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Sunday, April 07, 2024

Links - 7th April 2024 (1 - General Wokeness [including Haiti])

No matter how well-intentioned, armed mission in Haiti is a mistake
From October. Of course, the government collapsing in 2024 was the West's fault because of colonialism and slavery

Activists speak against US-led mission to Haiti, say it will increase violence & instability. : UnitedNations - "Never mind the fact that the Haitian government is pleading with the international community for help."

Meme - "What if the blacks never got colonized? Ethiopia *slum*
What if we freed the slaves and gave them their own country? Liberia *slum*
What if the blacks killed all the Whites and ran the country? Haiti *slum*
What if the blacks seized all property from the Whites? Zimbabwe *slum*"

Meme - "Haití en 1491 *le cannibalisme*
Haití en 2024 *le cannibalisme*"

FLASHBACK: Leftist Celebs Wore 'Haiti is Great Already' T-Shirts After Trump Allegedly Called It a 'Sh**hole Country' - Today It Descends into Chaos - "While Haiti sadly descends into a state of anarchy, it is worth remembering how left-wing celebrities once hailed the Carribean nation as a “great” country to live in.  The situation in Haiti is now so bad that the U.S. has evacuated its embassy staff. The government is on the brink of collapse, violent gangs are overrunning the city and some are warning of a pending humanitarian crisis. There are even some reports of people turning to cannibalism... The mayhem may bring back memories from five years ago, when reports emerged that President Trump had described Haiti as a “shithole country.”  In response to the comments, various left-wing celebrities including talk show host Bill Maher, actress Susan Sarandon and comedian Conan O’Brien all leapt to the defense of the troubled country by wearing caps with the phrase “Haiti is Great Already.”... O’Brien even took the issue so seriously that he traveled to Haiti for his show, although presumably did so with armed security whilestaying in the country’s most exclusive hotels and resorts."

Meme - "Haiti Cannibal Gang Members 'Eating People They Have Killed' As Chaos Explodes"
*Left wing celebrities wearing "Haiti is Great Already" T-shirts*
Conan O'Brien: "#Haiti is truly a beautiful country. #ConanHaiti *relaxing in resort*

Meme - Conan O'Brien: "#Haiti is truly a beautiful country. #ConandHaiti *sipping cocktail in water with lots of trash and kid picking trash*"

Morgoth on X - "Russia/Ukraine war: Two years of brutal conflict in terrible conditions = No cannibalism reported
Israeli campaign in Gaza: Months of mass killing and strangling of supplies= No cannibalism reported
Haitian Government collapses: Widespread reports of cannibalism on day one"

This is how ignorant you have to be to call Haiti a ‘shithole’ - The Washington Post (2018)
Corpses piling up in streets of Haiti’s capital - The Washington Post (2024) - "Haitians shot dead in street and there’s no one to take the corpses away"

Meme - "We are not your weapons - we are women
April 19, 2010
Filed under: Haiti
Posted by: Kirwan Institute
By Amanda Kijera, civic journalist and activist in Haiti
Two weeks ago, on a Monday morning, I started to write what I thought was a very clever editorial about violence against women in Haiti. The case, I believed, was being overstated by women's organizations in need of additional resources. Ever committed to preserving the dignity of Black men in a world which constantly stereotypes them as violent savages, I viewed this writing as yet one more opportunity to fight "the man" on behalf of my brothers. That night, before I could finish the piece, I was held on a rooftop in Haiti and raped repeatedly by one of the very men who I had spent the bulk of my life advocating for... I went to Haiti after the earthquake to empower Haitians to self- sufficiency. I went to remind them of the many great contributions that Afro-descendants have made to this world, and of their amazing resilience and strength as a people. Not once did I envision myself becoming a receptacle for a Black man's rage at the white world, but that is what I became. While I take issue with my"
Full version of this madness: We are not your weapons – we are women | Race-Talk

Libs of Tik Tok shaming a rape victim : MurderedByWords - "This isn't shaming a rape victim for the rape though. This is shaming her for defending her rapist and raping in general. Your bad takes don't become unassailable because of a traumatic event."
"this women appears to be justifying rape of white women by black people which is never going to be a good look no matter who you are or what you have experienced. She seems to have learned the wrong lessons from her experience."
"Your honor, i raped that woman because we have massive debt as a country"
Coming from the people who celebrated when Herman Cain and other "covid deniers" died of covid, and who keep mocking people for Leopards Eating Their Faces, this is rich

