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Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Links - 9th April 2024 (2)

Quote by Theodore Roosevelt - "The reason fat men are good natured is they can neither fight nor run."

Is Fruit Juice Healthier Than Soda - "It's great that you're trying to cut back on soda, but fruit juice isn't the best substitute. "While the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in fruit juice give it a nutritional edge over soda, it can have the same—or more—sugars and calories," says Maxine Siegel, R.D., who heads CR's food-testing lab. For example, a cup of grape juice has 36 grams of sugars—compared with 27 grams of sugars in a cup of grape soda. "The sugars are natural, but your body processes them in the same way as the added sugars in soda," Siegel explains. Compared with eating the fruit itself, the sugars in juice are digested and released into your bloodstream faster, causing blood glucose levels to spike... If you're cutting down on soda because the carbonation bothers you, the acidic juices from citrus fruits can also irritate your stomach."

DoorDasher Lies About Having Flat Tire, Eats Non-Tipper's Order - "One DoorDasher figured out a way to get out of delivering food to a customer and keeping it for himself.  In a viral video that has amassed 30,000 views as of Monday, TikToker Side Hustle Addict (@sidehustleaddict) explained how he used the excuse of a fake flat tire to get a free chicken sandwich."

31 July 1968: Recording: Hey Jude | The Beatles Bible - "Ringo walked out to go to the toilet and I hadn’t noticed. The toilet was only a few yards from his drum booth, but he’d gone past my back and I still thought he was in his drum booth. I started what was the actual take, and ‘Hey Jude’ goes on for hours before the drums come in and while I was doing it I suddenly felt Ringo tiptoeing past my back rather quickly, trying to get to his drums. And just as he got to his drums, boom boom boom, his timing was absolutely impeccable"

William Watson: For the good of the country, buy non-Canadian - "I always have two questions for people who favour buying local. First, so they must be OK with Buy America policies then, in which American governments privilege American goods? Fair is fair, after all. Usually the response is: no, that’s Trump-ism. (Though it’s actually Biden-ism, too.) And second: if people everywhere take this view, what do we do with our export industries? If the whole world wants to buy locally, what happens to international trade? Canadian producers thinking of taking on the world better trim their ambition and size themselves for just our 40-million person market. Economies of scale aren’t everything, of course. But if you’re building an industry — a battery industry, say — that can only sell to 40 million people, scale economies will be quite limited."

Willy Wonka-Style Event Advertised With AI Images Was 'Absolute Shambles' - "The event was staged by the House of Illuminati in Glasgow, Scotland. It was advertised as a "place where chocolate dreams become reality" with an enchanted garden, an "Imagination Lab" that promised "mind-expanding projections and optical marvels," and a "Twilight Tunnel."... Sinclair said the company was "nothing more than an absolute con" in his Facebook post. After being promised chocolate fountains, Sinclair said his kids received two jelly babies and a small drink. He added the tickets for the disastrous event cost him £35 (about $44) per person."
It was an "empty warehouse"

Crémieux on X - "This is a neat explanation for the observation that older siblings earn more than younger ones. TL;DR: Older siblings come home, get their younger siblings sick, negatively impact their development at a critical age and, as a result, make their adult labor market outcomes worse."
Crémieux on X - "A Danish register study suggested childhood infection led to more mental illness. This Swedish register study suggests that childhood infection leads to higher rates of psychosis and that IQ is a protective factor, so the infection risk is greatest for the already-vulnerable.
The infection-psychosis link holds up in a sibling control model.  Childhood infection was also related to lower IQ, but they didn't test the sibling control model for that relationship. If that didn't hold up, it would have hurt their causal story for psychosis. Oh well!"

