even, before a body count can even be started , I doubt that the 200 figure claimed is accurate. Remember the “500 dead” from the al Ahli hospital, announced about 10 minutes after the errant PIJ rocket landed in the hospital parking lot that eventually turned out to be about 25 people injured or killed.  Just another attempt to smear Israel with the idea that we consider Palestinians less than human."

Maya N's answer to Purely humanly, are the freedom of four Israelis equal to the lives of 250 Palestinians? Are they Chicken Elisso humans? - Quora - "Let’s say that tomorrow I steal your car.  You want your car back, and you’d rather nobody get hurt. So you offer me a deal: I return the car and hand over my carjacking tools, and you give me $2,000.  I say no. (I do not want to turn over my carjacking tools, since I’m planning to steal your car again later).  You call the police. They come to my house and order me to give the car back.  Instead of doing that, I pull out a gun and start firing at them. The police fire back, and kill me and my sister.  Was your car, an inanimate object, worth my sister’s life, you sick monster???  … Of course not. But it was me, not you, who threw my sister’s life away in pursuit of the car...   Hamas claimed 250 almost immediately, before the dust had settled. In the meantime, the number of deaths claimed by local hospitals stands at under 100, and the number of bodies visible in video clips after the “massacre” is about 12."

Israel’s failure to eliminate Hamas, explained - "it's very difficult to take apart a non-state terror group that has taken root inside a very small, urban, densely populated area when they've been there for almost 20 years. Hamas has taken many, many hostages; to this day there are over 100 hostages still in Gaza. It seems pretty likely that the Israeli military has had a difficult time getting to Hamas leadership and key players because they probably are surrounded by hostages. And as much destruction and devastation and killing that we've seen, I think there would have been probably even more if those hostages weren't there and they wouldn't have to worry about that collateral damage... As long as Hamas is there, Israel doesn't have to get into any kind of peace process, any kind of serious political negotiation. It doesn't have to take the Palestinian demands for a state, for liberation, for rights as seriously. Even if we assume that Netanyahu is committed to getting rid of Hamas, he has an interest in staying in power now, and the best way to stay in power is to keep the war going on and on... I think the US is very frustrated with the fact that there's no exit strategy, no end game, and no political postwar vision for Gaza... some people in Israel — even putting aside Netanyahu — are really committed to removing Hamas from power, even if it takes years, even if Israel has to be in rolling operations and some form of occupation for many years.  You have a real security issue and an internal domestic crisis, that Israelis have lost total confidence in the ability of the state to protect them."

Kevin Douglas's answer to Is the Gaza war the only time in military history where the side about to be completely destroyed (Hamas) thinks they're in a position to dictate terms to Israel and demand that they leave? Are they delusional? - Quora - "many of Hamas’ leaders aren’t exactly delusional.  This is Ismail Haniyeh: He is considered to be the leader of Hamas, which might make you think that he is a Che Guevara style revolutionary, who leads his people in armed resistance. This would be incorrect.  Haniyeh lives in Qatar and he is worth $4 billion. He is one of the wealthiest men on the planet while his people are currently living through a brutal war that may lead to starvation. And, might I add, this is a war he allegedly started for their benefit.  The thing is, if you are Ismail Haniyeh, the war in Gaza has not really been all that bad for you. You can continue to make ludicrous ceasefire proposals that will never be accepted because you aren’t the one on the ground suffering. It’s a great deal.  And, in fact, if you are Mr. Haniyeh, more civilian death is actually good for you. It means that the world will continue to hate the evil Israeli regime which means there will be all the more reason for someone like you, a brave freedom fighter on behalf of the Palestinians, to exist. Which means Middle-Eastern regimes will continue to prop you up, hide you away and flood you with endless amounts of sympathy and cash so you can continue to live it up far away from the fighting... his interests are actively opposed to those of the people in Gaza. He doesn’t mind if a few more Gazans die and, in fact, he probably wants to see a few more die so that he can have all the more to blame on the Israelis when he solicits more and more aid to be sent which he can then steal to fund his existence."

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