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Saturday, April 13, 2024

Links - 13th April 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

Planet Fitness plummets after defending male photographed shaving in woman's locker room - "Planet Fitness saw the valuation of the company’s stock drop this week after an Alaska gym canceled a woman’s membership when she photographed a male using the women’s locker room... Patricia Silva encountered a “man in women’s locker room shaving.”   She also claimed in a video posted to Facebook that there was “a little girl sitting in the corner. She could have been [12 years old] … in a towel kind of freaked out.”"

Breigh Genderawesome on X - "I will always b #prochoice, but tbh cis women need 2 remember that needing an #abortion is a privilege they have over trans women."

What if your identity doesn't matter at all? - "Ezra Miller — an actor I’ve never heard of and wish I had still not.  Miller is 27 years old, insists on being referred to as “they” or “them,” and has a personality to match these demands. He is intolerable, in other words. The fawning interviewer, who can’t have been more than 30 years old themselves, or they wouldn’t have fallen for the embarrassing charade of faux-intellectualism, conveyed through the use of as many big words as Miller could memorize... Genius! This is a man who knows his history (and can convey ideas in a clear, cogent way). Obviously, the notion that females are women and males are men is a modern invention of oppressors! Same with heterosexuality. Pre-colonialism, no one could tell what sex anyone was and no babies were produced at all. That’s why civilization fully collapsed in the 19th century, and the planet is now inhabited by aliens. Oh did you guys not learn that at college?... anyone so narcissistic as to insist they exist outside material reality — those who identify as “non-binary, queer, genderqueer, and trans,” in other words — is probably not much of a hero in bed. A chubby, polyamorous inside cat of a human, posting facetuned selfies of themselves in an attempt to force the world around them to validate their fuckability, is unlikely to thrive in warfare.   And here we are: in a time that has been compared, by numerous people, to World War III. It is major crisis, at very least, that will have a major impact. And where are the Ezra Millers of the world? The young trans-identified and non-binary warriors? Well, apparently joking about “boomers” dying from coronavirus; posting dramatic selfies of themselves fake crying outside their mansions; complaining that their cosmetic surgeries have been postponed, due to hospitals being overwhelmed by treating actual sick people; and buying lingerie.   Diana Willow Penrose Thomas — formerly David William Penrose Thomas — who has been writing a column for the Telegraph about his transition at 60 years old, and informed us last week that the pain of childbirth was comparable to having his legs lasered, says what he worries about the most, in terms of the impact of this pandemic, is his hair...   If anything, what we should learn from this is that, in the grand scheme of things, your pronouns; your complaints about “misgendering” and invalidation of your imagined uniqueness; and your overdependence on superficial, unnecessary cosmetic alterations like fillers, botox, weaves, laser hair removal, hormone treatments, and plastic surgery, should not be our top priority...   “Ezra Miller confirming that trans people are superior to other folks? Motion passed,” PinkNews crowed.  But the truth is that anyone who is so heavily reliant on a weave, surgeries, laser treatments, filler and botox, as well as on fashion, for their “survival,” is not going to survive trying times like these. Claims that “misgendering literally kills” or that one’s cosmetic surgeries are a matter of life and death are laughable at best, and contemptible at worst, considering our current circumstances. Those who are so weak of mind that they fall apart without strictly controlled forms of validation will not have the mental fortitude to withstand isolation and a sudden withdrawal of fawning attention from yes-men, due to society’s sudden need to pay attention to, well, things that actually matter. Currently, no one is going to care about your OOTD or the trauma of being “misgendered.”   If you want people to believe you are a “superior being,” you need to work on resilience. You also need to contribute something of worth to society, beyond self-indulgent whining, flagrant superficiality, and profound fragility, manifested as a demand that the entire world become your helicopter parent. People who have chosen weakness as their political manifesto cannot simultaneously announce superiority."
From Mar 2020

