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Sunday, March 31, 2024

Links - 31st March 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

Sean Ono Lennon’s scathing takedown of wokeness - "More and more cultural figures are coming out against wokeness. Punk legend Johnny Rotten recently slammed it as ‘divisive’, saying it ‘can only lead to trouble’. Who frontman Roger Daltrey has attacked the ‘woke generation’ and the ‘miserable world’ they are creating.  Sean Ono Lennon – son of John Lennon and Yoko Ono – is the latest musician to speak out. He says wokeness isn’t working – instead of tackling racial inequality, it has set race relations back... He said it has led him to receive more racial abuse now for his mixed-race heritage than he did when he was growing up... The problem, Ono Lennon argues, is the way the woke encourage us to view ourselves and other people primarily through a racial lens. Woke racial politics also divides different racial groups into the ‘oppressed’ and the ‘oppressors’. This inevitably creates tensions. Ono Lennon also contrasted the woke racial obsession with the far more progressive ‘colour-blind’ vision of Martin Luther King...  So much for the ‘brotherhood of man’ that Ono Lennon’s father sang about.  We can’t let the woke claim the moral high ground on racism when they are doing so much to revive old racial divides."

We must not sacrifice our schools to the culture war - "Pupils at Pimlico Academy in London, who accused their school of racism and burned its Union flag in protest, will feel as if their cause has been vindicated by the resignation of the school’s principal this week. Daniel Smith has stepped down less than a year after joining the west London school. Pupils and members of the Pimlico Academy Parents Group were quick to express delight at his departure.  Pimlico Academy has the motto ‘freedom through education’. When Smith became head last September, he vowed to make academic achievement his ‘unrelenting focus’ and promised ‘the highest expectations of conduct and achievement for all’. However, some pupils and parents objected to his changes to the uniform policy and the curriculum, claiming they were racist and discriminated against pupils from ethnic minorities. One flashpoint was the school’s new hairstyle code. Students claimed it singled out Muslim and Afro hairstyles. In truth, as a local councillor reported to Westminster Council, the policy change had actually been triggered by a white boy wearing a blue Mohican haircut. The campaign against Smith and his policies was taken up by members of staff, too. In the end, he lost a staffroom vote of confidence. Having lost the staff, pupils felt emboldened in their grievances. A large playground demonstration in March garnered widespread media attention. The school was in a state of ungoverned freefall. At one point, its walls were daubed with slogans that further racialised the tensions. One of them – ‘There ain’t no black in the Union Jack’ – has its roots in the racist chants of the 1970s, when it was used as a rallying cry for anti-immigrant violence. The pupils, steeped in modern racial identity politics, thought this was an ‘anti-racist’ statement. Other slogans included ‘White schools for brown kids are u mad’ and ‘Pimlico Academy… run by racists… for profit!!!’.   These slogans are a perfect illustration of the damage racial identity politics can do. While the pupils’ revolt might be dressed in the clothes of a modern day civil-rights struggle, there is no connection to that historical context. Instead, identity politics has taught these children to see their school and Britain as a whole as ‘white’ institutions, as places where ethnic minorities are not welcome. Seen through this lens, the school’s good record on improving the life chances of its ethnic-minority pupils counts for nothing.  Disturbing footage appears to show a pupil pursuing Smith through the corridors amid the protests. A pupil can be heard ordering the headteacher to stop walking away from him. This incident is emblematic of how the school leadership crumbled in the face of the pupils’ challenge. Instead of pushing back against the protests, the school issued an apology and praised the spirit of the protesters. Eventually, Smith backed down, too. Before he resigned, he had even agreed to remove the Union flag from outside the school and had reversed his planned policy changes.   Throughout the affair, those in charge seemed deeply disoriented over whether or not the protesters had a point. When the school’s line on discipline was met with hostility from pupils and began to be tested, the leadership lost confidence in what it was supposed to stand for... when a religious-studies teacher showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad to his pupils at Batley Grammar School, protesters started to gather outside the school gates. After receiving threats to his life from Islamist fundamentalists, the teacher went into hiding. But instead of standing up for him, the school apologised for his actions and suspended him.  Earlier this month, Nonsuch High School for Girls acceded to demands from its LGBT sixth-form group to distribute advice on breast-binding to all pupils without parental permission.  Also this month, the executive principal of Harris Academy Tottenham was sent death threats. He is the subject of a petition calling for his resignation, which has been signed by over 6,000 people, following accusations by a former member of staff that the school is institutionally racist. In this case, the school leadership has issued a staunch defence of its headteacher. Such a display of institutional support in the face of woke uproar is notable by its rarity.   These stories show that schools have become the latest front in the culture war. This will be utterly corrosive for education. Heads and senior leaders cannot run schools if they constantly live in fear of pupils and teachers. If a handful of disaffected students know they have the power to bring learning to a halt, they can wreck the educational opportunities of hundreds of their peers.  Schools can only work properly if most of their pupils are happy to be there and their parents feel a sense of partnership with the teachers. If that precious link is severed, it takes years to restore it, and schools in tough areas can find it impossible to recover. We are going to need school leaders and parents who believe in education to stand firm. Even if — especially if, in fact — the kids start burning flags."
How left wing ideology destroys institutions

