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Saturday, April 13, 2024

Links - 13th April 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

'How Dune: Part Two erases its MENA and Muslim influences'
Of course, if it had been more explicity so, it'd have been racist, Islamophobic and ethnocentric, as well as cultural appropriation
So much for being able to do whatever you want in fiction. Of course, what the left mean by that is that their agenda must be shoved in everywhere

Hussein Aboubakr Mansour on X - "Decolonization, once a slogan of African dictators and Middle Eastern eternal leaders, has become the ethos of radicals intent on dismantling American culture, learning, art, literature, and public spaces.  Palestine, once the opioid choice by Arab dictators to be deployed against the illiterate masses, is now an elite social justice cause in Hollywood and the Bay Area.  Critical Theory, once an esoteric development in German intellectual history, is now the subject of unprecedented laws all over the country trying to regulate educational content and a topic around which suburban soccer moms fight.  Your truth and my narrative, once the hallucinations of  French misanthropic intellectuals, are now the default mindset of young Americans.  Yet, yet, very educated Americans, very intelligent, are still talking, and writing books, about American cultural history as a fantastically self-contained world and whether we should blame our current tragedy of identity politics and self-destruction on a straight line from the civil rights movement or from the foundations of American liberalism itself.  Reminds me of the joke of the Muslim intellectuals who spent their lives trying to spoon-feed their masses Marxism, and after their societies collapsed to rubbles, they cried regrettably about how the problem always was that Islam is so fantastically self-contained in its monstrous similarity to Leninism."

HIV Is No Longer a Death Sentence. But States Still Have Laws Targeting People Who Live With It - "Over the years, critics say, these laws have become another tool to criminalize Black people, LGBTQ+ people, and sex workers."
memetic_sisyphus on X - "Activists coming out against laws requiring you to notify any sexual partner that you are HIV+ reveals the truth behind comprehensive sex education. It’s always been about making it culturally acceptable to have anonymous sex without consequences."
Left wing logic: stealthing is awful but concealing your HIV status is fine and if you object, you're a bigot

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "In survey after survey — in matters ranging from mental health to viewpoint intolerance to threat perception — women who self-identify as "very liberal" seem to be a breed apart — a unique classification of human being, almost a different species."
"Percent of Women Reporting Experience of Sexual Harassment. 72% of extremely liberal women, 47% of liberal women, 45% of slightly liberal women, 44% of moderate or middle of the road women, 38% of slightly conservative women, 27% of conservative women, 28% of extremely conservative women"
Clearly, the extremely liberal women are definitely right and even liberal, slightly liberal and moderate women just have internalised patriarchy and don't recognise when they're being sexually harassed. Higher neuroticism, among other things, can't have anything to do with it
This ties into how in other contexts, left wingers treat disagreement with them as "harassment"

CK32 on X - "For extremely liberal women, even another person breathing next to them is sexual harassment. They are a bunch of highly insecure people for whom almost everything is a threat and attempt at sexual harassment. And they also tend to play the victim of sexual harassment everywhere. These people are extremely dangerous as they are likely to randomly accuse anyone of sexual harassment just to play the victim. Because of this most self respecting men would avoid them and stay away from them and wouldn’t come to their aid for the fear of being accused of sexual harassment.   Conservative women on the other hand are strong and confident women who know how to command the respect they deserve from other people. These women are mostly well respected there will be men ready to fight for and protect them. Hence these women are less likely to face sexual harassment."
Joey Katzen on X - "Recently, people who identify strongly as Liberal/Left seem especially focused on victimhood. It wasn’t always this way. It’s like all the big important cultural fights were won and thought leaders needed something more to shoot for and trapped themselves in perceived misery."
HMSP on X - "Part of that is their absurd standard as to what constitutes “sexual harassment”. Many modern leftist women believe being asked out on a date by a man when they aren’t interested constitutes sexual harassment."
Dagny Taggart-Galt on X - "Another possibility is that very liberal men (whom these women would likely be hanging out with) are more likely to harass women than men with more conservative/traditional values."

