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Sunday, March 31, 2024

Links - 31st March 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

Meme - "2012
"I'm gay!"
"I don't care." SSS
"Yay! Society accepts me!"
"I'm trans!"
"I don't care."

Meme - Brandon sutyak: "Talhia Parker GAG was started by a straight man as a conservative organization. Nice try"
thegaywhostrayed: "Jaimee Michell
Public figure
Based lesbian
Founder of @gaysagainstgroomers
Fiance of @basedbabe.usa
Backups: @thegaywhostrayed2 @thegaywhostrayed3
Lying and doubling down is usual for left wingers, so this won't make a difference

Meme - *Circle*: "a woman is someone who identifies as a *restarts*"

Brazil's Top "Female Gamer" Is A Trans-Identified Male Now Accused Of Sexting With A Minor - "A professional League of Legends player in Brazil has stepped down from his esports association following allegations he was sexually predatory towards a minor.  On December 14, Alessandro Ribeiro announced he was resigning from Brazilian esports organization paiN Gaming Female. Ribeiro, better known by his gaming handle “Flower Gardens,” had been awarded the “MVP female gamer” by League of Legends Sports Brazil earlier this month.  Ribeiro’s resignation was tendered following the leak of Discord chat logs showing that he had been sending intimate messages to a 14-year-old.   Screenshots of the conversations between Ribeiro, 21, and the victim were posted to Twitter in which he is seen telling the child he could “use” her “all night,” and that he would tie her up and “play” with her “little body, part by part.” Disturbingly, Ribeiro reportedly requested the child call him “daddy,” despite identifying publicly as a “woman” and participating in women’s esports divisions... Ribeiro did not deny he had been in sexual contact with the 14-year-old, but instead deferred to Brazilian laws, claiming “a crime did not happen.” The age of consent in Brazil is 14 years old, with no restrictions on sexual activity or age of partner.  Ribeiro said the screenshots of his conversations with the minor were shared without “consent” and in “bad faith” as an attempt to “support a stereotype that often links pedophilia to the trans community.”"
Queer non-binary artist arrested for paedophilia - "A self-described “non-binary queer” artist has been arrested for trying to organise sexually assaulting a nine-year-old boy, who he hoped would be drugged at the time... 35-year-old Efrem Zelony-Mindell could face life in prison"
Weird. I thought this never happens, but both of these stories were released within 4 days

Glamour Brazil Awards Male Influencer "Woman of the Year" - "Glamour Magazine‘s Brazil franchise announced the winners of its Generation Glamour event honoring women. Out of 15 categories, 2 of the female-focused awards went to trans-identified males — including Woman of the Year.  Linn da Quebrada, a male social media influencer, took home the top award despite the fact he has stated he does not identify as a woman, and does not believe women ‘exist.’  In an interview with presenter Pedro Bial, a journalist from Globo Television Network, Quebrada stated “I’m not a woman, I’m a transvestite,” going on to say: “let’s be honest, there’s no such thing as ‘a woman.'”... Quebrada did a Mother’s Day photoshoot in which he wore a fake pregnant belly. The social media influencer claimed he wanted to be a “mother” one day, and dreamed of getting pregnant. Beyond his appearance on Big Brother Brazil, Quebrada has never been involved in activism, and speaks very sparsely on any topics related to women’s rights. Quebrada was not the only male who took home a commendation in the Glamour event.  Giovanna Heliodoro won Glamour‘s Woman Influencer with a Cause award. Heliodoro identifies as a “feminist black trans woman,” and is known for his advocacy for trans causes in Brazil... In 2020, shortly after Rowling tweeted in support of Maya Forstater and the material reality of sex, Heliodoro threatened to “beat this bitch,” referring to Rowling.   Following the award show, Brazilian women took to social media to condemn Glamour for the awards they gave to the two men — but especially Woman of the Year.  Quebrada took to Instagram to shame those with criticisms, making a collage out of “hateful” comments he had received criticizing his eligibility for the award, most of which were simply noting that he was male and had previously rejected the label of “woman.” On Twitter, even some fans of Quebrada were confused as to what he had done that was notable enough to warrant the award.  “I think Linn is an amazing and talented person, but honestly, woman of the year? What did she do that was so spectacular to have all this merit?” one user asked beneath an announcement of Quebrada’s award...   On December 20, 2021, Marie Claire Brazil posted a year-end slideshow to its Instagram featuring “7 women making a difference for human rights in Brazil.” The list was intended to feature female human rights activists, but emphasize those who specifically made an impact on the lives of other women.  The magazine’s 6th slot was given to Indianara Siqueira, a biological male prostitute who was convicted of aggravated pimping in France in 2007, and served a 3-year prison sentence in the country as a result.  Siqueira was expelled from Brazil’s Socialism and Liberty Party in 2019 after a stunt in which he “took over” a culturally significant building in São Paulo, and turned it into a squalid brothel in which transgender minors were reportedly sexually exploited.   Brazil is a hotbed of sex-based violence, with femicide rates increasing despite the country’s overall murder rate going down. According to the most recent data, four girls under the age of 13 are raped every hour in Brazil, with the majority of sexual violence victims being “shockingly young.”  Women’s rights movements appear to be falling flat in the country, which is now ranked among the most dangerous places in the world to be a woman. Brazil is seeing little political progress for sex-based rights, with the nation having an extremely low rate of female political representation.   In 2020, a trans-identified male politician elected to the São Paulo City Council was named the “most voted for woman” in Brazil. "