French report says sex reassignment in minors may be medical history's 'greatest ethical scandal' - "French Senators want to ban gender transition treatments for under-18s, after a report described sex reassignment in minors as potentially “one of the greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine”.  The report, commissioned by the opposition centre-Right Les Republicains (LR) party, documents various practices by health professionals, which it claims are indoctrinated by a “trans-affirmative” ideology under the sway of experienced trans-activist associations.  The report, which cites a “tense scientific and medical debate”, accuses such associations of encouraging gender transition in minors via intense propaganda campaigns on social media. Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio, an LR senator who led the working group behind the report, concluded that “fashion plays a big role” in the rise of gender reassignment treatments.  If this factor and the risks involved are underestimated, she added, “the sexual transition of young people will be considered as one of the greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine”.  LR senators now want to table a Bill by the summer that would effectively ban the medical transition of minors in France by halting the prescription or administration of puberty blockers and hormones to people under the age of 18. Sex reassignment surgery could also be banned for minors.  Reacting to the report, Ypomoni, a French parents’ group, said: “We welcome this return to reason.” Maud Vasselle, a mother whose daughter underwent gender transition treatment, told Le Figaro: “A child is not old enough to ask to have her body altered.  “My daughter just needed the certificate of a psychiatrist, which she obtained after a one-hour consultation. But doctors don’t explain the consequences of puberty blockers,” she added.  “My daughter didn’t realise that life wasn’t going to be so easy with all these treatments... She was a brilliant little girl but now she’s failing at school. And she is far from having found the solution to her problems.”... The French report comes after the NHS banned children from receiving puberty blockers on prescription earlier this month.  France’s health regulation body, the Haute Autorité de Santé, was already examining a similar move... One hospital in Paris receives around 40 new requests from minors every year, with 16 per cent of those under the age of 12 and the report points out that many suffer from other issues.  A quarter of the children seen at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital for gender dysphoria have dropped out of school, 42 per cent have been victims of harassment, and 61 per cent have experienced an episode of depression. One in five has attempted suicide.  Their conclusions are in line with those of British experts called in to investigate London’s Tavistock clinic over its use of mass gender reassignment surgery on minors.  David Bell. a British psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, found that a third of the children consulted at the Tavistock suffered from autistic disorders, and many were victims of family violence or had difficulty in accepting or expressing homosexuality, yet they were rushed into gender transition regardless."
Since American left wingers admire Europe so much...

Mia on X - "I now stand accused of the crime of “deliberate misgendering” for using male pronouns to refer to WPATH’s president, Marci Bowers, in this clip. As if I’m somehow setting out to cause offence.  But I’m not deliberately trying to offend anyone. I’m not being disrespectful. I am just not a believer. I do not believe there’s such a thing as a male woman, and no amount of hormones or surgeries can turn a man into a woman. I won’t pretend to believe in something that I know is not true.  The language I use reflects those beliefs. I use accurate sex-based pronouns at all times because I believe the truth matters. I believe there are consequences when a society becomes untethered from reality.  One such consequence, the one I care about the most, is that when we all started to pretend that some men could be women and some women could be men, untold numbers of young people were destabilised during a crucial stage of their identity development and came to the devastatingly harmful conclusion that they too could be members of the opposite sex. Many fixated on hormones and surgeries as their only road to happiness. Society, in its madness, aided and abetted this dangerous delusion, and the worst crime the medical world has ever committed is the result.  Using sex-based pronouns doesn’t equate to hating transgender people. It’s not an attempt to dehumanise. For me, it’s the refusal to pay lip service to an ideological belief system that I believe is doing immeasurable harm to a generation of vulnerable young people."

Meme - "Remember boys. If saying "leave kids alone" is an attack on a certain community, that community deserves attacking"

Meme - "If they weren't grooming kids, they wouldn't be so mad when we ask them to leave em alone"

Meme - "I don't care if you identify as a man, woman, dog, cat, or a hairy nosed wombat. Just leave the kids alone"

Meme - "r/Transgender_Surgeries
"How is the sex after surgery
Greetings. I'm about to start the vaginoplasty journey and would like to know what it's like to have intercourse after the operation. Thanks in advance."
"Crap. Over two years post op and I can't even let my wife touch it as it just hurts, there is no nice sensation down there at all. I'm in constant pain and getting infections every few months where it's tearing at the base just by doing exercise or riding the bike with a padded seat and cycling shorts on. Even walking hurts and running is out of the question as nerves have been damaged in my groin."

