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Sunday, April 07, 2024

Links - 7th April 2024 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

Thread by @sfrantzman on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I've been thinking a lot about the push for a ceasefire two weeks ago. There was an increasing chorus demanding a ceasefire even without a deal for hostages. There was a lot of pressure on Israel. It seems that Hamas and PIJ believed the ceasefire would happen and they likely had some advise that they could go to Shifa hospital and reconstitute themselves for the next phase. They appear to have believed that when the ceasefire was announced they would now be free for several months to rebuild Hamas and PIJ in northern Gaza. This wasn't a few terrorists just coming to the hospital, this was a huge number. It shows they had plans. Why did they feel this impunity? They knew that previous ties with int'l orgs would mean that the staff at the hospital would never mention their presence, because they have a long tradition of basically using hospitals as command and control nodes. Int'l groups give them cover. It appears this was a well thought out plan by Hamas and PIJ, and would have been coordinated with their high command and those officials who live abroad and get advise abroad one when a ceasefire might happen or the strategy to try to obtain one. They saw Israel re-enter Shati and Zaytun and they assumed Shifa was safe. Why they assumed that requires more investigation, but this is clear. The inability of pressure to obtain the ceasefire and decision by Hamas or its handlers/patrons not to turn over a list of living hostages and instead try to get a ceasefire without releasing hostages, led to the ceasefire not happening and then the raid on Shifa happened. It's worth noting that it also happened after the raids on Hamad Towers near Khan Younis, that area is linked to Doha investment. Hamas also felt safe there. Raids there had not happened earlier. Hamas felt it could hide out there. At Shifa, the IDF said that "During the last 24 hours, we entered the Qatari Building [in the Shifa compound]. This is a building that we also operated in during the previous operation in Shifa. This time, terrorists were hiding there. Shayetet 13 searched the building." It's worth considering the wider story here. Hamas was being defeated but it felt it could reconstitute in the north and that it could also hide out at Hamad Towers. It thought the ceasefire would happen around March 10. It was wrong. And now it has lost key operatives in two major raids. Hamas has felt for a long time a protection that it receives from abroad. Connections with foreign governments and also with intl orgs make it feel invincible. It also understands it is being used as a tool against Israel by several countries, and it relies on them for advise. Hamas may have heard something like: "don't worry we got you covered, we'll pressure the ceasefire and make sure people return to northern Gaza for you to hide behind and rule over, use the hospitals for cover, Israel won't go back into them, we can ramp up the pressure ot stop that." It's not plausible that Hamas would be so reckless as to move hundreds of operatives to Shifa if it didn't think it had impunity. But Hamas was wrong, not the for the first time in this war it was overconfident and had hubris. This also happened after the Ahli incident, where Hamas thought it could get foreign media to get a ceasefire by lying about the rocket that fell there. But it failed."

Visegrád 24 on X - "The Egyptian border with Gaza is now one of the most guarded borders on the planet.  They continuously add more fencing and lines of walls. There are also constant patrols by border guards.  Via @OliLondonTV"
i/o on X - "No country wants Gazans. And why would they?   By supporting Hamas — and continuing to support it even after 10/7 and the enthusiastic razing of their enclave by Israel — Gazans are effectively digging their own graves, and I can't think of a compelling reason to interrupt their suicide.  The effects of the "Zionist project" continue to sap American resources and destabilize the region, and I no longer have a desire to invest much of my emotion in something for which there is no apparent possibility of peaceful solution and which will likely either ultimately be decided in an Armageddon-like conflagration or in a generalized apathy and exhaustion decades or perhaps even centuries from now. In the meantime, I will care less and less about it."
Heartless Zionists stopping Gazans from fleeing to Egypt!

Manija on X - "How about the rise in islamaphobia? Or do only jews matter?"
Borger Queen on X - "When Jews can march in the street demanding the blood of Muslims and be supported by the government, the press, and academia, then I’ll worry about Islamophobia. Until then? Shut up."

