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Friday, April 12, 2024

Links - 12th April 2024 (3 - Feminism: Schoolgirls and Dress Codes)

This is absolutely disgusting : MurderedByWords - ""The year 11-13 girls, were then told they were rolling their skirts up too high and it was distracting their male peers from their learning, as well as their male teachers."  That's from the article." "
"If that’s true, then I agree. It is distracting even for me as a woman."
"Seriously. Acting like men are all deranged sex addicts is toxic. Like your short skirt is a distraction. Please adhere to the dress code."
"No, a 13 year old girl should be allowed to go to school in just her underwear and if you see any problem with this then you are a pedophile.  /s  Common guys, don't you realize the pedophiles are going to be the ones saying they don't see a problem with this arrangement? They are going to be the ones who don't want any dress codes at all."
"It blows my mind how people don’t realize this. A pedophile teacher would never call himself out by telling people revealing clothing is distracting to him.  Pedo teachers are expert chameleons, they are typically the teacher who the students trust and respect the most. This is because pedo teachers often go above and beyond to get closer to students in any way they can—letting them use their room for lunch, tutoring after hours, volunteering for sports/clubs, etc.  Hence why in 99% (or more) of teacher related arrest stories, the students say, “I never would’ve guessed him.”"

This is absolutely disgusting : MurderedByWords - "Nobody ever seems to notice in these ragebait stories that the boys are already completely covered from the neck down. Sometimes they show a little elbow, but that's it."
"I remember a story where british school boys wore skirts in protest because it was hot af and the dress code said shorts weren't allowed but skirts were"

This is absolutely disgusting : MurderedByWords - "I mean I don't think any teachers man or women wants to work around half dressed teenagers. Idc how someone dresses in public I don't have to interact with them. I expect some degree of professionalism when I go to work and teachers are no different.  Knees just seem like an arbitrary cutoff and the article headline is obvious rage bait."
"Yep. I work in schools. Seeing children dressed in "sexy" ways makes me uncomfortable. It has nothing to do with sexual attraction (I am not attracted to them, believe me)."
"It's not sexy, though, it's just different clothes. My niece sometimes borrows my dresses and wears my heels for fun. That's not sexy, it's just silly."
"You clearly haven’t seen the way some girls dress these days. I’m a straight female teacher and it makes me uncomfortable. Very often I see girls wearing see through leggings so you can see their knickers, or skirts so short that their bum cheeks are on display. No one wants to see that in their workplace! The irony is they are constantly pulling the skirts down to cover their bums but won’t wear more sensible clothing."
"Girls aren't idiots.  Stop treating a teenage girl like a 5 year old who has no agency. I can't think of a more insulting thing than such infantalization of women.  Goodness are you also the type of person who thinks women should not be granted the rights to be adults at 18? Because a 15-16 year old isn't that far off from being an adult and here you are saying they don't understand a basic thing like grooming and dressing themselves."
"Haha, when I was at school in the U.K. some girls were wearing their skirt higher than their bum cheeks and a lot of the boys had their trousers so low their arses were out.  School kids really take the piss, I’d be worried if teachers weren’t complaining"

This is absolutely disgusting : MurderedByWords - "You apparently have very little experience with kids and very little knowledge of human development. So I'll put this as simply as I can. Maturity is not a switch that gets flipped at age 18. On their 18th birthday people don't suddenly experience sexuality and understand what it means to wear sexy clothes. It happens gradually, beginning at puberty (that is the development stage where humans' bodies start changing and start the process of becoming sexually mature). Physically, humans are sexually mature (meaning they have working sex parts and are physically capable of getting pregnant) in their early teenage years. While legally children, they will start to date and experiment sexually with one another. Many teenagers have sexual intercourse with one another.  Wearing short skirts and "sexy" clothing is a conscious choice made by some teenage girls to make themselves sexually attractive to boys (and sometimes girls). It is not an accident on their part, and it is not just silliness. Adults that see children without the mental and emotional maturity to fully understand sexuality, deliberately sexualizing themselves, may feel uncomfortable and concerned for the child's well-being. That is the topic of discussion, not little kids playing dress up with auntie's high heels."
"Victim Blaming.  Women and Girls can dress however they want and it is still up to anyone else to not sexualize them. Any teacher that cannot keeps their eyes of underage girls is not only unfit to be in a school, they are also unsafe to be around children at all."

