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Friday, April 12, 2024

Links - 12th April 2024 (2)

WTF Fun Fact 13198 - Turkey's Library of Books Thrown Away - "Garbage collectors in Turkey have curated their own library from books thrown away by residents. The books were destined for landfills, but around 6,000 books now sit on shelves waiting to be re-read by the public...  It’s an old brick building outside of Ankara that used to house a factory. Its long shape makes it ideal for the long bookshelves that make libraries so fun to browse.  In the beginning, the trash collectors would stash the books and lend them to friends. But as more people heard about it and the number of books grew, they searched for a more sustainable option. The local municipality, Çankaya, found money in the budget to open a library with these books... Turkey doesn’t have a public library system, so it’s up to each region to build, curate, and staff a library themselves."

Meme - Penguin 1: "WHERE ARE YOU OFF TO, GARY?"
Penguin 3: "HA! CLASSIC GARY!"

Meme - "WHAT DID THEY DO: *geese in police car*"

Meme - "Turkey: Turks
Greece: Orthodox Turks
Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia, Hungary: Turks
North Macedonia, Bulgaria: Assimilated Orthodox Turks
Serbia, Montenegro: Traitor Turks Who Killed Turks
Slovenia, Croatia: Catholic Turks
Romania: Vampire Turks
Moldova: Gagauz Turks"

*Pornhub* *White Claw* *Marijuana* *Netflix* *McDonald's* *No Sun* *Instagram* *TikTok* *Cheetos* *OnlyFans* *Birth control pills*

While Most U.S. Jews Identify as Democrats, Most Orthodox are Republicans, According to New Study
Clearly, they're all part of a worldwide conspiracy to push left wing extremism, because the more being a Jew is important to a Jew, the more right wing he is

Meme - Cole Clarke @ColeClarke: "This is amazing. In their own words not having Jews in power allows for increased National Pride and a reduction of non-White immigration."
The Jerusalem Postal @JerusalemPostal: "OPINION Poland's lack of Jewish influence to blame for bigoted stance against non-white immigration & toxic national pride I 1968 Polish political crisis saw government, military & institutional positions purged of Poles of Jewish origin lead to an expulsion of almost all Jews"

Amy A on X - "do married people watch gen z dating and feel like they caught the last chopper out of Nam"

Meme - "We Do Not Have Wifi... Talk To Each Other. Pretend It's 1995"
"Yugoslavia in 1995 *warzone*"


Lit Greats Pile Onto Viral Tweet About Badly Attended Book Signing - "For debut author Chelsea Banning, an ill-attended book signing may have turned out to be a big break.  Banning, whose debut book is titled "Of Crowns and Legends" – a fantasy novel following two of King Arthur's twins as war looms – vented on Twitter yesterday about her first-ever signing event. She shared that while 37 people had RSVP'd, only two showed up. "Kind of upset, honestly," the Ohio-based librarian tweeted, "and a little embarrassed."   It was a sentiment that resonated with writers of all sizes and genres, inspiring some of literature's most prominent names – including Neil Gaiman, Jodi Picoult, Cheryl Strayed, and Margaret Atwood – to share their own humbling experiences of book signings gone awry.   "Terry Pratchett and I did a signing in Manhattan for 'Good Omens' that nobody came to at all," wrote Gaiman. "So you are two up on us."  "I have sat lonely at a signing table many times only to have someone approach…and ask me where the bathroom is," added Picoult.  "Join the club," said Atwood. "I did a signing to which nobody came, except a guy who wanted to buy some Scotch tape and thought I was the help.""

Pictures: Colored Honey Made by Candy-Eating French Bees - "Beekeepers in northeastern France found themselves in a sticky situation after bees from their hives began producing honey in shades of blue and green (pictured). The colored honey could not be sold because it did not meet France's standards of honey production: It was not obtained from the nectar of plants and it deviates from the standard coloring of honey (nearly colorless to dark brown). That's bad news for a region that produces a thousand tons of honey a year and has already had to cope with a high bee mortality rate and low honey production after a harsh winter. An investigation by beekeepers in the town of Ribeauville (map) uncovered the cause of the problem: Instead of collecting nectar from flowers, local bees were feeding on remnants of colored M&M candy shells"

Meme - "Mark Zuckerberg's wife: "At least Facebook goes down every once in a while.""

Meme - "*what did you do while facebook wasn't working?*
me: I taught myself how to eat pussy and cut my own hair."