The rise of coercive progressivism | The Spectator - "A secular millenarianism is trying to tear down the liberal order and erect in its place a new order that we might call coercive progressivism. It is an ideological project to enforce a progressive moral code through law, social convention and brute force, but the morality itself emerges from and satisfies a post-Christian search for meaning.   The historian Gertrude Himmelfarb died at the very end of last year but had she lived she may have been the quickest to understand our present tumult. Himmelfarb was a perceptive scholar of the Victorians and in particular their ideas about virtue, which rested, she contended, on a ‘continuum of manners and morals’. In the Victorian era, Himmelfarb observed, ‘manners were sanctified and moralised, so to speak, while morals were secularised and domesticated’. Simply put, manners were the guardrails of morality: they could not make men paragons but they could keep them within the bounds of propriety. ‘The Victorians thought it no small virtue to maintain the appearance, the manner, of good conduct even while violating some basic precept of morality,’ she explained. Their immediate intention was not saving souls but making men respectable, that more would be in with a chance of salvation.  Salvation could take many forms. When Margaret Thatcher urged a return to ‘Victorian values’, Himmelfarb reminded the Iron Lady that fierce moralism had also fired radical movements like the Chartists and the temperance campaigners. A decade later, she would announce the emergence of ‘the new Victorians’, those progressives eager to impose updated manners and morals on matters of race, sex and sexuality. This development did not surprise Himmelfarb, for she had already noted that ‘when Christianity lost its ascendancy’, the Victorians, having nursed ‘the illusion that they could sustain morality in the absence of a religion’, came to ‘discover how tenuous, how problematic, their morality was’. The Victorians’ zeal for moral improvement did not die with them; it was succeeded by new evangelisms that put their faith in race, class, technology, psychoanalysis and identity. What they lacked, indeed what made the Victorian ethic so successful, was respect for the individual. According to Himmelfarb, ‘the heart of Victorian morality’ was ‘self-control, self-help, self-reliance, self-discipline’. For the Victorians, ‘a liberal society… depended upon a moral citizenry. The stronger the voluntary exercise of morality on the part of each individual — the more internalised that morality — the weaker need be the external, coercive instruments of the state’. Successor projects to that of the Victorians either neglected the individual or rationalised away his moral worth or free will. They displayed the reforming ardour but not the liberal ideals of Victorian England... Antonia Senior has observed how identity politics functions as ‘Christianity without redemption’, and the faith espoused by the coercive progressives is just such a creed, as its response to George Floyd’s killing demonstrates. There are rituals, hymns and almsgiving. In place of justice, there is martyrdom; baptisms are now conducted at the site of Floyd’s death. There is original sin in the form of ‘white privilege’ and heritable guilt. Iniquities are confessed and, by way of penance, apologies given for the actions of others and patronising genuflections made to shine the shoes of black people. Heretics are shunned or browbeaten into repenting and even the insufficiently pious are damned. Graven images are smashed by the faithful and the theology is suitably confusing, with some activists demanding white people speak up and others that they shut up. But where Christianity offers salvation, sin is eternal in this religion and the hope of deliverance absent. There is only the cross, no resurrection...   Anyone interested in cultivating new manners and morals about race should learn from the Victorians’ example. By ‘secularising’ and ‘domesticating’ morals, by making the spiritual mundane through the architecture of manners, they built social conventions practised faithfully by many who did not share or were unaware of their philosophical underpinnings. This they achieved by elevating the individual as a moral being, not subjecting him to the caprices and cudgels of the mob. A liberal society with individual conscience and dignity at its heart is not a hindrance to virtue but an essential foundation. Coercive progressivism is the morality of a fanatic and the manner of a tyrant."
As Richard Dawkins noted, the retreat of Christianity has opened the way to worse

Dr Glenn Hadikin on X - "Pidgin is not wrong. Accent is not broken. Slang is not uneducated. Patois is not improper. Decolonize language. Our language is the beauty of our survival and our treasure. By Elwing-bling Gonzalez #language #decolonizelanguage"
Ironically, these are the people who impose shibboleths in the form of woke language, which is far harder to master due to its ever changing nature than standard languageFrom Best Friends to Platonic Spouses - The New York Times - "Today some people are taking their friendships a giant step further: They are platonically marrying each other, vowing to never leave each other’s side for better or for worse. On Nov. 14, 2020 at Greenwood Hall in East Islip, N.Y., Jay Guercio and Krystle Purificato donned wedding gowns, walked down the aisle, exchanged rings and shared their first and only kiss. Ms. Purificato is in the process of changing her last name to Guercio... The besties, both queer and open to dating anyone but each other, met in 2011, and decided to get married in September. They sleep in the same bed but their relationship remains platonic.  Ms. Guercio and Ms. Purificato wanted to get married because they wanted to be legally and socially recognized as a family."
Obviously, this has nothing at all to do with gay marriage changing the traditional conception of the institution