This is absolutely disgusting : MurderedByWords - "adult men have every right to be uncomfortable around half naked children..."
"Um...if you are a teacher, you should understand that a body isn't something sexual in itself. There should be nothing compelling about a child's body, it just exists. If you do find something compelling about it, you shouldn't be a teacher. Or a parent."
"Such a dumb Reddit take. According to your argumentation, all the children could go to school butt naked and according to you he shouldn't be bothered by that. It is perfectly normal for a teacher to be bothered by children/teenagers who are dressed very provocatively. School is a professional environment and people should act accordingly."

This is absolutely disgusting : MurderedByWords - "For real, the picture shows skirts cut just above the knee, but that isn’t necessarily what this is talking about. If im a teacher and a student shows up to my class with 1/4 of their ass exposed I am going to question why this is being allowed. That doesn’t make me some kind of perv."
"Pretending that mini-skirts are part of any school uniform is pretty telling of how you two actually think about this subject."
"I live near a couple of schools and can attest that some of the children seem to believe that miniskirts should, indeed, be part of the uniform."
"The highschool I went to didn't have a uniform and the school needed to impose a length requirement on shorts because too many girls were wearing shorts that didn't fully cover their ass."
"There are standards in most professional environments. I'm not sure why it's unreasonable in schools."
"IIRC, this was a rule implemented by woman (or a board lead by a woman) whom gave that quote to justify the reasoning even though nothing had ever happened in the 1st place.  Could you imagine being a male teacher at that school when this story broke? Journalists kicking over every stone looking for a smoking gun. And every time this meme gets re-posted the real victim (male teachers) are chastised and demonized all over again."
"No, there's this weird notion that children under the age of 18 are pure, never think of sex, have no conception of sex whatsoever, and that all adult males are either lustful maniacs with hormones dialed up to 1000 or asexual saints with no libido whatsoever.  No. We're all human, some are hornier than others. Some have more control than others. But either way, putting a sexualized minor infront of a male teacher is not normal but we're telling them "If you're not a pedo you won't get turned on, and if you do you're a pervert and need to be on a sex registry."  Adult Breasts and Legs will solicit a reaction from an adult male. Just because you slap a 15 year old label on the kid doesn't make their post puberty parts any less developed."

This is absolutely disgusting : MurderedByWords - "I don’t think people realize that a lot of dress codes are actually to protect male teachers from female students."
"What about just screening out creepy male teachers instead?"
"That isn’t the problem at all. If you’ve been at a high school recently you’ll know that, unfortunately, there are teenage girls who will dress provocatively in order to get their male teachers attention. I have known many a male teachers have to text somebody to come to their room ASAP because a female student is wearing borderline inappropriate clothing and the teacher deeply uncomfortable. It is a male teacher’s worst nightmare to have an accusation that isn’t true occur. Dress codes do prevent these situations."
"When I was in high school they had the finger tip rule, but when male teachers would try to enforce it, girls would call them creeps for looking at their legs. Even if women tried to enforce it the girls would call them ugly and jealous. I never understood why the girls were so adamant about wearing revealing clothes, but teenage me didn’t mind it one bit."
"A teacher ignoring a flirty student dressed "modestly" gets perceived as less creepy than that same teacher equally ignoring a flirty student dressed provocatively.  In both instances, the teacher is doing the exact right thing. But the student can change how outside lookers perceive the interaction by choice of dress.  And that can destroy a male teachers career and reputation."
"How would that help in the described scenario?  Unfortunately a lot of parents aren't good at parenting and school is not allowed to parent while also expected to do that. I worked in a school for 2 ish years and there are plenty of children of all ages and all genders who use the potential of (or actually do) accusation as power play or some sort of attention seeking.  And nearly ten times out of ten it's because something is messed up in their household and the adult actually being creep is the rare case (not that it doesn't exist).  So the question is how do you protect adults from kids that either don't know better or are outright malicious when your hands are tied on what you can do?  That's why so many issues are straight up ignored, swept under the rug or handled by kids themselves. Crazy parents often equal crazy kids and the system is siding with kids (as it rightfully should). Which means you have to cover your ass from those who would try to abuse it somehow"

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