The crisis of free speech in Scottish universities - "UK ministers have recognised the problem of censorship on campus and action to bolster free speech is firmly on the agenda. Members of the public are disturbed by the scourge of cancel culture, which manifests itself in student life, in research and in teaching. They recognise that this phenomenon is dampening the flame of free, open inquiry, and causing acute anxiety to ordinary citizens, who feel bullied into silence by woke ideologues.  But there has been no recognition of censorship on campuses by the Scottish government. This is a worry when you consider that censorship is just as rife, if not more so, in Scotland... The recent case of Lisa Keogh, a law student at Abertay University in Dundee, is also disturbing. Keogh is currently under investigation following complaints by fellow students that she made ‘transphobic’ statements during classes. In truth, she made statements based in biological truth about the differences between men and women, saying that women have vaginas and there are differences in physical strength between the sexes. These comments should be about as controversial as saying ‘fish have gills’. But in the context of a university in thrall to woke ideologues, they constitute a cardinal sin. In March this year, a project by Robert Gordon University professor Sarah Pederson revealed that women academics, as well as students, frequently face abuse, censorship and allegations of ‘transphobia’ for communicating the ‘wrong’ ideas about sex and gender identity. Interviewees who took part in the project revealed that they had been reported to their employers, faced attempts to stop their work being published, and even had professional opportunities withdrawn because of their opinions. Most interviewees used the term ‘chilling effect’ to describe their treatment at the hands of hostile contemporaries and activists.   Pro-life organisations are also the targets of censorship on Scottish campuses. Last year, a report by the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) and the Alliance of Pro-Life Students (APS) accused several universities of failing to respect the free-speech rights of pro-life students. Edinburgh University and Stirling University reportedly refused to affiliate student pro-life societies. Glasgow University and Aberdeen University only allowed the affiliation of pro-life groups following legal action.  Action is needed in Scotland just as urgently as it is in England and other parts of the UK. A lack of free speech on campus is akin to a lack of water in an aquarium – it is life-threatening. Scottish ministers must consider action to avoid Scottish universities, some of the oldest and most venerable in the UK, from languishing in censoriousness. At the very least, this means bringing the problem to the floor of Holyrood to be debated. It may be out of character for the Scottish government to follow Westminster’s lead, but it is truly necessary in this instance."

Neil Thin: cancelled for being anti-racist - "What do you call someone who opposes racially segregated spaces at university, who says he wants a ‘socially harmonious, post-racial world’, and who thinks the fashionable chatter about ‘whiteness’ is a block to the Martin Luther King vision we were all supposed to be moving towards? You call that person a ‘racist’, apparently – at least at Edinburgh University you do.  Dr Neil Thin, senior lecturer in social anthropology at Edinburgh, has been suspended pending an investigation after he made the above comments on social media and students complained to his department...   He apparently found himself in the cancellers’ crosshairs after he joined some of his colleagues in publicly opposing the decision to rename the university’s David Hume Tower. (Campaigners said the long-dead Enlightenment philosopher’s somewhat 18th-century views on race made him unworthy of the honour.) Thin also criticised a campus event called ‘Resisting Whiteness’, which featured an area exclusively for ethnic minorities, something he said constituted ‘segregation’. This is one of those campus stories where you’re left scratching your head, wondering if there’s some really racist stuff you’re missing. Where are the screenshots showing Thin praising Richard Spencer, dabbling in a bit of race science, or casually throwing around the n-word? There are none. Such is the lack of evidence against Thin that a Facebook post by a campus ‘anti-racist’ group highlights his Twitter bio, which ends with ‘civilisation is for everyone’. This, the group says, is ‘Exhibit A’.   What Thin is in the process of being cancelled for, then, is not being racist, but opposing woke identity politics, which he rightly argues is ugly, divisive and kind of racist. He also holds to that ignoble heresy that a university should be a place of free and open debate. As he put it in an open letter to staff, ‘If you want to make progress as a scholar or to make valid contributions to human understanding, it is utterly crucial to remain open to changing your mind when confronted by evidence and counter-argument’. What a bigot, eh? For this, a 34-year career at Edinburgh has been put on hold and an innocent academic’s name has been dragged through the mud...   We seem to have entered a new phase of the campus culture wars. Once upon a time, students, much more understandably, called for racist speech to be censored on campus. Then they started spuriously insisting that people who weren’t racist, but maybe didn’t like immigration or were otherwise a bit right-wing, were actually racist and so had to be silenced as well. Now you can be cancelled for opposing racism in a way identitarian students don’t like."