31, WNBA

Unilever to unload super woke Ben & Jerry's after years of fighting with independent board over Israel and Native American rows

Game Developer Admits The Game Industry Is Making Games To Cater To LGBTQ+ Agenda - "Game developer Ed Fear, the former Game Lead at Mediatonic Games the studio behind Fall Guys, took to social media to declare that the video game industry is making games to cater to the LGBTQ+ agenda. Fear wrote on X, “According to Ukie’s census, 21% of the UK games industry identifies as LGBTQ+. That’s 3x higher than the UK average. 2% as non-binary – 5x higher. 3% as trans – 3x higher.”  He added, “We’re making the games that represent US. If you want “non-woke” games, make them your-f***in’-selves.”  In a follow-up he posted, “and it’s worth saying that while LGBTQ+ people are (wonderfully!) over-represented, I absolutely recognise we still have a lot to do in terms of race, gender, socioeconomic class, etc. Imagine what games we’ll be making when that’s better!”   Fear’s observation of the video game industry appears accurate. If gamers want games that are not woke they are going to have to make them. And there is a path forward to achieve this.  Novelist Brian Niemeier, known for his Comat Frame X Seed books as well as his Soul Cycle series, explains that the answer is neopatronage. He explains that neopatronage is “a concept that advocates the return to a more direct and personal relationship between creators and their audiences. Neopatronage empowers readers to take up the mantle of Renaissance patrons, actively funding the content they want to see and participating in the creative process alongside their favored artists.”...   As Niemeier writes on X the corporations have no intention of moving away from their agendas. But customers can move away from them.  He states, “Hoping that woke megacorps will go back to making product for you is a long wait for a ship that’s never coming in. Much faster & better to seek out creator’s who’ll make the entertainment you want on demand.”"
Over-representation is only problematic when a "minority" doesn't benefit

Toronto Catholic board disbands anti-racism committee - "The Toronto Catholic District School Board has quietly dissolved its race relations committee, a controversial move one former member called a “slap in the face.”  The board voted on Feb. 15 to end the committee, which trustee Maria Rizzo told the Star is a “relic of the past” and made redundant by other ethnic advisory committees and a new equity action plan the board approved in 2023."
Nautrally, left wingers were upset because they hate Christians and want the woke bureaucracy to grow indefinitely, forgetting that this was the same board that banned "the n word"

Unity Game Developer Scott Anderson Defends 'Marvel's Black Panther' Developer's Race-Based Hiring Discrimination - "Scott Anderson, a Senior Graphics Engineer at Unity Technologies, defended Marvel’s Black Panther developer Dani Lalonders and her race-based hiring discrimination while she developed her game ValiDate. Lalonders admitted to race-based hiring discrimination during a presentation for the Game Devs of Color Expo 2021 that was recently brought to the public’s attention after Lalonders defended Sweet Baby Inc. and admitted she was a racist.  During the presentation Lalonders stated, “ValiDate has a team of all people of color. We have no white people on our team. I did that because I wanted to create a safe environment. And I know the best way for the environment to be safe is to be around people who are just like me.”"
Anti-racism means racial segregation

'Forspoken' Consultant Black Girl Gamers Appears To Discriminate In Their Hiring Practices While Claiming They Are Being Harassed - "the organization appeared to post a job opportunity on X limiting the applicants based on race and gender. The organization wrote on, “Looking for Black Women Content Creators that make Dungeons & Dragons (DND) content for some potential brand work! Hit us up!”... the organization claimed it was being harassed, while not providing any evidence.  It posted on X, “The amount of harassment we’ve had recently due this ‘Gamergate 2’ is not surprising. Gamers that thought the industry revolved around them and their comforts are now realizing it doesn’t.”  “We’ve had emails, comments and threats but you know what WE’RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE,” the post concluded. Interestingly, in a post shortly after that one, the organization implied that telling it ‘You’re not being harassed!’ is harassment. It wrote on X, “‘You’re not being harassed!’ whilst simultaneously partaking in the harassment is INSANE.”"
Once again, when liberals complain about "harassment", they mean someone disagreeing with them