Case Study: Rapid Complete Recovery From An Autism Spectrum Disorder After Treatment of Aspergillus With The Antifungal Drugs Itraconazole And Sporanox

Sex and cancer: My husband survived, but he keeps saying something that's keeping us from having sex
Richard Hanania on X - "Man gets chemo, can’t perform well in bed anymore. His wife doesn’t care he’s bad at sex, but is turned off by the fact that he won’t stop talking about it. Lesson: your insecurities are usually worse than the thing you’re insecure about."

Visegrád 24 on X - "Pakistani police and shopkeepers save a woman from being lynched by an Islamist mob for wearing a dress with Arabic calligraphy on it. As the police escorts her out from the shop, people in the crowd shout “behead her”"

Fascinating on X - "Dougl Hegdahl, a U.S. Navy petty officer, was captured during the Vietnam War. His captors thought him unintelligent, earning him the moniker "The Stupid."   He feigned ignorance, opting to hum a song instead of speaking.    While in captivity, Hegdahl maintained this act, leading his Vietnamese captors to believe he suffered from a mental disorder.    After being freed and returning to the United States, Hegdahl astounded everyone by listing approximately 256 names of missing fellow POWs.   He had ingeniously memorized their names by associating them with the melody of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm," the same tune he hummed throughout his imprisonment."

Alex Godofsky on X - "Every day on this site we have a conversation like:
Mentally ill communist: Peeing on the other people at the bus stop is a legitimate form of protest
Centrists: But how does that help?
Leftists: Don't police him!
Right wingers: I should be allowed to shoot people who pee on me"

Meme - "Correct. That's right! Kindness is not one of the British Values

Meme - "I guess there's no chance you guys will change my cat litter huh? *Lesbians [?] getting it on*"

Viggo Mortensen's Eastern Promises Tattoos Took Some Serious Research - "David Cronenberg's 2007 crime drama "Eastern Promises" offers several memorable scenes — the one that often comes up in conversation is that bath house fight to the death featuring Mortensen's Nikolai as vulnerable as a man can be (and he fared a lot better than most of us would in the same situation). But another sequence leans just as far into the Canadian director's obsession with the language and evolution of the body.  Nikolai, a "fixer" for the London arm of the Russian mafia, is rising up in the ranks. Before he can go further, he must be evaluated; such assessments are done with the prospect presenting his body to high-ranking members so they can read the resume marked upon it. The tattoos etched into his skin say, for starters, that Nikolai had served time in a Siberian prison, and that he was formerly a thief — it's written all over him. The film's star has since revealed that it took considerable research to get the aesthetic, and that scene itself."
All eyes on 'scary' Viggo - "Viggo Mortensen has been mistaken for a member of the mafia.  The actor - who plays a Russian mobster in new film Eastern Promises - sports fake tattoos for the role and kept them on after shooting when he went out for dinner in London.  However, his etchings stunned fellow diners, who thought he belonged to a notorious gang.  Mortensen told the New York Daily News newspaper: "I went into a Russian restaurant in London. People saw the tattoos and stopped talking. They must have thought I was a real mafia man. It happened a couple of times. After a while, I figured I better wash off the ink before I went out to eat.""

Meme - "Unpaid Internship as Personal Assistant
City of London, London
Posted 33 mins ago
Description: Fight Against Slavery is a Charity based in London. We working to fight the issues of Human Rights. At the moment we are looking for a Personal Assistant. A primary duty we are looking for, regardless of title, is to ca"

Meme - "My sister was very excited to take this picture in traffic today.
License plate: SUNWOOF
*dog sticking head out of sunroof*"

Meme - "Lesbians preparing for Valentines Day: *fingers doing gym exercise*"

Meme - "Today marks a year since I kissed a very attractive twink in Brighton and then found out she was a lesbian who thought I was a lesbian."
"this is gay culture"
"this reads like a lost shakespeare play"

Meme - "The baby must feed
"Right now, the need for blood is rising."