Meme - "The Economist/YouGov Poll November 5 - 7, 2017 - 1500 US Adults
87. Consider sexual harassment - A man asking a woman out for a drink
Which of the following would you consider to be sexual harassment if a man, who was not a romantic or sexual partner or friend, did them to a woman?
Always sexual harassment - 4% male, 3% female, 7% 18-29, 4% 30-44, 3% 45-65, 1% 65+, 2% White, 7% Black, 3% Hispanic, 10% Other
5% Dem, 4% Ind, 3% Rep"
Someone claimed no one thinks that a man asking a woman out on a date when she isn't interested is sexual harassment
These are assuredly the same people who think that a man talking to a woman he doesn't know is "catcalling", as per the "viral catcalling video"

i/o on X - "Big 5 Personality traits help explain the phenomenon of female-centric wokeness.   "Women have been found to score higher than men on Neuroticism... [and] score higher than men on... indices of anxiety... Women consistently score higher than men on Agreeableness... Agreeableness comprises traits relating to altruism... [and] the tendency toward cooperation, maintenance of social harmony, and consideration of the concerns of others (as opposed to exploitation or victimization of others).""
Mankosmash on X - "Women are easier to manipulate. Emotional manipulation allows liberals to escape the bonds of reality, logic, & reason that would otherwise bind them."
lightshield222 on X - "TLDR Women are generally more predisposed to caring about others while being more prone to overestimating dangers & are interested in socially conforming to groups. So basically attributes that would suit child-rearing for example then? Shocker 😯"

Kaeley Triller on X - "Yes, Jesus hung out with prostitutes and drunkards and outcasts. Here’s the thing, though- By the time Jesus was finished with these people, they weren’t prostitutes or drunkards or outcasts anymore. We are to align ourselves to His standard, not the other way around."
Clearly, Jesus was woke, because he didn't tell people to stop sinning

Dr. Debra W Soh on Twitter - "Sex differences are now "discriminatory & constitute sexual harassment." This will set scientific research back 50 years"
Dr Jordan B Peterson on X - "Is pointing out that women are more prone to depression (beginning at age 12) also discriminatory?"

HBCU President Reinstated After Cleared Of Bullying Inquiry - "The president of Lincoln University, an HBCU in Jefferson City, Missouri, has been reinstated after being cleared from bullying claims surrounding an administrator’s suicide.  The independent investigation into John Moseley followed the Jan. 8 suicide of Lincoln’s administrator Antoinette Bonnie Candia-Bailey. The Guardian reports the inquiry found no substantial evidence that Moseley bullied Candia-Bailey, who killed herself in January, sending shockwaves throughout the campus...   In the wake of Candia-Bailey’s death, a social media campaign of #FireMoseley emerged to remove Moseley as president. Critics called Mosley’s fitness to run a historically Black institution as a white man into question"
Of course, there were left wingers who were very upset about this

Not everything that happens to a Muslim at work is related to religion, tribunal judge rules - "Employment Judge Kirsty Ayre ruled an NHS consultant was not discriminated against after bosses told her to roll up her sleeves at work in line with hygiene rules.  Dr Farhat Butt, who wears a hijab and covers everything other than her hands, feet and face while in public, said she was “racially profiled” and then “bullied” by managers into exposing her forearms... After the length of her fingernails was also criticised, Dr Butt was “unable to continue at work” and cancelled her operating list for the day."

