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Friday, April 05, 2024

Links - 5th April 2024 (1 - Capitol Riot)

Richard Hanania on X - "Mike Lindell offered $5 million to anyone who could refute his vote fraud allegations. A Trump voter looked into it and said that his “evidence” appeared to be a bunch of random numbers and letters. Now a judge says he has to pay."

Judicial Watch finds 1.8 million 'ghost voters' in 29 states, warns of 'dirty elections' - "The study found that 352 U.S. counties in 29 states managed to have 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens."

Hundreds of NJ Republicans Receive Misprinted Ballots Listing Only Dem Candidates - "perhaps this was just the result of an error. But like the media’s constant misreporting on conservatives, it sure is “interesting” how these errors only ever seem to occur in one direction."

Donald Trump, worst racist ever, presents his "Platinum Plan" to pour $500 billion into black communities - "he revealed his new, $500 billion, four year "Platinum Plan" to invest in opportunity, security, prosperity, and fairness for the black community... Maybe he's just cruelly dangling a $500 billion carrot to lure foolish, naive black voters into voting for him this November, then jerk the carrot away without ever delivering. You know, like the carrots he dangled in the past.
🥕 Like his unfulfilled promise to tackle black unemployment.
Oh wait — he actually delivered on that by delivering the lowest black unemployment in US history.
🥕 Or maybe like his unfulfilled promise to tackle criminal justice reform.
Oh wait — he actually delivered on that when he signed the First Step Act.
🥕 Or maybe it's like his unfulfilled commitments to black education, heritage, and history.
Oh wait — he actually signed an executive order renewing the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and then signed a bipartisan bill to permanently provide more than $250 million a year to the nation's historically black universities."

Meme - President Biden @POTUS: "There is no place for political violence in America. Period."
The End Times @TheAgeofShoddy: "This tweet is still up."
Kamala Harris @KamalaHarris: "If you're able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota."

Jason Jones on X - "Joe Biden recently bragged that his DOJ has targeted 1,200 J6’ers and convicted 900 for a combined 840 years in prison. Ray Epps was caught on camera saying, “We’re here to storm the Capitol,” and got a slap on the wrist. Why isn’t he rotting in prison?"

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Seattle — Far-left protesters are vandalizing businesses & shutting down streets in the Capitol Hill neighborhood at the Jan. 6 direct action, the same area that was occupied for weeks as CHAZ in 2020. The BLM-Antifa occupation led to multiple murders."

Frank McCormick | Chalkboard Heresy on X - "Remember when #teachers occupied the Wisconsin state capitol building, and in 5 months caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage? Not one utterance of the word "insurrection," and not a single investigation."

Frank McCormick | Chalkboard Heresy on X - "It was 2:20 p.m. on this day in 2021. I was in my classroom- quadruple masked- explaining to my students how queer slaves actually wrote the Constitution, when I heard it: sobbing from the hall.  I went outside to find my colleague, an English teacher, sobbing uncontrollably. At first I thought Ron DeSantis had made our jobs even more difficult by banning us from discussing our kinks in the classroom, but it was far worse.  “A white supremacist insurrectionist has his feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk,” they/them cried.  I rushed back into my classroom to see the look of fear on my students’ faces.  “Are we going to lose access to our puberty blockers?” a purple-haired demiboy asked.  “If they overthrow our democracy, yes,” I replied.  For the next several hours we watched the TV in fear as several hundred terrorists searched the Capitol for Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, so they could have their way with her.  Thankfully,  a brave police officer of color shot a hysterical Karen in the face, sending the MAGA idiots running for their lives at the sight of such a strong Black man.  When it was over, 640 police officers of color had been killed and Ilhan Omar’s brother-husband had been deported back to Somalia.  My students knew how close we had come to losing our democracy- mostly because I told them so.  We must #NeverForgetJan6   How did you hear the news?"

The Rabbit Hole on X - "Over 500 riots were recorded in the summer of 2020. These riots, for the most part, have largely been forgotten by Legacy Media. Meanwhile, J6 is still regularly discussed. Selection bias at work."

Ann Coulter on X - "No one would be defending the Jan 6 riot if it hadn't been preceded by 8 months of BLM & antifa burning down the country without consequence."

i/o on X - "Every January 6th I take a moment to reflect on the horrible events that occurred on that day in 1994 when American figure skater Nancy Kerrigan was attacked during the U.S. Figure Skating Championships by an assailant linked to her rival Tonya Harding."