Japanese McDonald’s Founder Explains Why Japanese People are ‘Short and Yellow’ - "Fujita fell in love with McDonald’s the first time he ate it in 1967 — he was amazed by how popular and efficient the burger chain was. When he saw the opportunity to bring the franchise to Japan, he opened the first Japanese McDonald’s in a Mitsukoshi department store in the Ginza district of Tokyo in 1971. It was an instant success, particularly because of their Japanese-styled Teriyaki McBurger and Chicken Tatsuta... “The reason Japanese people are so short and have yellow skins is because they have eaten nothing but fish and rice for two thousand years … If we eat McDonald’s hamburgers and potatoes for a thousand years we will become taller, our skin become white, and our hair blonde.”"

Wat_the_deuce 🍀🇮🇪☘️( NEW ACCOUNT ) on X - "The wife & I have both made a list of 5 people who we can sleep with if we ever get the chance. She picked Johnny Depp, Hugh Jackman, Jason Momoa, Tom Hardy & Brad Pitt. I've gone for her sister, her cousin, her best friend, our next door neighbour's wife & the woman at no 32 😊"

Meme - "SEE THAT WASN'T SO BAD. NOW YOU'RE AN ADMIN *old man and young woman in bed*"

Meme - Construction worker lying on road: "Feeling cute. Might patch this pothole later...ldk yet"

Meme - Carly Knight: "Didn't realise I was dressed as a Guinness"
This was posted in a Guinness group

Meme - "Brilliant photo by Polish photographer Jacek Stankiewicz appearing in some media outlets today.. She's a finalist in the Wildlife Comedy Photography awards. *Bird pointing for another bird*"

Funny Animal Pictures From the Wildlife Comedy Photography Awards

Meme - "I've quietly started a habit of purposelessly driving around in morning rush hour traffic 5-10 mph under the speed limit, stopping early at red lights, etc. just to gum up the works. Once you get a taste for harassing wagies, it's tough to go back."
"It's not illegal to crash your car or have a breakdown. You could always rig up a car to fake a problem, and go out onto the freeway and "break down" every morning."
"I like where your head is at"
"When youre walking make sure to hit the street crossing button even when you arent crossing. This usually adds 30+ seconds of time to the light. This really gums things up."
"Good insights here. Thanks"
Some people just want to make others miserable


unusual_whales on X - "🚨BREAKING🚨 I have just released the full report on politicians trading in 2023. Like every year since 2020, US politicians beat the market. And many in Congress made unusually timed trades resulting in huge gains. Here are the top performers of 2023."

i/o on X - "People say, "America has never seemed crazier than it is now."  Well, no. It has seemed crazier before.  Imagine that you are an American parent in 1963. You are a veteran of WW2. Your wife has never worked. You're the average American family.  Now fast forward five or six years, and your son, now in college, has hair the length of a girl, smokes marijuana (something which previously only ghetto blacks were thought to do), listens to violent and distorted music, and has a Viet Cong flag hanging in his dorm room.  You daughter, now also in college, lives a coed dorm and is on the pill. She doesn't wear a bra. She has confessed to experimenting with hallucinogens. She dresses like a peasant.  Your wife is insisting that she work full-time, and complains that being a housewife is unfulfilling, if not oppressive.   You go to see a movie but the movie has nudity and simulated sex and actors using words that only sailors and construction workers used to use. A character on a TV sitcom just said "damn".  You turn on the TV news and you see bombed ROTC centers and people burning the American flag and protestors taunting cops.  All of the above would have been absolutely unthinkable five years before.   You say to yourself, "The whole world has gone insane.""

Meme - "I just discovered the term "pookdragon" bnd I have never felt more seen in my life. Unlike a bookworm, who reads like their little life depends on it, a bookdragon hoards books like treasure. I used to think I was a bookworm, but now I know that I was very, very wrong. Mindblowing."