Meme - Eric Berg: "I'm doing the side by side picture thing with my nonbinary Elliot looking self" *cute cartoon avatar* *odd IRL face*
*ugly MTF looking at mirror while drawing a cute anime girl*

Meme - *Keychain with trans flag*
*Shadow of person who's hung himself*

Meme - MTF: "Don't call me "sir." I'm a woman."
Woman: "Don't call me "cis." I'm a real woman."
MTF: "You can't stop me from calling you "cis." That's what you are."
Woman: "And you can't stop me from calling you "sir." That's what you are."

Meme - chris mate: "Australian swimwear brand Moana Bikini has decided the best model for their women's swimwear is a man. Imagine alienating your core customer demographic in order to appease the gender delusions of a tiny minority..."

Meme - *MTF*
Christian: "You can't be trans, because According to the Bible-"
*MTF stabs and kills Christian*
Why are MTFs so violent?

Meme - "The last thing a TERF sees after asking me why I'm in the restroom with their daughter: *ugly crying MTF with stubble as Rogue facing camera and punching someone*"

Meme - "The last thing a TERF sees after asking me why I'm in the restroom with their daughter: *Rogue facing camera, punching someone*
- produces colostrum
- adapts to the baby’s growth spurts
- is supply/demand
- is tailor made for that baby
- changes with hot weather
- helps fights baby’s colds
- is beneficial to the post-partum mother’s recovery
- regulates baby’s heartbeat next to mums
If you interrupt the mother’s feeding with other feeds you will affect her supply and this could end breastfeeding for her.   TIMs need twice as much Domperidone as women to simulate lactation, no evidence of safety testing for this. Newborn formula would be a better match for a newborn baby’s needs that TIMs milk if mum can’t breastfeed.
TIMs - if you start trying to normalise this you break down important safeguards for the baby. Men have lactation fetishes and we need to protect babies from that. This is about the baby, not about ‘gender validation’. Show us you take safeguarding seriously and stop this...
Breastfeeding/pumping porn is A Thing"

Thread by @audraf637 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I’ve been staying out of this debate but I think I have finally formulated my thoughts on “drug induced breast feeding”.  So I looked up each and every one of these drugs listed, and let’s see what exactly they are:
Let’s go through these drugs one by one:
Domperidone-is a anti-nausea medication. Haloperidol-is an anti-psychotic drug used to treat schizophrenia. Risperidone-another antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia. Chlorpromazine (aka Thorazine)-another antipsychotic. Fluphenazine-another antipsychotic  Metoclopramide-another GERD/anti-nausea medication.  And finally we have Prolactin and Progesterone, which are naturally occurring hormones but can be supplemented  Prolactin can cause bone density loss, menopausal symptoms, infertility. Progesterone’s side effects are so numerous I’ve included a link here. What’s more, Domperidone was warned against by the FDA due to cardiac events in patients using it, and the drug is secreted in the breast milk with unknown consequences to the infant eating it.  And metoclopramide can cause involuntary muscle movements which can be permanent in some people...
So I guess is this real life right now?  Are we actually prescribing medication meant for schizophrenia so that people can breast feed?  Is this really happening right now?  Drugs that have horrific side effects, some of them permanent? How is this ethical, under any circumstances, to prescribe risky medications to people, some of which have zero studies in breastfeeding infants,  When you can buy a can of formula? The assertion that we are giving adoptive parents these drugs so they can breast feed,  Doesn’t make the situation better, it makes it WORSE.  If you have a heart attack /stroke, can’t hold your kid because you can’t stop shaking, you can’t buy back your health! I will caution anyone who is considering this that you can buy a can of formula for your kid,  But you know what you can’t buy?  A new mom.  And your child NEEDS YOU more than breast milk! ❤️
Just to make things clear, I’m unsure whether or not these drugs leak into breast milk.  The point of my thread was to point out the affects of these medications on the patient, not to center the affects of these medications on the infant.  Hope that clears things up"