Edinburgh University lecturer falsely called a racist and 'rape apologist' returns to campus - "Thin was exonerated after a two-month investigation.Yet students have repeated the accusations anonymously. Ann Henderson, whose three-year term as rector at Edinburgh University ended in February, had claimed to have suffered a sustained campaign of abuse and attempts to silence her after she called for a debate on gender recognition reforms. Ann Henderson, whose three-year term as rector at Edinburgh University ended in February, had claimed to have suffered a sustained campaign of abuse and attempts to silence her after she called for a debate on gender recognition reforms."

Canadians aren’t actually 'woke' - "Canadians have nearly identical views on culture war issues to Americans and Britons. Across some fifty questions concerning free speech, national heritage, and transgender issues, Canadians, like Britons and Americans, lean around two-to-one against the “woke” cultural socialist option and in favour of cultural liberalism or conservatism. This is the story that emerges from my new report for the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, “The Politics of the Culture Wars in Canada.”   Woke refers to the sacralization of historically marginalized race, gender, and sexual identity groups. This belief system elevates equal outcomes and emotional harm protection for such groups as its highest value. As a result, woke activists seek to cancel speakers or historical figures deemed to be offending the sensibilities of the most hypothetically sensitive member of a minority group. In this clash of values, cultural socialism trumps expressive freedom and symbolic attachment. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has distinguished himself on the world stage as the paragon of this belief system, and many outside Canada assume he reflects an equally woke Canadian public... Surprisingly, despite their reputation, Canadians largely reject the woke ideology. For instance, they oppose the idea of separating pupils in class by race—assigning whites as privileged and minorities as oppressed—by a whopping 92 to 8. By 85-15, they reject the idea of teaching children that “There is no such thing as biological sex, only gender preference.” Excluding those with no opinion, 80 percent of respondents were against the idea of J.K. Rowling being dropped by her publisher. By a similar slant, Canadians say “political correctness has gone too far.” In most cases, respondents came out strongly against established practices found in Canadian institutions. For example, when Toronto teacher Richard Bilkszto pushed back against diversity trainer Kike Ojo-Thompson’s characterization of Canada as more racist than the United States, none of his colleagues defended him and his travails eventually drove him to suicide. Yet, by a stunning 95-5 margin, Canadians overwhelmingly reject the idea that their country is more racist than other countries. Among those with an opinion, just 30 percent say that Canada is a racist country while 70 percent disagree. A similar share says they do not want schoolchildren taught that the country is racist. Or consider the fact that almost all statues of Sir John A. Macdonald have been removed from major Canadian cities. Yet, Canadians oppose removing statues of Canada’s Father of Confederation by a two-to-one ratio. Among those with an opinion, a mere 8 percent say activists should be allowed to remove statues without government approval, with 92 percent against. Almost 45 percent of Tory and PPC voters strongly disagree with removing Macdonald. In addition, only 5 percent of Liberal, NDP, and Green voters strongly agree that his statues should be removed. The majority of left-wing voters oppose rather than support Macdonald’s removal.   Canada has been one of the most trans-affirming societies on earth. Only in the past year have conservative premiers in New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, and Alberta begun to curb trans activism in education by requiring schools to inform parents of their children’s change of pronouns. And only recently has Pierre Poillievre been willing to oppose puberty blockers for minors. In Premier Doug Ford’s Ontario, not to mention in provinces run by the NDP or Liberals, the writ of trans activism runs through government and the schools.   But when we look at public opinion on the trans question, an entirely different picture emerges. By a four-to-one ratio, Canadians oppose gender reassignment surgery for those under 16. By two-to-one, they want parents informed of pronoun changes at school and don’t want transgender women (i.e. biological males) to enter women’s sports competitions. Three in four Canadians say we talk too much about transgenderism. Even when it comes to people displaying their pronouns in work emails or social media profiles, more Canadians disapprove of this practice than support it, placing them even to the right of the British public. It is striking how similar Canadian public opinion is to that of supposedly more conservative America or Britain. Across 30 questions I asked in Britain in 2022 and Canada in 2023, the average difference in opinion between the two countries is just 0.3 of a percentage point. Furthermore, of the 13 questions asked in the U.S. in 2021, the average gap with this Canadian survey was just one point! There is essentially no appreciable difference—especially if we take variation in date and sample (as well as random error) into account. Canadians are somewhat more likely than Britons or Americans to say biological males who identify as women should be allowed in women’s sports, and somewhat more supportive of Black Lives Matter. But they are considerably less likely than Britons or Americans to say their country is racist. Canadians under 35, in particular, stand out as being far less likely than their American or British youth counterparts to call their respective country racist. French-English differences are also much smaller than the stereotype of woke English Canada versus plain-speaking traditional French Canada would lead us to expect. Francophones are somewhat less woke than Anglos on many transgender questions and more inclined to colourblindness rather than race and gender-conscious Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies. However, Anglophones are more critical of Black Lives Matter than Francophones, more likely to say political correctness has gone too far, and more opposed to removing statues and renaming buildings—though the examples tested involve Anglophone figures such as Macdonald or Ryerson, to whom Francophones have weaker historical attachments. English Canada’s culturally-left political and media elite contrasts with that of red-state America, and, to a lesser degree, with Britain and Quebec. If English-Canadian public opinion is largely aligned with the others, why have its policies and politicians diverged from their British, American, and Quebecois equivalents?   One possible answer is Canadians’ relatively high trust in elites and institutions. More than half of Canadians trust journalists while fewer than 20 percent of Britons and barely a third of Americans do. Even 30 percent of conservative Canadians trust journalists compared to 11-15 percent of conservative Americans and Britons. A somewhat similar pattern holds with respect to academics and teachers. Canadians’ elevated trust in their largely progressive-dominated institutions gives the Canadian elite more leeway to deviate from public opinion."
Another definition of woke that the woke will reject (and then pretend that conservatives can't define it