Biden Erased Decades of Historic Crimes in His Speech to Congress - "Yes, the January 6th siege on the U.S. Capitol building, often alluded to as an "insurrection," was an embarrassing day for our country. But to suggest that it was "the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War" is disingenuous at best. At worst, it's a malicious attempt to whitewash the history of attacks carried out both by and on the government that have had much more catastrophic results.  Apart from the September 11th terrorist attacks that targeted the country's financial system, Al Qaeda terrorists attacked the defenders of our democracy when a hijacked American Airlines flight 77 flew into the Pentagon. Were it not for the heroes who resisted against the hijackers of United flight 93, Al Qaeda’s attempt to fly a commercial airline into the White House or U.S. Capitol building would have come to fruition. Despite being a horrific tragedy, 9/11 has been dismissed by some as being explicitly a "foreign attack," not one from within. So, let's explore attacks on our democracy from within.  Following 9/11, the Bush administration, in conjunction with Congress, expedited the passage of the Patriot Act, a wide-sweeping national security law that infringed on the civil liberties of every American in the name of fighting terror. The Fourth Amendment became a relic of the past as the government's power to surveil and spy on its own citizens reached its peak. Individuals who shared names with persons of interest or suspected terrorists, including U.S. citizens, landed on government no-fly lists, restricting their right to freely move about the country for dubious reasons and with no due process or recourse. And even worse, many had their right to due process eviscerated when they were detained by the newly-created Department of Homeland Security and found themselves at Guantanamo Bay without even being charged with a crime.  Yet this is not the first time that American citizens, or even permanent residents for that matter, had their rights infringed upon by the government.  As the FBI was formed in the early 20th century, Americans whose ideologies were at odds with the government's interests were often targeted by the agency's longest-serving director, J. Edgar Hoover. In the eyes of the FBI Director, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a suspected communist given his ties to Stanley Levison, whose suspected pro-communist activities were monitored by the FBI in the 1950s... The FBI infamously blackmailed Dr. King by sending him a letter advocating he commit suicide. The Red Scare was so severe in the United States that the government actively sought to chip away at Americans' First Amendment rights to prevent the spread of such ideas. And through the Lavender Scare in the early 1950s, thousands of people were forced out of government service for simply for being suspected of being homosexual.   When the United States entered the First World War, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Espionage Act of 1917 into law, which then gave way to the Sedition Act of 1918. These two laws worked in conjunction to strip away the First Amendment rights of every American and demand undying fealty towards the U.S. government. Expressing even the slightest bit of criticism of the U.S. or associating with groups like the Communist Party could result in, at the very least, a government wiretap, and, at worst, a hefty prison sentence and possible execution. In the same token that President Franklin Roosevelt interned approximately 120,000 Japanese Americans during World War II in fear that they might side with the Japanese Empire, the Espionage and Sedition Acts under President Wilson explicitly targeted German-born American residents during World War I, with over 2,000 arrested and sent to internment camps.  While the FBI has had its fair share of attacking our democracy, its intelligence counterpart, the CIA, has interfered in the affairs of other countries countless times... For decades, the FBI's J. Edgar Hoover — the notorious FBI Director after whom the law enforcement's DC headquarters continues to be named — assaulted democracy in every way imaginable. Hoover kept dossiers on political leaders to enforce his will over them. FBI agents routinely infiltrated anti-war and civil rights groups as part of its COINTELPRO program and other similar domestic spying activities. And the NSA notoriously spied on millions of American citizens without warrants.  There is a strong argument to be made that the CIA is responsible for interfering in American democracy, too.  The first impeachment of President Donald Trump in 2019 occurred when a whistleblower within the CIA filed a complaint after Trump had a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in which Trump asked his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate his political rival, Joe Biden, in exchange for $400 million in military aid.  But it didn't end there.  The story of the Russian Bounty program on U.S. troops in Afghanistan that broke publicly in the summer of 2020 made a significant impact in tipping the scales during the 2020 presidential election. The CIA produced the initial intelligence assessment in 2019, which later broke publicly in the summer of 2020, further cementing the perception that Trump was in the pocket of Russian President Vladimir Putin––a claim that was exacerbated when then-President Trump dismissed the allegations outright, calling it "fake news." However, in April 2021, Trump would be vindicated as the U.S. government revealed that the Intelligence Community had "low to moderate confidence" in the intelligence assessment. In other words, there was little evidence to prove that it was real.  On top of these government abuses that took place on a wide scale impacting every American, there was a long-drawn-out period since the Civil War that impacted millions of Americans that has had consequences that last to this day: Jim Crow... Since the Civil War, four U.S. presidents were assassinated (Lincoln in 1865, Garfield in 1881, McKinley in 1901, and Kennedy in 1963) and two presidents were injured in assassination attempts (Roosevelt in 1912 and Reagan in 1981)... If President Biden is to suggest that the siege on Capitol Hill on January 6th was "the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War," then we should demand that our leaders be honest about what does and does not constitute an "attack on our democracy." Attacks on our democracy aren't just reserved for storming the U.S. Capitol and targeting U.S. lawmakers with historically low approval ratings. If that's the case, that a certain set of rules only applies to the political elite and not the people, then it's safe to say that we do not truly live in a democracy."