NHS trust says transgender women’s milk just as good for babies - "The hospital became the first to use the gender-inclusive terms “chestfeeding” and “human milk” for its perinatal services in 2021. It created what it called the “first clinical and language guidelines supporting trans and non-binary birthing people”... The hospital last year defended using World Health Organisation (WHO) guidance of “overwhelming evidence” that “human milk” is better for a baby than formula milk.  It also cited a 2022 study, which found “no observable side effects in babies” breastfed with “testosterone concentrations in baby milk”. However, there is little scientific research into the effects of induced breastfeeding among transgender women. Lottie Moore from the think tank, Policy Exchange,  who revealed the letter, told the Telegraph: "This letter is unbalanced and naïve in its assertion that the secretions produced by a male on hormones can nourish an infant in the way a mother’s breast milk can.  "A child's welfare must always take precedence over identity politics and contested belief systems that are not evidence-based. The NHS should not be indulging in this nonsense.  Activist and campaigner for women’s rights, Milli Hill also told the Telegraph: “Male people, however they identify or describe themselves, cannot breastfeed.”"

CASE STUDY 2 – Experiment of Induced Lactation in a Trans-identifying Male (excerpt from ‘Born in the Right Body’) - "In 2018, media outlets all over the world reported on a case study where a doctor, and a nurse, at a clinic in the United States used a cocktail of drugs to enable a male patient, who identified as a woman, to breastfeed a newborn baby (Reisman & Goldstein, 2018).  A UK expert commented that this was “exciting” research which could lead to more cases of “transgender women” breastfeeding (Therrien, 2018). According to Reisman & Goldstein, the male patient (who is referred to as a “she” throughout the study) claimed that his partner – the baby’s mother – was pregnant but not interested in breastfeeding, and that he was hoping to take on the role of being “the primary food source” for this infant. However, reading the paper, I could not find any evidence that the authors interviewed the mother to verify their patient’s claims, or that they obtained informed consent from the mother by discussing the risks that male drug-induced galactorrhoea (nipple discharge unrelated to milk production during pregnancy and breastfeeding) could pose to the baby...   There’s a paucity of research into the effects of elevated testosterone on breast milk and breastfed infants... When we talk about the safety of medicines in breastfeeding, we weigh the benefits of mother’s milk to the health of the child, and of bonding between the mother and baby, against the risks of discontinuing the medication. If it is at all possible and medically justified, mothers who take medicines that could be passed to their babies via breast milk often decide, or are advised, not to breastfeed in order to avoid adversely affecting their baby’s health.  Contrast this with a man taking unnecessary medications to induce galactorrhoea, just so he can fulfil his desire to breastfeed. A word on a male’s desire to breastfeed.  Psychosexual disorders such as autogynaephilia are present in a proportion of men who identify as women, and a breastfeeding fetish can be a feature of this condition...  the research on the composition of male nipple discharge is very scarce, and the research into the effects of this type of fluid on infants is non-existent...   I have no evidence that the baby who was allegedly subject to this experiment was harmed in any way. However, there are so many omissions, unknowns and missing data that I cannot help but ask, why was a trans-identified man held to a drastically different standard of infant care than actual mothers?  That this experiment was conducted by a Transgender Clinic, which neither had licence, nor expertise, to oversee the breastfeeding of a newborn, only adds to my concerns regarding ethics, safety and bias in this study."

Should trans identified men be supported to breastfeed? Why we say the answer’s ‘no’ - "Babies don’t exist to validate their parents, and should not be expected to fulfil that role."