America's Overseers: How the Example of Harvard Discredits the Meme of Black "Marginalization" - "Among the many spells the wicked witches of the woke West have cast upon us is the one that compels us to believe that blacks (and other minorities) are eternally “underrepresented” and “marginalized” in America. This shibboleth is repeated uncritically again and again until we are bludgeoned into accepting it as a cornerstone of the hastily erected, shoddily constructed, lightning-rod-tipped imaginary tower that goes by the name of “systemic racism.” But whatever truth it might have had in earlier epochs, the marginalization thesis is, in the 2020s, a patent exaggeration and, in many respects, a gross error. It is high time to dislodge this bit of bad code from the program.   I should confess, first, that I have never really understood what “marginalization” is supposed to mean or why it is problematic for any nation to have its default settings, whether institutional, cultural or linguistic, calibrated to the majority rather than to all its multifarious minorities. A majority of voters in a democracy will predictably seek to institute its preferences; this, indeed, is the very purpose of people coming together to form a nation in the first place, as the late conservative philosopher Roger Scruton has argued in England and the Need for Nations. So long as others are treated with dignity and respect and accorded an equal legal right to participate in significant opportunities, I see no particular reason for them to be “centered” rather than “marginalized.” Because of the logic of collective action and dynamics of block voting that are easier to navigate for smaller, more tightly knit interest groups than for the diffuse majority, any ethnic or racial minority that grows sufficiently substantial will rapidly gain the ability to wield political influence disproportionate to its population percentage, as the economist Mançur Olson has explained. The majority should not have the additional obligation to refurbish its entire culture to cater to all the disparate and conflicting preferences of all the possible Others who may live within the nation’s borders or who may later find their way in by hook or by crook... one cannot look at a university physics department and complain that black faculty are underrepresented without dealing with the glaring fact that blacks account for only around 3% of bachelor’s degrees in physics, so that, if anything, it is the latter rather than the former fact that needs to be explained.   Even without delving down to this more granular level of analysis to look behind surface disparities, however, the reality is that, at this point in time, taking only bare population percentages, blacks are no longer underrepresented and marginalized in many respects that matter. First, despite the fact that the corporate media, especially lately, sometimes seems to be spending something like 90% of its air time on coverage of what it deems anti-black racism, blacks actually represent around 13% of the American population. Notwithstanding the endless gripes about purported racism in the entertainment industry, as of 2018-19, blacks accounted for 24% of all lead acting slots on broadcast t.v., 12.9% of cable t.v. leads, and 18% of cast members on broadcast and cable shows. Blacks were also cast in 15.7% of top film roles as of 2019. These numbers are, of course, from before the Great Awokening of 2020, and we should have every expectation that the numbers are still more skewed today... Harvard, we can surely agree, is at the epicenter of institutional power in America. But like many contemporary universities, and especially elite universities, Harvard is hard at work using that institutional power to lead an attack upon the culture that created it. Harvard’s English major, for example, was revamped in 2008 to eliminate the chronological survey courses that had given our ever-more functionally illiterate and culturally ignorant students a fundamental background in English literature and substituted electives that would allow them to avoid substantial portions of the British canon and go globetrotting through the diaspora instead. In 2017, Harvard added a requirement that English majors take a victimology course in “marginalized” authors. As it stands now, the revamped English curriculum goes further still, requiring our already intellectually backward contemporary students starting with the Class of ’23, lacking any proper grounding in the English literary tradition, to begin at the end, with a class entitled “Literature Today,” i.e., since the year 2000, which “address[es] current problems of economic inequality, technological change, structural prejudice, and divisive politics.” The subtext is on the surface: this is a prescriptive class in contemporary progressive politics, with the pretext of literariness failing to disguise the bait-and-switch.   The radical agenda is not limited to the curriculum, of course. In 2016, Harvard’s law school, for example, shamefully caved to a student-led pressure campaign to cancel its official seal reproducing the family coat of arms of its founder, Isaac Royall Jr. The reason was Royall’s ties to slavery, despite the fact that the actual crest in no way indicated so much as Royall’s name, such that anyone wishing to uncover the tenuous link to slavery would have had to go to the trouble of figuring out what the design was about and then research the gentleman at issue. Illustrating the hypocrisy of these newly woke institutions, moreover, Harvard, while vanquishing its symbolic ties to Royall, did not see fit to sever its far more substantial material ties to Royall by returning the valuable piece of real estate that he had generously bequeathed to the university to found its law school. Harvard has also notoriously discriminated against Asian-Americans, downgrading them on intangible “personality” metrics to increase the share of blacks admitted... blacks have the highest “admit rate” at Harvard, while Asians rank lowest... This is a fact that I used to be embarrassed to admit because of the usual “looking like you’re bragging” problem that graduates of elite universities face (yes, there are much larger problems in the world than that!) but which I am now also embarrassed to admit for a very different reason: as I have explained at length elsewhere, I have lost nearly all respect for these universities, once elite but now coasting on their reputations, because they have all-but-entirely abandoned their educational missions and their missions to serve the important goal (one T.S. Eliot saw as primary) of preserving culture against the unremitting incursions of barbarism and have become, instead, politicized ideological monocultures that are at the heart of sowing divisiveness across the land and unraveling the already-frayed political fabric holding this nation together