ALX 🇺🇸 on X - "DC U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves is making clear that the DOJ is now going to target Americans who were around the Capitol on J6 but did not enter the building"

Meme - Norm Macdonald @normmacdonald: "I loved when the violent terrorists made sure to respect the velvet ropes in Statuary Hall."

Meme - "CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTER Barbarian *QAnon Shaman*
- protagonist
- striking attire
- absolute unit
Thief *Adam Johnson, who stole Nancy Pelosi's podium*
- natural charmer
- deceitful
- can steal legandany items
Usurper *Richard Barnett, who put his feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk*
- mastermind
- computing skills
- knows nuclear launch codes
Spy *Man looking through hole poked in paper covering door [?]*
- scouts the area
- remains in the shadows
- fearless
Berserker *frothing guy looking up*
- filled with rage and spit
- one man army
- in great pain
Witch *Old woman posing with American flag*
- eldritch mage
- sanity has declined due to potion brewing
- can see the spirit realm"

The Rabbit Hole on X - "Someone asked me why I’m bringing up the BLM Riots on the anniversary of J6. It’s a fair question.  I bring it up because it’s worth pointing out J6 got excessively covered while the BLM riots were under-covered by Legacy Media. One of these had a bigger impact on the lives of regular Americans and it wasn’t, in my view, J6.  A single riot in a single city (Washington DC) on a single day is nowhere near as disruptive to the average American as an *entire summer* of chaos.  BLM Riots > J6 and it’s not even close unless you think “symbolism” is more important than the scale of the events themselves."

DC_Draino on X - "When Twitter deleted Trump’s public request for people to go home on J6 only 5 minutes after he posted it, it seemed very strange  Wouldn’t they want peace?  Were they trying to frame him for their narrative?  But what if there was something else at play…  What if they were trying to limit his ability to activate the Insurrection Act?  The 1 prerequisite for invoking the IA is to first call for disorderly citizens to go home  And what did he say in his video? He called for people to go home  Was Twitter trying to thwart Trump’s attempt to comply with these requirements?  If so, who was orchestrating this?"

Brandon Straka on X - "The lawyers handling the J6 scam case against me, Ed Caspar and Joshua Margolin (see comments⬇️) representing the Soros-funded law firm Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (@LawyersComm ) came to me this year saying they’d let me out of the case if I paid $120,000 in “damages” to 8 black and brown Capitol Police officers I’ve never seen or met after they sued me under the KKK Act, alleging I engaged in a white supremacist attack.   I’d sooner go broke than pay those officers a dime for their race-baiting lies.    In the end, I won. Now people need to know who they are and what they did."

Meme - Ashley St. Clair: "Another Babylon Bee prophecy fulfilled. Verbatim"
The Babylon Bee: "'You Can't Be Pro- Insurrection And Pro- American,' Says President Of Nation Founded By An Insurrection"
President Biden: "You can't be pro-insurrection and pro-America."

House Jan. 6 Committee deleted more than 100 encrypted files days before GOP took majority: sources - "The House Administration Committee’s Oversight Subcommittee is leading an investigation into Jan. 6, 2021, led by Chairman Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga. The panel is investigating the security failures on that day, as well as the “actions” of the former select committee investigating the Capitol riot...   “It’s obvious that Pelosi’s Select Committee went to great lengths to prevent Americans from seeing certain documents produced in their investigation. It also appears that Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney intended to obstruct our Subcommittee by failing to preserve critical information and videos as required by House rules”"

Meme - Mike Boylan-Kolchin @mbkplus.bsky.social: "Internet dating is so tough these days, you never know who's going to trick you into confessing your participation in January 6 by saying "interesting, tell me more" and then turn you into the authorities"
"Her strategy, she said, was saying "Wow, crazy, tell me more" to guys on repeat until they gave her enough for her to send their information to the FBI."
Joshua J. Friedman: ""I regret exactly nothing lol," says a woman who used Bumble to get Jan. 6 rioters to confess to her ("One of my friends was like, You basically got all these confessions just being, like, Haha! Then what?") on the day one of them pleads guilty - by @ryanjreilly.bsky.social"

Carlson Reacts to 'White Extremist' Stephen Colbert's 'Meticulously Planned Coup' - "Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson mocked the arrest of Stephen Colbert staffers after they breached the Capitol building on Monday’s broadcast of FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”  Carlson called Colbert a “white extremist” and compared the reaction to Colbert’s stunt to the response from journalists to the January 6, 2021 Capitol Hill riot."