Meme - "When you're on vacation but you're also an entrepreneur *parasailing while on laptop*"

FBI’s tactics doomed case against men charged in kidnapping plot of Michigan governor - Chicago Sun-Times - "“Through confidential sources, undercover agents, and clandestine recordings,” the Justice Department announced in October 2020, “law enforcement learned particular individuals were planning to kidnap” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and “acting in furtherance of that plan.”  But it turned out those individuals included the government’s “confidential sources,” who pushed the half-baked scheme and orchestrated acts “in furtherance of that plan” even when the defendants resisted it.  The appearance of entrapment, coupled with the difficulty of distinguishing between fantasy and criminal conspiracy, explains the embarrassing outcome of a federal trial that ended last week, when jurors acquitted two alleged conspirators and failed to reach verdicts for the other two. It was a well-deserved rebuke of investigative methods that crossed the line between prevention and invention. Two of the six original defendants, Ty Garbin and Kaleb Franks, pleaded guilty and testified for the prosecution, saying they willingly participated in the kidnapping plot. But the record compiled by the government shows FBI agents and their informants were determined to advance a narrative that would justify their efforts... The government portrayed Fox, who was commonly dismissed as an indecisive, incompetent and unserious stoner, as the ringleader. Yet Fox repeatedly talked about abandoning or indefinitely delaying the kidnapping scheme, and even when he discussed the logistics it was clear he had no realistic plan: He imagined using boats and a helicopter, for instance, even though he had access to neither.  Several elements of the plot described by the Justice Department seemed to be products of government instigation. During a June 2020 meeting highlighted by the FBI, for example, it was an informant who argued that kidnapping was necessary... The FBI said its informants operated independently, unaware of each other’s identities. But audio recordings show they colluded to produce the evidence the FBI wanted. “I am not going to induce any fucking illegal activity that we don’t have to,” one declared. These FBI tactics are familiar from earlier investigations. In many terrorism cases, the agency likewise used informants to implicate suspects in crimes they otherwise might not have had the inclination or wherewithal to commit.  “We have a saying in my office,” Special Agent Henrik Impola told a confidential informant after the kidnapping suspects were arrested. “Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story.”"

‘50% is a disgrace.’ Attorneys critique Whitmer kidnap plot trial conviction rate - "Five of 14 men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer were found innocent.  Considering the personnel, money and time that went into investigating and prosecuting the plotters over a three-year period in multiple states, numerous Michigan cities and three different courts, some attorneys tell MLive the results were underwhelming.  All three men who opted for jury trials in Antrim County -- Eric Molitor, 39, of Cadillac; Michael Null, 41, of Plainwell, and twin brother William Null, 41, of Shelbyville -- were cleared on charges of contributing material support to a terrorist plan and use of a firearm during the commission of a felony on Sept. 15.  Following the verdict, “one of the jurors came up and gave my client a handshake and a short hug and just said, you know what, I’m so sorry for all that you went through,” said attorney William Barnett, who represented Molitor... According to Pew Research analysis of federal court results in fiscal year 2018, less than 1% of all cases that went to trial resulted in not-guilty verdicts... In the kidnap plot case, 50% of the men who went to trial in state or federal court were found not guilty by juries.  “A prosecutor should win 95% of the time,” Barnett said. “The AG’s Office failed us, the FBI failed us, as far as citizens go. They should win every case, and they should have beyond a reasonable doubt in every case they bring.  “50% is a disgrace ... " My client sat in jail for 90 days before being released on bond, Barnett said. “He can’t get those days back. He lost custody of his children” and “he couldn’t get work, at first.”... Cooley Law School Professor Jeffrey D. Swartz, who worked as a defense attorney, prosecutor and elected judge before entering academia, said a lower conviction rate among the state defendants was predictable.  “I’m not terribly surprised,” he said. “These people were known to the federal authorities at the time that they charged their case, and obviously the feds did not believe that they can convict these people beyond a reasonable doubt, so they didn’t charge them.  “The state felt that they needed to vindicate their investigation and their involvement and felt they needed to prosecute these people. I think that it was foreseeable that there would be some acquittals.”... Shanker defended an accused member of the Hutaree militia, a Christian-based, anti-government group based near Adrian. The FBI, using some of the same methods -- undercover agents, informants and covert recordings -- accused members of planning to kill a police officer and then attack attendees with explosives at the subsequent funeral.  Similar to the Whitmer plot, the talk was violent and trainings occurred, “but they really didn’t do anything but run around the woods in Adrian,” Shanker said. “And so, that case very much became a First Amendment situation, just because they didn’t budge to do anything, even with the prodding of the informants and undercover agents.”  After a weeks-long jury trial, U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts determined the government’s case was too weak to allow deliberations. Roberts issued a directed verdict of not guilty and acquitted seven Hutaree defendants. "