Richard Hanania on X - "US Naval Institute discovers black people can’t swim, decides swimming ability isn’t that important for the Navy anyway."
U.S. Naval Institute Blog - Swimming in Inequality - "In studies, it has been shown that there is only a 13 percent chance a person learns how to swim if their parent was unable to swim. This becomes more disturbing once it is revealed that, according to the Center for Disease Control, 70 percent of Black children are unable to swim and 60 percent of Latino children are unable to swim. Of the Black and Latino children that say they are able to swim, there also is a large portion that are self-taught swimmers. In comparison, it is estimated that only 40 percent of Caucasian children are unable to swim. Also noteworthy is that Black children drown three times as often as their Caucasian counterparts.    Examining this information could lead to an explanation as to why there is so much racial disparity for officers in the U.S. Coast Guard. As it stands right now, 5.5 percent of commissioned Coast Guard officers are Black, and only 13.5 percent are minorities in total. It is possible that qualified minority candidates see the swimming standards as impossible obstacles to overcome. From past events, and the current statistics of diversity in the Coast Guard, it is clear a change is necessary to promote diversity and inclusion in the service.    To resolve this problem, it is best to adopt standards that can obtained by novice swimmers, and correlate to real scenarios that can be experienced in the fleet. One suitable option to resolve this issue is adopting the Navy’s third-class assessment, a swim test required of the officer candidates in the Navy. This test is broken into two parts; the first part includes a deep-water jump, a 50-yard swim using any stroke, and a 5-minute prone float. The second part of the exam consists of shirt and trouser inflation, where candidates attempt to turn their clothes into flotation devices.     As of 2017, the Navy reached 34 percent of minority officer representation. This is leaps and bounds ahead of the Coast Guard. There are countless factors that can play into this disparity between the two sea-going services, but the difficulty in swim assessment is one area that cannot be ignored. It is reasonable to believe that the Navy’s swim assessment allows for a more diverse environment.    The Navy’s third-class swim assessment is much more reasonable than the Coast Guards Officer swim assessment. The Navy’s assessment can be achieved by novice swimmers, who have little experience around water, while the Coast Guards standards require candidates to have more experience and formal instruction regarding swimming. As previously stated, members of minority groups in the United States tend to lack the formal training required to achieve these standards outlined by the Coast Guard. To make the Coast Guard a more inclusive and diverse work environment, these standards need to change, to allow more people without formal swim training to ascend. As it currently stands, these requirements may be hurdle that many minorities will never be able to overcome."