Meme - "Me for 30 seconds thinking Zuck gave me the final hammer"

Turkey Breast
Made using 100% Australian Pork"
Hilariously, some people blamed this on Brexit

Meme - "Ho Ho Ho *each Ho is under a photo of a girl (presumably the 3 are sisters)*

Meme - *2 maids holding hands outside a primary school - 1 male and 1 female*

Meme - "My name is Satiama and people call me... "One Thrust Man" *girl in ecstasy*"

Meme - "When you just meet someone and already know you won't like them *kid showing the finger to a newborn*"

Meme - "When you travel to the future and see how freeing the slaves turned out for everyone *Grumpy Abraham Lincoln lookalike*"

Meme - Milky Way: "Only weirdos are attracted to pregnant women, she already carries a child the work have been done."
Tony Burnett: "Pregnant women are great! You already know they put out and you can't knock them up."

Meme - "But they were all of them deceived, for another Ring was made. *Captain Planet planeteers*"


Meme - Pakicetus @PakicetusAdapts: "when theoden wakes up and everyone's like "but how do we get that dawg back in him?" gandalf immediately gets that he needs to hold his sword and swish it about, and i think that's why we need more men working in mental healthcare"

Meme - "My roommate got a speeding ticket while he was getting towed
Getting A Speeding Ticket On Your Car As It's Being Towed"

Meme - Alex Clippinger @Aclippinger: "There's NO WAY
We have reviewed your appeal and, as a one-time courtesy, have decided to dismiss the citation referenced below
Alex Clippinger @Aclippinger: "Do you guys think the parking people at work will accept this appeal
Citation Balance $35.00
Payment Status Appeal Balance Due
Appeal Reason In my defense your honor I I am a silly goose"

Went to a movie as a tourist, lot of hushing during the king's video : ThailandTourism - "Went for Aquaman movie, there was the video of the king, my thai gf looked around and saw no one stand, and she said ok we also not stand. I didn't understand. Also lot of hushing was going on. I kept mum and didn't utter a word. It was a simple video about 2-3mins long. As tourists are we supposed to sit or stand during that video?"
Many comments explaining this got deleted due to Thai law

Meme - "I've heard of Farm to Table but truck to table is a little aggressive!!! *truck crashing into house*"

Meme - "When you're feeling sad, remember this vertebrae C6 and how happy it is to support you every day"

Man dissolves in acidic water after he falls into a Yellowstone hot spring - "A 23-year-old Oregon man essentially dissolved inside a hot spring at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming after he accidentally fell into it.  The bizarre incident happened back in June, when Colin Nathaniel Scott went to the park with his sister to find a place to “hot pot.”  According to a recently released report from park officials, Scott and his sister went to an unauthorized area near the Norris Geyser.  “They were specifically moving in that area for a place that they could potentially get into and soak,” Deputy Chief Ranger Lorant Veress told CNN affiliate KULR. “I think they call it hot potting.”  Scott had reached down to check the temperature of a spring when he slipped and fell into it. Rescuers later found Scott’s body inside the pool, but couldn’t retrieve it because of a lightning storm in the area. When they came back the next day, no remains were found beneath the spring’s churning, acidic waters."

Meme - "Our new average, M-w is given by: *mathematical equation*
where we use the *** symbol to mean "approximately equal to" or "of the order of". Clearly, the weight average in this example is close to the weight of the largest species, the elephant, and is a much better measure of stomping ability than the number average. Note also that equation 1.7 does not look like equation 1.2. They are equivalent, however, as the total weight of all species x present is *mathematical equation*, and substitution into equation 1.7 leads to the same result as equation 1.2. If this idea of averaging by weight instead of number is still giving you concern, try one more way of looking at it. We can determine an average weight per species by multiplying the fraction of each species present, by the weight of each species, Mx, and then sum over all species (Le., the average weight of each species is just the sum of the fractional contributions of each of the components in the mixture), We can determine the fractional contribution by number, so that in our absurd example one- fifth of our sample is elephant and four-fifth's mosquito, so that the number average weight is: *mathematical equation*
Here we use Xx to denote the number fraction (or mole fraction) which is defined as ***. If we use a weight fraction, *mathematical equation*, instead of a number fraction, however, we obtain: *mathematical equation*
If you still don't get it then there is no hope for you when it comes to understanding averages and you might as well give up and become a sociologist Getting back to polymers, it will become apparent to you once you have read Chapters 2, 3, 4 that most methods of synthesis lead to a statistical distribution of molecular weights. Let us consider a sample where by careful fractionation we can separate the"

Meme - "When the hookers pass out, and the next hour's free! *Jubilee and ? passed out on Professor X's wheelchair*"

Meme - "Remember kids, its not necrophelia if she still lives on in your heart. Outta my way Bub, shes gettin cold! *Wolverine holding Storm*"
Keywords: Necrophilia

Meme - "Bruce Willis trying to remember the names of the movies he's starred in *Professor X telepathy*"

Meme - "Danger Mud *Crocodile in mud, looking like mud*"

Meme - "When you're balls deep in prayer and you feel the Holy Spirit enter you *Petra Blair as nun bent over having sex*"