Endymion on X - "Reposting this cause they’ll likely block me but:   Sure I’ll bite why not. So the director of Alan Wake 2 Kyle Rowley openly admitted in a Game Developer dot com interview that Saga Anderson ( who was originally a white woman with blonde hair n blue eyes in Quantum Break ) as pictured below was changed due to the influence of Kim Belair, the co-founder of Sweet Baby Inc  Her name is even said in the interview there, again pictured below. Angrboda was suddenly a black girl when Norse mythology obviously has no black people in it.   We know this due to it obviously being Norse, but also every other character in Ragnarok from Odin, Thor & more are depicted how they would be correctly.   Then out of nowhere Angrboda is black, yet we both know if God of War ever did African mythology, they would not turn a black mythological character white for diversity sake.   Don’t play stupid, you know they wouldn’t. But it’s okay the other way around because you’re all infected with the brain rot that is killing your industry.   Suicide Squad kills all the male Justice League members in joke ways & belittles them in their biographies which are available in game.   None of their deaths are mourned, Flash is urinated on, Green Lantern left in boxers, Batman shot in the head in an alley to die like his parents.   Yet suspiciously Wonder Woman is the only JLA member given any respect not only in game when the squad mourns her, but also in her biography, seen below as well.   You can play stupid all you want that’s fine, but don’t pretend that SBI’s involvement has not on purpose ruined everything they touched for agenda purposes.   Stop being a dumbass yes man & admit the facts do not align with your woke nonsensical view points."

Thread by @notcomplex_ on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Mackenzie Scott has donated over 17.3 billion dollars of her and Bezos' divorce settlement. She just released a 2024 update.  So, where is the money going?  Top focus area: Race and ethnicity (39%) Bottom focus area: Art (1-2%)  Here's the giving by focus area...  She seems to prioritize organizations based on their leadership, In a past update she writes:  "91% of the racial equity organizations are run by leaders of color, 100% of the LGBTQ+ equity organizations are run by LGBTQ+ leaders, and 83% of the gender equity organizations are run by women" Her main focus, as the data clearly shows is equity, almost every donation goes to groups that have that as their only or top priority... I'm glad that the donation data is public, however, it seems that there is nothing in the way of quantifiable or even descriptive accounts of the impact or long-term goals for these donations. "
Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on X - "Spending $1 billion on "race and ethnicity" NGOs is a net negative for society. Rather than solve tangible problems, it funds narcissistic, dysregulated activists who mobilize ideologically in pursuit of policies like "defund the police." Bad for minorities; bad for America."

Max Meyer on X - "Forgotten history via @TheFP: Mackenzie Scott (Bezos) gave $12 million to a small hispanic college. Her gift tore the place apart! The sociopath president used the cash to hire her own son and turned into a dictator. Then they had a $10 million budget gap! Genius philanthropy"
The American Aristocracy Tries to Fight Racism. It's Not Working.

Meme - "Devs: "We need you to design an attractive female character."
Artist: "A what?"
Devs: "An attractive... you know what attractive means, right?"
Artist: "Uh... yeah, of course."
*Mary Jane from Spider-Man 2, Poison Ivy from Batman: Arkham, Abby from the Last of Us 2, main character from upcoming Fable, Aloy from Horizon Forbidden West, Mortal Kombat 1's Tanya*

Why ‘No Hate Here’ signs are actually pretty hateful - "Someone came up with the label “virtue signaling” to describe the psychological impulse behind these signs. The idea is that people who put them up want to tell you how noble they are. But that doesn’t sound right. Virtue-signalers aren’t in any way in doubt about their own virtue. What they really want to do is signal how depraved others are.  It’s about vice signaling, not virtue signaling. A couple of people on the block are Trump supporters. Those signs are likely meant for them. There’s no interaction between the two groups, and the signs are meant to keep it that way.  A couple of years back there used to be Fourth of July street picnics there. But the shindigs haven’t happened the last couple of years, and I don’t think I’ll see them again soon. Vice signaling breaks up communities, and there’s a lot of it today.  Vice signaling is a defense mechanism, meant to displace liberal guilt. There was a moment, shortly after the 2016 election, when liberals realized that ordinary Americans had turned against them, and that they had reason to do so.   Allied to the teachers unions, the liberals had permitted our schools to descend to Third World standards. They supported an immigration system that imported economic immobility. They welcomed a regulatory morass that gave elites jobs but that placed a stumbling block in the path of those who sought to get ahead.  Liberals saw all that — and then they forgot it. Rather than blame themselves, it was much easier to transfer the guilt to conservatives. That’s how vice signaling became the language of liberal politics. One of the people on the street is an ex-Special Forces veteran, with a Purple Heart from Iraq. That used to be a real signal of virtue. Now I’m afraid it marks him as a prime example of “toxic masculinity.” He’s the sort of man about whom freshmen are warned in college classrooms across the land...   Those toxic-masculinity classes aren’t really about protecting women, however. They never could do so, but that’s not the point. Rather they’re about vice signaling, about telling us that people on the wrong side of the gender gap are by nature evil.  All this reminds us that the demand for sensitivity can be employed for strategic and partisan purposes. And so it is in the transgender wars. When the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage, there were no great protests from social conservatives. What is curious, however, is how social liberals turned on a dime to take up transgender rights. After their victory, they immediately took up the cause of a vanishingly tiny number of Americans, the better to blame their opponents. In the permanent cultural wars against conservatives, there’s always one more river to cross... the people with their “No Hate” signs sow more division than they do comity. It’s also clear that this constant slicing and dicing of the American people along lines of race, sex and gender makes it that much harder to talk about the common good."