Don’t Be Fooled: Gender Identity Policies Don’t Follow the Science - "During the past presidential election, you may remember seeing black yard signs with lists of creed-like statements written in rainbow text. The creeds included claims like “science is real.” All Americans should agree with this statement.    And yet, contrary to this pithy creed, any law that classifies gender identity as a protected class under civil rights law denies science. The Equality Act and the Fairness for All Act turn the scientific reality that there are only two sexes into the legal equivalent of racism.    The Equality Act has turned civil rights law from a shield intended to protect racial minorities from discrimination into a sword that compels conformity to subjective viewpoints on sexual orientation and gender identity.   These state- and local-level policies allow male athletes to compete against females in sports, even though studies show biological males retain a competitive advantage over females even after two years of taking estrogen.   The Fairness for All Act drafters touted it as a reasonable compromise meant to mitigate the harms of the Equality Act. It includes religious exemptions and preserves the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which the Equality Act would nullify.   However, this approach did not protect religious freedom in Utah, where legislators passed a similar compromise bill.  Unsatisfied with the compromise, gender identity activists helped pass a ban on counseling that would have helped children struggling with gender dysphoria. The rule discriminates against counselors who seek to help patients reconcile with their biological sex and allows only gender-affirming counseling that supports chemical and surgical transition.  These methods overlook the fact that 88% to 98% of those struggling with gender dysphoria will accept their biological sex after going through puberty, according to the fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.”  Enshrining the fundamentally flawed and radical idea that a person can change sex—at any age—as a civil right threatens the safety and freedom of all Americans, religious or not... Normally, doctors and counselors correct a patient’s disordered perception of her body. Medical professionals also treat other body dysmorphias, like anorexia. Yet, the “gender affirmative” approach requires that they support a patient’s disordered perception of her body and even physically change its appearance to conform to the disorder. Laws that threaten the freedom of doctors and counselors harm struggling individuals."

Academic's presentation on sex, gender cancelled by federal government - "Alice Sullivan, a professor of sociology and head of research at the University College London Social Research Institute, posted to X, formerly Twitter, that the topic of her presentation was “Why do we need data on sex and gender identity?”  She said the presentation was cancelled abruptly and her “request for a written explanation of the cancellation was ignored and promised honorarium not paid.”...  the department member did not offer an official explanation “but indicated that, of course, we both knew what the reason was … you are not allowed to talk about sex in Canada.”... “In Canada, government data collection defaults to ‘gender’ instead of sex,” Sullivan said. “My talk would have discussed the value of collecting data on both, rather than avoiding data collection on sex.”  Canada is the first country to provide census data on transgender and nonbinary people... Sullivan, recently chosen by the U.K.’s Department of Science, Innovation and Technology to lead an evaluation concerning data, statistics, and research related to sex and gender, said her talk being cancelled was “shocking.”  “Surely they should want to open up the conversation,” she told The Telegraph. “Clearly, there are some people in the Department of Justice who want to do that, or I wouldn’t have been invited in the first place, but they have been shut down.”"