Heinrich Brüning - Wikipedia - "In his posthumously published memoirs Brüning claims, without support of contemporaneous documents, that he hit upon a last-ditch solution to prevent Hitler from taking power: restoring the Hohenzollern monarchy. He planned to persuade the Reichstag to cancel the 1932 German presidential election and extend Hindenburg's term. He would have then had the Reichstag proclaim a monarchy, with Hindenburg as regent. Upon Hindenburg's death, one of Crown Prince Wilhelm's sons would have been invited to assume the throne. The restored monarchy would have been a British-style constitutional monarchy in which real power would have rested with the legislature. He managed to garner support from all of the major parties except the Nationalists, Communists, and Nazis, making it very likely that the plan would get the two-thirds majority required for passage. The plan floundered, however, when Hindenburg, an old-line monarchist, refused to support restoration of the monarchy unless Kaiser Wilhelm II was recalled from exile in the Netherlands. When Brüning tried to impress upon him that neither the Social Democrats nor the international community would accept any return of the deposed Kaiser, Hindenburg threw him out of his office"

Bengaluru Man Dies After Friend Pumps Hot Air Into His Rectum For Fun - "A Bengaluru man died of colon burst after his friend put the nozzle of an electric blow-dryer for vehicles into his rectum and inflated it for fun, police said.  According to the police, 24-year-old Yogish died after his friend Murali (25) pumped hot air into his rectum playfully.  The incident took place on March 25 in Bengaluru’s Sampigehalli area when Yogish visited the CNS bike Service Centre where Murali worked... As the warm-hot filtered air entered Yogish’s body via the anus, his abdomen expanded and he collapsed. As Yogish collapsed, Murali rushed him to the hospital where doctors said due to the high pressure of the blow-dyer, there was massive damage to Yogish’s intestines."

Ice cream vendor arrested for 'masturbating' into ice cream - "A roadside ice cream vendor in Telangana’s Warangal district was arrested after a video emerged showing him “masturbating” on his product, police said. The man, identified as Kaluram Kurbia, was selling ice cream in Nekkonda when he was caught on camera engaging in an objectionable act"
Keywords: Semen

Meme - *4 girls from Madame Web*
"They are your canon events, some good, some bad, some...
Sydney Sweeney: "WTF ..." *seeing herself in a black bikini and in anyone but you and riding in a sex scene [?]*

Box Office: Oppenheimer's Collection On Day 243 Is Higher Than Madame Web's Earnings On Day 35!

Nvidia CEO predicts the death of coding — Jensen Huang says AI will do the work, so kids don't need to learn - "The time otherwise spent learning to code should instead be invested in expertise in industries such as farming, biology, manufacturing and education, the Nvidia head stated. It isn’t all doom and gloom for coding though, as some skills will still be needed to know when and where to use AI programming. Huang says that upskilling is the way forward, and that upskilling will provide the knowledge of how and when to use AI programming. He further stated that natural language processing will advance to the point where the only language needed to code would be their native language."