"Me-" *Man in green hat drinking Guinness*

Releasing statistics on racial composition of prison inmate population could deepen stereotypes, says Shanmugam - "Releasing statistics on the racial composition of the prison inmate population and criminal offenders could "deepen" stereotypes, said Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam... Mr Shanmugam said that the Government has been “careful” about publicly disclosing such data...   “The fact is that minorities are disproportionately represented in the prison inmate population and in crime statistics,” said Mr Shanmugam...   Over time, this could undermine efforts in building “harmonious relations” among all the races and make it harder to achieve racial harmony, Mr Shanmugam added...   “Overall, the community leaders were clear. They said that we should not simply look at racial breakdown, as it would not take into account other contributing factors which could have led to a person committing a crime. It would also detract from the improvements made by the respective communities and we take these views quite seriously.”  Mr Shanmugam explained that any decision by the Government has to be guided by what is in the public interest, including assessing what information should be made public.   “We don’t take an ideological position on these matters. So, in certain respects, releasing data can adversely impact the community and society and this particular question relates to one such example,” he said...   “Through the M3 network, an initiative by Minister Masagos (Zulkifli), we have also released specific statistics on the Malay community, like the number of Malay graduates from institutes of higher learning, number of Malay professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs) and the recidivism rate of the Malay inmate population,” he added.  The Government also releases race-based statistics on drug and inhalant abuse through the Central Narcotics Bureau’s (CNB) annual reports, he noted.  “Why do we, for example, release those statistics? We do so to effectively mobilise the communities into action,” said Mr Shanmugam. “By working with the community, we are then able to come up with interventions that are better suited for different communities.”  While releasing data on drug and inhalant abuse could lead to stereotyping, Mr Shanmugam noted that this is where “judgment” comes in. "
Way to say that they're accurate

Meme - "White privilege is people thinking you're less likely to commit a crime"
"Am I?"
"That's not that point!!"

Columbia College and Columbia Engineering to Host Segregated Graduations in May - "Columbia College and Columbia Engineering will host a variety of special graduations based on students’ race and sexual orientation from May 1-15.  These “Multicultural Graduation Celebrations” aim to provide “more intimate settings for students who self-identify in a variety of ways,” according to Columbia’s website... The decision to hold segregated graduation ceremonies in 2021 has attracted criticism, with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) commenting on X in reaction to the news: “The endpoint of critical race theory: segregation.”"

Keith Woods on X - "The End of Race: We have all heard the statement "we're all one race, the human race". Yet just a century ago the existence of distinct biological races was taken for granted. How did our perception of race change so drastically?... "Boas did not arrive at the position from a disinterested, scientific inquiry... There is no doubt that he had a deep interest in collecting evidence and designing arguments that would rebut or refute an ideological outlook—racism" - Carl N. Degler. Boas would train a generation of anthropologists that would dominate the newly emergent field of anthropology... While Montagu’s book received mostly negative reviews from other academics, he would have the honour of playing a leading role in UNESCO’s highly influential Committee on The Race Question... The final statement declared the controversial beliefs of the cultural determinists who made up the panel to be scientific fact.  Underlying this historic statement was “widespread revulsion at the Jewish Holocaust.” -David Cannadine, The Undivided Past... the work of many of Boas's students, such as Margaret Mead, was later roundly refuted by other anthropologists as ideologically motivated.  Yet despite their hostile reception among other academics, the Boasian cultural anthropologists won the 20th Century.

'Family-friendly' Pride parade in West Hollywood had men depicting graphic BDSM sexual act - "A gay Pride Parade in California billed as fun for "the whole family" caused a stir online after graphic videos from the parade were shared on social media.  West Hollywood had a three day "WeHo Pride" event last weekend featuring concerts, a street fair, a "Women’s Freedom Festival," and a "dyke march." The event ended with a "WeHo Pride Parade" on Sunday, which was billed as appropriate for the entire family... feminist outlet the Reduxx shared one graphic video from the parade where a nearly nude man was choked and whipped by another man in bondage gear... A journalist who shared their video from the event with the outlet said there were thousands of people lined in the streets and children were present."
Graham Allen on X - "This was a “family parade” in West Hollywood. HOW IS THIS SEXUAL DISPLAY BETWEEN TWO MEN “FAMILY FRIENDLY???”"