Campaigner Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg involved in mass Jewish creatives doxxing in AHRC anti-racism resource contract | The Australian - "A social-justice activist who helped disseminate the doxxed details of hundreds of Jewish Australians across the internet and said their “time was up” has a contract to provide anti-racism resources with the country’s peak human rights body.  Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg was one of those exposed in February to be the most prolific sharers of doxxed details of more than 600 Jewish creatives from a leaked private WhatsApp group. The Australian can reveal Ms Tuet-Rosenberg’s company Hue – an anti-racism consultancy that she co-owns and co-founded – has a contract with the Australian Human Rights Commission to produce what is understood to be online anti-racism teaching resources for primary schools.  Hue won the contract in October last year and is still working with the commission.  The AHRC, an independent body but funded by the federal government, is the country’s national human rights institution that is responsible for investigating discrimination... Liberal MP Julian Leeser accused it of turning a blind eye to anti-Semitism, declaring that it had gone “AWOL” since Israel’s war on Hamas began... Hue’s work was spruiked by the commission’s anti-racism campaign earlier this month, a few weeks after the doxxing incident.  Ms Tuet-Rosenberg shared almost 200 Instagram stories pertaining to the February 6 doxxing, posting the leaked transcripts and members’ names, professions and photographs, and saving each in Instagram story tabs called “Zio Receipts”.  To her almost 10,000 followers, she disseminated links to the leaked transcripts and members, which included teachers, librarians and university professionals.  Ms Tuet-Rosenberg, who is Jewish, filed the Jewish WhatsApp members into categories such as “Artists” and “Sports Zios”, urging her followers to “let these f..king Zionists know no f..king peace”. “We must be noisy, disruptive and unapologetic,” she wrote in one Instagram story.  Ms Tuet-Rosenberg said that “Zimbos” maintained their positions due to other Zionists “in management”, calling them “genocidal fascists” who had moved “too deep into fascism” to reason with. “Time’s up,” she wrote about the leaked group.  In a recent photo posted by Ms Tuet-Rosenberg, she is seen wearing a pin badge with the words: “leak another chat”.  It comes as Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, the minister with responsibility for the AHRC, opened consultation on proposed anti-doxxing criminal laws, fast-tracked by the government in light of the incident."
Anti-racism is anti-semitism

Brianna Wu on X - "I thought I understood hatred from the Gamergate era. But it is truly overwhelming to understand the scope and ferocity by which people hate Jews and through Jews, Israel.  There’s not this level of disinformation about women. There’s not an alternative, selective history of LGBT people in the same way to dehumanize us. There’s not an open desire to slaughter and erase a marginalized population in America in the same way.   And it’s discouraging to know nothing I can say or do will make any difference.  I’ve talked about this so much because I have not seen people on the left speaking up for our Jewish brothers and sisters. I wanted to share the historical nuance I’ve learned since October 7th about the diaspora and the cycle of violence that makes Israel’s actions have their own logic.   But I can’t make people see who would rather remain ignorant. And a certain point, I have to look out for my mental health.   At least five or six times a day for months now, I’ve gotten death threats and rape threats. I’m largely numb to these, but they do take a toll. I am moving on, at least until I can figure out what I can do to help that’s productive."
Pterodactyculus on X - "If I read this correctly, you’d like to continue advocating for Jews to live without fear of violence and bigotry but you’re being terrorized into silence. Is that right?"

Brianna Wu on X - "October 7th did change American politics forever. But not for the reasons you think.
✅ It exposed the rot of antisemitism that had been festering in leftist circles people like me had ignored
It showed who was more interested in burning down America than achieving leftist policy objectives
It showed which pundits actually understood complex geopolitical issues, and who was misleading their audience
It showed that a terrifying number of leftist Americans will support literal terrorists if they target Jews
And It showed that while will never agree with Republicans on deeply divisive cultural issues, their moderates are more committed to democracy than our extremists. So maybe we should try talking to them more."