Mom loses $800K disability case after photos emerge of her winning tree throwing competition - "A woman in Ireland lost a more than $800,000 in an injury lawsuit stemming from a car crash after photos showed her launching a Christmas tree during a post-holiday competition – and winning the event.   Kamila Grabska, 36, sued an insurance agency in the country, RSA Insurance, after a 2017 car crash she claimed caused her debilitating neck and back pain that prevented her from holding down a job for five years...   The car accident was the result of someone hitting Grabska’s car from the rear, and allegedly left her unable to carry her young children or complete household chores.  She quit her job shortly after, received disability payments and argued that her previous and future lost income totaled more than $500,000...   Grabska denied that she faked her injuries while in court, saying she was “trying to live a normal life”"
Believe victims! Damn greedy insurance companies!

Meme - Max Meyer: "OH MY GOD THERE'S ONE IN THE ATLANTIC TOO. Did a memo go out over the weekend to liberal authors that we must END voting to save "democracy" ?"
"Americans Vote Too Much. No one can be a full-time political animal. By Jerusalem Demsas"
Max Meyer @mualphaxi: "NEW LEVELS OF DEMOCRACY ACHIEVED No more... elections?"
"The New York Times. OPINION. GUEST ESSAY. Elections Are Bad for Democracy. By Adam Grant"

Person 2 reading History of Hitler: "YOu'RE NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS..."
Would censorship have stopped the rise of the Nazis? Part 16 of answers to arguments against free speech from Nadine Strossen and Greg Lukianoff | The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression - "As I explained in my review of Eric Berkowitz’s excellent book, “Dangerous Ideas: A Brief History of Censorship in the West, from the Ancients to Fake News,” Weimar Germany had laws banning hateful speech (particularly hateful speech directed at Jews), and top Nazis including Joseph Goebbels, Theodor Fritsch and Julius Streicher actually were sentenced to prison time for violating them. The efforts of the Weimar Republic to suppress the speech of the Nazis are so well known in academic circles that one professor has described the idea that speech restrictions would have stopped the Nazis as “the Weimar Fallacy.” A 1922 law passed in response to violent political agitators such as the Nazis permitted Weimar authorities to censor press criticism of the government and advocacy of violence. This was followed by a number of emergency decrees expanding the power to censor newspapers. The Weimar Republic not only shut down hundreds of Nazi newspapers — in a two-year period, they shut down 99 in Prussia alone — but they accelerated that crackdown on speech as the Nazis ascended to power. Hitler himself was banned from speaking in several German states from 1925 until 1927. Far from being an impediment to the spread of National Socialist ideology, Hitler and the Nazis used the attempts to suppress their speech as public relations coups... Considering the Nazi movement’s core ideology, as espoused by Hitler in “Mein Kampf,” rested on an alleged conspiracy between Jews and their sympathizers in government to politically disempower Aryan Germans, it is not surprising that the Nazis were able to spin government censorship into propaganda victories and seeming confirmation of their claims that they were speaking truth to power, and that power was aligned against them. Indeed, censorship that was employed ineffectively to stop the rise of the Nazis was a boon to the Nazis when it came to consolidating their power."

Memphis mayor meets with high-ranking gang leaders to ask for ceasefire - "The mayor said gang members told him they want good-paying jobs and the training needed to get those jobs.  “My ask for them in that conversation,” Young said, “was can we get a seven-day ceasefire? Just seven days where there’s no shooting no killing? And they said, ‘Yeah, we would be willing to do that,’ and they gave me a couple of caveats.”  Young said the gangs wanted assurances their enemies would agree to the ceasefire.  “The other thing they said was, ‘Well, you know, our young guys, they need money,’” said the mayor, “They need money in their pockets. That’s the way you can change it.”... ”They said, ‘We don’t have programs at our community centers,’” Mayor Young told the crowd, “‘We don’t have things to do, so we go out and we steal cars, and we ride around with our friends.’”  Mayor Young said a Chicago study found a 45% reduction in violent crime arrests for young adults who received a job or internship. That’s what Young envisions for Memphis’ youth, including its’ toughest young gang members."
The fact that half of them still get arrested for violent crime alone suggests that employers are taking on a risk, especially with selection effects in the pre-intervention population