‘I Felt Bullied’: Mother of Child Treated at Transgender Center Speaks Out - "When he was 14 years old, Caroline’s son got a pharmaceutical implant in his arm that was supposed to help relieve his psychological distress. It was a puberty blocker called Supprelin, and it would continuously release a drug for about the next two years that would arrest further sexual development. Caroline, 43, had been queasy about approving this, but she was assured by the psychologist at the The Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital that this was what her son needed—that it was the standard treatment for young patients experiencing discomfort with their sex.  Instead of providing relief, Caroline told The Free Press, her son experienced a devastating decline in his mental and physical health after this intervention. Among the side effects of Supprelin, according to a handout from the Transgender Center, are “mood changes, and weight changes.” The manufacturer’s website also lists “depression, including rare reports of suicidal ideation and attempt.” Casey (not his real name) soon experienced all of these. Within a semester, Casey went from all As and Bs to a report card dotted with Ds and Fs. Many days he found it impossible to get out of bed. He missed so much school that it triggered an official meeting about his truancy that included a circuit court judge. He gained more than 30 pounds.   Most alarmingly, during one therapy session about seven months after he started the blocker, he told the center’s psychologist that he was having suicidal thoughts. She recommended he be immediately checked into the psychiatric ward at Children’s Hospital. When he came out, he was taking several drugs for depression and anxiety. Caroline felt desperate and helpless, and she’d had enough. In June of 2022, she wrote an email to the clinic demanding immediate removal of the puberty blocker. The doctors in charge disagreed.  The Supprelin is still in Casey’s arm. For many months, Caroline (we are withholding her last name for family privacy) has been deeply frustrated that her child was put on a powerful pharmaceutical and what happened to him subsequently. “I felt bullied,” she said of her interactions with the Transgender Center. Then, on February 9, The Free Press published a story by Jamie Reed, a case manager at the center... “When I read it, I’m like—this is what happened to me!” Caroline said. “I felt validated. I felt: I knew it, I knew it.”  Following Reed’s story, and the announcements by Bailey and Hawley, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch wrote several stories critical of Reed. One quoted some parents who said that they were happy with the care their children received at the clinic, and that they were “baffled” by Reed’s descriptions.  Among the things the article failed to note is that several of the parents quoted are public advocates of youth transition. Journalist Jesse Singal reported on what was left out of the story, including the revelation that one mother who praised the center in the newspaper is a founder of a youth transition support organization. Not only is that organization linked on the center’s website, but this mother lobbied to get the center established... Reed vividly remembers the case of Caroline’s son. It so disturbed her that she says “it was part of my decision to leave the center, and then to blow the whistle.”... The psychologist then addressed the family to make sure they understood that Casey might end up infertile. When Caroline expressed concern about this, Casey reassured her that he didn’t want children. She asked what if he changed his mind later. “I’ll adopt,” he replied.  Caroline was becoming more disturbed by how the therapist seemed to gloss over the enormous implications of the decision in front of them. “She said that if future fertility was a concern, we could look into banking his sperm before the blocker went in,” Caroline said. She recalls wondering how she found herself in a conversation about banking the sperm of her 14-year-old. “It was weird, and I didn’t like where this was going. It was just so overwhelming.”... Suicide is an ever-present topic at the Transgender Center. In a video interview with The Free Press, Jamie Reed said clinicians at the center commonly warned parents—in front of their child—that refusing to give consent for gender transition could lead to that child’s suicide. Normalizing, even glorifying suicide by saying it is a common outcome for young people who are not allowed to medically transition, violates all established rules for how to talk safely about a subject known to have a substantial element of social contagion.  Meanwhile, evidence shows that the threat of suicide in these circumstances is exaggerated. This medical journal article by Oxford University sociologist Michael Biggs illustrates how hyperbolic this threat is. Between 2010 and 2020 he found that 0.03 percent of patients at the UK’s Gender Identity Development Service committed suicide.He writes, “The fact that deaths were so rare should provide some reassurance to transgender youth and their families. . . . It is irresponsible to exaggerate the prevalence of suicide. Aside from anything else, this trope might exacerbate the vulnerability of transgender adolescents.”  But Caroline’s discussions with the center’s staff fit Reed’s description of how not to talk about suicide... she felt as though “the therapist was planting the idea for him right there.”... Reed says that when a mother with joint legal custody demands an end to treatment that is harming her child, that treatment should be stopped right away. But that’s not what happened. Instead, Reed says, the discussion within the clinic was how to keep the blocker in place. In the end, the doctors called for a consultation with a hospital ethicist. It was conducted on Zoom, with Reed attending. She walked away from it thinking, “Our center is an ethical hot mess.” The ethicist seemed to agree. Reed says as the doctors described the case, the ethicist repeatedly responded, “Wait, you’re doing what?”  In response to Caroline’s demand for the removal of the implant, she said someone from the center asked for a copy of her custody agreement and parenting plan. “I definitely felt like I was getting the runaround,” Caroline said. She noted she wasn’t asked for such documents when they sought her permission to have the Supprelin put in her son’s arm... when parents disagreed about their child’s treatment, the center would make things difficult for the objecting parent, especially in the case of divorce... I spoke to Dr. William Malone, an endocrinologist and a board member of the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine about the use of puberty blockers in young people. He says we don’t know enough about their long-term effects. “A child on blockers is halted in physical and likely emotional maturity,” he said. “Within a year or two, their peers will be profoundly different, and they become out of sync. Puberty is not just a physical event, it’s a psychosocial event with your peers. There is brain development that occurs. Blocking puberty likely has important implications for functionality as an adult.”... Although Attorney General Andrew Bailey’s investigation into the Transgender Center is not completed, on March 20 he announced that, based on his discoveries so far, he will be promulgating an emergency regulation to stop treatments there that “lack clinical evidence of safety or success” in order to “protect children from being subject to inhumane science experiments.” His proposed new guidelines include requiring extensive and comprehensive mental health care assessment and treatment before any gender intervention can be started, and mandate that all patients be tracked for adverse effects for 15 years."