Russia, China veto UN resolution for cease-fire in Gaza
Russia, China veto UN resolution for cease-fire in Gaza : worldnews - "Houthis today: We wont target Russian and Chinese ships in the red sea
Russia and China today: Veto UN resolution calling for ceasefire in Gaza
Make it make sense"
Naturally, the terrorism supporters who keep demanding a ceasefire don't see any issue with this

Free! Saturday March 16th 6PM
Hosted by: DADDY SATAN
Palabras Bilingual Bookstore. 906 W Roosevelt St, Phoenix, AZ 85007
Christian Caliente. Jacon the Box, Marlene MArvelous, Pissunderstood. Alexander Stryke. Dayshawna Rose"
'Drag Show for Palestine' at Arizona bookstore canceled after backlash - "Drag performer "Daddy Satan," who describes herself as a “Proud Biracial, Pansexual, Chameleon” Drag Demon, announced via Instagram Saturday a local bookstore has cancelled its upcoming “Drag Show for Palestine.”  The event, which featured performers "Pissunderstood" and "Jacon The Box," was originally intended to be held on March 16 at the Palabras Bilingual Bookstore in Phoenix, Arizona. Organizers described the gathering as “a night of Drag and Community as we gather at Palabras Book Store in solidarity with Palestine.”  As "Daddy Satan" explained, however, organizers were forced to cancel the event as it had gained unwanted attention online.  “A majority of the comments were the same,” she said. "A lot of them were ‘why don’t you try this drag show in Palestine and see what they think of you?’ I don’t need to go to another country to see how they may treat queers. The way they treat queer people in America is terrifying enough.” A screenshot of the event shared via social media appears to indicate children could attend the event with adult supervision. It notes, however, “there may be unsettling topics such as violence/genocide/and adult language.”"
Clearly being thrown from a building is no worse than not be able to flash children, so this perfectly shows why he needs to go to Palestine

#WordsOfJustice - "Use AI to amplify truth, combat lies, and help tell the story of Palestinians silenced for generations"
To think the terrorism supporters keep bitching about "hasbara"

Meme - Jonathan Kay @jonkay: "we need to cancel Cdn arts funding until the ideological fanatics lose their veto power. You’ve got millions of Canadians living paycheck to paycheck, and yet three levels of govt are showering cash on art-house theatre projects whose agenda is now dictated by antisemitic mobs"
"PuSh 2024 Supporters: City of Vancouver, Canada, Canada Council for the Arts, British Columbia, British Columbia Arts Council, Granville Island, Vancouver CIvic Theatres, Republique Francaise, Hawthorne Charitable Foundation, TD, Vancouver, Downtown Van, CDm2 Lightworks"
"Vancouver festival cancels Israel-set play pulled by Belfry Theatre"

Campaign Against Antisemitism on X - "“The amount of antisemitism you see around the world is because of the fact that Israel is not thinking about the next five or ten years but is only thinking immediately.”  No, Lord Bird @johnbirdswords , the amount of antisemitism that we are seeing is not because of the Jews or their state.   It is because there are antisemites.  Please do not use your platform or publication to rationalise their racism."
Haviv Rettig Gur on X - "Apologies for this post. This really pisses me off.  I want to hear @johnbirdswords  try to make the argument that bad things that Muslim nations are doing is the cause of Islamophobia in Britain.  Because if he won’t make that argument about Muslims, how dare he make it about Jews? If Gaza makes British Jews unsafe, that’s Britain’s problem and Britain’s fault. And if it were any other group but the Jews, nobody would dare say otherwise.  Honestly, why shouldn’t Jews just tell the world to go fuck itself? I wish the world cared about the actual suffering in Gaza. I believe that the world *believes* it cares about the actual suffering. But it doesn’t. Because in the very next war in which Jews are not involved, it will once again respond with a vast collective yawn. Gone will be the TikTok swarms, the Muslim diaspora’s marches - even if the victims are Muslims - or the campus protests.  And along the way, only Jews are forced to take seriously the argument that bigotry against them in Britain is somehow explainable by other Jews’ actions a continent away.  Why not Muslims? Why weren’t Buddhists forced to answer for Myanmar, for fuck’s sake?  And don’t deflect with crap like “so you admit Gaza is like Myanmar.” Answer the fucking question.  Why are Jews the only goddamn group you can say this about without being run out of town?  Apologize, @johnbirdswords , or go fuck yourself."