CANADA: HIV Positive Trans-Identified Male Boasts of 'Breastfeeding' Infant with Professional Support - "A trans-identified male residing in Canada who claims to be HIV positive and inserts progesterone rectally has been allegedly “breastfeeding” his child with the support of established medical clinics. Former men’s rights activist Murray Pearson, 52, who uses the name Margaret (Margie) Fancypants on social media, has been criticized after he shared an image of himself at a lactation clinic holding a young infant."

Genevieve Gluck on X - "The "mixture of cocoa butter and shea butter" that he uses as lubricant to rectally intake progesterone is the same combination he says he rubbed on his partner's pregnant belly"

Two Australian Women Told They Broke The Law After Criticizing Trans-Identified Male Breastfeeding Child - "Jasmine Sussex and Standing For Women Queensland (SFWQ) were both contacted by Twitter on May 16, with the platform informing the two accounts that specific content they had posted would be censored to Australian users in order to comply with Australian law... Sussex first came across Jennifer Buckley, a trans-identified male who had begun to participate in motherhood discussions on the ABA’s Facebook page.  Buckley, who began transitioning in 2017, first induced lactation in 2019 in en effort to breastfeed his biological son after his wife gave birth. The 41-year-old paramedic said he had wanted to “experience what it was like to be a mum and breastfeed.”"

Meme - "Chris Tyson's Ex wife says that their son misses his dad and that he constantly asks her what happened to him and where did he go."

4 kids found in 'unsanitary conditions' at Boston apartment - "Public officials in Massachusetts are expressing their disgust after four young children were found to be living in squalid conditions at a South Boston apartment.  First responders were called to an apartment at the Mary Ellen McCormack complex Saturday night after receiving a report that someone had suffered cardiac arrest. According to authorities and public officials, the children — all under the age of 10 — were found in an apartment with sex toys, drugs, alcohol and six cross-dressing men.  An incident report filed through the Boston Fire Department states the kids were discovered by first responders after one of the adults in the apartment was found dead. Several adults in that apartment were also accused of hiding those children in a back room.  According to the incident report, the apartment was in "extreme unsanitary conditions," and all adults in the unit were being uncooperative and denied having children inside."