WHO: Trans activist dropped from health panel after outcry - "Ashley had previously told media reporting on their ‘be gay and do crime’ tattoo following their appointment to the GDG to “cry about it, b***h”, and has co-written an article advocating for puberty blockers for children. In the article, Ashley said: “A common fear is that social transitioning and puberty blockers will make children more likely to grow up trans; that may be true, but why would that be a bad thing unless we believe that it is bad to be trans?”  The WHO had previously been criticised for a lack of trained medical professionals in the GDG, only eight of whom are doctors.  Reem Alsalem, a human rights advocate and specialist advisor to the UN on violence against women and girls, said most committee members had “strong, one-sided views in favour of promoting hormonal gender transition”.  Alsalem said “not one” of the 21 group members “appears to represent a voice of caution for medicalising youth with gender dysphoria or the protection of female-only spaces”. Ashley’s withdrawal from the group was celebrated by Leor Sapir, a fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute think tank, who said: “This is a good first step; WHO was probably eager to ditch a figure that could cause embarrassment.  “One gets the sense this was a symbolic sacrifice at best.”"

UN trans health panel accused of CRONYISM: 80% of WHO's 'experts' flagged for conflicts of interest - eyeing profits from hormones and sex-change ops they're pushing as global standards - "WHO should kick them out and let in people with a wider range of expertise, including in autism, which may contribute to gender dysphoria, and people who have transitioned and later come to regret it, she added.  Another group, the Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine (SEGM), agreed, saying the conflicts of interest could 'interfere' with members' 'ability to impartially assess the evidence and issue evidence-based recommendations.' SEGM said this was likely by design — that WHO chose experts on one side of a hotly-contested medical debate to deliver guidelines that promote affirmation-on-demand, drugs and surgeries for trans people... The agency has rules against 'financial' and 'intellectual' conflicts of interest for guideline-writers, but it remains unclear whether they are being enforced... One trans activist, the Canadian TikToker Florence Ashley, exited amid revelations about their past support for a 'default' use of puberty blockers on kids.  Another, the non-binary activist Cianán Russell, remains on the panel, despite revelations they posted X-rated chats from the hookup app Grindr on social media."

ACLU investigates Jesse Singal and trans whistleblower - "The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Missouri and Lambda Legal subpoenaed communications between journalist Jesse Singal and trans clinic whistleblower Jamie Reed...   Singal asked an ACLU attorney for an explanation of the subpoena on Thursday, calling their request for his communications “unusual”. He was quickly removed from the subpoena, and an ACLU attorney told him he’d been included by mistake.  “I’m glad that the ACLU corrected what they are describing as a mistake, but I’m curious how my name got in there in the first place,” Singal told UnHerd. “I had always envisioned the ACLU as an organisation that would seek to protect my inbox, not pry into it”...  the Missouri ACLU finds itself aligned with a university hospital system against a whistleblower and an independent journalist. The subpoena also requests Reed’s communications with 18 gender-critical organisations including Genspect, FAIR in Medicine, Do No Harm and the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine.  “They are using this (and me) as a way to go fishing into what they view as a huge conspiracy”, Reed told UnHerd of the subpoena. “They cannot wrap their heads around the fact that I am LGBT, a Democrat, and came to the conclusion from my work in a paediatric gender centre that patients were being harmed.”...  Reed, for her part, has been subject to criticism and mockery from Left-of-centre journalists who don’t consider her allegations credible.  The ACLU of Missouri lost its case pursuing an injunction against the state’s ban on cross-sex treatments for children in August 2023. Looking back on the experience, Reed told UnHerd that “the ACLU has lost its way and its moral compass.”"
Journalistic privilege must be destroyed if it stands in the way of the left's agenda

‘Southern Trans Youth Emergency Project’ offers ‘underground railroad’ for ‘trans kids’ in states that prohibit child sex changes - "The Campaign for Southern Equality organization has created a special project to help gender-confused minors get sex change operations if they live in a state that has banned the practice."