South Africa's foreign minister says citizens fighting with Israeli forces in Gaza will be arrested
But of course, if you fight with the terrorists, that's good

FIRST READING: Canada is becoming a globally recognized lesson in what not to do - "This is Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly and Ya’ara Saks – the Trudeau government’s only Jewish cabinet minister – posing with Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas. This photograph probably won’t age well for either of them, and here’s a few reasons: Abbas literally wrote his PhD on Holocaust denial and he’s claimed that the Oct. 7 attacks were a Zionist plot to justify the invasion of Gaza. His government also operates a “martyrs’ fund” that compensates the families of anyone killed in a terrorist attack against Israel – including the Hamas terrorists who perpetrated Oct. 7.
Canada has suspended military exports to Israel. Israel was never a major buyer of Canadian military equipment, and few if any of them could be characterized as arms (it’s mostly airplane parts). Nevertheless, the exports were reportedly paused for “human rights concerns” – even as the likes of Qatar and Saudi Arabia remain allowed to buy Canadian military kit, and at higher levels. This marks at least the third time that the Trudeau government has pursued a policy that is directly in line with a political demand of the anti-Israel movement that is routinely blockading streets, picketing Jewish sites and even getting Trudeau’s own political events cancelled. The prior two were the Trudeau government calling for a ceasefire that would leave Hamas in control of Gaza, and the reopening of funding to UNRWA despite a ream of evidence that the agency allegedly employs terrorists, including several who directly participated in the Oct. 7 attacks."
The terrorism supporters are never happy, so caving in to their demands is a losing proposition

So far, 56% of reported hate crimes in 2024 have targeted Jewish people, Toronto police say - "Toronto has seen a 93 per cent increase in the number of reported hate crimes since the Israel-Hamas war began compared to the same time period a year earlier... The city has also seen many demonstrations related to the ongoing war in Gaza, he noted. Police have made 24 arrests and laid some 30 charges related to the protests. Demkiw said the cost of policing the demonstrations, which appear to be growing more tense in nature, exceeds $10 million."
Time to crack down on "Islamophobia" and for property taxes to go up even more
To think that some people still claim you're not allowed to criticise Israel, and that if you drive through a Jewish area waving a Palestinian flag you'll get eggs thrown at you

Globe editorial: Canada’s dangerous slide into antisemitism - The Globe and Mail - "But as horrible as these acts have been, it was the news this week that the Hamilton Jewish Film Festival in Hamilton, Ont., had been cancelled, or at best postponed, that drove home how normalized antisemitism has become in Canada.  The venue pulled out because of safety concerns. If Jewish people cannot do something as everyday as celebrate their culture because of threats of violence, and political leaders fail to decry it loudly, then Canada is lost. A democratic country cannot let this stand. And yet it is happening right before our eyes. Antisemitism has embedded itself in Canada.  As if to drive home the point, on Wednesday the country’s largest French-language newspaper, La Presse, ran an editorial cartoon depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as Nosferatu – an antisemitic movie character from 1922 based on Dracula that the Nazis went on to use a propaganda tool against Jews.  But that wasn’t even the worst thing to happen this week. On Monday, an NDP member of Parliament, Brian Masse, acknowledged the rise in antisemitism in Canada but said, “We’re not going to be able to fix anything right now until there’s a ceasefire [in Gaza].”... The cartoon’s portrayal of a Jewish man as a vampire displayed a shocking lack of sensitivity on the part of La Presse in the wake of Hamas’s atrocity.  But even more pernicious was Mr. Masse’s suggestion that Jewish Canadians are somehow complicit with the actions of the Israeli government, or that there is some logic to the hatred directed toward them, and that nothing can be done about it until, what, they personally talk Mr. Netanyahu into agreeing to a ceasefire?  Jewish people in Canada are no more responsible for what is happening in Israel than Russians in Canada are for the war in Ukraine, or Syrians in Canada are responsible for the actions of the Assad government, or Shia Muslims in Canada are responsible for the brutality of the Iranian regime. Even to suggest such things is cause for discomfort. We have no doubt Mr. Masse would never go there about another people, and yet he was comfortable saying what he said in the moment... if they are so keen to adopt motions, the NDP and the other parties should turn their attention to the crisis in the country they actually live in. Instead of throwing up their hands about the pain and fear felt by Jewish Canadians like Mr. Masse did, they should, as one voice, condemn the clearly visible rise of antisemitism in Canada.  We’ve taken the liberty of writing the motion they ought to bring forth and adopt unanimously: This House unequivocally condemns antisemitism in all of its forms, and in particular rejects the idea that Jewish Canadians are in any way responsible for the actions of the State of Israel.  It needs to be said and to be heard. And after all that has happened of late, it needs to come from Parliament."