End Wokeness on X - "They want you to believe that the most armed demographic in the US tried to overthrow the gov without any guns."

New Michael Wolff book reports Trump’s confusion during Capitol attack - "Trump “seemed to begin the transition from seeing the mob as people protesting the election – defending him so he would defend them – to seeing them as ‘not our people’”.  In a further exchange, Trump reportedly asked Meadows: “How bad is this? This looks terrible. This is really bad. Who are these people? These aren’t our people, these idiots with these outfits. They look like Democrats.”  Trump reportedly added: “We didn’t tell people to do something like this. We told people to be peaceful. I even said ‘peaceful’ and ‘patriotic’ in my speech!”"
Weird. He didn't get the memo that he was leading an insurrection

Meme - "Alaric standing in the forum after the Gothic sack of Rome August 24th, 410 AD *colorized* *Jan 6th shaman*"

Collin Rugg on X - "NEW: Heavily armed FBI agents raid the home of a decorated veteran after Jan 6 in newly obtained footage by @gatewaypundit .   Chris Kuehne, a 22-year veteran who received awards including the Purple Heart, was sentenced to prison on Friday.  One day after the raid, Kuehne's wife Annette Kuehne miscarried their baby.  Kuehne was present in the Capitol on J6 but did not engage in any violence.  In the early morning hours of February 11, 2021, Chris, his four-year-old son and his wife, were woken up by the FBI as they ransacked his home.  Kuehne was sentenced on Friday to 75 days in prison and 24 months of supervised release. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of "obstruction of law enforcement during a civil disorder.""

TheBlaze on X: "Blaze Media Investigative Journalist @TPC4USA has now been taken into FBI custody for his J6 reporting Watch:"
Auron MacIntyre on X - "For most of my life I was a basic talk radio neoconservative. The election of Trump and the media's reaction had me asking questions but even as 2020 approached I still had the standard conservative opinion on how power worked.  The pandemic, the BLM riots, and the 2020 election shattered that illusion.  Every law was broken, every right was thrown in the trash. Separation of powers, checks and balances, the Bill of Rights, it all meant nothing. When tyranny came all the rhetoric about freedom and liberty meant nothing, and the people who had spent their whole lives telling me about the wonders of our Constitution and the system of government it established all found a way to justify what was happening.  I felt like I was taking crazy pills. Was I the only one who understood what was going on? Slowly I discovered that I was not the only one, but most people still needed to pretend the old story was still in place. Most people could not make the mental shift necessary to see reality as it was. This was especially true for GOP politicians and most of the commentariate who need people bought into the process. If your job is to pass laws or comment on the passage of laws you better pretend laws still matter.  When I listen to people talk about voting harder as 10 million illegals stream across the border or talk about the subversion of democracy by Putin as our own government jails its political opponents I still feel like I am taking crazy pills.  People often call me a black-pilled or pessimistic, but I'm not. I think that a more honest and real future sits on the other side of what we are going through now. But I simply don't understand how people can watch what is happening and pretend that our system will right itself. Whatever we are governed by now, it is not the Constitution, whoever we are governed by now, it is not Joe Biden, and if we are going to have any hope of fixing this we must start with a very simple truth.  The left understand power and wield it to crush their enemies, the right can learn to secure power for itself or it can relegated to the dustbin of history."