Meme - "Last year in NYC, the per capita offending rate:
- 26.5 for black men.
- 11.0 for Hispanic men.
- 2.0 for Asian men.
- 1.6 for white men.
- 1.2 for black women.
Note: The other three groups of women are another order of magnitude lower, not coherent to visualize here.
NYC Murderers per 100,000"
Clearly, there is more racism and sexism against Asian men than there is against black women

Why Did the Dean of the Most Diverse Law School in the Country Cancel Herself? - The New York Times - "Discussing a contentious issue of race and tenure in a committee meeting last fall, she had likened herself to a “slaveholder.”  It was a strange, deeply jarring thing to say, but she had been trying to make the point that her position left her responsible for whatever racial inequities might exist institutionally. What the dean might have regarded as an admission of culpability, some of her colleagues viewed as an expression of the buried prejudices well-intentioned liberals never think they have... the magazine National Jurist had named the CUNY School of Law the most diverse in the country. More than half of first-year students in the current academic cycle identify as Black, Latino, Asian-American or Indigenous; 42 percent of faculty members are people of color.  Decades ago, long before it became commonplace, Ms. Bilek railed against the bar exam and other standardized tests for their disparate impact on low-income students. “Her reputation in the world of deans is that of someone who cares deeply about racial justice,” said Ronald Weich, an assistant attorney general in the Obama administration and the dean of the University of Baltimore School of Law. She had spent much of her career, he pointed out, working to “expand access and to ensure that the legal profession looks like America.”... Kept under wraps, news of all this turmoil reached the student body only last week, and when they discovered what Ms. Bilek had said and done and how long they had been left oblivious, a large and vocal faction did not feel as generously. A petition called for her to leave at once, to pass on the remainder of her salary to the Black Law Students Association and to refrain from coming to graduation. Graduating students also asked that her name not appear on their diplomas in May."
Ironically, the woke blame white people for slavery and view them as still responsible, so you're damned if you do and damned if you don't
The more liberal a place is, the more obsessed they are with maintaining purity and the more they complain about imagined grievances. So giving in to grievance mongering is a losing proposition.

Furor over 'whites only' moms and tots group in Tri-Cites - "Racist signs reportedly advertising a "whites only" moms and tots group is under investigation by RCMP.  The City of Coquitlam states in a news release that it is aware of racist and exclusionary notices, which are "contrary" to community values and confirms that Mounties are looking into the matter.   Port Coquitlam's mayor is also speaking out against the notices and the city has sent out a statement, as well.  Brad West said via social media there is no place for racism in his city in response to a post about a sign advertising a "white's only" playgroup for kids.  "This vile garbage isn't welcome in our community, or anywhere else," wrote Brad West on X, the social media outlet formerly known as Twitter.  West said city bylaw officers went out immediately to remove the sign advertising the playgroup after hearing about it but couldn't find any signs... According to a social media post by Black Vancouver on Sunday, Sept. 24, a sign advertising a "whites only" playgroup was spotted at a bus stop at the intersection of Shaughnessy Street and McAllister Avenue, close to city hall...   Screenshots of the WhitesTri-CitiesParentsandTots Telegram chat, posted by Black Vancouver, show that those interested in the group are asked to make their profile anonymous and to not reveal their phone number... Coquitlam RCMP are aware of the incident and encourage residents to report incidents such as this to the Coquitlam RCMP at 604-945-1550.  A file number for this incident has been opened for the public to report to #23-25827 if any more signs are found. Under B.C.'s Human Rights Code, a person can't be discriminated against for race, ancestry, colour and place of origin."
Black Student Space | Student Services - "The Black Student Space is an identity-affirming space available only for Black undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at the UBC Vancouver campus to study, connect with each other, recharge, host events and sessions, as well as build community."
It's only racist and exclusionary if white people do it. If you complain about black-only spaces, you are the racist