UK: Trans Activist Known For Urine Protests Presents In Lingerie At Tate Museum, Children Present In Area - "A trans activist known for staging protests involving human urine was invited to perform at the Tate Museum on Sunday, where he gave a reading while dressed in women’s underwear.  The event, part of Queer and Now, an LGBTQIA+ art festival, was organized by three trans-identified males; June Bellebono, Jamie Cottle, and Carly Yvoty Fernandez. The three read excerpts from their publication, oestrogeneration, a magazine describing itself as a “platform highlighting transfeminine voices in the UK.” Content on the publication’s website is overtly sexual and promotes the sex industry.  The men who presented their publication read selected articles from the first issue, Tenacity, described as containing “essays covering orgasms, squatting and security culture,” which is self-lauded as “a dynamic display of the breadth of expressions our identities hold.”  “Mr. Menno,” a Dutch content creator who advocates for the rights of women and homosexuals, was in attendance at the event, and shared a number of disturbing photos and video clips to his Twitter.  In one video, Cottle can be seen reading an article aloud to an audience while wearing women’s lingerie. The crotch of the thong was emblazoned with the words “Sugar Money,” and Cottle’s testicle flesh appears to be faintly visible through the sides of the fabric... Menno explained that the presentation was intended for an audience aged 16 and older, but that no barriers had been put in place and events for children were actively occurring in other parts of the museum...   “[Cottle’s] whole outfit was geared to draw attention to his groin. It’s just so utterly bizarre to be face to face with guys who are clearly male calling themselves some kind of women. To me there’s something creepy about the name oestrogeneration, basing the identity of a whole generation of men around taking synthetic drugs to acquire female-typical hormone levels,” he said...   The most recent article featured on the oestrogeneration site is called “Against All Odds, I Will Cum,” and is accompanied by an illustration of a childlike figure. The author, a trans-identified man named Samantha Lacob, describes his masturbation habits after he began taking estrogen, and claims that he experiences “orgasm synesthesia.”...   One article from oestrogeneration presented and written by Cottle, titled “A Strong Feeling of Desperation,” is written in the form of experimental prose and contains sexual language.  “Walking here felt as it always does, my desires rendered in retinal surveillance; their lust, my lust, meeting, fleeting outside Oxford circus, in a primordial slime of the vitreous inside eyes… Gabriel’s angels brim with life, fakery, and lust; they are droplets of cum ossified into marrow and faux pearls sewn into satin.”  Cottle, a trans-identified male who uses the moniker “Biogal” on social media, is associated with a protest group that calls themselves Pissed Off Trannies, or POT.  Twice in the past year, POT has staged demonstrations that involved dumping large quantities of human urine outside of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) to protest laws that strengthen women’s protections. A recent Instagram post suggests they may be using water mixed with turmeric to supplement their urine.   Most recently, members of POT gathered outside of the EHRC on May 22 to leave 90 liters of their supposed waste around the perimeter of the building.  The protest was in response to a recent statement by chief executive of the EHRC, Melanie Field, in which she affirmed the definition of “sex” in a show of support for protections for biological sex as a protected characteristic, as well as for plans to prevent trans-identified males from accessing women’s facilities on self-declaration.   “Pouring piss is an anarchist act of resistance that stakes an urgent and lingering claim on our basic human rights … If you take away our toilets we will make one on your doorstep,” POT stated in an Instagram post depicting the protest.  After staging his first protest outside of the EHRC last year, Cottle boasted about his actions on Instagram, revealing his association with the group. As reported by Vice, during the demonstration, Cottle “pissed [himself] in [his] bejewelled gown, before pouring bottles of urine on [himself] and the pavement outside the building, all the while shouting: ‘The EHRC has blood on its hands and piss on its streets.'”  Other performances by Cottle, which he claims are demonstrations of trans activism, are similarly graphic.  In one performance from 2022, simply titled “FISH,” Cottle strips while slapping himself with a dead fish. In another from that same year, titled “Prayer for the Pearl Oyster,” Cottle is seen wearing women’s underwear, transparent platform heels, and a pearl necklace. He rips fabric, tosses about oysters, and screams while stomping on the shells. Cottle then begins writhing, strips naked, and removes a sex toy from his anus."

Dr. Debra Soh on X - "I left the field of sex research because I saw what was coming down the line. I wish I had been wrong:"
Too many transgender activists are sadistic bullies - "If you’ve ever wondered why so many scientists have remained silent as gender ideology overtakes the universe, here’s another example to contemplate.  A new study was recently released on the subject of rapid-onset gender dysphoria , or ROGD. ROGD refers to the epidemic of predominantly young women and teenage girls who transition to male or a so-called “third” gender, often suddenly and without any previous history of gender problems. Twenty-six states have banned therapeutic approaches that are not gender affirmation, and an increasing number, including California and Minnesota, have become sanctuary states for minors seeking transition services. Unsatisfied at stopping there, transgender activists have taken to warping research findings to promote their agenda, censoring all others, and embarking on witch hunts, harassing dissenting scientists for decades of their careers... activists are now demanding that the aforementioned ROGD study be retracted and that the editor responsible for publishing it be removed from the academic journal. Over 100 clinicians and academics have signed an open letter denouncing the paper’s publication.  Both the study’s senior author, Dr. Michael Bailey, and the editor in question, Dr. Kenneth Zucker, are accredited scholars and leading experts on gender dysphoria... Parents also said they believed clinicians pressured families to support a child’s transition. The study discussed ROGD in boys, a lesser-understood presentation. Girls tended to transition socially earlier than boys. Boys were more likely to receive hormonal intervention while skipping a social transition. In my opinion, this is because autogynephilia (sexual arousal at the thought of having a woman’s body) is likely driving teenage boys’ desire to transition, and male puberty has a later onset than puberty in girls."

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