Google: the new language police - "Spell-checking software has spared many blushes by pointing out typos and poor grammar. Soon it will be used to spot politically incorrect language.  As part of a new update, Google Docs will prompt users to make their writing more ‘inclusive’. The software will suggest they change terms like ‘mailman’ and ‘chairman’ to gender-neutral ones like ‘mail carrier’ and ‘chairperson’."

A short history lesson in Woke SJW strategy - "Who are the Wokists/SJW/CRT channeling? Karl Mannheim writing in 1944:     “Hitler has invented a new method which could be called Nazi group strategy. The main point about Hitler’s psychological strategy is that he never approaches the individual as a person but always as a member of a social group. What Hitler does instinctively is in keeping with discoveries of modern sociology, namely, that man is most easily influenced through his group ties.”
   Karl Mannheim, Diagnosis of Our Time, 1944, p. 95... Psychological individualism is the strongest defense against Woke manipulation."
The left hate anything associated with the Nazis. Ironic

British countryside can evoke 'dark nationalist' feelings in paintings, warns Fitzwilliam Museum - "The Fitzwilliam Museum has suggested that paintings of the British countryside evoke dark “nationalist feelings”.  The museum, owned by the University of Cambridge, has undertaken an overhaul of its displays, in a move that its director insisted was not “woke”... The new signage states that pictures of “rolling English hills” can stir feelings of “pride towards a homeland”. However, in a gallery displaying a bucolic work by Constable, visitors are informed that “there is a darker side” to the “nationalist feeling” evoked by images of the British countryside.  It states that this national sentiment comes with “the implication that only those with a historical tie to the land have a right to belong”... The claims about the depiction of landscapes comes after the charity umbrella group Wildlife and Countryside Link submitted a report to MPs which claimed that the British countryside was seen as a “racist colonial” white space.  However, Mr Syson has insisted the shake-up of the museum is not “woke” or “radical chic”, saying: “Being inclusive and representative shouldn’t be controversial; it should be enriching.”...   Wildlife and Countryside Link, an umbrella group for nature charities, drew up a report on perceived barriers to ethnic minorities enjoying the countryside.  The report, submitted to MPs in an all-party parliamentary group for Race and Community, claimed that the British countryside has been influenced by “racist colonial legacies” which have created an environment some fear is “dominated by white people”.  The report added that Britain’s green spaces were seen to be influenced by “white British cultural values”, and that the idea of such a “white space” prevents people from other ethnic backgrounds from enjoying the outdoors.  The claims, disclosed by The Telegraph, prompted Suella Braverman, the former home secretary to say that “no, the countryside is not racist”."
We're still told that liberals don't hate their countries