Lara Logan on X - "This is the problem the J6 Comm & all it’s pawns now have - it’s not that their wasn’t any violence. It’s the fact that they presented only violence & only towards the police. They left out the violence inflicted BY the police on many innocent people like Victoria White.   They made violence on police the whole story which was not true. They ignored the things that contradicted their narrative because they wanted one-sided anti-police violence to be the whole story. They did not allow the rest of the story to be seen or heard or acknowledged because they feared it would undermine their narrative & they justified that by saying the violence was so bad, they could do what they wanted. The problem is there is only one truth and it’s all matters. If you have to hide parts of the truth to support your side, you’ve already lost your way. At best you are guilty of deceit. At worst you are guilty of treason.   You can now show once again the same videos of cops being beaten & tearful testimonies & all of that & the whole country has acknowledged that was bad - but now some of those cops have been exposed for lying under oath and honestly, none of that means anything when you see Victoria White, a slight woman in a red sweater being beaten over and over by two officers, blood pouring down her face as two big men keep hitting her on and on and on. She is crushed, helpless & fighting for her life & when they lose their batons, they keep smashing her in the face and head with their fists. No mercy. No reason. No threat. A man can be heard pleading for them to stop “or you’ll kill her”. And the FBI/DOJ assholes charged her with a crime. You the committee, did you mention her name? Did you tell the story of Victoria White? Or ask her to testify?   Wait until the nation does hear her story - it is part of my January 6 series on X. One of the toughest I’ve ever done.   If assholes like David Brock, Media Matters for America, Facts First USA & the elites funding these organizations were not working so hard to keep us isolated from each other & inside political/ideological bubbles, the story of Victoria White would cause outrage across this country - every home, every family, every person would be horrified.   Don’t let the bastards win.   Keep your heart and your mind open. Question everything."

Meme - "PEACEFUL PROTESTS *BLM Riots with burning city*

Meme - "Liberals are a fickle bunch. They make no secret of how they hate the Police and everything about America, and then they will look you in the eye to tell you that they feared for the Capitol Police on January 6th and how it was a threat to our Democracy."

Here's The Evidence CNN's Abby Phillip Says Doesn't Exist - "CNN tried to fact-check Republican presidential contender Vivek Ramaswamy over claims related to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot. The network got fact-checked instead...   “If you had told me that January 6th was in any way an inside job, the subject of government entrapment, I would have told you that was crazy talk. Fringe, conspiracy nonsense,” Ramaswamy said. “I can tell you now, having gone somewhat deep in this, it’s not.” “The reality is this,” Ramaswamy explained. “We do have a government, first of all, we have to acknowledge that has lied to us systematically over the last several years.”  Ramaswamy cited government lies over Covid-19 and Hunter Biden’s laptop, the latter of which 51 former intelligence officials sought to discredit as a Russian smear campaign. The infamous letter published by Politico is now under investigation by House Republicans as an operation by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).  “The reality is we know that there were federal law enforcement agents in that building; we don’t know how many,” Ramaswamy said.   We don’t know how many because the FBI has refused to disclose how many. In January last year, Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz asked the Executive Assistant Director for the FBI’s National Security Branch, Jill Sanborn, point blank, “How many agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of Jan. 6?”  “I can’t go into the specifics of sources and methods,” she said.  A former assistant FBI director told lawmakers that the FBI had so many paid informants in the crowd that the bureau lost count, according to the New York Post in September. Whistleblowers from within the FBI, meanwhile, have faced retribution for the agency’s response to the Capitol riot...   Ramaswamy cited the FBI’s refusal to give lawmakers clear answers over the presence of undercover informants in the crowd. Phillip wouldn’t accept that. But if she won’t take Ramaswamy’s word for it, would she accept it from The New York Times?  Here’s a headline from the paper in September 2021: “Among Those Who Marched Into the Capitol on Jan. 6: An F.B.I. Informant.”  What about Newsweek? According to the magazine in January last year, the Justice Department had even deployed special commandos with “shoot to kill authority.”  And in August, former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, who oversaw campus security the day of the riot under House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said in an interview there were “multiple” federal agents in the crowd. But according to Phillip, “there is no evidence that there were federal agents in the crowd on January 6th?”  Ramaswamy went on to highlight the thousands of hours of Capitol security footage kept under lock and seal by House Democrats that Republicans are finally releasing. The J6 tapes reveal demonstrators being peacefully escorted throughout the building contrary to the carefully selected, dramatized footage used by Democrats’ weaponized Jan. 6 Committee... “Now you see footage coming of actually rolling out the red carpet for Capitol Police allowing people in right through the front door,” Ramaswamy said. “Why did they suppress footage?”  Phillip responded by talking over the Republican entrepreneur to complain the candidate was trying to “cherry-pick” examples from the Jan. 6 riot.  “You cannot cherry-pick examples,” she said, “and say that is what happened on January 6th.”  Except that’s precisely what CNN and the Democrats’ Select Committee on Jan. 6 did for two years following the riot. When newly-elected Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana took over as head of the lower chamber, he committed to publically releasing the rest of the Capitol security footage. Former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, who was overwhelmingly voted out of office after leading the Jan. 6 Committee as vice chair, responded by re-publishing a compilation of the riot with cherry-picked clips aired by allied networks such as CNN on repeat."

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