EXCLUSIVE: Top Doctors Complain Detransitioners Posed ‘Harm’ To Trans Members At Medical Conference | The Daily Caller - "Several gender doctors complained that detransitioners and “anti-trans” activists were allowed to attend an American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) conference and claimed they made attendees feel unsafe...  The AAP holds its National Conference and Exhibition (NCE) each year, and in October 2023, the organization allowed the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism (FAIR) in Medicine, which opposes the medical transition of minors, to have a booth in the exhibit hall, prompting outrage from attendees... Dr. Gina Sequeira, the co-director of the Gender Clinic at Seattle Children’s Hospital, sent an email to colleagues on Oct. 25 claiming that having detransitioners like Chloe Cole and Prisha Mosley and gender industry whistleblowers such as Jamie Reed at the conference had made doctors and “LGBTQ-identified” attendees question whether NCE could be a “safe space for them.”...  “There should be nothing scary about a Detransitioner,” Cole said. “There’s nothing scary about some medical professionals with a booth speaking at a trade show. That is really quite silly! Unless, of course, you are afraid of being sued by the kids you’ve harmed.” Monica Harris also told the DCNF that it is “unfortunate” that the “medical establishment” feels “threatened by opposing or dissenting views, especially coming from people who feel that they have been legitimately harmed by certain medical practices.”"
Why are left wingers so fragile? The existence of detransitioners makes them feel unsafe - they are literally denying they exist

‘We’ve Got To Run’: Liberal Hosts Lose It, Hang Up On Journalist During Heated Discussion On Trans Procedures For Kids | The Daily Caller - "Podcaster Jesse Singal engaged in an explosive argument with a pair of liberal hosts while defending his research questioning sex change treatments for minors on Wednesday’s episode of “The Majority Report.” Singal called into the show to discuss the hosts’ Sam Seder and Emma Vigeland’s public statements about his work covering gender medicine."

St Louis Children’s Hospital instructed teacher to ‘affirm’ ENTIRE group of 5th grade girls as ‘trans’ - "an elementary school teacher in the Parkway Schools District contacted the clinic for help after a group of fifth-grade girls all came out as transgender at the same time... While so-called "gender-affirming care" providers have steadfastly denied the social contagion theory first put forward by Lisa Littman in 2018, even the president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has spoken out recently to admit that social influence is likely a factor driving the surge in young people suddenly identifying as transgender."

St. Louis Children’s Hospital told Missouri educators to keep student ‘breast binding’ secret from parents - "A school counselor at Parkway Schools in St. Louis County contacted the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital asking for guidance on how to trans-identified female students who are binding their breasts.. In an email exchange obtained by Parents Defending Education (PDE) via a Freedom of Information request, the counselor explains that there had been a few instances of teenage girls passing out while wearing chest compression devices during gym or music class. The counselor wants to know if informing the parents is necessary given the health concerns, and the expert at the children’s hospital advises against it... “There is a lot of ethical debate about this, because parents are the parents, they’re in charge. On the other hand, the kids are with all of you 6 to 8 hours a day. I believe that the best practice would be to respect that kid’s gender identity to the best that you can, without informing the parents, throughout the school day as much as you can. Working with the student, and being like, ‘OK, we can’t change your name on all the things because we have to tell your parents. So we can’t do that, but here’s where we can change your name’”"

You can now add top-surgery scars, binders and hearing aids to your ‘Sims’ characters - "Some Twitters users have called the addition of top-surgery scars irresponsible in a game played by children.  Others have suggested that in a game where players can drown their Sims, starve them or embarrass them to death, the latest additions seem like a strange thing to object to."
Channeling feminist logic about depictions of rape vs murder and why the former are bad but the latter are okay, one can construct a similar argument for why trans mania should not be promoted but it's okay to drown your Sims

Transgender Hormone Therapy Increases the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke, New Study Shows - "a new study that will be presented at an American College of Cardiology conference in March found that patients who take cross-sex hormones  as part of their gender-affirmation therapy face a “substantially increased risk of serious cardiac events, including stroke, heart attack and pulmonary embolism.”"

Selwyn Duke on X - "@Blm_edu_nyc The MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, or "trans") agenda is destructive and is opposed by most black people. And you should be ashamed of yourself for pushing it (along with some of your other evil "principles). Stop hurting kids. You're committing child abuse."

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