U.S. Approval of Interracial Marriage at New High of 94%
Clearly the most racist country in the world where there has been no progress and things are getting worse

Meme - The Rabbit Hole @TheRabbitHole84: "The model minority myth is not a myth. Asians are doing very well for themselves in the United States and this fact should not go ignored just to appease some Woke fools."
"Median Household Income in the United States by Ethnic Group"
"Percentage of population with a Bachelor's Degree"

Libs of TikTok on X - "BREAKING: John Fetterman @SenFettermanPA has rescinded his support to use taxpayer funds for the LGBTQ center which hosts s*x parties after Libs of TikTok Exposé"
No wonder left wingers hate Libs of TikTok so much. Sunlight is the best disinfectant

Meme Ben Dreyfuss @bendryfuss: "Look, you don't understand, ok, it's not what it sounds like, It's not SLAVERY slavery. Not like SERIOUS SLAVERY. It's "slavery" slavery. Young, fun, modern. A sort of "toss-your-hair-back slavery." Kind, humane, agency respecting slavery."
vird e huseyn @hassanmazlumfr: "what the West calls slavery in the Islamic world isn't really even slavery. it's more like a paternalistic relationship between two distinct social classes. It's kind, humane, agency respecting and 'slaves' have even created proper royal dynasties in many Islamic realms."
Of course, the only real form of slavery was what white people did to other people

Left-Wing Journo Who Bragged London Is Safe Mugged In Street - "A controversial progressive activist and former radio presenter from the United Kingdom was mugged in London this week, following years of claims by the man that the city is safe.  Matthew Stadlen, a political commentator who made a name for himself through his relentless criticism of the Conservative government, announced on Twitter on March 14 that a thief had stolen his cell phone from his hand while riding a moped... Stadlen has a long history of denying London’s rising crime problem.  Only in February, 2024, Stadlen told a London regular that the city, in his experience, is “pretty generally pretty great.” The exchange followed a sneering post from Stadlen on February 26, mocking those who feel uncomfortable in a city increasingly populated by illegal aliens, plagued by robberies and, and enduring a wave of violent crime – much like the great liberal-run cities of the United States.  “Please be careful if you come to London. You might encounter human beings of different religions, ethnicities and races. Take it slowly. Just at your own pace,” Stadlen wrote. Most shockingly, though, is how Stadlen once insisted that he would always be safe in London – and that he would never get mugged... in response to an X user who pointed it out, Stadlen doubled down and insisted he actually wasn’t mugged.  “More of a robbery than a mugging. The guy was on a motorbike, came from behind and nicked it out of my hand. But I’m annoyed with myself for not paying attention,” Stadlen said."

Meme - Matthew Stadlen @MatthewStadlen: "I live in London. I've never been mugged and never will be. I'm very much appreciated."
Matthew Stadlen @MatthewStadlen: "This is the moment a thief stole my mobile phone. Let's hope the @metpolice find him."
Elon Musk: *laugh*
Matthew Stadlen @MatthewStadlen: "You really are a character, aren't you, Musk? Laughing at one of your customers getting robbed of their phone. Classy."
The left only enjoy someone being hoist on his own petard and mocking arrogance when it helps their agenda

Meme - Matthew Stadlen @MatthewStadlen: "You think I'm soft? Yeah. I am. I'm six foot three, 15.5 stone and trained in street fighting."
Guess that training was useless

Meme - Matthew Stadlen: "Some of the comments on here really are from the gutter.
a) It happened too quickly - and the robber was masked (I think) and had a crash helmet on - for me to notice his skin colour
b) I couldn't give two hoots what colour his skin was. I want him to be found and jailed."
Matthew Stadlen @MatthewStadlen: "Hello, dear! Lovely of you to drop by again. The racists are the trolls who assumed the thief was a person of colour. He wasn't. He was white. Enjoy the rugby."

Meme - Left Winger: "EDUCATE YOURSELF, BIGOT."
Normal person: *reads FBI Crime Statistics*

Meme - Libs of TikTok: "These are profiles from the NJ Inmate database. Does anyone notice a strange pattern happening here?"
*black people marked as white*
When you make crime statistics unreliable, you can start claiming white people are proportionately criminals too

Meme - Fani Willis: "Ignore the content of my character... Look at the color of my skin"

Meme - "Reminder that it's a small minority of Orcs that are responsible for the attacks on Gondor"

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