Meme - "Select all squares with Jason Mamoa
*Jason Momoa as Aquaman*, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, *long haired guy with beard and moustache*
*long haired guy with beard and moustache*, *Jason Momoa as Aquaman [?]*, *Elvis Tsui in kungfu movie*
*Jason Momoa as Aquaman*, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, *Jason Momoa as Aquaman*"

Meme - Ian Miles Cheong: "Poland is going the way of Ukraine by becoming a real "liberal democracy" by taking control of the media and firing everyone."
Remix News & Views @RMXnews: "WATCH: Poland's new pro EU government under Donald Tusk has seized control of public broadcasters in the country, firing the management boards of TVP and Polskie Radio, and taking the channels off-air. The move sparked a sit in protest by the conservative Law and Justice party..."

zerohedge on X - ""It's Like Martial Law" – Poland's Pro-EU Govt Seizes Public News Channels In Massive Police Raid"
Michael O'Fallon - Sovereign Nations on X - "A *red* nation state became a *blue* nation state overnight and now the authoritarian structure that is in place has allowed for tyranny to reign."

The demonisation of Poland and Hungary - "So certain are Western journalists in their view of Hungary and Poland as dictatorial regimes in the making that their coverage routinely ignores anything that contradicts it – such as the freedom of assembly enjoyed by these nations’ citizens. For instance, I have watched large demonstrations of angry protesters in Budapest. I have seen people hurl abuse at the government. If Hungary really was as authoritarian as Western reporters claim, these protesters would surely be met by a heavy-handed response. But the protests I saw went ahead without incident. Compare that with the way demonstrations are policed in France. Between November 2018 and January 2019, the gilets jaunes staged several large protests in Paris and around the country. Thanks in the main to the French police’s brutal tactics, hundreds of protesters sustained serious, life-changing injuries.  Yet where were the op-eds decrying the ‘tyrannical instincts’ of the French police? Where were the reports alluding to the ‘growing dictatorship’ in France?...   The main target of Aaronovitch’s animosity, of course, is Hungary and Poland’s assertion of national sovereignty. He takes great exception to the recent decision of Poland’s highest court, the Constitutional Tribunal, to ‘tell the EU that Polish courts could overrule EU ones’. For Aaronovitch, Poland’s assertion of the primacy of Polish law within Polish borders represents a ‘steady slide towards authoritarianism’...   This demonisation of Hungary and Poland is similar to the pro-EU ‘Project Fear’ campaign pursued during the Brexit referendum... he denounces the ‘long and dismal catalogue of measures’ taken by the governments of Hungary and Poland, while adding the caveat that ‘none of them involves executions or torture’. Why bring up ‘executions and torture’ if not to imply that Poland and Hungary are only being kept from a further descent into state violence by their membership of the EU?"
From 2021
The fact that the "far right" Polish government lost power sugests that a lot of the hand-wringing was overblown

The populist right wants you to make more babies. The question is how - "In Europe, the political push to drive up birth rates has been led by Hungary’s Viktor Orbán. And this week his populist government is hosting a grab bag of rightwing crowd-pleasers at the 5th Budapest Demographic Summit.  Starting Thursday, political leaders, religious evangelists and high-profile academics — including conservative Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, Italy’s right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Bulgarian President Rumen Radev — will meet for two days to discuss exactly how to get Europeans to make more babies. It's a thorny topic. Surveys show both men and women in Europe wish they had more children than they actually do. A rapidly aging population can also put strain on the pension system. At the same time, talk of policies to help women have more children have uncomfortable echoes of Handmaid's Tale-style dystopia."
It's interesting how encouraging people to have more children is subtly condemned with all the talk of "populism" and the "right wing" - and not so subtly with ridiculous comparisons to the Handmaid's Tale. Of course, they want more third world migrants instead

Meme - Best of Nextdoor @bestofnextdoor: ""When neighbors start talking, good things happen."
Hey, everyone. I'm Cristian I've just recently moved in *** with my friends. We're hard working dudes, always happy to help need be!
Posted 1 day ago to University Hills and 37 nearby"
Leon *** Windsor Park Southeast: "Welcome to the area. Please keep your religion to yourself.""