A trio of Irish politicians/censors argue that law means not hurting other people's feelings - "In a short clip of the Irish Green Party senator, Pauline O'Reilly, she claims that all law is about the restriction of freedom. "It’s an insane thing to say that all government is about shrinking your freedom, and that’s just something that’s normal and has to be accepted," Ezra argued. "That’s a bully’s idea, a madman’s idea, an authoritarian dictator's idea. That’s someone who doesn’t trust their friends and neighbours — but wants to rule over them."  Similarly, Minister for Justice Helen McEntee is defending Irish hate crime legislation and saying its opponents are "fringe" — even though polls clearly show a majority oppose the laws. Finally, Senator Joe O'Reilly argues that the Holocaust started with jokes. So we should... ban jokes?"

Ernie Hudson didn't see a point in the 2016 Ghostbusters - "As Ernie Hudson told The Independent, it seemed like a waste to make the Ghostbusters back in 2016, saying, “Look, I’m a fan of [director] Paul Feig so I have nothing negative about him to say. Other than: I don’t quite understand why you do a reboot, you know what I mean? Just make another movie.”"
Sexist! Racist!

'Ghostbusters' star denies racism contributed to his reduced role in first film: 'Not quite that simple' - "Hudson acknowledged that it’s "very tempting" to say that these limits were due to racism in the industry, but admitted that wouldn’t be an accurate representation of what happened to him in the '80s.  The actor played Winston Zeddemore in the beloved 80s action/adventure film, and though he is seen as one of the four classic Ghostbusters – alongside Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis – his role in the first film was reduced before filming began... "You know, being a person of African descent anywhere in the world, we’re all just learning how to live together and get along together and realize that we’re all connected. And it’s very tempting, sometimes, to blame anything that doesn’t work in your life on racism. But there are a lot of things that play into it," he said. "It’s not quite that simple."  Hudson was also paid less than his famous co-stars, though again he said it probably wasn’t due to racism, considering that if African American actor Eddie Murphy took on the role – as he was the rumored first choice – he would have been paid a lot more.  "We can say it’s a racial thing, but I think if Eddie Murphy had played the role I played, he would have been paid very well," the actor said. He provided his real theory as to why he got paid less, stating, "I think studios are in the business of making money, and they pay what they feel they have to.""

The NOT Exhaustive List of the Many Scams Shaun King Has Run - "Probably impossible to list all his scams. A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about Shaun King. In that article, I said white liberal were to be blamed for Shaun King’s continued success in running his scams. Many white liberals took issue with that. Many pointed out that they personally don’t know who Shaun King was, let alone give him money. So, I thought it would be a good idea to give a very short bio of Shaun King and provide a very PARTIAL list of the scams he has been running."
Every time I point out that Shaun King is a scammer, people get upset

'Racist!' 'Reeee' 'Bigot^ 'Fascist!'

Meme - "Liberals turn into malleable putty if they think they might be accused of any of the various "isms" and "phobias." Identitarian progressives know this, and it largely explains how they've been so successful wresting so much control of opinion-shaping institutions from liberals.
Which of the following labels would hurt the most if you knew someone thought that about you? Racist
White Democrat  33.95%
White Independent 30.94%
White Republican 26.96%"

Meme - "LEFT WING: Us signs
RIGHT WING: Me signs"
"The left believe in group rights and judging people based on the groups they belong to. The right treat people as individuals"

Meme - Left Way Forward: "kinda tired of being brow beat by my comrades over the fact that bigots exist. Yes they show up in the comments, yes i block them when i see it. Im one person and i have kids, work, partners and a personal life outside of facebook. Im doing my best here. I block people EVERY DAY but the truth is is that it doesn't do anything. I block 20 phobes today and 30 new ones show up tomorrow. I dont like it any more than anyone else. please give me some grace."
These are the people who go on about "white fragility"

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