X Users Didn't Like a Paper's Tone and Findings, So They Got It Rejected - "At Frontiers in Psychology, it seems that users on X are now part of the peer review process... As the authors, Bob Uttl, a psychologist and faculty member at Mount Royal University, and his students Victoria Violo and Lacey Gibson, noted, "The decline in students’ IQ is a necessary consequence of increasing educational attainment over the last 80 years. Today, graduating from university is more common than completing high school in the 1940s." College students no longer come solely from the ranks of the highly intelligent and privileged, they come from all corners of society. Uttl and his colleagues noted that this has implications. For example, academic standards and curricula might have to be adjusted. Moreover, employers can't assume that applicants with university degrees are more capable or smarter than those without degrees.  A little over a month after Uttl, Violo, and Gibson's paper was accepted and the abstract published, they were abruptly notified by email that it was rejected. They were apprised that Specialty Chief Editor Eddy Davelaar, a Professor of Psychology and Applied Neuroscience at Birkbeck, University of London, overrode the three peer reviewers who approved the paper and even his own handling editor... Uttl was curious what brought on the sudden rejection of his already accepted paper, so he asked representatives at Frontiers. He was told that “several posts” on X triggered Dr. Davelaar’s review. As readers were only able to view the abstract, and thus weren't able to assess the authors' methodology, it seems clear that they complained purely about the authors' tone and provocative conclusions. Davelaar only found 'problems' with Uttl, Violo, and Gibson's methods afterwards."
Michael Shermer on X - "Ideology > Facts: "over the past 80 years, as a far greater proportion of North Americans attended college, the average IQ of college undergraduates dropped from around 120 to 102, just slightly above the average of 100." Obviously. Inevitably. Published paper presenting these results was retracted. Why? Suggesting college students are "average" is "demeaning". Results "could have been packaged more sensitively.""
Trust the "science"!

Half of college grads are working high school-level jobs a year after graduation - "52% of recent college grads, a year after completing their bachelor's degree, are working jobs that don't require a college degree. What's more, ten years after completing their bachelor's degree, still 45% of these grads are underemployed.  In other words, college has continually become an elaborate scam...
'Most underemployed college graduates are severely underemployed. Among underemployed recent graduates, the vast majority (88 percent) are severely underemployed — that is, working in jobs that typically require only a high school education or less (Figure 1.3), such as jobs in office support, retail sales, food service, and blue-collar roles in construction, transportation, and manufacturing (Figure 1.4). A relatively small group of these graduates (12 percent) are moderately underemployed, i.e., working in jobs that require some education or training beyond high school but less than a bachelor's degree.'...
the coverup here on this "wonderful economy that everyone should celebrate" is not gonna last long. Though I'm sure we'll find out just how terrible the economy really is once January comes back around, and then it'll all be the Orange Man's fault."
Clearly, we must send even more people to university, because we don't understand what signalling is, and capitalism has failed

Don't waste your life avoiding mistakes on Tumblr - "So I asked my boyfriend to talk dirty to me in Bulgarian during sexytime...
It was incredibly hot, until I recognized the word “tomato” and asked him what he was saying. He then admitted that he was explaining how to make a salad."
When dirty talk goes wrong

Meme - "Good afternoon, I'm Jake, your delivery guy. Your delivery address is Bishop St, 78/5 apt. 843. Is this correct?"
"Yes, bring the delivery right to her door and tell her that I'm sorry. She blocked me everywhere."
"Ok, got it.
Her brother opened the door, but I asked him to pass on your message."
"Thank you, Jake. She has no brother, but thank you anyway."

Meme - "A passenger asks the immigration officers of the countries he visits to seal a certain way for him And that was the result. *vehicle*"

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