Meme - @eva_mashiro: "How to increase drawing speed *thumbtacks on ctrl + z so you can't undo*"

Meme - "Me choking my partner during foreplay. *man holding wrist*"

Meme - ">recently moved out
>kind of live in the ghetto, but its ok because of cheap rent
>lots of crackheads around at night being loud
>buy a drone with a speaker
>pay a voice actor on fiver to record a few lines
>fly the drone by the crackheads
>drone says we have been monitoring you. leave the restricted area immediately.
>crackheads disperse.
>do this for a month straight.
>no more loud crackheads at night.
>just renewed my rent its gone up 30 percent"

Meme - "You're in his dms. I'm his Boy Scout leader. We are not the same."
uncleron912 Creator: "Edit: what I meant is being a mentor and showing a boy how to build a pine wood derby car is much more close than being his online friend"
lia_patrick_pls_marry_me: "No way bro you can't be sayin this stuff"

Zack Snyder Says DC Is Making Batman 'Irrelevant' If He Can't Kill - "Snyder said he often finds himself "in trouble" with fans because of his "deconstructivist" point of view, but assured "it's because I care that I want to take him apart".  He uses the example of Batman traditionally choosing not to kill his enemies, which is a concept present in most comics and films and instrumental to his iconic relationship with the Joker... There aren't any particularly personal murders of Batman's in Batman v Superman, however, where the superhero takes this moment to reflect or consider. Half a dozen deaths come via the Batmobile's machine guns or blatantly driving through people and Batman himself stabs, blows up, and neck breaks a handful of henchmen too. The scenes proved controversial with Batman fans so Snyder has been forced to defend the killing previously. "Someone says to me: Batman killed a guy. I’m like, ‘F**k, really? Wake the f**k up."  He also compared it to his other comic book film Watchmen and its mature story. "Once you've lost your virginity to this f**king movie and then you come and say to me something about like, ‘My superhero wouldn’t do that'. I’m like ‘Are you serious?’ I’m like down the f**king road on that. It’s a cool point of view to be like ‘my heroes are still innocent. My heroes didn't f**king lie to America. My heroes didn't embezzle money from their corporations. My heroes didn't commit any atrocities'. That’s cool. But you’re living in a f**king dream world.""

National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum - "In 1799, twelve-year-old Conrad Reed, skipping Sunday School to go fishing, found a large gold nugget in Little Meadow Creek, Cabarrus County, North Carolina. His discovery triggered America’s first gold rush.  While standing by the creek, Conrad saw “a yellow substance shining in the water.” He retrieved it and found it to be some type of metal. The huge wedge-shaped nugget was the size of a small flatiron and weighed 17 pounds! He showed the rock to his father, John Reed, who, unable to identify it, immediately employed it as a doorstop. There it sat for three years unnoticed, while the Reeds tended their farm.  In 1802, John showed the “doorstop” to a jeweler in Fayetteville, who recognized the metal immediately and asked Reed to leave the nugget with him so that it could be fluxed. When he returned, the jeweler showed him a bar of gold 8 inches long. Reed had no conception of its worth and accepted $3.50 in payment for it; estimates by researchers have placed the value of the nugget at approximately $3,600 at that time! Before long, he discovered his error and the Reeds began prospecting Little Meadow Creek for more of the precious metal. In 1803 they expanded their operation and, before the end of the season, a 28 pound nugget had been unearthed. For the next 20 years, operations at the Reed Mine continued on a crude basis, though it was the principal gold mine in the nation."

The American Dentist Who Drilled a Secret Message on Tojo's Dentures - "After his country surrendered to the United States in 1945, former Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo had a pretty rough go of things. A failed suicide attempt left his stomach mangled (he tried to shoot himself in the heart but missed), and he had to recover in a Tokyo jail while he awaited trial for war crimes. While imprisoned, he became the butt of a prank that left a secret message drilled into his top set of false teeth, right at the tip of his tongue: "Remember Pearl Harbor."  The message was put there by a 22-year-old dental prosthetics officer with the U.S. Navy named Jack Mallory... Tojo had requested the dentures so he could speak for himself at his upcoming trial. He knew his execution was a foregone conclusion, so when Mallory suggested he get a full set of false teeth, Tojo declined and asked only for the top row—he wouldn’t be needing them for long and didn’t want to waste anybody's time... The prank was meant to be kept secret, though news got out after someone at the dental service blabbed about it in a letter home, where the story traveled so fast that it even found its way onto a Texas radio broadcast.  With news of the deed now bouncing back to and around Tokyo, Mallory confessed to his supervisor before things could get more out of hand. “That’s funny as hell," Mallory recalled being told, "but we could get our asses kicked for doing it.” His supervisor ordered the men to undo their prank immediately.  Late one evening in February 1947—some three months after first inscribing "Remember Pearl Harbor" in Morse code into the false teeth—Mallory and Foster paid a visit to Tojo’s cell and asked the guard to wake him up. They needed to perform emergency work on his dentures, they said, and Mallory swiftly and discretely ground the hidden message off Tojo’s teeth. All reports indicate Tojo never knew it was ever there. The next morning, a supremely pissed-off and high-ranking colonel called on Mallory and Foster to ask about the prank. With the evidence inside Tojo's mouth ground and sluiced away, the young dentists were able to soundly deny everything."

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