Excuse Me, You Appear to Have a Broken Moral Compass - "Kingdom of the Wicked is a work of speculative fiction. It takes place in a Roman Empire that’s undergone an industrial revolution. My initial academic training was in classics (I became a lawyer later to pay the bills), so was well aware that pagan Rome in particular had very different underlying cultural values from those now present in the modern, industrialized west... I gave my Romans modern science and technology as part of trying to write a plausible alternative history. However, I also did it to head what I call “P. J. O’Rourke objections” off at the pass. “In general, life is better than it ever has been,” O’Rourke wrote in All the Trouble in the World. “If you think that, in the past, there was some golden age of pleasure and plenty to which you would, if you were able, transport yourself, let me say one single word: dentistry.”  Roman morality. Our dentistry.  The idea that I’d created some sort of utopian vision for how we should run Western Civ would not go away, however. It even turned up in serious reviews from reputable outlets — not just in wistful letters to the author. People liked everything from the way I’d organized society to the role of the military to the system of governance to the stable, orderly rituals of Roman religion to the way the health service was run.  There were times when I wanted to shout did you not notice the authoritarianism? Did you not notice the eugenics? Did you not notice the medical experiments on POWs? Did you not notice the torture? (A few people — mainly professional reviewers — noticed the torture.)  Kingdom of the Wicked is not a dystopia — I don’t write them. The society it depicts “works”. It does, however, engage with the greatest threat to liberal democracy: the “authoritarian capitalism” of countries like China, Singapore, and Thailand. Those regimes have produced prosperity without liberty. Their very success suggests dentistry is enough... Chaining people to the floor on the basis of their race or sex on the grounds they may learn something from it is not just intellectual drivel; it’s morally monstrous. Restraining men on leashes because you don’t like their sexuality is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies. Being a victim (whether real, imagined, historical or whatever) does not buy you a right to behave badly or to do things that “privileged” people (as defined by you) aren’t allowed to do.  Somehow, we have ginned up a set of beliefs that, if normal people acted on them (i.e., people outside the academy and media), would lead to professional deregistration, social ostracism, even jail. In the gap between publication of Book I of Kingdom of the Wicked and the Sokal Squared hoax, I often noticed how violent antifa protesters didn’t seem to understand why they were getting chucked in the back of the paddy wagon along with violent white nationalist protestors.  Um, people, it’s the violence. In normal-world, you do not get a special pass because you’re from a ‘historically marginalized group’ or because your cause is just. Your loopy grievance studies lecturer may think you should, but it’s not going to happen. That’s how people find themselves in the cells talking to someone like me (“hello, I’m your duty lawyer”) while I hope they haven’t sung like birds to the coppers before I arrive.   There is a reason most world religions and philosophical systems have a “golden rule” or “silver rule”. And it doesn’t just mean treating alleged victims as you’d like to be treated if you were a victim — that way lays vigilantism. It also means treating alleged perpetrators as you’d like to be treated if you were a perpetrator. Victim status (however defined) doesn’t give you license to take revenge and use bogus scholarship as cover.   Pluckrose, Lindsay, and Bogossian have been completely frank about how they wanted the hoax papers they got through the peer-review system and the real papers they cited to get them there to be morally shocking, not merely funny. “Sometimes we just thought up a nutty or inhumane idea and ran with it,” they wrote in this magazine. It’s also clear from the peer reviewer advice they received on multiple papers — when told to “revise and resubmit” — they were encouraged to make them more unreasonable, more unethical, more ideological. Not less.  Maybe it’s not just the Romans who didn’t believe in “equal justice under law”. Maybe all those people out there who think it’s fine to scupper due process and let people behave badly on the basis of victim status — up to and including criminal offences — don’t believe in it either."
Power relations means never having to say you're sorry

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