Thread by @davidfrum on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The Jew as vampire is one of the deepest myths of western culture. The 1922 film Nosferatu that inspired the La Presse cartoon also inspired Nazi cartoonists of the Third Reich. La Presse has removed the image, here's a screen shot. It substitutes Benjamin Netanyahu's face in an iconic still from the 1922 movie, Nosferatu. That film was riddled with antisemitic images and themes and directly inspired antisemitic cartoons in the Nazi press of the 1920s and 1930s. Did the cartoonist at La Presse know any of this history? Perhaps not. He wanted to draw a nasty caricature of Netanyahu. He might have invented a device of his own. Instead, he recycled the powerful image already present in his mind, waiting for him: the Jew as bloodsucker. That's how antisemitism often works. A rich inventory of anti-Jewish images and themes pre-exists: the Jew as bloodsucker, the Jew as child-killer, the Jew as alien enemy. When a user wants to vent rage or dislike ... the resource accumulated over centuries is waiting for him. The user of antisemitic images may not acknowledge anti-Jewish feelings in himself. He may exempt the Jews he personally knows. He unthinkingly uses a weapon prepared for his hand, unaware of - or indifferent to - who prepared it for him, and how, and why."

Mohamad Safa on X - "Gaza has taught me that a lot of people who claim to be human rights activists are only active when it applies to people of a specific background or ethnicity."
This is super ironic, since it applies perfectly to terrorism supporters

Hamas - Behind the Scenes 🇵🇸 . . . . . #hamas_is_isis #am_israel_chai #humor | Instagram - "Hamas - Behind the Scenes 🇵🇸"
Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 on X - "Amazing 😂" (Mirror)
"From the chicken to the fish, the kitchen will be clean"

Thread by @Aizenberg55 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "🧵Luxury Hamad towers in Gaza, below, is a microcosm of the entire Gaza war: massive int'l aid pouring in, Gaza is actually a modern urban enclave, Hamas exploitation of civilian Gaza for war, careful IDF action within rules of war & tragic destruction. Overview & analysis:
Hamad towers near Khan Younes consists of about 60 5-story buildings with ~3,000 apartments initiated & funded by Qatar in 2016 with over $200 million in donated costs. The towers were built & inhabited in phases as part of a new luxury neighborhood. Below is a luxury wedding dress shop housed in retail section of towers. Parks, high end mosques, etc. Sudanis, Yemenis & Afghanis could only dream of this. Didn't you know they have these in open air prisons? Enjoy the whole video about this shop. Unfortunately for civilians in Gaza, Hamas leaders & 100s of operatives extensively embedded in these civilian towers to plan, attack, manufacture weapons, tunnel shafts, fire rockets, etc. IDF began operation here in early March after learning about extensive Hamas presence. IDF could carpet bomb 60 buildings and not risk ground troops. But without specific Hamas targets that would be illegal, against laws of distinction & proportionality; so instead IDF undertook multi-week ground operation clearing civilians first, which of course warned Hamas. Intense fighting has been ongoing in Hamad with close building-to-building, apartment-to-apartment combat. Again, no carpet bombing, no “genocide” as some civilians still remain. IDF troops have been killed at Hamad as a result of adherence to rules of war. See video of IDF action in Hamad. Hamas attacked IDF forces with several cases of human shields. Again, no indiscriminate destruction as libelously claimed but troops risking lives in close combat. Some would say they shouldn’t have to do it this way. To defeat Hamas in Hamad, IDF airstrikes, tank firing, combat etc. has caused extensive damage, this is a photo from March 13. Tragic. Did it have to be this way? No. Hamas could have decided not to embed in Hamad towers. Every Hamas operative could have surrendered. It’s also true as some will say, IDF did not need to go into Hamad. It could instead allow 100s of would be serial killers to survive to kill, rape & kidnap Israelis as Hamas vows to do again. But Israel decided that was not acceptable, so it went in to destroy Hamas."

Hen Mazzig on X - "Over 100 Pro-Palestinian protesters have been arrested today after they stormed The New York Times's lobby.  They were infuriated over The Times's in-depth investigation of Hamas' sexual crimes committed on October 7th and claimed that the newspaper "manufactured consent of genocide."  We are now at the point where people feel justified in protesting a newspaper for reporting rape"

Thread by @ShaiDavidai on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "For months, I've been speaking out against @Columbia's refusal to deal with pro-terror students organizations on campus.  I thought I've seen it all.  I was wrong... This post was shared earlier today by a student organization at @Columbia.  It calls for an uprising in Israel.  There is no two ways about this. This is support for terrorism.  But wait, there's more... Where does this call come from?  It turns out that this is a *verbatim* quote of a Hamas spokesperson (!), calling for an armed resistance. I want you to consider that for a moment.  A student organization at @Columbia University is amplifying a call for violence by a terrorist organization. This definitely crosses a line.  They are no longer supporting for terrorism.  They are promoting terrorism. Now, consider the "newspaper" that this pro-terror student organization is reposting: Al Mayadeen.  Al Mayadeen is a known Lebanese mouthpiece for the Iranian terror regime. Among other things, Al Mayadeen has:
-Stood by Bashar Al-Assad's side during his civil war that has killed > 600,000 Syrian civilians
-Supported Putin's invasion of Ukraine
-Defamed Mahsa Amini, the Iranian woman who was beat to death for refusing to wear a hijab in public
Clearly, the President of @Columbia is in over her head.  She either doesn't want to deal with the blatant support for terrorism on campus, or is just incapable of doing.  Either way, that's not a good look for a "leader". At some point, Americans will realize that we have a real problem of terror-sympathizer on college campuses. The question is how many innocent civilians will be murdered by the terrorists that these student organizations are promoting."

Oli London on X - "Billie Eilish sparks outrage for wearing blood covered hand symbol associated with Palestinian terrorists slaughtering Israelis while attending The Oscars.   The singer wore the symbol on her suit lapel - with the symbol being synonymous with the lynching of two Israelis in Ramallah in 2000.   In 2000, Palestinian Aziz Salha proudly waved his bloody hands from the window after he had lynched an Israeli and mutilated their body.   The infamous image became a symbol of Palestinian resistance.   At least 7 celebrities wore the same badge while attending last nights Oscars.   The badges are produced by Artists4Ceasefire, a group that are calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.   The group, however fail to acknowledge the Israeli hostages whilst calling for a ceasefire and fail to mention that numerous ceasefire agreements have been rejected by Hamas."
We're still told that no one supports Hamas

Meme - Kosher @KosherCockney: "I remember that day. A lot of Jews do. When Palestinians in Ramallah ripped the Hearts and internal organs of Jews out and ate them. The Red Hands on display. I remember the pics( see below). That's what Billie Eilish and Co. supported yesterday. Ramy Youssef knew exactly what he was pushing on them. Trying to strike fear into us. We see your evil. We know who you are."

Poll: Over 70% Palestinians still maintain Hamas 'correct' to commit Oct. 7 atrocities
From March 2024
We're still told that the Palestinians don't support terrorism

Meme - "Tremendous ghazawat. Humiliating the enemy, slaughter, rape, slave taking. Truly, we are Bronze Age Warriors, virile Islamic lions."
"H-h-hello, International Community? Please, they're incinerating us from the air, driving us off our land! This is a war crime!"

Meme Hamas: "Allahu Akbar" *pokes Israel beehive with missile*
Hamas: "Allah help me" *bees come out of beehive to attack him*
Hamas to breaking news: "Israel killing us"

Meme - "Imaginary Nazis" *No*
"American Jews, College Activists, Progressives, Celebrities, Influencers. Hollywood and Corporate Media"
"Literal Terrorists who are textbook Nazis that want to wipe them all off the face of the Earth" *Yes*

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